Time and date
Set home city: You can choose a home city from the list to set as the phone home
time zone.
Set time/date: Under this you can set the phone to the current date and time. The
phone allows you to set the date range of calendar 2000 to 2030.
Set format: Under this you can set the time and date display format
Under this you can choose the language that the phone menus are displayed in.
Wallpaper: The standby image displayed for background wallpaper.
You can choose from the built-in wallpaper and an image saved on the phone
memory or memory card.
Screen auto lock
Under this you can set the time before the screen automatically locks. After the
screen has automatically locked press the left soft key + * key to unlock.
Show date and time: You can set the idle screen time display on or off.
Dedicated key
You can change navigation key shortcuts that are active when on idle screen
Flight mode
Switch between normal and flight mode. When flight mode is active all network and
data related functions will be restricted.
Misc. settings
The backlight brightness and timeout value can be set under this menu item
Set network related settings such as network selection and the use of GPRS.
Automatic or manual network selection is available to determine the network that is
camped onto.
SIM security
You can set and enable the PIN code and PIN” codes
Note that if the input PIN code wrong three times, the SIM card will automatically
lock and unlock and a PUK code will be required to unlock. Please contact your SIM
card provider for more details regarding PUK codes.
PIN lock
Under this you can enable or disable PIN password. When this feature is enabled,
every time you turn the phone prompts you to enter the PIN password.
Change PIN
If the current PIN password is already activated, you can make changes to the PIN
password. First enter the old PIN passwordtwice and then specify the desired, new
password for future use.
Change PIN2
PIN2passwordis used to access a particular function (such as setting a fixed number,
set the call billing, etc.)
If PIN2 is entered incorrectly 3 times a PUK2 code will be required to unlock.
Phone security