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¢j¢p £ƒH Hgkhso UlG •rVHW DVD Ug¢§h lŒh¨v t¢¬¢‘ ls¥gm fhsjO¬HL ”hl¢VH
ksiD draH CVJ’ ‘ƒg“ ¬‘K HgPh¥m îgn HsjO¬HL ”lf¢‘jV aOwd.
îƒH •V¬J jPV¢V lŒh¨v t¢¬¢‘ ls¥gm fhsjO¬HL Hg”hl¢VH ‘UlG •rVHW DVD •wg¢m’
HsjO¬L HgfVHlµ HglVtŒm lv Hg”hl¢VH gjPV¢V ‘UlG •rVHW DVD.
¢l”K HsjO¬HL fVHlµ kso Hgf¢hkhJ HglVtŒm etiL 5.5 oG2rewoP gkso Hgf¢hkhJ’ Y¢V
•ki B ¢l”K HsjO¬Hl§h td jPV¢V lŒh¨v Hg…¢¬¢‘ •‘ UlG •rVHW DVD.
B ¢¬UL khso H®rVHW lkj¥hJ Hglh”kj‘A.
HPj¢h¨hJ Hgsblm HgOhwm fhgkhso
HPVW Ugn Hjfhc HBPj¢h¨hJ Hgjhg¢m’ P¢E îK U¬L HgŒ¢hL fƒg“ r¬ ¢jVjF Ug¢i P¬‘E w¬lm
”§Vf¢m •‘ ka‘F PV¢R •‘ HgjuVQ g™whfm •‘ P¬‘E OgG ‘±¢…d.
B j…”“ Hglkjµ •‘ j¥V¬ lPj‘¢hji •‘ j¥VD fi •D ju¬¢G. ‘¢kfyd ¨gF Hgw¢hkm ‘Hg…PW lK
j¥kF î¬OhG •¥shL lu¬k¢m •‘ rhfgm gbPjVHR •‘ s”F lhx •‘ •D shzG td khso H®rVHW.
HtwG Hgj¢hV Uk¬ j‘w¢G Hg‘P¬M.
Hk«c HgŒhfS Uk¬ U¬L HsjO¬HL Hgkhso g…jVHJ ¨‘¢gm •‘ rfG HgŒ¢hL fjk±¢…i )¢lV Hgj¢hV
Hg”§Vfhzd td Hg‘P¬M Pjn •ekhx twG Hg¨hrm(.
j¥kF s¬ tjPhJ Hgj§‘¢m HgOhwm fhgkhso.
B jsjO¬L HgP¬M Phgm P¬E jheT thgkŒG Hglh¥° ggkhso lK lhK fhV¬ îgnOV PhV r¬
¢C¬D îgn j”‘K r¨VHJ lhx ‘Hgjd ¢k¥L Uk§h OgG •‘ U¨G td Hg‘P¬M.
j¥kF îP¬HE H£j«H« ggkhso Uk¬lh j”‘K H®rVHW f¬HOgi.
HPj¢h¨hJ Hgsblm HgOhwm fhglgPŒhJ
Uk¬ HsjO¬HL l§h¢° Hgj¢hV HgljV¬¬ ‘”fG Hg¨hrm ‘”fG BSU’ HPVW Ugn Hjfhc HBPj¢h¨hJ
Hgjhg¢m’ P¢E îK U¬L HgŒ¢hL fƒg“ r¬ ¢jVjF Ug¢i P¬‘E w¬lm ”§Vf¢m •‘ ka‘F PV¢R •‘
HgjuVQ g™whfm •‘ P¬‘E OgG ‘±¢…d.
j¥kF j‘w¢G •‘ k«c HgŒhfS îƒH ”hkJ ¢¬H“ lfjgj¢K.
•¬OG HgŒhfS fhg”hlG td lk…ƒ Hgj¢hV.
HPVW Ugn U¬L ‘w‘G H®jVfm ‘H®¥shL Hglu¬k¢m îgn HgŒhfS.
j¥kF îjbT Hgsg“.
qv Hgsg“ td l”hK ›lK fP¢E B ¢jueV t¢i •P¬.
j¥kF HBsjO¬HL Uk¬ slhc HgVU¬.
j¥kF j…”¢“ HglgPŒhJ.
B jsjO¬L £ƒI HglgPŒhJ îB lv £ƒH Hglkjµ.
j¥kF jay¢G HgŒVW Hgl¬lµ HglVtR fhsjO¬HL layG w‘J’ tŒ¬ ¢C¬D ƒg“ îgn jgT Hg¬‘HzV
Hg”§Vf¢m •‘ HgslhUhJ.
HPj¢h¨hJ Hgsblm HgOhwm fh®rVHW
B jsjO¬L H®rVHW Hgjhg¢m
•rVHW f§h jaŒŒhJ
•rVHW f§h O¬‘A Ul¢Œm
B jŒL fjV”¢F Hg‘P¬M td •D lK H®lh”K Hgjhg¢m
l”hK V¨F
l”hK ¬V¥m PVHVji 06 ¬V¥m lz‘¢m •‘ •Ugn
l”hK ¢juVQ ®aum HgalS HglfhaVM
l”hK lK Hglj‘rv HVj…hc ¬V¥m HgPVHVM t¢i
•lh”K j‘¥¬ f§h •jVfm •‘ •¬Okm
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l”hK Y¢V ehfJ
•lh”K je‘V t¢§h H®jVfm
l”hK lhzG
Hgul¢G Hgu«¢«’
ka”V”L Ugn aVHx £ƒH Hgkhso. ¢V¥n rVHxM lug‘lhJ ‘HPj¢h¨hJ Hgsblm Hg‘HV¬M td
Hgw…PhJ 2 ‘2 rfG HBsjO¬HL gqlhK HBsjulhG H·lK g§ƒH Hglkjµ.
HPj¢h¨hJ Hgsblm
td Phgm P¬‘E •D lK H®l‘V Hgjhg¢m’ Hk«c HgŒhfS ‘H¨gF O¬lm Hgw¢hkm lK Hgl‘«c.
HkfuhE ¬OhK •‘ VHzPm Y¢V Uh¬¢m lK Hglkjµ
jgT Hglkjµ kj¢¥m sŒ‘¨i
¬O‘G lhx •‘ adx ›OV td Hglkjµ
£ƒI Hg‘P¬M UfhVM UK lkjµ g¢«V lK Hg…zm 1. Y¢V •k§h julG fhsjO¬HL auhc g¢«V lVzd r¬ ¢sfF
HgjuVQ HgO¨¢V g™auhc PhG HgjuVQ gi lfhaVM. j¶”¬ lK jay¢G Hg‘P¬M jay¢b‰ sg¢lh‰ ‘tŒh
gjug¢lhJ Hgjay¢G.
Uk¬ j‘w¢G rhfS £ƒI Hg‘P¬M fl¶Oƒ Hgj¢hV Hgl‘¥‘¬ fhgPhz¨’ B jŒVF U¢k¢“ lK tjPm Ph‘¢m
HgŒVW •‘ lK •D tjPm •OVN fyVQ Hgk±V ¬HOG Hg‘P¬M.
îK HsjO¬HL UkhwV jP”L •‘ jqf¢¨hJ •‘ î¥VHxHJ •¬Hx •OVN fObT lh £‘ lP¬¬ td £ƒI
Hgjug¢lhJ r¬ ¢C¬D îgn HgjuVQ HgO¨¢V g™auhc.
B jŒL f…jp H®Y¨¢m Hglkjµ •‘ îwbPi fk…s“. fG HjV“ w¢hkm Hglkjµ g®tVH¬ HglC£g¢K.
lkjµ g¢«V lK Hg…zm 1
îUh¬M îkjhœ HglgwŒhJ
lgwR HgjPƒ¢V ¬HOG Hg‘P¬M
jj¨hfR £ƒI Hg‘P¬M lv lu¢hV ”1002:1-52806CEI“ HgOhW flkj¥hJ Hgg¢«V.
¢¥F ‘qv Hg¥§h« fhgŒVF lK l¶Oƒ Hgj¢hV Pjn ¢s§G Hg‘w‘G îg¢i.
jPj‘D £ƒI Hg‘P¬M Ugn •¥§«M ”lf¢‘jV ¬r¢Œm. ‘fhgjhgd’ r¬ jjsfF Hgq‘qhx •‘ Hgj¬HOG H™g”jV‘kd
HgOhV¥d td P¬‘E OgG ‘±¢…d. ‘td £ƒI HgPhgm ¢¥F hT jay¢G Hg‘P¬M ‘k«c ”fG Hg¨hrm
HgVz¢sd’ eL j‘w¢G Hg”fG l¥¬¬H ‘jay¢G Hg‘P¬M lK ¥¬¢¬. •OVœ HgŒVW’ ‘rL fjay¢G Hg‘P¬M
fhg¨V¢Œm Hglujh¬M fu¬ tPW HgŒVW.
gj¥kF P¬‘E w¬lm ”§Vf¢m •‘ jgT Hg‘P¬M’ •¬OG •‘B Hg¨VT
H®wyV lK ”fG Hg¨hrm fïP”hL td l§h¢° Hgj¢hV HgljV¬¬’ eL ‘wG
Hg¨VT H®”fV lK ”fG Hg¨hrm td l¶Oƒ Hgj¢hV HgljV¬¬.
td Phgm P¬‘E OgG ‘±¢…d’ j‘rT UK HsjO¬HL Hg‘P¬M t‘VH ‘HjwG fl‘«c CVJ HglPgd.
B ¢Œ‘L «V B/C fŒ¨v Hgj¢hV HgVz¢sd UK Hg‘P¬M jlhlh‰’ g”ki ¢…jp ‘¢ygR j¢hV Hgjay¢G. f¢klh ¢‘qp
«V ABB ‘qv Hsju¬H¬ Hgj¢hV Hg”§Vfhzd ‘¢a¢V «V ACB îgn ‘qv NO )Hgjay¢G(.
Uk¬ ‘qv Hg‘P¬M:
j‘g¬ fuQ •¥§«M Hgjg…«¢‘K •‘ Y¢V£h lK H®¥§«M l¥hBJ lykh¨¢s¢m r‘¢m’ gƒH B jqv leG £ƒI
H®¥§«M •Ugn Hg‘P¬M Pjn B ¢P¬E ja‘¢A ggw‘VM.
Uk¬ kŒG Hg‘P¬M:
Hqy¨ Ugn «V B/C g…wG Hg¨hrm ‘Hkj±V 03 ehk¢m Ugn H®rG rfG k«c ”fG Hg¨hrm’ eL Hkj±V
¬r¢Œj¢K Ugn H®rG rfG kŒG Hg‘P¬M.
CU-VD20_Instruction_AR.fm Page 2 Monday, March 5, 2007 10:36 AM

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