JA-60GSM dialer module 2 / 11 MFJ51215
2 User features of the GSM dialer
The installed GSM dialer offers many useful features described in detail
below, or briefly in table 11. A synopsis is available on the user card.
The installer should properly demonstrate the use of the system to the
user after installation.
2.1 Phone calls from the at tached telephone se t
After the GSM module is connected to th e GSM network, an at tached
SMS phone can be used to make calls. If you pick up the phone, y ou will
hear a dial tone. Sim ply dial the number y ou want to call (as if y ou are
dialing from a normal fixed line phone). You can a lso dial the GSM
communicator ’s phone number from another phone, and its attached phone
will ring as a normal land line phone would. If it is necessary to
communicate with CMS the call from the attached phone will be terminated
in 10 minutes.
If there is a busy tone on the attached te lephone set, either the line you
are calling is busy, or the GSM communicator is busy with previous
communication at that moment (for example data transfer to the monitoring
You can also u se the attache d phone keypad to operate the alarm
system. By pressing the # key, y ou can toggle the keypad from tele phone
mode to alarm system control mode.
Note: some telephone sets are sensitive to the GSM radio signal. For
this reason you may hear a characteristic noise in the telephone
receiver when calling. If the noise is disturbing, change the location of
the phone set (try to keep it as far as possible from the GSM dialer
antenna). Usually it is possible to find a suitable location for the phone
with a minimal level of interference.
2.2 Remote control of t he alarm system b y telephone
A system equippe d with a GSM dialer can be remote ly controlled. From a
mobile phone there are tw o possibilities – either by text instru ctions sent by
SMS or by dialing-in and operating the system via the phone key pad which
will operate in th e same way as the al arm system key pad. The dialing-in
method can also be done from an ordinary landline telephone set.
The following descrip tion matches the factory default settings o f the
communicator. The de scribed features can be greatly mod ified in the
programming mode – see part 4.
2.3 General rules for remote control b y SMS instructions
SMS instructions can be sent from a mobi le phone or from an S MS
In SMS, letters are not case- sensitive. Only the basic English alphabet
is accepted by the communicator.
All SMS instruction words must be separated by a space.
If the % is used all previous text will be ignored . The %% symbol when
used in SMS tex t ends processing – a ll the follow ing text will be
ignored. It is r ecommended to use this symbol at the end of the
instruction if the provider se nds some additiona l text after y our
message (advertisements et c.).
Warning: if any incoming SMS inclu des except a valid system
command an y extra text which is no t separated b y % or %%
symbols the command w ill not be exec uted
Examples of SMS:
“Hi, this text will be ignored even if I write ME % MO %% Thank
you” – Only MO command will be executed
“Hi, MO” – Command in the SMS will be ignored because there is
an extra text
The default command text s can be customize d by an instal ler (see
4.2.2). For example the instruction AUXON can be changed to
2.4 Arming by SMS (AM xxxx)
The command AM followed with a valid access code can be used to
arm the alarm system. If the system is already ar med, the command will
have no effect. SMS text to be sent to the dialer: AM xxxx
xxxx is a valid alarm system access code (Master or user).
separating character, which can be replaced by a space
Example: Sending AM 1234 will arm the system, which is equivalent to
using code 1234 for arming by keypad
According to the default setting, the system confirms command
execution with a corresponding SMS repl y
If it is impossible to arm the system – for example if it is in programming
mode, you will be notified about the situation by an SMS reply
If the alarm s ystem is split, the instruction will effect the section which
belongs to the access code used
If arming without a code is enabled on the contro l panel, the AM
command can be used without any access code. In this case the
command performs the same action as the keys F 1 pushed on a
2.5 Disarming by SMS (DM xxxx)
Command DM followed with a valid access code will disarm the syste m.
If the system is already disar med, the command will have no effect . SM S
text to be sent to the communicator: DM xxxx
xxxx is a valid alarm system access code (Master or user).
separating character, which can be replaced by a space
Example: Sending DM
1234 will disarm the system, which is
equivalent to entering code 1234 on a system keypad.
The system conf irms disarming with a corresponding SMS reply
If it is impossible to disarm the sy stem – for example it is in progr amming
mode, you will be notified ab out the situation by an SMS reply
If the alarm system is split, the instruct ion will effect the sect ion which
belongs to the access code used
* If the alarm system is split and a command is used ( AM or DM), the user
code will effect th e system the same way a s if the code had been entered
from the alarm system keypad – no m atter if AM or D M is used (will ar m if
the system is disa rmed and will disarm if the system is armed).
2.6 Mode request by SMS (MO)
Command MO can be used to r ead the current alarm s ystem mode.
The dialer will reply with a reporting SMS to the phone which sent the
MO command about status, level of GSM signal, GPRS status, success
of transferring data to the CMSs. SMS text to be sent to the dialer: MO
Example: If the system is armed, it will reply to the MO instruction with
the SMS: Alarm system reports: Control panel status:
Note: if you want to protect this command with a password, set your
own instruction text including the password – see section 4.2.2
2.7 Last event request b y SMS (ME)
Instruction ME c an be used to read the last event recorded in the alarm
system’s memory. The dialer will reply w ith a reporting SMS. SMS text
to be sent to the dialer: ME
Example: After a fire alarm, it will reply to the ME instruction with the
SMS: Alarm system reports: Last event: Alarm end Control panel Time:
02.06. 19:48
Note: if you want to protect this command with a password, set your
own instruction text including the password – see section 4.2.2.
2.8 Appliance remote control b y SMS (AUXON, AUXOFF)
These commands can be used to operate the AUX output (for e xample
the heating in a house). The dialer confirms command execution with
an SMS reply.
To switch on the AUX output, send SMS text: AU X ON
To switch off the AUX output, send SMS text: AU X OF F
Example: to switch on heating send SMS: AUXON
Note: texts of these instructions can be customi zed and protected with
a password – see section 4.2.2. Outputs PgX and PgY can b e
controlled by SMS commands PGON and PGOFF .
2.9 Remote programmi ng of the alarm b y SMS (yyyyy PRG seq)
Command PRG can be used to send progra mming and operat ing
sequences to the alarm system. It has the same effect, as if the sequen ces
had been entered on th e alarm system key pad. Type the instru ction as:
yyyyy PRG seq,seq,seq,
yyyyy is the remote access code; factory default setting is 0000 (4
zeros); the code can be changed, see section 5 .4
PRG is the command ident ification
seq are the programming or operating sequences, consistin g of
characters 0 to 9, F, N. There can b e more than one sequence in
one SMS. The particu lar sequences should be sepa rated with a
comma or dot. The number of sequence s in one SMS is limited
by the maximum size of the SMS in the GSM netw ork.
separating character, which can be replaced by a space
Example: if the control panel is disarmed and its Installer code is 6060, then
the duration of the alarm can be programm ed to 5 minutes and the acoustic
indication of t he exit delay can be disabled by send ing the followin g SMS:
0000 PRG F06060,225,330,N
After receiving the SMS command, the contr ol panel will first e nter
programming mode (F06060) then sequences 225 and 330 will be
executed and at t he end programming mode will be e xited (N).