GSM car alarm CA-1803BT „Athos“ 4/6 MHF56704
0 =
confirmation by turn lights for disarming is needed
1 = confirmation by turn lights for arming and disarming is
2= confirmation by turn lights for ar ming and disarming is not
needed so INP1 can be use d as an alarm in put
When armed, no monitoring
of GPS locatio n changes
GPS location changes ar e
monitored when armed *
J 0 = A UX output is a bus for commu nication with C R-11A modules
1 = AUX ou tput prov ides power for e xternal sen sors
Factory default setting is SET 1001111101 (bold letters in the text).
If you want to change only particula r DIP or SET parameters, enter x for the others
MASTER SET xx1xxxxxxx will set a low battery voltage sensor).
* This setting can cause false alarms due to possible inaccuracy in the
determination of GPS coordinates. Such an inaccuracy can appear as a
consequence of an obstructed signal path, low signal level, satellite
interference, etc. It is recommended to use this as only a complementary
8. User instructions
8.1. Remo te control arming an d disarming
The alarm is armed when the car is locked remo tely by the origina l remote
control and disarmed when the car is u nlocked remotely. The locking is
always followed by confirmation from the tur n lights (usually, such
confirmation is also present after unlockin g). If the car is unlocked by key (no
confirmation from the turn lights) then the alarm will be triggered. To stop the
alarm it is necessary to unlock it remotely by the original remote control. In
the case of some car ty pes, to stop the alarm you need to lock th e car first
and, subsequently , unlock it with the original remo te control. We do not
recommend instal ling the car alarm in this mo de to cars in which un locking
the door by key is confirmed by the turn lights. Instea d, consult an authorized
service company or disab le this feature if po ssible.
8.2. Remo te control b y SMS instructions from an a uthorized phone
SMS instructions for status change (AM and DM) onl y change the
car’s alarm state. They have no influence on central locking.
Text SMS Description
ARM the car
Partially ARM and lock the car
DISARM the car
STOP (immobilize) the car ( after turnin g ignition key off)
Unblock ( mobilize) th e car
Car alarm will re ply with stat us informatio n, e.g. „ca r
reports: Time: 27.01.04 13:04, Statu s: Armed, Unbloc ked,
Ignition off“.
The car alarm will reply with a brief list of SMS in structions.
UC xxxx
To change th e user code. xxxx is the new user code, 4 t o 8
characters (A –Z & 0 – 9). Factory default use r code is
To obtain the balance of a prepaid SIM ca rd if used. S ee
13.6-8 for details
To operate CR -11A output relays as w ell as the app liances
or circuits th at are conn ected to t hese relays (s ee par. 1)
HF abcdef
Hands-free s et adjustm ent:
a – enable ca lls (0= disabled , 1=enabled)
b – auto an swer inc oming ca lls (0= disabled , 1=enable d)
c – microphone sensitiv ity 0 to 9, (5)
d – speaker v olume 0 to 9, (5)
e - ringing to ne volume 0=m ute to 9= max ., (5)
f – ringing sound 0 to 9, (1)
Sends inform ation about the l atest detect ed location using
GPS coordinat es (Global P osition Sy stem)
To activate the siren for 30 seconds
The instruction must contain spaces ( e. g . H F 105551).
If an SMS instruction is sent from an unauthorized phone , it is
necessary to put a user code before the instr uction (default is U SER).
Again, a space is necessary . An example of arming from an
unauthorized phone: USER AM
S M S i n s tr u ct i on s ar e n o t c a se - se n s it i ve . Only basic ASCII can be used
in the SMS instruction texts.
If the SMS text contains the % sign, then the fo llowing text will be
ignored. Characters %% in the message stop processing the
following text. Using these characters is suitable when sending a n
SMS from an internet gateway which adds more text –
advertisements etc. When using the % character it is always
necessary to insert the Master or User code followed by a space
before the command itself.
SMS instructions can be renamed. Example: It is possib le to replace
“AM“ by “LOCK“.
The parameters in bold are factory defaults.
8.3. Dialling -in remote control
Partial arming is possible by a call from an authorised (stored) number
(see DIP settings E). In this partial arming the following are not active:
the internal wireless detectors, voltage-drop detector and AUX o utput
does not provide power for external sensors. A ca l l t o t h e a l ar m w il l
change its sta te to partia l arming and is free of charge (the c ar al a rm wi l l n ot
answer the incoming call).
Remote control by dialling- in from an authorized phone is possible (see
table DIP – parameter E). If you dial the car a larm number from an
authorized phone, it w ill cause a change of state (arming, d isarming, etc.). A
call to the alar m is free of charge (the car alarm will not answer the incomin g
call). If operated by dialling-in afte r an alarm has been triggered, a sligh t
delay can occur.
8.4. Phone calls by handsfree s et (HF-03)
If the HF-03 hands free set is installed, it is possible to receive calls
and to dial pre-programmed phone numbers DIA L x. When the ignition
key is on, the RC-8x remote control key fob allows you to operate the
hands free set. The call is done via the car alarm’s SIM, the handsfree
set is not usable for other phones.
Incoming calls – to a nswer them, press any b utton on the RC-8x
remote control. By pressing any button again, the call will be terminated.
Calls can be automatically answered, see the HF instruction manual.
Outgoing calls – when the ignition key is on, the RC-8x allows you to
call up to 4 pre-pr ogrammed numbers (see cha pter 5.1).
When armed, all incoming calls are automatically rejected. If the car is
immobilized or after an alarm has been triggered all calls are
automatically answered (it is possible to listen in).
8.5. Alarm
When an alarm is triggered , the siren w ill sound for 30 sec., warning SMS
messages will be sent to all ph ones (TEL1 to TEL4) and the se phones will
also be called with the siren sound. If autom atic location is tur ned on, a
request for location dete ction is sent. After the user stops the alarm, all
transmissions are terminated.
To stop the alarm, unlock the car via the car-locking remote controller
or by a disarming SMS instruction (DM) from a mobile phone. After the
alarm has been stopped by a user, an SMS will be sent informing about
alarm termination.
Example of an alarm SMS:
Your car reports: A larm, INP activation, Time 10.12.04 01:45
Mercedes reports : Alarm, FIRE, gar age sensor activat ion, Time 11.02.04 01:12
8.6. Acoustic signalling of arming/disarming
If acoustic sig nalling is ON (see table 6), the arming is confir med by 1 beep
and disarming by 2 beeps. Three beeps w hile disarming the car indicate that
an alarm was triggered dur ing the armed stat e. If arming a car with an active
alarm input (e.g. o pen car boot) arming is supp lemented by four short b eeps.
The siren will also ind icate triggering of a wireless de tector which provid es an
entrance delay (by a single beep). Six short b eeps after arming indi cate that
the GSM network is not availab le.
9. Editing SMS texts
The SMS texts (alarm information and instructions) are factory pre-
programmed. However, it is possible to change these texts using a
mobile phone or via the
. internet page. This makes
communication convenient for the user.
To change text by mobile phone, send an SMS as below. A single
SMS enables you to specify changes to several texts. Terminate each
text with a comma:
MASTER TXT zz,text,zz,text,…
where: zz is the text index (see following table)
text is y our new text – up to 30 characters, full stop (dot) or
comma cannot be used in the text, spaces are allowed
Text numbers 01 to 26 are instructions requiring a MASTER code for
their modification. If you modify these texts, you c hange the instructions
which the car alarm will respond to. For e xample, replacing “STATUS”
with “STATE PASSWORD” will cause state detection to be obtainable by
“STATE PASSWORD” only. This way you can insert a “ password” into
the texts which prevents misuse. All other texts are of informational
character and correspond to particular events, states and input names.
This allows you to adjust the names to a form which suits you well. For
example, “INP 1” can be replac ed with “bonnet” etc. Texts can be
replaced using the MASTER code as well as the USER code (optional).
A convenient way for text modification is to use the GSMLink web
page, see paragraph 11.
SMS text table