Using Copy Jobs with an Iomega Personal Cloud
As an administrator, you can invite your friends or co-workers to join your Iomega Personal Cloud on your Iomega StorCenter ix4-200d. One of the benefits of
adding members to join your Personal Cloud is that you can create Copy Jobs that can transfer data from one Iomega storage device to another through the
Personal Cloud. As you add a member Iomega device to your Personal Cloud, a Copy Jobs icon displays next to that member device in the Membership table. If
you click that Copy Jobs button, the Copy Jobs page opens to help you configure a Copy Job between your Iomega storage device and another member's
Iomega storage device. For more information on setting up Copy Jobs, refer to Adding Copy Jobs.
How do I...
create a Personal Cloud account
join a Personal Cloud account
add members to a Personal Cloud
manage Personal Cloud members
enable security on Iomega StorCenter ix4-200d