114 CN2 Handheld Computer User’s Manual
802.11b/g radio communications, 39
802.1x security
configuring, 53
troubleshooting, 86 to 87
date and time, 96
LEAP security, 56
overview, 30
phone connection, 62
remotely with Intermec Settings, 36
security, 45
static WEP security, 57
TCP/IP network parameters, 40
UDP Plus network parameters, 42
USB communications, 38
using local Intermec Settings, 32
using Setup Assistant, 31
WPA security, 48
contact information for Intermec, ix
contents, in SDMMC Disk folder, 24
converting writing to text, using
Transcriber, 16
copying files to CN2 using
ActiveSync, 78
SD card, 80
Wavelink Avalanche, 80
copyright information, xi
date, configuring, 96
default configuration
restoring, 35
settings, 108
default configuration of CN2 software, 86
Dell Model SK-8115 USB keyboard, 25
illustrated, 14
understanding, 15
developing applications using the SDK, 74
running, 92
summary of tests, 92
dimensions, physical, 104
disabling security, 62
DiskOnChip folder, using to store
application data, 76
Display Test, diagnostics, 93
CN2 Communications Dock Quick Start
Guide, 7
CN2 Modem Dock Quick Start Guide,
26, 62
downloading from web, ix
Intermec Computer Command Reference
Manual, 33
MobileLAN access WA2X System
Manual, 49, 53
MobileLAN secure 802.1x Security
Solution Installation Guide, 45
drag, defined, 14
dust cover, accessory described, 106
eboot.bin file, 97
electrical specifications, 104
attachments, downloading, 71
meeting requests, downloading, 71
setting up, 69
using, 71
Enabler, password for exiting, 80
Enroll Certificates application, 59
Enter key, illustrated, 10, 12
Enterprise mode of WPA, 48
environmental specifications, 104
Avalanche Enabler, 80
Intermec Settings, 35
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP),
F1 to F12, accessing, 10
F3 to F5, accessing, 12
factory default settings, restoring, 35
FAT16, 97
fingerprints, cleaning, 100
Funk Security
802.1x security, 54
WEP, 58
WPA security, 49
selecting a profile, 47