188 CK31 Handheld Computer User’s Manual
System Diagnostics menu, 96
tapping screen, understanding, 16
Task Manager, opening, 18
described, 15
illustrated, 15
network diagram, 46
network, configuring parameters, 46
TE 2000 application
keypad, using, 8
Terminal Emulation Programmer’s
Guide, 3
technical support, accessing on web, xii
telephone support, xiii
temperature, specifications, 130
Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP),
terminal emulation, typing hidden
characters, 144
display, 103
keypad, 105
lights, 106
network connection, 107
sound, 111
tethered stylus accessory, 140
third party certificate authority, using to
issue certificates, 74
time server
corporate network server, 44
default, 44
time, synchronizing with time server, 44
touch screen
calibrating, 19
cleaning, 126
disabling, 16
specifications, 130
understanding icons, 17
using, 15
using with stylus, 16
Trakker Antares application, converting to
CK31, 81
Transport Layer Security (TLS), described,
1551 or 1553 scanner, 123
Backup Battery Very Low dialog box,
bar code symbologies, 122
COM port locked up, 120
configuring 802.1x security, 117
energy saver mode, 123
guide to finding solutions, 113
lost network connection after suspend,
operating the CK31, 115, 116, 117
preventive maintenance, 126
scanning bar codes, 121
serial communications, 120
wireless connectivity, 119
wireless printing, 120
typing characters not printed on keypad,
UDP Plus
icons, 18
network diagram, 47
network, configuring parameters, 47
undecoded serial adapter
attaching, 30
cables, 30
beeps, 21
commands in Intermec Settings, 41
screen icons, 17
start screen, 15
status lights, 20
tapping with stylus, 16
Unicode character
program to any key or key combination,
selecting an entry mode, 159
unlocking a key, 11
upgrading the operating system
overview, 92
using an SD card, 92
using SmartSystems Console, 93