Microphone UP/DN speed
Select continuous changing speed with microphone’s
[UP]/[DN] operation from high and low.
Headphone audio
Switch the audio output separation capability for the
headphones ON and OFF.
• on : The MAIN and SUB band audio is sepa-
rated in right (MAIN) and left (SUB) chan-
nels when using stereo headphones.
• oFF : The MAIN and SUB band audio is mixed.
Fine tuning indication
Turn the fine tuning indication (10 and 1 Hz digit indi-
cation) during the tuning dial rotation ON and OFF.
Auto TS function
Turn the auto TS function ON and OFF.
This function temporarily changes tuning step when
rotating the tuning dial quickly.
The auto TS function automatically selects a 10 or
50 Hz tuning step, when 1 or 10 Hz tuning step is
used for regular operation, respectively.
9600 bps data transmission
Turn the 9600 bps data transmission capability ON
and OFF.
• on : For 9600 bps data transmission.
• oFF : For the regular audio (or slower data) trans-
mission only.
Tuning step selection HI Lo
Below 1 kHz 50 steps/sec. 25 steps/sec.
Above 1 kHz below 1 MHz 20 steps/sec. 10 steps/sec.
1 MHz or Memory Channel
5 steps/sec. 2.5 steps/sec.
ACC socket Pin 5 and Pin 6
Select the band for output signals from the ACC
socket pins 5 (AF) and 6 (SQL) from normal and sub.
• nor : Outputs MAIN band’s signals.
• Sub : Outputs SUB band’s signals.