P NP IC GT A 0 1 2 3 4 6 F
EXAMPLE: Set foreign currency rate 6.55957 in position r-02.
RATE (press until blinking) 0.
R –
r-01 1.
R –
r-02 1.
6.55957 6.55957
6.55957 K
You have activated the rate, now you can start your calculations.
EXAMPLE: 1 Foreign currency = 6.55957 Local currency
1000 + 2000 = Total?
(15.5 x 9.27) ÷ (1.09 x 2.2) = Total Local ?
1000 + 1,000.00 1 000.00 +
2000 + 3,000.00 2 000.00 +
T 3,000.00 3 000.00 T
3 000.00 ÷
6.55957 K=
457.35 *
15.3 x 15.30 15.30 x
9.27 ÷ 141.831 9.27 ÷
1.09 ÷ 130.120183486 1.09 ÷
2.2 = 59.15 2.20 =
59.15 *
LOCAL 388.00
59.15 x
6.55957 K=
388.00 *
1231X, 1232X & 1491X
Currency Exchange
Conversion de Devises • Währungstausch • Cambiavalute • Wisselkoers • Cambio de divisa
Taxa de Câmbio • Växelkurs •
Przelicznik walut • Výměna měny • Valutaátszámítás • Baлютнй oбмен
1231X, 1232X, 1491X