Charge immediately.
Power limited
When the high voltage battery level
reaches below 5%, this warning
message is displayed.
The warning light on the instrument
cluster ( ) and the power down
warning light ( ) will turn on simul-
The vehicle's power will be reduced
to minimize the energy consumption
of the high voltage battery. Charge
the battery immediately.
Low Battery. Charge immediately
When the high voltage battery level
reaches below 4%, this warning
message is displayed.
The warning light on the instrument
cluster ( ) and the power down
warning light ( ) will turn ON simul-
taneously and the distance to empty
gauge will be displayed as "---".
The vehicle’s power will be reduced
to minimize the energy consumption
of the high voltage battery. Charge
the battery immediately.
Low Battery Temp.
Power limited
This warning message is displayed
to protect battery and electric vehicle
system when the high voltage bat-
tery temperature is too low.