Tension Trouble shooting checklist
• Is the presser foot lever down?
• Have I oiled my machine?
• Is the quilt too tight on the frame?
• Is the thread coming off the cone freely?
• Has your thread jumped out of the tension discs?
• Check your threading. Has anything been missed or has the thread ipped itself around some-
• Is the hopping foot too high or too low?
• Is your take up rail too high? Did you lower the take up rail after your last quilt?
• Do you need to change your needle?
• Is your needle in properly?
Top Thread Breaking
• Check that your thread is coming off the spool freely and that it is threaded thru the thread
guide directly above the spool of thread.
• Check to see if the thread has looped itself around the spool pin.
• Check to see if the needle is in correctly, with the scarf facing the back of the machine.
• Have you recently changed the needle? Is it as high as it will go in the needle bar?
• Eyelashes on the back of the quilt can be caused by too little top tension. Turn the thread ten-
sion disk clockwise 1/2 turn.
• Repeat until stitch quality is good. Remember the upper and lower thread play tug of war with
each other.
Loose Top Stitch
• Is the presser foot lever down? It lowers the hopping foot and engages the tension disk.
• Is the bobbin thread inserted in the slot of the bobbin case?
• Adjust the tension disk 1/2 turn clockwise. Repeat until stitch quality is good.
Quilt Top Puckers
• Is your backing fabric stretched too tight? While the backing fabric needs to lie at and with-
out wrinkles, stretching it too tight can make the quilt top pucker when you release the backing
• The top tension may be too tight. Adjust the tension disc 1/2 turn counter clockwise. Repeat
until stitch quality is good.