Error icon Description Action
The product has stopped because of
low battery.
Refer to the error message "Empty Bat-
tery" in
Fault messages on page 47
The product has stopped because of a
blockage to the cutting system.
Examine the blade disc and its adja-
cent area. Remove grass or other ob-
jects that can cause blockage to the
cutting system.
The product has stopped because of a
temporary electronic or firmware prob-
Switch off/on the product. If the prob-
lem continues, contact your local Husq-
varna representative.
The product has stopped because of
an activated alarm.
Restart the product. The settings for
the alarm are in the security menu in
Connect app.
The product has stopped because of
the wrong PIN code.
Enter the correct PIN code. If the PIN
code is forgotten, use the link in the
app to send to PIN code to your regis-
trated e-mail adress. If you have not
registrated the e-mail adress contact
your local Husqvarna representative.
6.3 Fault messages
The table below shows a number of fault messages that may be shown in Automower
Connect. Some
of the errors can be confirmed in the Automower
Connect and some the message needs to be
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