296 Index
Mail tab (Home screen) 71
Meeting request 140, 233
Memory 42, 276, 284
Messages tab (Home screen) 70
- about 112
- e-mail 122, 124, 127
- multimedia (MMS) 116
- text (SMS) 113
Messenger 167
microSD card
- install 31
Microsoft Office Mobile 241
MIDlet/MIDlet suite 243
- about 116
- add audio clip 120
- add photo/video 119
- add text 120
- blacklist 122
- create MMS message 118
- MMS settings 117
- reply message 121
- view message 121
MMS Video capture mode 197
- Bluetooth 176
- USB 176
MP3 Trimmer 225
Multimedia 116, 195
Multitap 94
Music tab (Home screen) 79
News channels (web feeds) 169
Notes 242
Now Playing
- Music tab (Home screen) 79, 80
- Windows Media Player Mobile 216
Numeric and Symbol Mode 96
Office Mobile 241
OneNote Mobile 241
Open PDF file 229
Opera Mobile 153
Panorama capture mode 197
Password 274
People tab (Home screen) 68
Phone 48
Phone services 270
Photo capture mode 197
Photos and Videos tab (Home screen) 73
Picture Theme capture mode 197
PIN 48, 274
- Music tab (Home screen) 81
- Windows Media Player Mobile 220
Play media 219
Play music
- Music tab (Home screen) 79
- Windows Media Player Mobile 219
Podcasts 174
POP3 124