180 Experiencing Multimedia
11.3 Pictures & Videos
Pictures & Videos allows you to manage the following types of media files
on your device:
File Type File Extensions
Image *.bmp, *.jpg, *.gif, *.png
GIF animation *.gif
Video *.avi, *.wmv, *.mp4, *.3gp, *.3g2
Audio *.wma
To open Pictures & Videos
Tap Start > Programs > Pictures & Videos.
To copy media files to your device
• Copy pictures and GIF animation files from your PC or a storage card
to the My Pictures folder on your device.
• Copy video files to the My Videos folder.
For more information about copying and managing files on your device, see
Chapter 9.
To view pictures
1. The images in the My
Pictures folder appear as
thumbnails by default.
2. Select a picture and tap
View. If you cannot find
a picture in the default
My Pictures folder, go to
another folder by tapping
the Down arrow ( ).
Down arrow
Tap to view the selected image.
GIF animation