included 27
troubleshooting 140
preconfiguration, driver 79
preprinted paper
fuser modes 170
printing on 52
prepunched paper
fuser modes 170
printing on 52
print cartridges
cleaning near 92
density settings 171
EconoMode 171
Economode 63
features 6
life expectancy 90
low 19, 174
low toner message 90
non-HP 89
ordering iii
out 20, 175
out of toner message 91
paper jams, clearing 110
recycling 213
status information 89
status, viewing with embedded Web server 71
status, viewing with HP Toolbox 75
storing 89
supplies status page 87
supply level, checking 90
print jobs
formatted incorrectly 101
not printing, troubleshooting 98
retention 172
stopped, troubleshooting 100
print quality
settings 63, 170
troubleshooting 128
Print Quality menu 168
print quality, troubleshooting
repetitive images 137
printer commands
escape sequences 204, 205
font selection 205, 209
PCL 206
syntax 204
types of 203
Printer Dialog Extensions (PDEs), Macintosh 27
printer drivers. See drivers
printer language
switching, PCL commands 208
printer languages
included 5
viewing installed 86
Printing menu 165
private jobs 67
processor speed 5
proof-and-hold jobs 66
ProRes 4, 63
PS Defer Media setting 16
PS driver
features 25
operating system supported 24
See also drivers
PS error pages
settings 167
troubleshooting 98
PS font list, printing 87, 160
PS, setting as printer language 17, 174
punched paper
fuser modes 170
printing on 52
troubleshooting 128
quick copy jobs
settings 172
RAM disk settings 21, 175
Range Check, troubleshooting 147
Ready light 11
rear output bin
locating 8
printing to 47
settings 166
recovery, jam 20, 175
plastics 213
print cartridges 213
reduce/enlarge options 64
reference materials 2
registration settings 169
regulatory statements
Canadian DOC statement 217
declaration of conformity 216
FCC 212
Finnish laser statement 218
Japanese VCCI statement 217
Korean EMI statement 217
laser safety 217
removing software
HP Toolbox 78
Macintosh 33
Windows 33
repacking printer 224
repeating defects, troubleshooting;defects, repeating
repetitive defects
images 137
Resets menu 176
234 Index ENWW