3. Click the button that opens the Properties dialog box.
Depending on your software application, this button might be called Properties, Options, Printer
Setup, Printer Properties, Printer, or Preferences.
4. Select the appropriate options.
On the Layout tab, select Portrait or Landscape orientation.
On the Paper/Quality tab, select the appropriate paper type from the Media drop-down list in the
Tray Selection area, select the appropriate print quality in the Quality Settings area, and then
select the appropriate color in the Color area.
Click Advanced to select the appropriate paper size from the Paper Size drop-down list.
5. On the Layout tab, select an appropriate option from the Print on Both Sides Manually drop-down list.
6. After you print the first side, follow the on-screen instructions to reload the paper with the blank side
up and top of the page down, and then click Continue.
7. Click OK to print.
To print on both sides of the page (OS X)
1. From the File menu in your software, choose Print.
2. In the Print dialog, choose Paper Handling from the pop-up menu and set Page Order to Normal.
3. Set Pages to Print to Odd only.
4. Click Print.
5. After all of the odd numbered pages have printed, remove the document from the output tray.
6. Reload the document so that the end that came out of the printer is now going into the printer and the
blank side of the document is facing toward the front of the printer.
7. In the Print dialog, return to the Paper Handling pop-up menu and set the page order to Normal and the
pages to print to Even Only.
8. Click Print.
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