information pages
configuration 33
network summary report 33
install supplies message 97
interface ports
types included 4
invalid driver error message 97
IP address
troubleshooting 124
overview 34
protocols supported 32
jam recovery 102
common causes of 101
fuser 103
locations 101
lower right door 111
output bin 107
right door 103
tracking number of 9
Tray 1 107
Tray 2 109
Tray 3 110, 111
jams <location>
error messages 97
jams tray #
error messages 97
Japanese VCCI statement 145
Jetadmin, HP Web 21
Korean EMC statement 145
landscape orientation
setting, Windows 44
language, control panel 9
laser safety statements 145, 146
letterhead paper, loading 54
license, software 132
light print, troubleshooting 113
faded print,
troubleshooting 113
lights, control panel 8
lines, troubleshooting
printed pages 114
media 46
paper 46
loading media
error messages 97
loose toner, troubleshooting 114
lower right door
jams 111
configure the product
software 25
driver settings 25, 26
drivers, troubleshooting 124
removing software 24
resize documents 26
software 24
support 135
supported operating
systems 24
troubleshooting 124
USB card,
troubleshooting 125
Macintosh driver settings
custom-size paper 26
Services tab 28
watermarks 27
matching colors 60
material restrictions 142
Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) 143
curl settings 9
curled, troubleshooting 116
custom-size, Macintosh
settings 26
default settings 9, 72
first page 26
HP ToolboxFX settings 67
pages per sheet 27
specification guide 128
supported sizes 41
wrinkled 116
media jams. See jams
adding 84
enabling 87
error messages 97
included 2
installing 84
specifications 4
verifying installation 88
menus, control panel
map, printing 9
Network Configuration 9
Reports 9
Service 9
System Setup 9
using 9
mercury-free product 142
messages, control panel 68
Microsoft Office Basic Colors
palette, printing 60
misprint error message 98
model number 6
multiple pages per sheet
Windows 44
n-up printing
Windows 44
configuration page 9
configuring 33
embedded Web server,
accessing 76
gateways 35
IP address 34, 35
models supporting 2
operating systems
supported 30
password, setting 69
product discovery 31
protocols supported 31
settings 9
settings report 9
Network Configuration menu 9
network port
connecting 29
locating 6
type included 4
network services
setting, IPv4, IPv6 36
Network Settings tab,
HP ToolboxFX 67
network summary report 33
ENWW Index 151