resources 19
resources, accessibility 26
scrolling touch screen gesture 12
scrolling touchpad gesture 12
search key, identifying 7
Section 508 accessibility standards
security cable slot, identifying 1
serial number, computer 9
service labels, locating 9
slots, microSD memory card reader
speakers, identifying 5
standards and legislation,
accessibility 25
support 19
swiping touch screen gesture 13
system recovery
Chrome operating system 17
Chromebook Recovery Utility 17
recovery media 17
tap gestures 11
touch screen gestures
one-nger scrolling 12
one-nger swipe 13
two-nger pinch zoom 13
touchpad and touch screen gestures,
tap 11
touchpad gestures, scrolling 12
touchpad zone, identifying 6
traveling with the computer 10
two-nger pinch zoom touch screen
gesture 13
USB SuperSpeed port with HP Sleep
and Charge 1
USB Type-C power connector and
port, identifying 1, 2
vents, identifying 9
volume button, identifying 1
volume down action key 8
volume up action key 8
wireless certication label 10
WLAN antennas, identifying 4
WLAN device 10
WLAN label 10
Index 29