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Con el n de evitar lesiones auditivas, se aconseja no escuchar a un
volumen excesivamente alto durante un periodo prolongado. Para
ver los detalles completos y las excepciones, consulte http://www.
An d’éviter tout dommage auditif possible, ne pas écouter à un
volume sonore élevé pendant une période prolongée. Pour les
informations complètes et les exceptions, rendez-vous sur http://www.
Um mögliche Hörschäden zu vermeiden, stellen Sie die Lautstärke nicht
über einen längeren Zeitraum sehr hoch ein. Weitere Informationen
und Ausnahmen erhalten Sie hier http://www.thehouseofmarley.com/
Per evitare possibili danni all’udito, non ascoltare audio a livelli elevati di
volume per lunghi periodi. Per tutti i dettagli e le eccezioni, visitare il sito:
House of Marley warrants this product free from defect in material and
workmanship for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. This
warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse or abuse; accident;
the attachment of any unauthorized accessory; alteration to the product;
or any other conditions whatsoever that are beyond the control of House
of Marley. For full details & exceptions, go to:
HoMedics Group Ltd. warrants this product free from defect in material
and workmanship for a period of 2 years from the date of purchase. This
warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse or abuse; accident;
the attachment of any unauthorized accessory; alteration to the product;
or any other conditions whatsoever that are beyond the control of House
of Marley. For full details & exceptions, go to:
The House of Marley, LLC sells its products with the intent that they are
free of defects in manufacture and workmanship for two years from the
date of original purchase, except as noted below. The House of Marley,
LLC warrants that its products will be free of defects in material and
workmanship under normal use and service. This warranty extends only to
consumers and does not extend to Retailers.
The House of Marley, LLC does not authorize anyone to obligate The
House of Marley, LLC in any way beyond the terms set forth herein. This
warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse or abuse, or any
other conditions whatsoever that are beyond the control of The House
of Marley, LLC.
This warranty does not extend to the purchase of opened, used, repaired,
repackaged and/or resealed products, including but not limited to sale
of such products on Internet auction sites. This warranty provides you
with specic legal rights. You may have additional rights which may vary
from state to state.
In India: Warrantee is only for products imported and marketed by Imagine
Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Contact: Imagine Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Consumer
Relations at 022-42102401
House of Marley garantiza que este producto está libre de defectos de
material y mano de obra durante un periodo de 2 años a partir de la fecha
de compra. Esta garantía no cubre los daños causados por el mal uso o
abuso, accidentes, acoplamiento de accesorios no autorizados, cualquier
alteración al producto, u otras condiciones ajenas al control de House of
Marley. Aquí http://www.thehouseofmarley.com/instructionbooks podrá
consultar la hoja de instrucciones íntegra y los detalles de la garantía.
House of Marley garantit ce produit contre tout défaut de matière et de
fabrication pendant 2 ans à compter de la date d’achat. Cette garantie
ne couvre pas tout dommage occasionné par un usage incorrect ou
abusif, un accident, le raccordement de tout accessoire non autorisé,
la modication du produit ou par toute autre situation, de quelque
nature qu’elle soit, indépendante de House of Marley. Vous trouverez
les instructions complètes et les informations relatives à la garantie à
l’adresse http://www.thehouseofmarley.com/instructionbooks
HoMedics Group Ltd verkauft seine House of Marley Produkte mit
dem Ziel, dass diese frei von Mängeln und technischen Defekten sind.
HoMedics Group Ltd gewährt auf seine House of Marley- Produkte eine
2-jährige Herstellergarantie auf neue Produkte ab dem Kaufdatum. Diese
Garantie gilt nicht für Schäden durch unsachgemäßen Gebrauch oder
Missbrauch sowie bei Anbringung von unzulässigem Zubehör sowie bei
selbst vorgenommenen Änderungen am Produkt. Ein Garantieanspruch
ist für gebraucht gekaufte Produkte ausgeschlossen. Die Garantie gilt
für Produkte, die für den bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch innerhalb
der EU und Großbritannien hergestellt worden sind. HoMedics Group
Ltd und seine angeschlossenen Gesellschaften haften nicht für Neben-,
Folgeschäden. Im Garantiefall wenden Sie sich bitte unter Vorlage des
Kaufbeleges an HoMedics Group Ltd, Somerhill Business Park, Five
Oak Green Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0GP oder kontaktieren unseren
Kundenservice per Email cs@thehouseofmarley.de bzw. Telefonisch
unter 069 – 380 789 675. Unabhängig von dieser Garantie haben Sie
selbstverständlich die vollen gesetzlichen Gewährleistungsrechte
gegenüber dem Verkäufer. Im Gewährleistungsfall wenden Sie sich bitte
mit dem entsprechenden Kaufbeleg an den Verkäufer.
House of Marley garantisce il presente prodotto contro difetti di materiale
e lavorazione per un periodo di 2 anni dalla data di acquisto. La presente
garanzia non copre eventuali danni causati dall’utilizzo improprio del
prodotto, da eventi accidentali, dall’uso di accessori non omologati,
da alterazioni apportate al prodotto o da altre condizioni al di fuori del
controllo di House of Marley. Le istruzioni complete e i dettagli sulla
garanzia sono disponibili alla pagina http://www.thehouseofmarley.com/
-Komplette anvisninger og oplysninger om garanti kan ndes på:
-Teljes útmutató és garancianyilatkozat:
-Pełna instrukcja i warunki gwarancji są dostępne na stronie:
-Úplné pokyny a detaily záruky nájdete na:
-Правила и условия гарантии полностью изложены по адресу:
-De volledige handleiding en garantiegegevens kunnen hier worden
gevonden: http://www.thehouseofmarley.com/instructionbooks
-Fullstendige instruksjoner og garantidetaljer kan nnes på
-Täydelliset ohjeet ja takuu löytyvät osoitteesta
-Fullständiga instruktioner och garantiinformation nns på
-Μπορείτε να βρείτε πλήρεις οδηγίες και λεπτομέρειες για την εγγύηση
στη διεύθυνση http://www.thehouseofmarley.com/instructionbooks
-Instruções completas e informações da garantia podem encontrar-se em
-Talimat ve garanti detaylarının tamamına
http://www.thehouseofmarley.com/instructionbooks adresinden erişilebilir
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the
Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled, subject to the provisions of
the Australian Consumer Law, to a replacement or refund for a major
failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or
damage. You are also entitled, subject to the provisions of the Australian
Consumer Law, to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to
be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
This is not a complete statement of your legal rights as a consumer.
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the
Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. This guarantee applies in addition to the
conditions and guarantees implied by that legislation.
HoMedics sells its products with the intent that they are free of defects
in manufacture and workmanship under normal use and service. In the
unlikely event that your HoMedics product proves to be faulty within 2
year from the date of purchase due to workmanship or materials only, we
will replace it at our own expense, subject to the terms and conditions of
this guarantee. The warranty period is limited to 3 months from the date of
purchase for products used commercially/professionally.
In addition to the rights and remedies that you have under the Australian
Consumer Law, Consumer Guarantees Act of New Zealand or any other
applicable law and without excluding such rights and remedies warranty
against defects:
1. The Goods are designed to withstand the rigors of normal household
use and are manufactured to the highest standards using the highest
quality com ponents. Whilst unlikely, if, during the rst 24 months (3
months commercial use) from their date of purchase from the Supplier
(Warranty Period), the Goods prove defective by reason of improper
workmanship or materials and none of your statutory rights or remedies
apply, we will replace the Goods, subject to the terms and conditions
of this warranty.
2. We do not have to replace the Goods under this Additional Warranty if
the Goods have been damaged due to misuse or abuse, accident, the
attachment of any unauthorised accessory, alteration to the product,
improper installation, unauthorised repairs or modications, improper
use of electrical/power supply, loss of power, malfunction or damage of
an operating part from failure to provide manufacturer’s recommended
maintenance, transportation damage, theft, neglect, vandalism,
environmental conditions or any other conditions whatsoever that are
beyond the control of HoMedics.
3. This Warranty does not extend to the purchase of used, repaired or
second-hand products or to products not imported or supplied by
HoMedics Australia Pty Ltd, including but not limited to those sold on
oshore internet auction sites.
4. This Warranty extends only to consumers and does not extend to
5. Even when we do not have to replace the goods, we may decide to do
so anyway. In some cases, we may decide to substitute the goods with
a similar alternative product of our choosing. All such decisions are at
our absolute discretion
6. All such replaced or substituted goods continue to receive the benet of
this Additional Warranty for the time remaining on the original warranty
period (or three months, whichever is the longest).
7. This Additional Warranty does not cover items damaged by normal
wear and tear including but not limited to chips, scratches, abrasions,
discolouration and other minor defects, where the damage has
negligible eect on the operation or performance of the goods.
8. This Additional Warranty is limited to replacement or substitution only.
As far as the law permits, we will not be liable for any loss or damage
caused to property or persons arising from any cause whatsoever
and shall have no liability for any incidental, consequential or special
9. This warranty is only valid and enforceable in Australia and New
In order to claim under this Warranty you must return the goods to the
supplier (place of purchase) for replacement. If this is not possible, please
contact our customer service department by email: cservice@homedics.
com.au or at the address below.
All returned goods must be accompanied by satisfactory proof of
purchase which clearly indicates the name and address of the Sspplier,
the date and place of purchase and identies product. It is best to provide
an original, legible and unmodied receipt or sales invoice
You must bear any expense for return of the goods or otherwise
associated with making your claim under this Additional Warranty.
Distributed in Australia by
Homedics Australia pty Ltd,
14 Kingsley Close, Rowville,
Victoria 3178.
Distributed in New Zealand by
Phoenix Distribution NZ Ltd,
7B Orbit Drive, Albany
North Shore 0757, Auckland, New Zealand
사용 전에 모든 지시사항을 읽어주시고 후일 참고하기 위하여 이 지시사항을 보관
해 주세요.
본 제품은 테스트가 되었고 B 클래스 디지털 기기에 제한적으로 호환된다는 것이 증
명되었습니다. 이러한 제한은 설치에 있어서 유해한 방해에 대비하여 합리적인 보호
를 제공하기 위하여 디자인된 것입니다. 본 제품은 라디오 주파수 에너지를 발생시키
며, 만약 지시사항에 따르지 않고 연결될 경우 라디오 의사소통을 방해할 수 있는 유해
한 방해를 일으킬 수 있습니다. 그러나, 이러한 방해가 특별한 경우에 일어나지 않을 것
이라는 보증은 할 수 없습니다. 만약, 본 기기를 켜거나 끄면서 라디오 혹은 텔레비전
에 유해한 방해를 만들어낸다면, 다음의 방법 중 하나 혹은 여러 방법을 사용하여 이러
한 방해를 없앨 수 있습니다:
- 수신 안테나의 방향을 바꾸거나 새로운 곳에 위치 시킵니다.
- 본 기기와 수신기 간의 사이를 증가시켜 주세요.
- 수신기가 연결되어 있는 콘센트와는 다른 콘센트에 본 기기를 연결해 주세요.
- 라디오/텔레비전 기술자에게 도움을 요청하세요.
본 제품은 통제되지 환경을 위해 정해져 있는 FCC 주파수 노출 제한에 부합합니다.
본 제품은 FCC 조항 15조에 부합합니다. 본 기기의 실행은 다음의 두 상황에 적용됩니
다: (1) 본 제품은 유해한 방해를 일으키지 않을 수도 있습니다. 그리고 (2) 본 제품은 바
람직하지 작동을 야기할 수도 있는 모든 방해를 받아들여야 합니다.
승인 받지 않은 기기 부품의 변경은 기기를 작동시키기 위한 사용자의 권리를 무효
화시킬 수 있습니다.
배터리 지시사항
본 표시는 배터리가 환경과 건강을 해칠 수 있는 물질을 포함하고 있기 때문에 가
정쓰레기와 함께 버려질 수 없다는 것을 나타냅니다. 지정된 배터리 수거 장소에 버
려 주세요.
청각 손상을 방지하기 위해, 장시간 동안 음악을 크게 듣지 않는 것이 좋습니다. 주의
사항 및 보증 관련 사항은 http://www.thehouseofmarley.com/instructionbooks 에
서 찾을 수 있습니다.
주의 : 배터리(배터리 팩 혹은 제품에 들어 있는 배터리)는 햇빛, 불 또는 이와 같은 과도
한 열에 노출되어서는 안 됩니다.
배터리 교체 : 본 제품은 제품을 사용하는 동안 계속적으로 재충전할 수 있는 배터리를
포함하고 있습니다. 만약 배터리를 교체해야 한다면, 고객센터에 연락 부탁 드립니다.
고객센터에서는 보증사항 및 배터리 교체에 관한 정보를 제공해 드릴 것입니다.
고객센터 : DMAC 인터내셔널 (cs@dmac.co.kr) 1599-8875
본 제품은 KC 인증을 받은 안전한 제품입니다.
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not
listen at high volume levels for long periods.
Full instruction and warranty details can
be found at
Esta marcação indica que o produto não deve ser eliminado
juntamente com outros resíduos domésticos em toda a EU. Para
impedir possíveis danos ambientais ou à saúde humana resultantes
de uma eliminação não controlada dos resíduos, este produto deverá ser
reciclado de forma responsável de modo a promover a reutilização
sustentável dos recursos materiais.
Desta forma, o HoMedics Group Ltd, declara que este equipamento
de rádio está em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais outras
provisões relevantes da Diretiva 2014/53/EU. É possível obter uma cópia
da Declaração de Conformidade através do
Pred použitím zariadenia si prečítajte všetky pokyny. Pokyny uschovajte
na nahliadnutie v budúcnosti.
V reproduktore sa nachádza vymeniteľná batéria navrhnutá tak, aby
jej životnosť zodpovedala životnosti produktu. Ak sa stane (hoci je to
nepravdepodobné), že budete potrebovať náhradnú batériu, obráťte sa na
pracovníkov oddelenia služieb zákazníkom, ktorí vám poskytnú podrobné
informácie o servise náhradnej batérie vykonávanom v rámci záručnej
lehoty a aj po jej skončení.
Tento znak znamená, že batérie sa nesmú likvidovať spolu s domácim
odpadom, pretože obsahujú látky, ktoré môžu znečistiť životné
prostredie alebo poškodiť zdravie. Batérie likvidujte v strediskách určených
pre zber odpadu.
Tento symbol znamená, že výrobok by sa v rámci celej EU nemá
vyhadzovať do domáceho odpadu. Aby nedošlo k možnému
znečisteniu životného prostredie alebo poškodeniu zdravia v
dôsledku nekontrolovaného odpadu, je potrebné pristupovať k
recyklovaniu zodpovedne a propagovať tak opätovné použitie zdrojových
Spoločnosť HoMedics Group Ltd. týmto vyhlasuje, že toto rádiové
zariadenie je v súlade so základnými požiadavkami a ďalšími relevantnými
ustanoveniami Smernice 2014/53/EÚ. Kópiu vyhlásenia o zhode získate na
adrese www.thehouseofmarley.co.uk/declaration-of-conformity
Przed użyciem należy przeczytać całą instrukcję. Instrukcję należy
zachować na przyszłość.
Głośnik Bag of Riddim II został wyposażony w baterie wielokrotnego
ładowania o żywotności porównywalnej z żywotnością produktu. W
przypadku wystąpienia sytuacji wymagającej wymianę baterii należy
skontaktować się działem obsługi klienta, który zapewni informacje
dotyczące gwarancji oraz usługi wymiany baterii nieobjętej gwarancją.
Ten symbol oznacza, że baterii nie można wyrzucać wraz z odpadami
domowymi, ponieważ baterie zawierają substancje, które mogą być
szkodliwe dla środowiska oraz zdrowia. Baterie należy dostarczyć do
wyznaczonych punktów zbiórki.
Ten znak wskazuje, że na obszarze EU przyrządu nie wolno
pozbywać się wyrzucając do śmieci domowych. Aby chronić
środowisko i zdrowie, którym zagraża nieodpowiednia utylizacja
odpadów, przyrząd należy recyklingować, aby umożliwić odzysk
materiałów, z których został wykonany.
Niniejszym rma HoMedics Group Ltd oświadcza, że to urządzenie
radiowe jest zgodne z podstawowymi wymaganiami oraz innymi
właściwymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 2014/53/EU. Kopię Deklaracji
zgodności można uzyskać pod
Прочетете всички инструкции преди употреба и ги запазете за
бъдеща справка.
Батериите (кутията с батерии или поставените батерии) не трябва
да се излагат на прекалено затопляне като слънчева топлина, огън
или други подобни. Внимание: Опасност от експлозия ако батерията
не е поставена правилно. Заменете единствено със същия или с
подобен вид.
Вашият Bag of Riddim II включва зареждащи се батерии,
предназначени да издържат през целия живот на продукта. В малко
вероятния случай, когато се наложи замяна на батерията, моля
свържете се с отдела за клиентско обслужване, който ще Ви осигури
информация за гаранцията и услугата за замяна на батерията извън
Този символ показва, че батериите не трябва да се изхвърлят с
битовите отпадъци, защото съдържат вещества, които може да
са опасни за околната среда и за здравето. Моля, изхвърляйте
батериите на предназначените за тази цел места.
Това маркиране показва, че този продукт не трябва да се
изхвърля с други битови отпадъци в границите на ЕС. За
предотвратяване на евентуална щета за околната среда или за
човешкото здраве поради безконтролно изхвърляне на боклука,
рециклирайте го отговорно, за да съдействате за екологичната
многократна употреба на материалните ресурси.
С настоящето, HoMedics Group Ltd, декларира, че това
радиосъоръжение ев съответствие на основните изисквания и
на други необходими условия на Директива 2014/53/EU. Копие от
Декларацията за съответствие може да бъде получено от
Citiţi toate instrucţiunile înainte de utilizare şi păstraţi-le pentru a le
consulta în viitor.
Difuzorul Bag of Riddim II include un acumulator conceput să reziste pe
toată durata de viaţă a produsului. În cazul improbabil în care aţi  obligat
să înlocuiţi acumulatorul, contactaţi Serviciul Clienţi care vă va informa cu
privire la garanţia produsului dumneavoastră şi la înlocuirea acumulatorului
după expirarea garanţiei.
Acest simbol indică faptul că nu este permis să se arunce bateriile şi
acumulatorii cu deşeurile menajere deoarece conţin substanţe care
pot dăuna mediului şi sănătăţii. Vă recomandăm să predaţi bateriile şi
acumulatorii uzaţi la punctele de colectare puse la dispoziţie.
Acest simbol indică faptul că acest produs nu trebuie eliminat
împreună cu alte deşeuri menajere pe teritoriul EU. Pentru a preveni
posibile prejudicii asupra mediului sau sănătăţii umane din cauza
eliminării necontrolate a deşeurilor, reciclaţi-l cu responsabilitate pentru a
favoriza reutilizarea durabilă a resurselor materiale.
HoMedics Group Ltd declară că acest dispozitiv radio este în conformitate
cu cerinţele esenţiale şi alte prevederi relevante ale Directivei 2014/53/EU.
Un exemplar al Declaraţiei de conformitate poate obținut de la
Bag of Riddim II
HoMedics Group Ltd
Marley and the Marley logo are registered trademarks of Fifty-Six Hope
Road Music Limited The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered
trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by
House of Marley is under license.
Operating frequency bands: 2402 – 2480 MHz
Max Power Transmitted: 3.49dBm
The House of Marley, LLC
3000 North Pontiac Trail, Commerce Township,
MI 48390 USA
Distributed in Europe by FKA Brands Ltd.,
Somerhill Business Park, Five Oak Green Rd,
Tonbridge, Kent TN11 0GP, UK.
©2017 The House of Marley, LLC.
All Rights Reserved.

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