A - Programmakeuzeknop - Door de knop in
beide richtingen te draaien, is het mogelijk om
het gewenste droogprogramma te kiezen. Draai
de knop naar OFF om de keuzes te annuleren of
om de droger uit te schakelen.
B - Display -
De display toont de rester ende
droogtijd, uit gestelde tijd in het geval van
een uitgestelde start keuze en andere
meldingsinstelli ngen.
C - Knoppen -
1 Start/Pauze- knop
Om het geselecteerde programma te starten
en/of het te pauzeren.
2. Knop Uitgestelde start
Om de start van het programma uit te stellen met
1 tot 24 uur met stappen van 1 uur. Het gese-
lecteerde startuitstel ver schijnt op de display.
Nadat op de knop START is gedrukt, vermindert
de getoonde tijd uur na uur.
Openen van de deur van de droger met een
startuitstel i ngesteld, druk na het sluiten van de
deur opnieuw op start om het tellen te hervatt en.
3. Knop Droogselectie
Om het gewenste droogniveau in te stellen tot 5
minuten na het starten van de cyclus:
Strijkdroog: Dit laat de kleding lichtjes nat
om het strijken te vergemakkelijken.
Kapstokdroog: Om kleding klaar te krijgen
om op de kapstok te hangen.
Kastdroog: Voor wasgoed dat direct in de
kast gelegd kan worden.
Extra-droog: Om kleding volledig droog te
krijgen, ideaal voor een vol le lading.
Dit toestel is uitgerust met de funct ie Droogbeheer.
In automatische cycli wordt elk niveau van
tussentijds drogen voorafgaand aan het bereiken
van het geselecteerde droogniveau, aangegeven
door het
knipperen van het indicatiel ampje dat
overeenkomt met het bereikte droogniveau. In
het geval van incompatibiliteit, knipperen alle
LED’s drie keer snel.
4. Knop Snel / Tijdcyclus- selectie
Bij sommige automatische programma's is het
mogelijk om over te schakelen naar het pr ogram-
ma SNEL, tot 3 minuten na de start van de cyclus.
Bij elke druk verhoogt de tijd (30-45 -59 minuten).
Om de automatische droogfunctie na deze selectie
opnieuw in te stellen, moet de droger uitgesc ha-
keld worden. In het geval van incompati biliteit,
knipperen alle LED’s drie keer snel .
Het is mogelijk om een cyclus over te schakelen
van automatisch naar geprogrammeerd, tot
3 minuten na de start van de cyclus.
Bij elke druk verhoogt de tijd in s tappen van
minuten. Na deze selectie moet de droger
uitgeschakeld worden om de automatische
droogfunctie opnieuw in te stellen. In het geval
van incompatibiliteit, kni pperen alle LED’s drie
keer snel.
5. Antikreuk
Met deze optie kan een antikreukbeweging van
de trommel vóór de cyclus geactiveerd worden in
het geval van activering van het uitstel en aan het
einde van de droogcyclus. Deze antikreukbe-
weging wordt elke 10 minuten geactiveerd, tot
6 uur na het einde van de droogcyclus. Om de
bewegingen te stoppen,
zet de knop op OFF.
Nuttig wanneer het niet mogelijk is om het
wasgoed onmiddellijk te verwijderen.
6. Geheugen
Met deze optie kunt u de opties die in een cyclus
ingesteld zijn in het geheugen bewaren.
GEHEUGEN: wanneer de cyclus bezig is, druk
gedurende 3 seconden op de knop “geheugen”.
Het controlelampje “geheugen” knippert dri e keer
en bewaart dan de ingestelde opties verbonden
aan de geselecteerde cyclus.
RECALL: na de selectie van de cyclus, druk op
de knop “geheugen” om de opgeslagen opties
(niet de cyclus) terug op te roepen.
7. Toetsvergrendeling
Met deze functie kunnen ongewenste veranderin-
gen van ingestelde opties tijdens de droogf ase
geblokkeerd worden.
A - Programme Selector - Rotating t he knob in
both direct ions it's possib le to sele ct t he desired
drying program. To cancel the select ions or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Di spla y Digi t - The di splay shows the
remaini ng time for drying, the postponed time in
case of del ayed start selection and other
notificat ions setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause B utton
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On auto matic cycles, each lev el of
intermediat e drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicat ed by flashing t he light
indicator corres ponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Butt on / Tim e Cy cle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle . The progressi ve pressure increases
the time (30- 45- 59 m inutes).
After this selection to reset t he automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibilit y, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 tim es.
It's possib le transform a cycle from automatic t o
programmed, up to 3 m inutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure i ncreases the time in
10-minute interval s. A fter this selection to reset
the automat ic dying functionin g is necessary to
switc h off the dryer. I n case of i ncompatibil ity, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5. An t i Crease
This option allows to activate an anti- creases
m ovem ent of t h e drum p re cycle in case of
activati on of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle . It i s activ ated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after t he end of the d rying cyc le. To st op
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove imm ediately t he
6.Memo ry
This option allows you to st ore the opt ions s et on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is run n ing pus h the
button "memory" f or three seconds. The control
light "memory" fl ashes for three t imes and stores
the set opti ons connected to the cycle s elected in
the flange.
RE C AL L: af ter the s elect ion of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recal l the stored options
(not the c ycle).
7. Key lock
This function al lows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactiva tion: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneous ly for t wo seconds. The sign "LOC"
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the st art of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour interva ls. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressi ng the START but ton the tim e
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the port hole with del ayed start s et,
after re-
to resum e the countin g.
3.Dry ing Selection Button
It all ows to set t he d esi red dry ness leve l edi table
optio n up t o 5 m inut es afte r the s t artin g of t he c ycl e:
Read y to Iron : It lea ves th e ga rm ents slig htl y wet
to fac ili tat e ir onin g.
Dry Hanger : To g et garm ent re ady to be hang.
Dry wardrobe : For la undr y t hat c an b e di rect ly
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating t he knob in
both direct ions it's possib le to sele ct t he desired
drying program. To cancel the select ions or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Di spla y Digi t - The di splay shows the
remaini ng time for drying, the postponed time in
case of del ayed start selection and other
notificat ions setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause B utton
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On auto matic cycles, each lev el of
intermediat e drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicat ed by flashing t he light
indicator corres ponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Butt on / Tim e Cy cle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle . The progressi ve pressure increases
the time (30- 45- 59 m inutes).
After this selection to reset t he automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibilit y, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 tim es.
It's possib le transform a cycle from automatic t o
programmed, up to 3 m inutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure i ncreases the time in
10-minute interval s. A fter this selection to reset
the automat ic dying functionin g is necessary to
switc h off the dryer. I n case of i ncompatibil ity, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5. An t i Crease
This option allows to activate an anti- creases
m ovem ent of t h e drum p re cycle in case of
activati on of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle . It i s activ ated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after t he end of the d rying cyc le. To st op
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove imm ediately t he
6.Memo ry
This option allows you to st ore the opt ions s et on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is run n ing pus h the
button "memory" f or three seconds. The control
light "memory" fl ashes for three t imes and stores
the set opti ons connected to the cycle s elected in
the flange.
RE C AL L: af ter the s elect ion of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recal l the stored options
(not the c ycle).
7. Key lock
This function al lows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactiva tion: push 3 and 4 buttons
sign "LOC"
appears on the dis play. Unlock ing the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the st art of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour interva ls. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressi ng the START but ton the tim e
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the port hole with del ayed start s et,
after re-
to resum e the countin g.
3.Dry ing Selection Button
It all ows to set t he d esi red dry ness leve l edi table
optio n up t o 5 m inut es afte r the s t artin g of t he c ycl e:
Read y to Iron : It lea ves th e ga rm ents slig htl y wet
to fac ili tat e ir onin g.
Dry Hanger : To g et garm ent re ady to be hang.
Dry wardrobe : For la undr y t hat c an b e di rect ly
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating t he knob in
both direct ions it's possib le to sele ct t he desired
drying program. To cancel the select ions or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Di spla y Digi t - The di splay shows the
remaini ng time for drying, the postponed time in
case of del ayed start selection and other
notificat ions setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause B utton
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On auto matic cycles, each lev el of
intermediat e drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicat ed by flashing t he light
indicator corres ponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Butt on / Tim e Cy cle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle . The progressi ve pressure increases
the time (30- 45- 59 m inutes).
After this selection to reset t he automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibilit y, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 tim es.
It's possib le transform a cycle from automatic t o
programmed, up to 3 m inutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure i ncreases the time in
10-minute interval s. A fter this selection to reset
the automat ic dying functionin g is necessary to
switc h off the dryer. I n case of i ncompatibil ity, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5. An t i Crease
This option allows to activate an anti- creases
m ovem ent of t h e drum p re cycle in case of
activati on of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle . It i s activ ated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after t he end of the d rying cyc le. To st op
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove imm ediately t he
6.Memo ry
This option allows you to st ore the opt ions s et on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is run n ing pus h the
button "memory" f or three seconds. The control
light "memory" fl ashes for three t imes and stores
the set opti ons connected to the cycle s elected in
the flange.
RE C AL L: af ter the s elect ion of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recal l the stored options
(not the c ycle).
7. Key lock
This function al lows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactiva tion: push 3 and 4 but tons
sign "LOC"
appears on the dis play. Unlock ing the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the st art of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour interva ls. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressi ng the START but ton the tim e
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the port hole with del ayed start s et,
after re-
to resum e the countin g.
3.Dry ing Selection Button
It all ows to set t he d esi red dry ness leve l edi table
optio n up t o 5 m inut es afte r the s t artin g of t he c ycl e:
Read y to Iron : It lea ves th e ga rm ents slig htl y wet
to fac ili tat e ir onin g.
Dry Hanger : To g et garm ent re ady to be hang.
Dry wardrobe : For la undr y t hat c an b e di rect ly
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating t he knob in
both direct ions it's possib le to sele ct t he desired
drying program. To cancel the select ions or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Di spla y Digi t - The di splay shows the
remaini ng time for drying, the postponed time in
case of del ayed start selection and other
notificat ions setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause B utton
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On auto matic cycles, each lev el of
intermediat e drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicat ed by flashing t he light
indicator corres ponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Butt on / Tim e Cy cle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle . The progressi ve pressure increases
the time (30- 45- 59 m inutes).
After this selection to reset t he automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibilit y, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 tim es.
It's possib le transform a cycle from automatic t o
programmed, up to 3 m inutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure i ncreases the time in
10-minute interval s. A fter this selection to reset
the automat ic dying functionin g is necessary to
switc h off the dryer. I n case of i ncompatibil ity, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5. An t i Crease
This option allows to activate an anti- creases
m ovem ent of t h e drum p re cycle in case of
activati on of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle . It i s activ ated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after t he end of the d rying cyc le. To st op
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove imm ediately t he
6.Memo ry
This option allows you to st ore the opt ions s et on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is run n ing pus h the
button "memory" f or three seconds. The control
light "memory" fl ashes for three t imes and stores
the set opti ons connected to the cycle s elected in
the flange.
RE C AL L: af ter the s elect ion of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recal l the stored options
(not the c ycle).
7. Key lock
This function al lows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactiva tion: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneous ly for t wo seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the dis play. Unlock ing the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the st art of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour interva ls. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressi ng the START but ton the tim e
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the port hole with del ayed start s et,
after re-
to resum e the countin g.
3.Dry ing Selection Button
It all ows to set t he d esi red dry ness leve l edi table
optio n up t o 5 m inut es afte r the s t artin g of t he c ycl e:
Read y to Iron : It lea ves th e ga rm ents s lig htl y wet
to fac ili tat e ir onin g.
Dry Hanger : To g et garm ent re ady to be hang.
Dry wardrobe : For la undr y t hat c an b e di rect ly
Extra-dry : To get co mpletely dry g arments,
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating t he knob in
both direct ions it's possib le to sele ct t he desired
drying program. To cancel the select ions or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Di spla y Digi t - The di splay shows the
remaini ng time for drying, the postponed time in
case of del ayed start selection and other
notificat ions setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause B utton
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On auto matic cycles, each lev el of
intermediat e drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicat ed by flashing t he light
indicator corres ponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Butt on / Tim e Cy cle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle . The progressi ve pressure increases
the time (30- 45- 59 m inutes).
After this selection to reset t he automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibilit y, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 tim es.
It's possib le transform a cycle from automatic t o
programmed, up to 3 m inutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure i ncreases the time in
10-minute interval s. A fter this selection to reset
the automat ic dying functionin g is necessary to
switc h off the dryer. I n case of i ncompatibil ity, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5. An t i Crease
This option allows to activate an anti- creases
m ovem ent of t h e drum p re cycle in case of
activati on of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle . It i s activ ated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after t he end of the d rying cyc le. To st op
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove imm ediately t he
6.Memo ry
This option allows you to st ore the opt ions s et on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is run n ing pus h the
button "memory" f or three seconds. The control
light "memory" fl ashes for three t imes and stores
the set opti ons connected to the cycle s elected in
the flange.
RE C AL L: af ter the s elect ion of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recal l the stored options
(not the c ycle).
7. Key lock
This function al lows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactiva tion: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneous ly for t wo seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the dis play. Unlock ing the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the st art of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour interva ls. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressi ng the START but ton the tim e
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the port hole with del ayed start s et,
after re-
to resum e the countin g.
3.Dry ing Selection Button
It all ows to set t he d esi red dry ness leve l edi table
optio n up t o 5 m inut es afte r the s t artin g of t he c ycl e:
Read y to Iron : It lea ves th e ga rm ents slig htl y wet
to fac ili tat e ir onin g.
Dry Hanger: To get ga rm ent ready t o be han g.
Dry wardrobe : For la undr y t hat c an b e di rect ly
Extra-dry : To get co mpletely dry g arments,
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating t he knob in
both direct ions it's possib le to sele ct t he desired
drying program. To cancel the select ions or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Di spla y Digi t - The di splay shows the
remaini ng time for drying, the postponed time in
case of del ayed start selection and other
notificat ions setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause B utton
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On auto matic cycles, each lev el of
intermediat e drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicat ed by flashing t he light
indicator corres ponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Butt on / Tim e Cy cle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle . The progressi ve pressure increases
the time (30- 45- 59 m inutes).
After this selection to reset t he automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibilit y, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 tim es.
It's possib le transform a cycle from automatic t o
programmed, up to 3 m inutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure i ncreases the time in
10-minute interval s. A fter this selection to reset
the automat ic dying functionin g is necessary to
switc h off the dryer. I n case of i ncompatibil ity, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5. An t i Crease
This option allows to activate an anti- creases
m ovem ent of t h e drum p re cycle in case of
activati on of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle . It i s activ ated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after t he end of the d rying cyc le. To st op
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove imm ediately t he
6.Memo ry
This option allows you to st ore the opt ions s et on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is run n ing pus h the
button "memory" f or three seconds. The control
light "memory" fl ashes for three t imes and stores
the set opti ons connected to the cycle s elected in
the flange.
RE C AL L: af ter the s elect ion of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recal l the stored options
(not the c ycle).
7. Key lock
This function al lows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactiva tion: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneous ly for t wo seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the dis play. Unlock ing the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the st art of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour interva ls. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressi ng the START but ton the tim e
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the port hole with del ayed start s et,
after re-
to resum e the countin g.
3.Dry ing Selection Button
It all ows to set t he d esi red dry ness leve l edi table
optio n up t o 5 m inut es afte r the s t artin g of t he c ycl e:
Read y to Iron : It lea ves th e ga rm ents slig htl y wet
to fac ili tat e ir onin g.
Dry Hanger : To g et garm ent re ady to be hang.
Dry wardro be: For lau ndr y that can be direc tl y
Extra-dry : To get co mpletely dry g arments,
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
A - Programme Selector - Rotating t he knob in
both direct ions it's possib le to sele ct t he desired
drying program. To cancel the select ions or
switch off the dryer rotate the knob on OFF.
B - Di spla y Digi t - The di splay shows the
remaini ng time for drying, the postponed time in
case of del ayed start selection and other
notificat ions setting.
C - Buttons -
1.Start/Pause B utton
To start the selected program and/or suspend it.
This appliances is equipped with Drying Manager
Function. On auto matic cycles, each lev el of
intermediat e drying, prior to the reaching the
selected one, is indicat ed by flashing t he light
indicator corres ponding to the degree of drying
reached. In case of incompatibility, all LEDs flash
quickly for 3 times.
4.Rapids Butt on / Tim e Cy cle selection
It's possible switch some automatic programs to
RAPID programs, up to 3 minutes after t
he start of
the cycle . The progressi ve pressure increases
the time (30- 45- 59 m inutes).
After this selection to reset t he automatic drying
functioning is necessary to switch off the dryer.
In case of incompatibilit y, all LEDs flash quickly
for 3 tim es.
It's possib le transform a cycle from automatic t o
programmed, up to 3 m inutes after the start of
the cycle.
The progressive pressure i ncreases the time in
10-minute interval s. A fter this selection to reset
the automat ic dying functionin g is necessary to
switc h off the dryer. I n case of i ncompatibil ity, all
LEDs flash quickly for 3 times.
5. An t i Crease
This option allows to activate an anti- creases
m ovem ent of t h e drum p re cycle in case of
activati on of the delay and at the end of drying
cycle . It i s activ ated every 10 minutes, up to 6
hours after t he end of the d rying cyc le. To st op
the movements set the knob to OFF. Useful
when it's not possible to remove imm ediately t he
6.Memo ry
This option allows you to st ore the opt ions s et on
a cycle.
MEMORY: when the cycle is run n ing pus h the
button "memory" f or three seconds. The control
light "memory" fl ashes for three t imes and stores
the set opti ons connected to the cycle s elected in
the flange.
RE C AL L: af ter the s elect ion of the cycle push
the button "memory" for recal l the stored options
(not the c ycle).
7. Key lock
This function al lows to block unwanted changes
of the set options on the bezel, during drying
Activation/Inactiva tion: push 3 and 4 buttons
simultaneous ly for t wo seconds. The sign "LOC"
appears on the dis play. Unlock ing the option, on
the display appears the sign "Unl", only once.
2.Delay Start Button
It allows to delay the st art of the program from 1
to 24 hours in 1-hour interva ls. The delay
selected is shown on the display.
After pressi ng the START but ton the tim e
showed decrease hour after hour.
Opening of the port hole with del ayed start s et,
after re-
to resum e the countin g.
3.Dry ing Selection Button
It all ows to set t he d esi red dry ness leve l edi table
optio n up t o 5 m inut es afte r the s t artin g of t he c ycl e:
Read y to Iron : It lea ves th e ga rm ents slig htl y wet
to fac ili tat e ir onin g.
Dry Hanger : To g et garm ent re ady to be hang.
Dry wardrobe : For la undr y t hat c an b e di rect ly
Extra-dry: To get co mpletely dry garments,
ideal for full load.
closing the porthole, press START again
Si pulsas esta tecla, es posible reducir la
velocidad máxima, y si lo deseas, puedes
cancelar el ciclo de cent rifugado.
velocidad de giro cancelada.
Si la etiqueta no propor ciona información
específica, signi fica que se puede usar el
centrifugado máximo previsto por el
Para reactivar el ci clo de centrifugado,
pulsa la tecla hasta al canzar la velocidad
de centrifugado deseada.
Es posible modificar l a velocidad de
centrifugado sin detener la lavadora.
Esta opción le permite cambiar la
temperatura de los ciclos de lavado.
No es posible elevar la temperat ura por
encima del máximo permitido para cada
programa, con el fin de proteger los
Esta opción le permite pre-programar el
ciclo de lavado para ini ciarlo con una
posterioridad de hasta 24 horas.
Para diferir el inicio del ciclo:
- Introduzca el programa deseado .
- Pulse el botón una vez para activarlo
(h00 aparece en la pantalla) y luego
pulse de nuevo para fijar un i ntervalo de
1 hora ( h01 aparece en la pantalla). El
retardo preestablecido aumenta en 1
hora cada vez que se pulsa el botón,
hasta que aparezca h24 en la pantalla,
y en ese momento, al pulsar el botón de
nuevo, se restablecerá el i nicio diferido
a cero
Confirme pulsando la tecl a INICIO/PAU SA
la luz en la pantal la comienza a
parpadear). La cuenta atrás comienz a y
cuando termina el programa se inici ará
Es posible cancelar el i nicio diferido
girando el selector de pr ogramas a la
posición APAGADO .
Si hay alguna interrupción en el
suministro de energía mientras la
lavadora está en funcionamiento, una
memoria especial almacena el programa
seleccionado y, cuando se restabl ezca la
energía, continúa donde lo dejó.
Las opciones y funciones se debe
seleccionar antes de pulsar la tecl a
Si se selecciona una opción que no es
compatible con el progr ama elegido
entonces el indi cador opción parpadea
primero y luego se apaga.
Para evitar dañar los teji dos, no es
posible aumentar la velocidad por
encima del máximo permitido para
cada programa.
Una cantidad excesiva de detergente
puede provocar un exceso de
espuma. Si el electrodoméstico
detecta la presencia de una canti dad
excesiva de espuma, puede descartar
la fase de centrifugado, o extender la
duración del programa y aumentar el
consumo de agua.
La lavadora está equipada con un
dispositivo electr ónico que descarta el
ciclo de centrifugado si la car ga está
desequilibrada. Esto r educe el ruido y
la vibración en la lavadora, y prolonga
la vida de la lavadora.