Extended storage, such as for winter requires
that you take certain steps to reduce the
effects of deterioration from non-use of the
motorcycle. In addition, necessary repairs
should be made BEFORE storing the
motorcycle - otherwise, these repairs may be
forgotten by the time the motorcycle is
removed from storage.
1. Change the engine oil and filter.
2. Make sure the cooling system is filled with
a 50/50% antifreeze solution.
3. Empty the fuel tank into an approved petrol
container using a commercially available
hand siphon or an equivalent method.
Spray the inside of the tank with an aerosol
rust-inhibiting oil.
Reinstall the fuel fill cap on the tank.
Petrol is highly flammable and explosive.
You can be burned or seriously injured
when handling fuel.
• Stop the engine and keep heat, sparks,
and flame away.
• Refuel only outdoors.
• Wipe up spills immediately.