Ver 2012-02-24
3. This w arranty: -
a. covers produ cts purchased as NEW, manufacture d for use in Mainland
Australia and Ta smania;
b. commences from the date of purcha se as listed on the Customers
c. provides for the labour and replacement part s necessary to maintain your
product in good op erating condition as specified in this w arranty however,
if repair is needed beca use o
f product f ailu re during normal usage ,
Hisense has th e option to repair or repla ce the defe ctive pro
duct or par t
of the product with a product or part of th e product of like kind and quality
and a replace ment part may be new or reconditioned of like kind and
quality and may cost les s than the original produ ct purchased and no
charges or re f u nds will be ma de based o n the replacemen t produ ct cost
d. applies only to the original purc haser and cannot be trans ferred;
e. Covers produ ct for c
ommer cial purp oses for a period of 90 day s
EG signage and / or advertising usage.
4. Product Identificatio
a. Hisense reser ves the right to reject claims for any services or work w here
the Customer reque sting such w ork or services from Hisense and/or its
agents c annot p roduce for verification th e serial nu mber and the proo f of
purchase as p er original pur chase invoice .
b. The w arrant y will be v oi ded if any Serial Number sticker provided to be
placed on the equip ment is
damaged, modified or re moved.
c. In the e
vent that a request for repai r is made against a w arrant y where
the Serial Numb
er sti cker is not a ttached to the product or the c ustomer
cannot produce for v e rification the original invoice, the repairer will not
affect any repair s on the product and the Customer will be charged a
service call-o ut fee.
5. W h at is covered by this warranty
a. The equipment is co vered for fau lty w orkmanship on p arts that ha ve
failed under no rmal use w hich a r
e contain ed within th e product.
b. Hisense and/or i ts Ag ents w ill decide i f the re are any def ects in the
material and/or w or
c. This warranty is only applica ble for repairs on declared equip m en t c arried
out w ithin Mainland Australia an d Tasmania
6. W h at is not Covered by this w arranty (ex cluded):-
a. any damage or failure:
i. of eq uipment du e t o th e pro duct being inadeq uately serviced to
manufacturer’ s recommenda tions;
ii. resulting fro m environ mental cond itions inclu ding and not
limited to
dirt, dust, rodents, insec ts, rust, corrosion, sal t built-up, of any part
of the produc t including its parts; o
iii. resulting fro m excessi ve use “fair w ear a nd tear”;
iv. resulting from poor installat ion including and not limited to
positioning and externally fitted equipment such as plumbing and
drainage, cabling, antennae or due to Inco mpatibility of connected
v. to t he product caused by overheating as a result of siting or
positioning of the equipme
nt, w here there is not provision f o r
adequate ven t
ilation or a
dust free e nvironment;
vi. caused if your appliance ha s been di
smantled, repaired or serviced
by any person other than so meone autho rised by Hi sense;
vii. to a product or components, caused by power surges or spikes,
including and not limited to, mains power and telecommunication s
connections, or to other unspecified sources, incorrect pow er
current, voltage fluctuation , amperage fluctuati on, rust or corrosion
viii. due to a dropped produ ct; collision with a nother object, use of w hic h
is n ot designed, negligence, accident or deliberate mis u s e , th
abuse, vandalism, flood, fire, earthquake, electrical storms or any
other act of God or any w ar related event s;
b. costs of attendanc e and testing where no mechanical or electri cal
failure is identifie d;
c. initial setup and i nstallation of the product;
d. Normal maintena nce costs and costs incurred throu gh the installation
of items
listed a s requiring peri odic replacemen t;
e. products w ith removed or al tered ser ial numbers ;
f. c on sumables such as but not l
imited to bulbs/globes, batterie s, remote
g. removal and rein stallation of an in ternal componen t not performed by a
factory authori s ed service centre;
h. cosmetic or structural items including shelves and doors;
i. Any f ail ures due to the interference from or to other produ cts and/or
j. Inability of the product to read or ou
tput damaged or copied me dia;
7. The Warranty Cea ses if: -
a. The produ ct cea ses to carry the or iginal manufacturer’s s erial nu mber
or is sold at a n auction;
b. The product is rente
c. Damage to the product has o ccurred as listed in point 6b.
d. Failure to pay monies ow ing on invoices as a result of non warranty
work been car ried out at the request of the e nd user a s per point 15 .
8. Neither Hisense nor its representa tives provide loan equip ment under the
ms of this w arrant y .
9. Our g oods co me w ith guara ntees t ha t canno t be excluded u nder the
Australian Consumer Law s. You are entitled to a replaceme nt or refun d
for a m a j or f ail ure and for compensati
on f or any other reasonably
foreseeable loss or da mage. You are also entitled to have the goods
repaired or repla ced if the good s fail to be of ac ceptable quality and the
failure does no t amount to a major failure.
10. Any unau thorised a ccess t o t he inter nal hardware
of th e pro duct w ill void
this warranty.
11. Replacemen t items are “Like for like” and is not “new for old” and does
not indicate in any w ay that a faulty product will be replaced w ith a new
part or unit. “Like for like” may e
ither be a quality chec ked (QC)
refurbi s hed or re c ondition e d unit of the same or later bat c h of model/size
/specifica tions.
12. If you reside outside of the servi ce coverage area of your neare st
authorised service agent, this w arrant y does not cover the
costs of
transportation or travel expen ses to and fro m your home.
13. Hisense accepts no liability for i t e ms tha t ar e lost, damaged, or stol en a s
a result of freight, transport or storag e. If you are required to transport the
appliance to an authorised
service centre, you must ensu re that it i s
securely pac ked and insured .
14. On Publi c H olidays or other p eriods w hen regular business and
wholesale op erations are te mporarily ceased, repairer a vailability and
warranty response
times may extend beyond the standard resp onse
times due to the availability of repairers an d parts.
15. Special Conditions relating to Pla sma TV’s, LC D TV’s, Pan els, Pr ojectio n
Television and Projections Equip ment
a. All LCD and Plasma Panels exhibit some bright, da rk or partiall
y lit
pixels, a normal limitation of these technologie s, and the
manufacturing processe s involved and are usually not noti ceable w hen
viewing normal s creen i mages and defec tive pix els are no t a w arranty
ssue unless they exceed t he manufacturer’s specificatio ns for pixel
defects. W her e there are no man ufacturer specifications, Hisen se
covers the screen provided for 12 or more pixels that are failing to
b. Image retention or burn-in can be a problem for all phosphor based
ys. In extreme cases, permanent phospho r burn can occur if
still/repetiti ve images are left on the screen for extended periods of
time. Such dama ge to the screen is not cover ed
by the w arranty.
Please ensure tha t the precautions i n any documentati on supplied w ith
your pro duct are follow ed in order t o a void per manent da mage to your
c. Where a pro duct is po s i tioned hi gher t h an 1 . 2 m f rom the lowest mount
point, is w all/ceiling mounted or w here aftermarket mounts and/or
stands are
used, or w here the unit has not been installed by a
professional installer, an extra s e rvice charge will apply to unfix and
refix this produ ct.
16. Any repair perf
ormed on a product under the w arranty where no f ault c an
be found, or the item is deemed by Hisense, or an auth orised Hise nse
agent, to be not faulty under t hi s warranty, or the repair or fault is not
covered under the warranty, a No Fault Found fee is payable by the
warranty h
older o f a minimu m of $125 inc GST.
17. Any repairs or services requ
ired that are outside of the terms and
conditions of the w arranty can be carried out at the request of the
customer or due to site at
tendance were fault is not co vered under
warranty as the product not been installed or setup corre ctly; a credit
card may be required prior to the commence m en t of such ser vices.
1. HISEN S E Austral i a will pro v ide parts and labour t o you the C u stomer as set
out here i n.
2. Nothing in the warranty , limits any rights you may have under the trade
practice s act or any o ther Commonwea l th or State Legislation. Such right s
nnot be change d by the conditions in this warran t y. Subject to the
conditio n s below this appliance is warran t ed by Hisense and/or its Agents to
be free from defects in materials and workmans h ip for a pe r iod of 36 months
and 12 mont h s on Remote & 3D glasses from the date of purchase (the
“Warrant y period”)