Discover and mix millions of underground and premium tracks with DJUCED and
SoundCloud Go+.
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Can be either folder on your disks or playlists.
The file list shows the tracks from the selected media source.
You can sort the track by any column. To move a column, click on the column title and
drag it to the new place.
To select the visible columns, right-click on a column title and select the wanted columns.
By default the track icon column shows the source of the track (hard drive, iTunes,
Qobuz, Beatport, …); The track status column shows if a track is already analyzed and
when a track is loaded on a deck.
Automatically mixes songs, one after the other.
The song selection uses the Intelligent Music Assistant to find the songs that have the
correct BPM, Key and Energy.
SmartMix is available in all folders/playlists/fav0rites. Automix only work in playlist and
follows the playlist order.
Tips: Ajust crossfade duration in the settings.