4.32 Other G Functions ..... 302
Period of dwell G4 ..... 302
Precision stop G7 ..... 302
Precision stop off G8 ..... 302
Precision stop G9 ..... 302
Move rotary axis G15 ..... 303
Switch off protection zone G60 ..... 303
Chucking equipment in simulation G65 ..... 304
Component position G66 ..... 305
Waiting for time G204 ..... 305
Update nominal values G717 ..... 305
Move lag error G718 ..... 306
Actual values in variables G901 ..... 306
Zero-point shift in variables G902 ..... 306
Lag error in variables G903 ..... 306
Block speed monitoring off G907 ..... 306
Feed rate override 100% G908 ..... 307
Interpreter stop G909 ..... 307
Velocity feedforward G918 ..... 307
Spindle override 100% G919 ..... 307
Deactivate zero-point shifts G920 ..... 308
Deactivate zero-point shifts, tool lengths G921 ..... 308
T no. internal G940 ..... 308
Transferring magazine compensation values G941 ..... 309
Servo lag limit G975 ..... 309
Activating zero-point shifts G980 ..... 309
Activate zero-point shifts, tool lengths G981 ..... 310
Sleeve monitoring G930 ..... 310
Shaft speed with V constant G922 ..... 311
4.33 Data Input and Data Output ..... 312
Output window for # variables WINDOW ..... 312
Input of # variables INPUT ..... 312
Output of # variables PRINT ..... 313
V variable simulation ..... 313
Output window for V variables WINDOWA ..... 313
Input of V variables INPUTA ..... 314
Output of V variables PRINTA ..... 314
4.34 Programming with Variables ..... 315
# variables ..... 316
V variables ..... 318