Key function
Short key press: Call up favourite memory slot 1 for current playback mode
Long key press: Save the current station to favourite memory slot 1
Short key press: Call up favourite memory slot 2 for current playback mode
Long key press: Save the current station to favourite memory slot 2
Call up the favourites memory list (1-30) to call up stations
Long key press: Call up the favourites memory list (1-30) to save the station currently active as a favourite
Short key press: Open the menu of the currently active mode
Long key press: Open the device's system settings
Back to the playback screen active in the background
Mains operation
Short button press: Wake the radio from standby mode or place it in standby mode.
Battery operation
Short button press: Switch the radio off
Long button press: Switch the radio on
Toggle between the operating modes available
Short key press: Volume reduction in playback mode
Long key press: Previous track
Menu: Navigation to the next menu item
Change the display of the playback screen with a brief key press
1) Split display (picture content on the left - text content on the right)
2) Picture display maximised with information in the footer
3) Picture display full screen
Short key press: Pause and continue
Long key press: Pair new device and disconnect existing connection if necessary
The nearest receivable station will be automatically searched for.
Not used
Menu: Confirmation of the active menu selection
Short key press: Volume increase in playback mode
Long key press: Next track
Menu: Navigation to the previous menu item
Short key press: Open station list
Short key press: Open the settings menu for VHF radio
Long key press: Mute the loudspeaker
Back to the previous menu