Once the hourglass has run out, the paintings are turned face
down immediately. Don't change the order.
Now you have to try to guide the ghost to the first inhabitant
searched for; that is the inhabitant on the painting to the right
of the hidden pile.
As soon as you think you have reached the inhabitant searched
for, you touch it with the ghost and yell out loud “Boooo”
pointing with your finger at the inhabitant you frightened.
Now the other players uncover the first painting placed
face down:
• Did you frighten the right inhabitant?
You can go on haunting and search for the second
inhabitant.The painting of the inhabitant just found
remains face up.
You can go on haunting until you make a mistake or all
nine inhabitants have been frightened.
• Did you frighten the wrong inhabitant?
The other players yell “1, 2, 3 - haunting is over!”Your turn
is immediately over.
For each painting of an inhabitant frightened in the right order
you move your scoring counter one square in the direction of
the arrow.
Then all the paintings are shuffled again and it's the turn of the
next player.