The player with the biggest feet starts by uncovering the card on top.
· If he can think of any word starting with the uncovered letter, he gets the
letter card as a reward and it’s the turn of the next player in a clockwise
· If he can’t think of any word, the next player in a clockwise direction can
name a word. The card stays there until a player can name a word with
the looked for first letter.
If no player in a round can think of any word, the letter card is withdrawn
from the game.
End of the game:
The game ends as soon as a player has placed his last card.
G as Ghost (age 7+)
Basic game
Aim of the game:
Who knows a word with the first letter searched for, thereby winning a
precious letter card?
How to play:
All letter cards are shuffled and placed in a pile face down in the center
of the table.
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