Who grabs the right robber first?
Perfect! As your reward you get all the uncovered cards. Put
these cards in a pile face up next to you.
Place the robber back in the center. Once again each player
should have a smiley and a fierce faced robber in front of them
and a new duel begins!
Important snatching rules
• If you snatch for the wrong robber, the opponent automa-
tically gets all the uncovered animal cards. The robber is
placed back into the center and a new duel begins.
• If both players uncover the same animal, neither of them may
go for a robber. If however, a player does, the opponent gets
the cards. Otherwise the cards stay where they are and a new
duel begins.
The new cards are put on top of the previously uncovered
cards. The winner of the following duel gets all the animal
End of the Round
Once the last card of both piles has been uncovered the round
ends. After this last duel the players count the cards they have
won. Whoever has the most cards wins the round and gets a
gold coin as a reward.
In the event of a draw you play a deciding duel. Each player gets
an uncovered pile of cards. Whoever wins the next card wins the
duel and gets the gold coin.
New round
Shuffle the animal cards again and make two equally high piles,
each with 16 cards. Each player takes a pile and the next round