• There is no rubber monkey matching with a zongo card?
If a rubber monkey has been bent in such a way that there is
no matching zongo card, as a penalty its player has to return
one of their already won zongo cards.
Then the players get back their coconuts.
A new round starts and all players bend their moneys at the
same time.
Hints of King Zongo:
• It is not that easy to imitate the dancing movements with
the rubber monkeys.
Therefore in the first rounds you shouldn’t punish any
mistakes, i.e. having to return won zongo cards.
• If you are already professionals you can also agree that a
zongo card has to be returned when a coconut has been
incorrectly placed.
End of the game
As soon as the first player has collected four or more zongo
cards, the monkeys’ dance is over. This player wins and as a
reward the others perform a wild monkeys’ dance.
If various players have four or more zongo cards, the one with
the most cards wins. If again there is a draw the players win
If all matching zongo cards have been found or nobody discovers
any more matching cards, the dance of the monkeys is over.
Now comes the scoring!
Together compare the rubber monkeys with the zongo cards on
which coconuts were placed – they should match exactly!
• Coconut placed correctly?
Whoever has placed their coconut on the right zongo card
gets this card as a reward.
If there are various coconuts on the right zongo card only the
player who placed the first coconut gets the reward.
• Coconut placed wrongly?
There are three possibilities to place a coconut wrongly:
1. No monkey has that shape
If a coconut has been placed on a zongo card and no
monkey has been bent accordingly, of course there is no
reward. The zongo cards stays there.
2. Your coconut lies on a zongo card which you have chosen
yourself as model.
That is not allowed: As a penalty you have to return one of
your already won zongo cards to the box.
Watch out! If on top of your coconut another player has
placed one, this player gets the zongo card as a reward.
3. There are one or various coconuts on a zongo card which
has been chosen by various players as a model:
Each of those players has to return one of their already
won zongo cards.