Nothing happens if you already have that boat.
• Six:
Legendary pirating! Take both the small and the big boat
of that color from the center or from another player and
keep it in front of you.
Nothing happens if you already have both boats.
Then it is the turn of the next player to roll the dice.
End of the Game
The game ends as soon as there are no boats left in the
center.The players count their scores: each small boat
brings one point, each big one two points. The player with
Count how many flags of this color you have rolled.
Don't forget to count the black boats.
• Two or three:
Unlucky pirate! You don't get anything.
• Four:
Pirates are plentiful! Take the small boat of that color
from the center or from another player and keep it in
front of you.
Nothing happens if you already have that small boat.
• Five:
Strong pirating! Take the big boat of that color from the
center or from another player and keep it in front of you.