GB = Ground Balance / DM = Discrimination Mode
DL = Discrimination Level / FRQ = Frequency / PWR = Power Level
VOL = Volume
Then the last symbol is your battery life
1. Hold the Golden Mask 5 metal detector at waist height away
from any metallic objects and turn on.
2. Select your kHz for desired sized targets and if EMI is
interfering with the metal detector and alter the kHz shift for
most stable operation.
3. Select your discrimination options and level.
4. Press the GB button and select your ground balance method.
5. (manual ground balance)Raise and lower the coil from 1 inch
to 9 inches off the clean ground repeatedly and adjust
accordingly to eliminate ground mineralisation and press
ENTER once complete
5a. (automatic ground balance) Raise and lower the coil from 1
inch to 9 inches off the clean ground repeatedly until the audio
fades away… once complete press ENTER.
6. Start searching and good luck…………. Thank you for
purchasing our Golden Mask 5 metal detector and you can be
safe knowing you have a great performing machine that is
producing great finds for many users around the world.