Helpline No. UK/Northern Ireland 0800 328 6020
Rep. Ireland 00800 4467 5888
E-mail Support
Model Number: GT-RD-2R/GT-RD-1T
Helpline No. UK/Northern Ireland 0800 328 6020
Rep. Ireland 00800 4467 5888
E-mail Support
Model Number: GT-RD-2R/GT-RD-1T
Please note:
• Ifthesignalofthereceiverbecomestooquiet/too
weak, replace the batteries in the receiver.
• IftheLEDfunctioncontrol(3)ofthetransmitter
does not illuminate at all, or only weakly, when
pushing the button, replace the batteries in the
Installation of receiver and transmitter
You can use transmitter (1) and receiver (5) in a
mobile form or permanently install each/both.
If you use the Wireless digital door chime in a
mobile form (e.g. as a call signal within a home),
you can push the base (13) onto the receiver, in
order to be able to stand it up better.
Permanent installation
Ensure that with the permanent installation of the
receiver in the home, no electric cables, gas or
Startup and installation Startup and installation
water pipes are laid under the plaster at the
installation site. When drilling the holes, the risk
exists of an electric shock or damage to the pipes.
Before permanently installing the transmitter and
receiver, check whether the receiver can receive
the signal of the transmitter in its future position.
For this, the transmitter should also be situated in
its future position.
Please note:
• Thetransmissionrange(100munderoptimum
• Thatthetransmissionrangecanbeinfluencedby
the existence of walls, electrical lines or similar.
• Donotinstallonmetalitems,e.g.metalcabinets,
metal doors. These can shield the signal.
• Strongradiowavescanalsodisruptthesignal