E) Supplying ammunion
This le allows you to t ak e 3 or 4 (depending on the side of the le) ammunion
mark ers. The number of ammunion mark ers is limit ed. If other player s carry a
lot of ammunion, the pla yer in his/her acon ma y not be able t o tak e as much
ammunion as the acon allows him/her . In this situaon he/she takes all the
remaining ammunion. The used ammunion is put back to the bank (ne xt to the board).
Note: The ammunion do not run out as the mortar grenade, landmine, and brick mark ers. It
means that it may be const antly supplied by the players (if it is available in the bank).
F) Backing up the troops
This acon allows you to back up 2 or 3 (depending on the diculty level)
German troops by two spaces. R emember that the troops equipped with
heavy machine guns can a ack only fr om the las t spaces of the German
aack tr acks (IV).
2. German troops a ack
During this stag e, German troops perf orm their a acks. The a acking troops ar e the
howitzer s from the rst spaces (I) of German aack track s, and troops equipped with
heavy machine guns from the last spaces of German aack tracks. Howitzer s destroy
one brick on the wall closest t o their track. T roop s equipped with heavy machine
guns destroy 1 or 2 (depending on their aack values) bricks closest to their tracks.
If there are no brick s on a round space, the damage passes to one of the acon les connect ed
with paths to that space. The pla yer s decide which of the two acon les receiv es the
Perf orming an acon on acon les
T o perform an acon on an acon le, your pawn has to be on that le. There are following
acon les in the game:
A) +1 Morale
This le allows y ou to incr ease your mor ale by one. The le vel of mor ale is shown
on the morale tr ack. If the mor ale mark er is on the second/third le vel of high
morale, and it decr eases, the play ers do not r eceive the bonus.
When the morale incr eases above the neutr al level:
On the rst level of high morale, the pla yer s add either 1 mortar gr enade mark er ,
landmine mark er or 2 bricks to the supplies on the appr opriate acon le.
On the second level of high mor ale, the play ers r eceive 5 e xtra mov ement tok ens. The
play ers divide those tok ens among them selvs. The extra mov ement tok en gives the
play er a third mov ement point in a turn.
Note: Y ou cannot use more than one extra mo vement tok en during one turn.
Note: When the players reach the sec ond level of negave morale, they receive a limited
movement tok en. If then they reach the second level of posive morale, the extra movement
tok ens and limited movemen t tok ens cancel each other out.
On the third lev el of high morale, the pla yer s r eceive 4 extr a acon tok ens and divide
those tok ens among them. If the tok ens cannot be divided equally among the player s,
they decide toge ther which one of them will get e xtra tok en(s). Those tokens enable the pla yer s
to perform a second acon during their turn. Having reached this level of morale, the player s
move the mor ale mark er on .
Note: Y ou cannot use more than one extra mo vement tok en during one turn.
Note: If the players have increased their morale to this level for the second me in the game
(when there are only few e xtra acon tok ens), the players receive all of those tokens.
Note: The extra movement/acon tok ens are disposable. Aer using them, place them next to
the board.
B) Mortar
With the use of ‘Mortar’ acon le, y ou c an inict two damage on one German
troop. The a ack ed troop ma y be on any of the ve German aack tr acks. If the
German troop has got one r esist ance point, the extr a damage is lost. If the tr oop
has got three r esistance points, two wound mark ers are placed on the car d of that tr oop. The
mortar ’ s ammunion is limited by the mort ar gr enade mark ers on the ‘Mort ar ’ acon le. Aer
the aack fr om the mortar , the mortar grenade mark er is placed ne xt to the board.
Note: If all the spaces for mortar grenade mark ers on this acon le are occupied, reaching high
morale or drawing ‘Extra mortar grenade’ event card do not result in adding an extra mortar
grenade mark er(s) on that le.
C) Landmines
This le allows you to place one landmine on any empty German aack track.
The play er takes mine mark er from landmine acon le and places it on any
space of German aack tracks on which there is no German aack card. The
number of landmine mark ers is limit ed. When the new German troop lands on
or passes the space with a landmine, the troop is immediat ely placed on the discard pile of the
current da y of def ence and the landmine is placed next t o the board.
Note: If all the spaces for landmine markers on this acon le are occupied, reaching high morale
or drawing ‘Extra landmine’ event card do not result in adding an e xtra landmine on that le.
D) Rebuilding the w all
This le allows you to rebuild the damaged wall. The highest level of the wall
(the number of bricks), on each of the 11 spaces is 6. The play er tak es t wo bricks
from this acon le and places them on one space where the wall is damaged
(including spaces where the wall is c ompletely destr oy ed).
Note: This acon can be used only when German aack s damage at least one brick.
Note: In a situaon where a player can place only one brick on a space, the second brick is lost (it
is placed next to the board). The players use those bricks only when they reveal ‘Strengthening
the wall’ event card.
5 4
T roop cards:
A troop equipped
with Heavy Machine Gun
A troop equipped
with Howitzer Ba ery
T rack
Resist ance Speed Strength of the a ack T roop movement
Air raid Morale declines
W all damage Morale decline
Example: Luc as aacks from a round space ne xt to
track E, where there is a troop with the resistance
of 2. T o eliminate this troop in one acon, he has
to use one of his ammunion mark ers, and one
of Ola’ s ammunion markers ( Ola is on the same
round space as Lucas ).
Note: If Lucas did not have an ammunion mark er ,
he could sll perf orm an aack. In this situaon he
would use one of Ola’ s markers.
Example: There is a troop equipped with heav y machine gun on the second space (II) of
track A – it does not aack in this turn. T rack B is empty . The howitzer aacks from track
C and destroys one brick. The troops equipped with heavy machine guns are on the last
spaces (IV) of tracks D and E. The aack value of the troop on track D is 1. It destroys
one brick wall from the round space in front of its track. The aack value of the troop on
track E is 2. The round space in front of that track has only one brick so one damage has
to be passed to one of the acon les behind that spac e. In this e x ample, the players have
decided to remove one brick mark er from the le le.
3. A new card
Aer the German troops aack stage, the player draws one card from the German aack pile.
Depending on the type of card (see. ‘ T ypes of German a ack cards’), the pla yer places the c ard
on its designated track, or immediately performs an acon from that card and puts it on the
discard pile of the curr ent da y of def ence.
T ypes of German aack car ds
There are 3 types of German aack cards: troop cards, air raid car ds and morale decline cards.
The troop cards dier in the resistance, speed, strength of the aack and tracks on which they
are placed and the tr oops they acva te.
A) T roop cards
If a new card is a troop card, it is immediately placed on one of the German aack tracks. On
each such car d (in the top le corner), ther e is a track mark er: (A, B , C, D , and E). It shows wher e
the card is placed. Ther e may be only one troop on each track at the me same. When the
track on which the troop should be placed is occupied, the new troop is placed on the rst
empty track on the righ t from tha t unit. If all of the tracks fr om the right ar e occupied, the troop
is placed on the rst fr ee tr ack from the lemos t side of the board.
The game is divided into 7 day s of def ence and each day is divided into turns. The day of def ence
ends when there ar e 8 car ds of German a ack on one space (1-7), on the side of the boar d. The
end of the day of def ence is described later in the manual.
Having dra wn three German aack cards, the oldest player begins the game. Then, the player
on his/her le starts his/her turn, and so forth. Each player’ s turn is divided into 4 stages: the
rs t stag e is strictly connected with his/her move, the remaining stag es repr esent the aacks
of German troops.
1. Acon/movement
In this stag e, the play er can, in any or der, mak e two mov es and perform one acon. The pla yer
can decide to mak e one mov e or none. The play er can also resign fr om performing an acon.
1.1 Movement
The player can move his/her ocer pawn using paths between the spaces of Wes terpla e
peninsula. Each point of mov ement corr esponds with moving a pawn by 1 space. The spaces
include: 6 guardhouses (acon les), and 5 def ence outposts (r ound spaces).
1.2 Acon
The play er in his/her turn can aack from the 5 r ound spaces or perform an acon from one of
the 6 acon les. The play er can aack only when his/her pawn is on one of the round spaces.
T o perform an acon from an acon le, the pawn of that player has to be on that le. The
play er can perf orm only one acon/aack e ven if his/her pawn is on more than one r ound
space or acon le.
A acking from the r ound spaces
This acon can be performed from one of the 5 round spaces. The player from this space can
aack only the troop which is on a tr ack opposit e the space with his her pawn. While a acking,
the play er can use only one of his/her ammunion marker s, irr especvely of the troop’ s
resist ance. An ex cepon is a situaon in which the player moves his/h er pawn on round space
on which there is other player’ s pawn. The player in such a situaon may inict two damage
(each of the player s loses one ammunion marker) using only one acon (this rule may also be
used with 3/4 pawns on one space). If the aack ed tr oop has got more than 1 r esistance point,
mark the damage using 1 wound mark er f or each receiv ed damage. If the number of wounds on
the card is equal t o the resist ance value of the tr oop, that car d is remov ed to the discar d pile of
the current da y of def ence and the wound mark ers are placed in the bank.
Note: The number of wound mark ers is not limited. If there are too fe w of them, you can use any
other object, for inst ance, a coin.
Acons from air raid cards and morale decline cards are performed immediately . Those cards
damage the wall (only air raids), decline the mor ale and (as all troop cards), acv ate the tr oops
on dier ent tr acks.