XMap User Guide
Setting Your Handheld Export Preferences
.................................................. 370
Setting Your Routing Preferences ....... 332
Shaded Relief .............................. 42, 79
Share Maps ....................................... 34
Show All Commands .................. 355, 357
Show Attributes ............................... 168
Show Comments MapNotes ............... 335
Show GPS Bread Crumb Trail ............. 340
Show Location MapNotes .................. 335
Show Summary MapNotes ................. 335
Show Turns ..................................... 326
Showing Address Book Contacts on the
Map ............................................ 230
Showing Attributes in a Layer ............ 170
Showing Tabs .................................... 52
Showing Toolbar Features ................... 32
Single Value .................................... 147
Skyview.......................................... 350
Small Integer .................................. 171
Snapping Draw Objects ..................... 264
Snapping Text and Graphic Items on Your
Map ............................................ 205
Speech Profile Training .............. 355, 361
Speech Recognition ................... 355, 359
Speed ............................................ 349
Spherical ........................................ 130
Spline ............................................ 267
SQL Server Authentication ............ 88, 89
Standard Deviation .......................... 145
Start GPS ................................ 340, 346
Statistical Data Options .................... 309
Stop Prefs ................................ 325, 334
Stops ............................................. 322
Street Colors ..................................... 46
String ............................................. 171
Strip Maps ...................................... 200
Subscription ...................................... 98
Subscriptions .................................... 94
Sun/Moon ....................................... 351
Supported Coordinate Formats ............. 15
Symbol ........................................... 274
Symbolizing a Line Layer .................. 150
Symbolizing a Point Layer ................. 152
Symbolizing a Polygon Layer.............. 154
Synchronize ....................... 98, 100, 101
Synchronizing Phone Data with the Phone
Tab ............................................. 233
Synchronizing Tool ............................ 35
Tab Configuration .................... 50, 52, 53
Tab Manager ............................... 52, 53
Template ........................................ 148
Terrain Distance .............................. 309
Text Label .......................................
Tips on Viewing Search Results .......... 222
Toolbar . 26, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40
Topo Colors ...................................... 46
Topological ....................... 130, 133, 141
Town Borders ................................... 42
Track . 249, 250, 254, 268, 270, 344, 346,
372, 393, 395
TrackLayer ...................................... 246
TrailLayer ....................................... 246
Training the Speech Recognition Engine
.................................................. 355
Transfer File ................................ 70, 72
Transparent .............. 150, 152, 154, 192
Travel Package ................................ 200
Turn Details .................................... 200
Tutorial ...... 219, 238, 298, 317, 326, 329,
399, 403
UMPC .................................. 40, 42, 397
Unique Value ................................... 143
Unregistered ................................... 130
Urban Area Color .............................. 42
Use Custom Map Features .................. 45
Use High-Contrast Colors .................. 340
USGS Quad Line Connection ............... 77
USGS Quadrangle Coverage ............... 42
Using the Command Line ........... 106, 110
Using the Transparency Option .......... 289
Vector ............................................. 74
Vertical Resize Tool ........................... 50