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700 series
owners manual
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GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual i
See the Important Safety and Product Information guide in the product box for product warnings and other
important information.
This manual includes information for the following products:
GPSMAP 740/740s
GPSMAP 750/750s
Tips and Shortcuts
Select  from any screen to return to the Home screen.
Select  from any main screen to access additional settings.
Press and release to adjust the Backlight and Color Mode settings.
Press and hold to turn the chartplotter on or off.
Manual Conventions
In this manual, when you are instructed to select an item, use your nger to touch that item on the screen to
select it. Small arrows (>) in the text indicate that you should select each item in order. For example, if you see
“select  > ,” you should touch  and then touch .
ii GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................i
Tips and Shortcuts ..............................................i
Manual Conventions ...........................................i
Getting Started ..........................................1
Front and Back Panels ......................................1
Turning On the Chartplotter ...............................1
Turning Off the Chartplotter ...............................1
Initial Chartplotter Settings ................................2
GPS Satellite Signal Acquisition ........................2
Adjusting the Backlight ......................................2
Adjusting the Color Mode ..................................2
Inserting and Removing Data and Memory
Cards ..............................................................2
Viewing System Information ..............................3
About the Home Screen ....................................3
Charts and 3D Chart Views ......................4
Navigation Chart ................................................4
Automatic Identication System ......................12
Perspective 3D ................................................15
BlueChart g2 Vision .........................................16
Mariner’s Eye 3D .............................................17
Fish Eye 3D .....................................................18
Fishing Chart ...................................................19
Showing Satellite Imagery on the
Navigation Chart ...........................................19
Viewing Aerial Photos of Landmarks ...............20
Animated Tide and Current Indicators .............21
Detailed Road and Point of Interest Data ........21
Auto Guidance .................................................21
Combinations ..........................................22
About the Combination Screen........................22
Combination Screen Conguration..................22
Navigation ...............................................25
Basic Navigation Questions.............................25
Navigation with a Chartplotter .........................25
Waypoints ........................................................26
Routes .............................................................28
Tracks ..............................................................30
Navigating with a Garmin Autopilot..................32
Where To? ...............................................33
Marine Services Destinations ..........................33
Almanac, On-boat, and
Environmental Data ................................36
Almanac Data ..................................................36
On-boat Data ...................................................38
Environmental Data .........................................41
Device Conguration .............................44
Basic Device Conguration Questions ............44
Simulator Mode ...............................................44
Turning the Chartplotter On Automatically .......44
Display Conguration ......................................45
Navigation Preferences ...................................45
Information about Your Boat ............................50
Alarms .............................................................51
Chartplotter Data Management .......................52
Radar .......................................................54
Transmitting Radar Signals .............................54
Adjusting the Zoom Scale on the
Radar Screen ................................................54
Radar Display Modes ......................................55
Waypoints and Routes on the Radar Screen ..60
About the Radar Overlay .................................61
Optimizing the Radar Display ..........................62
Radar Display Appearance ..............................66
Radar Overlay Display Appearance ................69
Sonar .......................................................71
Sonar Views ....................................................71
Depth Log ........................................................73
Transducer Temperature Log ..........................73
Waypoints on the Sonar Screen ......................74
Sonar Display Appearance ..............................74
Sonar Alarms ...................................................77
Transducer Conguration ................................78
Digital Selective Calling .........................79
Chartplotter and VHF Radio Functionality .......79
Turning On DSC ..............................................79
About the DSC List ..........................................79
Incoming Distress Calls ...................................80
Man-Overboard Distress Calls Initiated
from a VHF Radio .........................................80
Man-Overboard Distress Calls Initiated
from the Chartplotter .....................................80
Position Tracking .............................................81
Individual Routine Calls ...................................83
Making an Individual Routine Call to an
AIS Target .....................................................83
Appendix .................................................84
Specications ..................................................84
Calibrating the Touchscreen ............................84
Viewing GPS Satellite Locations .....................85
Using WAAS/EGNOS ......................................85
System Information..........................................85
NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 ..........................86
Registering Your Device ..................................89
Contacting Garmin Product Support................89
Declaration of Conformity ................................89
Software License Agreement...........................89
Index ........................................................90
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 1
Getting Started
Getting Started
Front and Back Panels
GPSMAP 700 Series Front View
Power key
Automatic backlight sensor
SD card slot
GPSMAP 700 Series Back View
NMEA 2000 connector
Power/data connector
Radar Port
External GPS antenna connector
Turning On the Chartplotter
Press and release .
Turning Off the Chartplotter
Press and hold .
2 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Getting Started
Initial Chartplotter Settings
The rst time you turn on the chartplotter, you must congure a series of initial settings. You must also
congure these settings when restoring original factory settings (page 86). You can update each of these
settings later. Follow the on-screen directions to congure the initial settings.
GPS Satellite Signal Acquisition
When you turn on the chartplotter, the GPS receiver must collect satellite data and establish the current
location. When the chartplotter acquires satellite signals, the signal strength bars at the top of the Home screen
are green . When the chartplotter loses satellite signals, the green bars disappear and a ashing
question mark appears on the vehicle (boat) icon on the chart screen.
For more information about GPS, go to www.garmin.com/aboutGPS.
Adjusting the Backlight
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > > .
 Press and release from any screen to open the display screen.
2. Adjust the backlight:
Select >  to allow the chartplotter to adjust the backlight automatically, based on
ambient light.
Use the slider bar to manually adjust the backlight.
Select  to switch between Auto and Manual mode.
Adjusting the Color Mode
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
 Press and release from any screen to open the Display screen.
2 Select .
3. Select , , or .
The Auto setting automatically changes the color scheme based on sunrise and sunset times.
Inserting and Removing Data and Memory Cards
You can insert optional BlueChart
g2 Vision
data cards to view high-resolution satellite imagery and aerial
reference photos of ports, harbors, marinas, and other points of interest. You can insert blank SD memory cards
to transfer data such as waypoints, routes, and tracks to another compatible Garmin chartplotter or a computer
(page 52). The SD card slot is located on the front of the chartplotter.
Open the access door, insert the data card or the memory card (with the label
facing right) into the slot, and press the card until it clicks.
Press the data card or the memory card into the slot again and release it to eject the
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 3
Getting Started
Viewing System Information
You can view the software version, the basemap version, any supplemental map information (if applicable),
the software version for an optional Garmin radar (if applicable), and the unit ID number. You may need this
information to update the system software or to purchase additional map data information.
From the Home screen, select  >  > .
About the Home Screen
You can use the Home screen to access all other screens.
: Options on this screen vary based on the chartplotter type and optional connected devices.
—allows you to access the Navigation Chart, Perspective 3D, Mariners Eye 3D, Fish Eye 3D, the
Fishing chart, and Radar Overlay.
: Mariners Eye 3D and Fish Eye 3D chart views are available only if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision
SD card (page 16). The Fishing chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart
g2 SD card, or if your built-in map supports Fishing charts.
—sets up and provides sonar information (only available with an “S” series unit, such as a GPSMAP
720s) (page 71).
—sets up a split screen displaying chart/chart, chart/sonar, chart/radar, sonar/radar, or sonar/
temperature log (page 22).
—shows information including tides, currents, celestial data, user data, information about
other boats, and gauges (page 36).
—marks, edits, or deletes your present location as a waypoint or a man overboard location (page 27).
—provides navigation features (page 33).
—sets up and shows radar (only available if the chartplotter is connected to a Garmin marine radar)
(page 54).
—(North America only) sets up and shows various weather parameters, including precipitation,
forecast, shing, sea conditions, and visibility (available only if the chartplotter is connected to a weather
module and you have an XM
subscription). See the GPSMAP 700 Series Weather
and XM Satellite
Radio Supplement (North America only).
—allows you to view and edit the settings for your chartplotter and system (page 44).
—marks your present location as a waypoint, and sets a course back to the marked
location (page 27).
4 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Charts and 3D Chart Views
The GPSMAP 700 series chartplotters have a basic imagery map. The charts and 3D chart views listed below
are available on the chartplotter.
: Mariners Eye 3D and Fish Eye 3D chart views are available only if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision
SD card (page 16). The Fishing chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2
SD card, or if your built-in map supports Fishing charts.
—shows navigation data available on your pre-loaded maps and from supplemental
maps, if available. The data includes buoys, lights, cables, depth soundings, marinas, and tide stations in an
overhead view (page 4).
—shows a view from above and behind your boat for a visual navigation aid (page 15).
—shows a detailed, three-dimensional view from above and behind the boat for a visual
navigation aid (page 17).
provides an underwater view that visually represents the sea oor according to the chart
information (page 18).
—removes navigational data from the chart and enhances bottom contours for depth
recognition (page 19).
—superimposes radar information on the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart (page 61).
Navigation Chart
Use the Navigation chart to plan your course, to view map information, and as a navigational aid.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Navigation Chart with BlueChart g2 Vision Data
Marina services
Your boat
Submerged wreck
Exposed wreck
Zoom scale
Zooming In and Out on the Map
The zoom level is indicated by the scale number at the bottom of the Navigation chart ( ). The bar under
the scale number represents that distance on the map.
Select and to zoom out and zoom in.
Changing from One Chart to a Different Chart
1. From a chart or a 3D chart view, select  > .
2. Select a different chart.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 5
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Chart Symbols
BlueChart g2 and BlueChart g2 Vision charts use graphic symbols to denote map features, which follow the
standards for US and international charts. Some other common symbols you might see include, but are not
limited to, those shown below.
Icon Description Icon Description Icon Description
Current station Marine services Overhead photo
Information Tide station Perspective photo
Other features common to most charts include depth contour lines (with deep water represented in white),
intertidal zones, spot soundings (as depicted on the original paper chart), navigational aids and symbols,
obstructions, and cable areas.
Navigating to a Point on the Chart
The Auto Guidance feature of the BlueChart g2 Vision data card is based on electronic chart information. That
data does not ensure obstacle and bottom clearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings and
avoid any land, shallow water, or other obstacles that may be in your path.
When using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course may pass over land or shallow water. Use visual
sightings and steer to avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.
: The Fishing chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or
if your built-in map supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Touch the chart to select the location using the cursor ( ).
4. Select .
5. Complete an action:
Select  to navigate directly to the location.
Select  to create a route to the location, including turns (page 28).
Select  to use Auto Guidance (page 21).
6. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
: When using Auto Guidance, a gray segment within any part of the magenta line indicates that Auto
Guidance cannot calculate part of the Auto Guidance line. This is due to the settings for minimum safe
water depth and minimum safe obstacle height (page 46).
7. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
Panning the Navigation Chart, Fishing Chart, or Radar Overlay
You can pan away from your present location and to other areas on the Navigation chart, the Fishing chart, or
the Radar Overlay.
: The Fishing chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card,
or if your built-in map supports Fishing charts. The radar overlay is available when connected to a compatible
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , or .
3. Touch and drag the Navigation screen to pan the map.
When you pan past the edge of the map, the screen scrolls forward to provide continuous map coverage.
4. Select  to stop panning and return the screen to your present location.
6 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Conguring the Appearance of Waypoint Symbols
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select a waypoint symbol.
5. Complete an action:
Select  to display the name and symbol.
Select  to display only the symbol.
Select  to display any comments you have added (page 27).
Select  to hide the symbol.
Setting the Color of the Active Track
See (page 31).
Showing or Hiding Colored Tracks
You can specify the color of tracks (page 31) and then show or hide all tracks of that color.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select a color to show or hide all tracks of that color.
Viewing Location and Object Information on a Chart
You can view information about a location or an object on the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Touch a location or an object.
A list of options appears along the right side of the chart. The options that appear vary based on the
location or object you selected.
4. Complete an action:
Select  to view details of objects in the vicinity of the cursor. ( does not appear if the
cursor is not near an object. If the cursor is near only one object, the name of the object appears.)
Select  to navigate to the selected location (page 5).
Select  to mark a waypoint at the cursor location.
Select  to view the distance and bearing of the object from your present location. The
information appears in the upper-left corner of the screen. Select  to measure from the
selected location, rather than your present location.
Select  to view tide (page 36), current (page 37), celestial (page 38), chart notes, or local
services information near the cursor.
Select  to remove the pointer from the screen. Select  to stop panning and
return the screen to your present location.
Viewing Additional Object Information
You can view information about on-screen map items, waypoints, and charts.
: Mariners Eye 3D and Fish Eye 3D chart views are available only if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision
SD card (page 16). The Fishing chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2
SD card, or if your built-in map supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a chart or a 3D chart view.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 7
Charts and 3D Chart Views
3. Touch an object
4. Select the button with the name of the item
to view the information.
Viewing Tide Station Information
Tide-station information appears on the chart with a tide station icon ( ). You can view a detailed graph for a
tide station to help predict the tide level at different times or on different days (page 36).
: Tide station icons are available only if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card (page 16). The Fishing
chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map
supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select a tide station icon ( ).
Tide direction
and tide level information
appear near the icon.
4. Complete an action:
Select the button with the station name
Select  if more than one item is in the vicinity, and select the button with the station name.
8 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Showing and Conguring Tides and Currents
You can show and congure tide and current information on the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select .
4. Select  or .
5. Select .
6. Complete an action:
Select  to show current station indicators and tide station indicators on the chart, or select Off to hide
current station indicators and tide station indicators.
Select  to show animated tide station indicators and animated current direction indicators on
the chart (page 21).
Viewing Details about Navaids
From the Navigation chart, the Fishing chart, Perspective 3D, or Mariners Eye 3D, you can view details about
various types of navigation aids, including beacons, lights, and obstructions. See (page 10) to congure the
appearance of navaid symbols.
: The Mariner’s Eye 3D chart view is available only if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card
(page 16). The Fishing chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card,
or if your built-in map supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Select a navaid with the cursor ( ).
An option describing the navaid appears, such as  or .
4. Select the name of the navaid (or  and then the name of the navaid) or to view details about the
Navigation Chart Appearance
Changing the Map Orientation
You can set the perspective of the map in the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select .
4. Select  or .
5. Select  > .
6. Complete an action:
Select  to set the top of the map to a north heading.
Select  to set the top of the map according to the heading data received from a heading sensor
(also known as magnetic heading) or to use GPS heading data. The heading line appears vertically on
the screen.
Select  to set the map so the direction of navigation is always up.
Changing the Map Zoom Detail
You can adjust the amount of detail shown on the map, at different zoom levels, for the Navigation Chart or
the Fishing chart.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select .
4. Select  or .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 9
Charts and 3D Chart Views
5. Select  > .
6. Use the slider bar to select a level of detail.
Selecting a World Map
You can use either a basic world map or a shaded relief map on the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart.
These differences are visible only when zoomed out too far to see the detailed charts.
: Shaded relief maps are available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card. The Fishing chart is
available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map supports
Fishing charts. The basic world map is available on all GPSMAP 700 series chartplotters.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select .
4. Select  or .
5. Select .
6. Complete an action:
Select  >  to show shaded relief on the chart.
Select  >  to show basic map data on the chart.
Showing and Conguring the Heading Line
The heading line is an extension drawn on the map from the bow of the boat in the direction of travel. You can
congure the appearance of the heading line for the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart.
Heading Line
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select .
4. Select  or .
5. Select  >  > .
6. Complete an action:
Select  > , enter the distance to the end of the heading line, and select .
Select  > , enter the amount of time until you reach the end of the heading line, and
select .
10 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Selecting the Heading Line Source
The source for the display of the heading line on the chartplotter is determined by the heading line source
setting ( or ) and whether heading information is available from a heading sensor.
If heading information is available from a heading sensor and the source heading is set to , both the
heading line and the vehicle icon will be aligned to the heading from the sensor.
If heading information is available from a heading sensor and the source heading is set to , the
heading line will be aligned to the GPS heading, but the vehicle icon will be aligned to the heading from
the sensor.
If heading information is not available from a heading sensor, both the heading line and the vehicle icon
will be aligned to the GPS heading.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select .
4. Select  or .
5. Select  >  > .
6. Complete an action:
Select .
Select .
Showing and Conguring Spot Depth Soundings
On the Navigation Chart, you can turn on spot soundings and set a dangerous depth. Spot depths that are equal
to, or more shallow than, the dangerous depth will be indicated by red text.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > 
 >  > .
2. Select  > .
3. Enter the dangerous depth.
4. Select .
Conguring Depth Shading
You can customize the appearance of depth shading on the Navigation chart.
: Depth shading is available with a preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision data card.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > 
 > .
2. Complete an action:
Enter the depth and select . Areas on the chart with depths shallower than the specied value
are shaded in blue, while areas with depths greater than the specied value are shaded in white. The
contour is always drawn at, or deeper than, the selected depth.
Select  to use the depth from the g2 Vision chart.
Showing and Conguring Navaid Symbols
You can show and congure the appearance of navaid symbols on the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select .
4. Select  or .
5. Select > .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 11
Charts and 3D Chart Views
6. Complete an action:
Select  to set the size of the navaid symbols shown on the map, and select a size.
Select  >  to show the NOAA navaid symbol set on the map.
Select  >  to show the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA)
navaid symbol set on the map.
Showing Additional Chart Details
You can show land POIs, light sectors, and photo points on the Navigation chart.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > 
 > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  >  to show land-based points of interest (POIs).
Select  to show the sector in which a navigational light is visible. Select  to show
light sectors at all times, or select  to allow the chartplotter to automatically lter out light sectors
depending on the zoom level.
Select  >  to show camera icons when using a BlueChart g2 Vision data card. This
enables you to view aerial photos of landmarks (page 20).
Changing the Vehicle Icon
You can select a large, medium, or small boat or triangle as your vehicle icon on the chart.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > 
 >  > .
2. Select the icon you want to represent your boat on the Navigation chart and Fishing chart.
Showing Marine Service Points
Service points indicate locations where marine maintenance and repair services may be obtained.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > 
 >.
Showing and Conguring Roses
On the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart, you can show a compass rose
around your boat, indicating
compass direction oriented to the heading of the boat. True wind direction or apparent wind direction appears
if the chartplotter is connected to a compatible marine wind sensor.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select .
4. Select  or .
5. Select .
6. Select a type of rose (, , or ).
12 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Showing Other Vessels
See “Conguring the Appearance of Other Vessels” (page 50).
Showing and Conguring Data Overlay
See “About Chart Overlay Numbers” (page 48).
Using Waypoints
See “Waypoints” (page 26).
Using Tracks
See “Tracks” (page 30).
Automatic Identication System
The Automatic Identication System (AIS) enables you to identify and track other vessels.
About AIS
AIS alerts you to area trafc. When connected to an external AIS device, the chartplotter can show some
AIS information about other vessels that are within range, that are equipped with a transponder, and that are
actively transmitting AIS information. The information reported for each vessel includes the Maritime Mobile
Service Identity (MMSI), the location, the GPS speed, the GPS heading, the time that has elapsed since the last
position of the vessel was reported, the nearest approach, and the time to the nearest approach.
AIS Targeting on the Navigation Chart
About AIS Search and Rescue Transmitters
AIS Search and Rescue Transmitters (AIS-SART, or SART) are self-contained devices that transmit
emergency position reports when activated. SART transmissions are different than standard AIS transmissions,
so they look different than standard AIS symbols on the chartplotter. Instead of tracking a SART transmission
for collision avoidance, you track a SART transmission to locate and assist a vessel.
Navigating to a SART Transmission
When you receive a SART transmission, a distress signal alarm appears.
Select >to begin navigation to the SART transmission.
AIS Targeting Symbols
Symbol Description
AIS Target is activated. The target appears larger on the chart. A green line attached
to the target indicates the heading of the target. The MMSI, speed, and direction of the
vessel appear beneath the target, if the details setting is set to Show (page 14). If the AIS
transmission from the vessel is lost, a message banner appears.
Dangerous target is lost. A red X indicates that the AIS transmission from the vessel is
lost, and the chartplotter displays a message banner asking whether the vessel should
continue to be tracked. If you discontinue vessel tracking, the lost dangerous target
symbol disappears from the chart or the 3D chart view.
AIS vessel. The vessel is reporting AIS information. The direction in which the triangle is
pointing indicates the direction in which the AIS vessel is moving.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 13
Charts and 3D Chart Views
The location of this symbol indicates the closest point of approach to a dangerous target,
and the numbers near the symbol indicate the time to the closest point of approach to
that target.
Dangerous target in range. The target ashes while an alarm sounds and a message
banner appears. After the alarm is acknowledged, a solid red triangle with a red line
attached to it indicates the location and the heading of the target. If the safe-zone
collision alarm is set to Off, the target ashes, but the audible alarm does not sound and
the alarm banner does not appear (page 15). If the AIS transmission from the vessel is
lost, a message banner appears.
Target is lost. A green X indicates that the AIS transmission from the vessel is lost, and
the chartplotter displays a message banner asking whether the vessel should continue to
be tracked. If you discontinue vessel tracking, the lost target symbol disappears from the
chart or the 3D chart view.
Target is selected.
AIS-SART transmission. You can select this symbol to see more information about the
SART transmission and begin navigation.
AIS-SART transmission lost.
AIS-SART transmission test. This symbol appears when a vessel initiates a test of their
SART device, and does not represent a true emergency. You can disable these test
symbols and alerts (page 14)
AIS-SART transmission test lost.
Heading and Projected Course of Activated AIS Targets
When heading and course over ground information are provided by an activated AIS target, the heading of the
target appears on a chart as a solid line attached to the AIS target symbol. A heading line does not appear on a
3D chart view.
The projected course of an activated AIS target appears as a dashed line on a chart or a 3D chart view. The
length of the projected course line is based on the value of the projected heading setting (page 14). If an
activated AIS target is not transmitting speed information, or if the vessel is not moving, a projected course
line does not appear. Changes in the speed, the course over ground, or the rate-of-turn information transmitted
by the vessel can impact the calculation of the projected course line.
When course over ground, heading, and rate of turn information are provided by an activated AIS target
, the
projected course
of the target is calculated based on the course over ground and the rate of turn information.
The direction in which the target is turning, which is also based on the rate of turn information, is indicated by
the direction of the barb
at the end of the heading line
. The length of the barb does not change.
Target with Projected Course, Heading, and Direction of Turn
When course over ground and heading
information are provided by an activated AIS target
but rate of
turn information is not provided, the projected course
of the target is calculated based on the course over
ground information.
14 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Target with Projected Course and Heading
Turning Off AIS Reception
AIS signal reception is turned on by default.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
All AIS functionality on all charts and on all 3D chart views is disabled. This includes AIS vessel targeting
and tracking, collision alarms that result from AIS vessel targeting and tracking, and information about AIS
Enabling AIS-SART Transmission Test Alerts
In order to avoid a large number of test alerts and symbols in crowded areas such as marinas, AIS-SART test
alerts ignored by default. To test an AIS SART device, you must enable the chartplotter to receive test alerts.
From the Home screen, select  >  > .
Showing AIS Vessels on a Chart or on a 3D Chart View
AIS requires the use of an external AIS device and active transponder signals from other vessels.
You can congure how other vessels appear on a chart or on a 3D chart view. The display range congured
for one chart or one 3D chart view is applied only to that chart or to that 3D chart view. The details, projected
heading, and trails settings congured for one chart or one 3D chart view are applied to all charts and to all 3D
chart views.
: The Mariner’s Eye 3D chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card. The Fishing chart
is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map
supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Select  >  > .
4. Complete an action:
Select  to indicate the distance from your location within which AIS vessels appear.
Select a distance or select .
Select  >  to show details about AIS-activated vessels.
Select , enter the projected heading time for AIS-activated vessels, and select .
Select  to show the tracks of AIS vessels, and select the length of the track that appears using a
Activating a Target for an AIS Vessel
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Touch an AIS vessel.
4. Select  > .
Viewing Information about a Targeted AIS Vessel
You can view the AIS signal status, MMSI, GPS speed, GPS heading, and other information that is reported
about a targeted AIS vessel.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 15
Charts and 3D Chart Views
3. Touch an AIS vessel.
4. Select .
Deactivating a Target for an AIS Vessel
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Touch the AIS vessel.
4. Select  > .
Setting the Safe-zone Collision Alarm
The safe-zone collision alarm is used only with AIS. The safe zone is used for collision avoidance, and can be
customized. All safe-zone collision alarm settings are applied to all charts, to all 3D chart views, to all radar
modes, and to the Radar Overlay.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
A message banner appears and an alarm sounds when an AIS-activated vessel enters the safe-zone ring
around your boat. The object is also labeled as dangerous on the screen. The  setting disables the
message banner and the audible alarm, but the object is still labeled as dangerous on the screen.
2. Select  to set the measured radius of the safe-zone ring to a specied distance from 500 ft. to 2.0 nm
(or from 150 m to 3.0 km, or from 500 ft. to 2.0 mi.).
3. Select a distance.
4. Select  to sound an alarm if AIS determines that a target will intersect the safe zone within the
dened time interval (ranging from 1 to 24 minutes).
5. Select a time.
Viewing a List of AIS Targets
: The Mariner’s Eye 3D chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card. The Fishing chart
is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map
supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Select  >  > .
Making a Call to an AIS Target
See “Making an Individual Routine Call to an AIS Target” (page 83).
Perspective 3D
Perspective 3D provides a view from above and behind the boat (according to your course) and provides a
visual navigation aid. This view is helpful when navigating tricky shoals, reefs, bridges, or channels, and is
benecial when trying to identify entry and exit routes in unfamiliar harbors or anchorages.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Navigation ChartPerspective 3D
16 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Adjusting the View
Select to move the view closer to your boat and lower to the water.
Select to move the view away from the boat.
The scale ( ) is momentarily indicated at the bottom of the screen.
Panning the Perspective 3D, Mariners Eye 3D, or Fish Eye 3D Views
You can pan around your present location on the Perspective 3D, Mariners Eye 3D, or Fish Eye 3D Views.
: Mariners Eye 3D and Fish Eye 3D chart views are available only if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision
SD card (page 16).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , or .
3. Touch and drag the screen to the left or right to rotate the 3D view.
4. Select  to stop panning and return the screen to your present location.
Perspective 3D and Mariners Eye 3D Chart Appearance
Showing Range Rings
The range rings help you to visualize distances in Perspective 3D or Mariners Eye 3D.
: Mariners Eye 3D is available with a preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision data card.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select  >  >  > .
Selecting a Lane Width
The navigation lane is the magenta line in Perspective 3D or Mariners Eye 3D view that indicates the course
to your destination while you are navigating. You can specify the width of the navigation lane.
: Mariners Eye 3D is available with a preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision data card.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select  >  > .
4. Enter the width.
5. Select .
Showing Other Vessels
See “Conguring the Appearance of Other Vessels” (page 50).
Showing and Conguring Data Overlay
See “Overlay Numbers” (page 48).
Using Waypoints and Tracks
See “Waypoints” (page 26) or “Tracks” (page 30).
BlueChart g2 Vision
An optional, preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision data card allows you to get the most out of your chartplotter.
In addition to detailed marine charting, BlueChart g2 Vision has the following features:
 (page 17)—provides a view from above and behind the boat for a three-dimensional
navigation aid. The BlueChart g2 Vision Mariners Eye 3D is more detailed than the pre-loaded data.
 (page 18)—provides an underwater, three-dimensional view that visually represents the
sea oor according to the information on the chart.
 (page 19)—shows the chart with enhanced bottom contours and without navigational data.
This chart works well for offshore deep-sea shing.
 (page 20)—provides high-resolution satellite images for a realistic
view of the land and water on the Navigation chart.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 17
Charts and 3D Chart Views
 (page 20)—shows marinas and other navigationally signicant aerial photos to help you
visualize your surroundings.
 (page 21)—shows roads, restaurants, and other points of interest (POIs)
along the shore.
 (page 21)—uses specied safe depth, safe height, and chart data to determine the best
course to your destination.
BlueChart g2 Vision Data Cards
BlueChart g2 Vision data cards are not waterproof. When you are not using the card, keep it in the original
packaging for safekeeping and store it away from exposure to sun and rain to prevent damage to the card.
BlueChart g2 Vision data cards are susceptible to damage from static electricity. In low-humidity
environments, you should ground yourself on a large metal object before handling the card to prevent damage
to the card.
You cannot transfer BlueChart g2 Vision data from the data card to your computer for backup or viewing
purposes. You can use the data card only on BlueChart g2 Vision-compatible Garmin GPS units or Garmin
You can insert or remove a BlueChart g2 Vision data card (page 2) while your chartplotter is on or off.
Mariners Eye 3D
A BlueChart g2 Vision data card offers Mariners Eye 3D, which provides a detailed, three-dimensional view
from above and behind the boat (according to your course) and provides a visual navigation aid. This view is
helpful when navigating tricky shoals, reefs, bridges, or channels, and when trying to identify entry and exit
routes in unfamiliar harbors or anchorages.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Mariners Eye 3D with Range Rings Navigation Chart
Adjusting the View
See “Adjusting the View” (page 16).
Viewing Details about Navaids
See “Viewing Details about Navaids” (page 8).
Mariners Eye 3D Chart Appearance
Customizing the Appearance of 3D Terrain
You can select how chart data appears over 3D terrain.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to use color schemes to indicate 3D terrain.
Select  to provide chart information in a 3D view.
Select  to provide satellite imagery and chart information in a 3D view.
18 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Showing or Hiding Hazard Colors
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > 
2. Complete an action:
Select  to view shallow water and land with a color scale. Blue indicates deep water, yellow is
shallow water, and red is very shallow water.
Select  to view the land as seen from the water.
Mariners Eye 3D, Hazard Colors Off Mariners Eye 3D, Hazard Colors On
Showing Range Rings
See “Showing Range Rings” (page 16).
Selecting a Safe Depth
You can set the appearance of a safe depth for Mariners Eye 3D.
: This setting affects only the appearance of hazard colors in Mariners Eye 3D. It does not affect the
safe water depth Auto Guidance setting (page 46) or the sonar shallow water alarm setting
(page 77).
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
2. Enter the depth.
3. Select .
Selecting a Lane Width
See “Selecting a Lane Width” (page 16).
Showing Other Vessels
See “Conguring the Appearance of Other Vessels” (page 50).
Showing and Conguring Overlay Numbers
See “Overlay Numbers” (page 48).
Using Waypoints and Tracks
See “Waypoints” (page 26) or “Tracks” (page 30).
Fish Eye 3D
Using the depth contour lines of the BlueChart g2 Vision cartography, Fish Eye 3D provides an underwater
view of the sea oor or lake bottom.
When a sonar transducer is connected, suspended targets (such as sh) are indicated by red, green, and yellow
spheres. Red indicates the largest targets and green indicates the smallest.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 19
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Fish Eye 3D with a Sonar Cone
Adjusting the View
See “Adjusting the View” (page 16).
Fish Eye 3D Chart Appearance
Indicating the Direction of the Fish Eye 3-D Chart View
1. From the Home screen, select >  >  > .
2. Select , , , or .
Showing a Sonar Cone on the Chart
You can show a cone that indicates the area covered by your transducer.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
Showing Suspended Targets
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
Showing Tracks
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
Showing Overlay Numbers
See “Overlay Numbers” (page 48).
Fishing Chart
Use the Fishing chart for a detailed view of the bottom contours and depth soundings on the chart.
Navigation ChartFishing Chart
The Fishing chart uses detailed bathymetric data, and is best for offshore deep-sea shing.
Fishing Chart Appearance
Using Waypoints
See “Waypoints” (page 26).
20 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Charts and 3D Chart Views
Using Tracks
See “Tracks” (page 30).
Showing Other Vessels
See “Conguring the Appearance of Other Vessels” (page 50).
Showing Navaids
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
Showing Overlay Numbers
See “Overlay Numbers” (page 48).
Showing Satellite Imagery on the Navigation Chart
You can overlay high-resolution satellite images on the land or on both land and sea portions of the Navigation
chart when using a preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision data card.
: When enabled, high-resolution satellite images are present only at lower zoom levels. If you cannot
see high-resolution images in your BlueChart g2 Vision region, you can zoom in further by pressing . You
also can set the detail level higher by changing the map zoom detail (page 8).
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to show standard chart information on the water, with photos overlaying the land.
Select  to show photos on both the water and the land at a specied opacity. Use the
slider bar to adjust the photo opacity. The higher you set the percentage, the more the satellite photos
cover both land and water.
Land Only Photo Overlay
Photo Map at 100%Photo Map at 50%
Photo Overlay Off
Viewing Aerial Photos of Landmarks
Before you can view aerial photos on the Navigation chart, you must turn on the Photo Points setting
(page 11).
Preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision data cards contain aerial photographs of many landmarks, marinas, and
harbors. Use these photos to help orient yourself to your surroundings or to acquaint yourself with a marina or
a harbor prior to arrival.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 21
Charts and 3D Chart Views
1. From Home screen, select  > .
2. Select a camera icon.
A standard camera icon ( ) indicates an overhead photo.
A camera icon with a cone ( ) indicates a perspective photo. The photo was taken from the
location of the camera, pointed in the direction of the cone.
3. Select  > .
: Select and to zoom out and zoom in while viewing the aerial photo on the full screen.
Animated Tide and Current Indicators
You can view indicators for animated tide station and current direction on the Navigation chart or the Fishing
chart. To do so, information for tide station and current direction must be available in your preloaded map or
BlueChart g2 Vision region. You must also select the Animated value for the
Tides/Currents setting (page 8).
An indicator for a tide station appears on the chart as a vertical bar graph with an arrow. A red
arrow pointing downward indicates a falling tide, and a blue arrow pointing upward indicates a
rising tide. When you move the cursor over the tide station indicator, the height of the tide at the
station appears above the station indicator.
Current direction indicators appear as arrows on the chart. The direction of each arrow indicates
the direction of the current at a specic location on the chart. The color of the current arrow
indicates the range of speed for the current at that location. When you move the cursor over the
current direction indicator, the specic current speed at the location appears above the direction indicator.
Color Current Speed
Yellow 0 to 1 knot
Orange 1 to 2 knots
Red 2 or more knots
Viewing Current Station Information
See “Current Information” (page 37).
Detailed Road and Point of Interest Data
BlueChart g2 Vision contains detailed road and point of interest (POI) data, which includes highly detailed
coastal roads and POIs such as restaurants, lodging, local attractions, and more.
Searching for, and Navigating to, POIs
See “Where To?” (page 33).
Auto Guidance
Auto Guidance automatically creates and suggests the best path to a destination, based on available BlueChart
g2 Vision chart information. Auto Guidance is available when you navigate to a destination using Guide To
(page 26).
Conguring Auto Guidance Settings
See “Auto Guidance Line Congurations” (page 45).
with Falling
22 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
About the Combination Screen
The Combination screen shows a combination of different screens at the same time. The number of options
available on the Combination screen depends on the optional devices you have connected to your chartplotter,
and whether you are using an optional BlueChart g2 Vision data card.
Combination Screen Conguration
Selecting a Combination
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a combination.
Customizing the Combination Screen
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a combination.
3. Select .
4. Select the screen you want to customize.
5. Adjust the settings as described in “Charts and 3D Chart Views” (page 4), “Radar” (page 54), or “Sonar”
(page 71).
Combination Screen Overlay Numbers
Overlay numbers with data elds can appear on combination screens, and they provide real-time, at-a-glance
information. The data overlay
for each combination can be congured separately.
Several combination screen data overlays are available. You can select the data elds
to be shown within
each data overlay.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 23
When overlay numbers are displayed on the Combination screen, the navigation inset
is shown during
navigation. The compass tape
can be shown or hidden in each overlay.
Combination Screen with Data Overlay
Selecting a Data Overlay on a Combination Screen
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a combination.
3. Select  > .
4. Select or to select a data overlay.
Conguring Data Fields on a Combination Screen
You can select the type of data shown within a data eld.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a combination.
3. Select  > .
4. Select or to select a data overlay.
5. Touch a data eld.
6. Select a category of data.
7. Select the data to be displayed.
Conguring the Navigation Inset on a Combination Screen
The navigation inset is shown only when the boat is navigating to a destination.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a combination.
3. Select  > .
4. Select or to select a data overlay.
5. Select  > 
6. Complete an action:
Select  >  to show waypoint velocity made good (VMG) when navigating a route
with more than one leg.
Select  >  to show next-turn data based on distance.
Select  >  to show next-turn data based on time.
Select , and select , , or  to indicate how the
destination data appears.
24 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Showing the Compass Tape on a Combination Screen
The compass tape appears in a row across the top of the combination screen. It shows the present heading, and
an indicator that shows the bearing to the desired course appears while navigating.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a combination.
3. Select  >  > .
Using Full-screen View
You can view the content of any combination screen on the full chartplotter screen.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a combination.
3. Touch the screen you want to view on the full chartplotter screen.
4. Select  to remove the pointer from the screen.
5. Select  to return to the Combination screen.
Returning to the Combination Screen from Full-screen View
1. From the Full-screen view, select  to remove the pointer from the screen.
2. Select  to return to the Combination screen.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 25
Basic Navigation Questions
Question Answer
How do I make the chartplotter point me in the
direction in which I want to go (bearing)?
Navigate using Go To. See “Setting and Following a
Direct Course Using Go To” (page 26).
How do I make the chartplotter guide me along a
straight line (minimizing cross track) to a location
using the shortest distance from the present
Build a single-leg route and navigate it using Route To
(page 28).
How do I make the chartplotter guide me to a
location while avoiding obstacles?
Build a multi-leg route and navigate it using Route
To. See “Creating and Navigating a Route from Your
Present Location” (page 28).
How do I make the chartplotter steer my automatic
Navigate using Route To (page 28).
Can the chartplotter create a course for me? If you have a BlueChart g2 Vision data card, navigate
using Auto Guidance. See “Setting and Following a
Course Using Auto Guidance” (page 26).
How do I change the Auto Guidance settings for my
See “Auto Guidance Line Congurations” (page 45).
Navigation with a Chartplotter
To navigate using a GPSMAP 700 series chartplotter, you must rst choose a destination, set a course or create
a route, and follow the course or route. You can follow the course or the route on the Navigation chart, the
Fishing chart, Perspective 3D, or Mariners Eye 3D.
: The Mariner’s Eye 3D chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card. The Fishing chart
is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map
supports Fishing charts.
You can select destinations using the navigation chart or the shing chart, or you can select a destination using
the Where To? feature.
Selecting a Destination Using the Navigation Chart
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Touch the navigation chart to select the destination.
Stopping Navigation while Using the Navigation Chart
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
Selecting a Destination Using Where To?
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to view a list of preloaded locations and locations you marked previously (page 26).
Select  to view a list of routes you saved previously (page 28).
Select  to view a list of recorded tracks (page 30).
Select  to view a list of marinas and other offshore points of interest, listed by name
(page 33).
Select  to search waypoints, routes, tracks, and offshore points of interest by name
(page 33).
3. Select a destination.
26 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
You can set and follow a course to a destination using one of three methods: Go To, Route To, or Guide To.
—takes you directly to the destination.
—creates a route from your location to a destination, allowing you to add turns along the way.
—uses BlueChart g2 Vision chart data to suggest the best path to your destination using Auto
Guidance. You must be using a BlueChart g2 Vision data card for this option to appear.
Setting and Following a Direct Course Using Go To
When using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course may pass over land or shallow water. Use visual
sightings and steer to avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.
You can set and follow a direct course from your present location to a selected destination.
1. Select a destination using a chart or Where To? (page 25).
2. Select  > .
A magenta line appears. In the center or the magenta line is a thinner purple line that represents the
corrected course from your present location to the destination. The corrected course is dynamic, and it
moves with your boat when you are off course.
3. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
: If you are off course, follow the purple line (corrected course) to go to your destination, or steer
back to the magenta line (direct course).
Creating and Following a New Route Using Route To
See “Creating and Navigating a Route from Your Present Location” (page 28).
Following a Saved Route Using Route To
See “Browsing for, and Navigating, a Saved Route” (page 34).
Setting and Following a Course Using Auto Guidance
The Auto Guidance feature of the BlueChart g2 Vision data card is based on electronic chart information. That
data does not ensure obstacle and bottom clearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings and
avoid any land, shallow water, or other obstacles that may be in your path.
1. Select a destination using a chart or Where To? (page 25).
2. Select  > .
3. Review the course indicated by the magenta Auto Guidance line.
: A gray line within any part of the magenta line indicates that Auto Guidance cannot calculate part
of the Auto Guidance line. This is due to the minimum safe water depth and the minimum safe obstacle
height settings (page 46).
4. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
You can store up to 3,000 waypoints with a user-dened name, symbol, depth, water temperature, and
comment for each waypoint.
Marking Your Present Location as a Waypoint
From the Home screen, select .
Mark your present position from any other screen by touching  at the top of the screen.
Creating a Waypoint at a Different Location
1. From the Home screen, select 
2. Select  or .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 27
3. Complete an action:
Touch a location on the chart.
Touch and drag the screen to pan to a new location. Touch a location on the chart.
4. Select .
5. If necessary, you can name the waypoint and provide other information about it. Select the waypoint on the
right side of the screen and select .
Select , enter the name, and select .
Select  and select a symbol.
Select , enter the depth, and select .
Select , enter the water temperature, and select .
Select , enter the comment, and select .
Marking and Navigating to an MOB Location
When you mark your present location as a waypoint, you can designate it as a man overboard (MOB) location.
Complete an action:
From any screen, select  > .
From the Home screen, select .
An international MOB symbol marks the active MOB point and the chartplotter sets a course back to the
marked location using the Go To feature.
Viewing a List of all Waypoints
From the Home screen, select  >  > .
Editing a Saved Waypoint
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a waypoint.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select , change the name, and select .
Select  and select a new symbol.
Select , change the depth, and select .
Select , change the water temperature, and select .
Select , change the comment, and select .
Creating a New Waypoint from the Waypoints List
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to create a new waypoint by entering grid coordinates.
Select  to select a new waypoint on the chart.
Select  to create a new waypoint at your present location.
Moving a Saved Waypoint
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a waypoint.
3. Select  > .
4. Indicate a new location for the waypoint:
Select  to move the waypoint while viewing a chart, touch a new location on the chart, and
select .
Select , move the waypoint, and select .
28 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Deleting a Waypoint or an MOB
You can delete a waypoint or an MOB that has been saved.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a waypoint or an MOB.
3. Select .
Deleting All Waypoints
From the Home screen, select  >  > >>.
Copying Waypoints
See “Chartplotter Data Management” (page 52).
You can create and save up to 100 routes. Each route can contain up to 250 waypoints.
Creating and Navigating a Route from Your Present Location
You can create and immediately navigate a route on the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart. When you have
reached the destination, you can choose to save the route.
: The Fishing chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or
if your built-in map supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Touch a destination
4. Select  > .
5. Touch the location
where you want to make the last turn toward your destination
6. Select .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 29
7. If necessary, repeat steps 5 and 6 to add additional turns, working backward from the destination to the
present location of your boat.
The last turn you add should be where you want to make the rst turn from your present location. It should
be the turn that is closest to your boat.
8. Select  when the route is complete.
9. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
10. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
When you have reached the destination, you are prompted to save the route.
11. Complete an action:
Select 
Select  >  >  enter the name of the route, and select .
Creating and Saving a Route
This procedure saves the route and all the waypoints in it. The starting point can be your present location or
another location.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
2. Select the starting point
of the route.
3. Select  to mark the starting point of the route.
4. Touch a location on the chart where you want to make the next turn.
5. Select . The chartplotter marks the position of the turn with a waypoint.
6. If necessary, repeat steps 4 and 5 to add additional turns.
7. Select the nal destination.
8. Select .
9. If necessary, select  >  to enter the name of the route.
Viewing a List of Saved Routes
From the Home screen, select  >  > .
Editing a Saved Route
You can change the name of a route, or change the turns the route contains.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select the route to edit.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select , and enter the name of the route.
Select  > , and touch a turn location on the chart.
Select  > , and select a waypoint from the list.
30 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
5. Select .
Deleting a Saved Route
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a route.
3. Select .
Deleting All Saved Routes
From the Home screen, select  >  > > > .
Bypassing a Waypoint on a Saved Route
You can begin navigating a saved route from any waypoint in the route.
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select a route.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select  to navigate the route near the starting point that was used when the route was created.
Select  to navigate the route near the destination point that was used when the route was
Select  to navigate parallel to the route, offset from it by a specic distance (page 35).
5. Touch the waypoint that you want to be the next turn in the route.
6. Select  > .
7. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
8. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
Copying Routes
See “Chartplotter Data Management” (page 52).
A track is a recording of the path of your boat. The track currently being recorded is called the active track,
and it can be saved. You can show tracks in each chart or 3D chart view.
Showing Tracks
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select  or .
3. Select  > >  > .
A trailing line
on the chart indicates your track.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 31
Setting the Color of the Active Track
You can select the color of your present track when you are viewing the navigation chart or the shing chart.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > 
2. Select a track color.
Saving the Active Track
The track currently being recorded is called the active track.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select the time the active track began or , if shown.
Select .
3. Select .
Viewing a List of Saved Tracks
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
Editing a Saved Track
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Select a track.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select, enter the new name, and select .
Select , and select a color.
Saving a Track as a Route
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Select a track.
3. Select  > .
Deleting a Saved Track
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Select a track.
3. Select .
Deleting All Saved Tracks
From the Home screen, select  >  > > .
Retracing the Active Track
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select the time the active track began or , if shown.
Select .
3. Review the course indicated by the colored line.
4. Follow the colored line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
Clearing the Active Track
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
The track memory is cleared, and the active track continues to be recorded.
32 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Managing the Track Log Memory During Recording
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > > 
2. Complete an action:
Select  to record a track log until the track memory is full.
Select  to continuously record a track log, replacing the oldest track data with new data.
Conguring the Recording Interval of the Track Log
You can indicate the frequency at which the track plot is recorded. Recording more-frequent plots is more
accurate but lls the track log faster. The  interval is recommended for the most-efcient use of
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > >
2. Complete an action:
Select  to record the track based on a distance between points, select  and enter the
Select  to record the track based on a time interval, select , and enter the time interval.
Select  to record the track plot based on a variance from your course. Select  to enter
the maximum error allowed from the true course before recording a track point.
3. Select .
Copying Tracks
See “Chartplotter Data Management” (page 52).
Deleting All Saved Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks
From the Home screen, select  >  > > > .
Navigating with a Garmin Autopilot
When you start navigation (Go To, Route To, or Guide To), if you are connected through a National Marine
Electronics Association (NMEA) 2000 network to a compatible Garmin autopilot (such as the GHP
10), you
are prompted to engage the autopilot.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 33
Where To?
Where To?
Use the option on the Home screen to search for, and navigate to, nearby fuel, repairs, and other
services, as well as waypoints and routes that you have created.
Marine Services Destinations
The chartplotter contains information about thousands of destinations offering marine services.
: This feature may not be available in all areas.
Navigating to a Marine Services Destination
The Auto Guidance feature of the BlueChart g2 Vision data card is based on electronic chart information. That
data does not ensure obstacle and bottom clearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings and
avoid any land, shallow water, or other obstacles that may be in your path.
When using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course may pass over land or shallow water. Use visual
sightings and steer to avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.
: Auto Guidance is available with a preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision data card.
1. From the Home screen, select >.
2. Select the marine service category to which you want to navigate.
The chartplotter shows a list of the 50 nearest locations and the distance and bearing to each.
3. Select a destination.
: Select or to view additional information or to show the location on a chart.
4. Complete an action:
Select .
Select .
Select  to use Auto Guidance.
5. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
: When using Auto Guidance, a gray line within any part of the magenta line indicates that Auto
Guidance cannot calculate part of the Auto Guidance line. This is due to the settings for minimum safe
water depth and minimum safe obstacle height (page 46).
6. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
Guide To ScreenGo To Screen
Stopping Navigation
From Home screen, select  > .
Searching for, and Navigating to, a Destination
The Auto Guidance feature of the BlueChart g2 Vision data card is based on electronic chart information. That
data does not ensure obstacle and bottom clearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings and
avoid any land, shallow water, or other obstacles that may be in your path.
34 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Where To?
When using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course may pass over land or shallow water. Use visual
sightings and steer to avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.
You can search for saved waypoints, saved routes, saved tracks, and marine services destinations by name.
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Enter at least a portion of the name of your destination.
3. Select .
The 50 nearest destinations that contain your search criteria appear.
4. Select the location.
5. Complete an action:
Select .
Select .
Select  to use Auto Guidance.
6. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
: When using Auto Guidance, a gray line within any part of the magenta line indicates that Auto
Guidance cannot calculate part of the Auto Guidance line. This is due to the settings for minimum safe
water depth and minimum safe obstacle height (page 46).
7. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
Browsing for, and Navigating to, a Saved Waypoint
The Auto Guidance feature of the BlueChart g2 Vision data card is based on electronic chart information. That
data does not ensure obstacle and bottom clearance. Carefully compare the course to all visual sightings and
avoid any land, shallow water, or other obstacles that may be in your path.
When using Go To, a direct course and a corrected course may pass over land or shallow water. Use visual
sightings and steer to avoid land, shallow water, and other dangerous objects.
Before you can browse a list of waypoints and navigate to them, you must create and save at least one
waypoint (page 26).
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select a waypoint.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select .
Select .
Select  to use Auto Guidance.
5. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
: When using Auto Guidance, a gray line within any part of the magenta line indicates that Auto
Guidance cannot calculate part of the Auto Guidance line. This is due to the settings for minimum safe
water depth and minimum safe obstacle height (page 46).
6. Follow the magenta line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
Browsing for, and Navigating, a Saved Route
Before you can browse a list of routes and navigate to one of them, you must create and save at least one route
(page 29).
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select a route.
3. Select .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 35
Where To?
4. Complete an action:
Select  to navigate the route from the starting point used when the route was created.
Select  to navigate the route from the destination point used when the route was created.
A magenta line appears. In the center of the magenta line is a thinner purple line that represents the
corrected course from your present location to the destination. The corrected course is dynamic, and it
moves with your boat when you are off course.
5. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
6. Follow the magenta line along each leg in the route, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other
: If you are off course, follow the purple line (corrected course) to go to your destination, or steer
back to the magenta line (direct course).
Browsing for, and Navigating Parallel to, a Saved Route
Before you can browse a list of routes and navigate to one of them, you must create and save at least one route
(page 29).
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select a route.
3. Select .
4. Select  to navigate parallel to the route, offset from it by a specic distance.
5. Indicate how to navigate the route:
Select  to navigate the route from the starting point used when the route was created, to
the left of the original route.
Select  to navigate the route from the starting point used when the route was
created, to the right of the original route.
Select  to navigate the route from the destination point used when the route was
created, to the left of the original route.
Select  to navigate the route from the destination point used when the route was
created, to the right of the original route.
6. Enter the offset distance.
7. Select .
A magenta line appears. In the center of the magenta line is a thinner purple line that represents the
corrected course from your present location to the destination. The corrected course is dynamic, and it
moves with your boat when you are off course.
8. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
9. Follow the magenta line along each leg in the route, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other
: If you are off course, follow the purple line (corrected course) to go to your destination, or steer
back to the magenta line (direct course).
Browsing for, and Navigating, a Recorded Track
Before you can browse a list of tracks and navigate to them, you must record and save at least one track
(page 31).
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select a track.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select to navigate the track from the starting point used when the track was created.
Select  to navigate the track from the destination point used when the track was created.
5. Review the course indicated by the colored line.
6. Follow the colored line, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other obstacles.
36 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Almanac, On-boat, and Environmental Data
Almanac, On-boat, and Environmental Data
The Information screen displays information about tides, currents, celestial data, and gauges.
Almanac Data
Tide Station Information
The Tides screen shows information about a tide station
for a specic date
and time
, including the tide
, and when the next high and low tides will occur. By default, the chartplotter shows tide information
for the most-recently viewed tide station and for the present date and time.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Tide Station Information
Viewing Information about a Nearby Tide Station
1. From the Home screen, select  > > .
2. Select a station.
Viewing Tide Station Information for a Different Date
1. From the Home screen, select  > > .
2. Select a station.
3. Complete an action:
Select  > to view tide information for a different date, enter the date, and select
Select  to view tide information for the day after the date shown.
Select  to view tide information for the day before the date shown.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 37
Almanac, On-boat, and Environmental Data
Current Information
: Current station information is available with a BlueChart g2 Vision card.
The Currents screen shows information about a current station
for a specic date and time, including the
current speed and level
. By default, the chartplotter shows current information for the most-recently viewed
current station and for the present date and time.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Current Station Information
Viewing Information about a Nearby Current Station
: Current station information is available with a BlueChart g2 Vision card.
1. From the Home screen, select  > > .
2. Select a station.
Conguring Current Station Information
You can indicate the date of current station information to be viewed, and you can view the information in a
chart or in a report format.
: Current station information is available with a BlueChart g2 Vision card.
1. From the Home screen, select  > > .
2. Select a station.
3. Complete an action:
Select   >  to view tide information for a different date, enter a date, and select
Select  to view the Current Report for the selected station. The report includes slack
water, ood, and ebb levels.
Select  to view current information for the day after the date shown.
Select  to view current information for the day before the date shown.
Select or to change the time in 4- to 5-minute intervals.
38 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Almanac, On-boat, and Environmental Data
Celestial Information
The Celestial screen shows information about sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset, the moon phase, and
the approximate sky view location of the sun
and moon
. By default, the chartplotter shows celestial
information for the present date and time. The center of the screen
represents the sky overhead, and the
outermost rings
represent the horizon.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Celestial Information
Viewing Celestial Information for a Different Date
You can select a date and time for which to view celestial information, and you can view the moon phase for
the selected date and time.
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select   >  to view information for a different date. Enter a date. Select .
Select  to view the moon phase at the specied date and time.
Select or to change the time in 1-hour intervals.
Viewing Tide, Current, and Celestial Information from the Navigation Chart.
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select an area near a tide, current, or celestial information station.
3. Select .
4. Select , , or .
On-boat Data
Engine and Fuel Gauges
Viewing Engine Gauges
You must be connected to a NMEA 2000 network capable of sensing engine data to view engine gauges. See
the GPSMAP 700 Series Installation Instructions for details.
From the Home screen, select  >  > .
Cycling Through Engine Gauge and Fuel Gauge Screens
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select the left and right arrows to move from one gauge screen to the next.
3. Repeat step 2 to cycle through all the engine gauge and fuel gauge screens.
Customizing Engine Gauge and Fuel Gauge Limits
To establish the upper and lower limits of a gauge, and the range of desired standard operation, you can
congure up to four values for the engine gauge or the fuel gauge. When a value exceeds the range of standard
operation, the gauge face or bar becomes red.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 39
Almanac, On-boat, and Environmental Data
Setting Description
Scale minimum This value is less than the rated minimum, and it represents the lower limit of the gauge.
This setting is not available on all gauges.
Scale maximum This value is greater than the rated maximum, and it represents the upper limit of the
gauge. This setting is not available on all gauges.
Rated minimum Represents the minimum value of the standard operating range.
Rated maximum Represents the maximum value of the standard operating range.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  >
2. Select a gauge.
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select the gauge limit you want to set (, , , or ).
 Some of these options may not be available for all gauges.
5. Select the gauge limit.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to set additional gauge limits.
Activating Status Alarms for Engine Gauges and Fuel Gauges
If you have activated gauge status alarms, when the engine sends a warning status message over the NMEA
2000 network, a gauge status alarm message appears. The gauge face or bar may become red depending on the
alarm type.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  >
 >.
Customizing Engine and Fuel Gauge Status Alarms
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  >
 >.
2. Select one or more engine gauge or fuel gauge alarms that you want to turn on or off.
3. Select .
Selecting the Number of Engines Shown in Gauges
The engine gauges can show information for up to four engines.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  >
 > .
2. Select the number of engines.
3. Complete an action:
Select .
Select  and complete steps 2 through 5 of “Selecting the Engines Shown in Gauges”
(page 39) to select the engines for which information appears in the gauges.
Selecting the Engines Shown in Gauges
You must manually select the number of engines shown in the engine gauges (page 39) before you can select
the engines for which information appears in the gauges.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  >
 > .
2. Select .
3. Select the number of the engine for which you want to view information in the rst gauge or bar.
For example, if you select “3,” the rst engine bar shows information for the engine identied as
“Engine3” on the NMEA 2000 network.
4. Repeat step 3 for the second, third, and fourth engine bar, as needed.
5. Select .
40 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Almanac, On-boat, and Environmental Data
Viewing Fuel Gauges
To view fuel information, your chartplotter must be connected to an external fuel sensor, such as the Garmin
From the Home screen, select  >  > .
Conguring Fuel Gauges
The amount of fuel on board can be represented by either the total fuel level (numeric) or by individual tank
level (graphic).
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  >
2. Complete an action:
Select  to display a numeric value for the total fuel level.
Select  >  to display a graphical representation of all the
specied tanks.
Customizing Gauge Limits
See “Customizing Engine and Fuel Gauge Limits” (page 38).
Activating and Customizing Gauge Alarms
See “Activating Engine and Fuel Gauge Status Alarms” (page 39) and “Customizing Engine and Fuel
Gauge Status Alarms” (page 39).
Synchronizing Fuel Gauge Readings with Fuel Levels
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  when your tanks are full. The fuel level is reset to maximum capacity. Adjust
if necessary.
Select  when you have added less than a full tank, enter the amount of fuel added,
and select . An estimate of the fuel added appears. Adjust if necessary.
Select to specify the total fuel in your tanks, and select .
Trip Gauges
Viewing Trip Gauges
Trip gauges show information for odometer, speed, time, and fuel for your present trip.
From the Home screen, select  >  > .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 41
Almanac, On-boat, and Environmental Data
Resetting Trip Gauges
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to set all the readings for the present trip to 0.0.
Select  to set the maximum speed reading to 0.0.
Select  to set the odometer reading to 0.0.
Select  to set all the readings to 0.0.
Viewing the Compass
While you are navigating to a destination, the compass shows information about the distance you are off
course, the distance to your nal destination, the time to your next waypoint, and the distance to your next
From the Home screen, select >  > .
Environmental Data
Wind Gauges
Viewing Wind Gauges
From the Home screen, select >  > .
Selecting True or Apparent Wind for the Wind Gauges
The chartplotter must be connected to the peripheral devices listed below to capture the data shown on the
wind speed graph.
Wind Speed Description Required Sensors
Apparent Wind Shows wind speed data based on the ow of
air experienced while on a boat in motion.
A wind sensor.
True Wind Shows wind speed data based on the ow of
air experienced while on a stationary boat.
For the most-accurate data, the VMG Source
setting should be set to Auto (page 42).
A wind sensor and a water speed sensor; or a
wind sensor and a GPS antenna.
1. From the Home screen, select >  >  > .
2. Select  or .
42 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Almanac, On-boat, and Environmental Data
Conguring the VMG Source
You can specify the source of the velocity made good (VMG) data that is used to calculate true wind speed.
Before you can congure the VMG source, the wind gauge must be set to  (page 41). Water
speed is the speed reading from a water-speed sensor, and GPS speed is calculated from your GPS position.
1. From the Home screen, select >  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select .
Select .
Select  to allow your chartplotter to select the source.
Conguring the Wind Speed Source
You can specify whether the vessel speed data displayed on the compass is based on water speed or GPS
speed. Water speed is the speed reading from a water-speed sensor, and GPS speed is calculated from your
GPS position.
1. From the Home screen, select >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  >  to display the speed of the vessel based upon GPS readings.
Select  >  to display the speed of the vessel based upon the reading from a
water speed sensor.
Conguring the Heading Source of the Wind Gauge
You can specify the source of the heading displayed on the wind gauge. Magnetic heading is the heading data
received from a heading sensor, and GPS heading is calculated by your chartplotter GPS (course over ground).
1. From the Home screen, select >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  > .
Select  > .
Selecting the Range of the Close Hauled Wind Gauge
You can specify the range of the close hauled wind gauge for both the upwind scale and the downwind scale.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select . Set the maximum and minimum values that appear when the upwind
close hauled wind gauge appears.
Select . Set the maximum and minimum values that appear when the
downwind close hauled wind gauge appears.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 43
Almanac, On-boat, and Environmental Data
Environment Gauges
Viewing Environment Gauges
From the Home screen, select  >  > .
Conguring the Alignment of the Wind Gauge
You can specify the alignment of the wind gauge on the Environment page.
1. From the Home screen, select >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  >  to set the top of the wind gauge to a north heading.
Select  >  to set the wind gauge to rotate to match the orientation of the compass
Conguring the Heading Source of the Wind Gauge
See (page 42).
Setting the Barometer Reference Time
You can specify the reference time used to calculate the barometer trend. The trend is indicated in the
barometer eld.
From the Home screen, select >  >  >  > 
44 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Device Conguration
Device Conguration
Basic Device Conguration Questions
Question Answer
How do I adjust the amount of detail shown on the
See “Changing the Map Zoom Detail” (page 8).
How do I change the time zone setting? See “Conguring the Time” (page 47).
How do I change the language setting? See “Setting the Language” (page 45).
How do I adjust the brightness of the backlight? See “Adjusting the Backlight” (page 2).
How do I show a compass tape at the top of the chart? See “Showing the Compass Tape on a Chart”
(page 49).
How do I change the color of the active track? See “Setting the Color of the Active Track” (page 31).
How do I delete the track log on the map? See “Clearing the Active Track” (page 31).
How do I transfer waypoints to a memory card? See “Chartplotter Data Management” (page 52).
How do I erase all waypoints, route, and tracks? See “Deleting All Saved Waypoints, Routes, and
Tracks” (page 32).
How do I check the software version and the map
version on the chartplotter?
See “Viewing System Information” (page 3).
Simulator Mode
Do not try to navigate using simulator mode because the GPS receiver is turned off. Any satellite signal
strength bars shown are simulations and do not represent the strength of actual satellite signals.
Simulator mode turns the GPS receiver off for use indoors or for practice using the chartplotter. The
chartplotter does not track satellites in simulator mode.
Turning Simulator Mode On
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
Conguring Simulator Mode
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select , enter the speed of your boat in simulator mode, and select .
Select. Select  to allow the chartplotter to set the heading automatically, or
select  to set the heading manually.
Select , select the simulated position of your boat, and select .
Select , enter the simulated time, and select .
Select , enter the simulated date, select .
Turning the Chartplotter On Automatically
You can set the chartplotter to turn on when power is applied. Otherwise, the chartplotter must be turned on
using .
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
: If Auto Power is  and the chartplotter is turned off using , and power is removed and
reapplied within less than two minutes, you may have to press to restart the chartplotter.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 45
Device Conguration
Display Conguration
Setting the Sound
You can set when the chartplotter makes audible sounds.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > > .
2. Complete an action:
Select to have the chartplotter beep only when alarms are triggered (default).
Select to have the chartplotter beep when the screen is touched and when
alarms are triggered.
Setting the Language
You can select the language that appears on the chartplotter.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a language.
Navigation Preferences
Route Settings
Selecting a Route Label Type
You can select the type of labels shown with route turns on the map.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to identify route turns using waypoint names.
Select  to identify route turns using numbers, such as Turn 1 and Turn 2.
Conguring Route Turn Transitions
You can set how much time, or how far, before a turn in a route that you transition to the next leg. Raising
this value can help improve the accuracy of the autopilot when navigating a route or an Auto Guidance line
with many frequent turns, or at higher speeds. For straighter routes or slower speeds, lowering this value can
improve autopilot accuracy.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  > , and enter the time.
Select  > , and enter the distance.
3. Select .
Conguring Speed Data Sources
You can specify the source of the speed data that is used to calculate true wind speed or fuel economy. Water
speed is the speed reading from a water-speed sensor, and GPS speed is calculated from your GPS position.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select , and indicate if the calculated wind speed data comes from a  sensor, if it is
based on the , or whether the chartplotter selects a speed data source automatically.
Select , and indicate whether the speed data that is used to calculate fuel economy
comes from a  sensor or is based on the .
Auto Guidance Line Congurations
You can set the parameters the chartplotter uses when calculating an Auto Guidance line.
: Auto Guidance is available with a preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision data card.
46 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Device Conguration
Safe Water Depth and Safe Obstacle Height
The  and  settings inuence how the chartplotter calculates an Auto Guidance line. If
an area has an unknown water depth or an unknown obstacle height, the Auto Guidance line is not calculated
in that area. If an area at the beginning or the end of an Auto Guidance line is shallower than the safe water
depth or lower than the safe obstacle height, the Auto Guidance line is not calculated in that area. On the chart,
the course through those areas appears as a gray line. When your boat enters one of those areas, a warning
message appears.
Setting the Safe Water Depth and the Safe Obstacle Height
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select  to set the minimum depth (chart depth datum) the chartplotter uses when calculating an
Auto Guidance line.
3. Enter the minimum safe depth.
4. Select .
5. Select  to set the minimum height (chart height datum) of a bridge that your boat can safely
travel under.
6. Enter the minimum safe height.
7. Select .
Shoreline Distance Auto Guidance Setting
The Shoreline Distance setting indicates how close to the shore you want the Auto Guidance line to be placed.
The Auto Guidance line may move if you change this setting while navigating.
Setting the Distance from Shore
The available values for the Shoreline Distance setting (Nearest, Near, Normal, Far, or Farthest) are relative,
not absolute. To ensure that the Auto Guidance line is placed the appropriate distance from shore, you can
assess the placement of the Auto Guidance line using one or more familiar destinations that require navigation
through a narrow waterway.
1. Dock your boat or drop anchor.
2. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >
3. From the Home screen, select  > .
4. Select a destination that you have navigated to previously.
5. Select  > .
6. Review the placement of the Auto Guidance line. Determine whether the line safely avoids known
obstacles, and whether the turns enable efcient travel.
7. Complete an action:
If the placement of the Auto Guidance line is satisfactory, select  > . Proceed to
step 11.
If the Auto Guidance line is too close to known obstacles, from the Home screen, select  >
 >  >  > .
If the turns in the Auto Guidance line are too wide, from the Home screen, select  >
 >  >  > .
8. If you selected  or  in step 7, review the placement of the Auto Guidance line. Determine whether
the line safely avoids known obstacles, and whether the turns enable efcient travel.
Auto Guidance maintains a wide clearance from obstacles in open water, even if you set the Shoreline
Distance setting to  or . As a result, the chartplotter may not reposition the Auto Guidance
line, unless the destination selected in step 3 requires navigation through a narrow waterway.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 47
Device Conguration
9. Complete an action:
If the placement of the Auto Guidance line is satisfactory, select  > . Proceed to
step 11.
If the Auto Guidance line is too close to known obstacles, from the Home screen, select  >
 >  >  > .
If the turns in the Auto Guidance line are too wide, from the Home screen, select  >
 >  >  > .
10. If you selected or  in step 9, review the placement of the Auto Guidance line. Determine
whether the line safely avoids known obstacles, and whether the turns enable efcient travel.
Auto Guidance maintains a wide clearance from obstacles in open water, even if you set the Shoreline
Distance setting to  or . As a result, the chartplotter may not reposition the Auto Guidance
line, unless the destination selected in step 4 requires navigation through a narrow waterway.
11. Repeat steps 1–10 at least once more, using a different destination each time, until you are familiar with the
functionality of the Shoreline Distance setting.
Setting the Heading Reference
You can set the directional reference used in calculating heading information.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  (automatic magnetic variation) to set the magnetic declination for your location
Select  to set true north as the heading reference.
Select toset grid north as the heading reference (000º).
Select  to set the magnetic variation value manually, enter the magnetic variation, and
select .
Coordinate Systems
Setting the Position Format or the Map Datum Coordinate Systems
You can set the position format in which a given location reading appears, and the coordinate system on which
the map is structured. The default coordinate system is WGS 84.
: Do not change the position format or the map datum coordinate system unless you are using a map or
chart that species a different position format.
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to set the position format in which a given location reading appears, and select
a position format.
Select  to set the coordinate system on which the map is structured, and select a coordinate
Conguring the Time
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to set a time-keeping standard, and select , , or (universal
time coordinate).
Select  >  to allow the chartplotter to set the time zone automatically.
Select  >  to set the time zone manually, enter the time zone hour
adjustment, and select .
48 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Device Conguration
Units of Measure
You can set the units of measure the chartplotter shows, using a standardized system of measurements or
creating a customized system of measurements.
Selecting a Standardized System of Measurement
1. From the Home screen, select > > .
2. Select  (, , º),  (, , º), or  (, , º).
Creating a Customized System of Measurement
You must be receiving NMEA Sonar depth data or using an “S” series chartplotter (such as a GPSMAP 720s)
with a built-in sounder to view depth and temperature information.
You can select individual units of measure to create a customized system of measurement for your chartplotter
1. From the Home screen, select >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select , and select ,, or.
Select , and select  or .
Select , and select ,,  or .
Select  > , and select , , or .
Select  > , and select , , or .
Select , and select or .
Select , and select , , or .
Select  > , and select  or .
Select  > , and select  or .
About Chart Overlay Numbers
Overlay numbers with data elds
can appear on specic charts, 3D charts, radar views
(page 66), and combination screens (page 22). The data overlay for each chart or 3D chart view can be
congured separately.
Navigation Chart with Data Overlay
Several data overlays are available. You can select the data elds to be shown within each data overlay.
When overlay numbers are displayed on the chart, the navigation inset is shown during navigation. The
compass tape can be shown or hidden in each overlay.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 49
Device Conguration
Selecting a Data Overlay
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a chart or a 3D chart view.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select  > .
Select  > .
Select .
5. Select or to select a data overlay.
Conguring Data Fields on a Chart
You can select the type of data shown within a data eld.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a chart or a 3D chart view.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select  > .
Select  > .
Select .
5. Select or to select a data overlay.
6. Touch a data eld.
7. Select a category of data.
8. Select the data that will be displayed.
Conguring the Navigation Inset on a Chart
The navigation inset is shown only when the boat is navigating to a destination.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a chart or a 3D chart view.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select  > .
Select  > .
Select .
5. Select or to select a data overlay.
6. Select  > 
7. Complete an action:
Select  >  to show waypoint velocity made good (VMG) when navigating a route
with more than one leg.
Select  >  to show next-turn data based on distance.
Select  > to show next-turn data based on time.
Select , and select , , or  to indicate how the
destination data appears.
Showing the Compass Tape on a Chart
The compass tape appears in a row across the top of a chart or a 3D chart view. It shows the present heading,
and an indicator that shows the bearing to the desired course appears while navigating.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a chart or a 3D chart view.
3. Select .
50 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Device Conguration
4. Complete an action:
Select  > .
Select  > .
Select .
5. Select .
Using the Speed Filter
The speed lter averages the speed of your boat over a short period of time for smoother speed values.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  >  to keep the speed lter on continuously, enter the speed lter time duration
and select .
Select  >  to allow the unit to provide the optimal performance as required by your
situation, such as traveling at a constant speed or frequently changing speeds.
Other Vessels
You can show and congure information about other vessels for the Navigation chart, the Fishing chart,
Perspective 3D, or Mariners Eye 3D.
: To congure Automatic Identication System (AIS) information for other vessels, your chartplotter
must be connected to an external AIS device.
Viewing a List of AIS Targets
See “Viewing a List of AIS Targets” (page 15).
Conguring the Appearance of Other Vessels
: The Mariner’s Eye 3D chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card. The Fishing chart
is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map
supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Select  > > .
4. Complete an action:
Select  to view a list of AIS targets (page 12).
Select  to view a log of the most-recent DSC calls and other DSC contacts you have entered
(page 79).
Select  to congure how AIS vessels are shown on a chart (page 14).
Select  to show the tracks of DSC vessels, and select the length of the track that appears
using a trail (page 82).
Select  to set up a safe-zone collision alarm for AIS vessels (page 15).
Information about Your Boat
Calibrating a Water Speed Device
If you have a speed-sensing transducer, you can calibrate that speed-sensing device.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
 If the boat is not moving fast enough or the speed sensor is not registering a speed, a “Speed too
low” message appears. Select , and safely increase the boat speed. If the message appears again, stop
the boat, and ensure that the speed-sensor wheel is not stuck. If the wheel turns freely, check the cable
connections. If you continue to get the message, contact Garmin Product Support.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 51
Device Conguration
Setting the Fuel Capacity of Your Boat
1. From the Home screen, select  > > .
2. Enter the combined fuel capacity of all the engines on your boat.
3. Select .
By default, all alarms are turned off, except the destination and weather alarms. The chartplotter must be on for
the alarms to work.
 See the GPSMAP 700 Series XM WX Satellite Weather
and XM Satellite Radio Supplement (North
America only) for information concerning weather alarms.
Navigation Alarms
Setting an Arrival Alarm
You can set an alarm to sound when you are within a specied distance or time from a turn or a destination
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >> .
2. Complete an action:
Select , and indicate whether you want arrival alarms to sound only when nearing , or
when nearing .
Select , and indicate whether the arrival alarm triggers based on  to arrival or based on
 to arrival.
Select  (if Activation is set to ) or  (if Activation is set to
) to indicate how long before arrival (in minutes) or how far before arrival (in units of
distance) the alarm should sound. Enter the time or distance, and select .
Setting the Anchor Drag Alarm
You can set an alarm to sound when you exceed a specied drift distance while anchored.
1. From the Home screen, select  > >> >.
2. Enter the drift distance that triggers the alarm.
3. Select .
Setting the Off Course Alarm
You can set an alarm to sound when you are off course by a specied distance.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > > > .
2. Enter the off-course distance that triggers the alarm.
3. Select .
System Alarms
Setting the Clock Alarm
You can set an alarm using the system (GPS) clock.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > > > .
2. Enter the time that triggers the alarm.
3. Select .
Setting the Unit Voltage Alarm
You can set an alarm to sound when the battery reaches a specied low voltage.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > >  >.
2. Enter the voltage that triggers the alarm.
3. Select .
52 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Device Conguration
Setting the GPS Accuracy Error Alarm
You can set an alarm to sound when the GPS location accuracy falls outside the user-dened value.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > > >.
2. Enter the GPS location accuracy that triggers the alarm.
3. Select .
Setting the Total Fuel Onboard Alarm
The chartplotter must be connected to an external fuel sensor to capture fuel data.
You can set an alarm to sound when the total amount of remaining onboard fuel reaches the level you specify.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > > > .
2. Enter the amount of fuel that triggers the alarm.
3. Select .
Collision Alarm
See “Setting the Safe-zone Collision Alarm” (page 15).
Setting Sonar Alarms
See “Sonar Alarms” (page 77).
Setting Weather Alarms
See the GPSMAP 700 Series XM WX Satellite Weather
and XM Satellite Radio Supplement (North America
Chartplotter Data Management
Copying Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks to a Chartplotter
Before you copy MapSource
or HomePort data to a chartplotter, you must complete the following actions:
The rst time that you use a memory card to copy HomePort or MapSource
data to a chartplotter, you
must prepare the memory card by inserting it into the chartplotter and allowing the chartplotter to place a
le on it. This le provides information to HomePort or to MapSource to format the data.
Check the MapSource version on your computer by clicking  > . If the software
version is older than 6.12.2, update to the current version by clicking  > 
1. Complete an action:
Copy the data from HomePort to the prepared memory card (using an SD card reader attached to the
computer) according to the process described in the HomePort Help system.
Copy the data from MapSource to the prepared memory card (using an SD card reader attached to the
computer) according to the process described in the MapSource Help system.
2. Copy the data from the data card to the chartplotter. See “Copying Data from a Data Card”
(page 52).
Copying Data from a Data Card
1. Insert a data card into the SD card slot on the chartplotter.
2. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
3. Complete an action:
Select  to transfer data from the data card to the chartplotter and combine it with
existing user data.
Select  to transfer data from the data card to the chartplotter and overwrite existing
user data on the chartplotter.
4. Select the le name from the list if multiple les are listed.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 53
Device Conguration
Copying Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks to a Memory Card
1. Insert a memory card into the SD card slot on the chartplotter.
2. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
3. Select an action to indicate the name of the new le:
Select a le name from the list.
Select  to create a new le enter the le name, and select .
4. Select .
The le name is saved with a .ADM extension.
Copying Built-in Maps to a Memory Card
You can copy maps from the chartplotter to a memory card for use with HomePort.
1. Insert a memory card into the SD card slot on the chartplotter.
2. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
3. Select  to copy the maps loaded onto your chartplotter to the memory card.
Copying Waypoints, Routes, and Tracks to or from all Chartplotters on a NMEA 2000
You can transfer information for waypoints, routes, and tracks from one chartplotter connected to a NMEA
2000 network to every other chartplotter connected to the network. The transfer may take a long time,
depending on the number of waypoints being transferred.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to transfer data from the chartplotter to the other chartplotters connected to the
network. Existing data is overwritten on those chartplotters.
Select  to transfer data between all the chartplotters connected to the network. Unique
data is combined with existing data on every chartplotter.
Backing Up Data to a Computer
1. Insert a memory card into the SD card slot on the chartplotter.
2. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
3. Complete one of the following actions to indicate the name of the le to be backed up:
Select a le name from the list.
Select  to create a new le, enter the le name, and select .
4. Select .
The le name is saved with a .ADM extension.
5. Remove the memory card from the chartplotter and insert it into an SD card reader attached to a computer.
6. From Windows
Explorer, open the Garmin\UserData folder on the memory card.
7. Copy the backup le on the card and paste it to any location on the computer.
Restoring Backup Data to a Chartplotter
1. Insert a memory card into an SD card reader that is attached to the computer.
2. Copy a backup le from the computer to the memory card, into a folder named Garmin\UserData.
3. Insert the memory card into the SD card slot on the chartplotter.
4. From the Home screen, select  >  > >  > .
54 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
The marine radar transmits microwave energy that has the potential to be harmful to humans and animals.
Before beginning radar transmission, verify that the area around the radar is clear. The radar transmits a beam
approximately 12° above and below a line extending horizontally from the center of the radar. Avoid looking
directly at the radar, because the eyes are the most-susceptible parts of the body.
When you connect your chartplotter to an optional Garmin marine radar such as a GMR
404/406 or a GMR
18/24, you can view more information about your surroundings.
The GMR transmits a narrow beam of microwave energy as it rotates in a 360° pattern. When the transmitted
energy contacts a target, some of that energy is reected back to the radar.
Transmitting Radar Signals
1. With the chartplotter off, connect your radar as described in the radar installation instructions.
2. Turn on the chartplotter.
The radar warms up and a countdown is provided to alert you when the radar is ready.
: As a safety feature, the radar enters standby mode after it warms up. This gives you an opportunity
to verify that the area around the radar is clear before beginning radar transmission.
3. From the Home screen, select .
4. Select , , , or .
A countdown message appears while the radar is starting up, and the “Ready to Transmit” message appears.
5. Select .
A “Spinning Up” message appears for a few moments, and the radar begins painting an image.
Stopping the Transmission of Radar Signals
From the Radar screen, select .
Transmitting Radar Signals from any Screen
1. Press and release to open the display screen.
2. Complete an action:
Select .
Select .
Adjusting the Zoom Scale on the Radar Screen
The zoom scale, also called the radar range, represents the distance from your position (the center) to the
outermost ring. Each ring represents an even division of the zoom scale. For example, if the zoom scale is set
at three miles, each ring represents one mile from the center out.
Touch and to zoom out and zoom in.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 55
Radar Display Modes
The Radar screen has four standard operating modes. Each mode is available for use only with a compatible
—shows a full-screen image of the gathered radar information.
—intended for use in inland waters, this mode works best with short-range radar signals (2
nm or less).
—intended for use in open waters, this mode works best with long-range radar signals.
—allows you to put the radar into timed-transmit mode, in which you can congure a radar
transmit and standby cycle to conserve power. You can also enable a guard zone in Sentry mode, which
identies a safe zone around your boat.
Radar Mode Compatible Radar
GMR 20, 21, 40, 41 GMR 18, 18 HD,
24, 24 HD
GMR 404, 406 GMR 604 xHD, 606 xHD,
1204 xHD, 1206 xHD
Cruising X X X
Harbor X
Offshore X
Sentry X X X X
Cruising Mode
Cruising mode is the standard radar operation for the GMR 20, 21, 40, 41, 18, 18 HD, 24, 24 HD, 404, and
406 radar.
If you switch from Sentry mode to Cruising mode, the radar switches to full-time transmission and
disables all guard zones.
Showing Cruising Mode
From the Home screen, select  > .
A full-screen image of the gathered radar information appears. Your position is in the center of the screen,
and the range rings
provide distance measurements. The distance between rings
and the radar range
are shown on the bottom of the screen.
Cruising Mode
56 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Harbor Mode
Harbor mode is the standard radar operation for use in inland waters, with a GMR 604 xHD, 606 xHD, 1204
xHD, or 1206 xHD radar. Harbor mode works best with short-range radar signals (2 nm or less).
If you switch from Sentry mode to Harbor mode, the radar switches to full-time transmission and
disables all guard zones.
Showing Harbor Mode
From the Home screen, select  > .
Harbor Mode
Offshore Mode
Offshore mode is the standard radar operation for use in open waters, with a GMR 604 xHD, 606 xHD, 1204
xHD, or 1206 xHD radar.
If you switch from Sentry mode to Offshore mode, the radar switches to full-time transmission and
disables all guard zones.
Showing Offshore Mode
From the Home screen, select  > .
Offshore Mode
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 57
Sentry Mode
Sentry mode allows you to put the radar into timed-transmit mode, in which you can congure a radar transmit
and standby cycle to conserve power. You can also enable a guard zone in this mode, which identies a safe
zone around your boat and sounds an alarm when a radar object enters this zone. Sentry mode works with all
Garmin GMR model radars.
Showing Sentry Mode
From the Home screen, select  > .
Enabling Timed Transmit
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  > .
Setting the Standby and Transmit Times
You must enable timed transmit before you can set the standby and transmit times (page 57).
To help conserve power, you can indicate the radar standby time and the transmit time to implement periodic
radar signal transmissions at set intervals.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Select .
3. Enter the time interval between radar signal transmissions.
4. Select .
5. Select .
6. Enter the duration of each radar signal transmission.
7. Select .
Enabling a Guard Zone
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
Dening a Partial Guard Zone
You must enable a guard zone before you can dene the boundaries of the zone (page 57).
You can dene the boundaries of a guard zone that does not completely encompass your boat.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  > 
 > .
2. Touch and drag the location of the outer guard-zone corner ( ).
3. Select .
58 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
4. Touch the location of the inner guard-zone corner.
5. Select .
Dening a Circular Guard Zone
You must enable a guard zone before you can dene the boundaries of the zone (page 57).
You can dene a circular guard zone that completely encompasses your boat.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  > 
 > .
2. Touch and drag the location of the outer guard-zone circle, ( ).
3. Select .
4. Touch and drag the location of the inner guard-zone corner.
5. Select .
Setting the Safe-zone Collision Alarm
See “Setting the Safe-zone Collision Alarm (page 15).
Viewing a List of AIS Threats
From any radar view or the Radar Overlay, you can view and customize the appearance of a list of AIS threats.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , , or .
3. Select  >  > .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 59
Showing AIS Vessels on the Radar Screen
AIS requires the use of an external AIS device and active transponder signals from other vessels.
You can congure how other vessels appear on the Radar screen. If any setting (except the AIS display range)
is congured for one radar mode, the setting is applied to every other radar mode. The details and projected
heading settings congured for one radar mode are applied to every other radar mode and to the Radar
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Select  > > .
4. Complete an action:
Select  to indicate the distance from your location within which AIS vessels appear,
and select a distance.
Select  >  to show details about AIS-activated vessels.
Select , enter the projected heading time for AIS-activated vessels, and select .
Select  to show the tracks of AIS vessels, and select the length of the track that appears using a
The variable range marker (VRM) and the electronic bearing line (EBL) measure the distance and bearing
from your boat to a target object. On the Radar screen, the VRM appears as a circle that is centered on the
present location of your boat, and the EBL appears as a line that begins at the present location of your boat and
intersects the VRM. The point of intersection is the target of the VRM and the EBL.
Showing the VRM and the EBL
The VRM and the EBL congured for one mode are applied to all other radar modes.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , or .
3. Select  > .
Adjusting the VRM and the EBL
You must show the VRM and the EBL before you can adjust them (page 59).
You can adjust the diameter of the VRM and the angle of the EBL, which moves the intersection point of the
VRM and the EBL. The VRM and the EBL congured for one mode are applied to all other radar modes.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , or .
3. Select  >  > .
4. Touch a new location for the intersection point of the VRM and the EBL.
5. Select .
Measuring the Range and Bearing to a Target Object
You must show the VRM and the EBL before you can adjust them (page 59).
The VRM and the EBL congured for one mode are applied to all other radar modes.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , or .
3. Select  > > .
4. Touch the target location.
The range and the bearing to the target location appear in the upper-left corner of the screen.
5. Select .
60 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Hiding the VRM and the EBL
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , or .
3. Select  >  > .
Measuring the Range and Bearing to a Target Object while VRM and EBL are Hidden
If you have hidden VRM and EBL (page 60), you can quickly display the range and bearing to a location by
touching the screen.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , or .
3. Touch a location.
4. Select .
Measuring the Distance to a Point on the Radar Screen
You can touch a point on the radar screen to display the distance and bearing of that location from your present
location in the upper-left corner of the screen.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , or .
3. Touch a location on the screen.
4. Select .
5. If necessary, select  to measure from the selected location rather than your present location.
Waypoints and Routes on the Radar Screen
Marking a Waypoint on the Radar Screen
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a radar mode.
3. Touch a location.
4. Select .
Showing Waypoints on the Radar Screen
You can show waypoints that are within the range shown on the Radar screen. This setting does not apply to
the Radar Overlay.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to show all waypoints.
Select  to show only waypoints associated with the currently active route.
Hiding Waypoints on the Radar Screen
You can hide waypoints that are within the range shown on the Radar screen.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > Select .
Navigating a Saved Route on the Radar Screen
Before you can browse a list of routes and navigate to one of them, you must record and save at least one route
(page 28). Navigation lines must be showing in order to view a route on the Radar screen (page 68).
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select a route.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select  to navigate the route from the starting point used when the route was created.
Select  to navigate the route from the destination point used when the route was created.
5. From the Home screen, select .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 61
6. Select , , , or .
The route appears as a magenta line, with the starting point, the destination, and turns indicated.
7. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
8. Follow the magenta line along each leg in the route, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other
Navigating Parallel to a Saved Route on the Radar Screen
Before you can browse a list of routes and navigate to one of them, you must record and save at least one route
(page 28). Navigation lines must be showing in order to view a route on the Radar screen (page 68).
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select a route.
3. Select  > .
4. Complete an action:
Select  to navigate the route from the starting point used when the route was created, to
the left of the original route.
Select  to navigate the route from the starting point used when the route was
created, to the right of the original route.
Select  to navigate the route from the destination point used when the route was
created, to the left of the original route.
Select  to navigate the route from the destination point used when the route was
created, to the right of the original route.
5. Enter the offset distance.
6. Select .
7. From the Home screen, select .
8. Select , , , or .
The route appears as a magenta line, with the starting point, the destination, and turns indicated.
9. Review the course indicated by the magenta line.
10. Follow the magenta line along each leg in the route, steering to avoid land, shallow water, and other
About the Radar Overlay
The Radar Overlay superimposes radar information on the Navigation chart or the Fishing chart. Data appears
on the Radar Overlay based on the most-recently used radar mode (Cruising, Harbor, Offshore, or Sentry),
and all settings congurations applied to the Radar Overlay are also applied to the last-used radar mode. For
example, if you use Harbor mode and then you switch to the Radar Overlay, the Radar Overlay would show
Harbor mode radar data. If you changed the gain setting using the Radar Overlay menu, the gain setting for
Harbor mode would change automatically.
Radar Overlay on the Navigation Chart
62 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Radar Overlay and Chart Data Alignment
When using the Radar Overlay, the chartplotter aligns radar data with chart data based on the boat heading,
which is based by default on data from a magnetic heading sensor connected using a NMEA 0183 or NMEA
2000 network. If a heading sensor is not available, the boat heading is based on GPS tracking data.
GPS tracking data indicates the direction in which the boat is moving, not the direction in which the boat
is pointing. If the boat is drifting backward or sideways due to a current or wind, the Radar Overlay may
not perfectly align with the chart data. This situation should be avoided by using boat-heading data from an
electronic compass.
If the boat heading is based on data from a magnetic heading sensor or an automatic pilot, the heading data
could be compromised due to incorrect setup, mechanical malfunction, magnetic interference, or other factors.
If the heading data is compromised, the Radar Overlay may not align perfectly with the chart data.
Showing the Radar Overlay
The Radar Overlay displays data based on the most-recently used radar mode.
From the Home screen, select  > .
The radar picture appears in orange and overlays the Navigation chart.
Zooming In and Out on the Radar Overlay
Zooming while panning the map only affects the zoom scale of the map. The radar range remains the same.
Zooming while the map is locked on the boat (not panning) affects the zoom scale of the map and the radar
Touch the and buttons to zoom out and zoom in.
Optimizing the Radar Display
You can optimize the radar display for each radar mode.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Select a radar range (page 62).
4. Restore the default value of the gain setting (page 63).
5. Restore the default value of the sea clutter setting (page 64).
6. Restore the default value of the rain clutter setting (page 65).
7. Restore the default value of the FTC setting (page 65).
8. Restore the default value of the crosstalk setting (page 66).
9. Adjust the gain setting manually (page 64).
10. Adjust the sea clutter setting manually (page 65).
11. Adjust the rain clutter and FTC settings manually (page 65).
About the Range of Radar Signals
The range of the radar signal indicates the length of the pulsed signal transmitted and received by the radar. As
the range increases, the radar transmits longer pulses in order to reach distant targets. Closer targets, especially
rain and waves, also reect the longer pulses, which can add noise to the Radar screen. Viewing information
about longer-range targets can also decrease the amount of space available on the Radar screen for viewing
information about shorter-range targets.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 63
Tips for Selecting a Radar Range
Determine what information you need to see on the radar display. For example, do you need information
about nearby weather conditions or targets and trafc, or are you more concerned about distant weather
Assess the environmental conditions in which the radar is being used. Especially in inclement weather,
longer-range radar signals can increase the clutter on the Radar screen and make it more difcult to
view information about shorter-range targets. In rain, shorter-range radar signals can enable you to view
information about nearby objects more effectively, if the rain clutter and FTC settings are congured
Select the shortest effective range, given your reason for using radar and the present environmental
Selecting a Radar Range
See “Adjusting the Zoom Scale on the Radar Screen” (page 54).
About Gain and Clutter
The gain controls the sensitivity of the radar receiver. The default setting for the gain, Auto, sets the gain
automatically one time, based on average conditions, the range of the radar signal, and the selected radar
mode. The chartplotter does not readjust the gain automatically in response to changing conditions. To
optimize the radar appearance for specic conditions, manually adjust the gain (page 64).
Clutter is interference caused by the unwanted reection of radar signals off of unimportant targets. Common
sources of clutter include precipitation, sea waves, and nearby radar sources.
Settings Congurations and Radar Type
When using a GMR 20, 21, 40, 41, 18, 18 HD, 24, 24 HD, 404, or 406, all gain and clutter settings congured
for use in one radar mode are applied to every other radar mode and to the Radar Overlay.
When using a GMR 604 xHD, 606 xHD, 1204 xHD, or 1206 xHD radar, the gain, FTC, rain clutter, and sea
clutter settings congured for use in one radar mode must be congured separately for each mode. Crosstalk
settings congured for use in one mode are applied to every other radar mode. The last gain and clutter settings
congured for use in any radar mode are applied to the Radar Overlay automatically. For example, if the gain
for the Harbor mode is set to 50%, the gain for the Radar Overlay is set to 50% automatically. Later, if the gain
for the Offshore mode is set to 40%, the gain for the Radar Overlay is set to 40% automatically.
Default Gain and Clutter Settings
Setting Default Value Instructions
Gain Auto See “Automatically Adjusting Gain on the Radar Screen” (page 63).
Sea Clutter Calm, Medium, or Rough See “Restoring the Default Sea Clutter Setting” (page 64).
Rain Clutter Off See “Restoring the Default Rain Clutter Setting” (page 65).
FTC Off See “Restoring the Default FTC Setting” (page 65)
Crosstalk On See “Adjusting Crosstalk Clutter on the Radar Screen” (page 66).
Automatically Adjusting Gain on the Radar Screen
 is the default value for the gain setting. The automatic gain setting for each radar mode is optimized for
that mode, and may differ from the automatic gain setting used for another mode.
: Depending upon the radar in use, the gain setting congured for use in one radar mode may or may
not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  > .
The chartplotter sets the gain automatically once based on average conditions, the range of the radar signal,
and the selected radar mode. The chartplotter does not readjust the gain automatically in response to changing
64 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Manually Adjusting Gain on the Radar Screen
For optimal radar performance that accounts for actual conditions, you can manually adjust the gain.
: Depending upon the radar in use, the gain setting congured for use in one radar mode may or may
not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  > .
4. Select  to raise the gain, until light speckles appear across the Radar screen.
Data on the Radar screen is refreshed every few seconds. As a result, the effects of manually adjusting the
gain may not appear instantly. Adjust the gain slowly.
5. Select  to lower the gain until the speckles disappear.
6. If boats, land, or other targets are within range, select  to lower the gain until the targets begin to
7. Select  to raise the gain until the boats, land, or other targets appear steadily lit on the Radar screen.
8. If necessary, minimize the appearance of nearby large objects (page 64).
9. If necessary, minimize the appearance of side-lobe echoes (page 64).
Minimizing Nearby Large-object Interference
Nearby targets of signicant size, such as jetty walls, can cause a very bright image of the target to appear on
the Radar screen. This image can obscure smaller targets located near it.
: Depending upon the radar in use, the gain setting congured for use in one radar mode may or may
not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  > .
4. Select  to lower the gain until the smaller targets are clearly visible on the Radar screen.
Reducing the gain to eliminate nearby large-object interference may cause smaller or more-distant targets
to blink or disappear from the Radar screen.
Minimizing Side-lobe Interference on the Radar Screen
Side-lobe interference may appear to streak outward from a target in a semi-circular pattern. Side-lobe effects
can be avoided by reducing the gain or reducing the radar range.
: Depending upon the radar in use, the gain setting congured for use in one radar mode may or may
not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  > .
4. Select  to lower the gain until the semi-circular, streaked pattern disappears from the Radar screen.
Reducing the gain to eliminate side-lobe interference may cause smaller or more-distant targets to blink or
disappear from the Radar screen.
Restoring the Default Sea Clutter Setting
: Depending upon the radar in use, the sea clutter setting congured for use in one radar mode may or
may not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  >  > .
4. Select a setting that reects present sea conditions: , , or .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 65
Adjusting Sea Clutter on the Radar Screen
You can adjust the appearance of clutter caused by choppy sea conditions. The sea clutter setting affects the
appearance of nearby clutter and targets more than it affects the appearance of distant clutter and targets. A
higher sea clutter setting reduces the appearance of clutter caused by nearby waves, but it can also reduce or
eliminate the appearance of nearby targets.
: Depending upon the radar in use, the sea clutter setting congured for use in one radar mode may or
may not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  >  > .
4. Select a setting that reects present sea conditions: , , or .
5. Select  >  > .
6. Select  or  to decrease or increase the appearance of sea clutter until other targets are clearly
visible on the Radar screen.
Clutter caused by sea conditions may still be visible.
Restoring the Default FTC Setting
: Depending upon the radar in use, the FTC setting congured for use in one radar mode may or may
not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  >  > .
Restoring the Default Rain Clutter Setting
: Depending upon the radar in use, the rain clutter setting congured for use in one radar mode may or
may not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  >  > .
Adjusting Rain Clutter on the Radar Screen
You can adjust the appearance of clutter caused by rain. Reducing the radar range also can minimize rain
clutter (page 54).
Setting Description
FTC This setting affects the appearance of large, hazy masses of clutter caused by rain at any
Rain Clutter This setting affects the appearance of nearby rain clutter and targets more than it affects
the appearance of distant rain clutter and targets. A higher rain clutter setting reduces
the appearance of clutter caused by nearby rain, but it can also reduce or eliminate the
appearance of nearby targets.
: Depending upon the radar in use, the rain clutter and FTC settings congured for use in one radar
mode may or may not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  > .
66 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
4. Complete an action:
Select , , or  to decrease or increase the appearance of rain clutter, if using a GMR
20, 21, 40, 41, 18, 18 HD, 24, 24 HD, 404, or 406 radar. Other targets should remain clearly visible on
the Radar screen.
Select  or  to decrease or increase the appearance of rain clutter, if using a GMR 604 xHD,
606 xHD, 1204 xHD, or 1206 xHD radar. Other targets should remain clearly visible on the Radar
screen. If the FTC setting is greater than 50%, consider reducing the radar range.
5. Select  >  > .
6. Select  or  to decrease or increase the appearance of nearby rain clutter until other targets are
clearly visible on the Radar screen.
Clutter caused by rain may still be visible.
Adjusting Crosstalk Clutter on the Radar Screen
You can reduce the appearance of clutter caused by interference from another nearby radar source. On is the
default value for the crosstalk setting.
: Depending upon the radar in use, the crosstalk setting congured for use in one radar mode may or
may not be applied to other radar modes or to the Radar Overlay (page 63).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  >  > .
Radar Display Appearance
Radar Overlay Numbers
Overlay numbers with data elds
can appear on all radar modes, and they provide real-time, at-a-glance
information. All data bars congured for use in one radar mode appear in every other radar mode. All data bars
congured for use on the Radar Overlay appear only on the Radar Overlay, and must be congured separately.
Several radar data overlays are available. You can select the data elds to be shown within each data overlay.
When overlay numbers are displayed on the radar screen, the navigation inset
is shown during navigation.
The compass tape
can be shown or hidden in each overlay.
Radar with Data Overlay
Selecting a Data Overlay
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select or to select a data overlay.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 67
Conguring Data Fields on a Radar
You can select the type of data shown within a data eld.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select or to select a data overlay.
5. Touch a data eld.
6. Select a category of data.
7. Select the data to be displayed.
Conguring the Navigation Inset on the Radar Screen
The navigation inset is shown only when the boat is navigating to a destination.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select or to select a data overlay.
5. Select .
6. Select 
7. Complete an action:
Select  >  to show waypoint velocity made good (VMG) when navigating a route
with more than one leg.
Select  >  to show next-turn data based on distance.
Select  >  to show next-turn data based on time.
Select , and select , , or  to indicate how the
destination data appears.
Showing the Compass Tape on the Radar Screen
The compass tape appears in a row across the top of the radar screen. It shows the present heading, and an
indicator that shows the bearing to the desired course appears while navigating.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or  mode.
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select .
Radar Display Settings
Setting the Radar Color Scheme
You can set the color scheme used for all Radar screens. This setting does not apply to the Radar Overlay.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Select , , or .
Setting the Radar Display Orientation
You can set the perspective of the radar display. The orientation setting applies to every radar mode. This
setting does not apply to the Radar Overlay.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to set the top of the radar to a north heading.
Select  to set the top of the radar according to the heading data received from a heading
sensor, also known as the magnetic heading. The heading line appears vertically on the screen.
Select  to set the radar so the direction of navigation is always up.
68 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Shifting the Field of View on the Radar Screen
You can shift your present location toward the bottom of the screen automatically as your speed increases.
Enter your top speed for the best results. This setting applies to every radar mode. This setting does not apply
to the Radar Overlay.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
2. Enter the top speed at which you expect to navigate.
3. Select .
Radar Navigation Settings
Showing the Heading Line on the Radar Screen
You can show an extension from the bow of the boat in the direction of travel on the Radar screen. This setting
does not apply to the Radar Overlay.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
Showing and Hiding Range Rings on the Radar Screen
The range rings help you to visualize distances on the Radar screen. This setting does not apply to the Radar
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
Showing Navigation Lines on the Radar Screen
The navigation lines indicate the course you have set using Route To, Guide To, or Go To. This setting does
not apply to the Radar Overlay.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
Radar Scanner and Antenna Settings
Setting the Antenna Rotation Speed
: You can set the rotation speed for GMR 18, 18 HD, 24, 24 HD, 404, 406, 604 xHD, 606 xHD, 1204
xHD, or 1206 xHD radars only.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select .
Select  to increase the speed at which the antenna rotates, which increases the speed at
which the screen updates.
Setting the Radar Antenna Size
You can indicate the size of the radar antenna in order to optimize the radar picture. Until you specify the
antenna size, the “Radar needs to be congured” message appears.
: You can set the antenna size for GMR 404, 406, 604 xHD, 606 xHD, 1204 xHD, or 1206 xHD radars
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select  or .
Turning On and Conguring a Radar No-transmit Zone
You can indicate an area within which the radar scanner does not transmit signals.
: You can set a radar no-transmit zone for GMR 604 xHD, 606 xHD, 1204 xHD, or 1206 xHD radars
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
The no-transmit zone is indicated by a shaded area on the Radar screen.
2. Select .
3. Touch and drag the cursor to adjust the starboard no-transmit angle.
4. Select .
5. Touch and drag the cursor to adjust the port no-transmit angle.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 69
Front-of-boat Offset
The front-of-boat offset compensates for the physical location of the radar scanner on a boat, if the radar
scanner does not align with the bow-stern axis.
Measuring the Potential Front-of-boat Offset
1. Using a magnetic compass, take an optical bearing of a stationary target located within viewable range.
2. Measure the target bearing on the radar.
3. If the bearing deviation is more than +/- 1°, set the front-of-boat offset.
Setting the Front-of-boat Offset
Before you can set the front-of-boat offset, you must measure the potential front-of-boat offset (see previous
The front-of-boat offset setting congured for use in one radar mode is applied to every other radar mode and
to the Radar Overlay.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select and hold  or  to adjust the offset.
Radar Overlay Display Appearance
Showing Tracks on the Radar Overlay
You can set whether vessel tracks appear on the Radar Overlay.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  > .
Selecting a Waypoint Label Type
You can select the type of labels shown with waypoints on the Radar Overlay.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > 
2. Select a waypoint.
3. Complete an action:
Select  to identify waypoints using labels.
Select  to show comments as waypoint labels.
Select  to identify waypoints using symbols.
Showing Other Vessels on the Radar Overlay
AIS requires the use of an external AIS device and active transponder signals from other vessels.
You can congure how other vessels appear on the Radar Overlay. The display range setting congured for the
Radar Overlay is applied only to the Radar Overlay. The details and projected heading settings congured for
the Radar Overlay are also applied to all radar modes.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to indicate the distance from your location in which AIS vessels appear, and
select a distance.
Select  >  to show details about AIS-activated vessels.
Select  to set the projected heading time for AIS-activated vessels, and select .
Select  to show the tracks of AIS vessels, and select the length of the track that appears using a
70 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Radar Overlay Navigation Display Settings
Changing the Map Zoom Detail
You can adjust the amount of detail shown on the map, at different zoom levels, for the Radar Overlay.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >  >.
2. Select a level of detail.
Showing and Conguring the Heading Line
The heading line is an extension drawn on the map from the bow of the boat in the direction of travel. You can
congure the appearance of the heading line on the Radar Overlay.
1. From the Home screen, select  > >  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  > , and enter the distance to the end of the heading line.
Select  > , and enter the amount of time until you reach the end of the heading line.
3. Select .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 71
When connected to a transducer, the following 700 series models can be used as shnders:
Sonar Views
The chartplotter shows sonar data using three different views: a full-screen view, a split-zoom view, and a
split-frequency view.
Full-screen Sonar View
The full-screen sonar view shows a full-view graph of sonar readings from a transducer. The range scale along
the right side of the screen shows the depth of detected objects as the screen scrolls from the right to the left.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Full-screen Sonar View
Range adjustment buttons
Depth, water speed, and unit voltage
Suspended target
GPS speed and GPS heading
Transducer frequency
Setting the Zoom Level on the Full-screen View
You can zoom in to a section of the full-screen sonar view.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to zoom in on the sonar data at two-times magnication.
Select  to zoom in on the sonar data at four-times magnication.
Select  to set the depth range of the magnied area manually. Select  or
 to set the depth range of the magnied area, select  or  to increase or
decrease the magnication of the magnied area, and select .
Select  to zoom in on sonar data from the bottom depth, select  or to set the
depth range of the magnied area, and select .
72 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Split-zoom Sonar View
The split-zoom sonar view shows a full-view graph of sonar readings, and a magnied portion of that graph,
on the same screen.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Split-zoom Sonar View
Depth, water speed, and unit voltage
Zoomed depth scale
GPS speed and GPS heading
Zoom window
Zoom window
Transducer frequency
Split-frequency Sonar View
In the split-frequency sonar view, the left side of the screen shows a full-view graph of 200 kHz frequency
sonar data, and the right side of the screen shows a full-view graph of 50 kHz frequency sonar data.
: The split-frequency sonar view requires the use of a dual-frequency transducer.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Split-frequency Sonar View
Changing from One Sonar View to a Different Sonar View
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a sonar view.
3. Select  > .
4. Select a different sonar view.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 73
Depth Log
If you are using a depth-capable transducer, or are receiving water depth information via NMEA 0183 or
NMEA 2000, the Depth Log displays a graphic log of depth readings over time. The depth appears in the
upper-left corner of the screen. The graph scrolls to the left as information is received.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Setting the Depth Log Range and Time Scales
You can indicate the amount of time and the range of depth that appear in the depth log.
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select .
3. Complete an action:
Selectto set the time-elapsed scale
. The default setting is 10 minutes. Increasing the
time-elapsed scale allows you to view depth variations over a longer period of time. Decreasing the
time-elapsed scale allows you to view more detail over a shorter period of time.
Select  to set the depth-range scale
. Increasing the depth-range scale allows you to view more
variation in depth. Decreasing the depth-range scale allows you to view more detail in the variation.
The present depth is shown in the top-left corner
Select  to recalculate the automatic depth scale range.  appears only when the depth-range
scale setting is set to .
Depth Log
Transducer Temperature Log
If you are using a temperature-capable transducer, or are receiving water temperature via NMEA 0183 or
NMEA 2000, the Temperature Log screen keeps a graphic log of temperature readings over time. The present
temperature and depth appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. The temperature appears along the right
side and the time elapsed appears along the bottom. The graph scrolls to the left as information is received.
From the Home screen, select  > .
Setting the Temperature Log Range and Time Scales
You can indicate the amount of time and the range of temperatures that appear in the transducer temperature
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Select .
74 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
3. Complete an action:
Selectto set the time-elapsed scale
. The default setting is 10 minutes. Increasing the time-
elapsed scale allows you to view temperature variations over a longer period of time. Decreasing the
time-elapsed scale allows you to view more detail over a shorter period of time.
Select  to set the temperature-range scale
. The default setting is 4 degrees. Increasing the
temperature-range scale allows you to view more variation in temperature. Decreasing the temperature-
range scale allows you to view more detail in the variation.
Select  to recalculate the automatic depth scale range.  appears only when the scale setting is
set to .
Transducer Temperature Log
Waypoints on the Sonar Screen
Pausing the Sonar Display
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a sonar view.
3. Select  > .
Creating a Waypoint on the Sonar Screen
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a sonar view.
3. Select  > .
4. Touch and drag the intersection point of the depth line and the distance line to set the location of the
5. Select .
Sonar Display Appearance
You can dene and adjust settings for all sonar views.
Setting Sonar Screen Scroll Speed
You can set the rate at which the sonar scrolls from right to left.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select 
,, , or  to set the scroll speed manually.
Select  to have the scroll speed automatically adjust to the water speed of your boat, if you are
using a water-speed sensor or a speed-capable transducer.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 75
Showing Surface Noise
You can set whether the sonar returns near the surface of the water appear. Hide surface noise to help reduce
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
Showing and Conguring a Depth Line
You can set whether a quick-reference depth line appears.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Touch and drag the reference line to set the depth of the line.
Showing the A-Scope
The A-Scope is a vertical asher along the right side of the screen that shows instantaneously the range to
targets along a scale.
From the Home screen, select  >  > > .
Setting Pic Advance
The picture advance setting allows the sonar picture to advance faster by drawing more than one column of
data on the screen for each column of sounder data received. This is especially helpful when you are using
the sounder in deep water, because the sonar signal takes longer to travel to the water bottom and back to the
The  setting draws one column of information on the screen per sounder return. The  setting draws two
columns of information on the screen per sounder return, and so on for the  and  settings.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a picture advance setting.
Showing Overlay Numbers
You must have a water-speed sensor or a speed-capable transducer to show water-speed information, and
you must have a water-temperature sensor or a temperature-capable transducer to show water-temperature
You can set water temperature, unit voltage, water speed (if your transducer is capable), and navigation
information to appear automatically on the Sonar screens. The navigation information always includes GPS
speed and GPS heading, and includes bearing and off-course information while navigating.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  > .
Select  > .
Select  > .
Select  > .
Select  > .
If you select , and if the information is available, the data appears on the Sonar screen.
Conguring the Appearance of Suspended Targets
You can set how the sonar interprets suspended targets.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select to show suspended targets as symbols with background sonar information.
Select to show suspended targets as symbols with background sonar information and target depth
Select to show suspended targets as symbols.
Select to show suspended targets as symbols with target depth information.
76 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Showing and Conguring the Whiteline
You can highlight the strongest signal from the bottom to help dene the hardness or softness of the signal.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to turn on the whiteline with the most-sensitive setting. Almost all strong returns are
highlighted in white.
Select  to turn on the whiteline with many strong returns highlighted in white.
Select  to turn on the whiteline with the least-sensitive setting. Only the strongest returns are
highlighted in white.
Setting the Color Scheme
1. From the Home screen, select  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  > .
Select  > .
Adjusting the Gain on the Sonar Screen
You can control the sensitivity of the sonar receiver. To see more detail, increase the gain. If the screen is
cluttered, decrease the gain.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a sonar view.
3. Select  > .
4. Complete an action:
Select to allow the chartplotter to adjust the gain automatically.
Select  or to increase or decrease the gain manually.
5. Select .
Adjusting the Noise Rejection on the Sonar Screen
The Noise Rejection setting appears only when you have manually increased or decreased the gain setting
(page 76).
You can minimize the appearance of weak sonar returns by increasing the noise rejection.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a sonar view.
3. Select  > .
4. Select  or.
Selecting Frequencies
You can indicate which frequencies appear on the sonar screen when using a dual frequency transducer.
You can show data from a 200 kHz sonar signal, data from a 50 kHz sonar signal, or data from both signals
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a sonar view.
3. Select  > .
4. Complete an action:
Select  to show data from a 200 kHz sonar signal. This is useful mainly for more-shallow,
inland waters.
Select  to show data from a 50 kHz sonar signal. This is useful mainly for deeper waters.
Select  to show both 200 kHz and 50 kHz data on a split screen.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 77
Adjusting the Range of the Depth Scale
You can adjust the range of the depth scale that appears on the right side of the screen.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a sonar view.
3. Select  > .
4. Complete an action:
Select  to allow the chartplotter to adjust the depth scale automatically.
Select  or  to increase or decrease the range of the depth scale manually.
5. Select .
 From the sonar screen, you can press or to manually adjust the range of the depth
Sonar Alarms
Setting the Shallow Water and Deep Water Alarms
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select  >  to set an alarm to sound when the depth is less than the specied value.
3. Enter the depth that triggers the shallow water alarm.
4. Select .
5. Select  >  to set an alarm to sound when the depth is greater than the specied value.
6. Enter the depth that triggers the deep water alarm.
7. Select .
Setting the Water Temperature Alarm
You can set an alarm to sound when the transducer reports a temperature that is 2°F (1.1°C) above or below
the specied temperature.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  > .
2. Enter a water temperature.
3. Select .
Setting the Fish Alarm
You can set an alarm to sound when the chartplotter detects a suspended target of the specied symbols.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select to sound an alarm for all sh sizes.
Select to sound an alarm for medium and large sh only.
Select to sound an alarm for large sh only.
78 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Transducer Conguration
Setting the Keel Offset
The keel offset compensates for the surface reading for the depth of a keel, making it possible to measure
depth from the bottom of the keel instead of from the transducer location. Enter a positive number to offset for
a keel. You can enter a negative number to compensate for a large vessel that may draw several feet of water.
1. Complete an action, based on the location of the transducer:
If the transducer is installed at the water line
, measure the distance from the transducer location to
the keel of the boat. Enter this value in step 3 as a positive number.
If the transducer is installed at the bottom of the keel
, measure the distance from the transducer to the
water line. Enter this value in step 3 as a negative number.
Keel Offset
2. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
3. Enter the distance measured in step 1. Ensure that you enter a positive or a negative number based on the
location of the transducer.
4. Select .
Setting the Water Temperature Offset
You must have a NMEA 0183 water-temperature sensor or a temperature-capable transducer to measure water
The temperature offset compensates for the temperature reading from a temperature sensor.
1. Measure the water temperature using the temperature sensor or temperature-capable transducer that is
connected to the chartplotter.
2. Measure the water temperature using a different temperature sensor or a thermometer that is known to be
3. Subtract the water temperature measured in step 1 from the water temperature measured in
step 2.
This is the temperature offset. Enter this value in step 5 as a positive number if the sensor connected to the
chartplotter measures the water temperature as being colder than it actually is. Enter this value in step 5
as a negative number if the sensor connected to the chartplotter measures the water temperature as being
warmer than it actually is.
4. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
5. Enter the temperature offset calculated in step 3.
6. Select .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 79
Digital Selective Calling
Digital Selective Calling
Chartplotter and VHF Radio Functionality
The following table indicates the features that are available when you connect your chartplotter to a VHF radio
over a NMEA 0183 network or a NMEA 2000 network.
Functionality NMEA 0183
VHF Radio
NMEA 2000
VHF Radio
Garmin NMEA
0183 VHF
Garmin NMEA
2000 VHF
The chartplotter can transfer your GPS
position to your radio. If your radio is
capable, GPS position information is
transmitted with DSC calls.
The chartplotter can receive DSC distress
and position information from the radio
(page 80)
The chartplotter can track the positions
of vessels sending position reports
(page 81).
The chartplotter allows you to quickly set
up and send individual routine call details
to your Garmin VHF radio
(page 83).
When you initiate a man-overboard
distress call from your radio, the
chartplotter shows the man-overboard
screen and prompts you to navigate to the
man-overboard point (page 80).
When you initiate a man-overboard
distress call from your chartplotter, the
radio shows the Distress Call page to
initiate a man-overboard distress call
(page 80).
Turning On DSC
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
About the DSC List
The DSC list is a log of the most-recent DSC calls and other DSC contacts you have entered. The DSC list
can contain up to 100 entries. The DSC list shows the most-recent call from a boat. If a second call is received
from the same boat, it replaces the rst call in the call list.
Viewing the DSC List
Your chartplotter must be connected to a VHF radio that supports DSC in order to view the DSC list.
From the Home screen, select  >  > .
80 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Digital Selective Calling
Adding a DSC Contact
You can add a vessel to your DSC list. You can make calls to a DSC contact from the chartplotter (page 83).
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > > .
2. Enter the Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) of the vessel.
3. Select .
4. Enter the name of the vessel.
5. Select .
Incoming Distress Calls
If your Garmin chartplotter and VHF radio are connected using NMEA 0183 or NMEA 2000, your chartplotter
alerts you when your VHF radio receives a DSC distress call. If position information was sent with the distress
call, that information is also available and recorded with the call.
The symbol designates a distress call in the DSC list and marks the position of the vessel on the
Navigation chart at the time when the DSC distress call was sent.
Viewing the DSC Distress Call Report
See “Viewing a Position Report” (page 81).
Calling a Vessel in Distress
See “Making an Individual Routine Call” (page 83).
Navigating to a Vessel in Distress
The symbol designates a distress call in the DSC list and marks the position of a vessel on the Navigation
chart at the time a DSC distress call is sent.
See “Navigating to a Tracked Vessel” (page 81).
Creating a Waypoint at the Position of a Vessel in Distress
See “Creating a Waypoint at the Position of a Tracked Vessel” (page 81).
Editing Information in a DSC Call Report
See “Editing Information in a Position Report” (page 81).
Deleting a DSC Call Report
See “Deleting a Position Report” (page 81).
Man-Overboard Distress Calls Initiated from a VHF Radio
When your Garmin chartplotter is connected to a Garmin NMEA 2000-compatible radio, and you initiate a
man-overboard DSC distress call from your radio, your Garmin chartplotter shows the man-overboard screen
and prompts you to navigate to the man-overboard point. If you have a Garmin autopilot system connected to
the network, your chartplotter prompts you to start a Williamson’s turn to the man-overboard point.
If you cancel the man-overboard distress call on the radio, the chartplotter screen prompting you to activate
navigation to the man-overboard location disappears.
Man-Overboard Distress Calls Initiated from the Chartplotter
When your Garmin chartplotter is connected to a Garmin NMEA 2000-compatible radio and you activate
navigation to a man-overboard location, the radio shows the Distress Call page so you can quickly initiate a
man-overboard distress call.
On the radio, press the  key for at least three seconds to send the distress call.
For information on placing distress calls from your radio, see your Garmin VHF Radio Owner’s Manual. You
can mark an MOB and navigate to it (page 27).
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 81
Digital Selective Calling
Position Tracking
When you connect your Garmin chartplotter to a VHF radio using NMEA 0183, you can track vessels that
send position reports. This feature is also available with NMEA 2000, provided that the vessel sends the
correct PGN data (PGN 129808; DSC Call Information).
Every position-report call received is logged in the DSC list (page 79).
Viewing a Position Report
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a position-report call.
3. Select or to switch between details of the position report and a Navigation chart marking
the location.
Calling a Tracked Vessel
See “Making an Individual Routine Call” (page 83).
Navigating to a Tracked Vessel
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a position-report call.
3. Select .
4. Select  or  (page 25).
Creating a Waypoint at the Position of a Tracked Vessel
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a position-report call.
3. Select .
Editing Information in a Position Report
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a position-report call.
3. Select .
4. Complete an action:
Select . Enter the name of the vessel. Select .
Select . Select a new symbol. Select .
Select . Enter the comment. Select .
Select > to show a trail line for the vessel, if your radio is tracking the position of the
Select . Select a color for the trail line.
Deleting a Position-Report Call
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a position-report call.
3. Select .
82 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Digital Selective Calling
Vessel Trails on the Navigation Chart
You can view trails for all tracked vessels on the Navigation chart, the Fishing chart, and the Mariners Eye 3D
chart view. By default, a black dot
appears for each previously reported position of a tracked vessel, and a
Blue Flag symbol
indicates the last reported position of the vessel. A black line
indicating the path of the
vessel also appears.
You must enable the DSC Trails setting in order to view trails for tracked vessels (page 82).
: The Mariner’s Eye 3D chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card. The Fishing chart
is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map
supports Fishing charts.
Vessel Trail on the Navigation Chart
Showing and Setting the Duration of Trails for All Tracked Vessels
: The Mariner’s Eye 3D chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card. The Fishing chart
is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map
supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select the number of hours to show tracked vessels on the chart or 3D chart view.
For example, if you select , all trail points that are less than four hours old appear for all tracked
Showing the Trail Line for a Tracked Vessel
You can show the trail line for a specic tracked vessel.
: The Mariner’s Eye 3D chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card. The Fishing chart
is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map
supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select a vessel.
5. Select  > >.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 83
Digital Selective Calling
Changing the Appearance of a Trail Line
You can change the appearance of a trail line for a specic tracked vessel.
: The Mariner’s Eye 3D chart is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card. The Fishing chart
is available if you use a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card or a BlueChart g2 SD card, or if your built-in map
supports Fishing charts.
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select , , , or .
3. Select  >  > .
4. Select a vessel.
5. Select  >  > .
6. Select a color for the trail line.
Individual Routine Calls
When you connect your Garmin chartplotter to a Garmin VHF NMEA 2000-compatible radio, you can use
the chartplotter interface to set up an individual routine call. When setting up an individual routine call from
your chartplotter, you can select the DSC channel on which you want to communicate (page 83). The radio
transmits this request with your call.
Selecting a DSC Channel
The selection of a DSC channel is limited to those channels that are available in all frequency bands:
6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, or 77. The default channel is 72. If you select a different
channel, the chartplotter uses that channel for subsequent calls until you call using another channel.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a vessel or a station to call.
3. Select  > .
4. Select a channel.
Making an Individual Routine Call
: When initiating a call from the chartplotter, if the radio does not have an MMSI number programmed,
the radio will not receive call information.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a vessel or a station to call.
3. Select  > .
The chartplotter sends information about the call to the radio.
4. On your Garmin VHF radio, select .
Making an Individual Routine Call to an AIS Target
When you connect your Garmin chartplotter to a Garmin VHF NMEA 2000-compatible radio, you can use
the chartplotter interface to set up an individual routine call to an AIS target. Before you start the call, you can
select a DSC channel other than the default channel, channel 72 (page 83).
1. From the Home screen, select .
2. Select a chart or a 3D chart view.
3. Touch an AIS target .
4. Select  >  > .
The chartplotter sends information about the call to the radio.
5. On your Garmin VHF radio, select .
84 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Physical Specications
Specication Measurement
Size W × H × D: 8
× 5
× 3
in. (226 × 142 × 80 mm)
Weight 2.48 lb. (1.125 kg)
Display W × H: 6 × 3
in. (152 × 91 mm)
Case Fully gasketed, high-impact plastic and aluminum alloy, waterproof to IEC 60529 IPX-7
Temp. Range From 5°F to 131°F (from -15°C to 55°C)
Compass Safe
32.0 in. (813 mm)
GPS Performance
Specication Parameter Measurement
Receiver High-sensitivity 12 parallel channel, WAAS-capable receiver
Warm Approximately 1 sec. (The device is at or near the last location at which you
recently acquired satellites.)
Cold Approximately 38 sec. (The device has moved more than about 500 mi.
[800 km] since it was turned off.)
Reacquisition < 1 sec.
Update Rate 1/sec., continuous
Accuracy GPS <33 ft. (10 m) 95% typical
DGPS 10-16 ft. (3-5 m) 95% typical (WAAS/EGNOS accuracy)
Velocity 0.05 m/sec. steady state
Specication Measurement
Source 10–32 Vdc
Usage 8.56 W max. at 13.8 Vdc
Fuse 3 A
NMEA 2000 Load Equivalency Number (LEN) 2
NMEA 2000 Draw 100 mA maximum
Calibrating the Touchscreen
The GPSMAP 700 series chartplotter touchscreen does not normally require calibration. However, if the
buttons do not seem to be responding properly, use the following process to calibrate the screen.
1. While the chartplotter is turned off, press .
The Warning screen appears.
2. Touch anywhere on the black portion of the screen for approximately 15 seconds until the calibration
screen appears.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen until “Calibration is complete” appears.
4. Touch .
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 85
You can capture as a bitmap (.BMP) le a screenshot of any screen shown on your chartplotter, and transfer
the le to your computer.
Capturing Screenshots
1. Insert a memory card into the SD card slot on the front of the chartplotter.
2. Select  >  >  >  > .
3. Go to a screen you want to capture.
4. Press  for at least six seconds.
The Screenshot Taken window appears.
5. Select .
Copying Screenshots to a Computer
1. Remove the memory card from the chartplotter and insert it into an SD card reader that is attached to a
2. From Windows Explorer, open the Garmin\scrn folder on the memory card.
3. Copy a .BMP le from the card and paste it to any location on the computer.
Viewing GPS Satellite Locations
You can view the relative position of GPS satellites in the sky.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
WAAS (in North America) or EGNOS (in Europe) can provide more-accurate GPS position information.
However, when using WAAS or EGNOS, the device takes longer to acquire satellites.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
System Information
Viewing System Information
See “Viewing System Information” (page 3).
Viewing the Event Log
The event log shows a list of system events.
From the Home screen, select  > >  > .
Saving System Information to a Memory Card
You can save system information to a memory card as a troubleshooting tool. A Garmin Product Support
representative may ask you to use this information to retrieve data about the network.
1. Insert a memory card into the SD card slot on the chartplotter.
2. Select  >  > >.
3. Remove the memory card.
86 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Restoring the Original Chartplotter Factory Settings
: This procedure deletes all settings information you have entered.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Select .
NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000
A GPSMAP 700 series chartplotter can accept data from both NMEA 0183-compliant devices and certain
NMEA 2000 devices connected to an existing NMEA 2000 network on your boat.
NMEA 0183
The NMEA 0183 data cable included with each GPSMAP 700 series chartplotter supports the NMEA
0183 standard, which is used to wire various NMEA 0183-compliant devices, such as VHF radios, NMEA
instruments, autopilots, wind sensors, and heading sensors.
To wire the GPSMAP 700 series chartplotter to optional NMEA 0183-compliant devices, see the GPSMAP
700 Series Installation Instructions.
Approved NMEA 0183 Sentences
GPWPL, GPXTE, and Garmin proprietary sentences PGRME, PGRMM, and PGRMZ.
This chartplotter also includes support for the WPL sentence, DSC, and sonar NMEA 0183 input with support
for the DPT (depth) or DBT, MTW (water temp), and VHW (water temp, speed, and heading) sentences.
Conguring NMEA 0183 Output Sentences
You can congure how the chartplotter sees NMEA 0183 output sentences.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a setting: , , , or.
3. Select one or more NMEA 0183 output sentences.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to congure additional settings.
Setting the Communication Format for Each NMEA 0183 Port
You can congure the input/output format for each port to use when connecting your chartplotter to external
NMEA devices, a computer, or other Garmin devices.
1. From the Home screen, select  > > .
2. Complete an action:
Select .
Select .
3. Select an input/output format:
Select  to support the input or output of Garmin-proprietary data for interfacing
with Garmin software.
Select  to support the input or output of standard NMEA 0183 data, DSC, and sonar NMEA
input support for the DPT, MTW, and VHW sentences.
Select to support the input or output of standard 0183 data for most AIS receivers.
Setting Decimal Precision for NMEA 0183 Output
You can adjust the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for transmission of NMEA output.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > ..
2. Select , , or.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 87
Conguring Waypoint Identication
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to transmit waypoint names via NMEA 0183 while navigating.
Select  to transmit waypoint numbers while navigating. This option may resolve compatibility
with older NMEA 0183 autopilots.
Viewing NMEA 0183 Diagnostic Information
The NMEA 0183 Diagnostics screen is a troubleshooting tool used by installers to verify that NMEA 0183
data is being sent across the system.
From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
NMEA 2000
GPSMAP 700 series chartplotters are NMEA 2000 certied and can receive data from a NMEA 2000 network
installed on the boat to show specic information, such as depth, speed, water temperature, wind speed and
direction, and engine data.
You can also name your engines and tanks so that you can better identify their location on the boat.
To connect a GPSMAP 700 series chartplotter to an existing NMEA 2000 network and to see a list of
supported NMEA 2000 PGN numbers, see the GPSMAP 700 Series Installation Instructions.
Viewing a List of NMEA 2000 Network Devices
You can view the devices connected to the NMEA 2000 network.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  > .
2. Select a device for a list of options.
Labeling Engines as Numbers
From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >
 > .
Labeling Engines as Names
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >
 > .
2. Select the engine you want to name.
3. Select the location of the engine: , , , , or .
4. Select the label you want to use for the engine.
Labeling Tanks as Numbers
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >
2. Select the type of tank you want to label.
3. Select .
Labeling Tanks as Names
1. From the Home screen, select  >  >  >  >
2. Select the type of tank you want to label.
3. Select .
4. Select a tank.
5. Select the location of the tank: , , , , or .
6. Select the label you want to use for the tank.
88 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
Selecting a Preferred Data Source
If more than one data source is available, you can select the data source you want to use.
1. From the Home screen, select  >  > .
2. Select a type of data.
3. Select a data source.
Transmitting NMEA 0183 Data over a NMEA 2000 Network
You can turn on, congure, or turn off output bridging. Output bridging occurs when a chartplotter takes
NMEA 0183 data it receives from any source, formats it into NMEA 2000 data, and sends it over the NMEA
2000 bus.
1. From the Home screen, select >  > .
2. Complete an action:
Select  to enable output bridging from the chartplotter.
Select  to allow the chartplotters on the NMEA 2000 network to negotiate with each other to
determine which chartplotter will perform this function. Only one chartplotter on the NMEA 2000
network can bridge NMEA 0183 data over the NMEA 2000 bus at a time.
All GPSMAP 700 series units are NMEA 2000 certied.
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 89
Registering Your Device
Help us better support you by completing our online registration today:
Go to http://my.garmin.com.
Keep the original sales receipt, or a photocopy, in a safe place.
Contacting Garmin Product Support
Contact Garmin Product Support if you have any questions about this product:
In the USA, go to www.garmin.com/support, or contact Garmin USA by phone at (913) 397.8200 or (800)
In the UK, contact Garmin (Europe) Ltd. by phone at 0808 2380000.
In Europe, go to www.garmin.com/support and click  for in-country support
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Garmin, declares that this product is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. To view the full Declaration of Conformity, go to
Software License Agreement
Garmin Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“Garmin”) grant you a limited license to use the software embedded in this
device (the “Software”) in binary executable form in the normal operation of the product. Title, ownership
rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software remain in Garmin and/or its third-party providers.
You acknowledge that the Software is the property of Garmin and/or its third-party providers and is
protected under the United States of America copyright laws and international copyright treaties. You further
acknowledge that the structure, organization, and code of the Software, for which source code is not provided,
are valuable trade secrets of Garmin and/or its third-party providers and that the Software in source code
form remains a valuable trade secret of Garmin and/or its third-party providers. You agree not to decompile,
disassemble, modify, reverse assemble, reverse engineer, or reduce to human readable form the Software or
any part thereof or create any derivative works based on the Software. You agree not to export or re-export the
Software to any country in violation of the export control laws of the United States of America or the export
control laws of any other applicable country.
90 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
active tracks
clearing 31
retracing 31
saving 31
add turn 28
aerial photos 17, 20
radar 59
targeting 12, 83
threats 15, 58
anchor drag 51
arrival 51
clock 51
collision 12, 15, 58
deep water 77
sh 77
GPS accuracy 52
navigation 51
off course 51
shallow water 77
sonar 77
system 51
total fuel onboard 52
unit voltage 51
water temperature 77
alignment 43
anchor drag alarm 51
animated currents, tides 8, 21
connector 1
rotation speed 68
size 68
apparent wind 41
arrival alarm 51
Auto Guidance
BlueChart g2 Vision 21
line 46
navigation 5
shoreline distance 46
auto mag var 47
autopilot 32
backing up data 53
backlight 2
backlight sensor 1
back panel 1
barometer 43
basemap version 3
blend, photo map 20
BlueChart g2 Vision
aerial photos 11
chart symbols 5
data cards 17
Fish Eye 3D 18
Mariners Eye 3D 17
POIs 21
bridging, output 88
brightness, display 2
celestial information 38
changing charts 4
chart data alignment 62
details 11
shing 16
navigation 4
symbols 5, 10
chart symbols 5
classic, 3D terrain style 17
clear user data 28, 30, 31, 32
clock alarm 51
close hauled wind gauge 42
cross talk 63
default settings 63
FTC 63, 65
radar type 63
rain 63, 65
sea 63, 64, 65
collision alarm 12, 15, 58
color mode 2
color of tracks 6, 31
color scheme
radar 67
sonar 76
customizing 22
selecting 22
compass 41
compass roses 11
compass tape data bar 24, 49, 67
conguration, chartplotter 44
congure, button 3
contact information 89
coordinate systems 47
courses 26, 28
create waypoint 6, 27, 60, 74, 81
cross talk 63, 66
cruising mode 55
current station indicators, conguring
current stations
indicators 8, 21
nearby 37
reports 37
dangerous depth 10
backup 53
copying 52
data cards 2
BlueChart g2 Vision 17
data elds
chart 49
combination screen 23
radar 67
data management 52
data transfer 52, 53, 86
day colors 2
deep water alarm 77
depth log 73
depth shading 10
destinations 25
navigating to 33
navigation chart 25
selecting 25
Where To? 25
digital selective calling
channels 83
contacts 80
turning on 79
distress calls 80
DSC 79
measuring 59
showing 59
engine gauges 38
conguring 38
cycling screens 38
status alarms 39
labeling 87
event log 68
factory settings 2, 86
sh alarm 77
Fish Eye 3D
data bars 48
object information 6
sonar cone 19
suspended targets 19
tracks 19
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 91
shing chart
AIS 15
currents 8
data bars 48
heading line 9
map orientation 8
navaids 10, 20
navigation 5
object information 6
panning 5
roses 11
satellite imagery 9, 20
tide stations 7
world map 9
zoom detail 8
sh symbols 19, 75
front-of-boat offset 69
front panel 1
FTC 63, 65
fuel capacity 51
fuel gauges
conguring 38, 40
status alarms 39
synchronizing with fuel 40
viewing 40
fuel onboard 52
full-screen view 71
default setting 63
large objects 64
radar 63
radar type 63
side lobes 64
sonar 76
Garmin Product Support 89
analog 39
digital 39
engine 38
limits 39
maximums 39
status alarms 39
trip 40
type 39
Go To 26, 33
accuracy alarm 52
performance 84
signals 2
GPS performance 84
grid north 47
guard zone 57
Guide To 26, 33
harbor mode 56
hazard colors 17
heading 42, 43, 67
heading line 9, 68
heading reference 47
home screen 3
IALA symbols 11
ID number 3
information, button 3
initial settings 2
keel offset 78
power i
range 16
labeling engines and tanks 87
land-based POIs 11
lane width 16
language 2, 45
large-object interference 64
light sectors 11
magnetic heading 8, 43, 67
magnetic variation 47
man overboard
creating from a navigation screen
creating from main menu 3
deleting 28
from VHF radio 80
Mariners Eye 3D
AIS 15
data bars 48
hazard colors 17
lane width 16
object information 6
range rings 16
safe depth 18
satellite imagery 17
marine services 11, 25, 33
measure distance 6
memory card 2, 53
MOB 27, 80
deleting 28
naming engines and tanks 87
conguring 10
selecting 8
Navigate To 6
navigation alarms 51
navigation chart
aerial photos 20
AIS 15
dangerous depth 10
data bars 48
depth shading 10
heading line 9
land-based POIs 11
light sectors 11
marine service points 11
navaid symbols 10
object information 6
orientation 8
panning 5
photo points 11
roses 11
satellite imagery 9
vessel trails 82
world map 9
zoom 4
zoom detail 8
navigation inset
chart 49
combination screen 23
radar 67
navigation lane 16
navigation lines 68
night colors 2
NMEA 0183 86
NMEA 2000 87
NMEA 2000 connector 1
no-transmit zone 68
NOAA symbols 11
noise rejection, radar 63
noise rejection, sonar 76
north heading 8, 43, 67
object information 6
off course alarm 51
front of boat 69
keel 78
water temperature 78
offshore mode 56
compass display 43
map 8
radar display 67
other vessels
AIS 50, 58
projected heading 59
trails 50, 59, 82
92 GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual
output bridging 88
overlay, radar 61
overlay numbers 48
3D views 16
charts 5
Perspective 3D
AIS 15
data bars 48
lane width 16
object information 6
range rings 16
photo points 11
photos 20
POI data 11, 17, 21
position format 47
position report 81
position tracking 81
posn precision 86
power/data connector 1
power key i, 1
preferred data source 88
product registration 89
product support 89
projected course 13
projected heading 14
AIS 59
antenna rotation speed 68
antenna size 68
clutter 63
color scheme 67
cruising mode 55
display modes 55
fast time constant 65
eld of view 68
front-of-boat offset 69
gain 63
harbor mode 56
heading line 68
navigation lines 68
no-transmit zone 68
noise rejection 63
offshore mode 56
optimizing display 62
orientation 67
range 54, 62
range rings 68
sentry mode 57
timed transmit 57
transmitting 54
types 55, 63
zoom scale 54
radar overlay 61
tracks 69
zooming in and out 62
rain clutter 62, 63, 65
range rings 16, 68
rated maximum 38
rated minimum 38
rear panel 1
registration 89
reset 86
Review 6
roses 11
rotating, 3D view 16
bypassing waypoint 30
copying 53
creating 28, 29
deleting 30
editing 29
label type 45
navigating 28, 34, 60
navigating backward 35, 61
navigating forward 35, 61
navigating parallel to 35, 61
present location 28
radar 60
turns 28, 29, 45
viewing list of 29
waypoints 29
Where To? 25
Route To 26, 28, 33
safe depth 18, 46
safe height 46
safe zone collision alarm 15, 58
satellite imagery 16, 17, 20
satellite signals 2
scale maximum 38
scale minimum 38
scroll speed, sonar 74
SD card slot 1, 2
sea clutter 63, 65
secure digital card 2
sentry mode
guard zone 57
timed transmit 57
a-scope 75
AIS 14
anchor drag 51
antenna size 68
arrival 51
Auto Guidance 46
auto power up 44
backlight 2
beeper 45
calibrate water speed 50
chart borders 11
clock 51
collision alarm 15, 58
color mode 2
color scheme 67, 76
compass tape data bar 24, 49, 67
crosstalk 66
data bars 48
daylight saving time 47
deep water 77
depth line 75
depth units 48
detail 8
details 14, 59
display range 14, 59
distance units 48
DSC 79
elevation units 48
sh alarm 77
sh symbols 19, 75
frequency 76
front of boat 69
fuel capacity 51
gain 63, 76
GPS 85
GPS accuracy 52
hazard colors 18
heading 47
heading line 9, 68
interval 32
keel offset 78
land POIs 11
lane width 16
light sectors 11
look-ahd spd 68
map datum 47
navaid size 10
navaid type 10
nav lines 68
NMEA 0183 setup 86
NMEA 2000 device list 87
NMEA 2000 setup 87
no-transmit zone 68
off course 51
orientation 8, 67
output bridging 88
output sentences 86
overlay numbers 75
photo points 11
photos 20
port types 86
position format 47
posn. precision 86
preferred sources 88
pressure units 48
proj. heading 14, 59
rain clutter 65
range 77
range rings 16, 68
GPSMAP 700 Series Owner’s Manual 93
record mode 32
rings 68
roses 11
rotation spd 68
route labels 45
safe depth 18, 46
safe height 46
safety shading 10
screenshot capture 85
scroll speed 74
sea clutter 64
service points 11
shallow water 77
shoreline distance 46
show VRM/EBL 59
simulator 44
sonar cone 19
speed sources 45
speed units 48
spot depths 10
stdby time 57
style 17
surface noise 75
symbols 10
system information 85
system units 48
temperature units 48
temp offset 78
tides/currents 20
time 47
time format 47
time zone 47
total fuel onboard 52
track color 31
turn transition 45
unit voltage 51
view 19
volume units 48
water temp 77
whiteline 76
world map 9
zoom 71
shaded relief 9
shallow water alarm 77
shoreline distance 46
side lobe interference 64
simulator mode 44
skyview 85
software version 3
a-scope 75
alarms 77
appearance 74
color scheme 76
cone 19
depth line 75
depth scale 77
frequencies 76
gain 76
overlay numbers 75
scroll speed 74
surface noise 75
suspended targets 75
views 71
whiteline 76
specications 84
speed data 45
speed lter 50
speed sensor 42, 45, 50, 74
split-frequency view 72
split zoom view 72
spot depth soundings 10
suspended targets 19, 75
symbols 5, 10
system information 85
tanks, labeling 87
temperature log 73
tide station indicators, conguring 8
tide stations
indicators 8, 21
nearby 36
display 47
format 47
zone 47
timed transmit 57
total fuel onboard alarm 52
touchscreen 84
track log
interval 32
memory 32
active 31
color 6, 31
copying 53
deleting 31
editing 31
editing/deleting 19
list 31
navigating 35
on Radar Overlay 69
recording 32
saving 31
saving as route 31
showing 30
Where To? 25
transmit radar 54
trip gauges 40
true north 47
true wind 41
unit ID number 3
units of measure 48
unit voltage alarm 51
vessel trails
appearance 83
duration 82
showing 82
VHF radio
calling an AIS target 83
distress calls 80
DSC channel 83
individual routine calls 83
VMG 42
adjusting 59
measuring 59
showing 59
speed 50
water temperature alarm 77
water temperature offset 78
waypoint display 6
waypoint identication 87
bypassing in route 30
copying 53
creating 6, 26, 60, 74
deleting 28
editing 27
hiding 60
label type 69
list of 27
man overboard 27
moving 27
navigating to 34
present location 26
radar 60
radar overlay, labeling 69
showing 60
sonar 74
tracked vessel 81
Where To? 25
Where To? 33
apparent 41
true 41
wind speed source 42
zoom 4, 15, 16, 71
zoom scale 4, 54
For the latest free software updates (excluding map data) throughout the life of your
Garmin products, visit the Garmin Web site at www.garmin.com.
© 2010–2011 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
Garmin International, Inc.
1200 East 151
Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, USA
Garmin (Europe) Ltd.
Liberty House, Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 9LR UK
Garmin Corporation
No. 68, Zhangshu 2nd Road,
Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City, 221, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
November 2011 Part Number 190-01155-00 Rev. D Printed in Taiwan

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Others manual(s) of Garmin GPSMAP 721

Garmin GPSMAP 721 Installation Guide - English - 10 pages

Garmin GPSMAP 721 Installation Guide - German - 10 pages

Garmin GPSMAP 721 User Manual - German - 104 pages

Garmin GPSMAP 721 Installation Guide - Dutch - 8 pages

Garmin GPSMAP 721 User Manual - Dutch - 100 pages

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