Dish Cooking Temperature Moisture Cooking time
insert in °C in % in minutes
Fresh pasta, cooled perforated 100 100 5-7
Fresh pasta, with filling, cooled perforated 100 100 7-10
Pre-soaked white beans unperforated 100 100 55-65
(250 g + 1 l water)
Dish Cooking Temperature Moisture Cooking time
insert in °C in % in minutes
Crème Brulée*, 130 g each soufflé dishes / perforated 90-95 100 35-40
Yeast dumplings, 100 g each unperforated 100 100 20-30
Flan/Crème Caramel*, 130 g each soufflé dishes / perforated 90-95 100 25-30
Compote unperforated 100 100 5-15
Milk rice (250 g rice + 625 ml milk) unperforated 100 100 35-45
Baked puddings** unperforated 180-200 0-60 20-40
*Cover crème brulée or flan with heat-resistant cling film.
**Baked puddings: e.g. crumbles, bread and butter pudding, rice pudding.
Dish Cooking Temperature Moisture Cooking time
insert in °C in % in minutes
To desinfect baby bottles or jam jars wire rack 100 100 20-25
To dry fruit or vegetables* perforated 80-100 0 180-300
Eggs, size M (5 eggs) perforated 100 100 8-15
Cooked-egg-garnish**, 500 g glass dish / wire rack 90 80-100 25-30
Semolina dumplings unperforated 90-95 100 8-10
Lasagne unperforated 170-190 0 35-60
Soufflé soufflé dishes / perforated 180-200 60 12-20
*To dry for example: tomatoes, courgettes, mushrooms, apples, pears etc., thinly sliced. Season with olive oil,
herbs, sugar, salt, etc.
**Cover with heat-resistant cling film.