WITCH E OR G*landing gear/ch 5GLID1FLAP = gearthrottle hold
WITCH F OR H*snap roll/trainertrainertrainer/THR-CUT
idle-up 1 and 2
WITCH H OR F*noneGLID2FL-C: OFFSET 3idle-up3/ch 5/gyro
NOB Aflap/ch 6
(flap trim if FLAPERON on)
GLID1FLP: flap
(flap trim if FLAPERON on)
GLID2FLAP: camber
(flap trim if FL-AIL off)
KNOB Bch 8ch 8ch 8
NOB Cspoiler/ch 7
(disabled if AIL-DIFF on)
spoiler/ch 7
(disabled if AIL-DIF on)
NOB DnoneGLID1FLAP: ch 5none
LIDER Enonenonenone
*On the 9CA Mode 2 transmitters, the TOP LEFT SWITCHESare spring-loaded and 2-position; on the 9CA Mode 1, 9CH, and 9CP, those switches are
on the right side. For consistency, the switch position’s designation remains the same (upper left is F, etc), but the functions are moved to match the
switch type.
Ni-Cd battery pack
Charging jack
Battery cover
Battery connector location
Trainer function
/DSC function connector
RF module
To remove, press the tabs together
and gently pull rearwards.
To install, line up the connector pins with
the socket in the rear of the module and
gently snap into position.
• The factory default functions activated by the switches and knobs for a 9CA Mode 2 transmitter are shown below.
• Most 9C super functions may be reassigned to non-default positions quickly and easily.
• Basic control assignments of channels 5-9 are quickly adjustable in AUX-CH (see p. 39). For example, the channel 5
servo, which defaults to SWITCH E for retract use, can easily be unassigned (NULL) to allow for easy use as a second
rudder servo in a mix, or to a slider or dial for bomb door or other control.
• Note that most functions need to be activated in the programming to operate.
• 9CA Mode 1, 9CH, and 9CP transmitter functions are similar but reverse certain switch commands. Always check that
you have the desired switch assignment for each function during set up.
Output and
Aircraft (ACRO)
Helicopter (HELI)
1ailerons/right aileron
/combined right flap & aileron
aileron (cyclic roll)
2elevatorelevator (cyclic pitch)
5spare/landing gear/left aileron
/combined left flap and
right flap (GLD2FLAP/GLID2FL-C)
6spare/ flap(s)/combined left flap and aileron
pitch (collective pitch)
7spare/left aileron
8spare/second elevator servo
/mixture controlspare
Aileron Differential mode (AIL-DIFF). (See p. 47).
Flaperon mode. (See p. 45).
Using Second Aileron option, second aileron servo output is sent to channels 5 and 6 to allow use of a 5-channel receiver.
( AIL-2) (See p. 48)
AILEVATOR (dual elevator) mode. (See p. 50).
Charging Your System’s Batteries
1. Connect the transmitter charging jack and airborne Ni-Cd batteries to the transmitter and receiver connectors of the charger.
2. Plug the charger into a wall socket.
3. Check that the charger LED lights.
The initial charge, and any charge after a complete discharge,
should be at least 18 hours to ensure full charge. The batteries
should be left on charge for about 15 hours when recharging the
standard NR-4J, NR4F1500 and NT8S700B Ni-Cd batteries.
We recommend charging the batteries with the charger sup-
plied with your system.Note that the use of a fast charger may
damage the batteries by overheating and dramatically reduce
their lifetime.
You should fully discharge your system’s Ni-Cd batteries periodically to prevent a condition called memory.
For example, if you only make two flights each session, or you regularly use only a small amount of the batteries
capacity, thememory effect can reduce the actual capacity even if the battery is fully charged. You can cycle your
batteries with a commercial cycling unit*, or by leaving the system on and exercising the servos by moving the
transmitter sticks until the transmitter shuts itself off. Cycling should be done every four to eight weeks, even during
the winter or periods of long storage. Keep track of the batteries capacity during cycling; if there is a noticeable
change, you may need to replace the batteries.
*Note that the 9C super transmitter system has electronic protection from overcharging and reverse polarity via a poli-switch. It does
NOT have a diode in the charge circuit and may be discharged/peak charged with the battery in the transmitter.
DO NOT attempt to charge your 8-cell transmitter pack on the 4-cell receiver plug of the wall charger!
TX: Transmitter charging indicato
RX: Receiver charging indicator
To transmitter charging jack
Receiver Ni-Cd battery
Stick tip ALocking piece B
Adjusting the length of the non-slip control sticks
You may change the length of the control sticks to make your transmitter more
comfortable to hold and operate. To lengthen or shorten your transmitter’s sticks,
first unlock the stick tip by holding locking piece B and turning stick tip A
counterclockwise. Next, move the locking piece B up or down (to lengthen or
shorten). When the length feels comfortable, lock the position by turning lock-
ing piece B counterclockwise.
Stick lever tension adjustment
You may adjust the tension of your sticks to provide the feel that you prefer for flying. To adjust your springs, you’ll have
to remove the rear case of the transmitter. First, remove the battery cover on the rear of the transmitter. Next, unplug the
battery wire, and remove the battery and RF module from the transmitter. While you are removing the RF module, pay
attention to the location of the pins that plug into the back of the module. Next, using a screwdriver, remove the four screws
that hold the transmitter’s rear cover in position, and put them in a safe place. Gently ease off the transmitter’s rear cover.
Now you’ll see the view shown in the figure above.
Using a small Phillips screwdriver, rotate the adjusting screw for each stick for the desired spring tension. The tension
increases when the adjusting screw is turned clockwise.
When you are satisfied with the spring tensions, reattach the transmitter's rear cover. Check that the upper printed circuit
board is on its locating pins, then very carefully reinstall the rear cover being mindful to guide the RF module connector
pins through the slot in the case. When the cover is properly in place, reinstall and tighten the four screws. Reinstall the
battery, cover and module.
Adjusting Display Contrast:
To adjust the display contrast, from tha home menu press and hold the End button.
Turn the dial while still holding the End button:
clockwise to brighten
counterclockwise to darken the display
Let go off the dial and the button.
Changing Modes:
Hold down the Mode and End buttons while turning on the Transmitter. The screen reads "STK-MODE". Change this to the
correct mode. Note that this will NOT change the throttle and elevator rachets, etc. Those are mechanical changes that
must be done by a service center.
[Note] While changing modes, the transmitter transmits in PPM mode even if the set-up mode is PCM mode.
CAMPac data conversion (9C to 9C super):
Hold down the Modeand End buttons while turning on the Transmitter. Select "T9C-Pac > UPDATE" by Cursol button.
Then press the Dial for 1 second for starting the data conversion. Note that the converted CAMPac cannot be used with a
conventional 9C transmitter.
[Note] While data conversion, the transmitter transmits in PPM mode even if the set-up mode is PCM mode.
Mode 2 transmitter with rear cover removed.
While you are installing the battery, receiver, switch harness and servos into your model’s fuselage, please pay attention to
the following guidelines:
Use the supplied rubber grommets when you mount each servo. Be sure not to
over-tighten the screws.If any portion of the servo case directly contacts the fuselage
or the servo rails, the rubber grommets will not dampen the vibration, which can cause
mechanical wear and servo failure.
Servo Throw
Once you have installed the servos, operate each one over its full travel and check that the pushrod and output
arms do not bind or collide with each other, even at extreme trim settings.Check to see that each control linkage
does not require undue force to move (if you hear a servo buzzing when there is no transmitter control motion, most
likely there is too much friction in the control or pushrod). Even though the servo will tolerate loads, any unnecessary
load applied to the servo arm will drain the battery pack quickly.
Switch Harness Installation
When you are ready to install the switch harness, remove the switch cover and use it as a template to cut screw holes
and a rectangular hole slightly larger than the full stroke of the switch. Choose a switch location on the opposite side
of the fuselage from the engine exhaust pipe, and pick a location where it can’t be inadvertently turned on or off
during handling or storage. Install the switch so it moves without restriction and snaps from ON to OFF and vice
Receiver Antenna
It is normal for the receiver antenna to be longer than the fuselage.
DO NOT cut or fold it back on itself— cutting or folding changes the electrical length of the antenna and may
reduce range. Secure the antenna to the top of the vertical fin, and let the excess wire length trail behind. You may run
the antenna inside of a non-metallic housing within the fuselage, but range may suffer if the antenna is located near
metal or carbon fiber pushrods or cables. Be sure to perform a range check before flying.
Receiver Notes
When you insert servo, switch or battery connectors into the receiver, note that each plastic housing has an align-
ment tab. Be sure the alignment tab is oriented properly before inserting the connector. To remove a connector from
the receiver, pull on the connector housing rather than the wires.
If your aileron servo (or others) are too far away to plug into the receiver, use an aileron extension cord to extend
the length of the servo lead. Additional Futaba extension cords of varying lengths are available from your hobby dealer.
Always use an extension of the proper length. Avoid plugging multiple extensions together to attain your desired length. If
distance is greater than 18” or multiple or high current draw servos are being used, use Futaba Heavy-Duty servo exten-
Receiver Vibration and Waterproofing
The receiver contains precision electronic parts. Be sure to avoid vibration, shock, and temperature extremes.
For protection, wrap the receiver in foam rubber or other vibration-absorbing materials. It is also a good idea
to waterproof the receiver by placing it in a plastic bag and securing the open end of the bag with a rubber band before
wrapping it with foam rubber. If you accidentally get moisture or fuel inside the receiver, you may experience inter-
mittent operation or a crash. If in doubt, send the receiver for service.
Wood screw
Rubber grommet
Brass eyelet
Servo moun
or rail
Range Testing Your R/C System
Please note that different systems demonstrate different range checks and the same system will range check differently in
different conditions. Also, the receiver antenna's installation affects the range test -- exiting the top of the model is ideal.
This is a brief explanation of range test. For more in-depth specifics on receiver antenna mounting, additional checks if
unsatisfactory rage is demonstrated, range checking with gasoline powered engines, etc, please see our F.A.Q. page at
• Leave the transmitter's antenna retracted and be sure both batteries are fully charged.
• Position the aircraft away from wires, other transmitters, etc.
Test one - engine/motor off, minimum of 100 ft. range
• Have a friend view the model but not hold it, engine off. (People conduct signals, too!)
• Walk away from the model, working all controls constantly. Stop when the servos jitter significantly (a jitter here
and there is normal), control movement stops (PCM), or you lose control altogether.
• Measure the distance. If greater than 100 feet, great! Proceed to Test 2. Less than 100 feet of range check means you
need more information to determine if your system is safe to fly. Please see our web site or call support for addi-
tional tests to perform before flying your system.
• Repeat with friend holding the model. Note any differences.
Test two - engine/motor on
• Repeat the test with the model's engine running and with someone holding the model. If a decrease of more than
10% is noted, research and resolve the cause of interference prior to flying your model.
What your fully operational system demonstrates is the normal range for your system in those conditions. Before every
flying session, it is critical that you perform a range check. It is also required by the AMA Safety Code. If you notice a
significant decrease in range with fully charged batteries, do not attempt to fly.
Aircraft (fixed wing and helicopter) Frequencies
The following frequencies and channel numbers may be used for flying aircraft in the United States:
Installing your frequency number flag:
It is very important that you display your transmitting chan-
nel number at all times. To install your flag, peel off the chan-
nel number’s backing sheet, and carefully stick the numbers to
both sides of the number holder. Now you can snap the number
holder onto the lower portion of the antenna as shown in the
figure — use the clip that fits more snugly on your antenna.
You may wish to cut off the other, unused clip on the other side
of the flag.
72 MHz band
50 MHz Band
(Amateur Radio Operator “HAM” license required)
Ch. MHz Ch. MHz
When you first turn on your transmitter, a confirmation double beep sounds, and the screen shown below appears. Before
flying, or even starting the engine, be sure that the model type and name appearing on the display matches the model that
you are about to fly! If you are in the wrong model memory, servos may be reversed, and travels and trims will be wrong,
leading to an immediate crash.
Edit buttons and Start-up Screen (appears when system is first turned on):
Press and hold M
ODE BUTTONfor one second to open programming menus. Press MODE BUTTONto switch between
BASIC and ADVANCE menus. HELI only: Press M
ODE BUTTON to scroll between conditions in certain functions.
ND BUTTON: (key)
Press E
ND BUTTON to return to previous screen. Closes functions back to menus, closes menus to start-up screen.
Press S
ELECT/CURSOR BUTTONS to scroll through and select the option to edit within a function.
Press S
ELECT/CURSOR BUTTONSto page up/page down within BASIC or ADVANCE menu.
Turn Dial:
Turn D
IAL clockwise or counterclockwise to quickly scroll through functions within each menu.
Turn D
IAL clockwise or counterclockwise to scroll through choices within an option of a function (for example, to
select which switch controls dual/triple rates).
Press Dial:
Press D
IAL to select the actual function you wish to edit from the menu.
Press D
IAL and hold one second to confirm major decisions, such as the decision to: select a different model from
memory, copy one model memory over another, trim reset, store channel position in FailSafe, change model type,
reset entire model. System will ask if you are sure.Press D
IAL again to accept change.
Rudder trim
Aileron trim
Elevator/Throttle trim
Modulation indicator
(PCM shown)
MIX: Mixer Alert
Pac: CAMPac display (9Csuper data)
T9C: CAMPac display (9C data)
Battery voltage
Resetting timers:
Select the desired timer with Select key. The timer display
flashes. To reset the timer, press Dial for one second.
Throttle/Elevator trim
Model number
and name
Total timer display <TIMER>
Shows the cumulated ON time. (hours:minutes)
Up/down timer display <S1.S2>
Model timer display <S3>
Shows the cumulated ON time for each model.(hours:minutes)
An alarm or error indication may appear on the display of your transmitter for several reasons, including when the trans-
mitter power switch is turned on, when the battery voltage is low, and several others. Each display has a unique sound
associated with it, as described below.
MODEL SELECTION ERROR:Warning sound: 5 beeps (repeated 3 times)
The MODEL SELECTIONwarning is displayed when the transmitter attempts to load a model memory from a memory
module (optional CAMPac) that is not currently plugged into the transmitter. When this occurs, model No. 01 is automati-
cally loaded.
Do not flyuntil the proper model is loaded into memory!Reinsert the memory module, and
recall the desired setup using the model select function.
LOW BATTERY ERROR:Warning sound: Continuous beep until transmitter is powered off.
The LOW BATTERY warning is displayed when the transmitter battery voltage drops below 8.5V.
Land your model as soon as possible before loss of control due to a dead battery.
MIXER ALERT WARNING: Warning sound: 5 Beeps (repeated until problem resolved or overridden)
The MIXER ALERT warning is displayed to alert you whenever you turn on the transmitter with any
of the mixing switches active. This warning will disappear when the offending switch or control is
deactivated. Switches for which warnings will be issued at power-up are listed below:
Other Equipment.......................................................66
ACRO Basic Menu
To enter the Basic Menu, press the
ode key for one second.
( for one second)
(Startup screen)
(Basic Menu 1/2)
To return to the Startup screen, press the
End key.
(Basic Menu 2/2)
Turn the Dial clockwise or counterclockwise to
highlight function in Menu screen. Then press the
Dial to choose that function.
Press Select/Cursor keys to page up and down through the 2 pages of
screens in each menu. Note that all functions which have more than one
page have a <1/2> indicator in the upper right hand corner to indicate
page 1 of 2 or page 2 of 2.
Press Mode/Page key to toggle back
and forth between BASIC and
ADVANCE menus.
Mode/Page Select
End Selection
Cursor Down
Cursor Up
Dial Left
Dial Right
Dial Right or Left
Press Button
Switch Up
Switch at Center
Switch Down
Stick Up
Stick Right
Stick Down
Stick Left
Turn Knob Right
urn Knob Left
This guide is intended to help you get acquainted with the radio, to give you a jump start on using your new radio, and to give you
some ideas and direction in how to do even more than you may have already considered. It follows our basic format of all
programming pages: a big picture overview of what we accomplish; a “by name” description of what we're doing to help acquaint
you with the radio; then a step-by-step instruction to leave out the mystery when setting up your model.
For additional details on each function, see that function's section in this manual. The page numbers are indicated in the
goals column as a convenience to you.
See p.21 for a legend of symbols used.
Prepare your aircraft.Install all servos, switches, receivers per your model's instructions.
Turn on transmitter then receiver; adjust all linkages so surfaces are nearly centered.
Mechanically adjust all linkages as close as possible to proper control throws.
Check servo direction.
Make notes now of what you will need to change during programming.
Name the model.
P. 25.
[Note that you do not need to do
anything to "save” or store this data.
Only critical changes such as a MODEL
RESETrequire additional keystrokes to
accept the change.]
Reverse servos as needed for proper
control operation.
P. 31.
Adjust Travels as needed to match
model's recommended throws (usually
listed as high rates). P. 32.
Open the BASICmenu, then open the
Input aircraft's name.
Close the MODELsubmenu.
In the BASICmenu, open (servo)
Choose desired servo and reverse its
direction of travel. (Ex: reversing
rudder servo.)
From BASICmenu, choose END POINT.
Adjust the servo's end points.
(Ex: throttle servo)
Close the function.
Turn on the transmitter.
for 1 second.
as needed to highlight MODEL.
to choose MODEL.
to NAME.
(First character of model's name is highlighted.)
to change first character.
When proper character is displayed,
to move to next character.
Repeat as needed.
to return to BASICmenu.
4 steps to REVERSE.
to choose REVERSE.
to CH4:RUDD.
so REVis highlighted.
Repeat as needed.
2 steps to END POINT.
to choose END POINT.
until carb barrel closes as desired.
until throttle arm just opens carb
fully at fullTHROTTLESTICK.
Repeat for each channel as needed.
With digital trims you don’t shut the engine off with THROTTLETRIM. Let's set up IDLE-DOWNand “throttle cut” (THR-CUT)now.
P. 33.
IDLE-DOWNslows the engine's idle for
landings, sitting on the runway, and
maneuvers such as spins. The normal
(higher idle) setting (when IDLE-DOWN
is off) is for engine starting, taxi, and
most flight maneuvers, to minimize
chance of a flame-out.
From the BASICmenu, choose IDLE-DOWN.
Activate and adjust IDLE-DOWN.
Optional: change switch command from
C center-and-down to any other switch.
Close the Function.
5 steps to IDLE-DOWN.
to choose IDLE-DOWN.
to OFF.
C to center position. Screen now
reads ON.
to RATE.
to increase rate until engine idles
reliably but low enough to sit still.
(Not needed in this example.)
THR-CUTshuts the engine off completely
with the flip of a switch. P. 33.
and THR-CUTto both positions of a 2-
position switch. See IDLE-DOWNfor
Set up dual/triple rates and
P. 35.
(Note that in the middle of the left
side of the screen is the name of the
channel AND the switch position you
are adjusting. Two or even THREE
rates may be set per channel by
simply choosing the desired switch
and programming percentages with
the switch in each of its 2 or 3
From the BASICmenu, choose THR-CUT.
Activate, assign SWITCHand adjust.
Close the function.
From the BASICmenu, choose
Choose the desired control, and set the
first (Ex: high) rate throws and
to choose THR-CUT.
to OFF.toSW.
to C.
to POSI. to DOWN.
to RATE.Cto down position.
until throttle barrel closes
5 steps to D/R,EXP.
to choose D/R,EXP.
Ato up position.
to CH:.
to choose CH>2 (elevator).
[note the screen reads ELEV (UP)]
to D/R.
to set desired “UP” percentage.
as needed to adjust “DOWN”
percentage (normally set the same as down.)
to EXP.
.to set.
Where next?
Set the second (low) rate throws and
Optional: change dual rate switch
assignment. Ex: elevator to switch G
(9CA)or E(9CH)with 3 positions.
Ato down position.
to D/R.
Repeat steps above to set low rate.
to SW. to Gor E.
Gor Eto center position.
Repeat steps above to set 3rd rate.
(Other functions you may wish to set up for your model.)
Multiple wing and/or tail servos: see wing types and tail types, p. 44, 49.
Elevator-to-flap, Rudder-to-aileron, flap-to-elevator, and other programmable
mixes p. 60.
Retractable Gear, Flaps on a Switch, Smoke systems, kill switches, and other
auxiliary channel setups. p. 39.
MODELsubmenu: includes three functions that manage model memory: MODELSELECT, MODELCOPY and MODELNAME.
Since these functions are all related, and are all basic features used with most models, they are together in the MODEL
submenu of the BASIC menu.
MODELSELECT: This function selects which of the 12 model memories in the transmitter
(or 6 in the optional CAMPac) to set up or fly. For clarity the model's name and an image
of its type are indicated after its number. (Each model memory may be of a different
model type from the other memories.)
Note: If you are using the optional CAMPac, your choices in MODELSELECT and MODEL
COPYwill include 13-18, which are the model memories in the CAMPac. You do not
have to COPY from the CAMPac to the transmitter prior to working with that model
T9C CAMPac data
Although a CAMPac data which saved the data of a conventional T9C transmitter cannot be used calling directly, it is
possible to use it by the following method, copying to the model memories of a T9C super transmitter. When using the
CAMPac, it will be displayed, for example as "13->01 (T9C)." Press D
IALfor 1 second in this state and the check display
of "sure?" will appear. Press D
IAL again, the data of CAMPac (13) will be copied to model number"01" of the T9C super
transmitter. As for the data of a function added by T9C super, an initial value is set up at this time. Please do not forget the
check of setting data before a flight.
In addition, refer to p.15 for the conversion method from T9C to T9C super of the CAMPac data itself.
NOTE: When you choose a new model in the MODELSELECTfunction, if the
new model is set to the other modulation, you must cycle the transmitter
power to change modulations. If you do not cycle the power, the modulation
type will flash on the home screen to remind you. You are still transmitting
on the other modulation until you affect this change.
Select Model #3.
NOTE: This is one of several functions
for which the radio requires confirma-
tion to make a change.
Open BASICmenu, then open
MODEL submenu.
Choose Model #3.
Confirm your change.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE, again.)
to 3.
for 1 second.
Confirm proper modulation of new
model memory.
Where next?
If PPM or PCMare flashing in the upper right hand corner, then the new model is
set for the other receiver type. Turn the transmitter off/on to change the modula-
NAME the model: see p. 27.
Change MODELTYPE (aircraft, heli, glider): see p. 29.
Change modulation [FM (PPM) or PCM]: see p. 30.
Utilize servo REVERSE: see p. 31.
Adjust END POINTs: see p. 32.
Set up IDLE-DOWN and THR-CUT for throttle management: see p. 33.
Model type
• ACRO (aircraft)
• GLID (glider)
• HELI (helicopter)
if required to MODEL.
sure? displays.
MODELCOPY: copies the current model data into another model memory (in the transmitter or the optional DP-16K
CAMPac). The name of the model memory you are copying into is displayed for clarity.
Any data in the model copied towill be written over and lost, including name, type and
modulation. It cannotbe recovered.
To copy from one 9C super to another, use an optional CAMPac. (Note: The model
may be flown directly off the CAMPac's memory, not requiring re-copying into
the 2nd transmitter. For more information onCAMPacs, please see p. 10.)
With the trainer FUNC mode it is notnecessary to have the student radio contain the
setup of the aircraft. See TRAINER, p. 40.
Data cannot be converted from 8U or 9Z memory types. If aCAMPac is installed into the 9C super that has data on
it from another radio type, it will have to be re-initializedwhich deletes all data.
Start a new model that is similar to one you have already programmed.
Copy the current model data into another model memory as a backup or before experimenting with new settings.
Store your model data to an optional CAMPac prior to sending your radio for service.
Edit a copy of your model’s data to fly the model in different conditions (ie. Helicopter using heavier night blades; glider
in extreme wind; airplane model at extreme altitudes).
Store your model data to an optional CAMPac to use or copy the settings into a friend's 9C super (A or H) transmitter
so he can fly your model or use it as a starting point for setting up a similar model.
*Radio emits a repeating "beep" and shows progress on screen as the model memory is being copied. Note that if the power switch is turned off prior
to completion, the data will not be copied.
Copy model 3 into model 5.
NOTE: This is one of several
functions for which the radio requires
confirmation to make a change.
Where next?
Open the BASICmenu, then open
Confirm you are currently using the
proper model memory. (Ex: 3)
Go to MODELCOPYand choose the
model to copy into. (Ex: 5)
Confirm your change.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
If SELECT does not indicate 3,
use MODELSELECT, p. 25.
to 5.
for 1 second.
sure?displays. *
SELECTthe copy you just made: see p. 25.
Rename it (it is currently named exactly the same as the model copied): see p. 27.
Turn off the transmitter and remove the CAMPac for safekeeping or insertion
into another radio to fly.
MODEL NAME:assigns a name to the current model memory. By giving each model a name that is immediately
recognizable, you can quickly select the correct model, and minimize the chance of flying the wrong model memory which
could lead to a crash.
Adjustability and values:
Up to 8 characters long.
Each character may be a letter, number, blank, or a symbol.
The default names assigned by the factory are in MODEL-xx format (MODEL-01for
first model memory, etc.)
NOTE: When you COPYone model memory over another, everything is copied, including the model's name. Similarly, if you
change MODEL TYPEor do a MODEL RESET, the entire memory is reset, including MODEL NAME. So the first thing you will want
to do after you COPYa model, change its type, or start from scratch, is rename the new copy to avoid confusion.
If using multiple frequency modules to be able to transmit on multiple channels, we recommend using the last 2 characters
to indicate the receiver's channel for clarity. For more information on frequency transmission, see p. 8.
Name model 3 “Cap-232_” (where
the underline represents a blank
Where next?
Open MODELsubmenu.
Confirm you are currently using the
proper model memory. (Ex: 3)
Go to NAMEand change the first
character. (Ex: M to C)
Choose the next character to change.
Repeat the prior steps to complete
naming the model.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
If SELECT does not indicate 3,
perform MODELSELECT, p. 25.
to C.
to a(note: lower case is available)
Change the MODELTYPEto glider or helicopter: see p. 29.
Change the receiver modulation setting from PPMto PCMor vice versa: see p. 30.
Utilize servo REVERSE: see p. 31.
Adjust servo travel with END POINT: see p. 32.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
PARAMETERsubmenu: sets those parameters you would likely set once, and then not disturb again.
Once you have selected the correct model you wish to work with, the next step is
setting up the proper parameters for this specific model:
What is the model's type?
What type is the receiver’s modulation [PPM(FM) or PCM]?
Does the model have a normal throttle on channel 3 or do you need full range trim on
channel 3 (ATL)?
If you are utilizing either of the twin aileron functions, do you need to tell the radio
your receiver is only 5 channels?
First it is important to clear out any old settings in the memory from prior use, using the MODELRESET.
MODELRESET: completely resets all data in the individual model you have currently selected. Don't worry - there is no way
you can accidentally delete all models in your radio with this function. Only a service center can completely reset your
radio's entire memory at once. To delete each model in your radio's memory (for example when selling), you must SELECT
each model, reset that memory, then go SELECT the next memory, etc.
Note that when you COPYone model memory into another or change the model's type, you need not delete all existing data
first by using this function. COPYcompletely overwrites anything in the existing model memory, including MODELNAME.
The MODELTYPEfunction overwrites all data except name and MODUL.
*Radio emits a repeating “beep” and shows progress on screen as the model memory is being copied. Note that if the power switch is turned off prior
to completion, the data will not be copied.
Reset model memory 1.
NOTE: This is one of several
functions for which the radio requires
confirmation to make a change.
Where next?
Confirm you are currently using the
proper model memory. (Ex: 1)
Open PARAMETERsubmenu.
Reset the Memory.
Confirm the change.
On home screen, check model name
and number on top left. If it is not
correct, use MODELSELECT, p. 25.
for 1 second. (If ADVANCE,again.)
to 2nd page of menu.
for one second.
sure?displays. *
Now that the memory is reset, name has returned to the default (Ex: MODEL-01).
NAMEthe model: p. 27.
COPYa different model into this memory: p. 26.
SELECTa different model to edit or delete: p. 25.
Change the MODELTYPEto glider or helicopter: see p. 29.
Change the receiver modulation from FM(PPM) to PCMor vice versa: see p. 30.
Utilize servo REVERSE: see p. 31.
Adjust servo travel with END POINT: see p. 32.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
MODELTYPE: sets the type of programming used for this model.
The 9C super has 12 model memories, which can each support:
one powered aircraft (ACRO) memory type (with multiple wing and tail configurations. See twin aileron servos, twin
elevator servos, ELEVON, and V-TAILfor further information.);
two glider wing types (again with multiple tail configurations). See Glider MODEL TYPE for details, p. 70;
six helicopter swashplate types, including CCPM. See Helicopter MODEL TYPE for details, p. 82.
Before doing anything else to set up your aircraft, first you must decide which MODEL TYPEbest fits this particular aircraft.
(Each model memory may be set to a different model type.) If your transmitter is a 9CA super, the default is ACRO. If it is
a 9CH super, the default is HELI(SW1).
ACRO is the best choice for most powered airplanes, but in some circumstances, GLID2FLAP may be a better choice. ACRO
is usually a better choice because of functions it offers that the GLIDtypes do not:
AILEVATOR (twin elevator servo support)
For fuel-powered airplanes: IDLE-DOWN, THR-CUT, THROTTLE-NEEDLE mixing and THROTTLE DELAY programming.
But ACRO lacks:
4 seperate conditions for optional setups (GLID2FL-C)
If you are using a glider or heli
, please go to that chapter now to select the proper model type and support
your model setup. Note that changing
resets all data for the model memory, including its name.
Select the proper MODEL TYPE for your
model. Ex: ACRO.
[NOTE: This is one of several functions
that requires confirmation to make a
change. Only critical changes require
additional keystrokes to accept
the change.]
Open the BASICmenu, then open the
PARAMETER submenu.
Select proper MODEL TYPE.
Confirm the change. Close PARAMETER.
Turn on the transmitter.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
then to highlight PARAMETER.
to choose PARAMETER.
to TYPE.
to ACROBATIC. for 1 second.
sure?displays. to confirm.
to return to BASICmenu.
Modulation select (MODUL): sets the type of modulation transmitted.
The modulation of your receiver will determine whether you utilizePPM or PCM setting in MODULduring transmission.
Note that you have to turn your transmitter off and back on before a modulation change becomes effective. If you choose
PCM, be sure you understand and set the FailSafe (F/S) settings as you intended (see p. 43). Both modulations transmit on
FM waves, use the FM trainer cord, and the FM module.
PCM= Pulse Code ModulationPPM= Pulse Position Modulation (also called FM).
PCMsetting for all Futaba PCM1024 receivers, regardless of number of channels (ie.
R138DP/148DP/149DP, R309DPS);
PPMsetting for all Futaba compatible (negative shift) FM receivers, regardless of
number of channels (ie. R127DF, R123F, R138DF, R148DF).
Not compatible with PCM512 receivers such as the R128DP and R105iP.
Not compatible with other brands of PCM receiver, or positive shift FM receivers
(ie. JR, Airtronics).
You do notneed a different module in the radio to transmit in PCM. For more
information on PCM, please see our website.
Second aileron(AIL-2) (ACRO/GLID1FLAPonly): changes the default choice for dual aileron servos from channels 6
, or 7(
) to channels ) to channels 5 and 7. 5 and 6This allows you to utilize these 2 great functions while
utilizing a 5-channel receiver.
NOTE: Changing AIL-2
onlytells the system which servos to utilize ifFLAPERONorAIL-DIFis activated. You still must
activate that function and complete its setup. For details on twin aileron servos, including usingAIL-2, see p. 48.
NOTE: When you change models in MODELSELECT, if the
new model is set to the other modulation type, you must
cycle the transmitter power to change modulations. The
modulation will flash on the home screen to remind you
until you do so. See p. 25, MODELSELECT, for details.
Change model 1 from FM(PPM) to
Where next?
Confirm you are currently using the
proper model memory (Ex: 1)
Open BASICmenu, then open
Go to MODULand change setting.
Close menu and cycle power.
On home screen, check model name and
number on top left and the modulation
on top right. If it is not the correct
model, use MODELSELECT, p. 25.
for 1 second.
to 2nd page of menu.
toMODUL. to PCM.
cycle power flashes on screen
Now that the model is in the proper modulation, the 9C super should
communicate with the receiver. If it does not, confirm the modulation/
frequency of the receiver. [Futaba receivers ending in F use PPM (ex: R148DF),
PCM(ex: R149DP)].
ChangeMODELTYPEto glider/helicopter: see p. 29.
Set F/Ssettings for when PCM receiver sees interference: see p. 43.
Utilize servo REVERSE: see p. 31.
Adjust servo travel with END POINT: see p. 32.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
ending in P use
Adjustable travel limit (ATL): makes the channel 3 TRIMLEVER(THROTTLETRIM) effective only at low throttle, disabling the trim
at high throttle. This prevents pushrod jamming due to idling trim changes. This function defaults to ON. If you are not using
channel 3 for throttle, you may want trim operation the same as on all other channels. To do so, set ATLto OFF.
If you need the ATLto be effective at the top of the stick instead of the bottom, reverse the THR-REVsetting. Note that this
affects all models in the radio, not just the model you are currently editing. See servo REVERSE, p. 31.
Servo reversing (REVERSE): changes the direction an individualservo responds to a CONTROLSTICKmotion. [Since channel 9 is
switch only (and only available with a PCM receiver), its servo REVERSEis in the AUX-CHcontrol screen with its switch assignment.
See p. 39.] For CCPM helicopters, be sure to read the section onSWASH AFR(p. 84) before reversing any servos.
Except with CCPM helicopters, always complete your servo reversing priorto any
other programming. If you use pre-built ACRO/GLIDfunctions that control multiple
servos, such as FLAPERONor V-TAIL, it may be confusing to tell whether the servoneeds
to be reversed or a setting in the function needs to be reversed. See the instructions for
each specialized function for further details.
Always check servo direction prior to ever
yflight as an additional precaution to confirm proper model memory,
hook ups, and radio function.
NOTE: THR-REVis a special function that reverses the entire throttle control, including moving the trim functionality to the
Stick’s upper half. To use THR-REV, turn off the transmitter, hold down the MODEand ENDkeys, turn on. CURSORDOWNto
THR-REVand turn the DIALto REV. Turn the transmitter off and back on. This change affects all models in the radio.
Change ATLfrom ONto OFFfor
battling robot, tank, airbrake and
other channel 3 uses.
Where next?
Open BASICmenu, then open
Go to ATLand Change. (Ex: to OFF)
for 1 second. (If ADVANCE,again.)
to 2nd page of menu.
to OFF.
Set up ELEVONfor tank-style control, throttle/steering on oneSTICK: see p. 49.
Set up IDLE-DOWNand THR-CUTto adjust channel 3 servo at low-stick: see p. 33.
Reassign auxiliary channels 5-9 (ex: from dial to switch/slider): see p. 39.
Utilize servo REVERSE: see p. 31.
Adjust servo travel with END POINT: see p. 32.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
Reverse the direction of the elevator
Where next?
Open REVERSEfunction.
Choose proper channel and set
direction. (Ex: ELE REV)
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
to ELE.
to REV.
Adjust servo travel with END POINT: see p. 32.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
Set up flight timers: see p. 38.
Set up trainer functions: see p. 40.
End Point of servo travel adjustment (END POINT, also called EPA): the most flexible version of travel adjustment
available. It independently adjusts each end of each individual servo’s travel, rather than one setting for the servo that
affects both directions. Again, for CCPM helicopters, be sure to seeSWASH AFR(see p. 84) prior to adjusting end points.
Can set each direction independently.
Ranges from 0% (no servo movement at all) to 140%. At a 100% setting, the throw of
the servo is approximately 40° for channels 1-4 and approximately 55° for channels 5-8.
Reducing the percentage settings reduces the total servo throw in that direction.
Adjust the throttle high end to avoid binding at the carburetor, and low end to allow for proper carburetor closure.
Adjust flap so up travel is only sufficient for straight and level flight trimming, with full down travel.
END POINTmay be adjusted to 0to keep a servo from moving one direction, such as flaps not intended to also operate
as spoilers.
Retract servos are notproportional. Changing END POINTwill not adjust the servo.
END POINTadjusts only the individual servo. It will have no effect on any other servo that is operated in conjunction with
this servo via mix or preset programming such as FLAPERON, AILEVATOR, etc. This is so that each individual servo can be
carefully fine-tuned to avoid binding and other conflicts. To adjust the total travel of a functionsuch as FLAPERON, make
the adjustments in that function's controls. For CCPM helicopters, adjust the total travel of the function, such as collective
pitch, in SWASH AFR.
Adjust the linkage or the END POINT? It is nearly always best to adjust your linkages to get as close as possible prior to
utilizing END POINT. The higher the END POINTsetting, the better position accuracy and the more servo power available at
nearly any position (except if using digital servos). Higher END POINTvalues also mean longer travel time to reach the
desired position, as you are utilizing more of the servo's total travel. (For example, using 50% END POINTwould give you
only half the steps of servo travel, meaning every click of trim has twice the effect and the servo gets there in half the time).
end point (and moving the linkage) = torque, accuracy, but transit time to get there.
end point (instead of adjusting linkages) = travel time, but torque, accuracy.
*You can reset to the initial values by pressing the DIALfor one second.
Decrease the flap servo throw in the
upward direction to 5% to allow
trimming of level flight only and down
travel to 85% to prevent binding.
Where next?
Open END POINTfunction.
Choose proper channel and set
direction. (Ex: flap up 5%)
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
to flap.
flap control [default is VR(A)].
to 5%.*
VR(A). to 85%.
Go to SERVOdisplay to confirm desired end result: see p. 42.
Move auxiliary channels 5-9 to different dial(s)/switch(es)/slider(s): see p. 39.
Set up IDLE-DOWNand THR-CUTto slow/cut the engine: see p. 33.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
Set up flight timers: see p. 38.
Set up trainer functions: see p. 40.
Set up twin aileron servos: see p. 44.
Set up twin elevator servos: see p. 50.
Engine idle management:IDLE-DOWN and THR-CUT: functions which work with the digital THROTTLETRIMto provide a
simple, consistent means of engine operation. No more fussing with getting trim in just the right spot for landings or take
offs! For additional engine adjustments, seeTHROTTLE-NEEDLE(p. 58) and THROTTLE DELAY(p. 59).
IDLE-DOWN(ACROonly): lowers the engine idle for: sitting on the runway prior to take off, stalls and spins, and landings.
The normal idle setting is a little higher for easier starts and safe flights with less risk of dead sticks.
Important note: The IDLE-DOWNfunction is not normally used when starting the
engine, and its accidental operation may keep your engine from starting. The 9C
super warns that IDLE-DOWNis on when the transmitter is turned on. Be sure to turn
off the function, or override the warning by pressing both 2 SELECT/CURSORkeys in
unison and holding for 1 second if you intended the function to be on.
This may be assigned to any switch/position. Some modelers accidentally assign IDLE-DOWNto one side of a switch
and THR-CUTto the other. There is no “normal” setting to start the engine. By default IDLE-DOWNis set to S
Ccenter and down. This works well with THR-CUTalso on SWITCHCdown. The SWITCHupis normal flight/starting,
centerfor slower maneuvers/landing, and downto cut the engine. If you assign IDLE-DOWN or THR-CUT to the spring-
loaded TRAINERSWITCHF (9CA) or H (9CH), then use the trainer function, you may risk loss of throttle control or
deadstick for your student.
*Normally a value of 10- 20%. Secure the fuselage, engine running. Set the THROTTLESTICKto idle. Adjust the IDLE-DOWNrate while flipping the
switch ON and OFF until the desired idle is achieved. Be sure to throttle up periodically to allow the engine to “clean out” and idle reliably.
Decrease the throttle setting at idle
with the flip of a switch for spins and
Where next?
Open BASICmenu, then open IDLE-
Activate the function.
With T
HROTTLESTICKat idle, adjust
the rate until engine idles as desired.*
Optional: change switch assignment.
Choose desired switch and position.
for 1 second.
until engine idles as desired.
to SW. to desired SWITCH.
to POSI. to desired position.
THR-CUT: see p. 34.
Throttle cut (THR-CUT) (ACRO/HELI): provides an easy way to stop the engine by flipping a switch (with THROTTLESTICK
at idle). The movement is largest at idle and disappears at high throttle to avoid accidental dead sticks. In HELI, there is an
additional setting,THR. See p. 87.
The switch's location and direction mustbe chosen. It defaults to OFFto avoid
accidentally assigning it to a switch, which might result in an unintentional dead stick in
flight. Please see for IDLE-DOWNand THR-CUTon p. 33.
*Normally, a setting of 10-20% is sufficient. Viewing the carburetor barrel until it fully closes is adequate to get an approximate setting; then test with
engine running to confirm.
Decrease the throttle setting (at idle) to
stop the engine with the flip of a switch.
(Note that you MUST assign a switch.
The default is NULL. We recommend
WITCHC in the down position, with
IDLE-DOWNprogrammed to S
in the center and down positions.)
Where next?
Open BASICmenu, then open
Activate the function. Choose desired
switch, and the position which
activates the function.
With T
HROTTLESTICKat idle, adjust the
rate until the engine consistently shuts
off but throttle linkage is not binding.*
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
to MIX.
to SW. to C.
to POSI. to DOWN.
Cto down position.
to RATE.until shuts off.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
Set up TRAINERfunctions: see p. 40.
Set up twin aileron servos: see p. 44.
Set up twin elevator servos: see p. 50.
Dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): assigns adjusted rates and exponential.
Dual/Triple Rates: reduce/increase the servo travel by flipping a switch, or (ACRO/
GLIDER) they can be engaged by any stick position. Dual rates affect the control listed,
such as aileron, not just a single (ex: channel 1) servo. For example, adjusting aileron
dual rate will affect both aileron servos when using FLAPERON or AIL-DIF, and both aile-
ron and elevator servos’ travel when using AILEVATOR or ELEVONor a CCPM helicopter.
• Any S
WITCH, A-H. If you choose a 3-position switch, then that dual rate instantly becomes a triple rate (see example).
• Stick position (ACRO/GLIDER). (Ex: On rudder you normally use only the center 3/4 of the stick movement except for
extreme maneuvers such as snaps/spins/stalls. As long as your R
UDDER STICK does not exceed 90% of maximum throw,
the rudder responds at your lower rate, allowing small, gentle corrections. When the stick passes 90% (ie. stall turn), the
rudder goes to high rate’s 90%, which is a MUCH higher amount of travel than your low rate at 89%.)
Ex:EPA = 1”Low Rate = 50%High Rate = 100%
At 89%Low Rate = .45”
At 90%High Rate = .9”
[Note] Only if any stick is chosen by the item of "SW1", a switch can also be chosen by the item of "SW2." When
operated simultaneously, the switch operation has priority over the stick operation. (ACRO)
• Range: 0 - 140% (0 setting would deactivate the control completely.) Initial
• Adjustable for each direction(ACRO/GLIDER). (ie. Up/down, left/right) (Ex: Most
models fly upright without any elevator trim, but require some down elevator
when inverted just to maintain level flight. By increasing the down travel by the
amount required to hold the model inverted, the model now has equal travel
available from level upright or level inverted.)
Exponential: changes the response curve of the servos relative to the stick position to make flying more pleasant. You
can make the servo movement less or more sensitive around neutral for rudder, aileron, elevator, and throttle (except HELI
type - use THROTTLE CURVE instead).
Why use expo? Many models require a large amount of travel to perform their best tricks. However, without exponential,
they are “touchy” around neutral, making them unpleasant to fly and making small corrections very difficult. Additionally,
by setting different exponentials for each rate, you can make the effectiveness of small corrections similar in each rate, as
in our example below.
The best way to understand exponential is to try it:
• Having made no changes yet in the D/R,EXP screen, move S
WITCHD to “down” (toward the AILERON STICK).
• Cursor down to EXP and dial to 100%.
• Move S
WITCH D up. Hold the AILERON STICK at 1/4 stick and move SWITCH D down.
• Notice how much less travel there is.
• Go to 3/4 stick and repeat. Notice how the travel is much closer, if not identical.
More sensitive around neutral. (positive exponential, see example)
Less sensitive around neutral. (negative exponential, see example)
Adjustable for each direction. (ACRO/GLIDER)
For throttle, exponential is applied at the low end to help nitro and gasoline engines have a linear throttle response, so that
each 1/4 stick increases engine RPM 25% of the available range. (In most engines this ranges from 5-60%.)
Special note for helicopters: Helicopter model types have just a single rate for each switch position rather than a rate for
each side of the servo’s travel per switch position. Additionally, setting the D/R,EXPfor each switch position requires
cursoring back to the No.setting and changing the switch position here. Just flipping the switch does not affect the screen
setting, allowing dual rates to be assigned with idle-up and other features on certain switches, and does not require putting
the model in that condition to make modifications.
The helicopter programming also offers you the choice of Cond.. This option allows you to have a separate rate for each
of the 3 controls automatically selected when changing from normal/throttle hold to any of the idle ups, for a total of FOUR
rates available. Simply change the switch choice to Cond. and then use the MODE/PAGEBUTTONto toggle through the
4 conditions while setting the rates.
Set up dual rates and exponential in a
Open D/R,EXP.
Choose channel.
Choose first switch position.
Set rate and exponential (Ex: high rate
= 95%, 0% exponential.)
Go to 2
switch position and set rate
and exponential.
Optional: if using a 3 position switch,
set 3
Optional: assign dual rates to have
one for each condition.
for 1 second.
to D/R,EXP.
to desired channel.
to 95%.
Confirm 0% EXP.
to DN.
Repeat above.
to CT.
Repeat above.
to COND.
Repeat steps above to adjust for each
Set up aileron triple rates on S
with travel settings of 75% (normal),
25% (slow roll) and 140% (extreme
aerobatics) and exponential settings of
0%, +15%, and -40% respectively.
NOTE: This normal rate has no
exponential so it has a very linear,
normal feel. This slow roll rate has
positiveexponential (the opposite of
what most people normally use),
which makes the servos more
responsive around center. This makes
the servos feel the same around center
in the normal and low rates, but still
gives a very slow roll rate at full stick.
The 3D rate (extreme aerobatics) has a
very high distance of travel B nearly
twice that of the normal rate.
Therefore, using a very high negative
exponential setting softens how the
servos respond around center stick.
This makes the servos respond
similarly around center stick for a
more comfortable feel.
Many modelers like to set up all 3
triple rates on a single 3-position
switch, creating a “slow and pretty
mode”, a “normal mode”, and a “wild
stunts mode” all with the flip of a
single switch. To do so, simply set up
rates for all 3 controls and assign all 3
to the same 3-position switch.
Where next?
Open D/R,EXPfunction.
Choose the channel to change
(Ex: aileron is already selected)
Optional: change switch assignment.
Confirm switch is in desired position
and set rate. (Ex: up = high rate, 75%).
Move S
WITCHto 2nd rate position and
set this particular rate.
(Ex: center = low rate, 25%).
Optional: if using a 3 position
SWITCH, move SWITCHto 3rd position
and set this rate (Ex: down = 3D rate,
Optional: instead of using a switch,
you can set high rates to be triggered
when the stick moves past a certain
point. To test this, set aileron high
rate to 25%. Now set switch
assignment to AIL (90%). Move
AILERONSTICKto the right and notice
the huge jump in travel after the stick
moves 90% of its distance.
Set each rate’sEXP.
(Ex: 0%, +15%, -40%)
for 1 second.
to D/R,EXP.
to desired channel.
to C.
Cto up position.
. to 75%.
Cto center position.
. to 25%.
. to 25%.
Cto down position.
. to 140%.
Cto up position.
to SW1.to ail (90%).
screen graph. See the change?!
You may also change the trigger point
by holding the stick at the desired point,
then pressing and holding the
Cto up position.
confirm EXPreads 0.
Cto down position.
Cto center position.
repeat to set low rate expo to -40%.
Set up flight timers: see p. 38.
Set up TRAINERfunctions: see p. 40.
Adjust the sensitivity of the trims: see p. 41.
Set up twin aileron servos: see p. 44.
Set up twin elevator servos: see p. 50.
Set up programmable mixes to meet your specific needs: see p. 54.
www.futaba-rc.com\faq\faq-9c.html for all triple rates on a single switch, etc.
Repeat above steps for elevator and rudder.
TIMERsubmenu(stopwatch functions): controls three electronic clocks used to keep track of time remaining in a competition time
allowed, flying time on a tank of fuel, amount of time on a battery, etc.
Count down timer: starts from the chosen time, displays time remaining. If the time is exceeded, it continues to count
below 0.
Count up timer: starts at 0 and displays the elapsed time up to 99 minutes 59 seconds.
Model timer: cumulates ON time up to 99 hours 59 minites each model.
Once Model timer function is turned off, the cumulate time will also be reset to "0:00".
Independent to each model, and automatically updates with model change.
In either TIMERmode, the timer beeps once each minute. During the last twenty seconds, there's a beep each two seconds.
During the last ten seconds, there's a beep each second. A long tone is emitted when the time selected is reached.
To Reset, choose the desired timer with the SELECTkey (while at the startup screen), then press and hold DIALfor 1 second.
Activation by either direction of SWITCHA-H, by THROTTLESTICK(STK-THR) (Using the THROTTLESTICKis convenient if you
are keeping track of fuel remaining, or for an electric, how much battery is left); or by the power SWITCH(PWRSW).
Set timer 2 to count down 4-1/2
minutes, being controlled by
HROTTLESTICKposition. This is
utilized to keep track of actual
Throttle on time to better correlate
with fuel/battery usage.
Where next?
Open BASICmenu, then
open TIMERfunction.
Go to TIMER<2>.
Adjust time to 4 min. 30 sec., count down.
Assign to T
trigger point (if timer is to trigger
BELOW this throttle point, so
arrow points down).
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
to page 2.
to 4.to 30.
to SW. to STK THR.
to POSI.
position (Ex: 1/4 stick).
for 1 second to set.
Adjust END POINTs after first flight test: see p. 32.
Adjust auxiliary channel assignments (ex: move flaps to a switch): see p. 39.
Set up TRAINERfunctions: see p. 40.
Auxiliary channel function (including channel 9 controls) (AUX-CH): defines the relationship between the transmitter
controls and the receiver output for channels 5-9. Also, the CH9 SERVO REVERSE is used to change the CH9 servo direction.
Note that the CH9 functions are only visible in the AUX-CH screen when PCM modulation is selected. The 9th channel is
not supported in FM modulation.
channels 5-8 may be assigned to any SWITCH (A-H), slider [VR(D) and VR(E)], or
knob [VR(A-C)] (for example, moving flaps to a switch or slider), but not the
channel 9 may be assigned to any SWITCH (A-H) and the servo direction may be
primary control sticks (use programmable mixes to do so, p. 59);
multiple channels may be assigned to the same switch, slider or knob;
channels set to "NULL" are only controlled by mixes. (Ex: utilizing 2 channels for 2
rudder servos. See mixes, p. 59.)
Remember that if you assign primary control of a channel to a switch which you later use for other functions (like
dual/triple rates or airbrakes), every time you use that other function you will also be moving the auxiliary channel.
Assign flaps to the right slider [VR(E)]
and set channel 7 to NULL in preparation
to use it as a smoke system control (the
smoke system being activated later by a
throttle-to-ch.-7 mix).
Where next?
Open BASIC menu, then
open AUX-CH function.
Choose the channel to change. (ex: ch. 6.)
Change primary control. (ex: to slider.)
Repeat as needed. (ex: ch. 7 to NULL.)
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
to page 2.
to Vr-E.
to Ch 7. to NULL.
Programmable mixes: see p. 54.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
Adjust SUB-TRIM of auxiliary channel to adjust center SWITCHposition: see p. 42.
Adjust END POINTs (sets end points of travel even when using a switch): see p. 32.
If GYRO SENSE, GOVERNOR, and THR-NEEDLE functions are activated, AUX-CH
settings of related channels become invalid automatically.
Related channels:
GYRO SENSE (ACRO): ch. 5, 7, or 8: see p. 65.
GYRO SENSE (HELI): ch. 5: see p. 96.
GOVERNOR (HELI): ch. 7, or ch. 7 and 8: see p. 97.
THR-NEEDLE (ACRO/HELI): ch. 8: see p. 58.
TRAINER: for training novice pilots with optional trainer cord connecting 2 transmitters. The instructor has several levels
of controllability.
NORM: When the TRAINERSWITCHis ON, the channel set to this mode can be
controlled by the student. The set channel is controlled according to any
programming set at the student'stransmitter.
FUNC: When the TRAINERSWITCHis ON, the channel set to this mode can be controlled
by the student, controlled according to
[Note] However, it becomes invalid even if it sets up the channel which is not in a student's transmitter. The channel
serves as operation by the instructor's transmitter automatically.
any mixing set at the instructor'stransmitter.
OFF: The channel set to this mode cannot be controlled by the student even when the TRAINERSWITCHis ON. The set
channel is controlled by the instructor only, even when the TRAINERSWITCHis ON.
SWITCH: controlled by spring-loaded SWITCHF (9CA) or H (9CH) only. Not assignable.
Compatibility: The 9C super may be master or student with any Futaba FM transmitter compatible with the cord.
Simply plug the optional trainer cord (For 9C series, sold separately) into the trainer connection on each transmitter,
and follow the guidelines below.
When throttle/collective are set to FUNC, 5-channel helicopter practice is possible with a 4-channel transmitter.
Set up the model in a second transmitter, use NORMmode to quickly and safely check proper operation of all
functions, then allow the student radio to fully fly the model.
Using NORMmode, set lower throws, different exponentials, even different auxiliary channel settings on the student
radio (if it has these features).
To ease the learning curve, elevator and aileron may be set to the NORMor FUNC mode, with the other channels set to
OFFand controlled by the instructor.
NEVER turn on the student transmitter power.
ALWAYS set the student transmitter modulation mode to PPM.
BE SURE that the student and instructor transmitters have identical trim settings and control motions. Verify by
switching back and forth while moving the control sticks.
FULLY extend the instructor's antenna. Collapse the student's antenna.
Always remove the student transmitter's RF module (if it is a module-type transmitter).
When the TRAINER function is active, the snap roll function is deactivated. Other functions, such as IDLE-DOWN and
THR-CUT, which have been assigned to the same switch, are notdeactivated. Always double check your function
assignments prior to utilizing the TRAINER function.
When you select a different model, the TRAINER function is deactivated in the current model for safety reasons.
Turn on the TRAINER system and set
up so student has: fully functional
control of aileron and elevator to
normal control of rudder to allow
lowered travel; and no throttle
channel control (with the instructor
for safety).
Where next?
Open BASICmenu, then open
TRAINER function.
Choose desired channel(s) and proper
training type(s).
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
to page 2.to TRAINER.
to OFF.
past AILand ELE(default OK).
toTHR, to OFF.
toRUD, to NORM.
TEST student radio function fully prior to attempting to fly!
Set student 9C to PPM (required regardless of receiver ís modulation): see p. 30.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP) on student 9C super: see p.35.
Reset trims on student 9C super: see p. 41.
TRIMsubmenu: resets and adjust effectiveness of digital trims.
The 9CA super has digital trims which are different from conventional mechanical trim sliders.
Each T
is actually a two-direction switch. Each time the T
pressed, the trim is changed a selected amount. When you hold the TRIMLEVER, the trim
speed increases. The current trim position is graphically displayed on the start up screen.
The TRIMsubmenu includes two functions that are used to manage the trim options.
HELImodels only: OFFSETis available in the idle ups. If OFFSETis inhibited, adjustment of the TRIML
will adjust the
trims for all flight conditions. If OFFSETis active, then moving the trims within any one condition will effect only that
condition. See OFFSET, p. 91.
Trim reset (RESET): electronically centers the trims to their default values. Note that the SUB-TRIMsettings and the trim
STEPrate are not reset by this command.
Trim step (STEP): changes the rate at which the trim moves when the TRIM
is activated. It may be set from 1 to 40
units, depending on the characteristics of the aircraft. Most ordinary aircraft do well at about 2 to 10 units. Generally larger
trim steps are for models with large control throws or for first flights to ensure sufficient trim to properly correct the model.
Smaller trim steps are later used to allow very fine adjustments in flight.
Reset trims to neutral after having
adjusted all linkages.
NOTE: This is one of several
functions for which the radio requires
confirmation to make a change.
Where next?
Open BASICmenu, then open
Request and confirm the reset.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
to TRIM.
for 1 second.
Beep sounds.
Adjust SUB-TRIMs: see p. 42.
Adjust trim rate (STEP): see below.
Adjust END POINTs: see p. 32.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
Double the sensitivity (larger step) of
flight of an aerobatic model to ensure
sufficient range to trim the model for
level flight.
Where next?
Open TRIMsubmenu and choose the
STEPyou wish to change. (Ex: aileron)
Adjust the size of the step. (Ex: incr. to 8)
Repeat as desired for other channels.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
to TRIM.
to 8.
to ELEV. to new setting.
Repeat as needed.
Adjust sub trims: see p. 42.
Adjust END POINTs: see p. 32.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
SUB-TRIM: makes small changes or corrections to the neutral position of each servo. Range is -120 to +120, with 0 setting,
the default, being no SUB-TRIM.
The recommended procedure is as follows:
measure and record the desired surface position;
zero out both the trims (TRIM RESETmenu) and the SUB-TRIMs (this menu);
mount servo arms and linkages so that the control surface’s neutral is as correct as possible; and
use a small amount of SUB-TRIMto make fine corrections.
SERVO display and cycle submenu: displays radio's output to channels 1-8.
The servo submenu includes two features:
real-time bar-graph display to demonstrate exactly what commands the transmitter is
sending to the servos. (This can be particularly handy in setting up models with
complicated mixing functions, because the results of each stick, lever, knob, switch
input and delay circuit may be immediately seen.); and
servo cycle function to help locate servo problems prior to in-flight failures.
We recommend that you center the digital trims before making SUB-TRIM
changes, and that you try to keep all of the SUB-TRIMvalues as small as
possible. Otherwise, when the SUB-TRIMs are large values, the servo's
range of travel is restricted on one side.
Adjust the flap servo’s SUB-TRIMuntil
its center exactly matches the aileron
servo’s center, as they are to work
together as flaperons.
Where next?
Open BASICmenu, then open
Choose the channel to adjust, and
adjust until surfaces match. (Ex: flap)
Repeat for other channels.
for 1 second. (If
as needed.to each channel,
as needed.
Adjust trim steps: see p. 41.
Adjust END POINTs: see p. 32.
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
View the result of reassigning channel
6 from VR(A) knob to three-position
Cycle the channel 6 servo.
Where next?
Complete desired programming function.
(Ex: in AUX-CH, move ch. 6 to S
Open the SERVO function.
Move each control to see exactly how
operating. (Ex: S
WITCHCin all positions)
Prepare all servos to be cycled and cycle.
End cycling and close.
See AUX-CHfor details. (p. 39.)
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
1 step to SERVO.
Cto center position.
Note change in position of ch. 6 servo.
Plug in servos. P
Set up dual/triple rates and exponential (D/R,EXP): see p. 35.
Set up desired programmable mixes: see p. 54.
Set up dual aileron servos: see p. 44.
Set up dual elevator servos: see p. 50.
FailSafe (loss of clean signal and low receiver battery)submenu (PCMmode only) (F/S): sets responses in case of loss
of signal or low Rx battery.
FailSafe(F/S): instructs a PCM receiver what to do in the event radio interference is received.
Each channel may be set independently.
The NORM(normal) setting holds the servo in its last commanded position.
The F/S(FailSafe) function moves each servo to a predetermined position.
NOTE: the setting of the throttle's F/Salso applies to the Battery F/S(see below).
The F/Ssetting is used in certain competitions to spin the aircraft to the ground prior to flying away and doing potential damage
elsewhere. Conversely, may also be used to go to neutral on all servos, hopefully keeping the plane flying as long as possible.
Competition modelers often maintain the NORMfunction so that brief interference will not affect their model's maneuver.
Set the throttle channel so that the engine idles when there is interference (ACRO). This may give enough time to fly away
from and recover from the radio interference and minimize damage if crashed.
For helicopters, NORMis typically the safest choice.
We also recommend setting a gasoline engine's electronic kill switch to the OFFposition in the F/Sfunction for safety reasons.
Updating F/SSettings: If you specify a F/Ssetting, the FailSafe data is automatically transmitted once each two minutes.
When you choose the F/Smode, check that your settings are as desired by turning off the transmitter power switch and
verifying that the servos move to the settings that you chose. Be sure to wait at least two minutes after changing the setting
andturning on the receiver power before turning off the transmitter to confirm your changes have been transmitted.
Battery FailSafe (F/S): a second battery low warning feature (separate from the transmitter low voltage warning). When
the airborne
battery voltage drops below approximately 3.8V, the PCM receiver’s battery F/Sfunction moves the throttle
to a predetermined position. When the Battery F/Sfunction is activated, your engine will move to idle (if you haven't set
a position) or a preset position. You should immediately land. You may temporarily reset the Battery F/Sfunction by
moving the THROTTLESTICKto idle. You will have about 30 seconds of throttle control before the battery function
NORF/Ssetting for throttle results in Battery F/Sgoing to the servo position reached by moving T
to the
bottom with TRIMLEVERcentered;
POSF/Ssetting for throttle results in Battery F/Salso going to the same throttle servo position as the regular F/S.
If using a 6V (5-cell) receiver battery, it is very likely that your battery will be rapidly running out of charge before
battery FailSafe takes over. It is nota good idea to count on battery FailSafe to protect your model at any time, but
especially when using a 5-cell battery.
Change the receiver FailSafe command
for channel 8 (gasoline engine kill
switch) to a preset position.
NOTE: This is one of several functions
for which the radio requires
confirmation to make a change.
Where next?
Open the BASICmenu, then open
Choose Channel to change. (ex: Ch. 8)
Set and confirmfail safe command.
Repeat as desired.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE,again.)
to F/S.
to Ch 8.
that controls channel 8 to desired
for 1 second to store.
Wait two minutes and confirm F/Ssettings as described above.
Read below for information on Battery FailSafe.
Adjust END POINTs to gain proper F/Sresponses if needed: see p. 32.
Adjust SUB-TRIMto gain proper F/Sresponses if needed: see p. 42.
Aircraft wing types (ACRO/GLID):
There are 3 basic wing types in aircraft models:
•Simple. Model uses one aileron servo (or multiple servos on a Y-harness into a single receiver channel) and has a tail.
This is the default setup and requires no specialized wing programming.
•Twin Aileron Servos. Model uses 2 aileron servos and has a tail. see Twin Aileron Servos.
•Tail-less model (flying wing). Model uses 2 wing servos working together to create both roll and pitch control.
Twin Aileron Servos (with a tail) (ACRO/GLID): Many current generation models use two aileron servos, plugged into two
separate receiver channels. (If your model is a flying wing without separate elevators, seeELEVON, p. 49.)
•Ability to adjust each servo's center and end points for perfectly matched travel.
•Redundancy, for example in case of a servo failure or mid-air collision.
•Ease of assembly and more torque per surface by not requiring torque rods for a single servo to drive 2 surfaces.
•Having more up aileron travel than down travel for straighter rolls – aileron differential. (see glossary for definition.)
•Using the two ailerons not only as ailerons but also as flaps, in which case they are called flaperons.
•Set a negative percentage to reverse the operation of one of the servos.
•5-channel receiver. Set upAIL-2(see p. 48) priorto continuing with FLAPERONor AIL-DIFF.
• Uses CH6 for the second servo (see AIL-2to use CH5.)
• Allows flap action as well as aileron action from the ailerons.
• Provides FLAP-TRIMfunction to adjust the neutral point of the flaperons for level flight.
• Also allows aileron differential in its own programming (instead of activating AIL-DIFF).
•Aileron Differential (AIL-DIFF):
• Uses CH7 for the 2nd servo (see AIL-2to use CH5.)
•Leaves CH5 & CH6 free for flap operation, such as flaperon and flap action together, inAIRBRAKE. (see p. 56).
• Allows for more up aileron travel than down for straighter rolls.
You will need to choose which is the better choice for your model's setup B FLAPERONor AIL-DIFF. If you need the ailerons
to also operate as flaps, you most likely want to use FLAPERON. If your model has 2 aileron servos and flaps, then AIL-DIFF
is probably the easiest choice. (For details on setting up a complex aerobatic plane, such as one with 4 wing servos using
full span ailerons and full span flaps, as well as AIRBRAKE/crow and other features, please visit our FAQ at
www.futaba-rc.com\faq\faq-9c.html.Many other setup examples are also available at this location.)
NOTE: Only one of the three wing-type functions (FLAPERON, AIL-DIFF, and ELEVON) can be used at a time. All three
functions cannot be activated simultaneously. To activate a different wing type, the first must be deactivated.
De-activate FLAPERONso that AIL-DIFF
or ELEVON can be activated.
Where next?
Open the FLAPERONfunction.
De-activate the function.
Close function.
for 1 second.(If basic, again.)
to MIX.to INH.
Set up AIL-DIFF (see p. 47) orELEVON(see p. 49).
The FLAPERON mixing function uses one servo on each of the two ailerons, anduses them
for both aileron and flap function. For flap effect, the ailerons raise/lower simultaneously.
Of course, aileron function (moving in opposite directions) is also performed.
[Note] When changing the polarity of a rate, "change rate dir?" is displayed for a check.
Please set up after pressing DIALfor 1 second and canceling an alarm display. (GLID only)
OnceFLAPERON is activated, any time you program CH6 or "flap" (ie. FLAP-ELEVATORmixing), the radio commands both
servos to operate as flaps. The amount of travel available as flaps is independently adjustable in FLAPERON. A trimming
feature is also available (see FLAP-TRIM) to adjust both neutral positions together for straight-and-level flight or slight
increases/decreases of the flap angle.
• Each aileron servo's up travel can be set separate from its down travel, creating aileron differential. (See example).
• Each aileron servo's travel when actuated as a flap is separately adjustable.
• AIL-2can be utilized to use a 5-channel receiver and still have flaperons. NOTE: The AIL-2function only commands
the channel 5 servo to operate with the aileron servo as ailerons, and to obey the primary flap control (travel adjusted
in FLAP-TRIM.) It does not provide full flap mix capability as when using a 6+ channel receiver and channel 6.
NOTE: Activating flaperons only makes the ailerons work as ailerons and tells the radio how far you want them to move
as flaps IF you then activate other programming that moves them as flaps.
FLAP-TRIMis the flap-trimming feature that allows the flaps to move in reaction to the channel 6 control. It is meant only
for trimming the flaps' center but can also be used as full flap control. (See p. 46).
AIRBRAKEis a feature that drops flaperons as flap, and also compensates with elevator if desired. (See p. 56).
FLAP-ELEVATORwould add elevator mixing into the flap movement from the flap dial after FLAP-TRIMis activated.
END POINT andSUB-TRIMboth still adjust each servo individually.
* If you receive an error message that OTHER WING MIXING IS ON, you must deactivate AIL-DIFF orELEVON. see p. 44.
Activate twin aileron servos, FLAPERON.
Input 10% less down travel than up
travel (aileron differential) within the
FLAPERON programming.(Decrease right
aileronís down travel to 90%, decrease
left aileron=s down travel to90%.)
Adjust total flap travel available to
50%of aileron travel available.
Where next?
Open the FLAPERON function.
Activate the function.
Optional: adjust the up/down travel
separately for the 2 servos.(Ex: 90%
Optional: adjust the aileron's travel
so they move as flaps. (Ex: each servo
flap travel to 50%.)
Close menu.
for 1 second.
(Ifbasic, again.)
to 50%.
to -50%.
SetFLAP-TRIM: see p. 46.
Set up AIRBRAKE mix: see p. 56.
Mix flaperon's flap motion to another inboard flap (plugged into aux1): see p. 54.
View additional model setups on the internet: www.futaba-rc.com/faq/faq-9c.html
Using FLAP-TRIM(camber) to adjust flaperons: (ACRO/GLID)
FLAP-TRIMassigns the primary flaperon control [defaults to VR(A)] to allow trimming in
flight of the flap action of flaperons. (Note: even if FLAP-TRIMis made active with AIL-DIFF,
it will not have any effect. The ONLY function that allows control of the ailerons as flaps
in the AIL-DIFFconfiguration is AIRBRAKE.) Most modelers use AIRBRAKE, or programmable
mixes, to move the flaps to a specified position via movement of a switch.
FLAP-TRIM may also be used as the primary flap control in flight. By doing so, you can assign CH6 to a 3-position
switch, with a "spoileron", neutral, and "flaperon" position, and even adjust the percentage traveled as flaperon/spoileron
by changing the Flap Trim travel. (Note that there is only one setting, not independent settings for up and down travel.)
Add FLAP-TRIMto allow the model=s
ailerons to be trimmed together as
flaps at any time during the flight,
with a maximum travel of 5% of the
total flap travel set in FLAPERON.
Where next?
Open the FLAP-TRIMfunction.
Adjust the travel available to the
flaperons when turning the CH6 DIAL.
(Ex: 5%).
Optional: Use as total flap control.
Reassign CH6ís primary control in
AUX-CHto your desired flap control.
(Ex: right slider)
Close menu.
for 1 second.
(Ifbasic, again.)
to 5%.
to 50%.
to AUX-CH.
to CH6. to Vr-E.
Adjust individual servo's SUB-TRIMs: see p. 42 and END POINTs: see p. 32.
Set up AIRBRAKE mix: see p. 56 and ELEV-FLAP mix: see p. 55.
Mix flaperon's flap movement to an additional inboard flap (plugged into aux1):
see p. 54.
View additional model setups on the internet: www.futaba-rc.com\faq\faq-9c.html.
The function is automatically activated with FLAPERON; however, the default travel is 0.
Using Aileron Differential (AIL-DIFF) (ACRO/GLID):
Aileron differential is primarily used on 3 or 4-servo
wings, with one servo(s) operating inboard flap(s) on
CH6 or CH5 & CH6, and AIL-DIFF controlling proper
aileron operation of 2 aileron servos, plugged into CH1
and CH7. The ailerons can not be moved like flaps
when using AIL-DIFF, except if using AIRBRAKE (see p. 55.)
(Note that even if you make FLAP-TRIM active while using
AIL-DIFF, it will not have any effect. ONLY AIRBRAKE
controls the ailerons as flaps in the AIL-DIFF configuration .)
*If you receive an error message that OTHER WING MIXING IS ON, you must deactivate ELEVON or FLAPERON. See p. 44.
Activate twin aileron servos using AIL-DIFF.
Note that the function defaults to no
difference in down travel vs. up
travel. If you want differential travel,
simply adjust each side. (Ex: 90%)
Where next?
Open the AIL-DIFFfunction.
Activate the function.
Optional: adjust the up/down travel
separately for the 2 servos. (Ex:
adjust to 100%.)
Close menu.
for 1 second.
(If basic, again.)
to AIL-DIFF. *
Adjust individual servo's SUB-TRIMs: see p. 42 and END POINTs: see p. 32.
Set up AIRBRAKE mix: see p. 56.
Set up ELEV-FLAP mix (only if model has a flap servo in CH6): see p. 55.
Set up SNAP-ROLL Function: see p. 52.
View additional model setups: www.futaba-rc.com\faq\faq-9c.html.
• FLAP function allows you to set up 1 or 2 servos for flap action.
[Note] When changing the polarity of a rate, "change rate dir?" is displayed for a check.
Please set up after pressing DIAL for 1 second and canceling an alarm display. (GLID only)
Using Twin Aileron Servos with a 5-channel receiver,
Aircraft tail types (ACRO/GLID):
Adjust the second aileron servo output
from CH6or7to channels CH5&6.
Allows twin aileron servo operation
with a 5-channel receiver.
Where next?
Open the PARAMETER submenu.
Select AIL-2and change to CH5&6.
Close menu.
for 1 second.
(If advance, again.)
to CH5&6.
Finish setting up FLAPERON orAIL-DIFF. see Twin Aileron Servos: p. 44.
View additional model setups on the internet: www.futaba-rc.com\faq\faq-9c.html.
AIL-2 allows FLAPERON and AIL-DIFF with a 5-channel receiver. AIL-2 only tells the
radio that you are using CH5 andCH6 (FLAPERON), or CH5 andCH7 (AIL-DIFF),
not CH6 or CH7, as the second servo in FLAPERON or AIL-DIFF. You still must activate
and set up the FLAPERON/AIL-DIFF function.
Note that selecting CH5&6 or CH5&7 does NOT free up CH6 or CH7 to be used for other functions when using a receiver
with more than 5 channels. Both 5 and 6 (FLAPERON)/7 (AIL-DIFF) are dedicated to the FLAPERON or AIL-DIFF programming.
[This is beneficial with four aileron servos that need to have their end points or sub-trims set separately. CH1, CH5 and
CH6arealreadyfullysetuptooperateasailerons. Mix CH7 or CH8 (the second aileron servo on the other side) into
ailerons to function properly.]
There are 4 basic tail types in aircraft models:
Simple. Model uses one elevator servo and one rudder servo (or multiple servos on a Y-harness). This is the default.
Dual Elevator servos. Model uses 2 elevator servos. see AILEVATOR (ACRO) see p. 50.
Tail-less model. Model uses 2 wing servos together to create roll and pitch control. see ELEVON(ACRO/GLID). see p. 49.
V-TAIL. Model uses 2 surfaces, at an angle, together to create yaw and pitch control. seeV-TAIL (ACRO/GLID).see p. 51.
Note: Only one of the three tail-type functions (AILEVATOR, V-TAIL, and ELEVON) can be used at a time. The radio provides
a warning and will not allow the activation of another tail type until the first is deactivated. An error message of OTHER
WING MIXING IS ON will display. (See the wing type example on page 44.)
Using ELEVON(ACRO/GLID): used with delta wings, flying wings, and other tailless aircraft that combine aileron and
elevator functions, using two servos, one on each elevon. The aileron/elevator responses of each servo can be adjusted
independently. This is also popular for ground model use, such as tanks, which drive two motors together for forward, and
This guideline is intended to help you set up a basic (SWH1) heli, to get acquainted with the radio, to give you a jump start
on using your new radio, and to give you some ideas and direction on how to do even more with this powerful system than
you may have already considered. It follows our basic format of all programming pages – a big picture overview of what
we're trying to accomplish; a “by name” description of the steps to help acquaint you with the radio; and then a step-by-
step instruction to leave out the mystery and challenge of setting up your model.
Briefly, the typical helicopter’s controls are as follows:
• Aileron: changes cyclic lateral (roll) . Rolls the helicopter. Tilts the swashplate to the left or right. CH1.
• Elevator: changes cyclic pitch. Changes the helicopter’s angle of attack (nose up or nose down). Tilts the entire
swashplate fore and aft. CH2.
• Rudder: changes the angle of the tail rotor. Yaws the helicopter left or right. CH4.
• Collective Pitch: adjusts main rotor collective [angle of the paddles], changing the main blades’ pitch. Increased collective
pitch (with throttle) causes the helicopter to rise. Moves in conjunction with throttle on the T
• Throttle: opens/closes carburetor. Moves in conjunction with collective pitch on the THROTTLESTICK. CH3.
• REVO: mix that adds rudder in conjunction with pitch. This helps compensate for rotation of the helicopter caused by
the increased engine torque. (Neveruse revo. mixing with a heading-hold/AVCS gyro; the gyro already does this.)
For additional details, see that function's section in this manual — the page numbers are indicated in the first column for you..
Prepare your helicopter.
Select the proper MODEL TYPEfor your
model. Ex: HELI (SWH1). See p. 82.
[NOTE: This is one of several
functions for which the radio requires
confirmation to make a change. Only
critical changes require additional
keystrokes to accept the change.]
(If the correct model type was already
displayed, be sure to do a model reset
to discard any unwanted settings.)
Then,NAMEthe model. P. 27.
(You do not need to do anything to
“save” or store this data.)
In the BASICmenu, open the
Select proper MODEL TYPE.
Confirm the change. Close PARAMETER.
In the BASICmenu, open the MODEL
Input aircraft's name.
Close the MODELsubmenu when done.
Turn on the transmitter.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE, again.)
thento highlight PARAMETER.
to choose PARAMETER.
to TYPE.
to HELI(SWH1).for 1 second.
sure? displays. to confirm.
to return to BASICmenu.
as needed to highlight MODEL.
to choose MODEL.
(First character of model's
name is highlighted.)
to change first character.
When proper character is displayed,
to move to next character. Repeat.
to return to BASICmenu.
Install all servos, switches, receiver per your model's instructions. Set all trims,
dials and sliders to neutral.
Confirm all control linkages are 90 degrees (or per instructions) from the servo
horn to the ball link for proper geometry and that no slop is present.
Mechanically adjust all linkages to get as close as possible to proper control
throws and minimize binding prior to radio set up.
Reverse servos as needed for proper
control operation. Ex: LEFTRUDDER
STICKresults in leading edge of tail
rotor blades moving left. Reverse to
operate properly. P. 31.
Adjust Travels as needed to match
model's recommended throws (usually
listed as high rates).
P. 32.
ActivateTHR-CUT. P. 87.
Set up throttle curve for normal.
(Usually changes will not need to be
made prior to first flight.) P. 86.
Set up collective pitch curve for
normal as base of –4, center of +5,
end of +8 to +10 degrees of blade
pitch for aerobatics.
(If just learning
to fly, ask your instructor.) P. 86.
Set up revo. mixing for normal. (For
heading-hold gyros, inhibit revo.) P. 86.
Confirm Gyro direction. (Note: if
using a heading-hold/AVCS gyro, use
the GYROprogramming for proper
setup. See p. 95.)
In theBASICmenu, open REVERSE.
Choose desired servo and reverse its
direction of travel.
(Ex: reverse rudder servo.)
In the BASICmenu, choose END POINT.
Adjust the servos’ end points.
(Ex: flap servo)
Return to BASIC menu.
Open THR-CUTfunction.
Activate the function. Choose desired
switch and position to activate.
With T
HROTTLESTICKat idle, adjust the
rate until the engine consistently shuts
off, but throttle linkage is not binding.
Open the THR-CV/NORfunction.
Adjust if needed. Close the function.
Open the PIT-CV/NORfunction.
Adjust each point to match desired
curve. (Ex first point: 8%.)
Close the function.
Open the REVO./NORfunction. Adjust to
your desired starting point. (Ex: 10%.)
Close the function.
4 steps toREVERSE.
to chooseREVERSE.
to CH4:RUDD.
so REVis highlighted.
Repeat as needed.
2 steps toEND POINT.
to chooseEND POINT.
until down travel is as desired.
until down travel is as desired.
Repeat as needed.
4 steps.
to SW.
to C.to DOWN.
Cto down position.
to RATE.until shuts off.
to 5%. to next point. Repeat.
to 8%.to next point. Repeat.
to 10%.to next point. Repeat.
With radio on, move helicopter’s tail to the right by hand.
The gyro should give right rudder input (leading edge of the tail rotor blades
move left).
If the gyro gives the opposite input, reverse direction on the gyro unit itself.
Periodically move the throttle stick to full and back down to ensure proper servo settings.
It is critical that dials A and C be centered when the pitch and throttle curves are setup.
Learn how to operateHOVERING PITCH
Notice at half throttle, the VR(C)dial
adjusts the throttle separately from the
pitch. VR(A) adjusts the pitch
separately from the throttle.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE, again.)
1 step to SERVO.
throttle to center
VR(C)VR(A) center dials.
Be sure to follow your model’s instructions for preflight checks, blade tracking, etc. Neverassume a set of blades are
properly balanced and will track without checking.
Check receiver battery voltage! Always check voltage with a voltmeter prior to each and every engine start.
(Never assume being plugged in all night means your radio gear is ready to fly). Insufficient charge, binding servo linkages,
and other problems can result in a dangerous crash with the possibility of injury to yourself, others and property.
Confirm the swashplate is level at 0 travel. Adjust arms if needed.
Apply full collective and check that the swashplate remained level and there is no binding. Repeat for full cyclic pitch and
roll. If not, adjust as needed to correct in END POINT: see p. 32.
Important note: prior to setting up throttle hold, idle-ups, offsets, etc, be sure to get your normal condition operating properly.
Where next?(Other functions you may wish to set up for your model.)
SUB-TRIMp. 42 and separate trims for conditions (OFFSETS): p. 91.
Governor setup: p. 97.
IDLE-UPp. 90.
DELAYSto ease servo response when switching idle-ups: p. 92.
Rudder-to-throttle and other programmable mixes p. 60.
Checking setup prior to going airborne: Check voltage! Then, with the assistance of an instructor, and having completed
all range checks, etc, gradually apply throttle until the helicopter becomes “light on the skids.” Adjust trims as needed to
correct for any roll, pitch, or yaw tendencies. If the tail “wags,” the gyro gain is too high. Decrease gyro gain.
MODEL TYPE: This function of the PARAMETER submenu is used to select the type of model programming to be used.
Before doing anything else to set up your model, first you must decide which MODEL TYPE best fits your aircraft. If
your transmitter is a 9CA super, the default is ACRO. If it is a 9CH super, the default is HELI(SW1).
The 9C super radios support 6 basic swashplate setups, including "single servo" (SW1-most helicopters use this type) and
5 types of CCPM (cyclic and collective pitch mixing). A "single servo" swashplate uses one servo for each axis: aileron,
elevator (cyclic pitch), and collective pitch. CCPM helicopters utilize a combination of servos working together to achieve
the 3 axes of motion. There are 5 basic CCPM types, displayed below. CCPM has several advantages, the most obvious
of which is far less mechanical complexity to properly move the swashplate of the helicopter. Additionally, several servos
working in unison (ex: SR3, all 3 servos together create elevator movement) dramatically increases the torque available as
well as the precision and centering.
Please note that some helicopters are type SR-3 or SN-3, except off by 180 degrees. For example, the Kyosho
SR-3 but with the 2 parallel servos to the rear of the helicopter, not front. If your model's swashplate is off by 180 degrees,
you will still use that swashplate type, but also useSWASH AFR(p.84)to adjust the functions as needed until it operates
properly. Additionally, different angles of CCPM may also be created utilizing the fully assignable programmable mixes.
(See our Frequently Asked Questions area at www.futaba-rc.com\faq\faq-9c.html for specific examples.)
Not operating quite like you expected? In many CCPM installations you need to either reverse the direction of a specific
function (SWASH AFR) or reverse a single servoís direction (REVERSE). See SWASH AFR for details. (p.84)
Swashplate Types
HELISWH1 Type: Independent aileron, pitch and elevator servos linked to the
swashplate. Most kits are HELISWH1type.
HELI SWH2 Type: pushrods positioned as shown. Elevator operates with a mechanical
linkage. With Aileron inputs, the aileron and pitch servos tilt the swashplate left and
right; with Pitch inputs, the aileron and pitch servos raise the swashplate up and down.
HELI SWH4 Type: pushrodspositioned as shown. With Aileron inputs, the aileron and
pitch servos tilt the swashplate left and right; with Elevator inputs, the servos tilt the
swashplate fore and aft; with Pitch inputs, all four servos raise the swashplate up and down.
HELI SR-3 Type: pushrods positioned as shown. With Aileron inputs, the aileron and
pitch servos tilt the swashplate left and right; with Elevator inputs, the three servos tilt
the swashplate fore and aft; with Pitch inputs, all three servos raise the swashplate up
and down.
HELI SN-3 Type: pushrods positioned as shown. With Aileron inputs, the three servos
tilt the swashplate left and right; with Elevator inputs, the elevator and pitch servos tilt
the swashplate fore and aft; with Pitch inputs, all three servos raise the swashplate up
and down.
Elevator 1
Elevator 2
HELI SR-3s Type: pushrods positioned as shown. Fundamentally, the servo operations
of SR-3s type are almost same as SR-3 type.
However, the servo arrangement about elevator operation differs.
Radio emits a repeating “beep” and shows progress on screen as the model memory is being copied. Note that if the power switch is turned off prior
to completion, the data will not be copied.
Change the MODEL TYPEof model #3
from aircraft to 120 degree CCPM with 2
servos working in unison for collective
pitch and aileron [HELI(SR-3)].
Where next?
Confirm you are currently using the
proper model memory. (example: 3)
Open PARAMETERsubmenu.
Change to the desired MODEL TYPE
(example, SR3.)
Confirm the change.
On home screen, check model name
and # on top left.
If it is not the correct model (example:
3), see MODEL SELECT, p. 25.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE, again.)
to 2nd page of menu.
1 step to PARAMETER.
(to SR-3)
for one second.
“sure?” displays. to confirm.
If a single servo is not operating properly, REVERSE: see p. 31.
If a control is operating backwards (i.e. Elevator), seeSWASH AFR, p. 84.
If unsure see
Swashplate function rate settings (SWASH AFR) reduce/increase/reverse the rate (travel)
of the aileron, elevator (except SWH2) and collective pitch functions, adjusting or
reversing the motion of all servos involved in that function, only when using that
function. Since these types utilize multiple servos together to create the controls, simply
adjusting a servoís REVERSEor END POINTwould not properly correct the travel of any
one control. Since SW1uses one servo for each function, there is no need for AFRin SW1.
This is fairly hard to explain but easy to see, so let's set up Kyosho Caliber's swashplate settings as an example. With
everything installed per factory instructions, set the model to HELI(SR-3). Now let's adjust the swashplate properly.
Since aileron alwaysuses no more than 2 servos, check it first. Either both operate properly (no change needed), both
operate backwards (reverse the whole function), or one servo operates backwards (reverse that servo alone).
Next check elevator. Remember, the aileron servo(s) operate correctly, so if elevator does not, we should only have 2
choices left – the whole function needs to be reversed, or the servo(s) not shared with aileron need to be reversed.
Last is collective. If aileron and elevator are working properly, the only thing that could be wrong is the whole direction
collective operates (reverse the whole function). In our example, SR-3is 180 degrees off from the swashplate of the Caliber.
Therefore, it is very likely that several functions will not operate properly. The collective pitch operation is backwards; but
reversing all three servos would also reverse the aileron and elevator operations. Changing the collective pitch rate,
however, from +50% to-50%, will reverse the collective pitch without affecting the aileron action.
SR-3 Swash Type
Swashplate tilts right.
Front of swash plate moves
down; back of swashplate
moves up.
The leading edges of tail
blades rotate left.
Entire Swashplate lifts.
Swashplate tilts left.
Back of Swashplate moves up.
Back of Swashplate moves
Swashplate moves the
Entire swashplate moves up.
Blades rotated right.
Swashplate lowers.
Reverse AILsetting in
SWASH to -50%.
Ch6 servo moves
incorrectly; REVERSE.
Ch1 servo moves
incorrectly; REVERSE.
Reverse ELEsetting in SWASH.
(ex: +50to -50)
Ch2 servo moves
incorrectly; REVERSE.
REVERSEthe rudder servo.
Reverse PITsetting in SWASH.
Adjust the travel of the collective pitch
from +50%to -23%, reversing the
travel of all 3 servos and decreasing
their travel in collective pitch only, on
Where next?
Open SWASH AFRfunction.
Adjust PITtravel to -23.
Close the menu.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE, again.)
to -23%.
Confirm the swashplate is level at 0 travel. Adjust arms if needed.
Apply full collective and check that the swashplate remained level. If not, adjust
servoís travels as needed to correct. END POINT: see p. 32.
Set up the normal condition: (TH-CV/NOR, PI-CV/NOR, REVO./NOR): see p. 86.
Set up D/R,EXP
: see p. 35.
SWASH AFR (not in SWH1):
Swash to Throttle Mixing (SWASH-THR):
This function can be set for each flight condition, and is used to correct the tendency
of the model to change altitude when the rotor is tilted by aileron, elevator, and
other controls.
• Mixing may be set from 0 to 100% each flight condition.
Correct the tendency of the model to
change altitude.
Where next?
Close the menu.
to 10%.
Open SWASH-THR function.
HI/LOW-PIT : see p. 94.
GOVERNOR set up: see p. 97.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE, again.)
Activate the function.
Ajust the rate.
(Ex: IDL1 10%)
to ON.
Setting up the Normal Flight Condition: The Normal flight condition is typically utilized for hovering. The throttle and
collective pitch curves are adjusted to provide consistent engine RPM despite the increase/decrease in collective pitch of
the blades. This keeps the engine from “bogging down” under excessive load (like trying to accelerate a car on a steep hill
in 5th gear) or excessive RPM under insufficient load (like flooring the throttle while in neutral), risking engine damage.
As the 2 curves and revo. mixing are all interrelated, we will discuss all three first, then complete a sample setup.
Note that the normal throttle, pitch and revo curves are all available in the BASICmenu for simplicity. These may also be updated
later in the ADVANCEmenu with the settings for the other 4 conditions [idle-up 1 (IDL1), idle-up 2 (IDL2) and idle-up 3 (IDL3), plus
throttle hold (HOLD)]. Note: The throttle and pitch curves for the normal condition are always on. They cannot be inhibited. The
other four conditions are activated with their throttle curves or throttle hold. For idle-ups, see p. 90. For throttle hold, see p. 88.
• TH-CV/NOR: inputs the normal (NORM) throttle curve, which is usually not a linear response to THROTTLESTICK
Adjusting point 3 of the curve adjusts the engine’s RPM at the THROTTLESTICKmidpoint – the desired position for
hovering. The other 4 points are then adjusted to create the desired idle and maximum engine speed, and a smooth
transition in-between. For more on throttle curves, see p. 90.
• PI-CV/NOR: inputs the normal (NORM) collective pitch curve, the collective pitch curve for flight near hover. The
normal collective pitch curve is adjusted to match the throttle curve, providing the best vertical performance at a
constant engine speed, with a starting curve of –4 base, +5 neutral, and +8 to +10 degrees of blade pitch maximum*.
You can program the response over a 5-point curve for the best collective pitch angle relative to THROTTLE
movement. For more on collective pitch curves, see p. 90.
• REVO./NOR: mixes collective pitch commands to the rudder (a PITCH-RUDDER mix) to suppress the torque generated
by changes in the main rotor's collective pitch angle, keeping the model from yawing when throttle is applied. REVO.
is extremely helpful in “taming the tail” of models not using heading-hold/AVCS gyros. NOTE: There are three revo.
mixes available: normal (NORM), idle-up 1 / 2 (IDL1/2), and idle-up 3 (IDL3). All 3 are adjustable in the ADVANCE
menu. Neveruse revo. mixing in conjunction with heading-hold/AVCS gyros.For details on revo, including default
points for clockwise and counterclockwise rotating rotors, see p. 90.
*These default recommendations assume you are doing forward flight. If you are just learning, please follow your instructor’s guidance. Some
instructors like a +1 base point for training so that the helicopter comes down very slowly, even if your instincts pull the throttle/collective stick to
the bottom in a hurry.
THROTTLE CUT: The THR-CUTfunction is used to kill the engine at the end of a flight. The engine can be stopped with
one touch of any switch, eliminating the need to move the trim to kill the engine and then readjust prior to each flight. The
helicopter THR-CUTincludes an ON/OFF throttle position (normally a little above idle). You must move the T
back below the set point before the THR-CUTfunction can be reset, to avoid sudden engine acceleration. For a detailed
example of throttle cut setup, see ACROp. 34.
Creating a throttle cut that operates only in Normal and not in any Idle-Ups:
Note: Be sure to add the step of setting a trigger point by cursoring to THR, then putting the
THROTTLESTICKin the desired position and pressing and holding the dial for one second.
Notice that this function cannot be reversed to trigger only above the stick point.
Set up Normal Flight Condition
Throttle/Collective Pitch Curves
and Revo.
Base point: Adjust base point of
throttle curve until engine idles
reliably on ground. Adjust base point
of collective pitch curve to achieve –4
degrees of blade pitch.
Apply throttle until the model sits
‘light’ on its skids. Adjust base point
of REVO. until model does not rotate
its nose at all.
Hover point: Adjust collective pitch curve
to +5 degrees. Ease heli into a hover.
Land/shut engine off. Adjust throttle
curves and rudder trim. Repeat until
model hovers smoothly at half throttle.
Rapidly apply throttle from ¼ to ½
stick. Adjust REVO. points 2 and 3
until the model does not rotate its
nose up on throttle application.
High point:Adjust collective pitch
curve to +8 to +10 degrees. From
hover, throttle up rapidly. If engine
bogs, increase the throttle curve. If
engine over-revs, increase the
collective pitch curve at points 4 or 5.
Apply full throttle while hovering, then
descend back to hover. Adjust REVO.
until the nose does not change heading.
Where next?
Open the THR-CV/NORfunction.
Adjust the first point. (Ex: 5%.)
Open the PIT-CV/NORfunction.
Adjust the first point. (Ex: 8%.)
Open the REVO./NORfunction.
Adjust the first point. (Ex: 4%.)
Adjust THR-CV/NOR.
Adjust PIT-CV/NOR.
Adjust REVO./NOR.
Adjust THR-CV/NOR.
Adjust PIT-CV/NOR.
Adjust REVO./NOR.
for 1 second.
(If ADVANCE, again.)
to 5%.
to 8%.
to 4%.
Repeat above as needed.
Repeat above as needed.
Repeat above as needed.
Repeat above as needed.
Repeat above as needed.
Repeat above as needed.
GYROfunction: see p. 95.
Adjust HOV-THRand HOV-PITif needed: see p. 93.
Setting up Throttle Hold: see p. 88.
Setting up idle-ups 1, 2 and 3: Throttle and collective pitch curves and revo.
mixing (TH-CURVE, PI-CURVE, REVO. MIX): see p. 90.
GOVERNOR function: see p. 95.
D/R,EXP: see p. 35.
THR-HOLD: This function holds the engine in the idling position and disengages it from the T
E(9CH) or G(9CA) is moved. It is commonly used to practice auto-rotation.
Prior to setting up THR-HOLD, hook up the throttle linkage so that the carburetor is
opened fully at high throttle, then use the digital trim to adjust the engine idle
position. To have THR- HOLD maintain idle, move the T
HROTTLE STICK to the idle
position, then move the hold SWITCHon and off and keep changing the offset value
until the servo does not move. To lower the engine idle speed, or if you want to shut
off, input a more negative number.
Idling position: Range of -50%to +50%centered about the throttle idle position to get the desired engine RPM.
Rudder offset:Offsets the tail rotor pitch. Keeps the fuselage from rotating in throttle hold.
Time delay: A rudder offset time delay may be set up within the DELAY function (see p. 92) to ease in rudder and
prevent tail wag.
Throttle curve: Since the throttle is moved to a single preset position, no curve is available for THR-HOLD.
Collective pitch curve: Independent curve, typically adjusted to create a blade pitch range of -4% to +10% to +12%,
Revo. mix: Since revo. mix adjusts for torque from the engine, no revo. mix is available for THR-HOLD.
Priority: The throttle hold function has priority over idle-up. Be sure that the throttle hold and idle-up S
WITCHESare in the
desired positions before trying to start the engine. (We recommend starting your engine in throttle hold for safety reasons.)
Gyro: Gyro programming includes an option to have a separate gyro setting for each condition, including THR-HOLD.
This avoids the potential problem of the user being in the wrong gyro setting when going to THR-HOLD, resulting in an
improper rudder offset and the model pirouetting.
Set up throttle hold.
Determine desired throttle position by
idling engine, turn on THR-HOLD, and
adjust percentage as required to reach
the desired running point.
Where next?
Open THR-HOLDfunction.
Activate the function.
Set desired engine position.
Optional: set up a rudder offset. (If a
slowed reaction is desired, go to DELAY.)
for 1 second.
(Ifbasic, again.)
to OFF.
to desired percent.
to OFF.to desired offset.
PIT-CURVE for THR-HOLD: see p. 90.
DELAY for THR-HOLD (to ease collective pitch response): see p. 92.
GYRO setup: see p. 95.
Setting up the Idle-Ups: Throttle and Collective pitch Curves and Revo. Mixing
(TH-CURVE, PIT-CURVE, REVO. MIXING) for idle-ups: see p. 90.
: see p. 35.
is automatically activated with THR-HOLD.
Switch assignment: Assigned to SWITCHG(9CA) or E (9CH) down.
Adjustable in the SW SELECT (T-HOLD item).
(2-position type switch only)
THR-CURVEand PIT-CURVE: These 5-point curves are utilized to best match the blade collective pitch to the engine RPM for
consistent load on the engine. Curves are separately adjustable for normal, idle-up 1, idle-up 2, and idle-up 3. In addition,
a separate collective pitch curve is available for throttle hold. Sample curves are displayed in the appropriate setup types
(ex: normal flight condition, p. 86) for clarity.
Suggested defaults:
•Normal: Collective pitch curve that results in points 1, 3 and 5 providing –4, +5, (+8 to +10)* degrees pitch. A throttle
curve setting of 0, 30, 50, 70, 100%.
•Idle-ups 1 & 2: Idle-ups 1 and 2 are typically the same except for the gyro settings, with one being heading-
hold/AVCS and the other being normal mode. The pitch curve will likely be similar to the normal curve above.
•Idle-up 3: Collective pitch curve that results in points 1, 3 and 5 providing (–8 to –10), 0, (+8 to +10) degrees. A
throttle curve of 100, 75, 50, 75, 100 to provide full throttle for inverted maneuvers.
•Throttle Hold pitch curve: Start with the normal pitch curve (for inverted autos, start from the idle-up 3 pitch curve), but
increase the last point approximately 1-2°, if available, to ensure sufficient pitch at landing.
*(These default recommendations assume you are doing forward flight. If you are just learning, please follow your instructor’s guidance. Some
instructors like a +1 base point for training so that the helicopter comes down very slowly, even if your instincts pull the throttle/collective stick to
the bottom in a hurry.)
•Normal condition curves are editable in the BASICmenu for convenience.
•All curves may be adjusted in the ADVANCEmenu.
•Automatically selected with the proper condition.
•The idle-up curves are programmed to maintain constant RPM even when the collective pitch is reduced during flight
(including inverted).
•To change which condition’s curve is being edited, cursor up above point 1 and change the curve named.
•For clarity, the name of the condition currently active (switched on in the radio) is shown in parentheses behind name
of condition whose curve is being edited. (Example: see curve displays below. Note that the normal condition is active
but the idle-up 1 condition’s curves are currently being edited.
•Idle-ups and throttle hold pitch curves may be edited even before the conditions have been made active. Activating
their throttle curves activates these conditions.
REVO. MIX: This 5-point curve mix adds opposite rudder input to counteract the changes in torque when the speed and
collective pitch of the blades is changed.
•Three separate curves available: normal for hovering; idle-ups 1 and 2 combined; and idle-3.
•Normal condition curves are editable in the BASICmenu for convenience.
•All curves may be adjusted in the ADVANCEmenu.
•Correct mix is automatically selected in-flight with each condition and automatically activated when the throttle setup
for that condition is activated in the programming (i.e. THROTTLE HOLDor THR-CURVE.)
•To change which condition’s curve is being edited, cursor up above POINT1and select. For clarity, the name of the
condition currently active (switched on at the radio) is shown in parentheses behind the name of the condition whose
curve is being edited.
Revo. mixing rates are 5-point curves. For a clockwise-turning rotor, the rudder is mixed in the clockwise direction
when collective pitch is increased; for counterclockwise-turning, the opposite. Change the operating direction setting
by changing the signs of the numbers in the curve from plus (+) to minus (-) and vice versa. Suggested defaults:
Clockwise rotation: -20, -10, 0, +10, +20% from low throttle to high.
Counterclockwise rotation: +20, +10, 0, -10, -20% from low throttle to high.
Adjust to the actual values that work best for your model.
Revo. curves for idle-ups are often v-shaped to provide proper rudder input with negative pitch and increased throttle
during inverted flight. (Rudder is needed to counter the reaction whenever there is increased torque. In inverted flight,
throttle stick below half has increased throttle and negative pitch, therefore increasing torque and rotating the
helicopter unless the revo. mix is also increasing appropriately.)
IDLE-UPS:additional flight conditions available specifically for helicopters. These additional flight conditions contain
different throttle curves, collective pitch curves, revo. mixing, and trims (except IDLE-3) to make the helicopter perform
certain maneuvers more easily. Lastly, the gyro and dual rate functions may be set to provide separate rates per condition
selected, including one for each idle-up.
One of the most common flight conditions can easily flip from upright to inverted and back. To do so, the pitch curve is
set to 0 pitch at half stick, positive pitch (climb upright) above half, and negative pitch (climb when inverted) below half
stick. The throttle curve is adjusted to allow the engine to run consistently throughout the changes in pitch.
Additional idle-ups may be used to maximize the helicopterís flight characteristics in certain types of flight (i.e. fast
forward motion, backward) or maneuvers (loops, rolls, stall turns), or even the same maneuver but changing from heading-
hold/AVCS gyro mode to normal gyro mode. The 9C super provides 3 idle-ups to allow the modeler 3 additional setups
along with the normal flight condition. (Note that IDL3 does not include governor settings.)
Activated with the throttle curve for that condition in THR-CURVE.
Curves are adjusted to maintain constant RPM even when the collective pitch is negative (inverted).
Note that REVO. mixing has one curve for idle-ups 1 and 2 and a second curve just for idle-up3.
Gyro settings may be set separately for each idle-up. (See p. 95.)
Governor settings may be set up to follow Normal/Idle1/Idle2, but do not offer a setting to adjust for each of the 5
conditions like gyro. (See p. 95.)
Activating OFFSETmakes the T
RIMLEVERSadjust the trim separately in each of the idle-up conditions.
For an example of throttle and pitch curves and revo, please see Normal Flight Condition Setup, p. 86.
SWITCH G (9CA) or E (9CH) is programmed for normal (NORM), idle-up 1 (IDL1),
and idle-up 2 (IDL2) curves.
Adjustable in the SW SELECT (IDL1/2, IDLE3 items).
(IDL1/23-position type switch only, IDL32-position type switch only)
OFFSET: Optional separate trims in addition to those for the normal condition. This function is used to automatically change
the trim of a helicopter, for example, when transitioned from hover to flying at high speed. A clockwise-rotation rotor
helicopter tends to drift to the right at high speed, so an aileron offset may be applied to offset the helicopter to the left.
The necessary elevator offset varies with model geometry, so it must be determined by noting collective pitch changes at
high speed. The rudder offset is affected by both revo. mixing and trim lever movement while in the offset function.
Complete switch assignability, plus a CONDITION option that creates/switches between individual trims for each of the
When OFFSET is active (its switch is on), moving the T
RIM LEVERS adjust the stored offset, notthe trims in the normal
When OFFSET is inactive (its switch is off), the OFFSET and any trim adjustments to it have no effect (model obeys the
trim settings of the currently-active flight condition.)
Defaults to ON.
When OFFSET is inhibited, trim adjustments made in any flight condition affect all flight conditions.
Rapid jumps caused by large offsets can be slowed using the DELAY function.
NOTE: Remember, offsets and revo. mixes are not recommended when using heading-hold/AVCS gyros because they
conflict with the automatic corrections to trim and torque that AVCS provides.
Set up separate trims for each of the
three idle-up conditions.
Adjust the idle-up 2 rudder trim to
correct for torque at high speeds.
Where next?
Open the OFFSETfunction.
Change switch setting to COND
Select IDL2
Adjust trim settings as needed. (Ex:
rudder to +8%.)
Close menus and confirm difference in
trims between normal and idle-up 2.
for 1 second.
(If basic, again.)
to COND.
to IDL2.
to +8%.
E(9CH) or G(9CA) from
NORMAL to IDL2. Check that rudder
trim changes.
DELAY: see p. 92.
THR-HOLD: see p. 88.
Setting up the Idle-Ups: Throttle and Collective pitch Curves and Revo. Mixing
(TH-CURVE, PIT-CURVE, REVO. MIXING for idle-ups: see p. 90.
*During OFFSET operation, the aileron, elevator, and rudder travels are displayed on each trim display in the Startup screen.
DELAY: The Delay function provides a smooth transition between the trim positions whenever OFFSET, REVO. MIXING, or
THROTTLE HOLD functions are turned on and off.
Set up a delay on all 3 channels to ease
the transition from one flight condition
to another so there are no "hard jumps."
Where next?
Open the DELAY function.
Adjust AIL response as needed. (Ex:
aileron to +8%.)
Repeat for other channels.
Close menus and confirm slowed
for 1 second.
(If basic, again.)
to +8%.
to ELE. Repeat step above.
E(9CH) or G(9CA) from
NORMAL to IDL2. Check that servos
move gradually to new positions.
THR-HOLD: see p. 88.
Setting up the Idle-Ups: Throttle and Collective pitch Curves and Revo. Mixing
(TH-CURVE, PIT-CURVE, REVO. MIXING for idle-ups: see p. 90.
• Separate delay times are available for aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle, and pitch.
• With a 50% delay setting, the servo takes about a half-second to move to its new position...quite a long time.
• In general, delays of approximately 10-15% are sufficient.
Hovering throttle and hovering pitch are fine-tuning adjustments for the throttle and collective pitch curves individually,
affecting performance only around the center point and only in the normal condition. They allow in-flight tweaking of the
curves for ideal setup.
Rotor speed changes caused by temp., humidity, altitude or other changes in flying conditions are easily accommodated.
Both adjustments may be inhibited if not desired.
Both adjustments may also be set to NULL, temporarily turning off the knob but maintaining the last memorizedsetting.
Adjustments may be memorized and then the knobs returned to center point to use that amount of adjustment. Allows
easy use of the trimming knobs for multiple models. (Note that when memorization is repeated with the knob offset
from center, the trim value accumulates.)
Adjustments are quickly reset to the initial value by turning the dial until the trim reads 0%, memorizing, then
returning the knob to its center position.
Note that all functions, including these, assume the model hovers at half stick.
Fine-tune hovering with the hovering
adjustments. Remember these affect
only the hovering (normal) condition.
Adjust throttle and collective pitch
curves until model hovers nicely. In
flight, adjust collective pitch and
throttle curves near hover point
independently with HOV-THRand HOV-
PIT knobs.
Store new settings after flight.
Where next?
Open the HOV-THR function.
Optional: change which knob adjusts
each hovering curve. NULLlocks in
curve in last stored position.
Store the current dial settings prior to
selecting another model.
Open the HOV-PIT function.
Store the current dial settings prior to
selecting another model.
for 1 second.
(If basic, again.)
to desired knob.
for one second to store.
or VR(C) to center.
for one second to store.
or VR(A) to center.
THR-HOLD: see p. 88.
Setting up the Idle-Ups: Throttle and Collective pitch Curves and Revo. Mixing
(TH-CURVE, PIT-CURVE, REVO. MIXING for idle-ups: see p. 90.
: see p. 35.
Available in normal (NORM) or normal/idle-up 1 (NORM/IDL1) condition only.
This function may be used to adjust the curves high and low side individually for each flight condition (normal, idle-up 1,
idle-up 2, idle-up 3, throttle hold).
Set up a high pitch curve in the
idle-up 1 condition.
Store new settings after flight.
Where next?
Store the current dial settings prior to
selecting another model.
for one second to store.
• You may define high and low side rate trim knobs (the high side pitch trim control is defined as the right side lever at
initial setting).
• The conditions are activated in the THR-CURVE functions (p.89).
• Both adjustments may be set to MAN, temporarily turning off the knob.
• Adjustments may be memorized and then return the knobs to center point to use that amount of adjustment. Allows easy
use of the trimming knobs for multiple models.
Open the HI/LO-PIT function.
Select the idle-up 1 condition.
Set the rate. (Ex: 80%)
for 1 second. (If basic, again.)
to IDL1.
to 80%.
to HI-PIT.
Optional: change which knob adjusts
high pitch curve.
to desired knob and direction.
VR(E) to center.
PIT-CURVE: see p. 89.
HOV-PIT: see p. 93.
GYROS and GOVERNORS: Using electronics to take some of the complexity out of setups and flight.
What is a gyro? A gyroscope is an electronic unit that senses motion and corrects for it. For example, if the wind blows
your helicopter’s tail to the left, a gyro will sense that motion (and confirm that no input was given) and will correct for it.
How does it help in helicopter setup? A good gyro will totally eliminate the need for revo. mixing. The gyro will sense
and correct the unwanted motion for you, so you don’t have to spend time to get a complex curve operating properly.
Gyro sensor kinds: There are many different kinds of gyros. Early gyros were mechanical, with a spinning drum similar
to a child’s gyroscope toy. The next generation utilized a special type of crystal, called piezoelectric, which sensed the
motion and provided an electrical pulse. The finest gyros at the time of this writing are SMM technology. These silicone
micro machines, or computer chips, sense the motion. SMM is far more accurate and less susceptible to inaccuracies
caused by temperature changes, etc.
Types of gyro responses:
•Normal: sense motion and dampen it (if the gyro rotates off course for 2 seconds, it corrects for 2 seconds).
•Heading-hold/AVCS: calculate the angle of rotation (by tracking the time/rate of change) and then provide correction
until the same rotation is achieved.
•Stick priority: a feature on most high-end gyros. The more input given on the channel the gyro controls, the less
sensitive the gain is automatically. This way, if you give a large input for a stall turn, for example, the gyro turns itself
off and does not fight the stall turn. As you ease off the rudder, the gain increases again, minimizing tail wag and
keeping the model straight. (If your gyro does not include stick priority, you can manually create it. Please see
Choosing the right gyro for your skills, your helicopter, and your budget:
•Mechanical: some are still available. They are very challenging to set up and not as reliable as piezo or SMM.
•Non-Heading-Hold Piezo: these are now inexpensive gyros that are reliable and easy to set up. Some have dual rates
and remote gain control to adjust sensitivity in flight. Lack heading-hold capabilities for precision flying.
•Heading-Hold Piezo: Until recently, the cream of the crop. Expensive, and more complex to set up. Adds GPS-like heading
recognition. Exhibits minor difficulties with temperature drift (position setting varying with unit’s temperature).
•Heading-Hold SMM: 21st Century gyro technology. Computer chip technology. Expensive, easier set up, higher durability.
Significant decrease in temperature sensitivity. Many include frame rate settings to allow faster response when using
specialized digital servos. Examples:
• GY401: Simpler set up. Ideal for learning aerobatics through 3D.
• GY502: Better centering than 401 for more advanced aerobatics. Ideal through Class III competition.
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