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Thank you for purchasing a Futaba
8Usuper series digital proportional R/C system. This
system is extremely versatile and may be used by beginners and pros alike. In order for you
to make the best use of your system and to fly safely, please read this manual carefully. If
you have any difficulties while using your system, please consult the manual, your hobby
dealer, or Futaba.
This manual is not just a translation and has been carefully written to be as helpful to you, the
new owner, as possible. There are many pages of setup procedures, examples, and trimming
instructions. If you feel that any corrections or clarifications should be made, please jot them
down on a piece of paper and send them to the factory. Due to unforeseen changes in
production procedures, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without
1. This product may be used for model airplane or surface use if on the correct
The product described in this manual is subject to regulations of the Ministry of
Radio/Telecommunications and is restricted under Japanese law to such purposes.
2. Exportation precautions
(a) When this product is exported from Japan, its use is to be approved by the Radio Law of the
country of destination.
(b) Use of this product with other than models may be restricted by Export and Trade Control
Regulations. An application for export approval must be submitted.
3. Modification, adjustment, and replacement of parts
Futaba is not responsible for unauthorized modification, adjustment, and replacement
of parts of this product.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.
SEAL on the (easily removable) nickel-cadmium battery contained in
Futaba products indicates that Futaba Corporation of America is voluntarily
participating in an industry program to collect and recycle these batteries at the end of
their useful lives, when taken out of service within the United States. The RBRC
program provides a convenient alternative to placing used nickel-cadmium batteries
into the trash or municipal waste which is illegal in some areas.
Futaba Corporation of America's payments to RBRC
makes it easy for you to return
the spent battery to Futaba for recycling purposes. You may also contact your local
recycling center for information on where to return the spent battery. Please call 1-
800-8-BATTERY for information on Ni-Cd battery recycling in your area. Futaba
Corporation of America's involvement in this program is part of its commitment to
protecting our environment and conserving natural resources.
NOTE: Our instruction manuals need to encourage our customers to
return spent batteries to Futaba or a local recycling center in order to
keep a healthy environment.
is a trademark of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling
Pay special attention to the safety at the parts of this manual that are indicated by the
following marks.
Procedures which may lead to a dangerous condition and cause death
or serious injury to the user if not carried out properly.
Procedures which may lead to a dangerous condition or cause death or
serious injury to the user if not carried out properly, or procedures where the
probability of superficial injury or physical damage is high.
Procedures where the possibility of serious injury to the user is small,
but there is a danger of injury, or physical damage, if not carried out properly.
; Prohibited
; Mandatory
To ensure the safety of yourself and others, please observe the
following precautions:
Ni-cd Battery
Charge the Batteries! Don't forget to recharge the batteries before each flying
session. Plug in the charger that comes in this system and hook up the transmitter
and airborne batteries the day before a planned flying session. A low battery will
soon die causing loss of control and a crash. When you begin your flying session,
reset your 8Usuper’s built-in timer, and during the session pay attention to the
duration of usage.
Quit flying long before your batteries become low on charge. On-field
charging of your batteries with a field charger is not recommended. Overcharging
the Ni-Cd batteries with a fast-charger may cause overheating and a premature failure.
Flying field
We recommend that you fly at a recognized model airplane flying field. You can
find model clubs and fields by asking your nearest hobby dealer, or contacting the
Academy of Model Aeronautics.
Always pay particular attention to the flying field’s rules, as well as the
presence and location of spectators, the wind direction, and any obstacles on the
field. Be very careful flying in areas near power lines, tall buildings, or
communication facilities as there may be radio interference in their vicinity.
If you must fly away from a club field, be sure there are no other modelers flying
within a two-mile range, or you may lose control of your aircraft.
On the flying field
Before flying, be sure that the frequency you intend to fly with is not in use,
and secure any frequency control device (pin, tag, etc.) for that frequency before
turning on your transmitter. Never believe that it’s possible to fly two or more
models on the same frequency at the same time. Even though there are
different types of modulation (AM, FM, PCM), only one model may be flown on
a single frequency.
To prevent possible damage to your radio gear, turn the power switches on and off in
the proper sequence, given below.
When you are ready to fly your model, move the throttle stick to the low
speed position, or do whatever is necessary to command your motor NOT to run.
Then, you may turn on the transmitter power followed by the receiver power.
When you have finished flying, begin by turning off the receiver power, then
turn off the transmitter power. If you do not follow these procedures, you may
damage your servos or control surfaces, flood your motor, or in the case of electric-
powered models, the motor may unexpectedly turn on and cause a severe injury.
We recommend that you range-check your system before each flying session.
Before starting the engine, fully extend the transmitter antenna, power up
the transmitter and receiver, and check to be sure that the servos follow the
movement of the sticks. If a servo operates abnormally, don’t attempt to fly until
you determine the cause of the problem.
Finally, before starting the engine, be sure to check that the transmitter
model memory is correct for the chosen model, and (for PCM receivers only)
that the fail safe system functions properly when the transmitter is shut off.
While you’re getting ready to fly, if you place your transmitter on the
ground, be sure that the wind won’t tip it over. If it is knocked over, the throttle
stick may be accidentally moved causing the engine to race.
Before taxiing, be sure to extend the transmitter antenna to its full length.
A collapsed antenna will reduce your flying range and cause a loss of control. It is a
good idea to avoid pointing the transmitter antenna directly at the model, since the
signal is weakest in that direction.
Don’t fly in the rain! Water or moisture may enter the transmitter through the
antenna or stick openings and cause erratic operation or loss of control. If you must
fly in wet weather during a contest, be sure to cover your transmitter with a plastic
bag or waterproof barrier.
Safety Precautions (DO NOT operate without reading)............................................................1
Introduction to the 8UA System................................................................................................6
Contents & Technical Specifications.........................................................................................7
Optional Accessories.................................................................................................................7
Transmitter Controls and Switch Identification.........................................................................8
Transmitter Switch Assignments...............................................................................................9
Charging the Ni-Cd Battery.....................................................................................................10
Adjusting Length of Non-slip Control Sticks..........................................................................10
Stick Spring Tension Adjustment............................................................................................11
Changing Transmitter Mode....................................................................................................11
Receiver and Servo Connections.............................................................................................12
Radio Installation Precautions.................................................................................................13
Airplane Frequencies...............................................................................................................14
Transmitter Displays and Programming Keys.........................................................................15
Warning and Error Displays....................................................................................................16
AIRCRAFT FUNCTIONS INDEX......................................................................................19
Basic Aircraft Functions Diagram...........................................................................................20
Functions Diagram .............................................................................21
Aircraft Setup Example (F3A model).................................................................................22-23
Pattern Aircraft Trimming Chart ........................................................................................24-25
Aircraft (ACRO) & Sailplane (GLID1FLP & GLID2FLP) Basic Menu Functions...........26-40
ATV.................Adjustable Travel Volume.............................................................................26
D/R ..................Dual Rates .....................................................................................................26
EXP..................Exponential throw .........................................................................................28
IDL-DN ...........Idle Down......................................................................................................29
F/S....................Fail Safe.........................................................................................................29
REVERS..........Servo Reverse................................................................................................30
PARA ..............Parameter.......................................................................................................31
DATARSET ....Data Reset......................................................................................................31
ATL .................ATL trim........................................................................................................31
EG/S ................Engine Starter................................................................................................32
TYPE...............Model Type ...................................................................................................32
MOD................Modulation (FM/PPM or PCM)....................................................................34
AIL2 ................Second Aileron..............................................................................................34
TRAINR ..........Trainer ...........................................................................................................34
SEL..................Model Select..................................................................................................36
COPY ..............Data Copy......................................................................................................36
NAME .............Model Name..................................................................................................37
RSET ...............Trim Reset .....................................................................................................38
STEP................Trim Steps .....................................................................................................38
DISP ................Trim reverse display......................................................................................39
TH-CUT...........Throttle Cut ...................................................................................................40
TIMER.............Timer .............................................................................................................40
Aircraft (ACRO)
PMIX-1-7 ........Programmable Mixers (1-7) .....................................................................43-44
FLPRON..........Flaperon (combined flaps & ailerons)...........................................................45
FLAPTRM.......Flap trim........................................................................................................46
AI-DIF.............Aileron Differential (more up than down).....................................................46
ABRAKE.........Airbrake settings............................................................................................47
ELEFL.........ElevatorFlap mixing..................................................................................48
V-TAIL............ V-tail mixing .................................................................................................48
ELEVON.........Elevon mixing (tailless models)....................................................................49
ALVATR.........Ailevator (differential elevator).....................................................................49
SNP.................. Snap Roll.......................................................................................................50
TH-DLY..........Throttle delay ................................................................................................51
THNDL........ Throttle needle...............................................................................................51
SAILPLANE SECTION INDEX .........................................................................................52
Sailplane (GLID1FLP & GLID2FLP) Functions Diagram.....................................................53
Sailplane Setup Example (GLID 2FLP Competition model with 2 ailerons, 2 flaps)........54-57
Sailplane Trimming Chart..................................................................................................57-58
Functions ...........................................................................................59
PMIX-1-7 ........ Programmable mixing ...................................................................................43
SPEED............. Speed presets.................................................................................................63
START ............Start (launch) presets..................................................................................... 62
V-TAIL............ V-tail mixing .................................................................................................48
ELEFL.........ElevatorFlap mixing..................................................................................48
AILFL.......... Aileronflap mixing ....................................................................................61
FLPAI.......... FlapAileron mixing ...................................................................................60
BFLY............... Butterfly (“Crow”) mixing ............................................................................59
AI-DIF............. Aileron differential........................................................................................46
FLPTRM .........Camber travel (flap trim)...............................................................................46
AILRUD...... AileronRudder coupling (Use a PMIX) ....................................................43
HELICOPTER SECTION INDEX......................................................................................64
Helicopter (HELISWH1/SWH2/SWH4/SR-3/SN-3) Functions Diagram ..............................65
Helicopter Setup Example.......................................................................................................66
Helicopter Trimming Chart.....................................................................................................69
Helicopter Basic Functions......................................................................................................70
TH-CRV..........Throttle curve (Normal) ................................................................................70
PI-CRV............Pitch curve (Normal).....................................................................................71
REVOLU.........Revolution mixing (Normal).........................................................................72
SWASH........... Swash AFR....................................................................................................73
INVERT .......... Inverted..........................................................................................................74
TH-CUT .......... Throttle Cut ...................................................................................................75
Functions .........................................................................................76
TH-CRV..........Throttle Curve (Normal, Idle-up 1 & 2)...................................................77-78
TH-HLD..........Throttle Hold.................................................................................................79
OFST-1-2-iv....Offset -1-2-iv.................................................................................................80
DELAY ...........Delay .............................................................................................................80
PMIX-1-2 ........ Programmable Mixing..............................................................................81-82
HOV-TH.......... Hovering Throttle..........................................................................................83
HOV-PI ...........Hovering Pitch...............................................................................................83
GYRO.............. Gyro Mixing..................................................................................................84
GOVrpm..........Governor Mixing...........................................................................................84
TH-NDL..........Throttle Needle Mixing (Normal, Idle-up 1 & 2)..........................................86
INVERT CROSS....Inverted Cross Position...........................................................................87
REVOLU.........Revolution Mixing (Normal, Idle-up 1 & 2).................................................87
PI-CRV............Pitch Curve (Normal, Idle-up 1 & 2, Hold)..............................................89-90
Handling the CAMPac ............................................................................................................91
Data Sheets: ACRO, GLID1FLP, GLID2FLP, HELISWH1 .............................................94-96
Factory Repair Service ............................................................................................................97
The versatile FP-T8UAFS/T8UAPS PCM1024 multi-function 8-channel transmitter may
be used with any Futaba PCM1024 receiver! In addition, your system will work with Futaba
FM/PPM receivers when you select the FM transmission option. The large liquid-crystal
display panel allows rapid data input into its easy-to-read LCD display. To allow efficient
programming, all of the transmitter’s functions have been separated into Basic Menu and
Advanced Menu functions.
The 8UA transmitter has electronic trims so that rapid yet precise trim adjustment is
possible while flying. These exclusive trims are designed to that when the trim lever is
activated, trim movement accelerates, and in addition, each trim’s sensitivity may be
programmed to match the model or control. For convenience, the location of the trim is
constantly displayed on the LCD panel.
The 8UA system comes complete with programming for ACRO (aircraft),
HELISWH1/SWH2/SWH4/SR-3/SN-3 (helicopter), or GLID1FLP/2FLP (sailplane) mixing
and can accommodate virtually any model configuration. The compact, ergonomically-
designed transmitter holds completely independent memories for eight different models.
[For modelers requiring additional storage, memory for another eight models can be added
using the DP16K (available separately). You may also easily transfer your model
data to another T8UA/T8UH transmitter plugging your into the other transmitter.
The data pack does not require any battery backup and can be stored indefinitely.]
The 8UA features a new stick design which provides an improved feel. The sticks’
length and tension may be adjusted. Switches are provided for dual rate (D/R),
programmable mixers (PMIX), and other functions, and the location of the switches can be
changed electronically to suit your own preferences. For those learning to fly, the
transmitter has “buddy-box” capability and the training channels can be selected by the
instructor. [The trainer cord is sold separately.]
Standard programming features include servo reversing for all channels, ATV on all
channels, dual rates, exponential, throttle cut, electronic subtrim on all channels, and fail safe
on all channels (PCM transmission only). An alphabetic name may be used for each model
stored in the eight model memories.
The 8UA features a number of special mixing features applicable to all types of flying
models. For aircraft, there are extensive preprogrammed mixing features: aileron differential,
flaperon, V-tail, elevon, airbrake (with delayed elevator), elevatorflap, snap roll in 4
directions, throttleneedle (with acceleration), idle-down, engine starting, and second aileron
switching. Helicopter features include throttle and pitch curve settings, hovering pitch and
throttle, revolution mixing, delay, offset, invert, throttle needle, gyro mixing, and governor
mixing. Special sailplane features for single and dual flap servos include flapaileron,
aileronflap, elevatorflap, aileron differential, butterfly mixing, camber control, and start
(launch) and speed presets.
If you plan to fly sailplanes extensively, you may wish to buy the 8UH (helicopter)
system, since its three-position switch is on the top left of the transmitter, while for the 8UA
(aircraft) system, the three-position switch is on the top right.
The R148 eight-channel receiver included with your system is a high-sensitivity narrow-
band, dual conversion receiver. Not much larger than a pack of gum, it weighs just 1.07 oz
yet provides superior range and performance.
The S3001 servo includes a ball bearing and provides 60° of travel in a rapid 0.22 second,
along with a rated torque of 41.7 oz-in. The S148 servo is a standard servo with similar
torque rating and transit speed in a slightly lighter package.
Specifications and ratings are subject to change without notice.
8UA Transmitter, including RF module
R148DP/DF Receiver, R138DP/DF, or R149DP Receiver
Servos, four S148 , four S3001, one S3001, or four S9001, with mounting hardware and
servo arm assortment
Switch harness
Aileron extension cord
Transmitter T8UAFS/T8UAPS (Aircraft
Operating system: 2-stick, 8 channels,
PCM1024 system
Transmitting frequency: 29, 35, 36, 40, 41, 50,
60 or 72 MHz bands
Modulation: FM/PPM or PCM, switchable
Power supply: 9.6V NT8S600B Ni-Cd battery
Current drain: 250 mA
Receiver R148DP/DF (PCM or FM
Dual conversion)
Receiving frequency: 29, 35, 36, 40, 41, 50,
60 or 72 MHz bands
Intermediate freq.: 10.7 MHz and 455 kHz
Power requirement: 4.8V Ni-Cd battery
Current drain: 14 mA
Size: 2.19 x 1.00 x 0.89” (55.5 x 25.5 x
22.5 mm)
Weight: 1.07 oz (30.4 g)
Servo S148 (Standard)
Control system: Pulse width control, 1.52 ms
Power requirement: 4.8V (from receiver)
Output torque: 41.7 oz-in (3.0 kg-cm)
Operating speed: 0.22 sec/60°
Size: 1.59 x 0.78 x 1.41” (40.4 x 19.8 x 36 mm)
Weight: 1.5 oz (42.5 g)
Servo S3001 (Standard, ball-bearing)
Control system: Pulse width control, 1.52
ms neutral
Power requirement: 4.8V (from receiver)
Output torque: 41.7 oz-in (3.0 kg-cm)
Operating speed: 0.22 sec/60°
Size: 1.59 x 0.78 x 1.41” (40.4 x 19.8 x 36
Weight: 1.59 oz (45.1g)
Memory module – the optional DP-16K
doubles your model storage capability (to 16
models from 8) and allows you to transfer programs to another 8UA transmitter.
Transmitter battery pack – the NT8S600B transmitter Ni-Cd battery pack may be easily
exchanged with a fresh one to provide enough capacity for extended flying sessions
Trainer cord – the optional training cord may be used to help a beginning pilot learn to fly
easily by placing the instructor on a separate transmitter. Note that the 8UA transmitter may
be connected to another 8UA system, as well as to any F5, Skysport, Super 7, or 9Z series
Neckstrap – a neckstrap may be connected to your 8UA system to make it easier to handle
and improve your flying precision, since your hands won’t need to support the transmitter’s
Dust cap
(optional memory module plugs in here)
CH8 knob
Flap trim control
This controls CH6, and if flaperon
mixing is activated controls the flap
Switch B
Rudder dual rate switch
Switch A
Elevator dual rate switch
Switch F
Snap roll switch
or trainer switch
Switch E
Landing gear switch
Rudder/Throttle stick
Throttle trim lever
Rudder trim lever
Large LCD panel
Power switch
Up position: ON
Hook for optional neckstrap
Edit keys
Snap roll direction switch
Aileron trim lever
Elevator trim lever
Elevator/Aileron stick
Switch G
Switch H
Programmable mixing switch
Switch D
Aileron dual rate switch
Switch C
Elevator - flap mixing or
airbrake mixing switch
Spoiler/CH7 control
This knob is disabled if aileron differantial
is activated.
Carrying handle
Antenna must be fully extended when flying.
Be careful not to bend your antenna when you
collapse or extend it.
Data Pac
NOTE: If you need to remove or replace the transmitter battery, do not pull on its
wires to remove it. Instead, gently pull on the connector’s plastic housing where it
plugs in to the transmitter.
The factory default functions activated by the switches and knobs for a Mode 2
transmitter are shown below. Note that some of the functions will not operate until
activated in the mixing menus. In general, functions for a Mode 1 transmitter
reverse the E and G switches.
Switch / Knob ACRO GLID HELI
Switch A Elevator Dual Rate Elevator Dual Rate
= Butterfly on
Elevator Dual Rate
= PMIX-1, 2 on
Switch B Rudder Dual Rate Rudder Dual Rate Rudder Dual Rate
Switch C
= Idle-down
= Airbrake on
= Idle-down
= PMIX-5 on
CH 7
Switch D Aileron Dual Rate Aileron Dual Rate Aileron Dual Rate
Switch E Landing Gear GLID1FLP: Gear fwd = Throttle Hold
Switch F Snap Roll/Trainer Trainer Trainer
Switch G
= PMIX-5 on back = Speed
forward = Start (Launch)
Switch H
= PMIX-1, -2, -3 on
= PMIX-1, -2, -3 on Inverted/CH5
CH6 knob Flap
(Flap trim if FLPRON on)
(Flap trim if FLPRON on)
GLID2FLP: Camber
(Flap trim if FLP-AI off)
Hovering Pitch
CH7 knob Spoiler
(disabled if AI-DIF on)
(disabled if AI-DIF on)
Hovering Throttle
CH8 knob CH8 CH8 CH8
Ni-Cd battery pack
Charging jack
Battery cover
Battery connector location
Trainer function
/DSC function connector
RF module
To remove, press the tabs together
and gently pull rearwards.
To install, line up the connector pins with
the socket in the rear of the module and
gently snap into position.
You may adjust the stick tension of your sticks to provide the “feel” that you like
for flying. To adjust your springs, you’ll have to remove the rear case of the
transmitter. First, pop off the battery cover on the rear of the transmitter. Next,
unplug the battery wire, and remove the battery and RF module from the transmitter.
While you’re removing the RF module, pay attention to the location of the pins that
plug into the back of the module. Next, using a screwdriver, remove the four screws
that hold the transmitter’s rear cover into position, and put them in a safe place.
Gently ease off the transmitter’s rear cover. Now you’ll see the view shown in the
figure below.
Using a small screwdriver, rotate the adjusting screw for each stick for the desired
spring tension. The tension increases when the adjusting screw is turned clockwise,
and decreases for counterclockwise motion.
When you are satisfied with the spring tensions, you may close the transmitter.
Check that the upper printed circuit board is on its locating pins, then very carefully
reinstall the rear cover being careful thread the RF module connector pins through the
hole in the case and not to bend them. When the cover is properly in place, tighten
the four screws.
Lower printed circuit board
Mode 2 transmitter with rear cover removed
Lower printed circuit board
Mode 1 transmitter with rear cover removed
If you wish to change the mode of the transmitter, say from mode 1 to mode 2, turn
on the transmitter holding the two
buttons down. You’ll see a display
“STICK MODE X,” where X is a number representing the current transmitter mode.
Press the plus (+) or minus (–)
key to change the mode number as desired.
You’ll see the effect of you changes when you next turn on your transmitter. In
some cases, you’ll have to swap the throttle detent mechanism with the elevator
centering mechanism. This can be done by Futaba.

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