Multiple-Servo Brake Mix BRAKE-MIX Level LV3 Only
Brake Mix: Used when model has separate front and rear brakes, and they must be
adjusted separately. Uses channel 2 for rear brakes/throttle, channel 3 for front brakes.
RATE: Proportion of total front brake travel applied when full rear brake is applied.
DELAY: Waits to brake either front or rear, allowing the other to brake first.
BALN: Balance. Adjusts the proportion of front to rear braking.
TGP: trigger point. At what amount of trigger the brake mixing takes effect.
MXMD: Mixing mode. Front brakes respond based solely on trigger position
(UNMIX), or other functions’ adjustments to rear brakes, such as ABS, also effect
front brakes (MIXED).
RATE: 0 (no front braking) to 120% (front brake servo moves 20% more than rear brake).
DLY: 0 (no delay) to 100% (maximum delay, about 2 seconds); F (front) or R (rear). Either F or R MUST be 0;
may both be 0.
BALN: 80 (decreased braking) -100% (no change), F or R. Either F or R must be 100%, may both be 100%.
TGP: 10 (front brakes active even with small amounts of brake) – 100% (front brakes applied only when full brake given.)
MXMD: UNMIX (front brake obeys trigger position only); MIXED (front brake obeys all braking mixes).
ABS, Speed Limiter, exponential, etc., all affect the rear brake; mix mode MIXED causes them to also affect the front.
Mixing is based upon total EPA of each servo. Example: Rear servo moves 60° at 100 EPA. Front servo moves 40°
at 100 EPA. Rate of 100% moves front servo full 40° when rear servo moves 60°. Rate of 120% means front servo
moves 40° times 120%, or 48°, when rear servo moves 60°.
DESIRED END RESULT: Model brakes as rapidly as possible without negative handling effects such as squatted shocks, etc.
CAUTION: Unmixed results in the front brake getting drastically different inputs than the rear when functions such
as ABS are used (no pulsing on front).
While using LV3, setup brake mixing for
1/5th scale offroad vehicle, with front brake
responding 75% as much as rear, with a
slight delay to allow rear brakes to respond
first, no change in balance, front brake on
only after 80% brake and front/rear both
obeying ABS mixing. (If using LV1 or LV2,
first select level LV3, see p. 12.)
Where Next:
Open and select menu 1.
Activate brake mixing.
Adjust rate to 75%.
Adjust front delay to 10.
Adjust trigger point to 80%.
Set to mixed mode to use all rear brake
mixing for front brakes also.
Close function and menu.
to ACT.
to 75.
to 10.
to 80.
NOTE: All of these functions interact with the throttle servo as well and are all inter-related.
Adjusting any one may affect the performance of the others as described in interactions.
Adjust the throttle servo’s EPA (EPA): See p. 18.
Adjust overall braking speed (TH-SPEED): See p. 23.
Adjust throttle exponential (TH-EXP): See p. 20.
Adjust ABS braking (ABS): See p. 24.
Set up smooth acceleration off of the start and also engine cut (AT-START): See p. 28.