SP - 3 E5637S01E-M
-60 dB: within ±550 Hz
2.3.8 Receiving System Double-conversion superheterodyne
2.3.9 Radiation within 2 nW
2.3.10 RX Error Rate 1 % or less at 1 µV input voltage
2.3.11 Spurious Response 31.6 mV non-modulated at 10µV input voltage,
at error rate within 1%
2.3.12 Scanning Reception max. 6 frequencies within 2 s (MF/HF)
2.3.13 Diagnosis Transmit high frequency signal of DSC
3.1.1 Communication Mode ARQ, FEC, DIRC (FSK)
3.1.2 Protocol ITU-R M625-3, M476-5, M490, M491-1, M492-6
ID code 4, 5, 9 column
Line cord 4B/3Y (Intl.)
Modulation AFSK
Tone frequency 1615/1785Hz ± 0.5 Hz (mark/space)
Tracking range ±80 Hz
3.1.3 Applications
Auto-reception Setting timer and frequency (max. 10 settings available)
Frequency scanning 10 group max., 20 station as each group
User-channels 100 channels max.
4.1 IB-583
4.1.1 Display 10.4” color TFT LCD, 640 x 480 dots
4.1.2 CPU HD6417615 (15.5 MHz)
4.1.3 Memory Flash ROM: 1 MB, S-RAM: 256 KB
4.1.4 FD Drive 1.44MB 3.5”
4.1.5 Keyboard 82 keys, IBM PS/2
4.1.6 Other functions Text editor, FD control, Printer, Remote control for Transceiver,
4.2 IB-581
4.2.1 Display 9.5” monochrome LCD, 680 x 480 dots
4.2.2 CPU ALI M6117 (33 MHz)
4.2.3 Memory Flash ROM 2 MB, DRAM 2 MB
4.2.4 FD Drive 1.44MB 3.5”
4.2.5 Keyboard 82 keys, IBM PS/2
5.1 Tuning System CPU controlled fully automatic tuning system
5.2 Frequency Range 1.6 MHz to 27.5Hz
5.3 Input Impedance 50 ohms
5.4 Antenna 7m to 30m wire or whip antenna
offered by Busse-Yachtshop.de email: info@busse-yachtshop.de