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Operating Manual
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http://support.ts.fujitsu.com/co ntact/servicedesk")
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Your sales ofce
We hope you enjoy working with your new Fujitsu system!
Published by
Fujitsu Tec
hnology Solutions GmbH
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8 (Mies-van-der-Rohe Street No. 8)
80807 Munich, Germany
ttp://www.fujitsu.com/f ts/
© Fujitsu Technology S olutions GmbH 2012. All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Order No.: A26391-K355-Z320-2-7619, edition 1
Operating M anual
Innovative technology 7
Ports and operating elements 9
Important notes 12
First-time setup of your device 15
Working with the notebook 18
Security functions 41
Connecting external devices 45
Removing and installing components
during servicing 52
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility 59
Troubleshooting and tips 61
Technical data 67
Manufacturer’s notes 68
Index 74
Information on the product description m eets the design specications of Fujitsu and
is provided for comparison purposes. Several factors may cause the actual results to
differ. Technical data is subject to change without prior notication. Fujitsu rejects any
responsibility with regard to technical or editorial mistake s or omissions.
Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo and LIFEBOOK are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited
or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft and W indow s are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Micro soft
Corporation in the United States and/or other cou ntries.
Adobe Reader is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Sony and Memory Stick are registe red trademarks of Sony Electronics, Inc.
Made under license from DTS Licensing Limited. DTS and the symbol are registere d trademarks and
& DTS Boost is a trademark of DTS, Inc. Product contains software. © DTS, Inc. All rights reserved.
All other trademarks specied here are the property of their respective owners.
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or translated without
the prior written consent o f Fujitsu.
No part of this publication m a y be saved or transferred by any electronic means
without the written approval of Fujitsu.
Innovativetechnology ................................................................. 7
Furtherinformation ...................................................................... 7
Notational conventions .................................................................. 8
Ports and operating elemen
ts ..........................................................
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 12
Safetynotes ............................................................................ 12
Additional safety notes for devices with radio components . . . . . ............................. 12
Energysaving .......................................................................... 13
Energy saving under Windows ....................................................... 13
Travelling withyournotebook ............................................................ 13
Beforeyoutravel ................................................................... 13
Notebook: transporting ............................................................... 14
Cleaningthenotebook .................................................................. 14
First-time setup o
fyourdevice .........................................................
Unpacking and che
ckingthedevice ......................................................
ion .....................................................................
Mains adapter con
necting ...............................................................
device for the rst time ..................................................
Workingwiththenotebook ............................................................ 18
Statusindicators ........................................................................ 18
Switching on the notebook . . . . ........................................................... 19
Notebook: switching off .................................................................. 20
Keyboard ............................................................................... 21
Separate numeric keypad . ........................................................... 23
Key combinations ................................................................... 23
Country and keyboard settings ....................................................... 25
Touchpadand touchpadbuttons .......................................................... 25
Movingthepointer .................................................................. 25
Selecting an item .................................................................... 26
Executing commands . . . . . ........................................................... 26
Dragging items ...................................................................... 26
LCDscreen ............................................................................ 27
Webcam ............................................................................... 28
Rechargeablebattery ................................................................... 29
Charging, caringfor and maintainingthebattery ....................................... 29
Removingand installing thebattery ................................................... 29
Opticaldrive ............................................................................ 31
Handlingdata carriers ............................................................... 31
Inserting or removing a data carrier ................................................... 32
Manual removal (emergency remo val) . . . . ............................................ 32
Using thepower-management features ................................................... 33
Memory cards .......................................................................... 34
Supported formats .................................................................. 34
Inserting thememorycard ........................................................... 34
Removingthe memory card .......................................................... 35
ExpressCards .......................................................................... 35
Inserting thecard ................................................................... 36
Removingthe card .................................................................. 37
Fujitsu 3
Loudspeakers and microphones . . ........................................................ 37
SIM card ............................................................................... 38
Inserting the SIM card ............................................................... 38
RemovingtheSIM card .............................................................. 38
Wireless LAN / Bluetooth / UMTS (optional) . ............................................. 38
Switching the wireless components on and off ......................................... 39
SettingupWLANaccess ............................................................ 39
AccessviaUMTS ................................................................... 39
Ethernetand LAN ....................................................................... 40
Securityfunctions ..................................................................... 41
Using theSecurityLock ................................................................. 41
Conguring password protectioninBIOSSetup Utility ...................................... 42
Protecting BIOS Setup Utility (supervisor and user password) . .......................... 42
Password protection for booting of the operating system . .............................. 43
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (device-dependent) . . . . . .................................. 44
EnablingTPM ....................................................................... 44
Disabling TPM ...................................................................... 44
Connectingexternaldevices ........................................................... 45
Connecting an external monitor . . ........................................................ 46
HDMI port .......................................................................... 47
Connecting USB devices ................................................................ 48
USB port withchargingfunction(AnytimeUSBcharge) .................................... 49
Connecting an external SATA hard disk (eSATA) . . ......................................... 50
Safe removalofeSATAandUSBdevices ............................................. 50
Connecting external audio devices . . . . . . ................................................. 51
Microphone port/Line In . . ............................................................ 51
Headphones/SPDIF port . ............................................................ 51
Removing and installing components du ring servicing . . . .............................. 52
Notes on installing and removing boards and components .................................. 52
Preparing to remove components ........................................................ 53
Removingacover ....................................................................... 54
Installingandremovingmemoryexpansion ................................................ 55
Removing memory modules . . ........................................................ 55
Installinga memorymodule .......................................................... 56
Removingandinstalling the harddisk .................................................... 56
Removingaharddisk ............................................................... 56
Installinga harddisk ................................................................. 57
Attaching the cover ..................................................................... 58
Finishing component removal ............................................................ 58
Settings in BIOS Setup Ut ility . . ........................................................ 59
Starting the BIOS SetupUtility ........................................................... 59
Operating BIOS SetupUtility ............................................................. 59
ExitingBIOS SetupUtility ................................................................ 60
Exit Saving Changes - save changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . . . ................... 60
Exit Discarding Changes Discard changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . ............... 60
Load Setup Defaults Copy Standard Entries ......................................... 60
Discard Changes Discard changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility ............... 60
Save Changes - save changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility . ................... 60
Save Changes and Power Off . . . . . . ................................................. 60
4 Fujitsu
Troubleshootingandtips .............................................................. 61
Help ifproblems occur ................................................................... 61
The notebook’s date or time is incorrect ................................................... 62
The notebook’s LCD screen remains blank . . . . ............................................ 62
The LCD screen is difculttoread ........................................................ 62
The externalmonitorremainsblank ...................................................... 62
The externalmonitorisblank ortheimageis unstable ..................................... 63
The notebook cannot be started . . . ....................................................... 63
The notebook stops working . . ........................................................... 64
The printer does not print . . . . . ........................................................... 64
The radio connection to a network does not work . . ........................................ 64
Acousticwarnings ....................................................................... 65
Error messages on the screen ........................................................... 65
Technicaldata ......................................................................... 67
LIFEBOOK ............................................................................. 67
Rechargeablebattery ................................................................... 67
ACmains adapter ....................................................................... 67
Manufacturersnotes .................................................................. 68
Disposalandrecycling .................................................................. 68
DeclarationsofConformity ............................................................... 68
CEmarking ............................................................................ 68
Regulatory notices ...................................................................... 68
Regulatory information for notebooks without radio device . ............................. 69
DOC (Industry CANADA)notices ..................................................... 70
FCC regulatory information for notebooks with radio device ............................. 72
Index .................................................................................. 74
Fujitsu 5
6 Fujitsu
Innovative techn ology
Innovative technology
... and ergonomic design make your device a reliable and convenient companion.
The device boots very quickly, is ready for immediate use an d offers a particularly
long operating time because of its high capacity battery.
With the user-friendly "BIOS Setup Utility" you can control your notebook’s hardware and be tter
protect your system a gainst unauthorised access by using the powerful passw ord properties.
Information on the connections and user components of your notebook can
be found in "
Ports and operating elements", Page 9.
Further information
The Windows drivers for your device can be found on our Internet site.
The factory installation of your device does not support any other operating
system. Fujitsu Technology Solutions accepts no liability whatsoever
if any other operating system is used.
Software oriented components of these instructions refer to Microsoft products,
if they come within the scope of the delivery.
If you install other software products, pay attention to the operating
instructions of the manufa cturer.
Fujitsu 7
Innovative techn olo gy
Notational conventions
Pay particular atten tion to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe
these warnings could pose a risk to health, damage the device or lead
to loss of d ata. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes
defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important informa
tion for the proper use of the device.
Indicates an activity t hat must be performed
Indicates a result
This font
indicates data entered
using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at
the command line, e.g.
your password (Name123) or a command used to
start a program (star
This font
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This font
terms and texts used in a software i nterface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This font"
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a web address: F or more
information, go to "
http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/ "
Names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations for other materials,
e.g.: "CD/DVD D rivers & Utilities" or "Safety/Regulations" m anual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This font
indicates terms and texts that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do
not switch off the device
8 Fujitsu
Ports and operating elem en ts
Ports and operating elements
This chapter presents the individual hardware components of your device. It gives
an overview of the displays and ports of the device. Please familiarise yourself with
these components before you start to work with the device.
1 = Webcam
2 = WebCam LE
3 = Microphone
4 = ON/OFF sw
5 = Loudspeakers
6 = Touchpad buttons
7 = Memory ca
rd slot
8 = Status indicators
9 = Touchpad
Fujitsu 9
Ports and operating elements
Left side
2 3 4 5
1 = DC input connector (DC IN)
2 = LAN port
3 = VGA monitor port
4 = HDMI port
5 = USB port 3.0
6 = ExpressCard slot
8 = USB port 3.0 with c harg ing function
(Anytime USB charge)
Right side
2 3 4
1 = Headphones/SPDIF port
2 = Microphone port/Line In
3 = eSATA port / USB port 2.0
4 = Optical drive
5 = Security Lo ck device
10 Fujitsu
Ports and operating elem en ts
1 = H ard disk service c
ompartment cover
2 = Memory service compartment cover
3 = Rechargeable batt
Fujitsu 11
Important notes
Important notes
This chapter contains essential sa fety information which must be followed
when working with your notebook. Other notes also provide useful information
which will help you with your notebook.
Safety notes
Please follow the safety n otes provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual
as well as the safety notes given below.
Please pay special attention t o the sections in the manual marked
with the symbol on the left.
When connecting and disconnecting cables, observe the relevant
notes in this op erating manual.
Read the information on the ambient conditions in the "
Technical data",
Page 67 and "First-time setup o f your device", Page 15 before preparing your
notebook for use and switching it on for the rst time.
When cleaning the device, please ob serve the relevant notes in the
section "
Clean ing the notebook", Page 14.
Pay attention to the additional safe ty notes for devices w ith radio compo nents
provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual.
Please refer to the notes in the chapter "
Removing and installing
components during servicing", Page 52.
This notebo ok
complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing
equipment. I
f you have questio ns about using your notebook in a particular area,
please conta
ct your sales outlet or our Hotline/Service Desk.
Additional safety notes for devices with
radio components
Radiocomponent :WirelessLAN:Bluetooth,safetynotes
If a radio component (Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, UMTS) is integrated in you r notebook, you
must be sure to observe the following safety notes when using your notebook:
Switch off the radio components when you are in an aircraft or driving in a car.
Switch off t he radio components when y ou are in a hospital, an operating room or near a medical
electronics system. The transmitted rad io waves can impair the op eration of medical devices.
Switch off the r adio components when you let th e device get ne ar ammable
gases or into hazardous environments (e.g. p etrol station, paintshops), as the
transmitted radio waves can cause an explosion or a re.
For information on how to switch radio components on and off, see chapter
Switching the wireless com ponents on and off", Page 39.
12 Fujitsu
Important notes
Energy saving
Switch the notebook off when it is not in use. Switch off external, c onnected devices if you
are not using them. If you use the energy saving fun ctions, the notebook uses less energy.
You will then be able to work for longer before having to r echa rge the battery.
Energy efciency is increased and the e nvironmental impact is reduced.
You save mon ey while protecting the environment.
Energy saving under Windows
Make use of the power m anagemen t features (see ""Using the power-management features",
Page 33").
Travelling with you
r notebook
MobileoperationNotesTranspor tationNotebook
Please observe the points listed below when travelling with your notebook.
Before you travel
Back up important data stored on your hard disk.
Switch off the radio com ponent for data security reasons. With data trafc via a wireless
connection, it is also possible for unauthorised third parties to receive data.
Information on activating data encryption is provided in the documentation
for your radio component.
If you wish to use your note book during a ight, rst check with the ight
attendants if it is OK to do so.
When travelling in other countries
If you are travelling abroad , check that the mains adapter can be operated with the
local mains voltage. If this is not the case, obtain the appropriate mains adapter for
your notebook. Do not use any other voltage converter!
Check whethe r the local mains voltage and the power cable are compatible. If this is
not the case, buy a power cable that matches the local conditions.
Enquire with the corresponding government ofce of the c ountry you will be
travelling in as to whether you may operate the radio comp onent integrated in
your notebook there (see also "
CE marking" , Page 68).
Fujitsu 13
Important notes
Notebook: t ranspo rting
Protect t he notebook from severe shocks and extreme temperatures
(e.g. direct sunlight in a car).
If your device has an op tical drive, remove all data media (e.g. CD, D VD) from the drives.
TransportationN otebook
Switch the notebo ok off.
Unplug the mains adapter and all external devices from the power socket.
Disconnect the mains adapter cable and the data cables for all external d evices.
Close the LCD screen.
To protect against damaging jolts and bumps, use a notebook c arrying
case to transport your notebook.
Cleaning the notebo
Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a service technician.
Only use c lea ning products designed for computers. Normal household
cleaners and polishes can damage the markings on the keyboard and the
device, the paintwork o r the notebook itself.
Ensure that no liquid enters the notebook.
The LCD screen very sensitive to scratches. Only clean the display
surface with a very soft, slightly damp cloth.
Switch the notebo ok off.
CleaningNotesNotebo okKeyboardTouchpadLCDscreenCrystalView
In order to prevent accidentially switching the device on, remove the power cable from the mains
adaptor and remove t he battery (see "
Removing and installing the battery", Page 29).
The surface c
an be cleaned with a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a cloth which has
been moiste
ned in mild do mestic detergent and then carefully wrung out.
To clean the keyboard and the touchpad, if available, you can use disinfectant wipe s.
Ensure that no liquid enters the d evice.
14 Fujitsu
First-time setup of your d evice
First-time setup of your devic
First- timese tupGettingstarted
Please read the chapter "Important notes", Page 12.
If your device is equipped with a Windows operating s ystem, the necessary
hardware drivers and supplied software are already pre-installed.
Beforeyouswitchonthedevicefortherst time, connect it to the mains voltage
using the mains adapter, see "
Mains adapter connecting", Page 16.Themains
adapter must be connected during the en tire installation process.
A system test is performed when your device is rst switched on. Various messages
can appear. The display may remain dark for a short time or may icker.
Please follow the instructions on the screen.
NEVER switch off your device during the rst-time setup process.
On delivery, the battery can be found in the battery co mpartme nt or in the accessories kit.
The battery must be charged if you want to operate your device using the battery.
When used on the move, the built-in ba ttery provides the device with th e necessary power. You
can increase the operating time by using the available energy-saving functions.
For instructions on how to conn ect external devices (e.g. mouse, printer) to your
device, please refer to the operating ma nual f or your device.
Unpacking and
checking the device
Should you discover any damage th at occurred during t ransportation,
notify your local sales outlet immediately!
Unpack all the individual parts.
PackagingT ransport
Check your
device for any visible damage which m ay have occurred during transportation.
You may ne
ed the packaging in the fu ture, if you need to transport your device.
Fujitsu 15
First-time setup of your device
Selecting a location
Select a suitable location for the device before setting it up. Follow
the instructions below when doing so:
Never place the device or the mains adapter on a heat-sensitive surface.
The surface could be damaged as a result.
Never place the device on a s oft surface (e.g. carpeting, upholstered furniture,
bed). This can block the air v ents and cause overheating and damage.
The und erside of the device heats up during normal operation. Prolonged contact
with the skin may become unpleasant or even result in burns.
Place the device on a stable, at, non-slippery surface. Please note that the
rubber feet of the device m a y mark certain types of delicate surfaces.
Keep other objects at least 100 mm away f rom the device and its
mains adapter to en sure adequate ventilation.
Never cover the ventilation s lots of the device.
Do not expose the device to extreme environmental conditions. Protect
the device from dust, humidity, and heat.
Mains adapter connecting
Preparingforo perationMainsadapter
Observe the safety notes in the en closed "Safety/Regulations" man ual.
The supplied power cable conforms to the requirements of the country in
which y ou purchased your device. Make sure that the power cable is approved
for use in the country in which you intend to use it.
Connect the power cable (1) to the
mains adapter.
Plug the mains cable (2) into a mains outlet.
Connect the mains adapter ca ble (3) to
the DC jack (DC IN) of the device.
16 Fujitsu
First-time setup of your d evice
Switching on the device for the rst time
Switchingonfortherst time
On devices with ON/OFF switch for wireless components: Slide the ON/OFF switch
for wireless components to the ON position before switching on the device.
When you switch on the device for the rst time, the supplied software is
installed and congured. Because this procedure must not be interrupted,
you should se t aside enough time for it to be fully completed and connect
the device to the mains using the mains adapter.
During the installation process, DO NOT restart the device unless
you are requested to do so!
To make it easier to use y
our device for the rst time, the operating system
is pre-installed on th
e hard disk.
Switch on your device.
During installation, follow the instructions on screen.
If a Window s operating system is installed on your device, you will nd more
information on the system and drivers, help progra mmes, updates, manuals etc. on
the device or on the Internet under "
http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/suppo r t/".
You can nd information and help on the Windows operating system functions
on the Internet at "
http://window s.microsoft.com" .
Fujitsu 17
Working with the noteb ook
Working with the notebook
Notebook,operat i onNotebook
This chapter describes the basics for ope rating your notebook. Please read the chapter
entitled "
Connecting external d evices", Page 45 for instructions on how to connect
devices such as a mouse and a printer to the notebook.
Please refer to the notes in "Important notes", Page 1 2.
Status indicators
The status indica tors provide information about the status of the power supply,
the drives and the keyboard functions.
18 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
Indicator Description
Radio components indicator
The indicator is illuminated: The rad io components are switched on.
Indicator is off: The radio components are switched off.
Power-on i ndicator / Standby
The indicator is illuminated: The notebo ok is switched on.
The indicator ashes: The notebook is in standby mode.
The indicator is off: The notebook is switched off.
Battery charging indicato r/p ow er connector
The state of charge of the battery is sh own by the battery indicator.
Without the mains adapter connected:
Indicator is off: The system is in battery operation.
The indicator ashes o
range: The battery charge is less than 12%.
With mains adapter connected:
Indicator is blue: The battery is fully charged.
The indicator is ill
uminated (orange): The battery is charging.
Indicator ashes purple: a fault has occurred. The battery cannot be recharged.
Indicator is off: T
here is no battery installed.
Drive indicator
The indicator is i
lluminated: One of the drives (e.g. hard disk, CD/DVD) is being
Num Lock indica
The indicator
is illuminated: The
key has been pressed. The virtual
numerical key
pad is activated. You c an output the characters indicated on the
upper right of
the keys.
Caps Lock indicator
The indicator is illuminated: The Caps Lock key has been pressed. All the
characters you type will app ear in upper case. In the case of overlay keys, the
character printed on the upper left of the key will appear when that key is pressed.
Switching on the notebook
Open the LCD screen.
Press t
he O N /O FF switch for about one
to switch the notebook on.
The power-on indicator is lit.
Fujitsu 19
Working with the noteb ook
Notebook: switching off
Back up your data and close all applications before you switch off your
device. Otherw ise data might be lost.
Shut down the operating system correctly.
If the notebook is not switched off
automatically, press the ON/OFF switch
for approx. ve seconds.
Close the LCD screen.
20 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
KeyboardNumerickeypadNumerickey padButtons
The keyboard of your no tebook is subject to continuou s wear through normal
use. The key markings are especially prone to wear. The key markings are
liable to wear away over the life of the notebook.
The keyboard has been desig
ned to provide all the functions of an enhanced keyboard.
Some enhanced keyboard fun
ctions are map ped with key combinations.
The following descriptio
n of keys refers to W indows. Additional functions supported by the keys
are described in the relev
ant manuals supplied with your a pplication programs.
The gure below shows how
to a ccess the different characters on keys with overlaid functions.
The example applies when
the Caps Lock key has not been activated.
The illustrations show
n below may differ from your actual device.
Alt Gr
Fujitsu 21
Working with the noteb ook
Key Description
Backspace key
The Backspace k ey deletes the charact er to the left of the cursor.
BackspaceBac kspace
Tab key
The Tab key mo ves the cursor to
the ne xt tab stop.
Enter key (return)
The Enter key terminates
a command line. The command you have entered
is executed when you pres
s this key.
Caps Lock key
The Caps Lock key activates the Caps Lock mode, and the corresponding
icon is displayed in the W indows information area. In Caps Lock mode, all
of the characters you type appear in upper case. In the case of overlay
keys, the character printed on the upper left of the key will appear when
that key is pressed. To cancel the Caps Lock function, simply press the
Caps Lock key again.
Shift key
The Shift key ca
uses uppercase characters to appear. In the case of overlay
keys, the chara
cter printed on the upper left of the key appears when that
Fn button
key enabl
es the special functions indicated on overlay keys (see
Key combina
tions", Page 23).
Cursor keys
The cursor
keys move the cursor in the direction of the arrow, i.e. up, down,
left, or ri
Windows key
The Windows key switches b etween the start screen and the last used
Menu key
The M enu key opens the menu for the active application.
22 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
Separate numeric keypad
NumerickeypadSeparate numerickey padNumLock
The keyboard of your notebo ok has a separate number block on the far right.
Pos 1
Illustration (example of German keyboard layout)
Key combinatio
The following description of key combinations applies to Windows operating systems. Some of the
following key combinations may not function in other operating systems or with certain device drivers.
Other key combinations are described in the relevant manuals supplied
with your application programs.
Key combinations are entered as follows:
Press the rst key in the combination and keep it pressed.
While hold
ing the rst key down, press the other key o r k eys in the combination.
Combination Description
Switching the loudspeakers on and off
This key combination switches your notebook’s loudspeakers off
and on.
Fn+F3Loudspeaker sLoudspe aker s
Switching the mouse f unction on/off
This key combination switches the mouse off and on.
Radio components
This key combination switches the radio components on or off.
Fujitsu 23
Working with the noteb ook
Combination Description
Decrease screen brightness
This key combination decreases the screen b rightness.
Fn+F6LCDmoni torScreenbri ghtness
Increase screen brightness
This key combination increases the screen brightness.
Fn+F7Screenbri ghtness
Decrease volume
This key combination red
uces the volume of the internal
Fn+F8Volu me
Increase volume
This key c ombination increases the volume of the internal
Fn+F9Volu me
Toggle monitor output
Use this key combination to select which monitor is used for
display if an external monitor is connected.
Monitor output is possible:
only on the notebook’s LCD monitor
on the notebook’s LCD monitor and the external monitor at
only on the external monitor
This setting is useful if yo u would like a high resolution and a
high refresh rate on an external monitor.
Fn+F10Tog gle mo ni t
Eco Function
This key combination is a s imple way of activating and deactivating
power man agement functions ( e.g. reducing screen brightness),
see "
Using the p ower-management features", Pag e 33.
You can use this key combination to switch the WebCam on and
Switch between open applications
Use this k ey combination to s witch between several open
Windows security/Task-Manager
This key combination opens the Windows security/Task Manager
Back tab
This ke y combination m oves the cursor back to the previous tab
24 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
Key combinations using the Windows keys are detailed in the manual
for your operating system.
Country and keyboard setting
Change the country and keyboard settings as described in the documentation for your operating
Touchpad and touchpad buttons
Keep the touchpad clean
. Protect it from dirt, liquids and grease.
Do not use the touchpad i
fyourngers are dirty.
Do not rest heavy obje
cts (e.g. books) on the touchpad or the touchpad buttons.
1 = Touchpad
2 = Touchpad buttons
The touchpad ena bles you to move the mouse pointer on the screen.
The touchpad buttons allow you to select and e xecute commands. They correspond
to the buttons on a conventional mouse.
You can use a key combination to disable the touchpad, to avoid accidentally moving
the pointer on the screen (see also "
Key combinations", Page 23).
Moving the pointer
Move your nger on the touchpad.
The pointer w ill move.
Fujitsu 25
Working with the noteb ook
Selecting an item
Move the pointer to the item you wish to se lect.
Tap the touchpad once or press the left button once.
The item is selected.
Executing commands
Move the po inter to the el
d you wish to select.
Tap the touchpad twice or press th e left button twice.
The command is executed.
Dragging items
Select the desired item.
Press and hold the left button and drag the item to the desired position
with the nger on the touchpad.
The item will b e moved.
26 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
LCD screen
High-quality TFT displays are installed in notebooks from Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH. For
technical reasons, TFT monitors are manufactured for a specic resolution. An optimal, clear
picture can only be ensured with the correct resolution intended for the relevant TFT monitor. A
monitor resolution which differs from the specication can result in an unclear picture.
The screen resolution o f the LCD monitor of your notebook is optimally set at the factory.
The standard of production te chniques today cannot guarantee an absolutely fault-free screen
display. A few isolated constant lit or unlit pixels (picture elements) may be present. The maximum
permitted number of pixels faults is stipulated in the international standard ISO 924 1-3 (Class II).
A monitor with a resolution of 1280 x 800 has 1 280 x 800 = 10 24000 pixels. Each pixel consists of
three subpixe ls (red, green and blue), so there are almost 3 m illion s ubpixels in total. According to
ISO 9241 -3 (class II), a maximum of 2 light and 2 dark pixels an d an additional 5 light or 10 dark
subpixels or a corresponding mix may be defective (1 light subpixel counts as 2 dark subpixels).
A pixel consists of 3
subpixels, normally red, green and
blue. A pixel is the s
mallest element that can be generated
by complete functi
onality of the display.
A subpixel is a sep
arately addre ssable internal structure
within a pixel tha
t enhances the pixel function.
Cluster A cluster contains two or more defective pixels or
subpixels in a 5 x 5 pixel block.
Background li
TFT monitors a
re operate d with background lighting. The luminosity of the background
lighting can
decrease during the period of use of the notebook. However, you can
set the brigh
tness of you r monitor individually.
ing the display on the LCD screen and an external mo nitor
For more in
formation, please refer to the chapter "
Key combinations", Page 23
under "Dis
play output, switch between".
Fujitsu 27
Working with the noteb ook
Depending on the software used, you c an use your Webcam to take picture s,
record video clips or take part in w eb chats.
The WebCam has its own status indicato r. The indicator lights up when the WebCam is switched on.
The picture quality depends on the lighting conditions and the softw are being used.
You can only operate the webcam w ith a particular application (e.g. an Internet telephony
program or a video conferencing program which supports a webcam).
When using the webcam the notebook support must not wobble.
The webcam automatically a djusts itself to the current light level. For this reason
the LCD screen may icker while the light level is adjusted.
Further information on using the webcam and on the additional settings
which are possible for yo ur webcam can be found in the help function
of the program which uses the webcam.
If you would like to perform a function test of your we b cam, there is suitable test
software available at "
http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/suppo r t/index.html".
28 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
Rechargeable battery
When not plugge d into a m ains socket, the notebook runs on its built-in battery. You
can increase the life of the battery by caring for the battery properly. The average
battery life is around 500 charge/discharge cycles.
You can extend the batte ry life by taking advantage of the available energy saving functions.
Charging, caring for an d m aintaining the battery
The notebook battery can only be charged, when the ambient temperature
is between 5°C and max. 35°C.
You can charge the battery by connecting the notebook to the mains adapter
(see "
Mains adapter connecting", Page 16).
If the battery is running low you will hear a warning alarm. If you do not connect the mains adapter
within ve minutes of the warning alarm described above, your notebook will automatically switch off.
monitoring the battery ch arging level
Windows also has a "Battery status meter" in the taskbar for monitoring the bat tery capacity. When
you place the mouse po inter on the battery symbol, the system displays the battery status.
Battery storage
Keep the battery pack between 0°C and +30°C. The lower the temperature at which
the batteries are stored, the lower the rate of se lf-discharge.
If yo u will be storing batteries fo r a longer period (longer than two months),
the battery charge level shou ld be approx. 30 %. To prevent exhaustive
discharge which would permanently damage the battery, check the level
of charge of the battery at regular intervals.
To be able to make use of the optimal chargi n g capacity of the batteries, the battery
should be completely disch arged and then fully recharged.
If you do not use the batteries for long periods, remove them from the
notebook. N ever store the batteries in the device.
Removing and installing the battery
Only use
rechargeable batterie s approved by Fujitsu Technology
ns for your notebook.
Never us
e force when tting or removing a battery.
Make su
re that no foreign bo dies get into the battery connections.
Never s
tore a battery for l onge r periods in the discharged state. This
can ma
ke it impossible to recharge.
Fujitsu 29
Working with the noteb ook
Removing the battery
Prepare for removal, see chapter "Preparin g to remove componen ts", Page 53.
Slide the release button in direction of the arrow (1).
Slide the release button in the direction of the arrow (2) and hold it in place.
Remo v e the b attery from the battery compartment (3).
30 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
Inserting battery
Position the battery at the edge.
Place the b attery into the battery compartm ent until you feel it engage.
Complete the removal, see chapter "
Finishing component removal", P age 58.
Optical drive
This product contains a light emitting diode, classication according to IEC 60825
1:2007: LASER CLASS 1, and must therefore not be opened.
Handling data carriers
Observe the following guidelines when handling data carriers:
Avoid touching the surface of a data carrier. Only handle data carriers by their edges.
Always store data carriers in their cases. This will protect the da ta carrier ag ainst
being covere d in dust, scratched or damaged in any other way.
Protect your data carriers against dust, mechanical vibrations and direct sunlight.
Avoid storing a data carrier in areas subject to high temperatures or humidity.
You may use both 8-cm and 12-cm data carriers in the optical drive.
When using a data carrier of lesser quality, vibrations and reading errors may occur.
Fujitsu 31
Working with the noteb ook
Inserting or removing a data carrier
The notebook must be switched on.
Push the insert/eject button (1).
The drive tray will open.
Gently pu ll the drive tray (2) completely out.
Place the data carrier in the drive tray with
the printed side facing upwards.
Remove a data carrier that has
been inserted.
Push in the drive tray until you
feel it lock into place.
Manual removal (emergency removal)
CD/DVD:ManualremovalofdatacarrierEmergencyrem ovalofdata carrier
In the event o
f a power failure or damage to the drive , y ou can remove the data carrier manually.
Switch your
notebook off.
Push a pen or a piece of wire (such as a
paperclip) rmly into the opening (1).
The drive t
ray is ejected. You can now pull
the drive t
ray ( 2) out of the drive.
32 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
Using the power-management features
The notebook uses less power when the available power-management features are used. You
will then be ab le to work longer when using the battery before having to recharge it.
Power efciency is increased and environmental pollution reduced. By
choosing the best power options, you can make signicant savings and
at the same time help protect the environment.
When you close the LCD screen, depending on the setting in Windows, the
notebook automatically enters a power saving mode.
We recommend the following settings:
Function On external power On battery power
Turn off monitor After 10 minutes After 5 minutes
Turn off hard disk(s) After 15 minutes After 10 minutes
Energy saving (S3) After 20 minutes After 15 minutes
Hibernate mode (S
After 1 hour After 30 minutes
Select the power ma
nagement functions in your Control Panel.
Select the Screen Saver in your Control Panel.
If you need further information about an option, you can get help with most
settings by pressing
to open the Microsoft Help.
When the notebook is in power-saving m od e, the following must be rememb ered:
During powe r saving mode, open les are held in the main memory
orinaswaple on the hard disk.
Never turn off your notebook while it is in a pow er saving mode. If the built-in battery is
nearly empty, close the open les and do not go into power saving mode.
If you do not intend to use your notebook for a long period of time:
Exit power saving mode if necessary via the mouse or keyboard or by sw itching on the
Close all
opened progra m s and completely shut down the notebook.
Fujitsu 33
Working with the noteb ook
Memory cards
Your notebook is equipped with an integrated memory card rea der.
Observe the manufacturer’s instructions when handling the memory ca rds.
Supported formats
Your notebook supports the following formats:
Secure Digital (SD
MultiMediaCard (MMC)
Inserting the memory card
Carefully slide the memory card into the
slot. The label should be facing upward. Do
not apply excessive force, as otherwise the
delicate contact surfaces could be damaged.
Depending on the particular t ype
used, the memory card may protrude
slightly from the slot.
34 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
Removing the memory card
In order to protect your data, always follow the correct procedure for removing
the card (see the documentation for your operating system).
On devices with card locking: Press
on the storage card (1).
The storage card is released and
can now be removed.
Pull the storage card out of the slot (2).
An ExpressCard slot enables opera tion of an ExpressCard/34 or ExpressCard/54.
Consult the documentation supplied by the ExpressCard’s manufacturer
and follow the instructions provided.
Never use force when installing or removing an ExpressCard.
Make sure that no foreign objects e nter the ExpressCard slot.
Fujitsu 35
Working with the noteb ook
Inserting the card
Keep the placeholder for the slot in a safe place. When you remove the card again, you
must reinstall the place holder. This prevents foreign objects from getting into the slot.
Press the edge of the placeholder (1)
to make the card placeholder protrude
from the notebook’s case.
Pull the card placeholder out of the slot (2).
Insert the card into the slot guide with
the connection contacts rst.
Gently push the ca rd into the s lot until you
feel it click into place. Do not use any force.
Depending on the particular type used, the
card may protrude slightly from the slot.
Please see the documentation relating to t he card for driver installation instructions.
36 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
Removing the card
To avoid any loss of data, always follow the correct procedure for removing the
card (see the documentation for your operating s ystem).
Press the edge of the card (1) so that the
card protrudes a little from the notebook.
Pull the card out of the slot (2).
Insert the card placeholder into the
slot guide.
Gently slide the card placeholder into the
slot until you feel it click into place.
Loudspeakers and microphones
MicrophoneLoudspeakersBasslo udspeaker(subwoo fer)Volume con trol
Information on the exact position of th e speakers and microphone can be found
in "
Ports and operating elements", Page 9.
Please refer to chapter "
Key comb inations", Page 23 for information on setting the volume
and also enabling/disabling the loudspeakers using key combinations.
If you attach an ext ernal microphone, the built-in microphone is disabled.
The internal microphone can be deactivated together with the WebCam via
the key combination
. In addition, the internal microphone can be
deactivated together with the WebCam in the BIO S Setup Utility.
When you connect headphones or external speakers, the built-in speakers are disabled.
Information on connect ing headphones and a microphone can be foun d
in "
Connecting external devices", Page 45.
Fujitsu 37
Working with the noteb ook
SIM card
Follow the instructions supplied by the provider of the S IM card.
Inserting the SIM card
Prepare for installation of the S IM card, see chapter "Preparing to remove components", Page 53.
Slide t he SIM card into the slot (1)
until it is felt to engage, as shown in
the battery compartment.
Complete the installation, see c hap ter "
Finishin g component removal", Page 58.
Removing the SIM card
Prepare for removal of the SIM card, see chapter "Preparing to remove components", Page 53.
Press on the edge of the S IM card so that
it jumps up slightly out of the slot.
Pull the SIM card out of the slot in the
direction of the arrow (1).
Complete the removal, see chapter "
Finishin g c omponent removal" , Page 58.
ss LAN / Bluetooth / UMTS (optional)
The installation of radio components not approved by Fujitsu Technology Solutions
will invalidate the certications issued for this device.
38 Fujitsu
Working with the notebook
Switching the wireless components on and off
Press the key combination
to start the Wi relessSelector.
The wireless component indicator will illuminate when on e or more wireless
components are switched on.
The B luetooth and UMTS modules an d the wireless L AN transmission unit (antenna)
will also be switched off when you switch off the wireless components.
Pay attention to th e additional safety notes for devices with wireless
components provided in the "Safety" manual.
Details on using a Wireless LAN can be found in the online help system
included in the Wireless LAN software.
You can obtain more informat ion on UMTS from your service provider.
Setting up WLAN access
Requirement: A W LAN must be available and you must have the
corresponding access information.
Information on conguring the WLAN access can be found in the
documentation for your operating system.
Access via UMTS
You can purchase the accessories for UMTS reception from your retailer
or your Fujitsu Technology Solutions dealer.
If you ha ve ordered a UMT S module, your device will already be
prepared when you receive it.
You will nd information on establishing the connection with the UMTS
network in the documentation for th e hardware used.
Your device can connect w ith the Internet via UMT S. To do this, use one of
the following types of connection:
USB dongle
a USB stick with y our mobile phone provider’s SIM card
a mobile end-device (e.g. mobile phone) with Bluetooth connection
a mobile end-device (e.g. m o bile phone) with data cable
Fujitsu 39
Working with the noteb ook
Ethernet and LAN
The internal network module of y our notebook supports Ethernet LAN. You can use it to
establish a connection to a local network (LAN = Local Area Network).
Connect the network cable to the LAN
port of the notebook (1).
Connect the network cable to your
network co nnection (2).
Your network administrator can help you to cong ure and use the LAN connections.
The network cable is not included in the delivery scope. This type of
cable can be obtained from a specialist dealer.
40 Fujitsu
Security functions
Security functions
Your notebook has several security features that you can use to secure your
system from unauthorised access.
This chapter explains how to use each function, and what the benets are.
Please remember that in some cases, for exa mple, forgetting your password ,
you may be locked out and unable to access your data. Therefore,
please n ote the following information:
Make regular backups to external data carriers such as external hard
drives, CDs, DVDs or B lu-ray Discs.
Some security functio
ns need you to c hoose passwords. Make a note
of the passwords and ke
If you forget your passw ords you will need to contact the our Service
Desk. Deletion or resetting of passwo rds is not covered by your warranty
and a charge will be made for assistance.
Using the Security Lock
Your device comes with a Security Lock device for th e Kensington Lock Cable. You can
use the Kensington Lock Cable, a sturdy st eel cable, to h elp protect your notebook from
theft. The Kensington Lock Cable is available as an accessory.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions recommends the use of a combination lock.
Fit the Kensington Lock Cable on the
device on y our notebook.
UsingtheKensingtonLockCableSecurity LockMechan icalbackupAnti-theftpr otection
Fujitsu 41
Security functions
Conguring password protection in BIOS Setup Utility
Before using the various options for password protection in the BIOS Setup ut ility
to increase data security, please observe the following:
Make a note of the passwords and k eep them in a safe place. If you forget your
supervisor password you will not be able to access your notebook. Passwords are
not covered by your warranty and a charge will be made for assistance.
Password protection
Your password can be up to
eight characters long and co ntain letters and numbers.
No distinction is made be
tween uppercase and lowercase.
Protecting BIOS Setu p Utility (supervisor and user password)
If you have opened these operating instructions on the screen, we
recommend that you print them out. You cannot call the instructions onto
the screen while you are s etting up the password.
The supervisor password and the user password both prevent unautho rised use o f the
BIOS-Setup-Utility. With the aid of the supervisor password you can access all of the functions of
the BIOS -S etu p- U tility, while the user password will only give you access to some of the functions.
You can only set up a user password if a supe rvisor password ha s already been assigned.
Please refer to section "Settings in BIOS Setup Utility", Page 59 for a desc riptio n
of how to call up and operate the BIOS-Setup-Utility.
Setting supervisor and user password
Start the BIOS Setup Utility and go to the Security menu.
Select the Set Supervisor Password eld and press the Enter key.
With Enter new Password: you are asked to e nter a password.
Enter the password and press the Enter key.
Conrm new Password requires you to co n rm the password.
Enter the pa ssword again and press the Enter key.
Changes have been saved is a conrmation that the new password has been saved.
To set the user password, select Set User Password and proceed exactly as
when conguring the supervisor password.
If you do not want to change any other settings, you ca n exit BIOS Setup Utility.
In the Exit menu, select the option Save Changes & Exit.
Select Yes and press the Enter key.
The notebook will be rebooted and the new password will c ome into effect. It will now be
necessary to rst enter your supervisor or user password in order to open the BIOS Setup Utili ty.
Please note that the user password only provides access to a few of the BIOS settings.
42 Fujitsu
Security functions
Changing the supervisor or user password
You can only change the supervisor password when you have logged into the
BIOS Se tup Utility with the supervisor password.
Call the BIOS Setup Utility and go to th e Security menu.
When changing the password, proceed exactly as for password assignment.
Removing passwords
To remove a password (without setting a ne w password) perform the following steps:
Start the BIOS Setu p Utility and go to the Security menu.
Highlight the Set Supervisor Password or Set User Password eld and press the Enter key.
Yo u will be requested to enter the current password by the Enter Current Password prompt.
Yo u w ill be requested to enter a new password by the Enter New Password prompt.
Press the Enter ke y twice.
In the Exit menu, select the option Save Changes & Exit.
Select Yes and press the Enter key.
The notebook will now reboot with the passw ord re m ove d.
Removing the supervisor password simultaneously deactivates the user password.
Password protection for booting of the operating system
With the superv
isor password you have set in the BIOS Setup Utility (s ee
section "
ng supervisor and user password", Page 4 2), you can also
prevent booti
ng of the operating system.
Operating system
Activating system protection
Start the BIOS Setu p Utility and go to the Security menu.
Select the PasswordonBootoption an d press the Enter key.
Select the desired option (Disabled, First Boot or Every Boot) and press the Enter k ey
Select the Save Changes & Exit option under Exit.
The notebook will reboot. You will be prompted to enter your password (the supervisor password).
Deactivating system protection
Start the BIOS Setu p Utility and go to the Security menu.
Select the PasswordonBootoption an d press the Enter key.
Select the Disabled option and press the Enter k ey.
If you do not want to change any other settings, you can exit BIOS Setup Util ity.
Select the Save Changes & Exit option under Exit.
The notebook will reboot. The system is no longer password-protected.
Fujitsu 43
Security functions
Trusted P latform Module (TPM) (device-dependent)
TPMTrustedPla tformModule
To use the TPM, you must activate the TPM in the BIOS Setup before the software
is installed. The condition for this is that you have assigned at least the supervisor
password (see "
Securit y functions", Page 41).
Enabling TPM
Requirement: You have assigned a supervisor password, see "Security functi ons", Page 41.
Call up the BIOS Setup an
d select the Security menu.
Mark the TPM Secu rity Chip Setting eld and press the Enter key.
Select Enabled to acti
vate the TPM .
Once you have activated the TPM the Clear Security Chip option appears.
Select Clear Securit
y Chip to delete the holder in the TPM. By clicking on Enabled,
all secret keys (e.g
. SRK - Stora ge Root Keys, AIK - Attestation Identity Keys
etc.) generated by
applications are deleted.
Please note that yo
u will then no longer be able to access the data you have
encrypted wi th th
e keys based on that holder.
Select the Exit Sa
ving Changes option in the Exit menu.
Press the Enter key and select Yes.
The notebo ok wil
l restart, and TPM will be enabled after the reboot.
Disabling TPM
Requirement: You have assigned a supervisor password, see "Security functi ons", Page 41.
Call up the BIO S Setup and select the Security menu.
Mark the TPM Secu rity Chip Setting eld and press the Enter key.
Select Disabled to deactivate the TPM.
From the Exit menu, choose the option Exit Saving Changes.
Press the Enter key and select Yes.
Your notebook will now restart and TPM will be disabled.
44 Fujitsu
Connecting e xtern a l devices
Connecting external devices
Always refer to the safety information provided in "Important notes", Page 12 before
connecting or disconnecting any devices to or from your note book.
Always read the documentation supplied with the device you wish to connect.
Never con nect or disconnect cables during a thunderstorm.
Never pull at a cable when disconnecting it. Always grasp the plug.
Follow the steps below in orde r, when connecting or disconnecting
devices to your noteboo k:
With some devices such as USB devices, it is not necessary to switch off
the notebook and the device before connecting/disconnecting. For more
information about whether or not devices need to be switched off, please refer
to the documentation supplied with the external device.
Some of the external devices require special d rivers (see the operating
system and external device documentation).
Connecting devices to the notebook
1. Turn off your notebook and all external devices.
2. Unplug your not
ebook and all devices from the m ains sockets.
3. Connect the cables for your external devices following the instructions.
4. Plug all power
cables into the mains sockets.
Disconnecting devices from the notebook
1. Turn off your notebook and all external devices.
2. Unplug your
notebook and all devices from the mains sockets.
3. Disconnect the cables for your externa l devices following the instructions.
Fujitsu 45
Connecting external devices
Connecting an external monitor
You can connect an extern al monitor to the analogue VGA monitor connection of the
notebook. Screen output is limited to a maximum of two screens at any one t ime (see
Key combinatio ns", Pag e 23, section "Toggle output screen").
MonitorVGAconnectionsock etScreenportMonitorport
Analogue VGA monitor connection socket
Switch off the notebook and the e xternal monitor.
Connect the data cable of the external monitor to the monitor port of the not ebook.
First switch on the external monitor and then the notebook.
You can also use a key combination to switch back and forth between the external
monitor and the notebook’s LCD screen, see chapter "
Key combinations", Page 23.
You can display the same p icture on the external monitor and the
notebook LCD screen simultaneously.
46 Fujitsu
Connecting e xtern a l devices
HDMI port
The HDMI port on your notebook can be used to connect an external amplier,
LCD TV or a plasma TV with an HDMI connection.
Connect the data cable to the
external device.
Connect the data cable to the H DMI
port of the notebook.
Some LCD televisions have only two loudspeaker connections and therefore
cannot reproduce Dolby digital or D TS. In order to reproduce the sound, you
must go into Windows a nd adjust the sound settings.
Proceed as follows:
To do this, go into the control panel for the Realtek HDMI Output and disable
the settings DTS Audio and D olb y Digital.
Fujitsu 47
Connecting external devices
Connecting USB devices
On the USB ports, you can connect external devices that also have a USB port
(e.g. a DVD drive, a printer, a scanner or a modem).
USB devices are hot-pluggable. This means you can connect and disconnect
devices while your operating syst em is running.
USB 1.x has a maximum data transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s.
USB 2.0 has a data transfer rate of up to 480 Mbit/s.
USB 3.0 has a data trans
Additional informati
on can be found in the documentation for the USB devices.
Connect the da ta cable to the
external device.
Connect the data cable to a USB
port of the notebook.
Device d rivers
USB devices will be automatically recognised and installed by y our operating system.
48 Fujitsu
Connecting e xtern a l devices
USB charge)
It is recommended that the notebook be operated with the power supply connected
whenever the USB port with charging function is in use, as this function will drain
the battery more quickly if an external USB device is being charged.
The power supply unit must already be connected when the notebook is
switched off, as otherwise the USB charging function will be disabled and
the connecte d USB devices will not be charged.
Some USB devices (e.g. m obile telephones) require a driver in order to utilise the
USB charging function. In this case the USB charging function will not work whe n the
notebook is switche d off, as no drivers are active when the notebook is switched off.
You can use this USB port to charge or supply po wer to a USB device (e.g. to charge a PDA
or a mo bile phone or to connect a US B lamp), even if the noteboo k is switched off.
Fujitsu 49
Connecting external devices
Connecting an external SATA hard disk (eSATA)
An external SATA hard disk can be connected at the eSATA port. This allows you
to expand the internal hard disk capacity as you wish .
The length of the eSATA cab le must not exceed 2 metres. Consult a specialist
dealer for advice on which eSATA data cable is suitable for your external eSATA
hard disk. M ake sure that the h ard disk has its own extern al power supply.
The data transfer rate is up to 2,400 Mbit/s.
Connect th e data cable to the external
Connect the data cable to the eSATA port.
Device d rivers
The eSATA hard disk is automatically recognised by your operating system and installed.
You will nd more information in the documentation for the external S ATA
hard disk and the operating system.
Safe removal
of eSATA and USB devices
Always correctly remove the device according to the rules described below,
to ensure that none of your data is lost.
k on the symbol to remove hardware safely.
Select the device you wish to shu t down and remove.
Press th
Wait for the dialogue box which tells you that it is now safe to remove the device .
50 Fujitsu
Connecting e xtern a l devices
Connecting external audio devices
Microphone port/Line In
Audiodevices, connectingAudioportsMicrophone,conn ecting
The microphone port/Line In allows you to connect an externa l microphone, a MiniDisc
player, MP3 player, CD player or a tape deck to your notebook.
Connect the audio cable to the
external device.
Connect the audio cable t
o the microphone
port/Line In of the note
Headphones/SPDIF port
AudioportsConnecting headp
You can connect headphones o r e xternal loudspeakers to your notebook via
the headphones output/SPDIF port.
Connect the audio cable to the
external device.
Connect the audio cable to the
headphones/SPDIF po rt of the notebook.
The internal loudspeakers are disabled.
If you purchase a cable from a retailer, please note the following information:
The headphones port on your notebook is a "3.5 mm jack socket".
If you wa nt t o connect headphones o r a speaker you will need a "3.5 mm jack plug".
Fujitsu 51
Removing and installing components
during servicing
Removing and installing compo
during servicing
Only qualied technicians should repair your notebook. Unauthorised
opening or incorrect repair may greatly endanger the user (electric shock,
re risk) and will invalidate your warranty.
Serv icing
After consulting the Hotline/Service Desk, you may remove and install the
components described in this chapter yourself.
If you remove and install components without consulting the Hotline/Service
Desk, then the warranty of your notebook will be voided.
Notes on installing and removing boards
and components
Switch the notebook off an d pu ll the power plug out of the ma ins socket.
Always rem ov e the ba ttery.
Take c are when you use the locking mechanisms o n the battery and any other component.
Never use sharp objects such as screwdrivers, scissors or knives as leverage to remove covers.
Boards with electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) are marked with the label
When handling boards tted w ith ESDs, you m ust always observe the following
You must alw ays discharge static build up (e.g. by touching a grounded
object) before working.
The equipment and tools you use must be free of static charges.
Remove the power plug from the mains supply before inserting or removing
boards containing ESDs.
Always hold boards with ESDs by their edges.
Never touch pins or conductors on boards tted with ESDs.
52 Fujitsu
Removing and installing components
during servicing
Preparing to remove components
If you are going to remove or change system compo nents, prepare f or the removal as follows:
Please observe the safety information in chapter "Important notes " , Page 12.
Remove the power plug from the m ains outlet !
Switch the device off.
The device must not be in en ergy-saving mode !
Close the LCD screen.
Remove all the cables
from the device.
Turn the device over and place it on a stable, at and clean surface. If necessary, lay an
anti-slip cloth on this surface to prevent the device from being scratched.
Remove th e battery
(see "
Removing the battery", Page 30).
Fujitsu 53
Removing and installing components
during servicing
Removing a cover
Remove the battery (see Chapter "Removing the battery", Page 30).
Remove the scre ws from the cover of the hard disk service compartment (1).
Remove the screw f rom the cover of the memory service compartment (2).
Keep the screws in a safe place. If you are removing more than one component at
the same time, st ore the screws for the individual compone nts separately from each
other. If you install the wrong screws, components may be damaged.
Lift the cove
r off the notebook (3).
54 Fujitsu
Removing and installing components
during servicing
Installing and removing memory
MemorymoduleMainmemoryRemovingmemorySystemexpansionSystem expansion
If you are asked by the Ho tline/Service Desk to remove and install the memory
expansion yourself, proceed as follows:
Please observe the safety information in chapter "Important notes " , Page 12.
When installing/removing memory modules, the battery must be removed from
the notebook and the notebook must not be connected to the power supply,
see "
Preparing to remove components", Page 53.
Only use memory expansion modules that have been approved for your
notebook (see "
Technical da ta", Page 67).
Never use force when installing or removing a memory extension.
Make sure that foreign objects do not fall into the memo ry extension compartment.
You must open the service compartment to remove or install a memory module. On some devices,
opening the compartment may expose other com ponents. These components should be removed
and replaced only by authorised specialists. Therefore , b e sure to observe the following:
Individual components can become very hot during operation. Therefore, we
recommend that you wait one hour after switching off the notebook before removing
or installing memory modules. Otherwise , there is a risk of suffering burns!
As some components are exposed that are sensitive to static electricity, please take
note of chapter "
Notes on installing and removing boards and components", Pa ge 52.
Removing memo ry modules
Carefully push the two mounting
clips outwards (1).
The m emory module s nap s upwards (2).
Pull the memory module out of its slot
in the dire ction of the arrow (3).
Fujitsu 55
Removing and installing components
during servicing
Installing a memory module
Insert the memory module with the contacts
and the recess (a) facing the slot (1).
Carefully push the memory module
downwards until you feel it click
into place (2).
Removing and installing the hard disk
Both hard disks are l
ocated in the same service compartment.
Removal and install
ation are th e same for both hard disks. Below, removal and
installation are d
escribed using the example of the left-hand hard disk.
Removing a hard disk
Remove the screws (1).
To remove th e hard disk from the ports, push the hard disk in the direction of the arrow (2)
Remove the hard disk from the hard disk compartment (3).
56 Fujitsu
Removing and installing components
during servicing
Installing a hard disk
Place the hard disk into t he hard disk com partment (1).
Slide the hard disk in the direction of the a rrow (2) until it engages noticeably.
Tighten the screws (3).
Fujitsu 57
Removing and installing components
during servicing
Attaching the cover
Place th e cover in the correct mounting position (1).
Secure the scre
ws for the cover of the hard disk service compartment (2).
Secure the screw for the cover of the memory service compartme nt (3).
Insert the bat
tery (see Chapter "
Insertin g battery", Page 31).
Finishing component removal
After y ou have removed or changed the system components as you required, please
prepare your device for operation again as follows:
Install the battery ag ain (see "
Insertin g battery " , Page 3 1).
Turn the n
otebook the right way up ag ain and place it on a at surface.
Reconnect the cables that you disconn ecte d before.
58 Fujitsu
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility
BIOSSetupUtilitySystemsettings,BIOSSe tup UtilityConguration,BIOS SetupUtilitySetupSystemc ongurationHardwareconguration
The BIOS Setup Utility allows you to set the system functions and the hardware
conguration for the notebook.
When it is delivered, the notebook is set to factory default settings. You can
change these settings in BIOS Setup Utility. Any changes you make take effect as
soon as you save and exit the BIOS Setup U tility.
The BIOS Setup Utility program contains the following men us:
Displays information relating to the BIOS, processor a nd notebook
Advanced system settings
Conguration of va
rious hardware components, such as mouse, keyboard,
Password settings and security functions
Conguration of the s tart-up sequence
Exits the BI OS Setup Utility
Starting the BIOS Setup Utility
Reboot the device (switch off/on or reboot the operating system).
The following or a similar display appears on the scre en at start-up:
<F2> BIOS Setup <F12> Boot Menu
Press the function key
If a password has been assigned, enter the pa ssword and press the Enter key.
If you have forgotten the password, contact your system administrator
or contact our customer service centre.
The BI
OS Setup Utility starts.
Operating BIOS Setup Utility
Press the
key to display help on the operation of the BIOS Setup Utility. The description
of the individual settings is sh own in the right-hand window of the B IOS Setup Utility.
With the
key you can load the default settings of the BIOS Setup Utility.
Use the cursor keys
to select the menu you wish to access to make changes.
The menu is displayed on the screen.
Select the option you want to change with the cursor keys
Press the Enter key.
Press the
key to exit the selected menu.
For future reference, make a note of the changes you have made (for example, in this manual).
Fujitsu 59
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility
Exiting BIOS Setup Utility
You need to select the desired option in the Exit menu and activate it by pressing the Enter key:
Exit Saving Changes - save ch
anges and exit BIOS Setup Utility
To save the current menu settings and exit the BIOS Setup Utility, select Exit Saving Changes and Yes.
The notebook is rebooted
and the new settings come into effect.
Exit Discarding Changes Discard changes and
exit BIOS Setup Ut ilit y
To discard the changes, select Exit Discarding Changes and Yes.
The settings in place when BIOS Setup Utility was called remain effective. BIOS
Setup Utility is terminated and the notebook is r ebooted.
Load Setup Defaul
ts Copy Standard Entries
To copy the standard entries for all menus of the BIOS Setup Utility,
choose Load Setup Defaults and Yes.
Discard Chang es Discard changes without exiting
the B IOS Setup Utility
To discard the changes you have mad e, select Discard Changes and Yes.
The settings in place when BIOS Setup U tility was called remain effective.
You can now make additional settings in the BIOS Setup Utility.
IfyouwanttoexitBIOS Setup Ut ilitywith these s ettings, select Exit Saving Changes and Yes.
Save Chan
ges - save changes without exiting
the B IOS Setup Utility
To save the changes, select Save Changes and Yes.
The changes are saved. You c an now make additional settings in the BIOS Se tup Utility.
If yo u want to exit B IOS Setup Utility with these settings, choose Exit Saving Changes and Yes.
Save Changes and Power Off
To save the c hange s and switch off your device, select Save Changes and Power Off and Yes.
The c hanges are saved. Your device is shut down.
60 Fujitsu
Troubleshooting and tips
Troubleshooting and tips
Follow the safety notes in the "Safety/Regulations" manual when
connecting or disconnecting cables.
If a fault occurs, try to correct it as described. If you fail to correct the problem, proceed as follows:
Make a note of the steps and the circumstances that led to the fault. Also
make a note of any error messages displayed.
Switch the notebook off.
Please contact the Hotline/Service Desk.
You c an nd the telephone numbers in the service desk l ist. Please have
the following information ready when you call:
The model name and serial number of the no tebook. The serial number is
located on a sticke r on the underside of the notebook.
Notes of any messages that appea r on the screen and information on acoustic signals.
Any changes you ha ve made to the hardw are or software since
receiving the notebook.
Any changes you have made to the BIOS Setup settings since receiving the notebook.
Your system conguration and all peripheral devices connected to yo ur system.
Your sales contract.
Our notebooks
have been designed primarily with mobile applications in mind. This
means that con
siderable effort has been made to optimise components and eq uipm ent
in terms of we
ight, space an d energy requirements. Depending on the particular
n you have purchased, it is possible that functionality may be slightly reduced
compared to a
desktop PC if you are running processor-intensive gaming software, e.g.
games with i
ntensive 3D graphics. U pdating your hardware with drivers which have not
been appro
ved by Fujitsu Technology Solutions may result in performance losses, data
losses or m
alfunction of th e equ ipm ent. A list of approved drivers and current BIOS
versions c
an be dow nloaded from: "
http://support.ts.fujitsu.com/Download/Index.a sp"
Help if pr
oblems occur
Should you encounter a problem with y our co mputer that you cannot resolve yourself:
Note the ID number of your device. The ID number is found on the type rating
plate on the back or underside of the casing.
For furthe r clarication of the problem, contact the Service Desk for your country (see the
Service Desk list or visit the Internet at
http://support.ts.fujitsu.com/co ntact/servicedesk/ServiceDes kNumbe r_Int.asp"). When you
do this, please have r eady the ID nu mber and serial numb er of your system.
Fujitsu 61
Troubleshooting and tips
The notebook’s date or time is in
SummertimeTime,daylights avingsTimenotcorrec tTimeno tcorrectIncorr ectd ate/tim eDateisincorrectBufferbattery,load
Cause Troubleshooting
Time and date are incorrect. With the BIOS-Setup-Utility,
you can set the
date and time in the main menu.
If the time and date are still set incorrectly aft er
switching on the notebook.
Please contact your sales out
let or our
Hotline/Service Desk.
The n otebook’s LCD screen remains blank
Cause Troubleshooting
Monitor is switched off.
Press a key or touch the touchpad.
External monitor or television set connected. Press the key combination to switch the
screen output, see "
Key combinations",
Page 23.
The LCD screen is difcult to read
Cause Troubleshooting
Reected g lare Turn the notebook or alter the tilt of the LCD
Increase the brightness of the screen.
The external mo
nitor remains blank
Cause Troubleshooti
Monitor is switched off. Switch the external monitor on.
Power saving has been activated (monitor is
Press any key to continue.
Brightness is set to dark.
Adjust the b
rightness of the monitor.
Screen output is set to the notebook’s LCD
Press the k
screen out
put, see "
Key combinations",
Page 23.
The exte
rnal monitor’s power cable or data
cable is
not conne cted properly.
Switch off the extern al monitor and the
Check whether the pow er cable is plugged
properly into the external monitor and into
the power socket.
Check whether the data cable is pro perly
connected to the no tebook and the externa l
monitor (if it is plugged in with a connector).
Switch on the external monitor and the
62 Fujitsu
Troubleshooting and tips
The external monitor is blank or
the image is unstable
ScreenM onitor
Cause Troubleshooting
The wrong external monitor has
been selected
or the w rong screen resolution
has been set for
the application program.
Te rminate the application pro
gram in
Windows by pre ssing
fault persists after closing t
he program, use
the key combination for switc
hing the screen
output (see "
Key combinati
ons", Page 23)to
switch over to the notebook
’s LCD screen.
Change the following sett
Set the screen resolution: Set the screen
resolution as described in the documentation
for your operating system.
Select monitor: Select
monitor 1 or 2 as
described in the docume
ntation for your
operating system.
The notebook cannot be started
Cause Troubleshooting
The bat tery is not installed correctly.
Check whether the battery is installed
correctly in its compartment.
Switch the notebook on.
The battery is dead.
Charg e the ba tte
Insert a charged battery.
Connect the mains adapter to the
The power adapter is not connected correctly.
Check whethe r th e mains adapter is
connected co rrectly to the notebook.
Switch the notebook on.
Fujitsu 63
Troubleshooting and tips
The notebook stops working
NotebookEnergy savingmode
Cause Troubleshooting
Notebook is in energy saving mo
Leave energy saving mode.
An application programme ha s
caused the
Close the application program or restart
the notebook (by restarting th e operating
system or switching the device off and back
on again).
The battery is dead.
Charge the battery.
Insert a charged battery.
Connect the mains adapt
er to the
The printer does not print
Printerdoesnot p
Cause Troubleshooting
The printer is not switched on. Make sure that the printer is switched
on and ready for operation (refer to the
documentation supplied with the printer).
The printer is not connected correctly.
Check that the data cable connecting
the notebook to the printer is properly
The prin ter driver is faulty or not correctly
installed, or it is the wrong printer driver.
Check that the data cable connecting
the notebook to the printer is properly
Check whethe
loaded (ref
er to the printer documentation).
The radio connection t o a network d oes not work
oconnection toanetwo rkdoesnot work
Cause Troubleshooting
The wireless component is disabled.
Switch the radio component on (see
Switch ing th e wireless components on and
off", Page 39).
The wireless component is enabled. Despite
this, the wireless connection to a n etwork does
not work.
Check whether the radio connection is
switched on via the software.
r informa tion on using the radio
nent can be found in the help les.
64 Fujitsu
Troubleshooting and tips
Acoustic warnings
Acousticerror messagesErrors
A beep sounds every few seconds.
The battery is almost at.
Charg e the ba ttery.
Error messages on the screen
Errormessages onthesc
This section describes the error messages g enerat ed by the BIOS Setup. Error messages displayed
by the operating system or programmes are described in the relevant documentation.
If the error message appears repeatedly, despite troub leshooting mea sures, please
contact the place of purchase or our customer service centre.
Error message/cause Resolution
CMOS battery bad
If the error message occurs repeatedly, the
buffer battery in the notebook is at.
Contact your sales ou tlet or our customer
service centre.
System CMOS checksum bad - default conguration
The system conguration information is
Switch the notebook off.
Switch the notebook on.
Press the function key
to access the
BIOS Setup.
In the BIOS Setup, select the Exit menu.
Select the entry Load Setup Defaults.
Select OK and press the Enter key.
Extended memo r y failed at offset: xxxx Failing Bits:
zzzz zzzz
When testing the extended memory an error has
resulted at the address xxxx.
Check whethe
r the additional memory
module has be
en inserted cor rec tl y.
Failure Fixed Disk n
The settings of the hard disk drive are incorrect.
Start the B
IOS Setup (Primary Master
and select the correct settings.
Keyboard controller error
Switch t
he notebook o ff with the ON /O F F
Wait 3 - 5 seconds and switch on the
notebook again.
Keyboard error
If you are using an external keyboard:
Check the connection and reboot the
nn Stuck key
Make sure that no key is pressed.
Fujitsu 65
Troubleshooting and tips
Error message/cause Resolution
Operating system n ot found
Check in the BIOS Setup whether y
our hard
disk has been set correctly.
Make sure th at the operating system is
installed on the corresponding drive.
Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to SETUP
This error message appears if an error occurs
during the self-test before starting the operating
Press the
function key to s tart the
operating system.
Press the function key
to access the
BIOS Setup.
Previous boot incomplete - Default conguration
used Due to an error during the previous system
boot, default values were used for certain
settings. Check the settings in the BIOS Setup.
Press the
function key when prompted
to do so.
Real time clock error
Contact your sales outlet or our cust omer
service centre.
nnnnK Shadow RAM fa iled at offse t: xxxx Fa ilin g
Bits: zzzz
Contact your sales outlet or our cust omer
service centre.
System battery is dead - Replace and run SETUP
Contact your sales outlet or our cust omer
service centre.
System cache error - Cache disabled
Contact your sales outlet or our cust omer
service centre.
System timer error
Contact your sales outlet or our cust omer
service centre.
66 Fujitsu
Technical data
Technical data
Ambient conditions
Operation 5 °C ... 35 °C
-15 °C ... 60 °C
Operating temperature 5 °C 35 °C
Width x depth x height (front/back) 410 mm x 270 mm x 35 mm (without device
feet) / 37 mm (with device feet)
Weight (including 6-cell rechargeable battery)
Approx. 3 kg
The data sheet for the device provides further technical data. You will nd the data
sheet on your d evice or on the Internet at "
http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/suppo r t/".
Rechargeable battery
You can nd information on the batteries used in your device o n the
Internet at "
http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/ suppor t/".
8-cell rechargeable battery 6-cell rechargeable battery
Rated voltag e 14.4 V 11.1 V
Rated capacity
5800 mAh (83 Wh) 520 0 mAh (57 Wh)
AC mains ad
Tec hni ca
Rated voltage
100 V to 240
V (automatic)
Max. rate
d current
6.32 A
mains adapter 60 W
Rated voltage 19 V
Max. rated c urrent 3.42 A
An addi
tional mains adapter or power cable can be ordered a t any time.
Fujitsu 67
Manufacturer’s notes
Manufacturers notes
Disposal and recycling
You can nd information on this subject on your no tebook or on our website
http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/ about/fts/envir onment-care/").
Declarations of Conformity
Declarationof conformity
The "Declarat ions of Co
nformity" for the device can be found on the Internet at:
Fujitsu Technology So
lutions hereby declares that your de vice is in compliance with the
essential requireme
nts and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
CE marking
CE marking for devices with radio component
This device, in the version delivered, complies with the requirements of Directive 2009/125/EC
on "Ecodesign" as well as the requirements of R&TTE Directive 199/5/EC of the European
Parliament and Council dated 9 March 1999 governing radio and telecommunications
terminal equipment and mutual recog nition of conformity.
This equipment can be used in the following countries:
Belgium Bulgaria Denmark
Estonia Finland France
UK Ireland Iceland Italy
Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg
Malta The Netherlands Norway Austria
Poland Portugal Rumania
Switzerland Slovakia Slovenia Spain
Czech Repub lic
Contact the corresponding government ofce in the respective country for current information on
possible operating restrictions. If your country is not included in the list, then please contact the
corresponding supervisory autho rity as to whether the use of this product is permitted in your country.
Regulatory notices
If t
here is no F CC logo and also no FCC ID on the device then this device is
approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the USA.
hough it is not explicitly forbidden to travel in the US trading area carrying this
vice, to avoid trouble at customs clearance, Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
commends not to bring this device into the US trading area.
68 Fujitsu
Manufacturer’s notes
Regulatory information for notebooks w ithout radio device
Changes or modications not exp ressly a pproved by Fujitsu Technology Solutions
could void this user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Notice to Users of Radios and Television
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment d oes cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or m ore of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet that is on a different circuit than the receiver.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Notice to Users of the US Telephone Network
Your notebook may be supplied with an internal mo dem which complies with Part 6 8 of the
FCC r ules. O n this notebook i s a label that contains the FCC Registration Number and the
Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment among other information. If requested,
the user must provide their telephone company with the following information:
1. The telephone number to which the notebook is connected.
2. The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment.
3. The equipment requires a standard modular jack type USOC RJ-11C
which is FCC Part 6 8 compliant.
4. The FCC Registration Number.
This equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises w iring using
a standard mod ular jack type USOC RJ-11C w hich is FCC Part 68 compliant and a line cord
between the modem and the telephone network with a minimum of 26AWG.
The REN is used to determine the numbe r of devices that you may connect to your telephone
line and still have all of those devices ring when your number is called. Too many de vices
on one line may result in failure to ring in respo nse to an incoming call. In most, but not all,
areas the sum of the RENs of all of the devices should not exceed ve (5 ). To be certain
of the nu mber of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN s, contact
your local telephone com pany. If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, your
telephone company may discontinue your servic e temporarily. If possible, they will notify you
in advance. If advance notice is not practical they will notify you as soon as possible. You
will also be advised of your right to le a complaint with the FCC.
This fax modem also complies with fax branding requirements per FCC Part 68.
Your telephone company will probably ask you to disconnect this equipment from the telephone
network until the problem is corrected and you are sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning.
This equipment may not be used on coin-operated telephones provided by your telephone
company. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs. Contact your state’s public utility
commission, public service commission or corpo ration commission for more information.
Fujitsu 69
Manufacturer’s notes
This equipment includes automatic dialing capability. When programming and/o r
making test calls to emergency numbers:
Remain on the line and briey explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.
Perform such activities in off-peak hours, such as early morning o r late evening.
FCC rules prohibit the use of non-hearing aid compatible telephones in the
following locations or applications:
All public or semi-public coin-operated or credit card telephones.
Elevators, highways, tunnels (automobile, subway, railroad or pedestrian) where a
person with impaired hearing might be isolated in an emergency.
Places where telephones are specically installed to alert emerg ency authorities
such as re, police o r medical assistance personnel.
Hospital rooms, residential health care facilities, convalesce nt homes and prisons.
Hotel, motel or apartment lobbies.
Stores where telephones are used by patrons to order merchandise.
Public transp ortation terminals where telephones are used to call taxis or
to reserve lodging or rental cars.
In hotel an d motel rooms as at least ten percent of the rooms must contain hearing
aid-compatible telephones or jacks for plug-in hearing aid compatible telephones wh ich
will be provided to hearing impaired customers on request.
DOC (Industry CANADA) notices
Notice to Users
of Radios and Television
This Class B di
gital apparatus meets all requirements of Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment
CET appareil n
umérique de la class B respecte toutes les exigence du Réglement
sur le matéri
al brouilleur du Canada.
Notice to Use
rs of the Canad ian Telep ho ne Network
This equip
ment meets the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment Technical
ions. This is conrmed by the registration number. The abbreviation, IC, befo re
the regis
tration number signies that registration wa s performed based on a Declaration of
ty indicating that Industry Canada technical s pecications were met. It does not
imply tha
t In dustry Can ada ap proved the equipment. Before connecting this equipment to
a te leph
one line the user should ensure that it is permissible to c onne ct this equipment to
the loca
l telecomm unication facilities. Th e user should be aw are that compliance with the
cation standards does not prevent service degradation in some situations.
s to telecommunication equipment should be made by a Canadian authorised
nance facility. Any repairs or alterations not expressly approved by Fujitsu or
any eq
uipment failures may give the telecommunication company cause to request the
user t
o disconnect the equipment from the telephone line.
The R
inger Equivalence Number (REN) for this terminal equipment is 0.0. The R EN assigned
to ea
ch terminal equ ipment provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals
owed to be connected to a telepho ne interface. The termination on an interface may
70 Fujitsu
Manufacturer’s notes
consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the
Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed ve.
For safety, users should ensure that the electrical ground of the power utility, the
telephone lines and the metallic water pipes are connected toge ther. Users should NOT
attempt to make such c onnections themselves but should contact the appropriate electric
inspection authority or electrician. This may be particularly important in rural areas.
Avis Aux Utilisateurs Du
Réseau Téléphonique Canadien
AVIS : Le prés ent matérie
l est conforme aux spécications tech niques d’Industrie Cana da
applicables au matérie
l terminal. Cette conformité est conrmée par le numéro d’enregistrement.
Le sigle IC, placé devan
t le numéro d’enregistrement, signie que l’enregistrement s’est effectué
conformément à une décl
aration de conform ité et indique que les spécications techniques
d’Industrie Canada on
t été respectées. Il n’implique pas qu’Industrie Canada a approuvé le matériel.
Avant de connecter c
et équipement à une ligne téléphonique, l’utilisateur doit vérier
s’il e st permis de co
nnecter cet équ ipement aux installations de t élécommunications
locales. L’utilisa
teur est averti que même la conformité au x normes de certication ne
peut dans certains
cas empêcher la dégradation du service.
Les réparations de
l’équipement de télécommunications doivent ê tre effectuées par u n service de
maintenance agré
é au Canada. Toute réparation ou modication, qui n’est pas expressément
approuvée par Fuj
itsu, o u toute dé faillance de l’équipement peut e ntraîner la compagnie de
ions à exiger que l’utilisateur décon necte l’équipement de la ligne téléphonique.
AVIS : L’indice
d’équivalence de la sonnerie (IES) du présent matériel est de 0.0. L’IES
assigné à chaqu
e dispositif terminal indique le nombre maximal de terminaux qui peuvent
être raccordés
à une interface téléphonique. La term inaison d’une interface peut consister
en une combina
ison quelconque de dispositifs, à la seule cond ition que la somme d’indices
e de la sonnerie de tous les dispositifs n’excède pas 5.
Pour assure
r la sécurité, les u tilisateurs doivent vérier que la prise de terre du service
ité, les lignes télphoniques et les conduites d’eau métalliques sont connectées
Les utilisateurs NE doiven t PAS tenter d’établir ces connexions eux-mêmes,
mais doive
nt contacter les services d’inspection d’installations électriques appropriés
ou un élect
ricien. Ceci peut être particulièrement important en régions rurales.
UL Notice
This unit require s an AC adapter to operate. Only use a UL Listed Class 2 adapter.
The correct output rating is indicated on the AC adapter label. Refer to the illustration
below for the correct AC Adapter output polarity:
To r
educe the risk of re, use only 26AWG or larger telecommunications line cord.
Fujitsu 71
Manufacturer’s notes
For Authorized Repair Technicians Only
For continued protection against risk of re, replace only with the
same type and rating fuse.
Danger of explosion if Lit
hium (CMOS) battery is incorrectly rep laced. Replace only
with the same or equivalen
t type recomm ended by the manufacturer.
Dispose of used batt erie
s accord ing to the m anufacturer’s instructions.
FCC regulatory information for notebooks with radio device
Regulatoryinform ation
Federal Communications Commission statement
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this d evice may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may
cause undesired operation of this device.
FCC Interference Statement
This equipment has been te sted and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This e quipm ent generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guara ntee that interference will not occur in a part icular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interferenc e to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measu res:
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase t he distance between the equipment and the receiver.
3. Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from the one the receiver is connected to.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Please note the following regulatory information related to the optional radio device.
FCC Radio Frequency Exposure statement
This radio device has been evaluated under FCC Bulletin OET 65C and found compliant with the
requirements as set forth in CFR 47 Sections 2.1 091, 2.1093, and 15.247 (b) (4) addressing RF
Exposure from radio frequency devices. The radiated output power of this radio device is far below
the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, this device shall be used in such a manner
that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. When using this device, a
certain separation distance between antenna and nearby persons must be maintained to ensure RF
exposure c ompliance. In order to comply with RF exposure limits established in the ANSI C 95.1
standards, the distance between the antennas and the user should not be less than 20 cm (8 inches).
Regulatory Notes and Statements
Radio device, health and authorisation for u se
72 Fujitsu
Manufacturer’s notes
Radio-frequency electromagnetic energy is emitted from the wireless devices. The energy levels
of the se emissions, however, are far much less than the electromagnetic energy emissions from
wireless de vices such as mobile phones. Radio devices are safe for use by consu mers because
they operate within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations.
The use of the radio devices may be restricted in some situations or environments, such as:
on board an airplane, or
in an explosive environment, o r
in situations where the interference risk to other devices or services is
perceived or identied as harmful.
In cases in which the policy regarding use of radio devices in specic environments is not
clear (e.g., airports, hospitals, chemical/oil/gas industrial plants, private buildings), obtain
authorization to use these devices prior to operating the equipment.
Regulatory Informati on/Disclaimers
Installation and use of this radio device must be in strict accordance with t he instructions included
in the user documentation provided with the product. Any changes or modications made to this
device that are not expressly approved by the manufacturer may void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment. The m anufacturer is not responsible for any radio or television interfere nce caused
by unauthorized mo dication of this device, or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables
and equipment other than those specied by the manufacturer. It is the responsibility of the user
to correct any interference caused by such una uthorized modication, substitution or attachment.
The manufacturer and its authorized resellers or distributors will assume no liability for any damage
or violation of government regulations arising from failure to comply with these guidelines.
Export restriction s
This product or software contains encryption code which may not be exported or
transferred from the US or Canada without an ap proved US Departme nt of Commerce
export license. This d evice complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules, as well as ICES 003 B
/ NMB 003 B. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesirable operation.
Modications not expressly authorised by Fujitsu Technology Solutions may
invalidate the user’s right to operate this equipment.
Fujitsu 73
Acoustic error messages 65
Alt+Tab 24
Anti-theft protection 41
Audio devices, connecting 51
Audio ports 51
Back tab 24
Backspace 22
Bass loudspeaker (subwoofer) 37
battery life 29
caring for and maintaining 29
charge level 29, 33
charging 29
self-discharge 29
storage 29
Battery status meter 29
BIOS Setup Utility
calling 59
exiting 60
operating 59
protecting with pa ssword 42
settings 59
Switching the module off 39
Switching the module on 39
Bluetooth, safety notes 12
Board 52
Buffer battery, load 62
Buttons 21
Caps Lock 22
indicator 19
manual emergency r emoval 32
CE marking 68
Charging capacity, battery 29
Cleaning 14
installing / removing 52
Conguration, BIOS Setup Utility 59
Connecting audio devices 51
Connecting headphon es 51
Crystal View display
cleaning 14
Cursor control keys 22
Cursor keys 22
Date is incorrect 62
Declaration of conformity 68
setting up 16
connecting 45
disconnecting 45
indicator 19
Eco function 24
Emergency removal of data c arrier 32
energy saving 13
Energy saving 13
Energy saving mode
leaving 64
Enter 22
Enter key 22
Error message:
on the screen 65
Error message s on the screen 65
Acoustic warnings 65
ESD 52
Ethernet LAN 40
ExpressCard 35
correction 61
First-time setup 15
Fn key 22
Fn+F10 24
Fn+F11 24
Fn+F12 24
Fn+F3 23
Fn+F4 23
Fn+F6 24
Fn+F7 24
Fn+F8 24
Fn+F9 24
Getting started 15
74 Fujitsu
data carriers 31
Hardware conguration 59
HDMI port 47
Important notes 12
Incorrect date/time 62
Caps Lock 19
drive 19
Num Lock 19
a data carrier 32
Key combinations 23
Keyboard 21
cleaning 14
LCD monitor
Decrease brightness 24
LCD screen
cleaning 14
difcult to rea d 62
notes 27
reected glare 62
remains blank 62
LCD screen is too dark 62
Life, battery 29
Line feed 22
Loudspeakers 37
switch off 23
switch on 23
Main memory
see A dding memory 55
Mains adapter
connecting 16
setting up 16
Manual removal of da ta carrier 32
Mechanical backup 41
Memory card
handling 34
inserting 34
removing 35
Memory expansion
installing 56
removing 55
Memory module
important notes 55
installing 56
removing 55
Microphone 37
Microphone, connecting 51
Mobile operation 13
connecting 46
drifting display 63
remains blank 62
Monitor port
see VGA connection socket 46
before you travel 1 3
cannot be started 63
cleaning 14
stops working 64
switching off 20
transporting 13–14
using 18
Notebook, operation 18
Notes 12
boards 52
cleaning 14
disposal / recycling 68
energy saving 13
LCD screen 27
Safety 12
transport 13
Num Lock
indicator 19, 23
Numeric keypad 21
see Sepa rate numeric keypad 23
Operating system
activating system protection 43
cancel system protection 43
protecting with password 43
Optical drive 31
Packaging 15
changing 43
entering 42
removing 43
Password protection 42
Fujitsu 75
Peripheral devices
connecting 45
disconnecting 45
power consumption 33
power-management features 33
Power-on indicator 19
Preparing for operation 16
Printer does not print 64
Radio component:
safety notes 12
Rechargeable battery 29
see Battery 29
Regulatory information
notebooks with radio device 72
Notebooks w ithout radio device 69
a data carrier 32
Removing memory
see Adding memory 55
Return 22
Safety notes 12
no screen display 63
Screen brightness
decrease 24
increase 24
Screen port
see VGA connection socket 46
Security functions 41
Security Lock 41
Selecting a location 16
Self-discharge, battery 29
Separate numeric keypad 23
Servicing 52
see BIOS Setup Utility 59
Shift 22
Shift key 22
Shift+Tab 24
ExpressCard 35
Memory cards 34
Standby indicator 19
Status indicators 18
Strg+Alt+Entf / Ctrl+Alt+Del 24
Summer time 62
Supervisor password
changing 43
entering 42
removing 43
Switchin g on
the notebook 19
Switchingonfortherst time 17
System conguration 59
System expansion 55
see Adding memory 55
System settings, BIOS Setup Utility 59
Tab key 22
Technical data 67
Mains adapter 67
notebook 67
The radio connection to a network does
not work 64
Time not correct 62
Time, daylight savings 62
Tips 61
Toggle monitor output 24
Touchpad 23, 25
buttons 25
cleaning 14
dragging items 26
executing commands 2 6
moving the pointer 25
selecting an item 26
switch off 23
Touchpad buttons 23
TPM 44
Transport damage 15
Transportation 13–14
Travel, notebo ok 13
Troubleshooting 61
Trusted Platfor m Module 44
USB charging function 49
USB ports 48
User password
changing 43
entering 42
removing 43
Using the Kensington Lock Cable 41
VGA connection socket 46
76 Fujitsu
decrease 24
increase 24
Volume control 37
Webcam 28
WebCam 24
Windows key 22
Wireless LAN
Switching the m odule off 39
Switchingthemoduleon 39
Wireless LAN:
safety notes 12
Fujitsu 77

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Fujitsu LIFEBOOK N532 User Manual - German - 85 pages

Fujitsu LIFEBOOK N532 User Manual - Dutch - 83 pages

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