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Operating Manual
LIFEBOOK E751 / E781
LIFEBOOK S751 / S781
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Fujitsu Tec
hnology Solutions 2012 0
Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
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All rights reserved, including intellectual property rights. Subject to technical alterations. Delivery subject to availability.
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Order No. Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH: A26391-K326-Z320-1-7619, edition 4
LIFEBOOK E751 / E781
LIFEBOOK S751 / S781
Operating Manual
Innovative technology 7
Ports and operating elements 9
Important notes 13
First-time setup of your device 16
Working with the notebook 19
Security functions 53
Connecting external devices 61
Removing and installing components
during servicing 68
Settings in BIOS Setup U tility 75
Troubleshooting and tips 77
Technical data 84
Manufacturer’s notes 86
Index 93
Microsoft, MS, Windows XP and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporat ion.
Adobe Reade r is a trademark of Adobe S ystems Incorporated.
MultiMediaCard is a reg istered tradem ark of Inneon Technologies AG
Sony and Memory Stick are registe red trademarks of Sony Electronics, Inc.
All other trademarks r eferenced are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective owners, whose protected rights are acknowledged.
Copyright © Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH 201
All rights reserved, including rights of translation, reproduction by printing, copying
or similar methods, in part or in wh ole.
In the event of violations, perpetrators will be liable to prosecution for damages.
All rights reserved, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design.
Subject to availability and tech nical modi cations.
Innovativetechnology ................................................................. 7
Furtherinformation ...................................................................... 7
Notational co nventions .................................................................. 8
Ports and operating elemen
ts ..........................................................
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 13
Safetynotes ............................................................................ 13
Additional safety notes for devices with radio components . . . . . ............................. 13
Energysaving .......................................................................... 14
Energy saving under Windows ....................................................... 14
Travelling withyournotebook ............................................................ 14
Beforeyoutravel ................................................................... 14
Notebook: transporting ............................................................... 15
Cleaningthenotebook .................................................................. 15
First-time setup o
fyourdevice .........................................................
Unpacking and che
ckingthedevice ......................................................
ion .....................................................................
Mains adapter con
necting ...............................................................
device for the rst time ..................................................
Workingwiththenotebook ............................................................ 19
Statusindicators ........................................................................ 19
Switching on the notebook . . . . ........................................................... 22
Notebook: switch ing off .................................................................. 22
Keyboard ............................................................................... 22
Virtualnumeric keypad .............................................................. 25
Key combinations ................................................................... 25
Country and k eybo ard settings ....................................................... 27
Application keys ........................................................................ 27
Programming theapplication keys .................................................... 28
Touchpadand touchpadbuttons .......................................................... 29
Movingthepointer .................................................................. 29
Selecting an item .................................................................... 29
Executing commands . . . . . ........................................................... 29
Dragging items ...................................................................... 30
LCDscreen ............................................................................ 30
Webcam ............................................................................... 31
Rechargeablebattery ................................................................... 31
Charging, caringfor and maintainingthe battery ....................................... 32
Removingand installingthebattery ................................................... 32
Module ................................................................................. 34
Removing a module . . . . . . ........................................................... 34
Installing a module .................................................................. 35
Opticaldrive ............................................................................ 35
Handlingdatacarriers ............................................................... 35
CD/DVD indicator ................................................................... 36
Inserting or removing a datacarrier ................................................... 36
Manual removal (emergency removal) . . . . ............................................ 37
Removing and ttingthedust removalcover (ventilation slotcover) ......................... 37
Using thepower-managementfeatures ................................................... 39
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 3
Memory cards .......................................................................... 40
Supported formats .................................................................. 40
Inserting the memorycard ........................................................... 40
Removingthememory card .......................................................... 41
ExpressCards .......................................................................... 41
Inserting the card ................................................................... 42
Removingthecard .................................................................. 43
Loudspeakers and microphones . . ........................................................ 43
Integrated 56k modem . . ................................................................ 44
Connecting notebook modem to telephone wall socket . . . .............................. 45
SIM card ............................................................................... 45
Inserting the SIMcard ............................................................... 46
RemovingaSIMcard ............................................................... 46
Wireless LAN/ Bluetooth (device-dependent) / UMTS (device-dependent) ................... 47
Switching the wireless components on and off ......................................... 47
SettingupWLANaccess ............................................................ 48
AccessviaUMTS ................................................................... 48
Ethernetand LAN ....................................................................... 48
Your Port Re plicator (optional) . . . ........................................................ 49
Ports on thePortReplicator .......................................................... 49
Connecting the notebook to the Port Replicator . . . . . .................................. 49
Connecting the mains adapter to the Port Replicator . .................................. 51
Switching on the notebook via th e port replicator . . . . . .................................. 51
SwitchingoffnotebookviaPortReplicator ............................................. 51
Disconnecting the notebook from the Port Replicator .................................. 52
Securityfunctions ..................................................................... 53
Conguring the ngerprint sensor ........................................................ 53
Using theSecurityLock ................................................................. 54
Conguring password protectioninBIOS Setup Utility ...................................... 54
Protecting BIOS Setup Utility (supervisor and user password) . .......................... 54
Password protection for booting of the operating syst em . .............................. 55
Passwordprotection for theharddisk ..................................................... 56
Activating harddiskprotection ........................................................ 56
Deactivatingharddisk protection ..................................................... 57
Boot fromRemovableMedia ............................................................ 57
Owner Information (device-dependent) . . . ................................................. 58
Virus Warning (device-dependent) . . . . . . ................................................. 58
SmartCard reader ....................................................................... 59
Inserting the SmartCard ............................................................. 59
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (device-dependent) . . . . . .................................. 60
EnablingTPM ....................................................................... 60
Disabling TPM ...................................................................... 60
Connectingexternaldevices ........................................................... 61
Connecting an external monitor . . ........................................................ 62
Connecting external devices to the parallel or serial port . .................................. 63
Port settings ........................................................................ 63
Devicedrivers ...................................................................... 63
Connecting USB devices ................................................................ 64
USBport withchargingfunction(AnytimeUSBcharge) ................................. 65
Connecting an external SATA hard disk (eSATA) . . . . . .................................. 66
Safe removalofeSATAandUSBdevices ............................................. 66
Connecting external audio devices . . . . . . ................................................. 67
4 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Microphone port/Line In . . . ........................................................... 67
Headphone port . . . .................................................................. 67
Removing and installing components during servicing . . . . ............................. 68
Notes on installingandremovingboardsandcomponents .................................. 68
Preparing to remove compone nts . ....................................................... 69
Installing and removing memory expansion . . . . ............................................ 69
Removingacover ................................................................... 70
Removingmemory modules .......................................................... 70
Installingamemorymodule .......................................................... 71
Attaching thecover .................................................................. 71
Removingandinstalling theharddisk .................................................... 72
Removingacover ................................................................... 72
Removingaharddisk ............................................................... 72
Installingaharddisk ................................................................. 73
Attaching thecover .................................................................. 73
Finishing component removal . ........................................................... 74
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility . . . ....................................................... 75
Startingthe BIOS SetupUtility ........................................................... 75
OperatingBIOS SetupUtility ............................................................. 75
ExitingBIOS Setup Utility ................................................................ 76
Exit Saving Changes - save changes and exit BIOS Setup Utility . . ..................... 76
Exit Discarding Change s Discard changes and exit BIO S Setup Utility . . . .............. 76
Load Setup Defaults Copy Standard Entries . ........................................ 76
Discard Changes Discard changes without exiting the BIO S Setup U tility . .............. 76
Save Changes - save changes without exiting the BIOS Setup Utility . . . . . . .............. 76
Save Changes and Power Off ....................................................... 76
Troubleshootingandtips .............................................................. 77
Help ifproblems occur ................................................................... 77
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows . . ........................................ 78
The notebook’s date or time is incorrect ................................................... 78
Whencertaincharactersare entered on the keyboard, onlynumerals arewritten ............. 78
The notebook’s LCD screen remains blank . . . . ............................................ 79
The LCD screen is difcult to read ........................................................ 79
The externalmonitorremainsblank ...................................................... 79
The externalmonitorisblankortheimage is unstable ..................................... 80
The notebook cannot be started . . . ....................................................... 80
The notebook stops working . . ........................................................... 81
The printer does not print . . . . . ........................................................... 81
The radio connection to a network does not work . . ........................................ 81
Acousticwarnings ....................................................................... 82
Error messages on the screen ........................................................... 82
Technicaldata ......................................................................... 84
Notebook . . ............................................................................. 84
Rechargeablebattery ................................................................... 84
Mains adapter 80W . . . .................................................................. 85
Manufacturersnotes .................................................................. 86
EnergyStar ............................................................................ 86
Disposalandrecycling .................................................................. 86
DeclarationsofConformity ............................................................... 86
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 5
CE marking ............................................................................ 87
Regulatory notices ...................................................................... 87
Regulatory informa tion for notebooks w ithout radio device .............................. 87
DOC (Industry CANADA) notices . . . . ................................................. 89
FCC regulatory information for notebooks with radio device . . . .......................... 90
Index .................................................................................. 93
6 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Innovative techn ology
Innovative technology
... and ergonomic design make your device a reliable and convenient companion.
The device bo ots very quickly, is read y for immediate use and offers a particularly
long operating time because of its high capacity battery.
With the user-friendly " BIOS Setup Utility" y ou can control your notebook’s hardware and better
protect your system against unauthorised access by using the powerful passw ord properties.
Information on the connections and user components o f your notebook can
be fo und in "
Ports and operati ng elements", Pag e 9.
Further information
The Windows drivers for your device can be found on our Internet site.
The factory installation of your device does not support any other operating
system. Fujitsu Technology Solutions accept s no liability whatsoever
if any other operating system is use d.
Software oriented components of these instructions refer to Microso ft products,
if they come within the scope of the delivery.
If you install other software products, pay attention to the operating
instructions of the manufacturer.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 7
Innovative technology
Notational conventions
Pay p articu lar attention to text marked with this symbol. Failure to observe
these wa rnings could pose a risk to health, damage the device or lead
to loss of data. The w arranty will be i nvalidated if the device becomes
defective through failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates importan t informa
tion for the proper use of the device.
Indicates an activity that must be performed
Indicates a result
This font
indicates data entered
using the keyboard in a program dialogue or at
the c ommand line, e.g.
your password (Name123) or a command used to
start a program (star
This font
indicates information that is disp layed on the screen by a program , e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This font
terms and texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This font"
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external source, e.g. a web address: For more
information, go to "
Names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations for other materials,
e.g.: " CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or " Sa fety/Regulations" manual
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This font
indicates terms and texts that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do
not switch off the d evice
8 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Ports and operating elements
Ports and operating elements
This chapte r presents the individual hardware component s of your device. It give s
an overview of the indicators and po rts of the device. Please familiarise yourself with
these components before you start to work with the device.
1 = WebCam (optional)
2 = WebCam L
ED (optional)
3 = Loudspeakers
tick (optional)
5 = Status indicators
cation buttons
7 = ON/OFF switch
us indicators
9 = Headphones and microphone port
10 = ON/O FF s
witch for radio compon ents
11 = M emory card slot
12 = Finger
print sensor (optional)
13 = Touchpad buttons
14 = Touch
15 = Microphone (op tional)
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 9
Ports a nd operating elements
Left side
4 561
1 = Security Lock device
2 = VGA monitor port
3 = DisplayPort
4 = Combined eSATA/USB port
5 = USB port
6 = ExpressCard slot
7 = SmartCard r eader
Right side
2 3
1 = Optical drive
2 = USB port (
lower port has charging function)
3 = Modem connection (optional)
4 = DC input c
onnector (DC IN)
10 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Ports and operating elements
1 = Serial port (E751 / E78
2 = LAN port
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 11
Ports a nd operating elements
service compartment
2 = Battery release
3 = Recharg
eable battery
4 = Port Replicator port
5 = Memory se
rvice compartment
6 = Battery release
tion slot cover
12 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Important notes
Important notes
This chapter contains essential safety information which mu st be followed
when working with your notebook. O ther notes also provide useful information
which will help you with your notebook.
Safety notes
Please follow the safet y notes provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual
as well as the safety notes give n below.
Please pay special attention to the sections in the m anual marked
with the symbol on the left.
When connecting and disconnecting cables, observe the relevant
notes in this operating manual.
Read the information on the ambient conditions i n the "
Technical da ta",
Page 84 and "First-time setup of your device", Page 16 before preparing your
notebook for use and switching it on for the rst time.
When cleaning the device, please observe the relevant notes in the
section "
Cleaning the no tebook", Page 15.
Pay attention to the additional safety notes for devices with radio co mponents
provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual.
Please re fer to the notes in the chapter "
Removing and install ing
components during servicing", Page 68.
This notebook
complies with the relevant safety regulations for data processing
equipment. I
f you have questions a bout using your notebook in a particular area,
please conta
ct your sales outlet o r our Hotline/Service Desk.
Additional safety notes for devices with
radio components
Radiocomponent :WirelessLAN:Bluetooth,safetynotes
If a radio component (Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, UMTS) is integrated in your notebook, you
must be sure to observe the following safety notes when using y our not ebook:
Switch off the radio components when you are in an aircraft or driving in a car.
Switch off the radio components when you are in a hospital, an operating room or near a medical
electronics system. The transmitted radio waves can impair the operation of medical devices.
Switch off the radio components when you let the device get near ammable
gases or into hazardous environments (e.g. petrol station, paintshops), as the
transmitted radio waves can cause an explosion or a re.
For information on how to switch radio components on and off, see chapter
Switch ing the wireless components on and off", Page 47.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 13
Important notes
Energy saving
Switch the notebook off when it is not in use. Switch off extern al, connected devices if you
are not using them. If you use the energy saving functions, the notebook uses less energy.
You will then be able to work for longer before having to recharge the battery.
Energy efciency is increased and the environmental impact is reduced .
You save money while protecting the environment.
Energy saving under Windows
Make use of the power mana gement features (see ""Using the power-management features",
Page 39").
Travelling w ith you
MobileoperationNotesTransp ortatio nNotebook
Please observe th e points listed below when travelling with your notebook.
Before you travel
Back up important data stored on your hard disk.
Switch off the radio component for data security reason s. With data trafc via a wireless
connection, it is also po ssible for unauthorised third parties to receive data.
Information on activating data encryption is provided in the documentation
for your radio component.
If you wish to use your notebook during a ight, rst check with the ight
attendants if it is OK to do so.
When travelling in other countries
If you are travelling abroad, check that the mains adapter can be operated with the
local mains voltage. I f this is n ot the case, obtain the appropriate m ains adapter for
your notebook. Do not use any other voltage converter!
Check whether the local mains voltage and the power cable are compatible. If this is
not the case, buy a power cable that matches the local con ditions.
Enquire with the corresponding government ofce of t he country you will be
travelling in as to whether you may op erate the radio compon ent integrated in
your notebook there (see also "
CE marking", Page 87).
14 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Important notes
Notebook: transporting
Protect the noteboo k from severe shocks and extreme temp eratures
(e.g. direct sunlight in a car).
If your device has an optical drive, remove all data media (e.g. C D, DVD) from the drives.
Switch the notebook off.
Unplug the mains adapter and all external devices from the pow er socket.
Disconnect the ma ins adapter cable and the data cables for all extern al devices.
Close the LCD screen.
To protect against damaging jolts and bumps, use a notebook carrying
case to transport your notebook.
Cleaning the notebo
Do not clean any interior parts yourself; leave this job to a service technician.
Only use cleaning products designed for computers. Normal household
cleaners and polishes can damage the markings on the keyboard and the
device, the paintwork or the notebook itself.
Ensure that no liquid enters the noteboo k.
The LCD screen very sensitive to s cratches. Only clean the display
surface with a very soft, slightly damp cloth.
Switch the notebook off.
CleaningNotesNotebo okKeyboardTouchpadLCDscreenCrystalView
In order to prevent accidentially switching the device on, remove the power cable from the mains
adaptor and remo ve the battery (se e "
Removing and installing the bat tery", Page 32).
The surface c
an be cleaned with a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a cloth which has
been moiste
ned in m ild domestic detergent and t hen carefully wrung out.
To clean the keyboard and the touchpad, if available, you can use disinfectant wipes.
Ensure that no liquid enters the device.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 15
First-time s etup of your device
First-time setup of your devic
First- timese tupGettingstarted
Please read the chapte r "Important notes", Page 13.
If your device is equipped with a Windows operating system, the necessary
hardware drivers an d supplied software are already pre-installed.
Before you switch on the device for the rst time, connect it to the mains voltage
using the mains adapter, see "
Mains adapter connecting", Page 17.Themains
adapter must be conne cted during the entire installation process.
A system test is performed when your device is rst switched on. Various messages
can a ppear. The display may remain dark for a short time or may icker.
Please follow the instructions on the screen.
NEVER switch off your device during the rst-time setup process.
On delivery, the battery can be found in the battery compartment or in the accessories kit.
The battery must be charged if you want to operate y our device using the battery.
When used on the move, the bu ilt-in battery provides the device with the necessary power. You
can increase the operating time by using the available energy-saving functions.
For instructions on how to connect external devices (e.g. mouse, printer) to your
device, please refer to the operating manual for your device.
Unpacking and
checking the device
Should you discover any damage that occurred during transportation,
notify your local sales outlet immediately!
Unpack all the individual parts.
Check your
device for any visible damage which may have occurred during transportation.
You may ne
ed the packaging in the future, if you need to transport your device.
16 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
First-time setup of your device
Selecting a location
SelectingalocationDeviceMains adapter
Select a s uitable locat ion for the device before setting it up. Follow
the instructions below when doing so:
Never place the device or the mains adapter on a heat-sensitive surface.
The surface could be damaged as a result.
Never place the device on a soft surface (e.g. carpeting, upholstered furniture,
bed). T his can block the air vents and cause overheating and damage.
The underside of the device heats up during norma l operation. Prolon ged contact
with the skin may become unpleasant or even result in burns.
Place the device on a stable, at, no n-slippery surface. Please note that the
rubber feet of the device may mark certain types of delicate surfaces.
Keep other objects at least 100 mm away from the device and its
mains adapter to ensure adequate ventilation.
Never cover the ventilation slots of the device.
Do not expose the d evice t o extreme environmental cond itions. Protect
the device from dust, humidity, and heat.
Mains adapter connecting
Preparingforo perationMainsadapter
Observe the safety notes in the enclosed "Safety/Regulations" manual.
The supplied power cable conforms to the requirements of the country in
which you purchased your device. Make sure that t he power cable is approved
for use in the country in which you intend to use it.
Connect the power cable (1) to the
mains adapter.
Plug the mains cable (2) into a mains outlet.
Connect the mains adapter cable (3) to
the DC jack (DC IN) of the device.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 17
First-time s etup of your device
Switching on the device for the rst time
Switchingonfortherst time
On devices with ON/OFF switch for wireless components: Slide the ON/OFF switch
for wireless components to the ON position before switching on the device.
When you switch on the device for the rst time, the supplied software is
installed and congured. Because this procedure must not be interrupted,
you should set aside enough time for it to be fully completed and connect
the device to the ma ins using the mains adapter.
During the installation process, DO NOT restart the device unless
you are requested to do so!
To make it easier to use y
our device for the rst time, the operating system
is pre-installed on th
e hard disk.
Switch on your device.
During installation, follow the instructions on screen.
If a Windows operating system is installed on your device, you will nd more
information on the system and drivers, help programmes, updates, manuals etc.
on the device or on the Internet at "
http://ts.fujitsu .com/support".
18 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Working with the notebook
Notebook,operati onNotebook
This chapter describes the basics for operating your notebook. Please read the chapter
entitled "
Connecting external devices", Page 61 for instructions on how to connect
devices such as a mouse and a printer to the not ebook.
Please refer to the notes in "Important notes", Page 13.
Status indicators
Statusindicator panel
The stat us indicators provide information about the status of the power supply,
the drives and the keyboard functions.
Indicator Description
Power-on indicat or
The indicator is illuminated: The notebook is switched on.
The indicator ashes (1 second on/1 second off): The notebook is in power
saving mode.
The indicator is not illuminated: The notebook is switched off or is in
Save-to-Disk mode.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 19
Working with the noteboo k
Indicator Description
Battery charging indicator
The indicator lights up green: The mains adapter is connected and the installed
battery or batteries are already f u lly charged, or no battery is installed.
The indicator lights up orange: The mains adapter is connected and the
installed battery or batteries are be ing charged.
The indicator ashes orange: The mains adapter is connected and the installed
battery or batteries cannot be charged (the battery is too hot for c harging).
The indicator is not illuminated: The mains adapter is not connected.
First battery indicator
The indicator lights up green: The rst battery is charged to between 51% and
100% of maximum capacity.
The indicator slowly ashes green (1 second on/5 seconds off): The notebook
is in suspend mode and power is being supplied by t he rst battery. The rst
battery is charged to between 51% and 100% of ma ximum capacity.
The indicator lights up orange: The mains adapter is connected and the rst
battery is being charged. The rst battery is charged to betwee n 13% and
50% of maximum capacity.
The indicator slowly ashes orange (1 second on/5 seconds off): The noteboo k
is in suspend mode and power is being supplied by t he rst battery. The rst
battery is charged to between 13% and 50% of maximum capacity.
The indicator ashes orange (for four seconds after installing the battery): The
battery charge level is being checked.
The indicator lights up red: The mains adapter is connected and the rst
battery is being charged. The rst battery is charged to between 0% and 12%
of maximum capacity.
The indicator slowly ashes red (1 second on/5 seconds off): Th e notebook
is in suspend mode and power is being supplied by t he rst battery. The rst
battery is charged to between 0% and 12 % of maximum capacity.
The indicator ashes red (1 second on/1 second off). Malfunction.
The indicator is not illuminated: The rst battery is not installed or is not charged.
20 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Indicator Description
Second battery indicator
The indicator lights up green: The second battery is charged to between 51%
and 100% of its capacity.
The indicator slowly ashes green (1 second o n /5 seconds off): The notebook
is in suspend mode and power is being supplied by the second battery. The
second battery is charged to between 51% an d 100% of its capacity.
The indicator lights up orange: The mains adapter is connected and the second
battery is being charged. The second battery is charged to between 13% and
50% of its capacity.
The indicator slowly ashes orange (1 second o n/5 seconds off): The notebook
is in suspend mode and power is being supplied by the second battery. The
second battery is charged to be tween 13% and 50% of its capacity.
The indicator ashes orange (for four seconds a fter installing the battery): The
battery charge level is being checke d.
The indicator lights up red: The ma ins adapter is connected and the second
battery is being charged. The second battery is charged to between 0% and
12% of its capacity.
The indicator slowly ashes red (1 second on/5 seconds off): The notebook
is in suspend mode and power is being supplied by the second battery. The
second battery is charged to between 0% and 12% of its c apacity.
The indicator ashes red (1 second on/1 second off). Malfunction.
The indicator is not illuminated: The second battery is n ot installed or is not
Energy sa ving f
unctions indicator
The indicator
is illuminated: The energy saving functions are enabled (e.g.
reduce screen
The indicator is not illuminated: The energy saving functions have b een
Drive indicator
The indicator is illuminated: The hard disk drive or the CD/DVD in the optical drive
of the notebook is being accessed.
Num Lock indicator
IndicatorNumLoc k
The indicator is illuminated: The
key has been pressed. T he virtual
numerical keypad is activated. You can output th e characters indicated on the
upper right of the keys.
Caps Lock indicator
The indicator is illuminated: The Caps Lock key has been pressed. All the
characters you type will appear in upper case. In the case of overlay keys, the
character printed on the upper left of the key will appear wh en that key is pressed.
Scroll Lock indicato r
The indicator is illuminated: The key combination
has been pressed. The
effect that this key has varies between applications.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 21
Working with the noteboo k
Switching on the notebook
Open the LCD screen.
Press the ON /OFF switch for about one
second to switch the notebook on.
The power-on indicator is lit.
Notebook: switching off
Back up your data and close all applications before you switch off your
device. Otherwise data might be lost.
Shut down the operating system properly
(e. g. from th e Windows Start menu, by
clicking on Start Shut Down OK).
If the notebook is not switche d off
automatically, press the ON/OFF switch
for approx. ve seconds.
Close the LCD screen.
22 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
KeyboardNumerickeypadNumeric keypadButtons
The keyboard of y our notebook is subject to continuous w ear through normal
use. The key markings are especially prone to wear. The key markings are
liable to wear away over the life of the notebook.
The keyboard has been desig
ned to provide all the functions of an enhanced keyboard.
Some enhanced keyboard fun
ctions are mapped with k ey combinations.
The following descriptio
n of keys refers to W indows. Additional funct ions supported by the keys
are described in the relev
ant manuals supplied with your application programs.
The gure below shows how
to access the different characters on keys with ove rlaid functions.
The example applies when
the Caps Lock key has not been activated.
The illustrations show
n below may differ from your actual device.
Alt Gr
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 23
Working with the noteboo k
Key Description
Backspace key
The Backspace key deletes the charact er to the left of the curso r.
Tab key
The Tab key m o ves the cursor to
the next tab stop.
Enter key (return)
The Enter key terminates
a command line. The command you have entered
is executed when you pres
s this key.
Caps Lock key
The Caps Lock key activates the Caps Lock mode, and the corresponding
icon is displayed in th e Windows information area. In Caps Lock mode, all
of the characters you type appear in upper case. In the case of overlay
keys, the character printed on the upper left of the key will appear when
that key is pressed. To cancel the Ca ps Lock function, simply press the
Caps Lock key again.
ShiftkeyCap s Lock
Shift key
The Shift key ca
uses uppercase characters to appear. In the case of overlay
keys, the chara
cter printed on the upper left of the key appears when that
Fn button
key en abl
es the special functions indicated on overlay keys (see
Key combina
tions", Page 25).
Cursor keys
The cursor
keys move the cursor in the direction of the arro w, i.e. up, down,
left, or ri
Start key
The Start
key opens the Windows Start menu.
Menu key
The Menu key invokes the menu for the ma rked item.
24 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Virtual numeric keypad
NumerickeypadVirtu al numericke ypadNumLock
To provide the convenience of a numeric keypad, your keyboard is equipped w ith a virtual
numeric keypad. The special keys of the virtual numeric keypad are re cognisable by the numbers
and symbo ls printed in the upper right corner of each key. If you have switched on the virtual
numeric keypad, you can outp ut the ch aracters shown on the upper right of the keys.
The keyboard layout shown below may differ from y our actual device.
1 = Valid characters when the
key is not activated
2 = Valid characters w hen the
is activated
Further information about the s tatus indicators can be found in chapter "
Status indicators", Page 19.
The virtual numeric keypad is not supported if you have order th e 10-ke y option.
Key combinations
The following description of key combinations refers to fu nctions when using
Microsoft Windows. Some of the following key combinations may not function in
other operating systems and with some device drivers.
Key combinations are entered as follows:
Press and hold the rst key in the combination.
While holding the rst key down, press the oth er key or k eys in the combination.
The key combination
Alt Gr
external keyboards that do not not feature a
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 25
Working with the noteboo k
Combination Description
Enable/disable loudspeakers
Fn+F3Lo udspeakersLoudspeakers
This key combination s witch es y
our notebook’s loudspeakers off
and on.
Switching the touchpad on/of
This key combination enables
and disables the touchpad.
Decrease screen brightness
Fn+F6Scr eenbrightness
This key comb ination decreases the brightness of the screen.
Increase screen b rightnes s
Fn+F7Scr eenbrightness
This key combination increases the brightness of the screen.
Decrease volume
Fn+F8Vo lume
This key combination reduces th e volume of the integrated
Volume increase
Fn+F9Vo lume
This key combination raises the volume of the integrated
Togg le output screen
If an external monitor is connected, the monitor on w hich the output is
to be displayed can be selected with th is key combination.
just the notebook’s LCD screen
just the external monitor
both the LCD screen and the external monitor
Halt current operation
This key combination can be used to halt an operation instantly
without clearing the keyboard buffer.
Switch be
tween open applications
With this
key c ombination you can switch between several open
Windows Security/Ta sk Manager
This key combination o pens the Windows Security/Task Manager
Back tab
This key c ombination moves the cursor back to the previous tabular
26 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Key combinations using the Window s keys are detailed in the manual
for your operating system.
Country and keyboard setting
If you want to change the country and keyboard settings, proceed as follows:
Enter the se ttings by clicking Start (Settings) Control Panel Time, Regional and Language Options.
Application keys
Your notebook is equipp
ed with ve application keys.
All application butt
ons are freely programmable, see "
the applicatio n keys
", Page 28.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 27
Working with the noteboo k
Button D escription
Lock Workstation key
This key allows you to lock your workstation.
Mobility C enter key
This button star ts the Mobili
ty Center.
The E key is a simple way of activating and deactivating power management fu nctions
(e.g. reduce screen brightness), see "
Using the power-management features", Pag e 39.
I key
With the I key, you can obtain further information about your notebook.
Press this button while in S5 mo de to display the remaining battery power indicator:
Red: Minimum battery power
Amber: M edium battery power
Green: Medium to full battery power
Wireless Components key
This application key is used to start the WirelessSelector software. The wireless
components that have been activated in the BIOS Setup canbeswitchedonandoff
Programming the application keys
With the Application Panel you can assign various functions to the ap plication keys.
Windows XP
You will nd the Application Panel under Start - (Setting s ) - Cont rol Panel - Additional
Control Panel Options - Application Panel.
Windows Vista and Windows 7:
You will nd the App lica tion Panel und er Start symbol - Programs - Lifebook Application Panel.
28 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Touchpad and touchpad buttons
Keep the touchpad c lean. Prote ct it from dirt, liquids and grease.
Do not use the touchpad if you r ngers are dirty.
Do not rest heavy objects (e.g. books) on the touchpad or the touchpad buttons.
1 = TouchStick (* optional)
2 = Touchpad
3 = Touchpad buttons
4 = Fingerprint sensor (* optional)
The touchpad enable
s you to move the mouse pointer on the screen.
The touchpad butto
ns allow you to select and execute commands. They correspond
to the button s on a c
onventional mouse.
ombination to disable the touchpa d, t o avoid accidentally moving
the pointer o n th
Key combinations" , Page 25).
Moving the pointer
Move your nger on the touchpad.
Press down gently with your nger on the TouchStick. If you want to move the pointer
to the left for example, press down gently on the left side of the To uchStick.
The pointer will move.
Selecting an item
Move the pointer to the item you wish to select.
Tap the touchpad once o r press the left button once.
The item is selected.
ing c ommands
Mov e the pointer to the eld you wish to select.
Ta p t h
e touchpad twice or press the left button twice.
The command is executed.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 29
Working with the noteboo k
Dragging items
Select the desired item.
Press and hold the left button and drag the item to the desired position
with the nger on the touchpad.
The item will be moved.
LCD screen
High-quality TFT displays are installed in notebooks from Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH. For
technical reasons, TFT monitors are manufactured for a specic resolution. An optimal, clear
picture can only be ensured with the correct resolution intended for the relevant TFT monitor. A
monitor resolution which differs from the specication can result in an unclear picture.
The screen resolution of the LCD monitor of your notebook is optimally set at the factory.
The standard of production techniques today cannot guarantee an absolutely fault-free screen
display. A few isolated constant lit or unlit pixels (picture elements) may be present. The maximum
permitted number of pixels faults is stipulated in the international standard ISO 9241-3 (Class II).
A m onitor with a resolution of 1280 x 800 has 1280 x 800 = 1024000 pixels. Each pixel consists of
three subpixels (red, green and blue), so there are almost 3 million subpixels in total. According to
ISO 9241-3 (class II), a maximum of 2 light and 2 dark pixels and an additional 5 light or 10 dark
subpixels or a corresponding mix may be defective (1 light subpixel counts as 2 dark subpixels).
A pixel consists
of 3 subpixels, normally red, green and
blue. A pixel is t
he smallest element that can be generated
by complete fun
ctionality of the display.
A subpixel is a
separately addressable internal structure
within a pixel
that enhances the pixel function.
Cluster A cluster contains two or more defective pixels or
subpixels in a 5 x 5 pixel block.
TFT monito
rs are ope rated w ith background lighting. The luminosity of th e background
lighting c
an decre ase during the period of use of the notebook. However, you can
set the br
ightness of your monitor individually.
ising the display o n the LCD screen and an external monitor
For more
information, please refer to the c hapter "
Key combinations", Page 25
under "D
isplay output, switch between".
30 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Depending on the device v ariant, a WebCam may be integrated in your notebook.
Depending on the software u
sed, you can use y our Webcam to take pictures,
record video clips or take p
art in web chats.
The picture quality depen
ds on the lighting conditions and the software being used.
You can only operate the webcam with a particular application (e.g. an Internet telepho ny
program or a video conferencing program which supports a webcam).
When using the webcam the
notebook support must not wobble.
The webcam automatically adjusts itself to the current light level. For this reason
the LCD screen may icker while the light level is adjusted.
Further information on using th e webcam and on the additional settings
which are po ssible f or your webcam can be found in the help function
of the program w hich uses the webcam.
If you wish to carry o ut a function test with your webcam, y ou can use the
corresponding test software available at "
http://ts.fujitsu .com/support/".
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 31
Working with the noteboo k
Rechargeable battery
When not plugged into a ma ins socket, the notebook runs on its built-in ba ttery. You
can increase the life of the battery by caring for t he battery properly. The average
battery life is around 500 charge/discharge cycles.
You can extend the battery life by taking advantage of the available energy saving functions.
Charging, caring for and maintaining the battery
The notebook battery can only be charged, when the ambient temperature
is between 5°C and max. 35°C.
You can charge the battery by conne cting the notebook to the mains adap ter
(see "
Mains adapter connecting", Page 17).
If the battery is runn ing low you will hear a warning alarm. If you do not connect t he mains adapter
within ve minutes of the warning alarm described above, your notebook will auto matically switch off.
monitoring the battery charging level
Windows also has a "Batte ry status meter" in the taskbar for monitoring the battery capacity. When
you place the mouse pointer on the battery symbol, the system displays the battery status.
Battery storage
Keep the battery pack between 0°C and +30°C. The lower the temperature at which
the batteries are stored, the lower the rate of self-discharge.
If you will be storing batteries for a longer period (longer than two months),
the battery charge level s hould be appro x. 30 %. To prevent exhaustive
discharge which would pe rmanen tly damage the battery, check the level
of charge of the battery at regular intervals.
To be able to make use of the optimal charging capacity of the batteries, the battery
should be completely discharged and then fully recharged.
If you do not use the batteries for long periods, remove them from the
notebook. N ever store the batteries in the device.
Removing and installing the battery
Only use
rechargeable batteries approved by Fujitsu Technology
ns for your notebook.
Never us
e force when tting or removing a battery.
Make su
re that no foreign bodies get into the battery connections.
Never s
tore a battery for longer periods in the discharged state. This
can ma
ke it impossible to recharge.
32 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Removing a battery
Prepare for removal, see chapter "Preparing to remove components", Page 69.
Slide the release button in the direction of the arrow (1) and hold it in place.
Slide the release button in direction of the arrow (2).
Remov e the battery fr om the battery compartme n t (3).
Installing a battery
Position the battery at the edge.
Insert the battery into the battery compartment until it engages positively (1).
Slide the release button in the direction of the arrow (2).
Complete the removal, see chapter "
Finishing component removal" , P age 74.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 33
Working with the noteboo k
The design of y our notebook ena bles the exible use of notebook batteries and drives. The
following modules can be operated in the module bay of your notebook:
Second batt e ry
Second hard disk drive
Optical drive
Empty plug-in unit (save weight)
Only use modules designed for your notebook.
Do not use force when installing or removing the module.
Make sure that no foreign objects en ter the module bay.
You can swap modules during operation. This means you do not
need to switch off the notebook.
To replace a module, simply click on the corresponding icon in the
task bar and then on Exit or Select - Exit.
The module can now be removed without any further a ctions being necessary.
Removing a module
ModuleDriveWei ghtSaver
Pull the unlocking lever in the direction of the arrow (1).
Now pu
ll the module out of the module bay (2).
34 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Installing a module
Place the m odule into the module bay so that the contacts enter rst.
Push the module into the module bay until you feel it locking into place.
Optical drive
This product conta ins a light emitting diode, classied in accordance with IEC
8251:1993: LASER CLASS 1, and must therefore not be opened.
Handling data carriers
Observe the following guidelines when ha ndling data carriers:
Avoid touching the surface of a data carrier. Only handle data carriers by their edges.
Always store data carriers in their cases. This will protect the data carrier against
being covered in dust, scratch ed or damaged in any other way.
Protect your data carriers aga inst dust, mechanical vibrations and direct sunlight.
Avoid storing a data carrier in areas subject to high temperatures or humidity.
You may use both 8-cm and 12-cm data carriers in the optical drive.
When using a data carrier of lesser quality, vibrations and reading errors may occur.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 35
Working with the noteboo k
CD/DVD indicator
The CD/DVD indicator ashes when a data carrier is inserted. The indicator goes out when
the drive is ready for reading. The indicator lights up when the drive is being accessed.
You may only remove the data carrier when the indicator is unlit.
If the CD/DVD indica tor does not go o ut after a data carrier has b een inserted, but
instead continues to a sh, this means that the drive cannot access the data carrier.
Either the data carrier is damaged or dirty or y ou are using a data
carrier that the drive cannot read.
Inserting or removing a data carrier
The notebook must be switched on.
Push the insert/eject button (1).
The drive tray will open.
Gently pull the drive tray (2) completely out.
Place the data carrier in the drive tray with
the printed side facing upwards.
Remove a data carrier that has
been inserted.
Push in the drive tray until you
feel it lock into place.
36 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Manual removal (emergency removal)
CD/DVD:ManualremovalofdatacarrierEmergencyrem ovalofdata carrier
In the event of a power failure or damage to the drive, you can remove the data carrier manually.
Switch your notebook off.
Push a pen or a piece of wire (such as a
paperclip) rmly into the opening (1).
The drive tray is ejected. You can now pull
the drive tray (2) o ut of the drive.
Removing and tting the dust removal cover
(ventilation slot cover)
In order to ensure opt imum cooling of the components in your notebook, you
should periodically clean the v entilation slot of the heatsink.
This ensures optimum fan performance. You can a chieve the best cleaning
results with a small hand-held vacuum cleaner.
If necessary, you can also use a dry brush to release dust from the ventilation slots.
Do no t use any cleaning liquids! Ensure that no liquid enters the device.
To avoid overheating of the device, do not remove the ventilation slot
cover when the device is switched on.
Prepare for
removal, see chapte r "
Preparing to remove components", Page 69.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 37
Working with the noteboo k
Press and hold the lock of the ventilation
slot cover (1) and remove it from its slot ( 2).
Clean the dust chamber.
Insert the ventilation slot cover into the
slot (1) at an angle as shown, and ensure
that you feel it click into place.
Complete the removal, see chapter
Finishin g component remov al", Page 74.
38 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Using the power-managem ent features
The notebook uses less power when the available power-managemen t features are used. You
will then be able to work longer when using the battery before having to recharge it.
Power efciency is increased and environ mental pollution reduced . By
choosing the best power options, you can make s ignicant savings and
at the same time help protect the environment.
When you close the LCD screen, depen ding on the setting in Window s, the
notebook au tomatically enters a power saving mode.
We recommend the following settings:
Function On external po wer On battery power
Turn off monitor After 10 minutes After 5 minutes
Turn off hard disk(s) After 15 minutes After 10 minutes
Energy saving (S3) After 20 minutes After 15 m inutes
Hibernate mode (S
After 1 hour After 30 minutes
Select the power ma
nagement functions in your Control P ane l.
Select the Screen Saver in your Control Panel.
Right-click on the desktop. Switch on the screen saver by clicking Personalization
Change screen saver.
If you need further information about an option, you can get help with most
settings by pre ssing
to open the Microsoft Help.
When the notebook is in power-saving mode, the following must be remembered:
During power saving mode, open les are held in the main memory
orinaswaple on the hard disk.
Never turn off your notebook while it is in a power saving mode. If the built-in battery is
nearly empty, close the open les and do not go into power saving mode.
If you do not intend to use your notebook for a long period of t ime:
Exit power saving mode if necessary via the mouse or keyboard or by switching on the
Close all opened progra ms and completely shut down the notebook.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 39
Working with the noteboo k
Memory cards
Your notebook is equipped with an integrated m emory card reader.
Observe the manufacturer’s instructions when handling the memory ca rds.
Supported formats
Your notebook su pports the following formats:
Secure Digital (SD
Inserting the memory card
Carefully slide the memory card into the
slot. T he label should be facing upward. Do
not apply excessive force, as otherwise the
delicate contact surfaces could be damaged.
Depending on the particular type
used, the memory card may protrude
slightly from the slot.
40 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Removing the memory card
In order to protect your data, always follow th e correct procedure
for removing the card outlined below.
You can stop the memory card via the corresponding icon in the task bar:
Left-click on the icon.
Select the card you want to stop and remove.
Press the Enter key.
Wait for the dialogue box which tells you that it is now safe to remove the m emory card.
On devices with card locking: Press
on the storage card (1).
The storage card is released and
can now be removed.
Pull the s torage card out of the slot (2).
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 41
Working with the noteboo k
SlotExpressCar d
An ExpressCard s lot enables operation of an ExpressCard/34 or ExpressCard/54.
Consult the documentation supplied by the ExpressCard’s m anufacturer
and fo llow the instructions provided.
Never use force when installing or removing an ExpressCard.
Make sure that no foreign objects enter the ExpressCard slot.
Inserting the card
Keep the placeholder for the slot in a safe place. When you remove the card again you
must reinstall the placeholder. This prevents foreign bodies from getting into the slot.
If the eject button (1) is recessed, press it
once so that it d isengages. Now p ress the
eject button again so that the placeholder
protrudes slightly from the notebook.
eholder out of the slot (2).
Insert the car
d into the slot guide with
the connecti
on contacts rst.
Gently push the card into the slot either
until it will go no further or you feel it
engage. Do n ot use excessive force.
on the type, the card may
protrude s
lightly from the slot.
Please s ee the documentation relating to the card for driver installation inst ructions.
42 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Removing the card
Always remove the card accord ing to the rules described below, to
ensure that none of your data is lost.
You can stop the card using the corresponding icon in the task bar:
Left click on the icon to safely remove hardware, located in the taskbar.
Select the card you want to stop and remove.
Press the "Enter" key.
Wait fo r the dialog box which tells you that it is now safe to remove the card.
If the eject button is lowered, you must
rst cause the eject button to release
from the notebook casing. To do this,
press the eject button until it pops out.
Press the eject button (1) so that the card
protrudes a little fro m the notebook.
Pull the card out of the slot (2).
Insert the card placeholder into the
slot guide.
Carefully slide the placeholder for the
Do not use excessive force.
Loudspeakers and microphones
dspeaker(subw oo fer)
Volume c
ion on the exact position of the speakers and microphone can b e found
in "
s and operating ele ments", Page 9.
Please r
efer to chapter "
Key combinati ons", P age 25 for information on setting the volume
and also
enabling/disabling th e loudspeakers using key combinations.
If you a
ttach an external microphone, the built-in microphone is disabled.
When yo
u connect headphones or external speakers, th e built-in speake rs are disabled.
mation on connecting headphones and a m icrophone can be found
in "
nnecting external devices", Page 61.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 43
Working with the noteboo k
Integrated 56k modem
Whether or not your device has a 56k modem depends on the device
conguration you have ordered.
The integrated 56k modem supports all data commun ication applications, such as:
Modem operation: High-spee d downloads at up to 56,000 bit/s (V.9x).
Downward-compatible to V.34 m odems.
Fax operation: Transmitting and receiving at up to 14,400 bit/s
Simple software-based country adaptations
The modem complies with the EU Dire ctive 91/263/EEC (Telecommunications terminal equipment
directive) and has been checked in agreement with the guideline TBR-21.
The modem can be operated in the following countries:
Multifrequency (MFC) dialling: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France,
Greece, G reat Britain, Holland, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norw ay,
Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and Spain.
Pulse dialling: Belgium, France, Holland and Italy.
Also in: Poland, Slovenia, South Africa and Hungary.
44 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Connecting notebook modem t o telephone wall socket
If yo u use a modem, incompatibilities with the local telephone system may result.
This may result in poor performance, or the modem may not work at all.
Check whet her you need a country-specic telephone adapter (available
as an optional accessory).
The modem cable and the coun try-specic telephone adapte r are not included
in delivery. You can order these as an option.
Please note that the telephone line is busy and that you cannot use your
telephone if th e modem cable is plugged into the telephone wall socket. Pull the
modem cable out of the telephone socket after you have nished your internet
session or the fax mode and re connect the telephone cable.
Connect the modem cable to the modem
port of the notebook (1).
Plug the modem cable (
2) into the
lephone adapte r (3).
Connect the modem cable to your
telephone wall socket (4).
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 45
Working with the noteboo k
SIM card
A SIM Card (Subscriber Identity M odule) is a chip card which is inserted in a mobile telephone or
notebook to enable access to a mobile radio network in conjunction with an installed UMTS module.
Follow the instructions supplied by the provider of the SIM ca rd.
The SIM card slot is located in the battery compartment and can only
be accessed when the battery is removed.
Inserting the SIM card
Prepare for insertion of the SIM card, see chapter "Preparing to remove components", Page 69.
Slide the SIM card into the slot (1)
until it is felt to engage, as shown in
the battery compar tm ent.
Slide the SIM card lock (a) in the
direction of the a rrow (2).
Complete the in
stallation, see chapter "
Finishin g component removal", Page 74.
Removing a SIM card
Prepare for removal of the SIM card, see c hapter "Pre paring to remove components", Pag e 69.
Slide the SIM card lock (a) in the
direction of the a rrow (1).
Press on the edge of the SIM card so that
it jumps up slightly out of the slot.
Pull the SIM card out of the slot in the
direction of the a rrow (2).
te the removal, see chapter "
Finishin g component removal", P age 74.
46 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Wireless LAN/ Bluetooth (device-dependent) /
UMTS (device-dependent)
The installation of a radio components not approved by Fujitsu Technolo gy
Solutions will invalidate the certications issu ed for this device.
Switching the wireless components on and off
Before switching on your device for the rst time, the on/off switch for
radio components must be in the "ON" positio n.
Slide the ON /OFF switch into the "ON"
position to activate the radio components.
WirelessLA NWirele ssLANBl ue toothBluetooth
Slide the ON/OFF sw
itch to the
"OFF" position to
deactivate the
radio components
If you switch off the radio components, the wire less LAN transmission unit (antenna)
and, if present, the Bluetooth and UMTS module will also be switch ed off.
You can enable and disable the installed radio components individually
using the WirelessSelector programme
You can also deactivate the wireless components individually in the BIOS Setup.
For this to occur, you must either not have assigned a supervisor password or if a
supervisor password has been assigned, you must know this password.
Pay attention to the additional safety notes for devices with radio co mponents
provided in the "Safety/Regulations" manual.
Details on using Wireless LAN can be found in the online help system
included in the Wireless LAN software.
You can nd more information on how to use Bluetooth on the CD you
received with your Bluetooth software.
You can obtain more information on UMTS from your service provider.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 47
Working with the noteboo k
Setting up WLAN access
Requirement: A WLAN must be available and you must have the
corresponding access informa tion.
Information on conguring the WLAN access can be found in the
documentation for your op erating system.
Access via UMTS
If you have ordered an integrated UMTS module with y our system, you ca n en joy the
best reception and maximum energy efciency, without any disruptive cables or aerials.
The optional UMTS module is ready for use immediately.
If you have not ordered a UMTS module, you can pu rchase the accessories for UMTS reception
from specialised dealers or from your Fujitsu Technology Solutions dealer.
You will nd information on establishing the connection with the UMTS network
in the documentation for the hardware used.
Your device can connect with the Internet via UMTS. To do this, use one of
the following types of con nect ion:
an integrated UMTS module (depending on your model variant)
a USB dongle (a USB stick with your mobile ph one provider’s SIM card)
a UMTS ExpressCard (to be inserted in the ExpressC a rd slot of your device)
a mobile end-device (e.g. mobile phone with Bluetooth or cable connection)
Ethernet and LAN
The internal network module of y our notebook supports Ethernet LAN. You can use it to
establish a connection to a local ne twork (LAN = Local Area Network).
Connect the network cable to the LAN
port of the notebook (1).
Connect the ne twork cable to your
network connection (2).
Your n
etwork administrator can help you to congure and use the LAN connections.
The n
etwork cable is not included in the delivery scope. This type of
e can be obtained from a specialist dealer.
48 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Your Port Replicator (optional)
Your Port Replicator is a device that enables you to quickly connect your notebook
to your peripherals, such as a mon itor, printer etc.
The fea tures offered by the Port Replicator include standard ports for
monitor, audio, mouse and keyboard.
You need only dock the notebook in order to use y our peripheral device s.
Ports o n the Port Replic
1 = Kensington Lock
2 = LAN port
4 = Parallel port
5 = Serial port
6 = VGA mo nitor port
7 = DVI monitor port
8 = D isplayPort
9 = e-SATA port
10 = USB ports
11 = DC input connector (DC IN)
12 = Security Lock device
13 = Headphones port
14 = Microphone port/Line In
15 = Connect or on the Port Replicator for
the docking port on the underside
of the notebook
16 = ON/OFF switch
17 = Unlocking lever
Connecting the noteboo k to the Port Replicator
If you connect the notebook to the Port Replicator during operation, problems can
occur. We recommend that you switch off the notebook beforehand.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 49
Working with the noteboo k
The mains adapter must b e connected to the Port Replicator w hen t he
notebook is connected to the Port Replicator.
We recommend th at the notebook is not operated with the LCD monitor closed when
the notebook is connected to the Port Replicator. Th e resulting overheating can
cause reduced performance and increased activity of the integrated fan.
Switch the notebook off.
Remove the power plug of the mains adapte r from the mains socket.
Disconnect the mains adap
ter cable from the DC socket (DC IN) of the note book.
Ensure that the positioning aid (a) of the P ort Replicator is folded in (1).
Position the notebook so that it is in line with the back edge and positioning
aid of the Port Replicator (1).
Push the notebook onto the Port Replicator in the direction of the arrow (2) until it eng ages.
50 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Working with the notebook
Connecting the mains adapter to the P ort Replicator
Connect the mains adapter cable to the DC
jack (DC IN) of the Port R eplicator (1).
Connect the power cable to the
mains adapter (2).
Plug the power cable into th e mains
socket (3).
When the notebook is connected to a Port Replicator, the operating syste m creates
a hardware p role for the "Docked" mode. In this prole, for example, the setting is
saved as to which monitor was last used for output. This prole will be loaded, as
soon as the notebook is connected to a Port Replicator of the same type.
Switching on the notebook via the port replicator
Press the ON/O
FF switch on the port
replicator to
switch the notebook on.
The po wer-on indicator of the Port
Replicator lights up.
ng off notebook via Port Replicator
Close all applicat ions and shut down your operating system (please refer
to the manual for the operating system).
If the notebook cannot be shut down properly, press the ON/OFF button
on the Port Replicator for approx. four seconds. The notebook will switch
off. Any unsaved data may however be lost.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 51
Working with the noteboo k
Disconnecting the notebook from the Port Replicator
Problems may occur if the notebook is removed from the Port Replicator during
operation. We recommend that the notebook is switched off or that the appropriate
undocking funct ion provided by the operating system is executed.
Switch the notebook off.
Pull the unlocking lever in the direction of the arrow (1), until you hear the notebook unlatch.
Lift off th e notebook (2).
52 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Security functions
Security functions
Your notebook has several s ecurity feature s that you can use to secure your
system from un authorised access.
This chapter explains how to use each function, an d what the benets are.
Please remember that in some cases, for exa mple, forgetting your password,
you may be locked out and unable to a ccess your data. Therefore,
please note the following information:
Make regular backups to external data carriers such as external ha rd
drives, CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray Discs.
Some secu rity functio
ns need you t o choose passwords. Make a note
of the passwords and ke
If you forget your passwords you will need to contact the our Service
Desk. De letion or resetting of passwo rds is not covered by your warranty
and a charge will be made for assistance.
Conguring the ngerprint sensor
Fingerprintsens orFi ngerprintsensor
Whether or not your device has a ngerprint sensor depends on the
device conguration you have ordered.
The ngerprint sensor can record an image of a ngerprint. With additional ngerprint
software, this image can be processed and used instead of a passwo rd.
You must install the ngerprint software
in order to be able to u se the
ngerprint sensor (1).
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 53
Security functions
Using the Security Lock
Your device comes with a Security Lock mechanism for the Kensington Lock Cable. You
can use the K ensington Lock Cable, a sturdy ste el cable, to help protect your n otebook
from theft. The Kensington Lock Cable is available as an accessory.
Fit the Kensington Lock Cable to the
mechanism on your notebook.
UsingtheKensingtonLockCableSecurity LockMec han icalbackupAnti-theft protection
Attach another Kensington Lock Cable to your Port Replicator to protect
your Port Re plicator from theft as well.
Conguring passw
Before using the various options for password protection in the BIOS Setup utility
to increase data security, please observe the following:
Make a note of the passwords and keep them in a safe place. If y ou forget your
supervisor password you will not be able to access your notebook. Passwords are
not covered by your wa rranty and a cha rge will be made for assistance.
Password protection
Your password can be up to eight characters long and contain letters and numbers.
No distinction is m ade between uppercase and lowercase.
g BIOS S etup Utility (sup ervis or and user password)
If you have opened these operating instructions on the screen, we recommend that
you print out the following instructions. Because you cannot ca ll the instructions
onto the screen while you are set ting up the password.
You preve nt unauthorised use of the BIOS Setup Utility with both the supervisor and the user
password. The supervisor passwo rd gives you access to all functions of the BIOS Setup
Utility, while the user password only provides some of the functions. You can only set a
user password if a supervisor password has already been assigned.
Please refer to the ""Setti ngs in BIOS Setu p Utilit y", Pa ge 75 section for a
description of how to call up and operate the BIOS Setup Utility.
54 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Security functions
Setting supervisor and user password
Start the BIOS Setup Utility and go to the Security menu.
Select the Set Supervisor P assw ord eld and press the Enter key.
With Enter new Password: y ou are asked to enter a password.
Enter the password and press the Enter key.
Conrm new Password requires you to conrm t he password.
Enter the password again and press the Enter key.
Changes have been saved is a conrmation that the new password has been saved.
To set the user password, select Set User Password and proceed exactly as
when conguring th e supervisor password.
If you do not want to change any other settings, y ou can exit BIOS Setup Utility.
In the Exit menu, select the option Save Changes & Exit.
Select Yes and press the Enter k ey.
The notebo ok will be rebooted and the new password will come into effect. It will now be
necessary to rst enter your supervisor or user password i n order to open the BIOS Setup Utility.
Please note that the user password only provides access to a few of the BIO S s ettings.
Changing the supervisor or user password
You can only change the supervisor password when you have logged into the
BIOS Se tup Utility with the supervisor passw ord.
PasswordSupervisorpasswordUser password
Call the B IOS Setup Utility and go to the Security menu.
When changing th e passw ord, proceed exactly as for p assword assignment.
Removing passwords
To remove a password (without setting a new password) perform the following steps:
Start the BIOS Setup Utility and go to the Security menu.
Highlight the Set Supervisor Password or Set User Password eld and press the Enter key.
You will be requested to enter the current password by the Enter Current Password prompt.
You will be requested to enter a new password by the Enter New Password prompt.
Press the Enter key twice.
In the Exit menu, select the option Save Changes & Exit.
Select Yes and press the Enter k ey.
The not ebook will now reboot with the passw ord rem ove d.
Removing the supervisor password simultaneously de activates the user password.
ord protection for booting of the operating system
With the supervisor password y ou have set in the BIO S Se tup U tility (see
section "
Setting supervisor and user passw ord", Page 55), you can also
prevent booting of the operating system.
Operating system
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 55
Security functions
Activating system protection
Start the BIOS Se tup Utility and go to the Security menu.
Select the Password on Boot option and press the Enter key.
Select the desired option (Disabled, First Boot or Every Boot) and press the Enter key
Select the Save Changes & E xit option unde r Exit.
The notebook will reboot. You will be prompted to enter your password (the supervisor password).
Deactivating system protection
Start the BIOS Se tup Utility and go to the Security menu.
Select the Password on Boot option and press the Enter key.
Select the Disabled option and press the Ent er key.
If you do not want to change any other settings, you can exit BIOS Setup Utility.
Select the Save Changes & E xit option unde r Exit.
The notebook will reboo t. The system is no longer password-prote cted .
Password protection for the hard disk
The had disk password prevents unauthorised access to the hard disk drives
and is checked internally each time the system is booted. The condition for this
is that you have assigned at least the supervisor password.
Activating hard disk protection
Call up the BIO
SSetupand select the Security menu.
If you have not assigned BIO S passwords yet, dene the s upervisor and the user
password now, if desired (see "
Securit y functions", Page 53).
Mark the Har
d D isk Security eld and press the Enter key.
In the Drive0 area mark the Set Master Password eld and press the Enter key.
Enter new P
assword then ap pears and you are asked to enter a password.
Enter the password and press the Enter key.
Conrm ne
w Password requires you to con rm the password.
Enter the password again and press the Enter k ey.
Setup Not
ice: Changes have b ee n saved is displayed to conrm that the
new pass
word has been saved.
To assign the password for the second hard disk (Drive1), go to the Drive1 area and
select the eld Set Master Password, then proceed in exactly the same way as for
setting up the password for the rst hard disk (Drive0).
The e
ld Password Entry on Boot is set to Enabled by default. You can exit the BIOS
once you have nished changing the settings.
From the Exit menu, choose the option Exit Saving Changes.
s the Enter key and select Yes.
The notebook reb oots and your hard disk is now protected with a password. The system
will ask you to enter the password when the noteb ook is restarted again.
56 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Security functions
Deactivating hard disk protection
To cancel a password without setting a new one, proceed as follows:
Call up the BIOS Setup and select the Security menu.
Mark the Hard Disk Security eld and press the Enter key.
In the Drive0 area mark the Set Master Password eld and press the Enter key.
You will be initially requested to enter the old password by the Enter current Password prompt.
You will then be requeste d to enter a new password by the Enter new Password prompt.
After entering the password, press th e Enter key three times.
From the Exit menu, choose the option Exit Saving Changes.
Press the Enter key and select Yes.
The notebook reboots, and password protection for the hard disk is cancelled.
To cancel the password for the second hard disk (D r ive1 ), go to the Drive1 area
and select the eld Set Master Password, then proceed in exactly the same way as
for cancelling the password for the rst hard disk (Dr ive0 ).
Boot from Removable Media
With this BIOS fe ature, you can manage/control unauthorised booting of an operating
system from external media (e.g. USB stick, USB CD-ROM drive etc.) We recommend
that you congure the hard disk as the rst boot medium in o rder to prevent access
to your system by boot CDs and bootable media.
The co ndition for this BIO S feature is that you have assigned at
least the supervisor password.
Call up the BIOS Setup and select the Security menu.
Highlight the Boot from R em ovable Media eld and press the Enter key.
Select t he entry All (if you want everyone to be allowed to boot) or Supervisor Only (if you
only w ant the superviso r to be authorised to do this) and press the Enter key.
If you do not want to change any other settings you can exit the BIOS Setup.
From the Exit menu, choose the option Exit Saving Changes.
Press the Enter key and select Yes.
The no tebook will restart and the settings will be adopted.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 57
Security functions
Owner Information (device-dependent)
The BIOS feature Owner Information enables you to enter up to 80 characters of text
which is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen before the operating system
boots up. You could use this feature for example to put your name and telephone
number on the notebook in case it is lost or stolen.
You have been assigned at least the superviso r password.
•IntheBOOT menu, the Boot time diagnostic screen option is set to enabled.
Call up the B IOS Setup a
nd select the Security menu.
Highlight the Owner Information eld and press the Enter key.
Add the text you would
like to enter under Set Owner Information.
Setup Notice: Changes have been saved is displayed to conrm that the text has been saved.
From the Exit menu,
choose the option Exit Saving Changes.
Press the Enter key a nd select Yes.
The n otebook will
restart and the Owner Information will be adopted.
Virus Warning (device-dependent)
This eld checks the boot sectors of the hard disk drive to see if any changes have be e n
made since the previous system start-up. If the boot sector has been changed since the
previous system start-up (e.g. new operating system or virus attack), a warning is displayed
on the screen. The warning will stay on the scree n until you acknowledge the cha nges by
clicking on Conrm or until you set the Virus Warn ing function to Disabled.
If the boot sectors have been changed and the reason for this is unknown, a
programme for nding computer viruses should be loaded .
Such a change is not only caused by viruses, but also by the boo t manager.
This function does not replace proper anti-virus softw are.
No supervisor password is required to set it up.
Call up the BIOS Se tup and select the Security menu.
ht the Virus Warning eld and p ress the Enter key.
Select Enabled to activate the Virus Warning function.
From t
he Exit menu, choose the option Exit Saving Changes.
Press the Enter key a nd select Yes.
The no
tebook will restart and the settings will be adopted.
58 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Security functions
SmartCard reader
SmartCards are not supplied as standard equipment. You can use all Sm artCa rds that comply with
the ISO standard 7816-1, -2 or -3. These SmartCards are available from various manufacturers.
With the appropriate software you can use yo ur SmartCard as an alternative to password protection,
but also as a digital signature, for encrypting your e-mails or for home banking.
We recom m end that you always use two SmartCa rds. Always keep one of the SmartCards
in a safe place if you are carrying the other SmartCard with y ou.
In order to be able to take advantag e of all the security features of y our notebook, you
will need a Ca rdO S SmartCard from Fu jitsu Technology Solutions.
The SmartCard can only be used with a PIN, offering maximum protection even if
you lose the SmartCard. In order t o maximise your security, the CardOS SmartCard
is disabled if three i ncorrect attempts are made to enter the PIN.
When you use the CardOS SmartCard for the rst time , you will either need to enter the
preset PIN "12345678" or the PIN given to you by your systems administrator.
Inserting the SmartCard
Do not use force when inserting and removing the SmartCard.
Make sure that foreign objects do not fall into the SmartCard reader.
Slide the Smar
tCard into the SmartCard
reader with th
some variants
it faces down) and to the front.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 59
Security functions
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (device-dependent)
TPMTrustedPlatform Module
To use the TPM, you must activate the T PM in the BIOS Setup be fore the software
is installed. The condition for this is that you have assigned at least the sup ervisor
password (see "
Securit y func tions", Page 53).
Enabling TPM
Requirement: You have assigned a supervisor password, see "Securi ty function s", Page 53.
Call up the BIOS S etup an
d select the Security menu.
Mark the TP M Security Chip Se ttin g eld and press the Enter k ey.
Select Enabled to acti
vate the TPM.
Once you have activated the TPM the Clear Security Chip option appears.
Select Clear Securit
y Chip to delete the holder in the TPM. By clicking on Enabled,
all secret ke ys (e.g
. SRK - Storage Root Keys, AIK - Attestation Identity Keys
etc.) generated by
applications are deleted.
Please note that yo
u will then no longer be able to access the data you have
encrypted wi th th
e keys based on that holder.
Select the Exit Sa
ving Changes option in the Exit menu.
Press the Enter key a nd select Yes.
The notebook wil
l restart, and TPM will b e enabled after the reboot.
Disabling TPM
Requirement: You have assigned a supervisor password, see "Securi ty function s", Page 53.
Call up the BIOS Se tup and select the Security menu.
Mark the TP M Security Chip Se ttin g eld and press the Enter k ey.
Select Disabled to deactivate the TPM.
From the Exit menu, choose the option Exit Saving Changes.
Press the Enter key a nd select Yes.
Your not ebook will now restart and TPM w ill be disabled.
60 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Connecting external devices
Connecting external devices
Always refer to the safety information provided in "Im portant notes", Page 13 before
connecting or disconnecting any devices to or from your notebook.
Always read the documentation supplied with the device you wish to connect.
Never connect or disconnect cables during a thunderstorm.
Never pull at a cable when disconnecting it. Always grasp the plug.
Follow the steps below in order, when connecting or discon nect ing
devices to your notebook:
With some devices such as USB devices, it is not necessary to switch off
the notebook and the device befo re connect ing/disconnecting. For more
information about wh ether or not devices need to be switched off, please refer
to the documentation supplied with the external device.
Some of the external devices require special drivers (see the operating
system and external device documentation).
Connecting devices to the notebook
1. Turn off your notebook and all external devices.
2. Unplug your not
ebook and a ll devices from the mains sockets.
3. Connect the cables for your external devices following the instructions.
4. Plug all power
cables into the mains sockets.
Disconnecting devices from the notebook
1. Turn off your notebook and all external devices.
2. Unplug your
notebook and all devices from the mains sockets.
3. Disconnect the cables for your external devices following the instructions.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 61
Connecting external devices
Connecting an external monitor
An analogue mo nitor is connected to the analogue VG A monitor port, a digital monitor to
the DisplayPort. Screen output is limited to a maximum of two monitors at any one time
(see "
Key combinations", Page 25, section "Toggle o utput screen").
Digital Disp layPort
Analogue VGA monitor port
Switch off the note
book and the external monitor.
Plug the data cable of the external monitor into the mo nitor port.
First switch on th
e external monitor and then the notebook.
You can also swi
tch between the ext ernal monitor and the LCD monitor of the
notebook, s ee c
hapter "
Key combinations", Page 25.
You can displa
y the same p icture on the external monitor and the
notebook L CD m
onitor simultaneously.
62 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Connecting external devices
Connecting external devices to the parallel
or serial port
The notebook has a serial port. If you wish to operate devices via a parallel port, then
use the Port Re plicator which is available as an option for your notebook.
External devices can be c
onnected to the parallel or serial port (e.g. a printer or a modem).
Connect the data cable to
the external device.
Depending on the device, connect the data cable to the parallel port or the serial po rt.
For an exact descr ipti
on of how to connect external devices to the correspon ding
port, please s ee the ex
ternal device documentation.
Port settings
You can change the port settings (e.g. address, interrupt) in the B IO S Setup .
Device drivers
Devicedrive rsDevice drivers,
The devices connected to the parallel or serial port require drivers. Your operating
system alre ady includes many drivers. If the required drive is missing, install it. Current
drivers are usually available on the Intern et or will be supplied on a data medium.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 63
Connecting external devices
Connecting USB devices
On the USB ports, you can connect e xternal devices that also have a USB port
(e.g. a DVD drive, a printer, a scanner or a modem).
USB d evices are hot-pluggable. This means you can connect and disconnect
devices while your operating system is running.
USB 1.x has a maximum data transfer rate of 12 Mbit/s.
USB 2.0 h as a data transfer ra te of up to 480 Mbit/s.
Additional informati
on can be found in the documentation for the USB devices.
Connect the data cable to the
external device.
Connect the data c able to a USB
port of the notebook.
Device d rivers
USB devices will be automatically recognised and installed by your operating system.
64 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Connecting external devices
USB port with c harging function (Anytime U SB charge)
It is recomme nded that the notebook be operated with the power supply connected
whenever the USB port with charging function is in use, as this function will drain
the battery more quickly if an external USB device is being charged.
The po wer supply unit must already be connected when the notebook is
switched off, as otherwise the U SB charging function will be disabled and
the connected USB devices will not be charged.
Some US B devices (e.g. mobile telephones) require a driver in ord er to utilise the
USB charging function. In this case the USB charging function will not work whe n the
notebook is switched off, as no drivers are active when the no tebook is switched off.
You can use this
USB port to charge or supply po wer to a USB device (e.g. to charge a PDA
or a mobile phon
e or to connect a USB lamp), even if the notebook is switched off.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 65
Connecting external devices
Connecting an external SATA hard disk (eSATA)
An extern al SATA hard disk can be connected at the eSATA port. This allows you
to expand the internal h ard disk capacity as you wish.
The length of the eSATA cable must not exceed 2 metres. Consult a specialist
dealer for advice on which eSATA data cable is suitable for your external eSATA
hard disk. Ma ke sure that the hard disk has its own external po wer supply.
The data transfer rate is up to 2,4 00 Mbit/s.
Connect the data cable to the external
Connect the data cable to the eSATA port.
Device d rivers
The eSATA hard disk is automatically recognised by your operating system and installed.
You will nd more information in the documentation for the external SATA
hard disk and the operating system.
Safe removal of eSATA and USB devices
Always corre
ctly remove the device according to the rules described below,
to ensure tha
t none of your data is lost.
Left-click on the symbol t o remove hardware safely.
Select the
device you wish to shu t do wn and remove.
Press the "Enter" key.
Wait for t
he dialogue box which tells you that it is now safe to remove the device.
66 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Connecting external devices
Connecting external audio devices
Microphone port/Line In
Audiodevices, connectingAudioportsMicrop hone,connecti ng
The microphone port/Line In allows you to connect an externa l microphone, a MiniDisc
player, MP3 player, CD player or a tape deck to your notebook.
Connect the audio cable to the
external device.
Connect the audio cable t
o the microphone
port/Line In of the note
Headphone port
AudioportsConne ctingheadp
You can connect headphones or external loudspeakers to your notebook via the h eadphone port.
Connect the audio cable to the
external device.
Connect the audio cable to the headphone
port of the notebook.
The internal loudspeakers are disabled.
If you purcha se a cable from a re tailer, please note the following information:
The headphone port on your not ebook is a "3.5 m m jack socket".
If you want to connect headphones or a speaker you will need a "3.5 m m jack plug".
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 67
Removing and installing com ponents
during servicing
Removing and installing compo
during servicing
Only q ualied technicians should repair yo ur notebook. Unauthorised
opening or incorrect repair may greatly enda nger the user (electric shock,
re risk) and will invalidate your warranty.
Serv icing
After consulting the Hotline/Service Desk, you may remove and install the
components described in this chapter yourself.
If you remove and install components without consulting the Hotline/Service
Desk, then the warranty of your notebook will be voided.
Notes on installing and removing boards
and components
Switch the notebook off and pull the power plug out of the m a ins socket.
Always remove the ba ttery.
Take care when you u se the locking mechanisms on the battery and any other component.
Never use sharp objects such a s screwdrivers, scissors o r k nives as leverage to remove covers.
Boards with electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) are marked with the label
When handling boards tted with ESDs, you must always observe the following
You must always discharge static build up (e.g. by touching a grounded
object) before working.
The e quipm ent and tools y ou use must be free of static c harges.
Remove the power plug fro m the mains supply before inserting or removing
boards containing ESDs.
Always hold boards w ith ESDs by their edges.
Never touch pin s or conductors on boards tted with ESDs.
68 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Removing and inst alling compone nts
during servicing
Preparing to remove components
If you are going to r emove or change system components, prepare for t he removal as follows:
Please obse rve the safety information in c hapte r "Important notes", Page 13.
Remove the power plug from the mains outlet !
Switch the device off.
The device must not be in en ergy-saving mode !
Close the LCD screen.
Remove all the cables
from the d evic e.
Turn the de vice over and place it on a stable, at and clean surface. If necessary, lay an
anti-slip cloth on this surface to prevent th e device from being scratched.
Remov e the battery
(see "
Removing a battery", Page 33).
Installing and removing memory expansion
If you are asked by the Ho tline/Service Desk to remove and install the memo ry
expansion yourself, proceed as follows:
Please obse rve the safety information in c hapte r "Important notes", Page 13.
When installing/removing memory modules, the battery must be removed from
the notebook and the notebook must not be connected to the power s upply,
see "
Preparing to remove components", Page 69.
Only use mem ory expansion modules that have been approved for your
notebook (see "
Technical data", Page 84).
Never use force when installing or re moving a memory extension.
Make sure that foreign objects do not fall into the memory extension compartment.
You m ust open the service compartment t o remove or install a memory module. O n some de vices,
opening the compartment may expose other components. These components should be removed
and replaced o nly by authorised specialists. T herefore , be sure to observe the following:
Individual components can become very hot during operation. T herefore, we
recommend that you wait one hour after switching off the notebook before re moving
or installing memory modules. Otherwise, there is a risk of suffering burns!
As some components are exposed that are sensitive to static electricity, please take
note of chapter "
Notes on installing and removing boards and components", Page 68.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 69
Removing and installing com ponents
during servicing
Removing a cover
Remove the screw (1).
Keep the screws in a safe place. If you are removing more than one component at
the same time, store the screws for the individual components separate from each
other. If you install the wrong screws, c ompo nents m ay b e da maged.
Lift the c over off the notebook (2).
Removing memory modules
Carefully push the two mounting
clips outwards (1).
The memory module snaps upwards (2).
Pull the memory module out of its slot
in the direction of the arrow (3).
70 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Removing and inst alling compone nts
during servicing
Installing a memory m odule
Insert the memory module with the contacts
and the recess (a) facing the slot (1).
Carefully push the memory module
downwards until you feel it click
into place (2).
Attaching the cover
Place the cover in the correct mou nting position (1).
If you remove more than one component at the same time, keep the screws for the
individual components separate from each other and make sure that you use the correct
screws. If you install the wrong screws, components may be damaged.
Tighten the screw (2).
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 71
Removing and installing com ponents
during servicing
Removing and installing the har
Removing a cover
Remove the battery (see Chapter "Removing a battery", Page 3 3).
Remove the screws (1).
Keep the screws in a safe place. If you are removing more than one component at
the same time, store the screws for the individual components separately from each
other. If you install the wrong screws, c ompo nents m ay b e da maged.
Lift the c over
off the noteb ook (2).
Removing a hard disk
Use the pulling aid to pull the hard disk in the direction of the arrow (1) until the contacts disengage.
Remove the hard disk from the hard disk compartment (2).
72 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Removing and inst alling compone nts
during servicing
Installing a hard disk
Place the hard disk
into the hard disk compartment (1).
Use the pulling aid to p ull the hard disk in the direction of the arrow (2) until the contacts engage.
Attaching the cover
Place the cover in the correct mou nting position (1).
If you remove more than one component at the same time, keep the screws for the
individual components separately from each othe r and ma ke sure that you use the
correct screw s. If you install the wrong screws, components may be damaged.
Tighten the screw s (2).
Insert the battery (see Chapter "
Installing a battery", Page 33 ).
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 73
Removing and installing com ponents
during servicing
Finishing component removal
After you have removed or changed the system components as you required, please
prepare your device for operation again as follows:
Install the battery again (see "
Installing a battery", Page 33).
Turn the notebook the right way up again a nd place it on a at surface.
Reco nnect the cables that you disconnected b efore.
74 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Settings in BIO S Setup Utility
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility
BIOSSetupUtilitySystemsettings,BIOSSetupUtilityConguration,BIOS SetupUtilitySetupSystemcon gurationHardwareconguration
The BIOS Setu p Utility allows you to set the system functions and the hardware
conguration for the notebook.
When it is delivered, the notebook is set to facto ry default settings. You can
change these settings in BIOS S etu p Utility. Any changes you make take effect as
soon as you save and exit the BIOS Setup Utility.
The BIOS Setup Utility program contains the following men us:
Displays information relating to the BIOS, processor and notebook
Advanced system settings
Conguration of va
rious hardware components, such as mouse, keyboard,
Password settings and security functions
Conguration of the start-up sequence
Exits the BIOS Setup Utility
Starting the BIOS Setup Utility
Reboot the notebook (switch off/on or reboot the operating system).
The following or a similar display app ears on the screen at start-up:
<F2> BIOS Setup <F12> Boot Menu
Press the fu nction key
If a password has been assigned, enter the password and press the Enter key.
If you have forgotten the password, contact your system administrator
or contact our customer service centre.
The BI
OS Setup Utility starts.
Operating BIOS Setup Utility
Press the
key to disp lay help on the operation of the BIOS Setup Utility. The description
of the individual settings is sh own in the right-hand w indo w of the BIOS Setup Utility.
With the
key you can load the default settings of the BIOS Setup Utility.
Use the cursor keys
to select the menu you wish to access to make changes.
The m enu is displaye d on the screen.
Select the option you want to change with the cursor keys
Press the Enter key.
Press the
key to exit the selected menu.
For future reference, make a note of the changes you have made (for example, in this manu al).
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 75
Settings in BIOS Setup Utility
Exiting BIOS Setup Utility
You need to select the desired option in the Exit menu and activate it by pressing the Enter key:
Exit Saving Changes - save ch
anges and exit BIOS Setup Utility
To save the current menu settings and exit the BIO S Setup Utility, select Exit Saving Changes and Yes.
The notebook is rebooted
and the new s ettings come into effect.
Exit Discarding Chang es Discard changes and
exit BIOS Setup Utility
To discard the changes, select Exit Discarding Changes and Yes.
The settings in place when BIOS Setup Utility was ca lled remain effective. BIOS
Setup Utility is terminated and the notebook is rebooted.
Load Setup Defaul
ts Copy Standard Entries
To copy the standard entries for all menus of th e BIOS Setup U tility,
choose Load Setup Defaults and Yes.
Discard Changes Discard changes without exiting
the BIOS Setup Utility
To discard the changes you have made, select Discard Changes and Yes.
The settings in place when BIOS Setup Utility was called remain effective.
You can now make additional settings in the BIOS Setu p Utility.
IfyouwanttoexitB IOS S etu p Ut ilitywith these settings, select Exit Saving Changes and Yes.
Save Cha n
ges - save changes without exiting
the BIOS Setup Utility
To save th e changes, s elect Save Changes an d Yes.
The changes are saved. You can no w make additional se ttings in the BIOS Setup Utility.
If you want to exit BIOS S et up Utility with these settings, choose Exit Saving Changes and Yes.
Save Changes and Power O ff
To save the changes and switch off your device, select Save Changes and Power Off and Yes.
The changes are s aved. Your device is shut down.
76 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Troubleshooting and tips
Troubleshooting and tips
Follow the safety notes in the "Safety/Regulations" manual when
connecting or disconnecting cables.
If a fault occurs, try to correct it as described. If you fail to correct the problem, proceed as follows:
Make a note of the steps and the circumstances that led to the fault. Also
make a note of any error me ssages displayed.
Switch the notebook off.
Please contact the Hotline/Service Desk.
You can nd the telephone numbers in the service desk list. Please have
the following information re ady when you call:
The model name and serial number of the notebook. The serial number is
located on a sticker on the underside of the notebook.
Notes of any messages that appear on the screen and information on acoustic signals.
Any changes you have made to the hardware or software since
receiving the notebook.
Any changes you have made to the BIOS Setup settings since receiving the notebook.
Your system conguration and all peripheral devices connected to your system.
Your sales contract.
Our notebooks
have been designed primarily with mobile applications in mind. This
means tha t con
siderable effort has been made to optimise components and equipment
in terms of we
ight, space and energy req uirements. Depending on the particular
n you have purchased, it is possible that functionality may be slightly reduced
compared to a
desktop P C if you are running processor-intensive gaming software, e.g.
games with i
ntensive 3D graphics. Updating your hardware with drivers which have not
been appro
ved by Fujitsu Technology S o lutions may result in perfo rmance losses, data
losses or m
alfunction of the equipment. A list of approved drivers and curren t BIOS
versions c
an be downloaded from: "
http://ts.fujitsu .com/support/downloads.html"
Help if pr
oblems occur
Should you encounter a problem with your computer that you cannot resolve yourself:
Note the ID number of your device. The ID number is found o n the type rating
plate on the back or underside of the casing.
For further clarication of the problem, contact the Help D esk for your country (see the Help
Desk list or visit the Internet at "
http://ts.fujitsu .com/support/servicedesk.html"). When you
do this, please have ready the ID number and serial number of your system.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 77
Troubleshooting and tips
Restoring the hard disk content
s under Windows
You can use the "Windows Recovery CD" (optionally available) and the "D rivers & Utilities
CD/DVD" to reinstall the operating syste m.
The instructions are provided on the case of the Recovery CD.
During the r einstall process your personal les and a ny installed programs
will be deleted. We advise yo u to ba ckup your les to an external hard
drive, or CD / DVD disk before you start.
Switch the notebook on.
The following display br
iey appears on the screen during start-up:
<ESC>Diagnostic screen <F12>Boot Menu <F2>BIOS Setup
When this message appears, press the function key
Insert the "W indo ws R
ecovery CD" into the optical drive.
Select CD-ROM and press the Enter key.
Follow the instruct
ions o n the screen.
After the installation you must install all the drivers again. Some installed hardware
components will not be correctly supported until this has been done.
Insert the "Drivers & Utilities" CD/DVD into the optical drive. The CD starts automatically.
Click on the Desk U
pdate button.
Select Auto ma tic driver in sta llatio n (Express) and click on Start installation.
Follow the inst
ructions o n the screen.
Restart your notebook when the driver installation is c ompleted.
The n otebook’s date or time is incorrect
SummertimeTime,dayligh tsavingsTimenotc orrectTimenotcorrectInc orrect date /timeDateisincorrectBufferbattery,load
Cause Troubleshooting
Time and date are incorrect. With the BIOS -Setup-Utility, you can set the
date and time in the main menu.
If the time
and date are still set incorrectly after
on the notebook.
Please contact your sales outlet or our
Hotline/Service Desk.
When certain characters are entered on the
keyboard, only numerals are w ritten
Abeepsounds everyseco nd
Cause Troubleshooting
The v irtual numeric keypad of your device is
activated, see "
Virtual numeric keypad", Page 25
Press the
78 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Troubleshooting and tips
The notebook’s LCD screen remains blank
Cause Troubleshooting
Monitor i s switched off.
Press a key or touch the touchpad.
External monitor or television set co nnected. Press the key c ombination to switch the
screen output, see "
Key combinations" ,
Page 25.
The LCD screen is difcult to read
LCDscreenLCDsc reen
Cause Troubleshooting
Reected glare Turn the notebook or alter the tilt of the LCD
Increase the brightness of the screen.
The external monitor remains blank
Cause Troubleshooting
Monitor i s switched off. Switch the external monitor on.
Power s aving has been activated (monitor is
Press any key to continue.
Brightness is set to dark.
Adjust the brightness of the monitor.
Screen output is s et to the notebook’s LCD
Press the key combination to switch the
screen output, see "
Key combinations" ,
Page 25.
The external monitor’s power cable or data
cable is not connected properly.
Switch off the external monitor and the
Check whet
her the power cable is plugged
properly i
nto the externa l monitor and into
the power s
Check whether the data cable is properly
connected to the notebook and th e external
monitor (if it is plugged in with a connector).
Switch o
n the external monitor and the
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 79
Troubleshooting and tips
The external monitor is blank or
the image is unstable
Cause Troubleshooting
The wrong external monitor h as
been selected
or the wrong screen resolution
has b een set for
the application program.
Terminate the application pro
gram in
Windows by pressing
fault persists after closing t
he progra m, use
the key combination for switc
hing the screen
output (see "
Key combinati
ons", Page 25)to
switch over to the notebook
’s LCD screen.
Change the following sett
Set the screen resolution: Set the screen
resolution as described in the documentation
Select monitor: Select
monitor 1 or 2 as
described in the docume
ntation for your
operating system.
The notebook cannot be started
Cause Troubleshooting
The battery is not installed correctly.
Check whether the battery is installed
correctly in its compartment.
Switch the notebook on.
The battery is dead.
Charge the batte
Insert a charged battery.
Connect the mains adapter to the
The power adapter is not co nnected correctly.
Check whether the m ains adapter is
connected correctly to the notebook.
Switch the notebook on.
80 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Troubleshooting and tips
The notebook stops working
Cause Troubleshooting
Notebook is in energy saving mo
Leave energy saving mode.
An application programme has
caused the
Close the application program or restart
the notebook (by restarting the operating
system or switching the device off and back
on again).
The battery is dead.
Charge th e battery.
Insert a charged battery.
Connect the mains adapt
er to the
The printer does not print
Printerdoesnot p
Cause Troubleshooting
The printer is not switched on. Make sure that the printer is switched
on and ready for operation (refer to the
documentation supplied with the printer).
The printer is not connected correctly.
Check t hat the data cable connecting
the notebook to the printer is properly
The printer driver is faulty or not correctly
installed, or it is the wrong printer driver.
Check t hat the data cable connecting
the notebook to the printer is properly
Check whethe
r the correct printer driver is
loaded (ref
er to the printer documentation).
The radio connection to a network does not work
oconnection toanetwo rkdoesnot work
Cause Troubleshooting
The wireless component is disabled.
Switch the radio component on (see
Switching the wireless components on and
off", Page 47).
The wireless component is enabled. Despite
this, the wireless connection to a network does
not w ork.
Check whether the radio connection is
switched on via the software.
r information on using the radio
nent can be found in the help les.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 81
Troubleshooting and tips
Acoustic warnings
Acousticerror messagesErrors
A beep sounds every few se conds.
The battery is almo st at.
Charge the battery.
Error messages on the screen
Errormessages onthes c
This section describes the e rro r m essages generated by the BIO S Setup. Error messages displayed
by the operating system or programmes are described in the relevant documentation.
If the error message appears repeatedly, despite troubleshooting measures, please
contact th e place of purchase or our customer service centre.
Error messag e/cau se Resolution
CMOS battery bad
If the error message occurs repeatedly, the
buffer battery in the notebook is at.
Contact your sales outlet or our customer
service centre.
System CMOS checksum bad - default conguration
The system conguration information is
Switch the notebook off.
Switch the notebook on.
Press the function key
to access the
BIOS Setup.
In the BIOS Setup, select the Exit menu.
Select the entry Load Setup Defaults .
Select OK and press the Enter key.
Extended memory failed at offset: xxxx Failing Bits:
zzzz zzzz
When testing the extended memory an error has
resulted at the address xxxx.
Check wh ethe
r the additional memory
module has be
en inserted correctly.
Failure Fixed Disk n
The settings of the ha rd disk drive are incorrect.
Start the B
IOS Setup (Primary Master
and select the correct settings.
Keyboard controller error
Switch t
he notebook off with the ON/OFF
Wait 3 - 5 s econds and switch on the
notebook again.
Keyboard error
If you are using an external keyboard:
Check the connection and reboot the
nn Stuck key
Make sure that no key is pressed.
82 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Troubleshooting and tips
Error message/cause Resolution
Operating system not found
Check in the BIOS Setup whether y
our hard
disk has been set correctly.
Make sure that the operating system is
installed on the corresponding drive.
Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to SETUP
This error message appears if an error occurs
during the self-test before starting the operating
Press the
function key to star t the
operating system.
Press the function key
to access the
BIOS Setup.
Previous boot incomplete - Default conguration
used Due to a n error during the previous system
boot, d efault values were used fo r certain
settings. Check the settings in the BIOS Setup.
Press the
function key when promp ted
to do so.
Real time clock error
Contact your sales outlet or our customer
service centre.
nnnnK Shadow RAM failed at o ffset: xxxx Failing
Bits: zzzz
Contact your sales outlet or our customer
service centre.
System battery is dead - Replace and run SETUP
Contact your sales outlet or our customer
service centre.
System cache error - Cache disabled
Contact your sales outlet or our customer
service centre.
System timer error
Contact your sales outlet or our customer
service centre.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 83
Technical data
Technical data
Main memory
Max. 8 GB
2 slots - max. 2 x 4 GB DDR3 SD RAM SO-DIMM modules
Operation 5 °C ... 35
-15 ... 60
Dimensions LIFEBOOK E751 / E781 LIFEBOOK S751 / S781
Width x depth x height
372 mm x 245 mm x 35 mm 340 mm x 245 mm x 34,9 mm
Weight (depending on
Approx. 2.6 kg Approx. 2.3 kg
The data sheet for this notebook contains further technical data. The data
sheet can be found on your notebook or o n the Internet at "
http://ts.fujitsu .com"
or on the supplied "Drivers & Utilities" CD/DVD.
Rechargeable battery
You can nd information on the ba tteries used in your device on the
Internet at "
http://ts.fujitsu .com/support".
You can use different batteries. When ordering your device you can select between
main battery 1 and main battery 2. In addition, you can order the optional
battery for i nstallation in the module compartment.
All batteries are 6-cell batteries.
Main battery 1 Main battery 2
Optional battery
(tting in the module
Rated capacity 67 Wh 62.6 Wh 41 Wh
The operating time depends on the device conguration, the active
applications and the energy saving settings.
84 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Technical data
Mains adapter 80W
Rated voltage
100 V to 240 V (automatic)
Max. rated cu rrent 4.22 A
An additional mains adapter or power cable can be ordered at any time.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 85
Manufacturer’s notes
Manufacturers notes
Energy Star
Products which are Energy Star certicated and labelled always meet the full
requirements of the standard wh en sh ipped. Please note tha t installation of
after-market hardware and software, changes to the B IO S or to t he power
options may affect power consumption. The p roperties guaranteed by the
Energy Star label can then no longer be guaranteed.
Devices which are certied according to the Energy Star environm ental
mark help to save money and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
Power Management settings on delivery:
Monitor switched off after < 15 minutes of inactivity
Automatic activati
on of energy saving mode (ACPI S3): < 30 minutes
of inactivity
Detailed information about the requirements of the "Energy Star"
environmental mark and the products which satisfy these requirements
can be found on the Internet at "
Disposal and recycling
Information about this subject can be found on your n otebook or on our Internet pages.
Declarations of Conformity
The "Declarations of Conformity" for the device can be found at our Internet
address under: "
http://ts.fujitsu .com/ce".
Fujitsu Technology Solutions hereby declares that your device is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
86 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Manufacturer’s notes
CE marking
CE marking fo r devices with radio component
This equipment complies with the require ments of Directive 1999/5/EC of the
European Parliament and Commission from 9 March, 1999 governing Radio
and Telecommunications Equipment an d mutual recognition of conformity.
This equipment can be used in the following countries:
Belgium Bulgaria Denmark
Estonia Finland France
UK Ireland Iceland Italy
Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg
Malta The
Norway Austria
Poland Portugal Rumania
Switzerland Slovakia Slovenia Spain
Czech Repu blic
Contact the corresponding governme nt ofce in t he respective country for
current information on possible operating restrictions. If your country is
not included in the list, then please contact the corresponding supervisory
authority as to whether the use of this product is permitted in your country.
Regulatory notices
If there is no FCC logo and also no FC C ID on the device then this device is
not approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FC C) of the USA.
Although it is not explicitly forbidden to travel in the U S trading area carrying this
device, to avoid trouble at customs clearan ce, Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH
recommends not to bring this device into the US trading area.
Regulatory information for notebooks without radio device
Changes or modications not exp ressly approved by F ujitsu Technology Solutions
could void this user’s authority to o perate the equipment.
Notice to Users o f Radios and Television
These limits are designed to provide r easonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, an d can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not insta lled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interfe rence
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that i nterference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to ra dio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between th e equipment a nd receiver.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 87
Manufacturer’s notes
Connect the equipment into an outlet that is on a different circuit than the receiver.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Notice to Users of the US Telephone Network
Your notebook may be supplied with an internal modem which complies with Part 68 of the
FCC rules. On this notebook is a label that contains the FCC Registration Nu mber and the
Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipm ent among other information. If requested,
the user must provide their telephone company w ith the following information:
1. The telephone number to which the notebook is connected.
2. The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment.
3. The equipment requires a standard modular jack type USO C RJ-11 C
which is FCC Part 68 compliant.
4. The FCC Registration Number.
This equipment is designed to be co nnected to the telephone network or premises wiring using
a standard modular jack type USOC RJ-11C which is FC C Part 68 compliant and a line cord
between the modem and the telephone network with a minimum of 26AWG.
The REN is used to determine the number of devices that you may connect to your telephone
line and still have all of those devices ring when your number is called. Too many devices
on one line may result in failure to ring in response t o an incoming call. In most, but not all,
areas the sum of the RENs o f all of the devices should not exceed ve (5). To be certain
of the number of d evices you may connect to your line, as determined by the RENs, contact
your local telephone company. If this equipment causes harm to the telephone network, your
telephone compa ny may discontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they will notify you
in advance. If advance notice is not practical they will notify you as so on as possible. You
will also be advised of your right to le a complaint with the FCC.
This fax modem also complies with fax branding requirements per FCC Part 68.
Your telephone company will probably ask you to disconnect this equipment from the telephone
network until the problem is corrected and you are sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning.
This equipment may not be u sed on coin-operated telephones provided by your telephone
company. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs. Contact your state’s public utility
commission, public service commission or corporation commission for more information.
This equipment includes automatic dialing capability. When programming and/or
making test calls to emergency numbers:
Remain on the line and briey explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call.
Perform such activities in off-peak h ours, such as early morning or late evening.
FCC rules prohibit the use of non-hearing aid compatible telephones in the
following locations or applications:
All public or semi-public coin-operated or credit card t elephones.
Elevators, highways, tunnels (automobile, subway, railroad or pedestrian) where a
person with impaired hearing might be isolated in an emergency.
Places where telephones are specically installed to alert emergency authorities
such as re, police or medical assistance personnel.
Hospital rooms, residential health care facilities, convalescent homes and prisons.
Hotel, motel or apartment lobbies.
Stores where telephones are used by patrons to order merchandise.
88 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Manufacturer’s notes
Public transportation terminals where telephones are used to call taxis or
to reserve lodging or rental cars.
In ho tel and motel rooms as at least te n percent of the rooms must contain hearing
aid-compatible telephones or jacks for plug-in hearing aid compatible telephones which
will be provided to hearing impaired customers on request.
DOC (Industry CANADA) notices
Notice to Users o f Radios a
nd Television
This Class B digital appa
ratus meets all requirements of Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment
CET appareil numérique
de la class B respecte toutes les exigence du Réglement
sur le matérial brouill
eur du Canada.
Notice to Users of the
Canadian Telephon e Network
This equipment meet
s the applicable Industry Canada Terminal Equipment Technica l
Specications. Th
is is conrmed by the r egistration number. The abbreviation, IC, before
the registration n
umber signies that registration was performed based on a Declaration of
Conformity indica
ting that In dustry Canada technical specications were met. It d oes not
imply that Indust
ry Canada approved the equipment. Before connecting this equipment to
a telephone line t
he user should ensure that it is permissible to connect this equ ipment to
the local teleco
mmunication facilities. The user should be aware that compliance with the
certication s
tandards does not prevent service degrad ation in some s ituations.
Repairs to tele
communication equipment should be m ade by a Canadian authorised
maintenance fa
cility. Any repairs or alterations not expressly approved by Fujitsu or
any equipment
failures may give the telecommunication company cause to request the
user to discon
nect the equipment from the telephone line.
The Ringer E
quivalence Number (REN) for this terminal equipment is 0.0. The REN assigned
to each term
inal equipment provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals
allowed to b
e c onnected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may
consist of
any combination of de vices subject only to the requirement that th e sum of th e
Ringer Equ
ivalence Nu m bers of all the devices does not exceed ve.
For safet
y, users should ensure that the electrical ground of the power utility, the
ne lines and the metallic water p ipes are connecte d together. Users should NOT
to make such conn ections themselves but should contact the appropriate electric
tion authority or electrician. This may be particularly important in rural areas.
Avis Aux Utilisateurs Du Réseau T éléphonique Canadien
AVIS : Le présent matériel est conforme aux spécications techniques d’Industrie Canada
applicables au matériel terminal. Cette conformité est conrmée par le numéro d’enregistrement.
Le sigle IC, placé devant le numéro d’enregistrement, signie que l’enregistrement s’est effectué
conformément à une déclaration de conform ité et indique que les spécications techniques
d’Industrie Canada ont été respectées. Il n’implique pas qu’Industrie Canada a approuvé le matériel.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 89
Manufacturer’s notes
Avant de connecter ce t équipement à une ligne téléphonique, l’utilisateur doit véri er
s’il est permis de connecter cet équipement aux installations d e télécommunications
locales. L’utilisateur est averti que même la conformité aux norme s de certication ne
peut dans certains cas empêcher la dégradation du service.
Les réparations de l’équipement de télécommunications doivent être effectuées par un service de
maintenance agréé au Canada. Toute réparation ou modication, qui n’est pas expressément
approuvée par Fujitsu, ou toute défaillance de l’équipement peut entraîner la compagnie de
télécommunications à exiger que l’utilisateur déconnecte l’équipement de la ligne téléphonique.
AVIS : L’indice d’équivalence de la s onnerie (IES) du présent matériel est de 0.0. L’IES
assigné à chaque dispositif terminal indique le nombre maximal de terminaux qui peuvent
être raccordés à une interface téléphonique. La terminaison d’une interface peut consister
en une combinaison quelconque de dispositifs, à la seule c ondition que la somme d’indices
d’équivalence de la sonnerie de tous les dispositifs n’excède pas 5.
Pour assurer la s écu rité, les utilisateurs doivent vérier que la prise de terre du service
d’électricité, les lignes télphoniques et les conduites d’eau métalliques sont con nect ées
ensemble. Les utilisateurs N E doivent PAS tenter d’établir ces connexions eux-mêmes,
mais doivent contacter les services d’inspection d’installations électriques appropriés
ou un électricien. Ceci peut être particulièrement important en régions rurales.
UL Notice
This unit requir
es an AC adapter to opera te. Only use a UL Listed C lass 2 adapter.
The correct out
put rating is indicated on th e AC adapt er label. Refer to the illustration
below for the co
rrect A C Adapter output p olarity:
To reduce the risk of re, use on ly 26AWG or larger telecom munications line cord.
For A ut ho rized Repair Technicians O nly
For continued protection against risk of re, replace only with the
same type and rating fuse.
Danger of explosion if Lithium (CMOS) battery is incorrectly rep laced. Replace only
with the same or equivalent t ype recommended by th e m a nufacturer.
Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
90 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Manufacturer’s notes
FCC regulatory information for notebooks with radio device
Federal Communica tio ns Commission statement
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) this device may not ca use interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interferen ce that may
cause undesired operation of this device.
FCC Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits a re designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generat es,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance w ith
the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment d oes cause harmful interference to radio or television rece ption, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient or relocate the receiving ant enna.
2. Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver.
3. Connect the equipment to an ou tlet on a circuit different from the one the receiver is connected to.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Please note the following regulatory information related to the optional radio device.
FCC Radio Frequency Exposure statement
This radio device has been evaluated under FCC Bulletin O ET 65C an d found compliant with the
requirements as set forth in C FR 47 Sections 2.1091, 2.1093, and 15.247 (b) (4) addressing RF
Exposure from radio frequency devices. T he radiated output power of this radio device is far below
the FCC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, this device shall be used in such a manner
that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. When u sing this d evice, a
certain separation distance between antenna and nearby persons must be maintained to ensure RF
exposure compliance. In order to comply with RF exposure limits esta blished in the A NSI C95.1
standards, the distance between the antennas and the user should not be less tha n 20 cm (8 inches).
Regulatory Notes and Statements
Radio device, health a nd au th orisation for use
Radio-frequency electromagnetic energy is emitted from the wireless devices. The energy levels
of these emissions, however, are far much less than the electromagnetic energy emissions from
wireless devices such as mobile phones. Radio devices are safe for use by consumers because
they operate within the guidelines found in radio frequency s afet y standards and recommendations.
The use of the radio devices may be restricted in some situations or environments, such a s:
on board an airplane, or
in an explosive environment, or
in situations where the interference risk to other devices or services is
perceived or identied as harmful.
In cases in which the policy regarding use of radio devices in specic environments is not
clear (e.g., airports, ho spitals, chemical/oil/gas industrial plants, private buildings), obtain
authorization to use these devices prior to operating the equipmen t.
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 91
Manufacturer’s notes
Regulatory Inf ormation/Disclaimers
Installation and use of this radio device must be in strict accordance with the instructions included
in the user documentation provided with the product. Any changes or modic ations m ade to this
device that are not expressly approve d by the manufacturer may void the user’s authority to operate
the equipment. The m anu facturer is not responsible fo r any radio or television interference caused
by unauthorized modication of this device, or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables
and equipment other than those speci e d by the manufacturer. It is th e responsibility of the user
to correct any interference caused by such unauthorized modication, substitution or attachment.
The manufacturer and its authorized resellers or distributors will assume no liability for any damage
or violation of government regulations arising from failure to comply with these guidelines.
Export restrictions
This product or software contains encryption code which may not be exp orted or
transferred from t he US or Canada without an approved US Department of Commerce
export license. This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules, as well as IC ES 003 B
/ NMB 003 B. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesirable opera tion.
Modications not expressly authorised by Fu jitsu Technology Solutions may
invalidate the user’s right to operate this equipment.
92 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
56k modem 44
A beep sounds every second 78
Acoustic error messages 82
Alt + Tab 26
Anti-theft protection 54
Application keys 27
Audio de vices, connecting 67
Audio ports 67
Back tab 26
Backspace 24
Bass loudspeaker (subwoofer) 43
battery life 32
caring for and maintaining 32
charge level 32, 39
charging 32
self-discharge 32
storage 32
Battery status meter 32
BIOS Setup Utility
calling 75
exiting 76
operating 75
protecting with password 54
settings 75
Switching off module 47
Switchingonmodule 47
Bluetooth, safe ty notes 13
Board 68
Buffer battery, load 78
Buttons 23
Caps Lock 24
indicator 21
CD/DVD indicator 21, 36
manual emergency removal 37
CE marking 87
Charging capacity, battery 32
Cleaning 15
installing / removing 68
Conguration, BI OS Setup Utility 75
Connecting audio devices 67
Connecting headphone s 67
Crystal View display
cleaning 15
Ctrl+Alt+Del 26
Ctrl+C 26
Cursor control keys 24
Cursor keys 24
Date is incorrect 78
Declaration of conformity 86
setting up 17
Device d rivers
Parallel port 63
Device drivers,
Serial port 63
connecting 61
Connecting 63
disconnecting 61
Removing 34
Emergency re mova l of data carrier 37
energy saving 14
Energy saving 14
Energy saving mode
leaving 81
Enter 24
Enter key 24
Error message:
on the screen 82
Error messages on the screen 82
Acoustic warnings 82
ESD 68
Ethernet LAN 48
ExpressCard 42
External devices
Connecting 63
correction 77
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 93
Fingerprint sensor 53
congure 53
First-time s etup 16
Fn + F10 26
Fn + F3 26
Fn + F4 26
Fn + F6 26
Fn + F7 26
Fn + F8 26
Fn + F9 26
Fn key 24
Getting started 16
data carriers 35
Hard disk:
restoring the contents 78
Hardware congurat ion 75
Important notes 13
Incorrect da te/time 78
Caps Lock 21
Num Lock 21
Power-on indicator 19
Scroll Lock 21
a data carrier 36
Keyboard 23
cleaning 15
LCD screen
cleaning 15
difcult to read 79
notes 30
reected glare 79
remains blank 79
LCD screen is too dark 79
Life, battery 32
Line feed 24
Loudspeakers 43
disable 26
enable 26
Main memory
see Add ing memory 69
Mains adapter
connecting 17
setting up 17
Manual removal of d ata carrier 37
Mechanical backup 54
Memory card
handling 40
inserting 40
removing 41
Memory expansion
installing 71
removing 70
Memory module
important notes 69
installing 71
removing 70
Microphone 43
Microphone, connecting 67
Mobile opera tion 14
Modem 44
connecting 45
Removing 34
Module bay 34
Modules 34
connecting 62
drifting display 80
remains blank 79
Monitor port
see V G A connection socket 62
before you travel 14
cannot be started 80
cleaning 15
stops working 81
switching off 22
transporting 14–15
using 19
Notebook, opera tion 19
Notes 13
boards 68
cleaning 15
disposal / recycling 86
energy saving 14
LCD screen 3 0
Safety 13
transport 14
94 Fujitsu Technology Solutions
Num Lock
indicator 21, 25
Numeric keypad 23
see Virtual numeric keypad 25
Operating system
activating system protection 56
cancel system protection 56
protecting with password 55
Operating system, restoring 78
Optical drive 35
Packaging 16
Parallel port 63
Connecting devices 63
Settings 63
changing 55
entering 55
removing 55
Password protection 54
Password protection:
hard disk 56
Peripheral devices
connecting 61
disconnecting 61
Port Replicator
Connecting a notebook 50
power consumption 39
power-management features 39
Power-on indicator 19
Preparing for operation 17
Printer does not print 81
Radio component:
safety notes 13
Rechargeable battery 32
see Battery 32
Regulatory information
notebooks with radio device 91
Notebooks without radio device 87
a data carrier 36
Removing memory
see Adding memory 69
Return 24
Safety notes 13
no scree n display 80
Screen brightness
decrease 26
increase 26
Scroll Lock
indicator 21
Security functions 53
SystemLock 59
Security functions,
SmartCard 59
Security Lock 54
Selecting a location 17
Self-discharge, battery 32
Serial port 63
Connecting devices 63
Serial port,
Settings 63
Servicing 68
see BIOS Setup Utility 75
Shift 24
Shift + Tab 26
Shift key 24
ExpressCard 42
Memory cards 40
Start key 24
Status indicat or panel 19
Summer time 78
Supervisor password
changing 55
entering 55
removing 55
Switching on
the notebook 22
Switchingonforthers t time 18
System co n guration 75
System expansion 69
see Adding memory 69
System settings, BIOS Setup Utility 75
Tab k ey 24
Technical data
Mains adapter 85
notebook 84
The radio connection to a network does
not work 81
Time not correct 78
Time, daylight savings 78
Fujitsu Technology Solutions 95
Tips 77
Toggle output screen 26
Touchpad 29
buttons 29
cleaning 15
disable 26
dragging items 30
executing commands 29
moving the pointer 29
selecting an item 29
TPM 60
Transport damage 16
Transportation 14–15
Travel, notebook 14
Troubleshooting 77
Trusted Platform Module 60
USB charging function 65
USB ports 64
User password
changing 55
entering 55
removing 55
Using the Kensington Lock Ca ble 54
VGA connection socket 62
Virtual numeric keypad 25
decrease 26
increase 26
Vo lume control 43
Webcam 31
Weight Saver
Removing 34
Wireless LAN
Switching off module 47
Switchingonmodule 47
Wireless LAN:
safety notes 13
96 Fujitsu Technology Solutions

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