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Operating Manual
Thank you for buying an inno
vative product from Fujitsu.
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ut our products, useful tips, upda tes etc. is available
on our website: "
You can nd driver upda
tes at: "
Should you have any te
chnical questions, please contact:
our Hotline/Service
Desk (see Service D esk list or from the Internet at:
s.fujitsu.com/c ontact/servicedesk")
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We hope you enjoy using your new Fujitsu system!
Published by / Contact address in the EU
Fujitsu Te
chnology Solutions GmbH
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8
80807 Munich, Germany
u Technology Solutions GmbH 2015. All rights reserved.
Publication Date
Order No.: A26361-K1502-Z320-1-7619, edition 1
Operating Manual
Important notes 7
Getting started 11
Operation 18
Troubleshooting and tips 24
System expansions 28
Technical specication 43
Index 44
Information on the product d e scription meets the design specications of Fujitsu and
is provided for comparison purposes. Several factors may cause the actua l results to
differ. Technical data is subject to change without prior notica tion. Fujitsu rejects any
responsibility with r egard to technical or editorial mistakes or o m issions.
Trad em arks
Fujitsu, the Fujitsu logo and ESPRIMO are registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited or its
subsidiaries in the United S ta tes of America and other countries.
Kensington, MicroSaver and K-Slot are registered trad emarks of ACCO Brands.
Microsoft and Window s are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Microsoft
Corporation in the United Sta tes and/or other countries.
All other trademarks specied here are the property of their respective owners.
No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or translated without
the prior written consent of Fujitsu.
No part of this publication may be saved or transferred by any electronic means
without the written approval of Fujitsu.
YourESPRIMO ......................................................................... 5
Validityof the Reference Manual ......................................................... 5
Notational conventions .................................................................. 6
Importantnotes ........................................................................ 7
Safetyinformation ....................................................................... 7
Transporting the device
Cleaning thedevice ..................................................................... 8
Energy saving, disposa
landrecycling ....................................................
CEmarking ............................................................................ 9
FCC Compliance Stat em
ent .............................................................
FCC Class B Comp liance
Statement ..................................................
FCC Radiation E xposu
reStatement ..................................................
Gettingstarted ......................................................................... 11
Unpacking and checking the delivery . . ................................................... 11
Stepsforinitialsetup .................................................................... 11
Setting up thedevice .................................................................... 12
Connecting the device to the mains supply . . . . ............................................ 12
Connecting external devices . . ........................................................... 13
Portson thedevice .................................................................. 13
Connecting a monitor . . . . . ........................................................... 14
Connecting the mo use . . . . ........................................................... 14
Connecting the keyboard . ........................................................... 14
Connecting extern al devices to the serial interface . .................................... 15
Connecting extern al devices to the USB ports . ........................................ 15
Switchingonforthersttime:installingthesoftware ....................................... 16
Switchingon monitorand device ..................................................... 17
Installingthe software ............................................................... 17
Operation .............................................................................. 18
Switch the
deviceon ....................................................................
offthedevice .................................................................
rson thedevice .................................................................
t keys and keyboard shortcuts . . . . ............................................
sinBIOSSetup ..................................................................
yand dataprotection .............................................................
eft protection and lead-sealing . . . . . . ............................................
BIOS s e
tupsecurity functions ........................................................
authorisation viaSmartCard ..................................................
Troubleshootingandtips .............................................................. 24
Helpif problems occur ................................................................... 24
Troubleshooting . . . ...................................................................... 24
Powerindicatorremains offafteryouhaveswitched onyour device ..................... 24
The d evice cannot be switched off with the ON/O F F switch. . . . ......................... 25
Monitorremainsblank ............................................................... 25
Nomouse pointerdisplayedonthe screen ............................................ 26
Timeand/or dateisnot correct ....................................................... 26
Errormessageson thescreen ........................................................ 26
Installingnewsoftware .................................................................. 26
Fujitsu 3
Restoring harddisk contents ............................................................. 27
Tips .................................................................................... 27
Systemexpansions .................................................................... 28
Information about boards ................................................................ 29
Opening the casing . . ................................................................... 30
Closingthe casing ...................................................................... 31
Overview ofthedrive baysand drivesin yourdevice ....................................... 31
Installing and removing the accessible 5
inchdrive ...................................... 32
Removing anaccessible drive ........................................................ 32
Installingan accessibledrive ......................................................... 32
Installing and removing an accessible 3
inchdrive ....................................... 34
Installingan accessibledrive ......................................................... 34
Removing anaccessible drive ........................................................ 35
Installingandremoving theharddisk drive ................................................ 36
Removing aharddisk drive .......................................................... 36
Installinga harddiskdrive ........................................................... 37
Installing and removing a board . . ........................................................ 38
Boardinstalling ..................................................................... 38
Boardremoving ..................................................................... 39
Mainboard expansions . . ................................................................ 41
Upgrading mainmemory ............................................................. 41
Processor, replacing ................................................................. 41
Replacing thelithium battery ......................................................... 42
Technical specication ................................................................. 43
Index .................................................................................. 44
4 Fujitsu
... is available with various conguration levels which differ in terms of hardware and software
equipment. You can install additional drives (for exa m ple a D V D drive) and other boards.
This manual tells yo u how to start using your device and how to operate it in daily u se.
This manual applies for all c onguration levels. Depending on the chosen conguration
level, some of the hardware components described may not be ava ilable on y our PC.
Please also read the notes about your operating system.
Depending on the conguration selected, the operating system is preinsta lled
on your hard disk (e.g. Windows).
Further information on t his device is provided:
in the "Quick Start Guide" po ster
in the "Safety/regul
ations" manual
in the "Warranty" manu al
in the "BIOS Setup"
in the operating manual for the mo nitor
in the manual for t
he mainboard
in your operating system documentation
in the informati
on les (e.g. *.PDF, *.HTML, *.DOC , *.CH M, * .TXT, *.HLP)
This Reference Manual is valid for the following systems:
Fujitsu 5
Notational conventions
Pay particular attention to text marked with this symbol. Fa ilure to observe
these warnings could p ose a risk to health, damage the device or lead
to loss of data. The warranty will be invalidated if the device becomes
defective throu gh failure to observe these warnings.
Indicates important informa
tion for the proper use of the device.
Indicates an activity that must be performed
Indicates a result
This font
indicates data entered
using the keyboard in a pro gram d ialogue or at
the command line, e .g.
your password (Name123) or a command used to
start a program (star
This font
indicates information that is displayed on the screen by a program, e.g.:
Installation is complete.
This font
terms and texts used in a software interface, e.g.: Click on Save
names of programs or les, e.g. Windows or setup.exe.
"This font"
cross-references to another section, e.g. "Safety information"
cross-references to an external s ource, e.g. a web address: For more
information, go to "
Names of CDs, DVDs and titles or designations for other materials,
e.g.: "CD/DVD Drivers & Utilities" or "Safety/Regulations" m anua l
indicates a key on the keyboard, e.g:
This font
indicates terms and texts that are emphasised or highlighted, e.g.: Do
not switch off th e d evice
6 Fujitsu
Important notes
Important notes
In this chapter you will nd information regarding safety which it is essential to
take note of when working with your device.
Safety information
Please note the informat
ion provided in the "Safety/regulations" manual
and in the following safe
ty notes.
When installing and ope
rating the device, please observe the notes on
environmental conditi
ons in Chapter "
Technical specication", Page 43 as well
as the instructions in C
hapter "
Getting star ted", Page 11.
When setting up the dev
ice, make sure there is clearance all around it so that
enough ventilation. In order to avoid overheating, do not
cover the ventilati
on are as of the mon itor or the device.
You must only opera
te the device if the rated voltage used by the
device is set to the
local mains voltage.
The main switch (if
present) and the ON/OFF switch do not disconnect the
device from the ma
ins voltage. To completely disconnect from the mains
voltage, remove t
he pow er plug from the power socket.
Only opera te th
e device w ith the casing closed.
Replace the lit
hium battery o n the mainboard in accordance with the instructions
in "
Replac ing t
he lithium battery", Page 42.
Caution, comp
onents in the system can get very hot.
The activiti
es described in these instructions must always be
performed wi
th the greatest care.
Repairs to th
e device must only be performed by qualied technicians.
Incorrect r
epairs could put the user at great risk or cause serious dam age
to the equi
pment (electric shock, risk of re).
ting the device
Device,Transp o
Transport all parts separa tely in their original packaging or in a packaging which
protects them from knocks and jolts, t o the new site.
Do not unpack them until all transportation manoeuvres are completed.
If the device is brought from a cold environment into the room where it will be used,
condensation may occur. Before operating the device, wait until it is absolutely dry
and has reached approximately the same temperature as the installation site.
Fujitsu 7
Important notes
Cleaning the device
Device,Transpor tationRetransportationSystemunit, seeDevice
Turn off all power and equipment switches and disconnect the pow er
plug from the mains outlet.
Do not clean any interior pa rts yourself, leave this job to a service technician.
Do not use any cleaning agents that contain abrasives or may corrod e
plastic (alcohol, thinner or acetone).
Never clean the device with water! Water enterin g into th e device could
present a serious risk to users (e.g. electric shock).
Ensure that no liquid enters the system.
The surface can be clea
ned with a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a cloth that has been
moistened in mild dome
stic detergent and then carefully wrung out.
Use disinfectant wi
pes to clean the keyboard and the mouse.
Energy saving, disposal and recycling
You c an ndinformationonthesesubjectsinthe"Environment and Energy Information" manual
or on our website ("
http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/about/fts/ environment-care/").
8 Fujitsu
Important notes
CE marking
CEmarkingCEmarkingNotesElectromagneticcompatibilityLowvoltagedi rective
The shipped version of this device complies with th e requirements of EU directives 2004/108/EC
"Electromagnetic compatibility", 2006/95/EC "Low voltage directive", 2011/65/EC "RoHS directive"
and 2009/125/EC "ecodesign directive".
CE marking for devices with radio component
This equipment complies with the requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC of the European Parliament
and Commission from 9 March, 1999 governing Radio and Telecommunications Equipment
and mutual recognition of conformity.
CE nnnn (!) ; nnnn: For digits and exclamation m ark ( !), see label on the product.
You can nd more information and declarations of c onfo rmity on the Internet at:
http://globalsp.t s.fujitsu.com/sites/cert icates".
This equipment can be used in the following countries:
Belgium Bulgaria Denmark
Estonia Finland France
UK Ireland Iceland Italy
Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania
Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway
Austria Poland Portugal Rumania
Sweden Switzerland Slovakia Slovenia
Czech R epublic
Contact th
e corresponding governme nt ofce in the respective country for current information on
possible o
perating restrictions. If your country is not included in the list, then please contact
the corres
ponding supervisory authority as to whether the use of this product is permitted in
your coun
Fujitsu 9
Important notes
FCC Compliance Statement
If th e device complies with the FCC regulations, the FCC s ign can be found on the type rating plate.
FCC Class B Compliance State
Notice to Users of R ad ios and Television :
This class B digital a pparat us complies with Canadian I CES-003.
The following statement applies to the pro duct s covered in this m anual, unless o therwise specied
herein. The statement for other products will appear in the accompanying documentation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a "Class B" digital
device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and meets all require ments of th e Canadian
Interference-Causing E quipment Standard ICES-003 for digital app aratus. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residen tial installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in strict accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no gu arantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to r adio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the s
eparation between equipment and the rece iver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from th at to
which the receiver is connected.
Consult the d
ealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Fujitsu not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized modi cations
of this equipment or th e substitution or attachment of connecting cables a nd equipment other
than those specied by Fujitsu. T he correction o f interferences caused by such unauthorized
modication, substitution or attachment will be the responsibility of the user.
The use of shielded I/O cables is required when connecting this equipment to any and all optional
peripheral or host devices. Failure to do so may violate FCC and ICES rules.
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
This equipment complies with FC C radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
The transmitters in this device must not be co-located or operated in conjunction
with any other antenna or transmitter.
To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device is intended to be
operated indoors and aw ay from windows to provide maximum shielding. Equipment (or
its transmit antenna) that is installed outdoors is subject to licensing.
Users are not authorized to modify this product. Any modications invalidate the warranty.
This equipment may not be modied, altered, or chan ged in any way without signed
written permission from Fujitsu. Unauthorized modication will void the equipment
authorization from the F CC and In dustry Canada and the warranty.
10 Fujitsu
Getting started
Getting s tarted
Please observe the safety information in the "Important notes", Page 7 chapter.
Unpacking and checking the delivery
It is recommend ed not to throw away the original packaging material! It may be
required for reshipment at some later date.
PackagingContentsofd eliveryPackaging,
Unpack all th e individual parts.
Check the contents of the p ackage for any visible damage caused during transport.
Check whether the delivery confo rms to the details in the delivery note.
Should y ou discover that the delivery does not correspond to the delivery
note, notify your local sales outlet immediately.
Steps for initial setup
Preparingfor rstuse, overviewPreparingforuse,
Only a few steps are necessary to put your new device into operation for the rst tim e:
Select a location for device and set up device
Connect external devices such as mouse, keyboard and monitor
Check the voltage at the mains outlet and connect the device to an electrical outlet
Switch the device on
You will learn more about the individual steps in the following sections.
External devices
If you have received other external devices in addition to your own device (e.g.
a printer), do not connect these until after the initial installation. The following
sections describe how to connect these external devices.
Drives and boards
If you have received drives or boards with your device, please do not insta ll
them until after rst-time setup. H ow to install drives and boards is described
in the "
System expansions", Page 28 chapter.
Fujitsu 11
Getting started
Setting u p the device
When installing your device, please read the recommendations and safety
notes in the "Safety/regulations" manual.
We recommend that you place your device on a surface which is not slippery. In
view of the man y different nishes and varnishes used on furniture, it is possible
that the rubber feet w ill mark the surface they stand on.
Depending on the location of your device, bothersome vibrations and no ises may
occur. To pre vent this, a distance of at least 10 mm / 0.39" should be maintained
from other devices on casing sides without ventilation surfaces.
In order to avoid overheating, do not cover the ventilation areas
of the monitor or the device.
A minimu m distance of 200 mm / 7.87" from the device must be
observed for ventilation areas.
Do not stack several devices on top of each other.
Do not expose t he device to extreme ambient conditions (see "
specication", Page 43 , section "Ambient conditions"). P rotect the
device against dust, humidity and heat.
Operating positi
Use the device on
ly in the vertical operating position.
Connecting the device to the mains supply
ect the power c able to the device (1).
Plug the power plug into a grounded mains outlet (2).
12 Fujitsu
Getting started
Connecting external devices
Read the documentation on the external device before connecting it.
With the exception of USB devices, always remove all power plugs
before con necting external devices!
Do not connect or disconnect cables d uring a thunderstorm.
Always take hold of the actual plug. Neve r unplug a cable by pulling the cab le itse lf.
Ports on the device
Interf acesExternaldevicesDevice
The ports available on your device depend on the s elected device con guration level.
The ports are located on the front and ba ck of the device. The ports available on your
device depe nd on the cong uration level you have selected. The standard ports are
marked with the symbols shown below (or similar). Detailed information on the location
of the ports is provided in the manual for the ma inboard.
DVI monitor p ort, white
VGA m o nitor port, blue
Microphone jack
Audio input (Line In)
Headphones port
Audio output (Line Out)
USB 2.0 - Universal Serial
Bus, black
USB 3.0 - Universal Serial
Bus, blue
LAN port
PS/2 mouse port, green
Keyboard port, purple
e-SATA port
S/PDIF port
Serial port, turquoise
DP DisplayPort
Some of the peripherals require special software (e.g. drivers) (refer to the
documentation for the peripheral and operating system).
Fujitsu 13
Getting started
Connecting a monitor
F ollow the instructions conta ined in the monitor manual to prepare the monitor
for operation (e.g. connecting cables).
Connect the data cable of the mon itor into the monitor port of your device.
The optional monitor power cable may only be connected to the monitor socket of
the device if the mon itor current consumption is less than 1 A with 240 V or 2 A
with 100 V. The values for the mo nitor current consumption can be found in the
technical data on the monitor or in the operating manual for the monitor.
Plug the monitor power ca
ble into the grounded mains outlet.
Connecting the mouse
You can connect a USB mouse or a PS/2 mouse to your device .
Connecting a USB mouse
Connect the USB mouse to one of the USB ports on the device.
Connecting a PS/2 mouse
The PS/2 mouse is only detected by the device if you connect the mouse w h en
the device is s witched off and then switch the device o n again.
C onnect the PS/
2 mouse to the PS/2 mouse port of the device.
PS/2mouse,Con necting,PS/2mouse,
Switch your device on again.
Connecting the keyboard
You can connect a USB keyboard or a PS/2 keyboard to your device .
Connecting a USB keyboard
Use the supplied keyboard cable only.
Insert the at rectangular USB plug of the keyboard cable into one of the device’s USB ports.
Connecting a PS/2 keyboard
Use the supplied keyboard cable only.
The P S/2 keyboard is only detected b y the d evice if you connect the keyboa rd
when the device is switched off and then switch the device on again.
Sw itch your device off.
Plug t
he round plug of the keyboard cable into the keyboard port on the device.
Switch your device on again.
14 Fujitsu
Getting started
Connecting external devices to the serial interface
External devices (e.g. a printer or scanner ) can be connected to the serial port.
Connect the data cable to the external device.
Connect the data cable to the corresponding serial interface.
For an exact description of how to connect external devices to the corresponding
port, please see the external device documentation.
Port settings
You can change the port settings (e.g. address, interrupt) in the BIOS Setup.
Device drivers
Devicedrive rs,
The devices connected to the serial interface require d rivers. Your operating system
already includes many drivers. If the required drive is missin g, install it. The latest
drivers are usually available on the Internet or will be supplied on a data carrier.
Connecting external devices to the USB ports
You can connect a wide range of external devices to the USB port s (e.g.
printer, scanner, modem or keyboard).
USB devices are hot-pluggable. This means you can connect and disconnect
USB cables while your device is switched on.
Additional information can be found in the documentation for the USB devices.
Connect the data cable to the external device.
Connect the d
ata cable to one of the USB port s on your d evice.
Device drivers
The extern
al USB devices you connect to the USB ports usually require no driver of their
own, as the
required software is already included in the operating system. If the d evice
separate software, please note the information in the manufacturer’s manual.
Fujitsu 15
Getting started
Switching on for the rst time: installing the software
Once the installation has been started the device must not be switched
off, unless the installation has been completed.
During installation, the device may only be rebooted when you are requested to do so!
The insta llation will otherwise not be carried out correctly and the contents
of the hard disk must be completely restored.
If the d e vice is integrat
ed into a network, the user and server details as well as
the network protocol ar
e required during the software installation.
Contact your network ad
ministrator if you have any questions about these settings.
When you switch on the d
evice for the rst time, the supplied software
is installed and cong
ured. Plan a reasonable amoun t of time for this,
as this process must n
ot be interrupted.
You may need the lic
ence number for Windows during the installation. You can nd the licence
number as a label on
your device ( no longer applies to Windows 8 or higher).
16 Fujitsu
Getting started
Switching on m onitor and d evice
In order to avoid overheating, do not cover the ve ntilation areas
of the monitor or the device.
Depending on the version, the device may be equipped with a main power switch
on the back of the device i n addition to the ON/OFF button on the front.
Switch the monitor on (see the operating m anual f or the monitor).
Switch the device on. To do this, follow the inst ruction s below.
Turn the main switch on the back of the device t o the "I" position (1).
Press the ON
/OFF switch on the front of the device (2).
The power indicator lights up and the device is started.
Installing the software
During installation, f ollow the on-screen instructions.
If anything is unclear regarding the data y ou are asked to input, read the
online H elp in your operating system.
You will nd more information on the system, as well as drivers, utilities and updates on
the "Drivers & Utilities" DVD and on the Internet at "
http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/support" .
You can nd information and help on the Windows operating system functions
on the Internet at "
Fujitsu 17
Switch the device on
If necessary, switch the monitor o n (see t he operating m anu al for the monitor).
Sw itch on the device using t
he main po wer switch located on the rear of the device (if present).
Press the O N/OFF switch on the front of the device.
The power indicator glo
ws and the device starts.
Switching off the device
Shu t down the operating system in a dened manner. In Windows: via the
Start menu and the Turn Off Computer function.
If the operating sy
stem doe s not automatically switch the device into energy-saving mode or
switch it off, pres
s the ON/OFF switch. Warning, this could lead to a loss of data!
If the device is switched off, it consumes a minimum of energy.
Sw itch the device
off at the main switch (if present).
The device no longer uses any power.
The main switch and the ON/OFF sw itch do not disconnect the device
from the mains voltage. To completely disconnect from the mains voltage,
remove the power p lug from the power socket.
If necessary, switch the monitor off (see the operating manual for the m onitor).
18 Fujitsu
Indicators on the device
The indicat ors are on the front of the c asin g. Which indicators are available on your
device depends on the conguration level you have selected.
1 = Drive indicator, e.g. DVD
2 = Power-on indicator
3 = Hard disk indicator
No. Indicat or Description
1 Drive indicator
The indicator lights up when the CD-ROM or DVD drive in the
device is accessed. Never under any circumstances remove the
CD/DVD while the indicator is lit.
2 Power-on indicato r
Caution: When energy saving mode is active, the device must
not be switched off at the main power switch (if present) or
disconnected from the mains, as this may result in data loss.
The indicator is illuminated:
The device
is switched on.
The indicator is ashing:
The devic
e is in energy-saving mode. After being switched on
with the O
N/OFF switch , the device powers up or returns to the
state it w
as in before it entered energy-saving mode.
The indicator is not lit:
The dev
ice is switched off.
sk indicator
The indicator lights up when th e hard disk drive of th e device is
Fujitsu 19
KeyboardKeyb oard,Keyboard,Keybo ard,Keyboard,Keyboard ,Alphan umerickeypadCursorkeysKeys ,FunctionkeysNumeric keypadNumerickeypad
The illustrated keyboard is an example and may differ f rom the model you use.
1 2
1 = Function keys
2 = On/off switch (optional)
3 = Alphanumeric keypad
5 = Numeric keypad (calculator keypad)
Important k
eys and keyboard shortcuts
KeysKeyb oardshortcu ts
The description of the following keys and keyboard shortcuts applies to Microsoft
operating systems. Details of other keys and keyboard shortcuts can be foun d in
the documentation for the relevant application program.
Key / key combination Description
On/off switch (option al)
Depending on the setting in the BIOS Setup, the device can be switched
on or off with this s witch. Some operating systems allow you to congure
additional functions of the ON/OF F switch in the Control Panel.
(Advanced Conguration and Power Management Interface). Otherwise
the key is inoperative. The mainboard must supp ort t his function.
Enter key
conrms the highlighted selection. The Enter key is also referred to as
the "Return" key.
20 Fujitsu
Key / key combination Description
Windows key (device-dependent
calls up the Windows Start menu
Menu key (device-dep end ent:
variant 1)
calls up the menu for the marke
d item (Windows).
Windows key (device-depe
ndent: v ariant 2)
Switches between the star
t screen and the last used application.
Menu key (device-dep end ent: variant 2)
Opens the menu for the active application.
Shift key
enables upper-case
letters and the upper key symbols to be displayed.
Alt Gr key (country
produces a charac
ter shown o n the bottom right of a key (e.g. the @
sign on the
Num Lock key
By pressing the
Num Lock key you switch between the upper- and
lower-case lev
els o f the calculator keypad.
When the Num Lo
ck indica tor is lit the numeric keypad and arithmetic
keys are activ
When the Num L
ock indicator is not lit the cursor control functions on the
Numeric keyp
ad are active.
Ctrl key
performs a special operation when pressed in conjunction with an other
key. The
key is also called the "Control" or "Control key".
Ctrl+Alt+DelCtrl+Alt+DelKeyskeyboa rdshortcuts
Windows Security/Task Manager
This key c ombination opens the Windows Security/Task Manager window.
Settings in BIOS Setup
In BIOS Setup, you can set the system functions and the hardware conguration of the device.
When the PC is delivered, the default entries are valid (see "BIOS Setup" manual or manual for
the mainboard). You can customise these settings to your requirements in the BIO S Setup.
Fujitsu 21
Property and data protection
Propertyprotectio nDataprot ectionSecuritym easures
Software functions and mechanical locking offer a broad range of functions for protecting y our device
and your personal data against the ft and unauthorised access. You can also combine these functions.
Anti-theft protection and lead-sealing
Device,Device ,Casing,Lead -sealingAnti-theftprotectionKensingtonLockChain
1 = Device for Sec
urity Lock
2 = Holes for padl
Anti-theft pr
You can prote
ct your device from theft
urity Lock device (1) an d a Kensington MicroSaver. Please
consult the
manual for your Security Lock.
with the holes (2) and a padlock and chain which you have connected to a xed object bef orehan d.
To prevent unauthorised pe rsons from opening the system unit, the casing can be lead-sealed. To
do this, feed the sealing chain through the holes (2) and seal the chain with the lead seal.
22 Fujitsu
BIOS setup security functions
The Security menu in BIOS Setup offers you various options for protecting your
personal data against unauthorized access, e.g.:
Preventing unauthorised access to BIOS Setup
Preventing unauthorised system access
Preventing unauthorised access to th e settings of boards with their own BIOS
Issuing virus warnings
Protecting BIOS from overwriting
Protecting the device from being switched on by an external device
You c an also combine these functions.
You will nd a detailed description of the Security menus and how to assign passwords
in the manual for the mainboard or in the "BIO S Setup" manual.
Access authorisation via SmartCard
In systems equipped
with a SmartCard reader, access can be restricted to those
users who have a cor
responding SmartCard.
Fujitsu 23
Troubleshooting and tips
Troubleshooting and tips
Refer to the safety notes in the "Safety/regulations" manual and in th e "Getting
started", Page 11 chapter when connecting or disconnecting cables.
If a fault oc c u rs, try to c
orrect it as described in the following documentation:
in this chapter
in the documentation for the connected devices
in the help systems of th
in the documentation for your operating system
Help if problems occur
Should you e ncount
er a problem with your computer that you cannot resolve yourself:
Note the ID n u m ber
of your device. The ID number is found on the type rating
plate on the back,
the underside or the top of the casing.
F o r further clarication of the problem, contact the Service Desk for your country (see the
Service Desk list o r visit the Internet at "
http://support.ts.fujitsu.com/contact/se rvicedesk"). When
you do this, please have ready the identity number and serial number of your system.
Power indicator rema ins off after y ou have switched
on your device
The mains voltage supply is faulty. Check that the power cable is correctly
plugged into the device and into a grounded
mains outlet.
Check that the main switch at the rear of th e
device is set to the "I" position.
Switch the device on.
Internal power supply overloaded.
Pull the power plug o f the device out of the
mains outlet.
Wait fo
r about 3 minutes.
Plug the power plug into a properly grounded
mains outlet again.
ch the device on.
24 Fujitsu
Troubleshooting and tips
The device cannot be switched off w ith the ON/OFF switch.
System crash Ke ep the on/off switch pressed for at least 4
seconds until the machine switches off.
Caution: This can lead to a loss of data!
This procedure does not allow the operating
system to shut down in an orderly w ay. The next
time the system is started there may well be
error messages.
Monitor remains blank
Monitor is switched off Sw itch your monitor on.
Power saving h as been activated (screen is
Press any ke y on the keyboard.
Deactivate the s creen saver. If
necessary, enter the appropriate
Brightness control is set to dark Ad just the brightness control. F or detailed
information, please refer to the operat ing
manual supplied with your monitor.
Power cable not connected
Sw itch off the monitor and the device.
C heck that the monitor power cable is
properly connected to the monitor and to
a grounded mains o utlet or to the monitor
socket of the device.
Check that the device power cable is
properly plugged into the device and a
grounded mains outlet.
Switch on the monitor and the device.
Monitor cable not connected
Sw itch of
f the monitor and the device.
Check that the monitor cable is properly
connected to the device and monitor.
Sw itch o
n the monitor and the device .
Incorrect setting for the monitor
t the system.
while the system is booting.
the system in Safe Mode.
Se t up the monitor as described in the
documentation for your operating system
and monitor.
Fujitsu 25
Troubleshooting and tips
No mouse pointer displayed on th e screen
The mouse is not correctly conn ected.
Shut dow n the operat ing system properly.
Switch the device off.
Ch eck that the mouse cab le is p roperly
connected to the system unit. If you use a n
adapter or extension lead with the mouse
cable, ch eck the connections.
Switch the device on.
The mouse controller is not enabled.
Check in the BIOS-Setup w
hether the mouse
controller is enabled .
Ch eck that the mouse driver is properly
installed and is present when the application
programme is started. Detailed information
can be found in th e user guide for the mouse
and application programme.
Time and/or date is not correct
Time and date are incorrect.
Set the correct ti
me and date within the
operating syste
m you are using.
Set the correct time and/or date in the
BIOS Setup.
The lithium battery is discharged.
If the time and
date are repeatedly wrong
when you switc
h on your device, replace the
lithium batt
ery (see "
Replac ing the lithium
battery", P
age 42).
Error mess
ages on the screen
Error messa ges and their e xplanations are provided:
in the technical manual for the mainboard
in the doc
umentation for the programs used
Installing new software
When installing prog rams or drivers, important les may be overwritten and modied. To
be able to access the original data in the event o f any problems following installation,
you should backup your hard disk prior to installation.
26 Fujitsu
Troubleshooting and tips
Restoring hard disk contents
Should you need to restore your hard disk, the instructions are provided on the case
of the "Recovery DVD" (delivered with your system).
Topic Tip
Outofsystemresources C lose unnecessary applications.
Run the applications in a different order.
Other manuals Further manuals are provided as PDF les on
the " Drivers & Utilities" DVD.
Fujitsu 27

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