Scope of delivery and identifi cation
Page 10
The type plate for the cup warmer
is located on the inner side of the
device at the lower left.
Add-on unitsCoff ee machine A1000 (FCS4050)
SU12 Refrigeration unit with FoamMaster (cold and warm
milk, cold and warm milk foam)
CW Cup warmer
AC Payment device
FS Flavor Station
FS60A1000 SU12 FM
Type key
Position of type plates
Identifi cation
A1000 Coff ee machine (fully automatic device)
1 C 1M 1 coff ee machine, 1 milk type
3G Number of grinders (max. 3)
2P Number of powder containers (max. 2)
H1 Hot water
S1 Steam wand
S2 Autosteam
S3 Autosteam Pro
The type plate for the Flavor Sta-
tion is located in the interior.
The type plate for the SU12 is
located in the cooling room.
The type plate is located to the
right of the grounds container
on the right interior wall of the