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DE Lesen Sie vor Fahrtantritt unbedingt die
Bedienungsanleitung, die Sie auf der CD finden.
Falls Sie eine gedruckte Version benötigen, fin-
den Sie die Bezugs quelle auf Seite 17 in diesem
CD-Cover. Die Zustellung erfolgt kostenfrei.
EN For your safety and the proper use and care
of your bike, you must read the instruction ma-
nual found on the CD before using your bike for
the first time. If you require a printed version of
the instructions, you can contact the supplier on
page 39 of the CD cover to ask for a printed copy.
Delivery is free.
ES Es indispensable que, antes de iniciar la mar-
cha, lea las instrucciones de uso que encontrará
en este CD. Si necesitara una versión impresa,
diríjase a la fuente de suministro que figura en
la página 61 de la carátula de este CD. El envío
es gratuito.
FR Prenez impérativement connaissance du
mode d’emploi que vous trouverez sur le CD
avant le départ. Si vous avez besoin d’une
version imprimée, vous trouverez les coor-
données pour en faire la demande en page 83
de la jaquette de ce CD. Elle vous sera remise
IT Si prega assolutamente di leggere con attenzi-
one, prima della corsa, le istruzioni per l’uso che
si trovano sul vostro CD. Nel caso in cui abbiate
necessità di una versione stampata, potete trova-
re dove ordinarla alla pagina 105 sulla copertina
del CD. Il recapito è gratis.
NL Lees vóór aanvang van de rit beslist de gebru-
iksaanwijzing, die u op de cd vindt. Indien u een
gedrukte versie nodig hebt, vindt u het inkoopad-
res op pagina 127 in deze cd-cover. De bezorging
volgt vrij van de kosten.
AR         
        
 .    39    
 
BE Перад пачаткам руху абавязкова
прачытайце iнструкцыю па абслугоўванню,
якую Вы знойдзеце на CD.
У тым выпадку, калi Вам патрэбна
друкаваная версiя iнструкцыi, iнфармацыю
пра яе набыццё Вы можаце знайсцi на
старонцы 39 вокладкi для CD. Друкаваная
версiя будзе дастаўлена Вам бясплатна.
BG Преди да направите обиколка с
велосипеда непременно прочетете
Инструкцията за обслужване, която ще
намерите върху CD.
Ако Ви е необходима печатна версия,
референтен източник ще намерите на
страница 39 от корицата на този CD.
Доставя се безплатно.
CZ Před nastoupením jízdy si bezpodmínečně
přečtěte návod na použití, který naleznete na
CD. Potřebujete-li tištěnou verzi, zdroj můžete
najít na straně 39 v tomto obalu na CD. Dodání
je bezplatné.
DA Inden køreturen startes, skal du ubetinget
læse den brugsanvisning, som du finder på
CDʼen. har brug for en trykt version, finder
du indkøbsstedet på side 39 i dette CD-cover.
Tilsendingen er gratis.
ET Palun lugege enne sõidu algust tingimata
käsitsemisjuhendit, mille Te leiate CD pealt. Kui
Te soovite saada trükitud versiooni, siis Te leiate
allika CD ümbrise leheküljelt 39. Kättetoimetami-
ne on tasuta.
FI Lue ehdottomasti tällä CD:llä oleva käyt-
töohje ennen ajon alkua. Painetun käyttöohjeen
hankintapaikan löydät tarvittaessa näistä CD-
kansista sivulta 39. Lähetys on ilmainen.
GR Διαβάστε πριν από τη χρήση οπωσδήποτε
τις οδηγίες χρήσεως, τις οποίες μπορείτε να
τις βρείτε στο CD. Εάν χρειάζεσθε τις οδηγίες
χρήσεως σε έντυπη μορφή, θα βρείτε την
πηγή προμήθευσης στη σελίδα 39 σε αυτό
το CD-Cover. Η αποστολή θα διενεργηθεί
תוארוה תא הנושארה הביכרה ינפל אורקל ת/שקבתמ ךנה
ספדומ שומיש ןולעב ךנוצרבו היה .קסידה לע תואצמנה שומישה
.הז קסיד תפיטעב 39 דומעב ותנמזה רוקמ ואצמת ,ריינ לע
.תויולעב שרדנ וניא ספדומה ןולעה חולשמ
HR Prije početka vožnje obavezno pročitajte
upute za uporabu koje ćete naći na CD-u. Ako
trebate tiskanu verziju, referentni izvor naći ćete
na stranici 39 ovitka ovog CD-a.
Dostava je besplatna.
HU Kérjük indulás előtt mindenképpen olvassa el
a CD lemezen található kezelési útmutatót.
A kezelési útmutató nyomtatott verzióját a CD
borító 39 oldalán található címen rendelheti
meg. A szállítás ingyenes.
JP ご使用前に、 CD に入る使用説明書
必ずお読みださい。 印刷された説明書がご必
要な場合は、 CD カバーの 39 をご覧く
KO 자전거를 타시기전에 전에 CD 에 있는 사
용설명서를 꼭 읽으셔야합니다. 만약 귀하께서
인쇄된 사용설명서를 필요로 하실 경우는 이
CD 커버의 39 페이지에 있는 공급처를 찾으세
요. 무료로 송부됩니다.
LT Prieš važiuodami būtinai perskaitykite nau-
dojimo instrukciją, kurią rasite kompaktiniame
Jeigu Jums prireiktų spausdinto naudojimo
instrukcijos varianto, tiekėjo duomenis rasite
šio kompaktinio disko dėklo 39 puslapyje.
Spausdintą naudojimo instrukciją pristatome
LV Pirms pirmās braukšanas reizes, lūdzu,
uzmanīgi izlasiet lietošanas pamācību, kas ir
ierakstīta CD diskā.
Ja lietošanas pamācība Jums ir nepieciešama
drukātā versijā, tad nosūtiet pieprasījumu uz
šā CD vāciņa 39 lappuspusē norādīto adresi.
Piegāde ir bezmaksas.
NO Det er svært viktig at du, før du begynner å
sykle, leser bruksanvisningen som du finner på
CDen. Hvis du trenger en trykt versjon, finner
du forhandleren på side 39 i dette CD-coveret.
Leveringen er omkostningsfri.
PL Przed użyciem prosze sie koniecznie zapoznać
z instrukcją obsługi, która znajduje sie na
płycie CD. W razie potrzeby drukowane źródło
informacji znajduje sie na okładce płyty CD, na
stronie 39. Dostawa jest bezpłatna.
PT Antes de usar a bicicleta leia em todos casos
o manual de instruções que se encontra no CD.
Em caso que necesite uma versão impressa,
encontrará a direcção do fornecedor na página
39 desta caderneta.
O envio será gratuíto.
RO Citiţi înainte de a circula cu bicicleta
neapărat instrucţiunile de utilizare, pe care le
găsiţi pe CD.
Dacă aveţi nevoie de o versiune tipărită, atunci
sursa de procurare o găsiţi la pagina 39 din
această copertă de CD. Expedierea se realizează
RU Перед началом поездки обязательно
прочитайте инструкцию по эксплуатации,
находящуюся на CD. Если Вам необходим
напечатанный вариант, на странице 39
обложки CD Вы найдете адрес для заказа.
Доставка выполняется бесплатно.
SK Pred začiatkom jazdy si bezpodmienečne
prečítajte návod na obsluhu, ktorý nájdete na CD.
Ak potrebujete tlačenú verziu, zdroj nájdete na
strane 39 v tomto obale na CD. Doručenie je
SL Poleg navodil za uporabo si preberite tudi
navodila pred začetkom vožnje, ki so shranjena
na CD-ju. Če potrebujete tiskano različico navo-
dil, je na strani 39 v ovitku CD-ja naveden vir,
kjer lahko naročite brezplačno tiskano različico
SV Det är av största vikt du läser bruksanvisnin-
gen innan du kör första gången. Bruksanvisnin-
gen finns på CD:n. Om du behöver bruksanvis-
ningen i tryckt form, kan du hitta en leverantör
på sidan 39 i CD-omslaget. Leveransen sker
TH 
UK Перед початком руху обов’язково ознайомтеся
з інструкцією з експлуатації, яка знаходиться на
компакт-диску. Якщо вам потрібна друкована версія,
кординати місця, де її можна отримати, ви можете
знайти на сторінці 39 в обкладинці цього компакт-
диска. Доставка безкоштовна.
ZH 使用前请务必阅读操作说明书,操作说明
明书,可在本光盘封套内的第 39 页找到来源。
NO Det er svært viktig at du, før du begynner å
sykle, leser bruksanvisningen som du finner på
CDen. Hvis du trenger en trykt versjon, finner
du forhandleren på side 39 i dette CD-coveret.
Leveringen er omkostningsfri.
PL Przed użyciem prosze sie koniecznie zapoznać
z instrukcją obsługi, która znajduje sie na
ycie CD. W razie potrzeby drukowane źródło
informacji znajduje sie na okładce yty CD, na
stronie 39. Dostawa jest bezpłatna.
PT Antes de usar a bicicleta leia em todos casos
o manual de instruções que se encontra no CD.
Em caso que necesite uma versão impressa,
encontrará a direcção do fornecedor na página
39 desta caderneta.
O envio será gratuíto.
RO Citiţi înainte de a circula cu bicicleta
neapărat instrucţiunile de utilizare, pe care le
găsiţi pe CD.
Dacă aveţi nevoie de o versiune tipărită, atunci
sursa de procurare o găsiţi la pagina 39 din
această coperde CD. Expedierea se realizează
RU Перед началом поездки обязательно
прочитайте инструкцию по эксплуатации,
находящуюся на CD. Если Вам необходим
напечатанный вариант, на странице 39
обложки CD Вы найдете адрес для заказа.
Доставка выполняется бесплатно.
SK Pred začiatkom jazdy si bezpodmienečne
prečítajte návod na obsluhu, ktorý nájdete na CD.
Ak potrebujete tlačenú verziu, zdroj nájdete na
strane 39 v tomto obale na CD. Doručenie je
SL Poleg navodil za uporabo si preberite tudi
navodila pred začetkom vožnje, ki so shranjena
na CD-ju. Če potrebujete tiskano različico navo-
dil, je na strani 39 v ovitku CD-ja naveden vir,
kjer lahko naročite brezplačno tiskano različico
SV Det är av största vikt du läser bruksanvisnin-
gen innan du kör första gången. Bruksanvisnin-
gen finns på CD:n. Om du behöver bruksanvis-
ningen i tryckt form, kan du hitta en leverantör
på sidan 39 i CD-omslaget. Leveransen sker
TH 
UK Перед початком руху обов’язково ознайомтеся
з інструкцією з експлуатації, яка знаходиться на
компакт-диску. Якщо вам потрібна друкована версія,
кординати місця, де її можна отримати, ви можете
знайти на сторінці 39 в обкладинці цього компакт-
диска. Доставка безкоштовна.
ZH 使用前请务必阅读操作说明书,操作说明
明书,可在本光盘封套内的第 39 页找到来源。
Table of Contents
*dependent on model
I. Safety information 33
I.I Legal regulations - International 34
I.II Beforeyourrstride 34
I.III Cycling 35
I.IV Adjustment, maintenance
and repair 37
II. Information pack 38
II.II Component guides 39
II.III Service book 40
III. Cycle dealer 40
1. Beforeyourrstride 41
1.1 Attaching the pedals 41
1.2 Adjusting the saddle height 42
1.2.1 Determining the correct
saddle height 42
1.2.2 Adjusting the saddle height:
Seat clamp(s)* 43
1.2.3 Adjusting the saddle height:
Quick-release skewer* 44
2. Adjusting the height and angle
of the handlebars 45
3. Wheels and tyres 46
3.1 Fastening quick-release wheels* 46
3.1.1 Attaching wheels with
quick-release axles* 48
4. Shifting and tilting the saddle 50
4.1 Screw supports: Shifting and
tilting the saddle 51
4.2 Twin-screw supports: Shifting
and tilting the saddle 51
4.3 Clamp attachment: Shifting
and tilting the saddle 53
4.4 Suspension seatpost 53
Congratulations on the purchase of your new FOCUS bike!
To ensure that you travel safely and with maximum enjoyment, please read the following
the component guides and the service book.
Abridged User Manual
I. Safety information
Ensure that your cycle dealer has provided you with all the documents included with the
bike upon delivery. Keep this User Manual and the other documents in the information pack
for future reference. Pass the manual and the information pack on to anyone who uses,
maintains or repairs this bike. Failure to do so can lead to uncertainty which may cause
death, severe injuries and/or damage to the bicycle.
and follow the other documents in the information pack. Familiarise yourself with the
appearance and meaning of the safety information symbols. Should you have any queries,
please contact your cycle dealer. Failure to comply with safety symbols and instructions
can result in death, very serious injuries and/or damage to the bicycle. The manufacturer’s
liability and any warranty are deemed null and void for any damage or injury caused by a
failure to adhere to safety symbols and instructions.
I.I Legal regulations - International
and all applicable standards. Failure to comply may result in very serious accidents and/or
regulations and applicable standards.
Alwaysobservetherelevantnationaltracregulations.Failure to comply may result in very
bike abroad.
Never ride "hands free". This could lead to a severe fall - or even death - and is furthermore
Do not allow yourself to be distracted. Do not use headphones to listen to music when riding
the bike. Do not use a mobile phone when riding the bike. If you do not fully concentrate on
I.II Beforeyourrstride
Adjust the bike to your height. If it is not set to your height, you can lose control of the bike
and have a serious fall. We recommend asking your cycle dealer to assemble and adjust
the bike. Otherwise, components could become loose due to a faulty assembly. Should this
happen whilst you are cycling, you could injure yourself very seriously or even die.
Ask your cycle dealer to show you how to use your bike and explain its special features and
components. Please also follow the component guides. Failure to do so can lead to uncer-
tainty which may cause death, severe injuries and/or damage to equipment.
Practisebrakinginasafeplacebeforeventuringintoroadtrac.In some instances, the
I.III Cycling
Check that the brakes work and that the handlebars can move freely before every ride.Do not
use the bike if it is not in perfect technical condition. If you are unsure, ask your cycle dealer
to check it, if necessary.
Replace any damaged (e.g. cracks, grooves) or bent components before using the bike again.
Not doing so can lead to essential parts failing and cause a serious fall.
Do not exceed the total permissible weight of the bike, as this can lead to the fracture or
failure of important safety components. If this happens while you are riding the bike, it can
lead to severe falls – with fatal consequences. Ask your cycle dealer for advice.
Do not exceed the maximum carrying capacity of the pannier rack. Excess weight could
rack inscribed on the rack.
Attachanyluggagesecurelyandcheckitscorrecttregularly.If it is not secure, straps etc.
can get caught up in the spokes and/or rotating wheels. Serious falls can result.
Allquick-releasesystemsmustbecorrectlytightenedbeforeyouseto.Check that they are
a short time. Otherwise, attached components may work loose; if this should happen whilst
you are cycling, you could fall. This could result in serious injuries.
In the interests of your own safety, a suitable helmet should always be worn. A bicycle
Adapt your speed to the terrain, conditions and your driving ability. Alwaysusesuciently
powerful lights when cycling in unfavourable lighting conditions (fog, rain, twilight, dark).
When cycling in wet conditions, brake carefully and in good time, as the braking distance is
considerably longer. Failure to do so can lead to accidents and serious injuries.
I.IV Adjustment, maintenance and repair
Always remove the battery (if relevant) before working on the Pedelec. The cycle could
electric shock.
We recommend asking your cycle dealer to assemble and adjust the bike. Otherwise,
components could become loose due to a faulty assembly. Should this happen whilst you
are cycling, you could injure yourself seriously or even die. Should you need to tighten
guides or in the Original User Manuals. These torque settings must be respected.
The component manufacturer's torque settings take precedence (where available). Failure
to comply can result in screws/bolts becoming loose, tearing away or fracturing. If that
severe crash. If screws are overtightened, other components can also be damaged. Tighten
all screws and bolts that are relevant for safety with a torque wrench. This indicates the
corresponding torque in newton metres (Nm).
Only use marked and adapted original replacement parts when replacing parts. Ask your
cycle dealer for advice.
Ask your cycle dealer to check your bike regularly.
II. Information pack
The CD includes the "Original User Manual | General" in several languages, which provides
as follows:
Method A
1. Insert the CD.
2. Left-clicktheshelexec.exeletwice.
3. Select the required language.
4. Select "Open User Guide from CD" or "Check Online for New Version of User Guide".
Method B
1. Insert the CD.
2. Right-click once on "Open Folder to Show Files".
3. Left-click "Start" twice.
4. Select the required language.
5. Select "Open User Guide from CD" or "Check Online for New Version of User Guide".
CD; you can also download it for free from https://acrobat.adobe.com/de/de/products/
General" and "Original User Manual |Pedelec")forfreebywritingtothefollowing
Derby Cycle GmbH
Siemensstraße 1-3
49661 Cloppenburg, Germany
+49 (0)4471 966-111
II.II Component guides
The component guides contain important information on the use and
maintenance of the components of your bike. They will often also provide
component that interests you, please consult our "Original User Manual |
General" (CD) or the homepage of the relevant component manufacturer.
II.III Service book
passport, and forms to use for initial sale, maintenance and owner changes.
Keep the service book appropriately up-to-date and adhere to the maintenance
whilst you are cycling, you could injure yourself very seriously or even die. Replace any
worn, damaged or bent components before using the bike again.
III. Cycle dealer
Ask our cycle dealers for advice. Our brand homepage lists all the cycle retailers in your area:
1. Beforeyourrstride
1.1 Attaching the pedals
1. Screw the right hand pedal (marked 'R')
clockwise into the right hand pedal crank.
2. Screw the left hand pedal (marked 'L')
anti-clockwise into the left hand pedal crank.
Screw the pedals in straight, otherwise, you could damage the thread on the pedal crank; if
this happens when you are cycling, it could cause a severe fall.
3. Tighten both pedals towards the front wheel with a torque of 40 Nm.
Foot pedal
1.2 Adjusting the saddle height
Seatpost marking
The seatpost is marked to indicate how far you may pull
it out from the frame. Please also follow the instructions
provided by the frame manufacturer, as these can vary.
Never pull the seatpost further out than the marking. This
could cause it to bend or break and cause you to fall.
1.2.1 Determining the correct saddle height
1. Sit on the bike and lean against a wall.
2. Turn the foot pedal on the opposite side to the wall to its
lowest point.
3. Placeyourheelonthepedal.Yourlegshouldbefully
4. If your leg is not fully extended when your heel is on the
pedal, raise the saddle. Lower the saddle if you cannot reach
the pedals.
For 3. Extend leg
1.2.2 Adjusting the saddle height: Seat clamp(s)*
1. Use an Allen key to loosen the seat clamp(s) by
turning them anti-clockwise.
2. Move the seatpost into the right position. Take
heed of the marking.
3. Tighten the seat clamp(s) by turning them anti-
clockwise with a torque wrench. If no value is
shown on the component, use the torque
settings from the following table:
Thread Tightening torque [Nm]
M5 / M6 / M8 M5: 5 / M6: 10 / M8: 20
Screws that have not been tightened properly with a torque wrench are at risk of breaking,
which could lead to severe falls.
4. Trytotwistthesaddletocheckthatitisrmlyxed.
For 1. Loosen seat clamp(s)
For 3. Tighten seat clamp(s)
*dependent on model
1.2.3 Adjusting the saddle height: Quick-release skewer*
Thequick-releaseskewermustbecorrectlyclosedbeforeyouseto.Check that it is
a short time. Otherwise, the seatpost may
come loose; if this should happen whilst you are
cycling, you could fall. This could result in serious injuries.
1. Open the quick-release skewer by
the inside of the lever.
2. Move the seatpost into the right
position. Take heed of the marking.
3. Close the quick-release skewer
"CLOSE" on the outside of the lever.
Quick-release skewer
Adjustment nut
For 1. Quick-release skewer open
For 3. Quick-release skewer closed
*dependent on model
It should be so hard to close the quick-release skewer that you need to use the balls of your
hands (120 N: corresponds to a weight force of 12 kg). You should have the mark of the lever
imprinted on your hand. Otherwise, it could open when you are cycling, which could lead to
the seatpost coming loose and cause you to fall. If you close the quick-release skewer too
tightly, the seatpost can break; if this should happen when you are cycling, you could fall.
Quick-release skewer is too easy to
Quick-release skewer is too stiff to
1. Open the quick-release skewer.
2. Turn the adjusting nut clockwise .
3. Swing the quick-release lever closed
4. Repeat if necessary.
1. Open the quick-release skewer.
2. Turn the adjusting nut anti-
3. Swing the quick-release lever
closed again.
4. Repeat if necessary.
4. Trytotwistthesaddletocheckthatitisrmlyxed.
2. Adjusting the height and angle of the handlebars
Ask your cycle dealer to perform these adjustments. Otherwise, you run the risk of loose
handlebars which could lead to a fall causing severe injuries.
3. Wheels and tyres
Dot not exceed or fall below the permissible tyre and wheel rim pressure. If the air pressure
is too high, this could lead to a worst-case scenario of the tyres bursting and you could fall.
On the other hand, if the air pressure is constantly too low, the tyre can wear prematurely.
The permissible tyre and, where relevant, wheel rim pressure is given in bar and psi
(pounds per square inch) on the side of the tyre and, where relevant, on the wheel rim.
pressure yourself by using a tyre gauge. Alternatively, you can contact your cycle dealer.
3.1 Fastening quick-release wheels*
skewer and brake
disk collide
Front wheel: The quick-release lever should be on the opposite side to
the brake disk (if present). If the quick-release lever is on the same
side as the brake disk, there is a risk that the quick-release lever and
cause very serious accidents.
All quick-release systems must be correctly tightened before you set
o.Otherwise, the attached wheels may work loose; if this should
happen whilst you are cycling, you could fall. This could result in
serious injuries.
*dependent on model
1. Openthequick-releaseskewerbyswingingthelever180˚.Youwillgenerallybeableto
2. Closethequick-releaseskewerbyswingingtheleverback180˚.Youwillgenerallybeable
to read "CLOSE" on the outside of the lever.
Quick-release skewer
Adjustment nut
For 1. Open the quick-release skewer
Quick-release skewer
Adjustment nut
For 2.
Close the quick-release skewer
Quick-release skewers cannot be closed by simply turning the lever.
It should be so hard to close the quick-release skewer that you need to use the balls of your
hands (120 N: corresponds to a weight force of 12 kg). You should have the mark of the lever
imprinted on your hand. Otherwise, it could open when you are cycling, which could lead to
the wheel becoming loose and cause you to fall.

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Others manual(s) of Focus 2016

Focus 2016 User Manual - German - 28 pages

Focus 2016 User Manual - Dutch - 28 pages

Focus 2016 User Manual - French - 28 pages

Focus 2016 User Manual - Italian - 28 pages

Focus 2016 User Manual - Spanish - 28 pages

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