$ (auto sequence), 2-38
$ (edit report identification), 2-36
3 dB rule, 3-21
568A and 568B standards, 7-3
568A and 568B wiring, 7-29
AC adapter/charger, 2-4
optional, 8-6
standard, 1-4
Accuracy range, 2-9
ACR@Remote test, 3-16, 3-21, 3-23
explanation of ACR, 7-24
plot description, 3-20
results screen items, 3-19
test for twisted pair, 3-19
Anomaly. See Impedance anomaly
in test results, 2-9
on custom configurations, 6-5
on selected report, 5-5
explanation of attenuation, 7-8
plot description, 3-13
results screen items, 3-12
test for twisted pair, 3-12
Audible tones, enabling/disabling, 2-42
Auto increment, 2-37
status, 2-40
Auto sequence, 2-38
saving Autotests, 3-29
status, 2-40
Automatic diagnostics, 3-7
display examples, 7-27
Auto-Negotiation, 4-19
coaxial, 3-23
connections, 2-17, 3-23
descriptions of tests and results, 3-25
list of tests, 2-28
quick start, 2-16
report samples, 3-32
saving results, 3-27
twisted pair, 3-2
basic link connections, 2-12
channel connections, 2-13
connections, 3-2
descriptions of tests and results, 3-8
list of tests, 2-27
permanent link connections, 2-14
quick start, 2-10
Backlight, 2-33
Bail, 2-26
Basic link
description, 7-5