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User’s manual
FLIR T10xx series
Important note
Before operating the device, you must read, understand, and follow all instructions, warnings, cautions, and legal disclaimers.
Důležitá poznámka
Před použitím zařízení si přečtěte veškeré pokyny, upozornění, varování a vyvázání se ze záruky, ujistěte se, že jim rozumíte, a řiďte se
Vigtig meddelelse
Før du betjener enheden, skal du du læse, forstå og følge alle anvisninger, advarsler, sikkerhedsforanstaltninger og ansvarsfraskrivelser.
Wichtiger Hinweis
Bevor Sie das Gerät in Betrieb nehmen, lesen, verstehen und befolgen Sie unbedingt alle Anweisungen, Warnungen, Vorsichtshinweise
und Haftungsausschlüsse
Σημαντική σημείωση
Πριν από τη λειτουργία της συσκευής, πρέπει να διαβάσετε, να κατανοήσετε και να ακολουθήσετε όλες τις οδηγίες,
προειδοποιήσεις, προφυλάξεις και νομικές αποποιήσεις.
Nota importante
Antes de usar el dispositivo, debe leer, comprender y seguir toda la información sobre instrucciones, advertencias, precauciones y
renuncias de responsabilidad.
Tärkeä huomautus
Ennen laitteen käyttämistä on luettava ja ymmärrettävä kaikki ohjeet, vakavat varoitukset, varoitukset ja lakitiedotteet sekä noudatettava
Remarque importante
Avant d'utiliser l'appareil, vous devez lire, comprendre et suivre l'ensemble des instructions, avertissements, mises en garde et clauses
légales de non-responsabilité.
Fontos megjegyzés
Az eszköz használata előtt figyelmesen olvassa el és tartsa be az összes utasítást, figyelmeztetést, óvintézkedést és jogi nyilatkozatot.
Nota importante
Prima di utilizzare il dispositivo, è importante leggere, capire e seguire tutte le istruzioni, avvertenze, precauzioni ed esclusioni di
responsabilità legali.
중요한 참고 사항
장치를 작동하기 전에 반드시 다음의 사용 설명서와 경고, 주의사항, 법적 책임제한을 읽고 이해하며 따라야 합니다.
Før du bruker enheten, du lese, forstå og følge instruksjoner, advarsler og informasjon om ansvarsfraskrivelse.
Belangrijke opmerking
Zorg ervoor dat u, voordat u het apparaat gaat gebruiken, alle instructies, waarschuwingen en juridische informatie hebt doorgelezen en
begrepen, en dat u deze opvolgt en in acht neemt.
Ważna uwaga
Przed rozpoczęciem korzystania z urządzenia należy koniecznie zapoznać się z wszystkimi instrukcjami, ostrzeżeniami, przestrogami i
uwagami prawnymi. Należy zawsze postępować zgodnie z zaleceniami tam zawartymi.
Nota importante
Antes de utilizar o dispositivo, deverá proceder à leitura e compreensão de todos os avisos, precauções, instruções e isenções de
responsabilidade legal e assegurar-se do seu cumprimento.
Важное примечание
До того, как пользоваться устройством, вам необходимо прочитать и понять все предупреждения, предостережения и
юридические ограничения ответственности и следовать им.
Viktig information
Innan du använder enheten måste du läsa, förstå och följa alla anvisningar, varningar, försiktighetsåtgärder och ansvarsfriskrivningar.
Önemli not
Cihazı çalıştırmadan önce tüm talimatları, uyarıları, ikazları ve yasal açıklamaları okumalı, anlamalı ve bunlara uymalısınız.
User’s manual
FLIR T10xx series
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Table of contents
1 Disclaimers ........................................................................................1
1.1 Legal disclaimer .........................................................................1
1.2 Usage statistics ..........................................................................1
1.3 Changes to registry .....................................................................1
1.4 U.S. Government Regulations........................................................2
1.5 Copyright ..................................................................................2
1.6 Quality assurance .......................................................................2
1.7 Patents.....................................................................................2
1.8 Third-party licenses.....................................................................3
1.8.1 GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) ..........................3
1.8.2 Fonts (Source Han Sans)...................................................3
1.8.3 Fonts (DejaVu) ................................................................3
2 Safety information ...............................................................................4
3 Notice to user .....................................................................................9
3.1 User-to-user forums ....................................................................9
3.2 Calibration.................................................................................9
3.3 Accuracy ..................................................................................9
3.4 Disposal of electronic waste ..........................................................9
3.5 Training ....................................................................................9
3.6 Documentation updates ...............................................................9
3.7 Important note about this manual....................................................9
3.8 Note about authoritative versions.................................................. 10
4 Customer help .................................................................................. 11
4.1 General .................................................................................. 11
4.2 Submitting a question ................................................................ 11
4.3 Downloads .............................................................................. 12
5 Introduction...................................................................................... 13
5.1 General description ................................................................... 13
5.2 Key benefits............................................................................. 13
6 Quick start guide ............................................................................... 14
6.1 Procedure ............................................................................... 14
7 About FLIR Tools/Tools+..................................................................... 15
7.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 15
7.2 Workflow................................................................................. 16
7.2.1 General........................................................................ 16
7.2.2 Figure.......................................................................... 16
7.2.3 Explanation................................................................... 16
8 Using the high-speed interface (HSI) ................................................... 17
8.1 General .................................................................................. 17
8.2 System overview ...................................................................... 17
8.2.1 Figure.......................................................................... 17
8.2.2 Explanation................................................................... 17
8.3 Quick start guide ...................................................................... 18
8.4 HSI box indicator LED................................................................ 18
8.5 Digital I/O................................................................................ 18
9 A note about ergonomics ................................................................... 19
9.1 General .................................................................................. 19
9.2 Figure .................................................................................... 19
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Table of contents
10 Camera parts .................................................................................... 20
10.1 View from the right .................................................................... 20
10.1.1 Figure.......................................................................... 20
10.1.2 Explanation................................................................... 20
10.2 View from the left ...................................................................... 21
10.2.1 Figure.......................................................................... 21
10.2.2 Explanation................................................................... 21
10.3 View from the bottom................................................................. 22
10.3.1 Figure.......................................................................... 22
10.3.2 Explanation................................................................... 22
10.4 View from the rear..................................................................... 23
10.4.1 Figure.......................................................................... 23
10.4.2 Explanation................................................................... 23
10.5 Neck strap attachment points ...................................................... 25
10.5.1 Figure.......................................................................... 25
10.6 Battery condition LED indicator.................................................... 25
10.6.1 Figure.......................................................................... 25
10.6.2 Explanation................................................................... 25
10.7 Power LED indicator .................................................................. 26
10.7.1 Figure.......................................................................... 26
10.7.2 Explanation................................................................... 26
10.8 Laser pointer ........................................................................... 26
10.8.1 Figure.......................................................................... 26
10.8.2 Laser warning label......................................................... 27
10.8.3 Laser rules and regulations .............................................. 27
11 Screen elements ............................................................................... 28
11.1 Figure .................................................................................... 28
11.2 Explanation ............................................................................. 28
11.3 Status icons and indicators ......................................................... 28
11.4 Image overlay information........................................................... 29
12 Navigating the menu system............................................................... 30
12.1 General .................................................................................. 30
12.2 Navigating using the joystick ....................................................... 30
13 Handling the camera.......................................................................... 31
13.1 Charging the battery.................................................................. 31
13.1.1 Using the power supply to charge the battery ....................... 31
13.1.2 Using the stand-alone battery charger to charge the
battery ......................................................................... 31
13.2 Turning on the camera ............................................................... 31
13.2.1 Procedure .................................................................... 31
13.3 Turning off the camera ............................................................... 31
13.3.1 Procedure .................................................................... 31
13.4 Adjusting the viewfinder’s dioptric correction (sharpness) .................. 32
13.4.1 Figure.......................................................................... 32
13.4.2 Procedure .................................................................... 32
13.5 Adjusting the angle of the lens ..................................................... 33
13.5.1 Figure.......................................................................... 33
13.6 Adjusting the infrared camera focus manually ................................. 33
13.6.1 Figure.......................................................................... 33
13.6.2 Procedure .................................................................... 33
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13.7 Autofocusing the infrared camera ................................................. 34
13.7.1 General........................................................................ 34
13.7.2 Figure.......................................................................... 34
13.7.3 Procedure .................................................................... 34
13.8 Continuous autofocus ................................................................ 35
13.8.1 General........................................................................ 35
13.8.2 Procedure .................................................................... 35
13.9 Operating the laser pointer.......................................................... 35
13.9.1 Figure.......................................................................... 36
13.9.2 Procedure .................................................................... 36
13.10 Using the digital zoom function .................................................... 36
13.10.1 General........................................................................ 36
13.10.2 Figure.......................................................................... 37
13.10.3 Procedure .................................................................... 37
13.11 Assigning functions to the programmable buttons ............................ 37
13.11.1 General........................................................................ 37
13.11.2 Procedure .................................................................... 38
13.12 Using the camera lamp as a flash ................................................. 38
13.12.1 General........................................................................ 38
13.12.2 Procedure .................................................................... 38
13.13 Changing lenses....................................................................... 38
13.14 Using the close-up lens.............................................................. 42
13.14.1 General........................................................................ 42
13.14.2 Attaching the close-up lens .............................................. 42
13.14.3 Removing the close-up lens.............................................. 44
13.15 Calibrating the compass............................................................. 46
13.15.1 Procedure .................................................................... 46
14 Saving and working with images ......................................................... 47
14.1 About image files ...................................................................... 47
14.1.1 General........................................................................ 47
14.1.2 File-naming convention ................................................... 47
14.1.3 Image capacity .............................................................. 47
14.1.4 About UltraMax.............................................................. 47
14.2 Saving an image....................................................................... 47
14.2.1 General........................................................................ 47
14.2.2 Procedure .................................................................... 48
14.3 Previewing an image ................................................................. 48
14.3.1 General........................................................................ 48
14.3.2 Procedure .................................................................... 48
14.4 Opening a saved image.............................................................. 48
14.4.1 General........................................................................ 48
14.4.2 Procedure .................................................................... 48
14.5 Editing a saved image................................................................ 49
14.5.1 General........................................................................ 49
14.5.2 Procedure .................................................................... 49
14.5.3 Related topics ............................................................... 49
14.6 Creating a PDF report in the camera ............................................. 49
14.6.1 General........................................................................ 49
14.6.2 Naming convention......................................................... 50
14.6.3 Procedure .................................................................... 50
14.7 Deleting an image ..................................................................... 50
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Table of contents
14.7.1 General........................................................................ 50
14.7.2 Procedure .................................................................... 50
14.8 Deleting multiple images ............................................................ 50
14.8.1 General........................................................................ 50
14.8.2 Procedure .................................................................... 50
14.9 Deleting all images.................................................................... 51
14.9.1 General........................................................................ 51
14.9.2 Procedure .................................................................... 51
14.10 Resetting the image counter........................................................ 51
14.10.1 General........................................................................ 51
14.10.2 Procedure .................................................................... 51
15 Achieving a good image ..................................................................... 53
15.1 General .................................................................................. 53
15.2 Adjusting the infrared camera focus .............................................. 53
15.3 Adjusting the infrared image........................................................ 53
15.3.1 General........................................................................ 53
15.3.2 Example 1 .................................................................... 54
15.3.3 Example 2 .................................................................... 54
15.3.4 Manual adjustment in Level, Span mode ............................. 55
15.3.5 Manual adjustment in Level, Max, Min mode ........................ 55
15.4 Changing the temperature range.................................................. 55
15.4.1 General........................................................................ 55
15.4.2 Procedure .................................................................... 55
15.5 Changing the color palette .......................................................... 56
15.5.1 General........................................................................ 56
15.5.2 Procedure .................................................................... 57
15.6 Changing the object parameters .................................................. 57
15.7 Calibrating the camera ............................................................... 58
15.7.1 General........................................................................ 58
15.7.2 Manual calibration .......................................................... 58
15.8 Hiding all overlay ...................................................................... 58
15.8.1 General........................................................................ 58
15.8.2 Procedure .................................................................... 59
16 Working with image modes................................................................. 60
16.1 General .................................................................................. 60
16.2 Image examples ....................................................................... 60
16.3 Selecting the image mode .......................................................... 61
17 Working with measurement tools ........................................................ 62
17.1 General .................................................................................. 62
17.2 Adding/removing measurement tools ............................................ 62
17.3 Working with user presets........................................................... 62
17.3.1 General........................................................................ 62
17.3.2 Procedure .................................................................... 62
17.4 Resizing or moving a measurement tool......................................... 63
17.4.1 General........................................................................ 63
17.4.2 Procedure .................................................................... 63
17.5 Changing object parameters ....................................................... 64
17.5.1 General........................................................................ 64
17.5.2 Types of parameters ....................................................... 64
17.5.3 Recommended values..................................................... 65
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Table of contents
17.5.4 Procedure .................................................................... 65
17.5.5 Related topics ............................................................... 66
17.6 Displaying values in the result table and displaying a graph ................ 66
17.6.1 General........................................................................ 66
17.6.2 Procedure .................................................................... 67
17.7 Creating and setting up a difference calculation ............................... 67
17.7.1 General........................................................................ 67
17.7.2 Procedure .................................................................... 67
17.8 Setting a measurement alarm ...................................................... 68
17.8.1 General........................................................................ 68
17.8.2 Types of alarm ............................................................... 68
17.8.3 Alarm signals ................................................................ 68
17.8.4 Procedure .................................................................... 69
18 Working with color alarms and isotherms............................................. 71
18.1 Color alarms ............................................................................ 71
18.1.1 General........................................................................ 71
18.1.2 Image examples ............................................................ 71
18.2 Setting up above, below, and interval alarms................................... 72
18.3 Building isotherms .................................................................... 73
18.3.1 About the Condensation alarm .......................................... 73
18.3.2 About the Insulation alarm................................................ 73
18.3.3 Setting up condensation and insulation alarms ..................... 73
19 Annotating images ............................................................................ 74
19.1 General .................................................................................. 74
19.2 Adding a note .......................................................................... 74
19.2.1 General........................................................................ 74
19.2.2 Procedure .................................................................... 74
19.3 Adding a table.......................................................................... 74
19.3.1 General........................................................................ 74
19.3.2 Procedure .................................................................... 75
19.4 Adding a voice annotation........................................................... 75
19.4.1 General........................................................................ 75
19.4.2 Procedure .................................................................... 76
19.5 Adding a sketch........................................................................ 76
19.5.1 General........................................................................ 76
19.5.2 Procedure .................................................................... 76
20 Programming the camera (time lapse) ................................................. 78
20.1 General .................................................................................. 78
20.2 Procedure ............................................................................... 78
21 Recording video clips ........................................................................ 79
21.1 General .................................................................................. 79
21.2 Procedure ............................................................................... 79
22 Screening alarm ................................................................................ 80
22.1 General .................................................................................. 80
22.2 Procedure ............................................................................... 80
23 Pairing Bluetooth devices................................................................... 81
23.1 General .................................................................................. 81
23.2 Procedure ............................................................................... 81
24 Configuring Wi-Fi .............................................................................. 82
24.1 General .................................................................................. 82
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Table of contents
24.2 Setting up a wireless access point (most common use) ..................... 82
24.3 Connecting the camera to a WLAN (less common use) ..................... 82
25 Changing settings ............................................................................. 83
25.1 General .................................................................................. 83
25.1.1 Define user presets ........................................................ 83
25.1.2 Camera temperature range .............................................. 83
25.1.3 Save options & storage.................................................... 83
25.1.4 Programmable buttons .................................................... 84
25.1.5 Device settings .............................................................. 85
25.2 Procedure ............................................................................... 87
26 Technical data................................................................................... 88
26.1 Online field-of-view calculator ...................................................... 88
26.2 Note about technical data ........................................................... 88
26.3 Note about authoritative versions.................................................. 88
26.4 FLIR T1020 12° ........................................................................ 89
26.5 FLIR T1020 28° ........................................................................ 96
26.6 FLIR T1020 45° ...................................................................... 103
26.7 FLIR T1020 28° and 12° ........................................................... 110
26.8 FLIR T1020 28° and 45° ........................................................... 117
26.9 FLIR T1020 28°, 12°, and 45° .................................................... 124
26.10 FLIR T1030sc 12° ................................................................... 131
26.11 FLIR T1030sc 28° ................................................................... 138
26.12 FLIR T1030sc 45° ................................................................... 145
26.13 FLIR T1040 12° ...................................................................... 152
26.14 FLIR T1040 28° ...................................................................... 159
26.15 FLIR T1040 45° ...................................................................... 166
26.16 FLIR T1050sc 12° ................................................................... 173
26.17 FLIR T1050sc 28° ................................................................... 180
26.18 FLIR T1050sc 45° ................................................................... 187
26.19 IR lens, f=36 mm (28°) with case ................................................ 194
26.20 Close-up lens (51 µm) with case ............................................ 196
26.21 IR lens f=21.2 mm (45°) with case .............................................. 197
26.22 IR lens f=83.4 mm (12°) with case .............................................. 199
26.23 FLIR T10xx SC kit ................................................................... 201
27 Mechanical drawings ....................................................................... 203
28 Digital I/O pin configuration .............................................................. 211
28.1 Pin configuration for the Digital I/O connector on the HSI box............ 211
29 Digital I/O connection diagram .......................................................... 212
30 CE Declaration of conformity ............................................................ 214
31 Cleaning the camera ........................................................................ 216
31.1 Camera housing, cables, and other items..................................... 216
31.1.1 Liquids....................................................................... 216
31.1.2 Equipment.................................................................. 216
31.1.3 Procedure .................................................................. 216
31.2 Infrared lens .......................................................................... 216
31.2.1 Liquids....................................................................... 216
31.2.2 Equipment.................................................................. 216
31.2.3 Procedure .................................................................. 216
31.3 Infrared detector ..................................................................... 217
31.3.1 General...................................................................... 217
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Table of contents
31.3.2 Procedure .................................................................. 217
32 Application examples....................................................................... 218
32.1 Moisture & water damage ......................................................... 218
32.1.1 General...................................................................... 218
32.1.2 Figure........................................................................ 218
32.2 Faulty contact in socket ............................................................ 218
32.2.1 General...................................................................... 218
32.2.2 Figure........................................................................ 219
32.3 Oxidized socket...................................................................... 219
32.3.1 General...................................................................... 219
32.3.2 Figure........................................................................ 219
32.4 Insulation deficiencies.............................................................. 220
32.4.1 General...................................................................... 220
32.4.2 Figure........................................................................ 220
32.5 Draft .................................................................................... 221
32.5.1 General...................................................................... 221
32.5.2 Figure........................................................................ 221
33 About FLIR Systems ........................................................................ 223
33.1 More than just an infrared camera .............................................. 224
33.2 Sharing our knowledge ............................................................ 224
33.3 Supporting our customers......................................................... 225
34 Glossary ........................................................................................ 226
35 Thermographic measurement techniques .......................................... 229
35.1 Introduction .......................................................................... 229
35.2 Emissivity.............................................................................. 229
35.2.1 Finding the emissivity of a sample.................................... 229
35.3 Reflected apparent temperature................................................. 233
35.4 Distance ............................................................................... 233
35.5 Relative humidity .................................................................... 233
35.6 Other parameters.................................................................... 233
36 History of infrared technology........................................................... 234
37 Theory of thermography................................................................... 237
37.1 Introduction ........................................................................... 237
37.2 The electromagnetic spectrum................................................... 237
37.3 Blackbody radiation................................................................. 237
37.3.1 Planck’s law ................................................................ 238
37.3.2 Wien’s displacement law................................................ 239
37.3.3 Stefan-Boltzmann's law ................................................. 240
37.3.4 Non-blackbody emitters................................................. 241
37.4 Infrared semi-transparent materials............................................. 243
38 The measurement formula................................................................ 244
39 Emissivity tables ............................................................................. 248
39.1 References............................................................................ 248
39.2 Tables .................................................................................. 248
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
1.1 Legal disclaimer
All products manufactured by FLIR Systems are warranted against defective materials
and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the delivery date of the original pur-
chase, provided such products have been under normal storage, use and service, and in
accordance with FLIR Systems instruction.
Uncooled handheld infrared cameras manufactured by FLIR Systems are warranted
against defective materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the delivery
date of the original purchase, provided such products have been under normal storage,
use and service, and in accordance with FLIR Systems instruction, and provided that the
camera has been registered within 60 days of original purchase.
Detectors for uncooled handheld infrared cameras manufactured by FLIR Systems are
warranted against defective materials and workmanship for a period of ten (10) years from
the delivery date of the original purchase, provided such products have been under normal
storage, use and service, and in accordance with FLIR Systems instruction, and provided
that the camera has been registered within 60 days of original purchase.
Products which are not manufactured by FLIR Systems but included in systems delivered
by FLIR Systems to the original purchaser, carry the warranty, if any, of the particular sup-
plier only. FLIR Systems has no responsibility whatsoever for such products.
The warranty extends only to the original purchaser and is not transferable. It is not appli-
cable to any product which has been subjected to misuse, neglect, accident or abnormal
conditions of operation. Expendable parts are excluded from the warranty.
In the case of a defect in a product covered by this warranty the product must not be fur-
ther used in order to prevent additional damage. The purchaser shall promptly report any
defect to FLIR Systems or this warranty will not apply.
FLIR Systems will, at its option, repair or replace any such defective product free of charge
if, upon inspection, it proves to be defective in material or workmanship and provided that
it is returned to FLIR Systems within the said one-year period.
FLIR Systems has no other obligation or liability for defects than those set forth above.
No other warranty is expressed or implied. FLIR Systems specifically disclaims the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
FLIR Systems shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequen-
tial loss or damage, whether based on contract, tort or any other legal theory.
This warranty shall be governed by Swedish law.
Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this warranty, shall be
finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the
Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. The place of arbitration shall be Stockholm. The lan-
guage to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.
1.2 Usage statistics
FLIR Systems reserves the right to gather anonymous usage statistics to help maintain
and improve the quality of our software and services.
1.3 Changes to registry
The registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
\LmCompatibilityLevel will be automatically changed to level 2 if the FLIR Camera Monitor
service detects a FLIR camera connected to the computer with a USB cable. The
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
modification will only be executed if the camera device implements a remote network serv-
ice that supports network logons.
1.4 U.S. Government Regulations
This product may be subject to U.S. Export Regulations. Please send any inquiries to ex-
1.5 Copyright
© 2016, FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No parts of the software includ-
ing source code may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed or translated into any lan-
guage or computer language in any form or by any means, electronic, magnetic, optical,
manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of FLIR Systems.
The documentation must not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, trans-
lated or transmitted to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior con-
sent, in writing, from FLIR Systems.
Names and marks appearing on the products herein are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of FLIR Systems and/or its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, trade names or
company names referenced herein are used for identification only and are the property of
their respective owners.
1.6 Quality assurance
The Quality Management System under which these products are developed and manu-
factured has been certified in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.
FLIR Systems is committed to a policy of continuous development; therefore we reserve
the right to make changes and improvements on any of the products without prior notice.
1.7 Patents
One or several of the following patents and/or design patents may apply to the products
and/or features. Additional pending patents and/or pending design patents may also apply.
000279476-0001; 000439161; 000499579-0001; 000653423; 000726344; 000859020;
001106306-0001; 001707738; 001707746; 001707787; 001776519; 001954074;
002021543; 002058180; 002249953; 002531178; 0600574-8; 1144833; 1182246;
1182620; 1285345; 1299699; 1325808; 1336775; 1391114; 1402918; 1404291;
1411581; 1415075; 1421497; 1458284; 1678485; 1732314; 2106017; 2107799;
2381417; 3006596; 3006597; 466540; 483782; 484155; 4889913; 5177595; 60122153.2;
602004011681.5-08; 6707044; 68657; 7034300; 7110035; 7154093; 7157705; 7237946;
7312822; 7332716; 7336823; 7544944; 7667198; 7809258 B2; 7826736; 8,153,971;
8,823,803; 8,853,631; 8018649 B2; 8212210 B2; 8289372; 8354639 B2; 8384783;
8520970; 8565547; 8595689; 8599262; 8654239; 8680468; 8803093; D540838;
D549758; D579475; D584755; D599,392; D615,113; D664,580; D664,581; D665,004;
D665,440; D677298; D710,424 S; D718801; DI6702302-9; DI6903617-9; DI7002221-6;
DI7002891-5; DI7002892-3; DI7005799-0; DM/057692; DM/061609; EP 2115696 B1;
EP2315433; SE 0700240-5; US 8340414 B2; ZL 201330267619.5; ZL01823221.3;
ZL01823226.4; ZL02331553.9; ZL02331554.7; ZL200480034894.0; ZL200530120994.2;
ZL200610088759.5; ZL200630130114.4; ZL200730151141.4; ZL200730339504.7;
ZL200820105768.8; ZL200830128581.2; ZL200880105236.4; ZL200880105769.2;
ZL200930190061.9; ZL201030176127.1; ZL201030176130.3; ZL201030176157.2;
ZL201030595931.3; ZL201130442354.9; ZL201230471744.3; ZL201230620731.8.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
1.8 Third-party licenses
1.8.1 GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
(Retrieved May 27, 2015)
1.8.2 Fonts (Source Han Sans)
(Retrieved May 27, 2015)
1.8.3 Fonts (DejaVu)
(Retrieved May 27, 2015)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Safety information
Applicability: Class B digital devices.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular in-
stallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Applicability: Digital devices subject to 15.19/RSS-247 issue 1.
NOTICE: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with RSS-247 issue 1 of Industry Cana-
da. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
This device is granted pursuant to the Japanese Radio Law (電波法) and the Japanese Telecommunica-
tions Business Law (電気通信事業法). This device should not be modified (otherwise the granted desig-
nation number will become invalid)
Applicability: Digital devices subject to 15.21.
NOTICE: Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by FLIR Systems
may void the FCC authorization to operate this equipment.
Applicability: Digital devices subject to 2.1091/2.1093/OET Bulletin 65.
Radiofrequency radiation exposure Information: The radiated output power of the device is below
the FCC/IC radio frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the device shall be used in such a manner that
the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more laser pointers.
Do not look directly into the laser beam. The laser beam can cause eye irritation.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not disassemble or do a modification to the battery. The battery contains safety and protection devices
which, if damage occurs, can cause the battery to become hot, or cause an explosion or an ignition.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Safety information
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
If there is a leak from the battery and you get the fluid in your eyes, do not rub your eyes. Flush well with
water and immediately get medical care. The battery fluid can cause injury to your eyes if you do not do
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not continue to charge the battery if it does not become charged in the specified charging time. If you
continue to charge the battery, it can become hot and cause an explosion or ignition. Injury to persons
can occur.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Only use the correct equipment to remove the electrical power from the battery. If you do not use the cor-
rect equipment, you can decrease the performance or the life cycle of the battery. If you do not use the
correct equipment, an incorrect flow of current to the battery can occur. This can cause the battery to be-
come hot, or cause an explosion. Injury to persons can occur.
Make sure that you read all applicable MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) and warning labels on con-
tainers before you use a liquid. The liquids can be dangerous. Injury to persons can occur.
Do not point the infrared camera (with or without the lens cover) at strong energy sources, for example,
devices that cause laser radiation, or the sun. This can have an unwanted effect on the accuracy of the
camera. It can also cause damage to the detector in the camera.
Do not use the camera in temperatures more than +50°C (+122°F), unless other information is specified
in the user documentation or technical data. High temperatures can cause damage to the camera.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more laser pointers.
To prevent damage, put the protective cap on the laser pointer when you do not operate the laser pointer.
Damage to the laser pointer can occur if you do not do this.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not attach the batteries directly to a car’s cigarette lighter socket, unless FLIR Systems supplies a spe-
cific adapter to connect the batteries to a cigarette lighter socket. Damage to the batteries can occur.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not connect the positive terminal and the negative terminal of the battery to each other with a metal
object (such as wire). Damage to the batteries can occur.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Safety information
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not get water or salt water on the battery, or permit the battery to become wet. Damage to the batteries
can occur.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not make holes in the battery with objects. Damage to the battery can occur.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not hit the battery with a hammer. Damage to the battery can occur.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not put your foot on the battery, hit it or cause shocks to it. Damage to the battery can occur.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not put the batteries in or near a fire, or into direct sunlight. When the battery becomes hot, the built-in
safety equipment becomes energized and can stop the battery charging procedure. If the battery be-
comes hot, damage can occur to the safety equipment and this can cause more heat, damage or ignition
of the battery.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not put the battery on a fire or increase the temperature of the battery with heat. Damage to the battery
and injury to persons can occur.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not put the battery on or near fires, stoves, or other high-temperature locations. Damage to the battery
and injury to persons can occur.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not solder directly onto the battery. Damage to the battery can occur.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Do not use the battery if, when you use, charge, or put the battery in storage, there is an unusual smell
from the battery, the battery feels hot, changes color, changes shape, or is in an unusual condition. Speak
with your sales office if one or more of these problems occurs. Damage to the battery and injury to per-
sons can occur.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Safety information
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Only use a specified battery charger when you charge the battery. Damage to the battery can occur if you
do not do this.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Only use a specified battery for the camera. Damage to the camera and the battery can occur if you do
not do this.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
The temperature range through which you can charge the battery is ±0°C to +45°C (+32°F to +113°F),
unless other information is specified in the user documentation or technical data. If you charge the battery
at temperatures out of this range, it can cause the battery to become hot or to break. It can also decrease
the performance or the life cycle of the battery.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
The temperature range through which you can remove the electrical power from the battery is -15°C to
+50°C (+5°F to +122°F), unless other information is specified in the user documentation or technical data.
If you operate the battery out of this temperature range, it can decrease the performance or the life cycle
of the battery.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
When the battery is worn, apply insulation to the terminals with adhesive tape or equivalent materials be-
fore you discard it. Damage to the battery and injury to persons can occur if you do not do this.
Applicability: Cameras with one or more batteries.
Remove any water or moisture on the battery before you install it. Damage to the battery can occur if you
do not do this.
Do not apply solvents or equivalent liquids to the camera, the cables, or other items. Damage to the bat-
tery and injury to persons can occur.
Be careful when you clean the infrared lens. The lens has an anti-reflective coating which is easily dam-
aged. Damage to the infrared lens can occur.
Do not use too much force to clean the infrared lens. This can cause damage to the anti-reflective
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Safety information
The encapsulation rating is only applicable when all the openings on the camera are sealed with their cor-
rect covers, hatches, or caps. This includes the compartments for data storage, batteries, and
Applicability: Cameras with a viewfinder.
Make sure that the beams from the intensive energy sources do not go into the viewfinder. The beams
can cause damage to the camera. This includes the devices that emit laser radiation, or the sun.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Notice to user
3.1 User-to-user forums
Exchange ideas, problems, and infrared solutions with fellow thermographers around the
world in our user-to-user forums. To go to the forums, visit:
3.2 Calibration
We recommend that you send in the camera for calibration once a year. Contact your local
sales office for instructions on where to send the camera.
3.3 Accuracy
For very accurate results, we recommend that you wait 5 minutes after you have started
the camera before measuring a temperature.
3.4 Disposal of electronic waste
As with most electronic products, this equipment must be disposed of in an environmen-
tally friendly way, and in accordance with existing regulations for electronic waste.
Please contact your FLIR Systems representative for more details.
3.5 Training
To read about infrared training, visit:
3.6 Documentation updates
Our manuals are updated several times per year, and we also issue product-critical notifi-
cations of changes on a regular basis.
To access the latest manuals, translations of manuals, and notifications, go to the Down-
load tab at:
It only takes a few minutes to register online. In the download area you will also find the lat-
est releases of manuals for our other products, as well as manuals for our historical and
obsolete products.
3.7 Important note about this manual
FLIR Systems issues generic manuals that cover several cameras within a model line.
This means that this manual may contain descriptions and explanations that do not apply
to your particular camera model.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Notice to user3
3.8 Note about authoritative versions
The authoritative version of this publication is English. In the event of divergences due to
translation errors, the English text has precedence.
Any late changes are first implemented in English.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Customer help
4.1 General
For customer help, visit:
4.2 Submitting a question
To submit a question to the customer help team, you must be a registered user. It only
takes a few minutes to register online. If you only want to search the knowledgebase for
existing questions and answers, you do not need to be a registered user.
When you want to submit a question, make sure that you have the following information to
The camera model
The camera serial number
The communication protocol, or method, between the camera and your device (for ex-
ample, HDMI, Ethernet, USB, or FireWire)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Customer help
Device type (PC/Mac/iPhone/iPad/Android device, etc.)
Version of any programs from FLIR Systems
Full name, publication number, and revision number of the manual
On the customer help site you can also download the following, when applicable for the
Firmware updates for your infrared camera.
Program updates for your PC/Mac software.
Freeware and evaluation versions of PC/Mac software.
User documentation for current, obsolete, and historical products.
Mechanical drawings (in *.dxf and *.pdf format).
Cad data models (in *.stp format).
Application stories.
Technical datasheets.
Product catalogs.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
5.1 General description
The FLIR T10xx series is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and
the latest technology available. The camera series combines excellent ergonomics and
feature-rich flexibility with superior image quality of 1024 × 768 pixel infrared resolution.
High accuracy and sensitivity together with radiometric recording and streaming options
make the FLIR T10xx series well suited for advanced research and development.
5.2 Key benefits
Tailor made for research and development: The FLIR T10xx series has high accuracy
and high sensitivity, to accurately measure the smallest temperature differences. With
real-time radiometric recording by the camera, it is possible to capture fast events on
the camera’s SD card for further analysis by the supplied analysis software.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions makes the
camera flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to
favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T10xx series is equipped
with the innovative Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an
image richer in detail than ever before. With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T10xx
series is a fully automatic infrared camera.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Quick start guide
6.1 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Put a battery into the battery compartment.
2. Charge the battery for 4 hours before starting the camera for the first time.
3. Insert a memory card into the card slot.
4. Push the On/off button
to turn on the camera.
5. Aim the camera toward the object of interest.
6. Adjust the focus.
Note It is very important to adjust the focus correctly. Incorrect focus adjustment af-
fects how the image modes work. It also affects the temperature measurement.
7. Push the Save button fully down to save an image.
8. Go to http://support.flir.com/tools and download FLIR Tools.
9. Install FLIR Tools on your computer.
10. Start FLIR Tools.
11. Connect the camera to the computer using a USB cable.
12. Import the images into FLIR Tools.
13. Select one or more images.
14. Click Generate report.
15. Click Export to export the report as a PDF file.
16. Send the PDF report to your client.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
About FLIR Tools/Tools+
7.1 Introduction
FLIR Tools is available as a free download at http://support.flir.com/tools. FLIR Tools+ pro-
vides extended functionality to the standard FLIR Tools software. A license card for FLIR
Tools+ is included with the FLIR T10xx camera.
FLIR Tools/Tools+ is a software suite specifically designed to provide an easy way to up-
date your camera and create inspection reports.
Examples of what you can do in FLIR Tools/Tools+ include the following:
Import images from your camera to your computer.
Apply filters when searching for images.
Lay out, move, and resize measurement tools on any infrared image.
Group and ungroup files.
Create panoramas by stitching several smaller images into a larger one.
Create PDF imagesheets of any images of your choice.
Add headers, footers, and logos to imagesheets.
Create PDF/Microsoft Word reports for images of your choice.
Add headers, footers, and logos to reports.
Update your camera with the latest firmware.
For more information, refer to the User’s manual for FLIR Tools/Tools+.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
About FLIR Tools/Tools+
7.2 Workflow
7.2.1 General
When you carry out an infrared inspection you follow a typical workflow. This section gives
an example of an infrared inspection workflow.
7.2.2 Figure
7.2.3 Explanation
1. Use your camera to take your infrared images and/or digital photos.
2. Connect your camera to a PC using a USB connector.
3. Import the images from the camera into FLIR Tools/Tools+.
4. Do one of the following:
Create a PDF imagesheet in FLIR Tools.
Create a PDF report in FLIR Tools.
Create a non-radiometric Microsoft Word report in FLIR Tools+.
Create a radiometric Microsoft Word report in FLIR Tools+.
5. Send the report to your client as an attachment to an e-mail.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Using the high-speed interface
8.1 General
The high-speed interface (HSI) is included in the FLIR T10xx SC kit. The high-speed inter-
face enables streaming of live video from the FLIR T10xx camera to a PC running the FLIR
ResearchIR Max software. The high-speed interface is primarily intended for R&D usage
and development purposes. As an example, the camera can capture and stream very rap-
id processes, which cannot be perceived by the human eye, for later processing and anal-
ysis in the PC software. The streamed video is fully radiometric and uncompressed.
8.2 System overview
8.2.1 Figure
8.2.2 Explanation
1. PC running FLIR ResearchIR Max (a download card with a printed license key is in-
cluded with the HSI box).
2. USB 3 connection.
3. USB 3 cable connector.
4. Optional digital I/O connector.
5. HSI box
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Using the high-speed interface (HSI)
6. High-speed LVDS connection.
7. High-speed interface cable connector.
8. FLIR T10xx camera, optionally with a close-up lens.
9. Object of study.
8.3 Quick start guide
Follow this procedure:
1. Go to http://support.flir.com/rir4 and download FLIR ResearchIR Max.
2. Install FLIR ResearchIR Max.
3. Start FLIR ResearchIR Max.
When asked for the license key, enter the license key that is printed on the FLIR Re-
searchIR Max download card. The card is included with the HSI box.
4. Connect the HSI box to the computer using the provided USB 3 cable.
5. Connect the camera to the HSI box using the integrated high-speed interface cable.
6. Start the camera. This displays a start-up dialog box in FLIR ResearchIR Max. If the
start-up dialog box is not displayed, go to View > Startup Dialog.
7. In the start-up dialog box, click the camera you want to connect to.
For more information about the installation and connection processes, see the FLIR Re-
searchIR Max manual.
8.4 HSI box indicator LED
Indicator LED status Explanation
The indicator LED displays a continuous blue light. The HSI box is operational, and video data is now
continuously streamed to the computer.
The indicator LED displays a flashing blue light,
with a period time of about 1 second.
The HSI box is connected to the computer, but the
link between the camera and the box is not up. Ei-
ther the cable to the camera is not correctly con-
nected or there is another error on the link.
The indicator LED displays a continuous blue light
with short interrupts.
Each interrupt in the continuos light indicates a bit
error in the video data stream.
8.5 Digital I/O
For information about the optional Digital I/O connection, see sections 28 Digital I/O pin
configuration, page 211 and 29 Digital I/O connection diagram, page 212.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
A note about ergonomics
9.1 General
To prevent strain-related injuries, it is important that you hold the camera ergonomically
correctly. This section gives advice and examples on how to hold the camera.
Always tilt the touch-screen LCD to suit your work position.
When you hold the camera, make sure that you support the optics housing with your left
hand too. This decreases the strain on your right hand.
Always use the supplied neck strap. See section 10.5 Neck strap attachment points,
page 25.
9.2 Figure
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Camera parts
10.1 View from the right
10.1.1 Figure
10.1.2 Explanation
1. Knob to change the dioptric correction for the viewfinder.
2. Hand strap.
3. Digital zoom button.
4. Save button (push fully down).
Note The infrared camera can be configured to autofocus when you push the Save
button half-way down. To enable the autofocus function of the Save button, select
(Settings) > Save options & storage > Save button half-press = Autofocus.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Camera parts
10.2 View from the left
10.2.1 Figure
10.2.2 Explanation
1. Digital camera.
2. Camera lamp.
3. Laser pointer.
Note The laser pointer may not be enabled in all markets.
4. Infrared lens.
5. Camera lamp.
6. Digital camera.
7. Focusing ring.
8. Programmable button
9. Button to operate the laser pointer.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Camera parts
10.3 View from the bottom
10.3.1 Figure
10.3.2 Explanation
1. Memory card.
2. LED indicator showing that the memory card is busy.
Do not eject the memory card when this LED is flashing.
Do not connect the camera to a computer when this LED is flashing.
3. USB Micro B cable (to connect the camera to a computer).
4. HDMI cable (for digital video output).
5. Battery condition LED indicator.
6. Power supply cable (to power the camera and charge the battery).
7. High-speed interface cable.
8. Tripod mount.
9. Button to release the lens.
10. Latch to release the battery.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Camera parts
10.4 View from the rear
10.4.1 Figure
10.4.2 Explanation
1. Sensor that adjusts the touch-screen LCD intensity automatically.
Push to switch between touch-screen LCD mode and viewfinder mode.
3. Viewfinder.
4. Programmable button
5. Joystick with push-button functionality.
Move the joystick left/right or up/down to navigate in menus, submenus, and dialog
boxes, and to change values in dialog boxes.
Push the joystick to confirm changes and settings in menus and dialog boxes.
6. Back button
Push to leave dialog boxes and to go back into the menu system.
7. Camera lamp button
Push to turn on or off the camera lamp.
Note The camera lamp must be enabled. Select
(Settings) > Device settings
> Set up camera > Lamp & laser > Enable lamp & laser.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Camera parts
Push to switch between automatic and manual image adjustment mode.
9. Image archive button
Push to open the image archive.
Push and hold for more than 2 seconds to perform a manual calibration.
10. Touch-screen LCD.
11. Power indicator.
12. On/off button
Push and release to turn on the camera.
Push and hold for more than 0.5 second to turn off the camera.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Camera parts
10.5 Neck strap attachment points
10.5.1 Figure
10.6 Battery condition LED indicator
10.6.1 Figure
10.6.2 Explanation
Type of signal Explanation
The green LED flashes twice per second. The battery is being charged.
The green LED glows continuously. The battery is fully charged.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Camera parts
10.7 Power LED indicator
10.7.1 Figure
10.7.2 Explanation
Type of signal Explanation
The LED is off. The camera is off.
The LED is blue. The camera is on.
10.8 Laser pointer
10.8.1 Figure
Figure 10.1 This figure shows the difference in position between the laser pointer and the optical center of
the infrared lens.
Do not look directly into the laser beam. The laser beam can cause eye irritation.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Camera parts
The symbol
is displayed on the screen when the laser pointer is on.
The laser pointer is enabled by a setting. Select
(Settings) > Device settings > Set
up camera > Lamp & laser > Enable lamp & laser.
Note The laser pointer may not be enabled in all markets.
10.8.2 Laser warning label
A laser warning label with the following information is attached to the camera:
10.8.3 Laser rules and regulations
Wavelength: 635 nm. Maximum output power: 1 mW.
This product complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11 except for deviations pursuant
to Laser Notice No. 50, dated June 24, 2007.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Screen elements
11.1 Figure
11.2 Explanation
1. Programmable button P4.
2. Programmable button P3.
3. Digital zoom factor.
4. Result table.
5. Status icons.
6. Measurement tool (e.g., spotmeter).
7. Temperature scale.
8. Submenu.
9. Main menu.
10. Settings button.
11. Color button.
12. Measurement button.
13. Image mode button.
14. Measurement parameters button.
15. Recording mode button.
11.3 Status icons and indicators
Battery status indicator.
Memory card storage status indicator.
Manual adjustment mode is enabled.
The camera lamp is turned on.
The camera is connected to a device using USB.
Wi-Fi connectivity indicator.
Bluetooth connectivity indicator.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Screen elements
A Bluetooth headset is connected.
The GPS indicator.
Gray icon: GPS is enabled, but there is no sat-
ellite contact.
White icon: GPS is enabled, with satellite
External infrared window compensation is enabled.
Compass indicator (part of the image overlay
The laser pointer is turned on.
11.4 Image overlay information
The image information consists of items such as date, emissivity, and atmospheric tem-
perature. All image information is saved in the image file and can be viewed in the image
archive. You can also choose to display selected items as image overlay information. All
image overlay information displayed on the live image will also be displayed on saved im-
ages. For more information, see sections 25.1.5 Device settings, page 85 and 15.8 Hiding
all overlay, page 58.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Navigating the menu system
12.1 General
The figure above shows the two ways to navigate the menu system in the camera:
Using the index finger or a stylus pen specially designed for capacitive touch usage to
navigate the menu system (left).
Using the joystick to navigate the menu system (right) and the Back button.
You can also use a combination of the two.
In this manual, it is assumed that the joystick is used, but most tasks can also be carried
out using the index finger or a stylus pen.
12.2 Navigating using the joystick
You navigate the menu system by using the joystick and the Back button:
To display the menu system, push the joystick.
To navigate in menus, submenus, and dialog boxes, and to change values in dialog
boxes, move the joystick up/down or left/right.
To confirm changes and settings in menus and dialog boxes, push the joystick.
To leave dialog boxes and to go back in the menu system, push the Back button
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Handling the camera
13.1 Charging the battery
Note You must charge the battery for 4 hours before you start using the camera for the
first time.
13.1.1 Using the power supply to charge the battery Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Connect the power supply cable plug to the power connector on the camera.
2. Connect the power supply mains-electricity plug to a mains socket.
3. It is good practice to disconnect the power supply cable plug when the green light of
the battery condition LED indicator is continuous.
13.1.2 Using the stand-alone battery charger to charge the battery Explanation
Type of signal Explanation
The blue LED flashes. The battery is being charged.
The blue LED glows continuously. The battery is fully charged. Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Put the battery in the battery charger.
2. Connect the power supply cable plug to the connector on the battery charger.
3. Connect the power supply mains-electricity plug to a mains socket.
4. It is good practice to disconnect the power supply cable plug when the blue LED on
the battery charger is glowing continuously.
13.2 Turning on the camera
13.2.1 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To turn on the camera, push and release the On/off button
13.3 Turning off the camera
13.3.1 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To turn off the camera, push and hold the On/off button
for more than 0.5 second.
Note Do not remove the battery to turn off the camera.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Handling the camera13
13.4 Adjusting the viewfinder’s dioptric correction (sharpness)
13.4.1 Figure
Applicability: Cameras with a viewfinder.
Make sure that the beams from the intensive energy sources do not go into the viewfinder. The beams
can cause damage to the camera. This includes the devices that emit laser radiation, or the sun.
13.4.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the
button to switch from touch-screen LCD mode to viewfinder mode.
2. To adjust the viewfinder’s dioptric correction, look through the viewfinder and rotate the
adjustment knob clockwise or counter-clockwise for the best sharpness.
Maximum dioptric correction: +2.
Minimum dioptric correction: –2.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Handling the camera13
13.5 Adjusting the angle of the lens
13.5.1 Figure
13.6 Adjusting the infrared camera focus manually
13.6.1 Figure
13.6.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Do one of the following:
For far focus, rotate the focus ring clockwise (looking at the touch-screen LCD side
of the camera).
For near focus, rotate the focus ring counter-clockwise (looking at the touch-screen
LCD side of the camera).
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Handling the camera13
Do not touch the lens surface when you adjust the infrared camera focus manually. If
this happens, clean the lens according to the instructions in 31.2 Infrared lens, page
The focus ring can be rotated infinitely, but only a certain amount of rotation is needed
when focusing.
The response of the focus mechanism is progressive, meaning that a faster rotation of
the focus ring gives a disproportional higher speed of focus change. This allows for
both fine adjustment with a relatively large (but slow) rotation and rapid change with a
smaller (but faster) rotation. Furthermore, for a very slow rotation, the lens moves in
very small, discrete steps (which you can hear), allowing for a controlled fine adjust-
ment of the focus.
13.7 Autofocusing the infrared camera
13.7.1 General
The infrared camera can be configured to autofocus when you push the Save button half-
way down.
13.7.2 Figure
13.7.3 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To enable the autofocus function of the Save button, select
(Settings) > Save op-
tions & storage > Save button half-press = Autofocus.
2. To autofocus, push the Save button half-way down.
Note You can also assign the autofocus function to the programmable button
or .
For more information, see section 13.11 Assigning functions to the programmable buttons,
page 37..
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Handling the camera13
13.8 Continuous autofocus
13.8.1 General
The infrared camera can be set up to perform continuous autofocusing.
In this mode, the digital camera is used, which means that continuous autofocus will
not work in darkness.
When continuous autofocus is enabled, it is not possible to manually adjust the focus
by rotating the focus ring.
To stop continuous autofocus (e.g., to stabilize the focus before saving an image), push
the Save button half-way down.
13.8.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Device settings and push the joystick.
5. Select Continuous autofocus and push the joystick.
6. Select On and push the joystick.
Note You can also assign the function Continuous autofocus to one of the program-
mable buttons. Select
(Settings) > Programmable buttons.
13.9 Operating the laser pointer
Do not look directly into the laser beam. The laser beam can cause eye irritation.
Note The laser pointer is enabled by a setting. Select (Settings) > Device settings >
Lamp & laser > Enable lamp & laser.
Note The laser pointer may not be enabled in all markets.
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Handling the camera13
13.9.1 Figure
13.9.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To turn on the laser pointer, push and hold the laser button.
2. To turn off the laser pointer, release the laser button.
Note The symbol
is displayed on the screen when the laser pointer is on.
13.10 Using the digital zoom function
13.10.1 General
The current zoom factor is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen.
In preview/edit mode, it is possible to pan a zoomed image by touching the screen.
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Handling the camera13
13.10.2 Figure
13.10.3 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To zoom, push the zoom button left or right.
13.11 Assigning functions to the programmable buttons
13.11.1 General
There are four programmable buttons: two hardware buttons, and two software buttons on
the screen.
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Handling the camera13
1. Programmable button
2. Programmable button
3. Programmable button P3.
4. Programmable button P4.
You can assign different functions to the programmable buttons. For a complete list of
functions, see section 25.1.4 Programmable buttons, page 84.
13.11.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Programmable buttons and push the joystick.
5. Select one of the buttons and push the joystick:
P Button: Hardware button
P2 Button: Hardware button
P3 Button (on screen): Software button P3 on the screen.
P4 Button (on screen): Software button P4 on the screen.
6. Select one of the functions and push the joystick.
13.12 Using the camera lamp as a flash
13.12.1 General
The camera lamp can be used as a flash for the digital camera. When the flash function is
activated, the camera lamp will flash when an image is saved by pushing the Save button
fully down.
13.12.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Device settings and push the joystick.
5. Select Lamp & laser and push the joystick.
6. Select Enable lamp & laser + Use lamp as flash and push the joystick.
Note You can also assign the function Switch camera flash On <> Off to one of the pro-
grammable buttons. Select
(Settings) > Programmable buttons.
13.13 Changing lenses
Note Do not touch the lens surface when you change lenses. If this happens, clean the
lens according to the instructions in 31.2 Infrared lens, page 216.
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Handling the camera13
Follow this procedure:
1. Take a firm grip around the outermost part of the lens.
2. Push the release button and rotate the lens 45° counter-clockwise.
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Handling the camera13
3. Carefully pull out the lens from the lens bayonet mount.
4. The infrared detector is now fully exposed. Do not touch this surface. If you see dust
on the detector, follow the instructions in 31.3 Infrared detector, page 217.
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Handling the camera13
5. Note the index marks on the lens bayonet mount and on the lens.
6. Align the lens correctly to the bayonet mount. Carefully push the lens into position.
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Handling the camera13
7. Rotate the lens 45° clockwise. The lens makes a click when it locks in place.
13.14 Using the close-up lens
13.14.1 General
If you need to look at small objects very close up, you can attach the close-up lens to the
infrared lens.
When the close-up lens is attached, the digital camera and the infrared camera do not see
the same scene. This means that functions that are based on content captured by the digi-
tal camera cannot be used, e.g., continuous autofocus and some image modes.
When using the close-up lens, keep the following in mind. (For instructions, see section
13.14.2 Attaching the close-up lens, page 42.)
For best performance, adjust the focus to infinity.
The working distance for the close-up lens is 97 mm. (The working distance is the dis-
tance between the front of the lens and the closest surface of the object when the ob-
ject is in sharp focus.)
You must activate the global parameter External IR window compensation.
Only use the Thermal image mode.
Deactivate continuous autofocus.
Do not use the laser pointer.
Note The close-up lens can only be used with the infrared lens f = 36 mm (28°).
13.14.2 Attaching the close-up lens
Note Do not touch the lens surfaces when you attach the close-up lens. If this happens,
clean the lens according to the instructions in 31.2 Infrared lens, page 216.
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Handling the camera13
Follow this procedure:
1. Before attaching the close-up lens, adjust the focus to infinity by doing the following:
1.1. Aim the camera toward a distant object (more than 40 m (130′) away).
1.2. Autofocus the camera (see section 13.7 Autofocusing the infrared camera,
page 34) or adjust the focus manually (see section 13.6 Adjusting the infrared
camera focus manually, page 33).
Note Once the focus is set to infinity, be careful when you continue with the proce-
dure. Make sure you do not rotate the focusing ring by mistake.
2. Remove the outermost rubber protection from the infrared lens.
3. Align the close-up lens with the infrared lens. Carefully push the close-up lens into
4. Turn the close-up lens clockwise until it stops.
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Handling the camera13
5. Activate the global parameter External IR window compensation by doing the
5.1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
5.2. Select
(Measurement parameters) and push the joystick. This displays a
5.3. Select
(External IR window compensation) and push the joystick. This dis-
plays a dialog box.
5.4. In the dialog box, define the settings for the infrared window compensation:
Turn compensation on/off: Select On.
Temperature: Select the temperature of the close-up lens.
Transmission: Select 0.89, which is a typical transmission value for the
close-up lens.
5.5. Push the Back button
to go back in the menu system.
5.6. The status icon
is now displayed.
6. Select the image mode Thermal by doing the following:
6.1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
6.2. Select
(Image mode) and push the joystick. This displays a submenu.
6.3. Select
(Thermal) and push the joystick.
6.4. Push the Back button
to go back in the menu system.
7. Deactivate continuous autofocus by selecting
(Settings) > Device settings > Con-
tinuous autofocus = Off.
13.14.3 Removing the close-up lens
Note Do not touch the lens surfaces when you remove the close-up lens. If this happens,
clean the lens according to the instructions in 31.2 Infrared lens, page 216.
Follow this procedure:
1. Turn the close-up lens counter-clockwise until it separates from the infrared lens.
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Handling the camera13
2. Carefully pull out the close-up lens from the infrared lens.
3. Note the grooves on the infrared lens and their counterparts on the inside of the rubber
4. Align the rubber protection with the infrared lens.
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Handling the camera13
5. Push the rubber protection into position.
6. Deactivate the global parameter External IR window compensation by doing the
6.1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
6.2. Select
(Measurement parameters) and push the joystick. This displays a
6.3. Select
(External IR window compensation) and push the joystick. This dis-
plays a dialog box.
6.4. In the dialog box, select Turn compensation on/off = Off.
6.5. Push the Back button
to go back in the menu system.
13.15 Calibrating the compass
It is recommended that the compass is calibrated every time you move the camera to a
new location.
13.15.1 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Device settings and push the joystick.
5. Depending on the camera configuration, select Wireless & geolocation, Wireless, or
Geolocation and push the joystick.
6. Select Compass and push the joystick.
7. If the Compass check box is unchecked, push the joystick to enable the compass.
8. Select Calibrate compass and push the joystick. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Note You must rotate the camera slowly.
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Saving and working with images
14.1 About image files
14.1.1 General
The camera saves an image file, including all thermal and visual information. This means
that you can open an image file at a later time and, for example, select another image
mode, apply color alarms, and add measurement tools.
The image *.jpg file is fully radiometric and saved lossless, which enables full post-proc-
essing in image analysis and reporting software from FLIR Systems. There is also a regu-
lar *.jpg component (lossy) for convenient viewing in non-FLIR Systems software (e.g.,
Microsoft Explorer).
The camera can also be configured to save an extra visual image as a separate file. Select
(Settings) > Save options & storage > Photo as separate JPEG = On.
14.1.2 File-naming convention
The default naming convention for image files is FLIRxxxx.jpg, where xxxx is a unique
It is also possible to save images with a date prefix added to the file name. However, these
files may not automatically be detected by third-party applications. For more information,
see section the setting File naming format in section 25.1.3 Save options & storage, page
14.1.3 Image capacity
The capacity of a 4 GB memory card is theoretically 1000 images (with no annotations).
14.1.4 About UltraMax
UltraMax is an image enhancement feature that increases the image resolution and lowers
the noise, making small objects easier to see and measure. An UltraMax image is twice as
wide and high as an ordinary image.
When an UltraMax image is captured by the camera, several ordinary images are saved
within the same file. Capturing all the images can take up to 1 second. To fully utilize Ultra-
Max, the images need to be slightly different, which can be accomplished by a slight
movement of the camera. You should hold the camera firmly in your hands (do not put it
on a tripod), which will make these images vary just a little during the capture. Correct fo-
cus, a high-contrast scene, and a non-moving target are other conditions that help to
achieve a good-quality UltraMax image.
At present, only FLIR Tools/Tools+ and FLIR ResearchIR Max have the ability to process
UltraMax images. Other FLIR software will treat the image as a regular image.
To configure the camera for UltraMax, select
(Settings) > Save options & storage > Im-
age resolution = UltraMax.
14.2 Saving an image
14.2.1 General
You can save images to the memory card.
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Saving and working with images
14.2.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To save an image, push the Save button fully down.
Note Depending on the settings in
(Settings) > Save options & storage, the following
may happen:
A preview image is displayed before the image is saved.
An annotation tool or the annotation menu is displayed when the image has been
14.3 Previewing an image
14.3.1 General
You can preview an image before you save it. This enables you to see if the image contains
the information you want before you save it. You can also adjust and edit the image.
Note The camera must be configured to display a preview image before saving. Select
(Settings) > Save options & storage > Preview image before saving = On.
14.3.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To preview an image, push the Save button fully down. This displays the preview.
2. Manual image adjustment mode is now active, and the status icon
is displayed.
For image adjustment instructions, see section 15.3 Adjusting the infrared image, page
3. To edit the image, push the joystick. This displays a context menu. For editing instruc-
tions, see section 14.5 Editing a saved image, page 49.
4. Do one of the following:
To save the image, push the Save button fully down.
To exit preview mode without saving, push the Back button
14.4 Opening a saved image
14.4.1 General
When you save an image, the image file is stored on the memory card. To display the im-
age again, open it from the image archive.
14.4.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the Image archive button
2. Move the joystick up/down or left/right to select the image you want to view.
3. Push the joystick. This displays the image at full size.
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Saving and working with images
4. Do one or more of the following:
To switch between an infrared image and a visual image, move the joystick up/down.
To view the previous/next image, move the joystick left/right.
To edit the image, add annotations, display information, or delete the image, push
the joystick. This displays a context menu.
To return to the image archive overview, push the Back button
14.5 Editing a saved image
14.5.1 General
You can edit a saved image. You can also edit an image in preview mode.
14.5.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Open the image in the image archive.
2. Push the joystick and select
(Edit) from the menu.
3. Manual image adjustment mode is now active, and the status icon
is displayed.
For image adjustment instructions, see section 15.3 Adjusting the infrared image, page
4. Push the joystick. This displays a context menu.
(Cancel) to exit edit mode.
(Measurement parameters) to change the global parameters.
(Image mode) to change the image mode.
(Measurement) to add a measurement tool.
(Color) to change the color palette or set a color alarm.
(Save) to save and exit edit mode.
14.5.3 Related topics
17.5 Changing object parameters, page 64.
16 Working with image modes, page 60.
17 Working with measurement tools, page 62.
15.5 Changing the color palette, page 56.
18 Working with color alarms and isotherms, page 71.
14.6 Creating a PDF report in the camera
14.6.1 General
You can create a PDF report and save it to the memory card. You can then transfer the
PDF report to a computer, iPhone, or iPad using FLIR Tools/Tools+, and send the report to
a customer.
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Saving and working with images
14.6.2 Naming convention
The naming convention for report files is REPORTxxxx.jpg, where xxxx is a unique
14.6.3 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the Image archive button
2. Move the joystick up/down or left/right to select an image.
3. Push the joystick to display the image.
4. Push the joystick to display a context menu.
5. Select
(Information & reports) and push the joystick. This displays information
about the image.
6. Select Create report and push the joystick. The created report will be available in the
14.7 Deleting an image
14.7.1 General
You can delete an image file from the memory card.
Note Both images in the image file (thermal and visual) will be deleted.
14.7.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the Image archive button
2. Move the joystick up/down or left/right to select the image you want to delete.
3. Push the joystick to display the image.
4. Push the joystick and select
(Delete) from the menu. This displays a dialog box.
5. Use the joystick to select Delete. Push the joystick to confirm.
14.8 Deleting multiple images
14.8.1 General
You can delete multiple image files from the memory card.
14.8.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the Image archive button
2. Touch and hold one of the images you want to delete. This displays a context menu.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Saving and working with images
3. Touch all the other images you want to delete.
4. Use the joystick to select (Delete) and push the joystick. This displays a dialog
5. Use the joystick to select Delete. Push the joystick to confirm.
14.9 Deleting all images
14.9.1 General
You can delete all image files from the memory card.
Note This will delete all files (images, videos, and reports) from the memory card.
14.9.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Save options & storage and push the joystick.
5. Select Delete all saved files... and push the joystick. This displays a dialog box where
you can choose to execute the delete action or to cancel.
6. To permanently delete all saved files, select Delete and push the joystick.
14.10 Resetting the image counter
14.10.1 General
You can reset the numbering of the image file names.
Note To prevent image files being overwritten, the new counter value will be based on
the highest existing file name number in the image archive.
14.10.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Saving and working with images
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Device settings and push the joystick.
5. Select Reset options and push the joystick.
6. Select Reset image counter... and push the joystick. This displays a dialog box where
you can choose to execute the reset action or to cancel.
7. To reset the counter, select Reset and push the joystick.
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Achieving a good image
15.1 General
A good image depends on several different settings, although some settings affect the im-
age more than others.
These are the settings you need to experiment with:
Adjusting the infrared camera focus.
Adjusting the infrared image, automatically or manually.
Selecting a suitable temperature range.
Selecting a suitable color palette.
Changing the object parameters.
Calibrating the camera.
The following sections explain how to change these settings.
In some situations, you may also want to hide the overlay graphics for a better view.
15.2 Adjusting the infrared camera focus
It is very important to adjust the focus correctly. Incorrect focus adjustment affects how the
image modes work. It also affects the temperature measurement.
You can adjust the focus manually by rotating the focus ring. For more information, see
section 13.6 Adjusting the infrared camera focus manually, page 33.
You can autofocus the infrared camera by the press of a button:
The camera can be configured to autofocus when you push the Save button half-way
down. To enable the autofocus function of the Save button, select
(Settings) > Save
options & storage > Save button half-press = Autofocus.
You can assign the autofocus function to the programmable button
or . For more
information, see section 13.11 Assigning functions to the programmable buttons, page
The infrared camera can also be set up to perform continuous autofocusing. For more in-
formation, see section 13.8 Continuous autofocus, page 35.
15.3 Adjusting the infrared image
15.3.1 General
An infrared image can be adjusted automatically or manually.
In automatic mode, the camera continuously adjusts the level and span for the best image
presentation. The colors are distributed based on the thermal content of the image (histo-
gram color distribution). The temperature scale to the right of the screen shows the upper
and lower temperatures of the current span.
In manual mode, you can adjust the temperature scale to values close to the temperature
of a specific object in the image. This will make it possible to detect anomalies and smaller
temperature differences in the part of the image of interest. In manual mode, the colors
are distributed evenly from the lowest to the highest temperature (linear color distribution).
This is indicated by lines on the temperature scale.
There are two different settings for the manual adjustment mode:
Level, Span: With this setting, you can manually adjust the level and span.
Level, Max, Min: With this setting, you can manually adjust the level. You can also
change the upper and lower temperatures individually.
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Achieving a good image15
Select the type of manual image adjustment mode under (Settings) > Device settings
> User interface options > Manual adjustment mode.
When manual image adjustment mode is active, the status icon
is displayed.
In live mode, push the button
to switch between automatic and manual image adjust-
ment modes. You can also switch between the modes by touching the temperature
scale on the screen.
In preview/edit mode, manual image adjustment mode is active.
Note You can also assign the function Auto adjust the manual temperature scale to one
of the programmable buttons, which allows you to perform an automatic adjustment of the
image while remaining in manual image adjustment mode. Select
(Settings) > Pro-
grammable buttons.
15.3.2 Example 1
Here are two infrared images of a building. In the left image, which is auto-adjusted, the
large temperature span between the clear sky and the heated building makes a correct
analysis difficult. You can analyze the building in more detail if you change the temperature
scale to values close to the temperature of the building.
Automatic Manual
15.3.3 Example 2
Here are two infrared images of an isolator in a power line. To make it easier to analyze
the temperature variations in the isolator, the temperature in the right image has been
changed to values close to the temperature of the isolator.
Automatic Manual
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Achieving a good image15
15.3.4 Manual adjustment in Level, Span mode
Note This procedure assumes that you have configured the camera for manual image
adjustments in Level, Span mode. Select Settings > Device settings > User interface op-
tions > Manual adjustment mode = Level, Span.
Follow this procedure:
1. In live mode, push the button
to enter manual adjustment mode.
2. Move the joystick up/down to increase/decrease the level.
3. Move the joystick left/right to increase/decrease the span.
4. (Optional step.) In preview/edit mode, push the button
to perform a one-shot auto-
adjust sequence.
15.3.5 Manual adjustment in Level, Max, Min mode
Note This procedure assumes that you have configured the camera for manual image
adjustments in Level, Max, Min mode. Select Settings > Device settings > User interface
options > Manual adjustment mode = Level, Max, Min.
Follow this procedure:
1. In live mode, push the button
to enter manual adjustment mode.
2. To simultaneously change the temperature scale minimum and maximum limits, move
the joystick up/down.
3. To change the minimum limit or the maximum limit, do the following:
Move the joystick left/right to select (highlight) the maximum or minimum
Move the joystick up/down to change the value of the highlighted temperature.
4. (Optional step.) In preview/edit mode, push the button
to perform a one-shot auto-
adjust sequence.
15.4 Changing the temperature range
15.4.1 General
You must change the temperature range to suit the expected temperature of the object
you are inspecting.
15.4.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Camera temperature range and push the joystick.
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Achieving a good image15
5. Select the appropriate temperature range and push the joystick.
Note You can also assign the function Switch temperature range to one of the program-
mable buttons. Select
(Settings) > Programmable buttons.
15.5 Changing the color palette
15.5.1 General
You can change the color palette that the camera uses to display different temperatures. A
different palette can make it easier to analyze an image.
Rainbow high contrast
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Achieving a good image15
White hot
Black hot
15.5.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display a submenu.
4. Use the joystick to select a different palette.
5. Push the joystick.
15.6 Changing the object parameters
For accurate measurements, you must set the object parameters:
External IR window compensation.
Object distance.
Atmospheric temperature.
Relative humidity.
Reflected temperature.
You can set the object parameters globally. You can also change the Emissivity, Reflected
temperature, and Object distance parameters locally for a measurement tool.
For more information, see section 17.5 Changing object parameters, page 64.
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Achieving a good image15
15.7 Calibrating the camera
15.7.1 General
Calibration of the camera is performed as a non-uniformity correction (NUC). An NUC is
an image correction carried out by the camera software to compensate for different sensi-
tivities of detector elements and other optical and geometrical disturbances
Calibration is needed whenever the output image becomes spatially noisy. The output can
become spatially noisy when the ambient temperature changes (such as from day to night
operation, and vice versa).
The calibration is carried out automatically when needed. It is also possible to perform a
calibration manually.
While the calibration is in progress, the text Calibrating... is displayed.
15.7.2 Manual calibration
You may, for example, want to perform a manual calibration just before you start recording
a video sequence. Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To perform a manual calibration, push and hold down the Image archive button
for more than 2 seconds.
Note You can also assign the function Calibrate to one of the programmable buttons. Se-
(Settings) > Programmable buttons .
15.8 Hiding all overlay
15.8.1 General
The camera overlay consists of overlay graphics and image overlay information. The over-
lay graphics include items such as measurement tool symbols, result tables, and status
icons. The image overlay information, which you activate on the Settings menu, provides
additional information such as the date, emissivity, and atmospheric temperature.
You can choose to hide all camera overlay by the press of a programmable button.
Image with camera overlay and image overlay
Image with all overlay hidden.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
1. Definition from the impending international adoption of DIN 54190-3 (Non-destructive testing Thermographic
testing Part 3: Terms and definitions).
Achieving a good image15
15.8.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Programmable buttons and push the joystick.
5. Select one of the buttons and push the joystick.
6. Select Hide image overlay graphics and push the joystick. You have now assigned this
function to the selected programmable button.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with image modes
16.1 General
The camera captures both thermal and visual images at the same time. By your choice of
image mode, you select which type of image to display on the screen.
The camera supports the following image modes:
Thermal MSX (Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging): The camera displays infrared images
where the edges of the objects are enhanced with visual image details.
Thermal: A full infrared image is displayed.
Picture in picture: An infrared image frame is displayed on top of the visual image.
Digital camera: The visual image captured by the digital camera is displayed.
These image modes only work correctly for calibrated lenses. The lens that ships with
the camera is factory calibrated. To have a new lens calibrated, you must send in the
camera and the lens to your local service department.
All thermal and visual information is stored when an image is saved. This means that
you can edit the image later, in the image archive, in FLIR Tools/Tools+, or in FLIR Re-
searchIR Max, and select any of the image modes.
16.2 Image examples
This table explains the different types of image modes.
Image mode Image
Thermal MSX
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with image modes16
Image mode Image
Picture in picture
Digital camera
16.3 Selecting the image mode
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
(Image mode).
3. Push the joystick to display a submenu.
4. Use the joystick to go to one of the image modes:
(Thermal MSX)
(Picture in picture)
(Digital camera)
Note If the *.csq video format is selected (Settings > Save options & storage > Video
compression ) and the recording mode Video is selected, it will only be possible to se-
lect the image mode Thermal.
5. Push the joystick confirm.
6. If Picture in picture mode is selected, you can at this point move and resize the infrared
image frame using the touch screen.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with measurement tools
17.1 General
To measure a temperature, you can use one or more measurement tools, e.g., a spotmeter
or a box.
17.2 Adding/removing measurement tools
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display a submenu.
(No measurements) to remove all tools.
(Center spot) to add a center spot.
(Hot spot) to add a hot spot detection within a box area.
(Cold spot) to add a cold spot detection within a box area.
(User preset 1) to add user preset 1. (Not available in all camera
(User preset 2) to add user preset 2. (Not available in all camera
4. Push the joystick. This displays the measurement tool or the group of preset tools on
the screen.
17.3 Working with user presets
17.3.1 General
A user preset is a measurement tool, or a group of measurement tools, with predefined
17.3.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with measurement tools17
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Define user presets and push the joystick.
5. Select Define preset 1 or Define preset 2 and push the joystick. This displays a context
6. Select
(Add measurement).
7. Push the joystick. This displays a submenu.
(Add spot) to add a spot.
(Add box) to add a box.
(Add circle) to add a circle.
(Add line) to add a line.
(Add delta) to set up a differential calculation.
8. Push the joystick. This displays the measurement tool on the screen.
9. Push the joystick. This displays a context menu, where you can select one or more of
the following actions (depending on the type of tool):
Remove the tool.
Resize, move, center, and rotate the tool.
Display maximum, minimum, and average values.
Set alarms.
Set local parameters.
When completed, select
10. When all measurement tools have been added, select
(Save as preset).
17.4 Resizing or moving a measurement tool
17.4.1 General
You can resize and move a measurement tool.
17.4.2 Procedure
This procedure assumes that you have previously laid out a measurement tool or user
preset on the screen.
You can also move and resize the measurement tool by touching the screen.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with measurement tools17
Follow this procedure:
1. To select the measurement tool, touch the tool on the screen. The tool is now dis-
played with one or more handles.
Spot measurement tool:
Area measurement tool:
2. Push the joystick—or touch and hold the tool. This displays a context menu.
(Resize) to change the size of the tool.
(Move) to move the tool.
3. Move the joystick up/down and left/right to resize or move the tool.
4. When completed, push the joystick and select
17.5 Changing object parameters
17.5.1 General
For accurate measurements, you must set the object parameters.
17.5.2 Types of parameters
The camera can use these object parameters:
External IR window compensation, i.e., the temperature of any protective windows, ex-
ternal lenses (e.g., the close-up lens), etc., that are set up between the camera and the
object of interest. If no protective window, protective shield, or external lens is used, this
value is irrelevant and should be left inactive.
Object distance, i.e., the distance between the camera and the object of interest.
Atmospheric temperature, i.e., the temperature of the air between the camera and the
object of interest.
Relative humidity, i.e., the relative humidity of the air between the camera and the ob-
ject of interest.
Reflected temperature, which is used when compensating for the radiation from the
surroundings reflected by the object into the camera. This property of the object is
called “reflectivity”.
Emissivity, i.e., how much radiation an object emits, compared with the radiation of a
theoretical reference object at the same temperature (called a “blackbody”). The oppo-
site of emissivity is reflectivity. The emissivity determines how much of the radiation
originates from the object as opposed to being reflected by it.
Note There is an Emissivity mode setting, which you can use to enter the emissivity
by material instead of by value. Select
(Settings) > Device settings > User interface
options > Emissivity mode > Select from materials table.
Of the object parameters, Emissivity is the most important parameter to set correctly. If the
Emissivity is set to a low value, the Reflected temperature also becomes important. The
parameters Object distance, Atmospheric temperature, and Relative humidity are relevant
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with measurement tools17
for longer distances. The External IR window compensation must be activated if a protec-
tive window or external lens is used.
17.5.3 Recommended values
If you are unsure about the values, the following are recommended:
Object distance 1.0 m (3.3′)
Atmospheric temperature 20°C (69°F)
Relative humidity 50%
Reflected temperature 20°C (69°F)
Emissivity 0.95
17.5.4 Procedure
You can set the object parameters globally. You can also change the Emissivity, Reflected
temperature, and Object distance parameters locally for a measurement tool.
Local parameters are normally only effective for a fixed setup, where each measurement
tool is set to a specific object of interest. In a general handheld application, the global pa-
rameters are usually sufficient.
Note Of the object parameters, Emissivity and Reflected temperature are the two most
important to set correctly in the camera. Setting global parameters
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
(Measurement parameters).
3. Push the joystick to display a submenu. Use the joystick to select one or more of the
global object parameters:
(External IR window compensation)
(Object distance)
(Atmospheric temperature)
(Relative humidity)
(Reflected temperature)
4. Push the joystick to display a dialog box.
5. Use the joystick to change the parameter.
6. Push the joystick. This closes the dialog box. Changing local parameters
You can change the local parameters for a measurement tool.
A P next to the measurement tool on the screen indicates that local parameters are acti-
vated for the tool.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with measurement tools17
Follow this procedure:
1. To select the measurement tool, touch the tool on the screen. The tool is now dis-
played with one or more handles.
2. Push the joystick—or touch and hold the tool. This displays a context menu.
3. Use the joystick to go to
(Use local parameters).
4. Push the joystick.
(icon with gray indicator) is displayed.
5. Push the joystick to activate the use of local parameters.
(icon with blue indica-
tor) is displayed together with a submenu.
6. Use the joystick to select an object parameter.
7. Push the joystick to display a dialog box.
8. Use the joystick to change the parameter.
9. Push the joystick. This closes the dialog box.
17.5.5 Related topics
For in-depth information about parameters, and how to correctly set the emissivity and re-
flected apparent temperature, see section 35 Thermographic measurement techniques,
page 229.
17.6 Displaying values in the result table and displaying a graph
17.6.1 General
For the box, circle, and line tools, you can set the camera to display the maximum, mini-
mum, and average values in the result table.
For the line tool, you can also display a graph.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with measurement tools17
17.6.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To select the measurement tool, touch the tool on the screen. The tool is now dis-
played with one or more handles.
2. Push the joystick—or touch and hold the tool. This displays a context menu.
3. Use the joystick to go to (depending on the tool)
, , or (Max/Min/Avg/Alarm)
or (Graph/Max/Min/Avg/Alarm).
4. Push the joystick. This displays a submenu.
(Option available for the line tool.) Select
(Graph) and push the joystick to dis-
play a graph.
(Max) and push the joystick to display the maximum value.
(Min) and push the joystick to display the minimum value.
(Avg) and push the joystick to display the average value.
(Optional step.) You can choose to show or hide the maximum and minimum
markers (the hot/cold spots). Select
(Max & min markers) and push the joystick
to toggle:
(icon with grey indicator) is displayed, the markers are hidden.
(icon with blue indicator) is displayed, the markers are shown.
5. When completed, move the joystick down to close the submenu.
6. Select
(Done) and push the joystick.
17.7 Creating and setting up a difference calculation
17.7.1 General
A difference calculation gives the difference between the values of two known measure-
ment results.
17.7.2 Procedure
You can set up a difference calculation when defining user presets, or when editing an
image in the archive.
This procedure assumes that you have previously laid out at least one measurement
tool on the screen.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with measurement tools17 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. To set up a difference calculation, do the following:
If you are defining user presets, select
(Add measurement) and then select
(Add delta).
If you are editing an image in the archive, select
(Measurement) and then select
(Add delta).
2. Push the joystick. This displays a dialog box where you can select the measurement
tools that you want to use in the difference calculation. You can also select a fixed-tem-
perature reference.
3. Push the joystick. The result of the difference calculation is now displayed on the
17.8 Setting a measurement alarm
17.8.1 General
You can make the camera trigger an alarm when certain measurement conditions are met.
17.8.2 Types of alarm
You can choose between the following alarm types:
Above: Triggers an alarm when the temperature is above the preset alarm temperature.
Below: Triggers an alarm when the temperature is below the preset alarm temperature.
17.8.3 Alarm signals
When an alarm is set, the symbol
is displayed in the result table.
When an alarm is triggered, the value in the result table is displayed in red (above alarm)
or blue (below alarm) and the symbol
(above alarm) or (below alarm) is blinking.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with measurement tools17
You can also set an audible alarm (there will be a “beep” when the alarm is triggered).
17.8.4 Procedure
There are different procedures for setting up an alarm for a spot, box, circle, or line and for
a difference calculation. Setting up an alarm for a spot
Follow this procedure:
1. To select the spot, touch the tool on the screen. The tool is now displayed with a frame.
2. Push the joystick—or touch and hold the tool. This displays a context menu.
3. Use the joystick to go to
(Set alarm on spot).
4. Push the joystick. This displays a dialog box where you can define the settings for the
Alarm condition: The condition that triggers the alarm. Applicable values are Above,
Below, or Off.
Alarm limit: The temperature value that will be the critical condition when an alarm is
triggered or not.
Alarm sound: Applicable values are Beep or No sound.
5. Push the joystick. This closes the dialog box. Setting up an alarm for a box, circle, or line
Note This procedure assumes that you have previously set the camera to display at least
one value (maximum, minimum, or average) in the result table.
Follow this procedure:
1. To select the measurement tool, touch the tool on the screen. The tool is now dis-
played with one or more handles.
2. Push the joystick—or touch and hold the tool. This displays a context menu.
3. Use the joystick to go to (depending on tool)
, , or (Max/Min/Avg/Alarm) or
4. Push the joystick. This displays a submenu.
5. Select
(Set alarm).
6. Push the joystick. This displays a dialog box where you can define the settings for the
Alarm condition: The condition that triggers the alarm. Applicable values are Above,
Below, or Off.
Select measurement: Applicable settings are the values you have previously de-
fined (Max, Min, and/or Avg).
Alarm limit: The temperature value that will be the critical condition when an alarm is
triggered or not.
Alarm sound: Applicable values are Beep or No sound.
7. Push the joystick. This closes the dialog box. Setting up an alarm for a difference calculation
You can set up an alarm for a difference calculation when defining user presets, or
when editing an image in the archive.
This procedure assumes that you have previously set up a difference calculation.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with measurement tools17
Follow this procedure:
1. To set up an alarm for a difference calculation, do the following:
If you are defining user presets, select
(Add measurement). This displays a
If you are editing an image in the archive, select
(Measurement). This displays
a submenu.
2. Select
(Select). This displays a dialog box.
3. Select Delta. This displays a context menu.
4. Use the joystick to go to
(Set alarm on delta).
5. Push the joystick. This displays a dialog box where you can define the settings for the
Alarm condition: The condition that triggers the alarm. Applicable values are Above,
Below, or Off.
Alarm limit: The temperature value that will be the critical condition when an alarm is
triggered or not.
Alarm sound: Applicable values are Beep or No sound.
6. Push the joystick. This closes the dialog box.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with color alarms and
18.1 Color alarms
18.1.1 General
By using color alarms (isotherms), anomalies can easily be discovered in an infrared im-
age. The isotherm command applies a contrasting color to all pixels with a temperature
above, below, or between the set temperature levels. The camera also features isotherm
types that are specific to the building trade: condensation and insulation alarms.
You can make the camera trigger the following types of color alarms:
Above alarm: This will apply a contrasting color to all pixels with a temperature above
the specified temperature level.
Below alarm: This will apply a contrasting color to all pixels with a temperature below
the specified temperature level.
Interval alarm: This will apply a contrasting color to all pixels with a temperature be-
tween two specified temperature levels.
Condensation alarm: Triggers when the camera detects a surface where the relative hu-
midity exceeds a preset value.
Insulation alarm: Triggers when there is an insulation deficiency in a wall.
18.1.2 Image examples
This table explains the different color alarms (isotherms).
Color alarm
Above alarm
Below alarm
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with color alarms and isotherms18
Color alarm
Interval alarm
Condensation alarm
Insulation alarm
18.2 Setting up above, below, and interval alarms
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display a submenu. Use the joystick to select the type of alarm:
(Above alarm)
(Below alarm)
(Interval alarm)
4. Push the joystick. The threshold temperature is displayed at the top of the screen.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Working with color alarms and isotherms18
5. To change the threshold temperature, do the following:
For the Interval alarm, move the joystick left/right to select the low/high-temperature
Move the joystick up/down to change the threshold temperature.
18.3 Building isotherms
Note The Condensation and Insulation alarms are not supported by all camera models.
18.3.1 About the Condensation alarm
To detect areas with potential moisture problems, you can use the Condensation alarm.
You can set the relative humidity above which the isotherm will colorize the image.
18.3.2 About the Insulation alarm
The Insulation alarm can detect areas where there may be an insulation deficiency in the
building. It will trigger when the insulation level (which is called the thermal index in the
camera) falls below a preset value of the energy leakage through a wall.
Different building codes recommend different values for the insulation level, but typical val-
ues are 60–80% for new buildings. Refer to your national building code for
18.3.3 Setting up condensation and insulation alarms
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display a submenu. Use the joystick to select the type of alarm:
(Condensation alarm)
(Insulation alarm)
4. Push the joystick. This displays a dialog box where you can define the settings for the
For the Condensation alarm, the following parameters can be set:
Atmospheric temperature: The current atmospheric temperature.
Relative humidity: The current relative humidity.
Relative humidity limit: The relative humidity level at which you want the alarm to be
triggered. A relative humidity of 100% means that water vapor condenses from the
air as liquid water (= dewpoint). A relative humidity of about 70% or above can
cause mold.
For the Insulation alarm, the following parameters can be set:
Indoor temperature: The current indoor temperature.
Outdoor temperature: The current outdoor temperature.
Thermal index: The insulation level, an integer between 0 and 100.
5. Push the joystick. This closes the dialog box.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Annotating images
19.1 General
You can save additional information with an infrared image by using annotations. Annota-
tions make reporting and post-processing more efficient, by providing essential informa-
tion about the image, e.g., conditions and information about where an image is taken.
Annotations are added to the image file, and can be viewed and edited in the image ar-
chive, and also when moving files from the camera to reporting software on the computer.
You can set the camera to display annotation tools before an image is saved. Select
(Settings) > Save options & storage > Add annotation after saving.
You can also add annotations to a saved image in the image archive.
Note This section describes the procedures for adding annotations to a saved image in
the image archive. Adding annotations when saving an image works in a similar way.
19.2 Adding a note
19.2.1 General
You can add a text note to the image file. Using this feature, you can annotate images by
entering free-form text.
19.2.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Open the image in the image archive.
2. Push the joystick. This displays a context menu.
3. Select
(Add note).
4. Push the joystick. This displays a soft keyboard where you can enter the text you want
to save by touching the screen.
Note To select special characters, press and hold down the corresponding key on
the soft keyboard.
5. When completed, touch Done on the soft keyboard.
19.3 Adding a table
19.3.1 General
You can save a table with textual information to the image file. This feature is a very effi-
cient way of recording information when you are inspecting a large number of similar
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Annotating images19
objects. The idea behind using a table with textual information is to avoid filling out forms
or inspection protocols manually.
The camera has a number of default table templates. You can also import your own table
templates from FLIR Tools/Tools+—refer to the FLIR Tools/Tools+ user’s manual. The tem-
plates are stored on the memory card.
19.3.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Open the image in the image archive.
2. Push the joystick. This displays a context menu.
3. Select
(Add table) and push the joystick.
4. Select
(Add table contents) and push the joystick. This displays the default table
template that ships with the camera.
Note You can select another template by first selecting
(Select default template).
5. For each row in the table, do the following:
Push the joystick. This displays the predefined values.
Move the joystick up/down to select a predefined value. Push the joystick to confirm.
Instead of selecting a predefined value, you can select the keyboard
and enter
other text by touching the screen.
6. When completed, select Save & Exit at the bottom of the table. Push the joystick to
19.4 Adding a voice annotation
19.4.1 General
A voice annotation is an audio recording that is saved to the infrared image file. The re-
cording can be played back in the camera, and in image analysis and reporting software
from FLIR Systems.
The voice annotation is recorded using a Bluetooth headset. For information on how to
pair a headset with the camera, see section 23 Pairing Bluetooth devices, page 81.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Annotating images19
19.4.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Open the image in the image archive.
2. Push the joystick. This displays a context menu.
3. Select
(Add voice annotation) and push the joystick.
4. To start a recording, select
(Record) and push the joystick.
5. To stop the recording, select
(Stop) and push the joystick.
6. To listen to the recording, select
(Play) and push the joystick.
7. To delete the recording, select
(Delete) and push the joystick.
8. When completed, select
(Done) and push the joystick.
19.5 Adding a sketch
19.5.1 General
You can add a freehand drawing to an image.
19.5.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Open the image in the image archive.
2. Push the joystick. This displays a context menu.
3. Select
(Add sketch) and push the joystick.
4. You are now in sketch mode. Draw the sketch by touching the screen.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Annotating images19
5. Push the joystick. This displays a context menu. Do one or more of the following:
To change the color of the sketch tools, select
(Draw) and push the joystick. Se-
lect the color and push the joystick.
To erase, select
(Eraser) and push the joystick. Erase parts of the sketch by
touching the screen.
To add an arrow, circle, or cross, select
(Stamp sketch) and push the joystick.
Select the type of stamp and push the joystick. The stamp is displayed in the center
of the screen. You can move the stamp by using the joystick or by touching the
To clear, select
(Clear all) and push the joystick.
When the sketch is completed, select
(Save) and push the joystick.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Programming the camera (time
20.1 General
You can program the camera to save images periodically (time lapse).
20.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
(Recording mode).
3. Push the joystick. This displays a submenu.
4. Select
(Time lapse).
5. Push the joystick. This displays a dialog box, where you can set the save conditions:
Save interval: Use the joystick to set the time interval between each saved image.
Total number of images: Periodic saving will stop when the set number of images
have been saved.
6. Push the joystick. This closes the dialog box. The time interval is displayed at the top
of the screen.
7. To manually start or stop periodic saving, briefly push and release the Save button.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Recording video clips
21.1 General
You can record and save video clips to the memory card.
Note The camera can be configured to save video in *.mpg or *.csq format. Select
(Settings) > Save options & storage > Video compression.
Mpeg (*.mpg): Mpeg recordings cannot be edited after the file has been saved.
Radiometric storage (*csq): A *.csq file supports full radiometry but is only supported
by FLIR Systems software. The file does not include any visual image information. With
this setting, only Thermal image mode is supported when recording video. If any other
image mode is active when Video recording mode is selected, the camera will auto-
switch to Thermal image mode.
21.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
(Recording mode).
3. Push the joystick. This displays a submenu.
4. Select
(Video) and push the joystick.
5. Do the following:
To start a recording, push and release the Save button. A counter at the top of the
screen displays the duration of the recording.
To stop a recording, push and release the Save button.
6. The recording is automatically saved to the image archive, where you can play or de-
lete it.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Screening alarm
22.1 General
The screening alarm can be used, for example, at airports to detect passengers with ele-
vated body temperatures, which may indicate the presence of a fever.
The screening alarm can also be used to detect temperature anomalies in a series of in-
spected objects in a similar/fixed setup.
Activating the screening alarm will turn on a measurement box and screening data in the
result table.
The sampled average temperature.
The alarm temperature.
The measured temperature.
The alarm will trigger when the measurement box measures a temperature higher than the
alarm temperature. The alarm temperature is, in turn, the sum of a specified allowed devia-
tion and a sampled average value.
22.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Enable the screening mode by selecting
(Settings) > Device settings > User inter-
face options > Screening mode = On.
2. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
3. Use the joystick to go to
(Recording mode).
4. Push the joystick. This displays a submenu.
5. Select
6. Push the joystick. This displays a dialog box where you can define the settings for the
Allowed deviation: The allowed deviation from the sampled average.
Alarm sound: Applicable values are Beep or No sound.
7. Push the joystick. This closes the dialog box.
8. Aim the camera toward a point of interest. The object should be within the frame of the
measurement box.
9. Push and hold the programmable button
to reset the sampled average.
10. Push the programmable button
to sample.
11. Aim the camera toward more points of interest. Sample 10 times to build up a sample
base by pushing the programmable button
The alarm is now set up and ready to use. Occasionally record a few samples if the
alarm is used for a long time or if the conditions change.
The algorithm has a memory of the last 10 samples. It discriminates between the high-
est and lowest values, and calculates an average of the remaining values.
Do not modify the measurement setup or activate another alarm because this will deac-
tivate the screening alarm.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Pairing Bluetooth devices
23.1 General
Before you can use a Bluetooth device with the camera, you need to pair the devices.
23.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Device settings and push the joystick.
5. Depending on the camera configuration, select Wireless & geolocation, Wireless, or
Geolocation and push the joystick.
6. Select Bluetooth and push the joystick.
7. If the Bluetooth check box is unchecked, push the joystick to activate Bluetooth.
Note You also need to ensure that the external Bluetooth device is in visible mode.
8. Select Available devices and push the joystick.
9. Wait until a list of available devices is displayed. This will take about 15 seconds.
10. When a Bluetooth device is found, select the device to add it, and begin the pairing
procedure. The device is then ready to be used.
Only Bluetooth-enabled headsets will appear in the list of available devices.
You can add several devices.
You can remove a device by selecting the device and then selecting Unpair device.
After adding a Bluetooth-enabled headset, it is ready to be used for adding voice
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Configuring Wi-Fi
24.1 General
Depending on your camera configuration, you can connect the camera to a wireless local
area network (WLAN) using Wi-Fi, or let the camera provide Wi-Fi access to other devices.
You can connect the camera in two different ways:
Most common use: Setting up the camera as a wireless access point. This method is
primarily used with other devices, e.g., an iPhone or iPad.
Less common use: Connecting the camera to a wireless local area network (WLAN).
24.2 Setting up a wireless access point (most common use)
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Device settings and push the joystick.
5. Depending on the camera configuration, select Wireless & geolocation, Wireless, or
Geolocation and push the joystick.
6. Select Wi-Fi and push the joystick.
7. Select Share and push the joystick.
8. (Optional step.) To display and change the parameters, select Share settings and push
the joystick.
To change the SSID, select Network name (SSID) and push the joystick.
To change the WPA2 password, select Password and push the joystick.
Note These parameters are set for your camera’s network. They will be used by the
external device to connect that device to the network.
24.3 Connecting the camera to a WLAN (less common use)
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Select Device settings and push the joystick.
5. Depending on the camera configuration, select Wireless & geolocation, Wireless, or
Geolocation and push the joystick.
6. Select Wi-Fi and push the joystick.
7. Select Connect to network and push the joystick.
8. To display a list of the available networks, select Networks and push the joystick.
9. Select one of the available networks.
Password-protected networks are indicated with a padlock icon, and for these you will
need to enter a password the first time you connect to the network. After that the cam-
era will connect automatically to the network. To disable the automatic connection, se-
lect Forget network.
Note Some networks do not broadcast their existence. They appear in the list as Unti-
tled. To connect to such a network, you will be prompted to enter additional parameters.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Changing settings
25.1 General
You can change a variety of settings in the camera. You do this on the Settings menu.
The Settings menu includes the following:
Define user presets.
Camera temperature range.
Save options & storage.
Programmable buttons.
Device settings.
25.1.1 Define user presets
A user preset is a measurement tool, or a group of measurement tools, with predefined
characteristics. For more information, see section 17.3 Working with user presets, page
Define preset 1: This setting defines user preset 1.
Define preset 2: This setting defines user preset 2.
25.1.2 Camera temperature range
For accurate temperature measurements, you must change the Camera temperature
range setting to suit the expected temperature of the object you are inspecting.
Available temperature range options are dependent on the camera model. The unit ( or
) depends on the temperature unit setting, see section 25.1.5 Device settings, page 85.
25.1.3 Save options & storage
Save button half-press: This setting defines the function of the Save button. Available
options are:
Autofocus: Pushing the Save button half-way down will autofocus the infrared
None: Pushing the Save button half-way down will have no effect. With this setting,
you may want to assign the autofocus function to one of the programmable buttons.
Preview image before saving: This setting defines if a preview image will be displayed
before the image is saved.
Add annotation after saving: This setting defines if an annotation tool will be displayed
when the image has been saved. Available options are:
Save: No annotation tool will be displayed.
Save & add note: The note annotation tool will be displayed.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Changing settings
Save & add table: The table annotation tool will be displayed. This setting also allows
you to define the type of table. Available options are the default table templates. You
can also create your own table in FLIR Tools/Tools+ and upload it to the camera.
Save & add voice annotation: The voice annotation tool will be displayed.
Save & add sketch: The sketch annotation tool will be displayed.
Save & add any annotation: The annotation tool menu will be displayed.
Image resolution: This setting defines the resolution of the images captured by the cam-
era. Available options are Normal and Ultramax. For more information, see section
14.1.4 About UltraMax, page 47.
Video compression: This setting defines the storage format for video clips. Available
options are:
Mpeg (*.mpeg): MPEG recordings cannot be edited after the file has been saved.
Radiometric storage (*.csq): A CSQ file supports full radiometry but is only sup-
ported by FLIR Systems software. The file does not include any visual image infor-
mation. With this setting, only Thermal image mode is supported when recording
Photo as separate JPEG: A visual image is always saved in the same JPEG file as the
thermal image. Enabling this setting saves an extra visual image as a separate JPEG
File naming format: This setting defines the naming format for new image/video files.
The setting has no impact on already saved files in the archive. Available options are:
DCF: DCF (Design rule for Camera File system) is a standard that specifies the nam-
ing method of image files (and much more). With this setting, the name of a saved
image/video file will be FLIRxxxx, where xxxx is a unique counter. Example:
Date prefix: A prefix will be added to the file name, including the date and the text
“IR_” for images and “MOV_” for videos. Examples: IR_2015-04-22_0002 and
MOV_2015-04-22_0003. The date format will follow the Date & time format setting,
see section 25.1.5 Device settings, page 85.
Note With the Date prefix setting, the files may not automatically be detected by
third-party applications.
Delete all saved files...: This displays a dialog box where you can choose to perma-
nently delete all the saved files (images, videos, and reports) from the memory card or
to cancel the delete action.
25.1.4 Programmable buttons
There are four programmable buttons. For more information, see section 13.11 Assigning
functions to the programmable buttons, page 37.
P Button: This setting assigns a function to the hardware button
P2 Button: This setting assigns a function to the hardware button
P3 Button (on screen): This setting assigns a function to the software button P3 on the
P4 Button (on screen): This setting assigns a function to the software button P4 on the
Available options for all programmable buttons:
No action: This is the default setting. Nothing will happen when you push/press the
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Changing settings
Hide image overlay graphics: Hide all overlay graphics and image overlay information.
For more information, see section 15.8 Hiding all overlay, page 58.
Calibrate: Perform a manual calibration of the camera. For more information, see sec-
tion 15.7 Calibrating the camera, page 58.
Auto-adjust the manual temperature scale: Perform an automatic adjustment of the im-
age while remaining in manual image adjustment mode.
Switch Thermal <> Digital camera: Switch between the image modes Thermal and Digi-
tal camera. For more information, see section 16 Working with image modes, page 60.
Switch Thermal <> Thermal MSX: Switch between the image modes Thermal and Ther-
mal MSX. For more information, see section 16 Working with image modes, page 60.
Switch 1x zoom <> Max zoom: Switch between the digital zoom factor of and maxi-
mum zoom.
Switch camera flash On <> Off: Switch between the activated/deactivated camera flash
function. For more information, see section 13.12 Using the camera lamp as a flash,
page 38.
Note The flash function will not be activated if the setting Lamp & laser is set to the
option Disable all. For more information, see section 25.1.5 Device settings, page 85.
Switch single shot <> Video: Switch between the recording modes Single shot and
Switch between two latest palettes: Switch between the two last-used color palettes.
For more information, see section 15.5 Changing the color palette, page 56.
Switch temperature range: Cycle through the camera temperature ranges. For more in-
formation, see section 25.1.2 Camera temperature range, page 83.
Additional options for the hardware buttons
and :
Continuous autofocus.
Switch screen rotation On <> Off.
Save + Prompt for note.
Save + Prompt for table.
Save + Prompt for voice annotation.
Save + Prompt for sketch.
Save + Select annotation from menu.
Preview + Prompt for note.
Preview + Prompt for table.
Preview + Prompt for voice annotation.
Preview + Prompt for sketch.
Preview + Select annotation from menu.
25.1.5 Device settings
Language, time & units: This submenu includes settings for a number of regional
Temperature unit.
Distance unit.
Time zone
Date & time.
Date & time format.
Continuous autofocus: This setting is used to enable/disable continuous autofocus.
Display settings: This submenu includes the following settings:
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Changing settings
Screen rotation: This setting defines if the orientation of the overlay graphics will
change according to how you hold the camera.
Image overlay information: This setting specifies what image information the camera
will display as an overlay on the image. For more information, see section 11.4 Im-
age overlay information, page 29. You can select to display the following information:
Date & time.
Reflected temperature.
Relative humidity.
Atmospheric temperature.
Note This setting only specifies what information to overlay on the image. All im-
age information is always saved to the image file and is available in the image
Screen brightness: This setting defines the brightness of the screen. Available op-
tions are Low, Medium, High, and Auto.
Viewfinder brightness: This setting defines the brightness of the viewfinder. Available
options are Low, Medium, and High.
HDMI: (Applicable when an HDMI cable is connected to the camera.) This setting
defines the resolution of the digital video output. The setting can be used to select
display of the image only, or display of the image and the entire overlay graphics.
Wireless & geolocation, Wireless, or Geolocation (depending on the camera configura-
tion): This submenu includes the following settings:
Wi-Fi: This setting defines Wi-Fi networks. For more information, see section 24
Configuring Wi-Fi, page 82.
Bluetooth: This setting defines Bluetooth connectivity. For more information, see
section 23 Pairing Bluetooth devices, page 81.
GPS: This setting is used to enable/disable the GPS.
Compass: This setting is used to enable/disable the compass and to calibrate the
compass. For more information, see section 13.15 Calibrating the compass, page
Lamp & laser: This submenu includes the following settings:
Enable lamp & laser: This setting is used to enable the camera lamp and the laser
Enable lamp & laser + Use lamp as flash: This setting is used to activate the flash
function. When the flash function is activated, the camera lamp will flash when an im-
age is saved.
Disable all: This setting is used to disable the camera lamp, laser pointer, and flash
Auto power off: This setting defines how soon the camera is automatically turned off.
Available choices are Off, 5 min, and 20 min.
User interface options: This submenu includes the following settings:
Manual adjustment mode: This setting specifies the type of manual image adjust-
ment mode. Available options are Level, Max, Min and Level, Span. For more infor-
mation, see section 15.3 Adjusting the infrared image, page 53.
Emissivity mode: This setting specifies how the object parameter emissivity will be
entered. Available options are Select values and Select from materials table. For
more information, see section 17.5 Changing object parameters, page 64.
Screening mode: This setting is used to enable/disable screening mode. For more
information, see section 22 Screening alarm, page 80.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Changing settings
Reset options: This setting defines a number or reset options:
Reset default camera mode...: This will affect the color palettes and measurement
tools. Saved images will not be affected.
Reset device settings to factory default...: This will affect all camera settings, includ-
ing regional settings. Saved images will not be affected. The camera will be
Reset image counter...: This will reset the numbering of the image file names. To pre-
vent image files being overwritten, the new counter value will be based on the high-
est existing file name number in the image archive.
Note When a reset option is selected, a dialog box is displayed with more information.
You can choose to execute the reset action or to cancel.
Camera information: This dialog displays information about the camera. No changes
can be made.
Serial number.
Part number.
Software version.
Storage: The used and free space on the memory card.
Lens: The field of view of the lens.
Battery: The remaining battery capacity, in percent.
Licenses: Open source license information.
25.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Push the joystick to display the menu system.
2. Use the joystick to go to
3. Push the joystick to display the Settings menu.
4. Use the joystick to select the setting you want to change.
5. To exit the Settings menu or a submenu, push the Back button
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data
26.1 Online field-of-view calculator
Please visit http://support.flir.com and click the photo of the camera series for field-of-view
tables for all lens–camera combinations.
26.2 Note about technical data
FLIR Systems reserves the right to change specifications at any time without prior notice.
Please check http://support.flir.com for latest changes.
26.3 Note about authoritative versions
The authoritative version of this publication is English. In the event of divergences due to
translation errors, the English text has precedence.
Any late changes are first implemented in English.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.4 FLIR T1020 12°
P/N: 72501-0101
Rev.: 36730
General description
The FLIR T1020 is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1020
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1020 is equipped with the innovative Multi
Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever before.
With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1020 is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
12° ×
Minimum IR focus distance 1.3 m (4.26 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 1.3 m (4.26 ft.)
Focal length 83.4 mm (3.28 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.20 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.2
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Image presentation
Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type
Capacitive touch screen
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment
Continuous, histogram based
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment, type Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment
Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI use, above 30 Hz frame rate, the typical
accuracy will be ±2.5°C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of
reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection
Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Real-time radiometric streaming (RTRS) via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI
Bluetooth Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time 2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
Vibration 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 2.1 kg (4.6 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010273
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories:
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.5 FLIR T1020 28°
P/N: 72501-0102
Rev.: 36730
General description
The FLIR T1020 is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1020
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1020 is equipped with the innovative Multi
Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever before.
With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1020 is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
28° × 21°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Focal length 36 mm (1.42 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.47 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.15
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Image presentation
Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type
Capacitive touch screen
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment
Continuous, histogram based
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment, type Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment
Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI use, above 30 Hz frame rate, the typical
accuracy will be ±2.5°C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of
reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection
Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Real-time radiometric streaming (RTRS) via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI
Bluetooth Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time 2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
Vibration 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 1.9 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010280
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories:
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.6 FLIR T1020 45°
P/N: 72501-0103
Rev.: 36730
General description
The FLIR T1020 is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1020
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1020 is equipped with the innovative Multi
Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever before.
With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1020 is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
45° × 34°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.2 m (0.66 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.5 m (1.64 ft.)
Focal length 21.2 mm (0.83 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.80 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.1
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Image presentation
Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type
Capacitive touch screen
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment
Continuous, histogram based
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment, type Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment
Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI use, above 30 Hz frame rate, the typical
accuracy will be ±2.5°C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of
reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection
Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Real-time radiometric streaming (RTRS) via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI
Bluetooth Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time 2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
Vibration 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 2.0 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010297
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories:
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.7 FLIR T1020 28° and 12°
P/N: 72501-0104
Rev.: 36730
General description
The FLIR T1020 is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1020
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1020 is equipped with the innovative Multi
Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever before.
With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1020 is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
28° × 21°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Focal length 36 mm (1.42 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.47 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.15
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Image presentation
Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type
Capacitive touch screen
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment
Continuous, histogram based
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment, type Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment
Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI use, above 30 Hz frame rate, the typical
accuracy will be ±2.5°C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of
reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection
Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Real-time radiometric streaming (RTRS) via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI
Bluetooth Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time 2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
Vibration 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 1.9 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
Packaging, type
Cardboard box
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
Hard transport case
IR lens, 12°
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
Packaging, weight 7.2 kg (15.8 lb.)
Packaging, size 494 × 355 × 188 mm (19.4 × 14.0 × 7.4 in.)
EAN-13 7332558011287
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories:
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.8 FLIR T1020 28° and 45°
P/N: 72501-0105
Rev.: 36730
General description
The FLIR T1020 is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1020
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1020 is equipped with the innovative Multi
Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever before.
With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1020 is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
28° × 21°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Focal length 36 mm (1.42 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.47 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.15
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Image presentation
Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type
Capacitive touch screen
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment
Continuous, histogram based
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment, type Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment
Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI use, above 30 Hz frame rate, the typical
accuracy will be ±2.5°C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of
reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection
Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Real-time radiometric streaming (RTRS) via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI
Bluetooth Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time 2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
Vibration 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 1.9 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
Packaging, size
Cardboard box
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
Hard transport case
IR lens, 45°
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
Packaging, weight 6.9 kg (15.2 lb.)
Packaging, size 494 × 355 × 188 mm (19.4 × 14.0 × 7.4 in.)
EAN-13 7332558011294
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories:
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.9 FLIR T1020 28°, 12°, and 45°
P/N: 72501-0106
Rev.: 36730
General description
The FLIR T1020 is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1020
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1020 is equipped with the innovative Multi
Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever before.
With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1020 is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
28° × 21°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Focal length 36 mm (1.42 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.47 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.15
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Image presentation
Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type
Capacitive touch screen
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment
Continuous, histogram based
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment, type Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment
Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI use, above 30 Hz frame rate, the typical
accuracy will be ±2.5°C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of
reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection
Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Real-time radiometric streaming (RTRS) via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI
Bluetooth Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time 2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
Vibration 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 1.9 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
Packaging, type
Cardboard box
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
Hard transport case
IR lens, 12°
IR lens, 45°
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
Packaging, weight 8.2 kg (18.0 lb.)
Packaging, size 494 × 355 × 188 mm (19.4 × 14.0 × 7.4 in.)
EAN-13 7332558011300
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories:
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.10 FLIR T1030sc 12°
P/N: 72501-0201
Rev.: 36736
General description
The FLIR T1030sc is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels. High accuracy and sensitivity together with radio-
metric recording and streaming options make the FLIR T1030sc well suited for advanced research and
Tailor made for research and development: The FLIR T1030sc has high accuracy and high sensitivity,
to accurately measure the smallest temperature differences. With real-time radiometric recording, it is
possible to capture fast events on the camera’s SD card for further analysis by the supplied analysis
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1030sc
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1030sc is equipped with the innovative
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever be-
fore. With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1030sc is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
12° ×
Minimum IR focus distance 1.3 m (4.26 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 1.3 m (4.26 ft.)
Focal length 83.4 mm (3.28 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.20 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.2
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Time constant < 10 ms
Image presentation
Display Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type Capacitive touch screen
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment Continuous, histogram based
Automatic image adjustment, type
Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX)
Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI (high-speed interface) use, above 30
Hz frame rate, the typical accuracy will be ±2.5°
C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
Area 5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets
No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Full dynamic un-compressed 120 Hz 16-bit full
frame (2 Gbit) to a PC using an HSI box
Real-time radiometric streaming 30 Hz (RTRS)
via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
30 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 30 Hz: 120 Hz windowing 1024 ×
192 of full image height), for range –40 to
+150°C (–40 to +302°F)
120 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 120 Hz: 240 Hz windowing 1024 ×
384 of full image height), for range 0 to
+650°C (+32 to +1202°F) and range +300 to
+2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type
Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI, USB3 Vi-
sion via HSI box
Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
USB3 Vision via HSI box
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time
2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 2.1 kg (4.6 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
FLIR T10xx SC kit (in separate hard transport
High-speed interface
USB cable (USB 3), 3 m (10 ft.)
Digital I/O connector
FLIR ResearchIR Max license card
Printed documentation
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010303
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Shipping information
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199065; Close-up lens 3x (51 micron) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
72500-0002; FLIR T10xx SC kit
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T198697; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199014; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (printed license key)
T199044; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198696; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199013; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (printed license key)
T199043; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198731; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199012; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (printed license key)
T199042; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.11 FLIR T1030sc 28°
P/N: 72501-0202
Rev.: 36737
General description
The FLIR T1030sc is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels. High accuracy and sensitivity together with radio-
metric recording and streaming options make the FLIR T1030sc well suited for advanced research and
Tailor made for research and development: The FLIR T1030sc has high accuracy and high sensitivity,
to accurately measure the smallest temperature differences. With real-time radiometric recording, it is
possible to capture fast events on the camera’s SD card for further analysis by the supplied analysis
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1030sc
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1030sc is equipped with the innovative
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever be-
fore. With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1030sc is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
28° × 21°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Focal length 36 mm (1.42 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.47 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.15
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Time constant < 10 ms
Image presentation
Display Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type Capacitive touch screen
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment Continuous, histogram based
Automatic image adjustment, type
Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX)
Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI (high-speed interface) use, above 30
Hz frame rate, the typical accuracy will be ±2.5°
C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
Area 5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets
No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Full dynamic un-compressed 120 Hz 16-bit full
frame (2 Gbit) to a PC using an HSI box
Real-time radiometric streaming 30 Hz (RTRS)
via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
30 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 30 Hz: 120 Hz windowing 1024 ×
192 of full image height), for range –40 to
+150°C (–40 to +302°F)
120 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 120 Hz: 240 Hz windowing 1024 ×
384 of full image height), for range 0 to
+650°C (+32 to +1202°F) and range +300 to
+2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type
Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI, USB3 Vi-
sion via HSI box
Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
USB3 Vision via HSI box
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time
2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 1.9 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
FLIR T10xx SC kit (in separate hard transport
High-speed interface
USB cable (USB 3), 3 m (10 ft.)
Digital I/O connector
FLIR ResearchIR Max license card
Printed documentation
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010310
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Shipping information
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199065; Close-up lens 3x (51 micron) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
72500-0002; FLIR T10xx SC kit
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T198697; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199014; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (printed license key)
T199044; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198696; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199013; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (printed license key)
T199043; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198731; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199012; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (printed license key)
T199042; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.12 FLIR T1030sc 45°
P/N: 72501-0203
Rev.: 36738
General description
The FLIR T1030sc is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels. High accuracy and sensitivity together with radio-
metric recording and streaming options make the FLIR T1030sc well suited for advanced research and
Tailor made for research and development: The FLIR T1030sc has high accuracy and high sensitivity,
to accurately measure the smallest temperature differences. With real-time radiometric recording, it is
possible to capture fast events on the camera’s SD card for further analysis by the supplied analysis
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1030sc
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1030sc is equipped with the innovative
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever be-
fore. With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1030sc is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
45° × 34°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.2 m (0.66 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.5 m (1.64 ft.)
Focal length 21.2 mm (0.83 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.80 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.1
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Time constant < 10 ms
Image presentation
Display Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type Capacitive touch screen
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment Continuous, histogram based
Automatic image adjustment, type
Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX)
Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI (high-speed interface) use, above 30
Hz frame rate, the typical accuracy will be ±2.5°
C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
Area 5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets
No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Full dynamic un-compressed 120 Hz 16-bit full
frame (2 Gbit) to a PC using an HSI box
Real-time radiometric streaming 30 Hz (RTRS)
via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
30 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 30 Hz: 120 Hz windowing 1024 ×
192 of full image height), for range –40 to
+150°C (–40 to +302°F)
120 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 120 Hz: 240 Hz windowing 1024 ×
384 of full image height), for range 0 to
+650°C (+32 to +1202°F) and range +300 to
+2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type
Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI, USB3 Vi-
sion via HSI box
Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
USB3 Vision via HSI box
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time
2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 2.0 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
FLIR T10xx SC kit (in separate hard transport
High-speed interface
USB cable (USB 3), 3 m (10 ft.)
Digital I/O connector
FLIR ResearchIR Max license card
Printed documentation
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010327
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Shipping information
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199065; Close-up lens 3x (51 micron) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
72500-0002; FLIR T10xx SC kit
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T198697; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199014; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (printed license key)
T199044; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198696; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199013; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (printed license key)
T199043; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198731; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199012; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (printed license key)
T199042; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.13 FLIR T1040 12°
P/N: 72501-0301
Rev.: 36730
General description
The FLIR T1040 is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1040
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1040 is equipped with the innovative Multi
Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever before.
With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1040 is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
12° ×
Minimum IR focus distance 1.3 m (4.26 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 1.3 m (4.26 ft.)
Focal length 83.4 mm (3.28 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.20 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.2
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Image presentation
Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type
Capacitive touch screen
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment
Continuous, histogram based
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment, type Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment
Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI use, above 30 Hz frame rate, the typical
accuracy will be ±2.5°C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of
reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection
Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Real-time radiometric streaming (RTRS) via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI
Bluetooth Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time 2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
Vibration 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 2.1 kg (4.6 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010389
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories:
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.14 FLIR T1040 28°
P/N: 72501-0302
Rev.: 36730
General description
The FLIR T1040 is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1040
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1040 is equipped with the innovative Multi
Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever before.
With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1040 is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
28° × 21°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Focal length 36 mm (1.42 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.47 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.15
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Image presentation
Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type
Capacitive touch screen
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment
Continuous, histogram based
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment, type Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment
Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI use, above 30 Hz frame rate, the typical
accuracy will be ±2.5°C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of
reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection
Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Real-time radiometric streaming (RTRS) via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI
Bluetooth Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time 2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
Vibration 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 1.9 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010396
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories:
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.15 FLIR T1040 45°
P/N: 72501-0303
Rev.: 36730
General description
The FLIR T1040 is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels.
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1040
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1040 is equipped with the innovative Multi
Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever before.
With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1040 is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
45° × 34°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.2 m (0.66 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.5 m (1.64 ft.)
Focal length 21.2 mm (0.83 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.80 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.1
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Image presentation
Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type
Capacitive touch screen
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment
Continuous, histogram based
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Automatic image adjustment, type Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment
Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI use, above 30 Hz frame rate, the typical
accuracy will be ±2.5°C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of
reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection
Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Real-time radiometric streaming (RTRS) via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI
Bluetooth Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time 2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
Vibration 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 2.0 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010402
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories:
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.16 FLIR T1050sc 12°
P/N: 72501-0401
Rev.: 36739
General description
The FLIR T1050sc is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels. High accuracy and sensitivity together with radio-
metric recording and streaming options make the FLIR T1050sc well suited for advanced research and
Tailor made for research and development: The FLIR T1050sc has high accuracy and high sensitivity,
to accurately measure the smallest temperature differences. With real-time radiometric recording, it is
possible to capture fast events on the camera’s SD card for further analysis by the supplied analysis
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1050sc
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1050sc is equipped with the innovative
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever be-
fore. With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1050sc is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
12° ×
Minimum IR focus distance 1.3 m (4.26 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 1.3 m (4.26 ft.)
Focal length 83.4 mm (3.28 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.20 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.2
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Time constant < 10 ms
Image presentation
Display Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type Capacitive touch screen
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment Continuous, histogram based
Automatic image adjustment, type
Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX)
Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI (high-speed interface) use, above 30
Hz frame rate, the typical accuracy will be ±2.5°
C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
Area 5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets
No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Full dynamic un-compressed 120 Hz 16-bit full
frame (2 Gbit) to a PC using an HSI box
Real-time radiometric streaming 30 Hz (RTRS)
via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
30 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 30 Hz: 120 Hz windowing 1024 ×
192 of full image height), for range –40 to
+150°C (–40 to +302°F)
120 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 120 Hz: 240 Hz windowing 1024 ×
384 of full image height), for range 0 to
+650°C (+32 to +1202°F) and range +300 to
+2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type
Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI, USB3 Vi-
sion via HSI box
Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
USB3 Vision via HSI box
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time
2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 2.1 kg (4.6 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
FLIR T10xx SC kit (in separate hard transport
High-speed interface
USB cable (USB 3), 3 m (10 ft.)
Digital I/O connector
FLIR ResearchIR Max license card
Printed documentation
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010419
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Shipping information
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199065; Close-up lens 3x (51 micron) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
72500-0002; FLIR T10xx SC kit
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T198697; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199014; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (printed license key)
T199044; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198696; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199013; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (printed license key)
T199043; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198731; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199012; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (printed license key)
T199042; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.17 FLIR T1050sc 28°
P/N: 72501-0402
Rev.: 36740
General description
The FLIR T1050sc is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels. High accuracy and sensitivity together with radio-
metric recording and streaming options make the FLIR T1050sc well suited for advanced research and
Tailor made for research and development: The FLIR T1050sc has high accuracy and high sensitivity,
to accurately measure the smallest temperature differences. With real-time radiometric recording, it is
possible to capture fast events on the camera’s SD card for further analysis by the supplied analysis
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1050sc
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1050sc is equipped with the innovative
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever be-
fore. With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1050sc is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
28° × 21°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Focal length 36 mm (1.42 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.47 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.15
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Time constant < 10 ms
Image presentation
Display Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type Capacitive touch screen
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment Continuous, histogram based
Automatic image adjustment, type
Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX)
Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI (high-speed interface) use, above 30
Hz frame rate, the typical accuracy will be ±2.5°
C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
Area 5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets
No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Full dynamic un-compressed 120 Hz 16-bit full
frame (2 Gbit) to a PC using an HSI box
Real-time radiometric streaming 30 Hz (RTRS)
via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
30 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 30 Hz: 120 Hz windowing 1024 ×
192 of full image height), for range –40 to
+150°C (–40 to +302°F)
120 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 120 Hz: 240 Hz windowing 1024 ×
384 of full image height), for range 0 to
+650°C (+32 to +1202°F) and range +300 to
+2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type
Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI, USB3 Vi-
sion via HSI box
Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
USB3 Vision via HSI box
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time
2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 1.9 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
FLIR T10xx SC kit (in separate hard transport
High-speed interface
USB cable (USB 3), 3 m (10 ft.)
Digital I/O connector
FLIR ResearchIR Max license card
Printed documentation
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010426
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Shipping information
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199065; Close-up lens 3x (51 micron) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
72500-0002; FLIR T10xx SC kit
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T198697; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199014; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (printed license key)
T199044; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198696; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199013; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (printed license key)
T199043; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198731; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199012; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (printed license key)
T199042; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.18 FLIR T1050sc 45°
P/N: 72501-0403
Rev.: 36741
General description
The FLIR T1050sc is designed for the expert requiring the highest performance and the latest technology
available. The camera combines excellent ergonomics and feature-rich flexibility with superior image
quality at an infrared resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels. High accuracy and sensitivity together with radio-
metric recording and streaming options make the FLIR T1050sc well suited for advanced research and
Tailor made for research and development: The FLIR T1050sc has high accuracy and high sensitivity,
to accurately measure the smallest temperature differences. With real-time radiometric recording, it is
possible to capture fast events on the camera’s SD card for further analysis by the supplied analysis
Flexible and feature rich: A wide variety of measuring and analysis functions make the FLIR T1050sc
flexible for your every need. Two programmable buttons provide easy access to favorite functions.
Highest performance with the latest technology: The FLIR T1050sc is equipped with the innovative
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX) feature, which produces an image richer in detail than ever be-
fore. With its continuous autofocus, the FLIR T1050sc is a fully automatic infrared camera.
Support for UltraMax: When enabling UltraMax in the camera, the resolution of images can be sub-
stantially enhanced when importing the images into FLIR Tools.
Imaging and optical data
IR resolution 1024 × 768 pixels
MSX resolution
1024 × 768 pixels
UltraMax Yes
Thermal sensitivity/NETD <20 mK @ +30°C (+86°F)
Field of view (FOV)
45° × 34°
Minimum IR focus distance 0.2 m (0.66 ft.)
Minimum IR–visual alignment distance 0.5 m (1.64 ft.)
Focal length 21.2 mm (0.83 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.80 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.1
Image frequency 30 Hz
One shot or manual
Digital zoom 1–8× continuous
Digital image enhancement Adaptive digital noise reduction
Detector data
Detector type Focal plane array (FPA), uncooled microbolometer
Spectral range
7.5–14 µm
Detector pitch 17 µm
Time constant < 10 ms
Image presentation
Display Built-in touch screen, 4.3 in. wide screen LCD, 800
× 480 pixels
Display type Capacitive touch screen
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image presentation
Auto orientation Automatic landscape or portrait
Viewfinder Built-in 800 × 480 pixels
Automatic image adjustment Continuous, histogram based
Automatic image adjustment, type
Standard or histogram based on the image content
Manual image adjustment Linear based, possible to adjust level/span/max./
Image presentation modes
Image modes Thermal, thermal MSX, picture in picture, digital
Infrared image Full color infrared image
Visual image Full color visual image
Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging (MSX)
Thermal image with enhanced detail presentation
Picture in Picture Resizable and movable infrared area on the visual
Review thumbnail/full image on the camera
Edit measurements/palettes/image modes on
the camera
Object temperature range
–40 to +150°C (–40 to +302°F)
0 to +650°C (+32 to +1202°F)
+300 to +2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
±1°C (±1.8°F) or ±1% @ 25°C (77°F) for tem-
peratures between 5 and 150°C (41 and 302°
F), in range –40 to 150°C (–40 to 302°F)
±2°C (±3.6°F) or ±2% of reading @ 25°C (77°
F) for temperatures between –40 and 2000°C
(–40 and 3632°F)
For HSI (high-speed interface) use, above 30
Hz frame rate, the typical accuracy will be ±2.5°
C (±4.5°F), or 2.5% of reading @ 25°C (77°F).
Measurement analysis
Area 5 + 5 areas (boxes and circles) with max./min./
Profile 1 line profile with max./min. temperature
Automatic hot/cold detection Auto hot or cold spotmeter markers within the area
and profile
Measurement presets
No measurements, Center spot, Hot spot, Cold
spot, User preset 1, User preset 2
User presets The user can select and combine measurements
from any number of spots/boxes/circles/profiles/
Difference temperature Delta temperature between the measurement func-
tions and the reference temperature
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Measurement analysis
Reference temperature Manually set using the difference temperature
Atmospheric transmission correction Automatic, based on the inputs for distance, at-
mospheric temperature, and relative humidity
Optics transmission correction Automatic, based on signals from internal sensors
Emissivity correction Variable from 0.01 to 1.0 or selected from the ma-
terials list
Reflected apparent temperature correction Automatic, based on the input of the reflected
External optics/windows correction Automatic, based on the inputs of the window
transmission and temperature
Measurement corrections Emissivity, reflected temperature, relative humidity,
atmospheric temperature, object distance, external
infrared window compensation
Colors (palettes) Iron, Rainbow, Rainbow HC, White hot, Black hot,
Arctic, Lava
Color Alarm (isotherm) Above/below/interval
Measurement function alarm Audible/visual alarms (above/below) on any se-
lected measurement function
Set-up commands Define user presets, Save options, Programmable
button, Reset options, Set up camera, Wi-Fi, GPS
& compass, Bluetooth, Language, Time & units,
Camera information
Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese,
Russian, simplified Chinese, Swedish, traditional
Chinese, Turkish
Service functions
Camera software update Use PC software FLIR Tools
Storage of images
Image storage
Standard JPEG, including digital image and meas-
urement data, on a memory card
Storage media Removable media SD or SDHC card. Class 10 or
better recommended
Image storage mode
Simultaneous storage of thermal and digital im-
ages in the same JPEG file
Option to store a digital photo as a separate
JPEG file
Time lapse 15 seconds to 24 hours
File formats
Standard JPEG, measurement data included
CSQ, measurement data included
File formats, visual Standard JPEG, automatically associated with the
corresponding thermal image
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Image annotations
Voice 60 seconds (via Bluetooth) stored with the image
Text Add table, select between predefined templates
Image description Add short note (stored in the JPEG exif tag)
Draw on the thermal/digital image or add pre-
defined stamps
Separate PC software with extensive report
Geographic Information System
GPS Location data automatically added to every image
from the built-in GPS
Compass Camera direction automatically added to every
Video recording in camera
Radiometric IR-video recording Real-time radiometric recording (RTRR) to the
memory card
Non-radiometric IR-video recording H.264 to the memory card
Visual video recording H.264 to the memory card
Video streaming
Radiometric IR-video streaming
Full dynamic un-compressed 120 Hz 16-bit full
frame (2 Gbit) to a PC using an HSI box
Real-time radiometric streaming 30 Hz (RTRS)
via USB
Non-radiometric IR-video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
Visual video streaming
H.264 video using Wi-Fi
H.264 video using USB
30 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 30 Hz: 120 Hz windowing 1024 ×
192 of full image height), for range –40 to
+150°C (–40 to +302°F)
120 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 120 Hz: 240 Hz windowing 1024 ×
384 of full image height), for range 0 to
+650°C (+32 to +1202°F) and range +300 to
+2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
Digital camera
Digital camera Field of view adapts to the infrared lens
Video lamp Built-in LED light
Laser pointer
Laser Activated by a dedicated button
Laser alignment Position is automatically displayed on the infrared
Laser classification Class 2
Laser type
Semiconductor AlGaInP diode laser, 1 mW, 635
nm (red)
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Data communication interfaces
Interfaces USB Micro-B, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HDMI, USB3 Vi-
sion via HSI box
Communication with a headset
Wi-Fi Infrastructure (network) or AP
SD Card One card slot for removable SD memory cards
Audio Microphone headset via Bluetooth for the voice an-
notation of images
USB USB Micro-B: data transfer to and from a PC, un-
compressed colorized video
USB, standard
USB 2.0 High Speed
USB Micro-B connector
USB3 Vision via HSI box
Video out
HDMI 640 × 480
HDMI 1280 × 720
DVI 640 × 480
DVI 800 × 600
Video, connector type HDMI type C
Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
Frequency range: 2412–2462 MHz
Max. output power: 15 dBm
Bluetooth Frequency range: 2402–2480 MHz, supports 2.1,
4.0, and 4.0 BLE
Antenna Internal
Power system
Battery type Rechargeable Li ion battery
Battery operating time >2.5 hours at 25°C (+68°F) and typical use
Charging system In camera (AC adapter or 12 V from a vehicle) or
two-bay charger
Charging time
2.5 hours to 90% capacity, charging status indi-
cated by LEDs
Charging temperature 0–45°C (32–113°F)
External power operation AC adapter 90–260 V AC, 50/60 Hz or 12 V from a
vehicle (cable with a standard plug, optional)
Power management Automatic power-off functionality, user configura-
ble between 5 minutes, 20 minutes, and no auto-
matic shutdown
Environmental data
Operating temperature range –15°C to +50°C (+5°F to +122°F)
Storage temperature range –40 to +70°C (–40 to +158°F)
Humidity (operating and storage) IEC 60068-2-30 / 24 hours, 95% relative humidity,
25–40°C (77–104°F) / 2 cycles
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Environmental data
ETSI EN 301 489-1 (radio)
ETSI EN 301 489-17
EN 61000-6-2 (Immunity)
EN 61000-6-3 (Emission)
FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Class B (Emission)
Radio spectrum
ETSI EN 300 328
FCC Part 15.247
RSS-247 issue 1
Encapsulation IP 54 (IEC 60529)
Shock 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29)
2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)
Safety EN/UL/CSA/PSE 60950-1
Ergonomics The viewfinder plus the 120° rotating optical block
allow you to point the camera in multiple directions
while maintaining a comfortable position
Physical data
Weight 2.0 kg (4.3 lb.)
Camera size, excl. lens (L × W × H) 167.2 mm × 204.5 mm × 188.3 mm (6.6 in. × 8.0 in.
× 7.4 in.)
Tripod mounting UNC ¼"-20
Housing material Magnesium
Warranty information
2 years parts and labor coverage on the
5 years coverage on the battery
10 years coverage on the detector the most
vital part of the whole camera
Shipping information
List of contents
Infrared camera with lens
Battery (2 ea.)
Battery charger
Bluetooth headset
Calibration certificate
FLIR Tools+ license card
FLIR T10xx SC kit (in separate hard transport
High-speed interface
USB cable (USB 3), 3 m (10 ft.)
Digital I/O connector
FLIR ResearchIR Max license card
Printed documentation
Hard transport case
Lens cap
Memory card
Neck strap
Power supply, including multi-plugs
Printed documentation
USB cable, Std A to Micro-B
EAN-13 7332558010433
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Shipping information
Country of origin Sweden
Supplies & accessories
T199064; IR lens f=36mm (28°) with case
T199065; Close-up lens 3x (51 micron) with case
T199066; IR lens f=21.2mm (45°) with case
T199077; IR lens f=83.4mm (12°) with case
T910814; Power supply, incl. multi plugs
T198126; Battery charger, incl. power supply with multi plugs T6xx
T198506; Li-Ion Battery pack 3.7V 29Wh
T199406ACC; Battery Li-ion 3.7 V, 7.8 Ah, 29 Wh
T911230ACC; Memory card SDHC 4 GB
T198509; Cigarette lighter adapter kit, 12 VDC, 1.2 m/3.9 ft.
T910930ACC; HDMI type C to DVI cable 1.5 m
T910891ACC; HDMI type C to HDMI type A cable 1.5 m
72500-0002; FLIR T10xx SC kit
T198497; Large eyecup
T197771ACC; Bluetooth Headset
T911093; Tool belt
T198533; USB cable Std A <-> Micro B
T198586; FLIR Reporter Professional (license only)
T198584; FLIR Tools
T198583; FLIR Tools+ (download card incl. license key)
DSW-10000; FLIR IR Camera Player
APP-10002; FLIR Tools Mobile (Android Application)
APP-10003; FLIR Tools Mobile (iPad/iPhone Application)
APP-10004; FLIR Tools (MacOS Application)
T198697; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199014; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 (printed license key)
T199044; FLIR ResearchIR Max + HSDR 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198696; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199013; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 (printed license key)
T199043; FLIR ResearchIR Max 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T198731; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (hardware sec. dev.)
T199012; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 (printed license key)
T199042; FLIR ResearchIR Standard 4 Upgrade (printed license key)
T199233; FLIR Atlas SDK for .NET
T199234; FLIR Atlas SDK for MATLAB
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.19 IR lens, f=36 mm (28°) with case
P/N: T199064
Rev.: 30226
General description
The standard 28° lens is suitable for the majority of applications.
Imaging and optical data
Field of view (FOV) 28° × 21° (34.5° diagonal)
Minimum focus distance 0.4 m (1.32 ft.)
Focal length 36 mm (1.42 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV)
0.47 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.15
Number of lenses 4 (4 asph)
Distortion 2.8%
Physical data
Weight 0.730 kg (1.61 lb.)
Size (L × D) 93.4 × 91 mm (3.68 × 3.58 in.)
Front lens diameter 64 mm (2.5 in.)
Shipping information
Packaging, type Cardboard box
List of contents
Lens case
Front lens cap
Rear lens cap
Mounting instruction
Packaging, weight 1.1 kg (2.4 lb.)
Packaging, size 173 × 135 × 135 mm (6.81 × 5.31 × 5.31 in.)
EAN-13 7332558010983
Country of origin Sweden
Compatible with the following products
72501-0101; FLIR T1020 12°
72501-0102; FLIR T1020 28°
72501-0103; FLIR T1020 45°
72501-0104; FLIR T1020 28° and 12°
72501-0105; FLIR T1020 28° and 45°
72501-0106; FLIR T1020 28°, 12°, and 45°
72501-0201; FLIR T1030sc 12°
72501-0202; FLIR T1030sc 28°
72501-0203; FLIR T1030sc 45°
72501-0301; FLIR T1040 12°
72501-0302; FLIR T1040 28°
72501-0303; FLIR T1040 45°
72501-0401; FLIR T1050sc 12°
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
72501-0402; FLIR T1050sc 28°
72501-0403; FLIR T1050sc 45°
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.20 Close-up lens (51 µm) with case
P/N: T199065
Rev.: 30226
General description
The close-up lens is attached to the standard 28° IR lens and provides three times magnification. The
close-up lens is intended for R&D usage or development purposes. As an example, for studies of PCBs
and small electronic components.
Imaging and optical data
Field of view (FOV) 52° × 40° (66° diagonal)
Magnifying factor
Working distance 97 mm (3.8 in.)
Depth of field 0.5 mm (0.02 in.)
Focal length 50 mm (2.0 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV)
51 µm
Lens identification No
F-number 1.15
Number of lenses 2 (2 asph)
Distortion 0.4%
Physical data
Weight 0.620 kg (1.37 lb.)
Size (L × D) 127.5 × 91 mm (5.02 × 3.58 in.)
Front lens diameter 76 mm (3.0 in.)
Shipping information
Packaging, type
Cardboard box
List of contents
Lens case
Front lens cap
Rear lens cap
Mounting instruction
Packaging, weight 0.96 kg (2.1 lb.)
Packaging, size 173 × 135 × 135 mm (6.81 × 5.31 × 5.31 in.)
EAN-13 7332558011003
Country of origin Sweden
Compatible with the following products:
72501-0201; FLIR T1030sc 12°
72501-0202; FLIR T1030sc 28°
72501-0203; FLIR T1030sc 45°
72501-0401; FLIR T1050sc 12°
72501-0402; FLIR T1050sc 28°
72501-0403; FLIR T1050sc 45°
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.21 IR lens f=21.2 mm (45°) with case
P/N: T199066
Rev.: 30226
General description
The 45° has a field of view approximately two times that of the standard 28° lens. This wide angle lens is
suitable for cramped situations where the operator cannot step farther back from the object.
Imaging and optical data
Field of view (FOV) 45° × 34° (55.2° diagonal)
Minimum focus distance 0.2 m (0.66 ft.)
Focal length 21.2 mm (0.83 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV) 0.80 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.1
Number of lenses 4 (4 asph)
Distortion 1.71%
Physical data
Weight 0.754 kg (1.66 lb.)
Size (L × D) 96.9 × 91 mm (3.82 × 3.58 in.)
Front lens diameter 59 mm (2.3 in.)
Shipping information
Packaging, type Cardboard box
List of contents
Lens case
Front lens cap
Rear lens cap
Mounting instruction
Packaging, weight 1.1 kg (2.4 lb.)
Packaging, size 173 × 135 × 135 mm (6.81 × 5.31 × 5.31 in.)
EAN-13 7332558010990
Country of origin Sweden
Compatible with the following products
72501-0101; FLIR T1020 12°
72501-0102; FLIR T1020 28°
72501-0103; FLIR T1020 45°
72501-0104; FLIR T1020 28° and 12°
72501-0105; FLIR T1020 28° and 45°
72501-0106; FLIR T1020 28°, 12°, and 45°
72501-0201; FLIR T1030sc 12°
72501-0202; FLIR T1030sc 28°
72501-0203; FLIR T1030sc 45°
72501-0301; FLIR T1040 12°
72501-0302; FLIR T1040 28°
72501-0303; FLIR T1040 45°
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
72501-0401; FLIR T1050sc 12°
72501-0402; FLIR T1050sc 28°
72501-0403; FLIR T1050sc 45°
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.22 IR lens f=83.4 mm (12°) with case
P/N: T199077
Rev.: 30226
General description
The 12° lens provides approximately two times magnification compared to the standard 28° lens. This
lens is ideal for small or distant targets, such as overhead power lines.
Imaging and optical data
Field of view (FOV) 12° × ( 15.2° diagonal)
Minimum focus distance 0.8 m (2.63 ft.)
Focal length 83.4 mm (3.28 in.)
Spatial resolution (IFOV)
0.20 mrad
Lens identification Automatic
F-number 1.2
Number of lenses 5 (5 asph)
Distortion 2.2%
Physical data
Weight 1.06 kg (2.34 lb.)
Size (L × D) 134.1 × 100.5 mm (5.28 × 3.96 in.)
Front lens diameter 75 mm (3.0 in.)
Shipping information
Packaging, type Cardboard box
List of contents
Lens case
Front lens cap
Rear lens cap
Mounting instruction
Packaging, weight 1.4 kg (3.1 lb.)
Packaging, size 212 × 150 × 150 mm (8.35 × 5.91 × 5.91 in.)
EAN-13 7332558011010
Country of origin Sweden
Compatible with the following products
72501-0101; FLIR T1020 12°
72501-0102; FLIR T1020 28°
72501-0103; FLIR T1020 45°
72501-0104; FLIR T1020 28° and 12°
72501-0105; FLIR T1020 28° and 45°
72501-0106; FLIR T1020 28°, 12°, and 45°
72501-0201; FLIR T1030sc 12°
72501-0202; FLIR T1030sc 28°
72501-0203; FLIR T1030sc 45°
72501-0301; FLIR T1040 12°
72501-0302; FLIR T1040 28°
72501-0303; FLIR T1040 45°
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
72501-0401; FLIR T1050sc 12°
72501-0402; FLIR T1050sc 28°
72501-0403; FLIR T1050sc 45°
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
26.23 FLIR T10xx SC kit
P/N: 72500-0002
Rev.: 36742
General description
The FLIR T10xx SC kit is intended for R&D usage and development purposes. The kit includes a high-
speed interface (HSI) box, which enables streaming of fully radiometric and uncompressed video from a
FLIR T10xx series camera to a PC running the FLIR ResearchIR Max software.
USB 3 Vision
Digital I/O
Proprietary FLIR interface
Image streaming
Up to 120 Hz full frame
Up to 240 Hz by windowing
Image formats
Unfiltred, uncompressed 14 bit radiometric raw
Lossless, maximal sensitivity
Electronics and data rate
Video streaming
30 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 30 Hz: 120 Hz windowing 1024 ×
192 of full image height), for range –40 to
+150°C (–40 to +302°F)
120 Hz: 1024 × 768 (full image height)
Based on 120 Hz: 240 Hz windowing 1024 ×
384 of full image height), for range 0 to
+650°C (+32 to +1202°F) and range +300 to
+2000°C (+572 to +3632°F)
Power system
Power, HSI box Powered from PC via USB 3
Physical data
Weight, HSI box 0.405 kg (0.893 lb.)
Weight, USB cable 0.135 kg (0.298 lb.)
Size (L × W × H), HSI box 125 × 72.4× 56.7 mm (4.92 × 2.85 × 2.23 in.)
Mounting, HSI box
Tripod mount, velcro straps
Shipping information
Packaging, type
Cardboard box
List of contents
High-speed interface
Hard transport case
USB cable (USB 3), 3 m (10 ft.)
Digital I/O connector
FLIR ResearchIR Max license card
Printed documentation
Packaging, weight 2.1 kg (4.6 lb.)
Packaging, size 303 × 206 × 128 mm (11.9 × 18.1 × 5.0 in.)
EAN-13 7332558011041
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Technical data26
Shipping information
Country of origin Sweden
72501-0201; FLIR T1030sc 12°
72501-0202; FLIR T1030sc 28°
72501-0203; FLIR T1030sc 45°
72501-0401; FLIR T1050sc 12°
72501-0402; FLIR T1050sc 28°
72501-0403; FLIR T1050sc 45°
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Mechanical drawings
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Camera housing
Drawing No.
Drawn by
Basic dimensions FLIR T10xx
R&D Thermography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 32 54
© 2012, FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this drawing may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from FLIR Systems, Inc. Specifications subject to change without further notice. Dimensional data is based on nominal values. Products may be subject to regional market considerations. License procedures may apply.
Product may be subject to US Export Regulations. Please refer to exportquestions@flir.com with any questions. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited.
IR-LENS 12° (f=83,4mm)
Drawing No.
Drawn by
Basic dimensions FLIR T10xx
R&D Thermography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 32 54
© 2012, FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this drawing may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from FLIR Systems, Inc. Specifications subject to change without further notice. Dimensional data is based on nominal values. Products may be subject to regional market considerations. License procedures may apply.
Product may be subject to US Export Regulations. Please refer to exportquestions@flir.com with any questions. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited.
IR-LENS 28° (f=36mm)
Drawing No.
Drawn by
Basic dimensions FLIR T10xx
R&D Thermography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 32 54
© 2012, FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this drawing may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from FLIR Systems, Inc. Specifications subject to change without further notice. Dimensional data is based on nominal values. Products may be subject to regional market considerations. License procedures may apply.
Product may be subject to US Export Regulations. Please refer to exportquestions@flir.com with any questions. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited.
IR-LENS 45° (f=21,2mm)
Drawing No.
Drawn by
Basic dimensions FLIR T10xx
R&D Thermography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 32 54
© 2012, FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this drawing may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from FLIR Systems, Inc. Specifications subject to change without further notice. Dimensional data is based on nominal values. Products may be subject to regional market considerations. License procedures may apply.
Product may be subject to US Export Regulations. Please refer to exportquestions@flir.com with any questions. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited.
Drawing No.
Drawn by
Basic dimensions FLIR T10xx
R&D Thermography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 32 54
© 2012, FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this drawing may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from FLIR Systems, Inc. Specifications subject to change without further notice. Dimensional data is based on nominal values. Products may be subject to regional market considerations. License procedures may apply.
Product may be subject to US Export Regulations. Please refer to exportquestions@flir.com with any questions. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited.
Battery Charger
Drawing No.
Drawn by
Basic dimensions FLIR T10xx
R&D Thermography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 32 54
© 2012, FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this drawing may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from FLIR Systems, Inc. Specifications subject to change without further notice. Dimensional data is based on nominal values. Products may be subject to regional market considerations. License procedures may apply.
Product may be subject to US Export Regulations. Please refer to exportquestions@flir.com with any questions. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited.
UNC 1/4-20
High-Speed Interface
Drawing No.
Drawn by
Basic dimensions FLIR T10xx
R&D Thermography
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 32 54
© 2012, FLIR Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this drawing may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without written permission from FLIR Systems, Inc. Specifications subject to change without further notice. Dimensional data is based on nominal values. Products may be subject to regional market considerations. License procedures may apply.
Product may be subject to US Export Regulations. Please refer to exportquestions@flir.com with any questions. Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited.
Digital I/O pin configuration
28.1 Pin configuration for the Digital I/O connector on the HSI box
Pin Function Data
1 IN 1 opto-isolated, 0–1.5 V = low, 3–
25 V = high
2 IN 2 opto-isolated, 0–1.5 V = low, 3–
25 V = high
OUT 1 opto-isolated, ON = supply (max.
100 mA), OFF = open
OUT 2 opto-isolated, ON = supply (max.
100 mA), OFF = open
Supply VCC 6–24 VDC, max. 200 mA
Supply Gnd Gnd
Note Cables for digital I/O ports should be 100 m (328′) maximum.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Digital I/O connection diagram
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
CE Declaration of conformity
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Cleaning the camera
31.1 Camera housing, cables, and other items
31.1.1 Liquids
Use one of these liquids:
Warm water
A weak detergent solution
31.1.2 Equipment
A soft cloth
31.1.3 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Soak the cloth in the liquid.
2. Twist the cloth to remove excess liquid.
3. Clean the part with the cloth.
Do not apply solvents or similar liquids to the camera, the cables, or other items. This can cause damage.
31.2 Infrared lens
31.2.1 Liquids
Use one of these liquids:
A commercial lens cleaning liquid with more than 30% isopropyl alcohol.
96% ethyl alcohol (C
31.2.2 Equipment
Cotton wool
31.2.3 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Soak the cotton wool in the liquid.
2. Twist the cotton wool to remove excess liquid.
3. Clean the lens one time only and discard the cotton wool.
Make sure that you read all applicable MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) and warning labels on con-
tainers before you use a liquid: the liquids can be dangerous.
Be careful when you clean the infrared lens. The lens has a delicate anti-reflective coating.
Do not clean the infrared lens too vigorously. This can damage the anti-reflective coating.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Cleaning the camera
31.3 Infrared detector
31.3.1 General
Even small amounts of dust on the infrared detector can result in major blemishes in the
image. To remove any dust from the detector, follow the procedure below.
This section only applies to cameras where removing the lens exposes the infrared
In some cases the dust cannot be removed by following this procedure: the infrared de-
tector must be cleaned mechanically. This mechanical cleaning must be carried out by
an authorized service partner.
In Step 2 below, do not use pressurized air from pneumatic air circuits in a workshop, etc., as this air usu-
ally contains oil mist to lubricate pneumatic tools.
31.3.2 Procedure
Follow this procedure:
1. Remove the lens from the camera.
2. Use pressurized air from a compressed air canister to blow off the dust.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Application examples
32.1 Moisture & water damage
32.1.1 General
It is often possible to detect moisture and water damage in a house by using an infrared
camera. This is partly because the damaged area has a different heat conduction property
and partly because it has a different thermal capacity to store heat than the surrounding
Many factors can come into play as to how moisture or water damage will appear in an in-
frared image.
For example, heating and cooling of these parts takes place at different rates depending
on the material and the time of day. For this reason, it is important that other methods are
used as well to check for moisture or water damage.
32.1.2 Figure
The image below shows extensive water damage on an external wall where the water has
penetrated the outer facing because of an incorrectly installed window ledge.
32.2 Faulty contact in socket
32.2.1 General
Depending on the type of connection a socket has, an improperly connected wire can re-
sult in local temperature increase. This temperature increase is caused by the reduced
contact area between the connection point of the incoming wire and the socket , and can
result in an electrical fire.
A socket’s construction may differ dramatically from one manufacturer to another. For this
reason, different faults in a socket can lead to the same typical appearance in an infrared
Local temperature increase can also result from improper contact between wire and sock-
et, or from difference in load.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Application examples32
32.2.2 Figure
The image below shows a connection of a cable to a socket where improper contact in the
connection has resulted in local temperature increase.
32.3 Oxidized socket
32.3.1 General
Depending on the type of socket and the environment in which the socket is installed, ox-
ides may occur on the socket's contact surfaces. These oxides can lead to locally in-
creased resistance when the socket is loaded, which can be seen in an infrared image as
local temperature increase.
A socket’s construction may differ dramatically from one manufacturer to another. For this
reason, different faults in a socket can lead to the same typical appearance in an infrared
Local temperature increase can also result from improper contact between a wire and
socket, or from difference in load.
32.3.2 Figure
The image below shows a series of fuses where one fuse has a raised temperature on the
contact surfaces against the fuse holder. Because of the fuse holder’s blank metal, the
temperature increase is not visible there, while it is visible on the fuse’s ceramic material.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Application examples32
32.4 Insulation deficiencies
32.4.1 General
Insulation deficiencies may result from insulation losing volume over the course of time
and thereby not entirely filling the cavity in a frame wall.
An infrared camera allows you to see these insulation deficiencies because they either
have a different heat conduction property than sections with correctly installed insulation,
and/or show the area where air is penetrating the frame of the building.
When you are inspecting a building, the temperature difference between the inside and
outside should be at least 10°C (18°F). Studs, water pipes, concrete columns, and similar
components may resemble an insulation deficiency in an infrared image. Minor differences
may also occur naturally.
32.4.2 Figure
In the image below, insulation in the roof framing is lacking. Due to the absence of insula-
tion, air has forced its way into the roof structure, which thus takes on a different character-
istic appearance in the infrared image.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Application examples32
32.5 Draft
32.5.1 General
Draft can be found under baseboards, around door and window casings, and above ceil-
ing trim. This type of draft is often possible to see with an infrared camera, as a cooler air-
stream cools down the surrounding surface.
When you are investigating draft in a house, there should be sub-atmospheric pressure in
the house. Close all doors, windows, and ventilation ducts, and allow the kitchen fan to run
for a while before you take the infrared images.
An infrared image of draft often shows a typical stream pattern. You can see this stream
pattern clearly in the picture below.
Also keep in mind that drafts can be concealed by heat from floor heating circuits.
32.5.2 Figure
The image below shows a ceiling hatch where faulty installation has resulted in a strong
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Application examples32
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
About FLIR Systems
FLIR Systems was established in 1978 to pioneer the development of high-performance
infrared imaging systems, and is the world leader in the design, manufacture, and market-
ing of thermal imaging systems for a wide variety of commercial, industrial, and govern-
ment applications. Today, FLIR Systems embraces five major companies with outstanding
achievements in infrared technology since 1958—the Swedish AGEMA Infrared Systems
(formerly AGA Infrared Systems), the three United States companies Indigo Systems, FSI,
and Inframetrics, and the French company Cedip.
Since 2007, FLIR Systems has acquired several companies with world-leading expertise
in sensor technologies:
Extech Instruments (2007)
Ifara Tecnologías (2008)
Salvador Imaging (2009)
OmniTech Partners (2009)
Directed Perception (2009)
Raymarine (2010)
ICx Technologies (2010)
TackTick Marine Digital Instruments (2011)
Aerius Photonics (2011)
Lorex Technology (2012)
Traficon (2012)
MARSS (2013)
DigitalOptics micro-optics business (2013)
DVTEL (2015)
Figure 33.1 Patent documents from the early 1960s
FLIR Systems has three manufacturing plants in the United States (Portland, OR, Boston,
MA, Santa Barbara, CA) and one in Sweden (Stockholm). Since 2007 there is also a man-
ufacturing plant in Tallinn, Estonia. Direct sales offices in Belgium, Brazil, China, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Sweden, and the USA—together
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
About FLIR Systems
with a worldwide network of agents and distributors—support our international customer
FLIR Systems is at the forefront of innovation in the infrared camera industry. We antici-
pate market demand by constantly improving our existing cameras and developing new
ones. The company has set milestones in product design and development such as the in-
troduction of the first battery-operated portable camera for industrial inspections, and the
first uncooled infrared camera, to mention just two innovations.
Figure 33.2 1969: Thermovision Model 661. The
camera weighed approximately 25 kg (55 lb.), the
oscilloscope 20 kg (44 lb.), and the tripod 15 kg
(33 lb.). The operator also needed a 220 VAC gen-
erator set, and a 10 L (2.6 US gallon) jar with liquid
nitrogen. To the left of the oscilloscope the Polaroid
attachment (6 kg/13 lb.) can be seen.
Figure 33.3 2015: FLIR One, an accessory to
iPhone and Android mobile phones. Weight: 90 g
(3.2 oz.).
FLIR Systems manufactures all vital mechanical and electronic components of the camera
systems itself. From detector design and manufacturing, to lenses and system electronics,
to final testing and calibration, all production steps are carried out and supervised by our
own engineers. The in-depth expertise of these infrared specialists ensures the accuracy
and reliability of all vital components that are assembled into your infrared camera.
33.1 More than just an infrared camera
At FLIR Systems we recognize that our job is to go beyond just producing the best infrared
camera systems. We are committed to enabling all users of our infrared camera systems
to work more productively by providing them with the most powerful camera–software
combination. Especially tailored software for predictive maintenance, R & D, and process
monitoring is developed in-house. Most software is available in a wide variety of
We support all our infrared cameras with a wide variety of accessories to adapt your equip-
ment to the most demanding infrared applications.
33.2 Sharing our knowledge
Although our cameras are designed to be very user-friendly, there is a lot more to thermog-
raphy than just knowing how to handle a camera. Therefore, FLIR Systems has founded
the Infrared Training Center (ITC), a separate business unit, that provides certified training
courses. Attending one of the ITC courses will give you a truly hands-on learning
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
About FLIR Systems
The staff of the ITC are also there to provide you with any application support you may
need in putting infrared theory into practice.
33.3 Supporting our customers
FLIR Systems operates a worldwide service network to keep your camera running at all
times. If you discover a problem with your camera, local service centers have all the equip-
ment and expertise to solve it within the shortest possible time. Therefore, there is no need
to send your camera to the other side of the world or to talk to someone who does not
speak your language.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
absorption (ab-
sorption factor)
The amount of radiation absorbed by an object relative to the re-
ceived radiation. A number between 0 and 1.
atmosphere The gases between the object being measured and the camera, nor-
mally air.
autoadjust A function making a camera perform an internal image correction.
autopalette The IR image is shown with an uneven spread of colors, displaying
cold objects as well as hot ones at the same time.
blackbody Totally non-reflective object. All its radiation is due to its own
An IR radiating equipment with blackbody properties used to calibrate
IR cameras.
calculated at-
A transmission value computed from the temperature, the relative hu-
midity of air and the distance to the object.
cavity radiator A bottle shaped radiator with an absorbing inside, viewed through the
The temperature for which the color of a blackbody matches a specif-
ic color.
conduction The process that makes heat diffuse into a material.
A function that adjusts the image. The function works all the time,
continuously adjusting brightness and contrast according to the im-
age content.
Convection is a heat transfer mode where a fluid is brought into mo-
tion, either by gravity or another force, thereby transferring heat from
one place to another.
dual isotherm An isotherm with two color bands, instead of one.
The amount of radiation coming from an object, compared to that of a
blackbody. A number between 0 and 1.
emittance Amount of energy emitted from an object per unit of time and area
Objects and gases that emit radiation towards the object being
estimated at-
A transmission value, supplied by a user, replacing a calculated one
external optics Extra lenses, filters, heat shields etc. that can be put between the
camera and the object being measured.
filter A material transparent only to some of the infrared wavelengths.
FOV Field of view: The horizontal angle that can be viewed through an IR
FPA Focal plane array: A type of IR detector.
graybody An object that emits a fixed fraction of the amount of energy of a
blackbody for each wavelength.
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IFOV Instantaneous field of view: A measure of the geometrical resolution
of an IR camera.
image correc-
tion (internal or
A way of compensating for sensitivity differences in various parts of
live images and also of stabilizing the camera.
infrared Non-visible radiation, having a wavelength from about 2–13 μm.
IR infrared
isotherm A function highlighting those parts of an image that fall above, below
or between one or more temperature intervals.
A bottle-shaped radiator with a uniform temperature viewed through
the bottleneck.
Laser LocatIR An electrically powered light source on the camera that emits laser ra-
diation in a thin, concentrated beam to point at certain parts of the ob-
ject in front of the camera.
laser pointer An electrically powered light source on the camera that emits laser ra-
diation in a thin, concentrated beam to point at certain parts of the ob-
ject in front of the camera.
level The center value of the temperature scale, usually expressed as a
signal value.
manual adjust A way to adjust the image by manually changing certain parameters.
NETD Noise equivalent temperature difference. A measure of the image
noise level of an IR camera.
noise Undesired small disturbance in the infrared image
A set of values describing the circumstances under which the meas-
urement of an object was made, and the object itself (such as emis-
sivity, reflected apparent temperature, distance etc.)
object signal A non-calibrated value related to the amount of radiation received by
the camera from the object.
palette The set of colors used to display an IR image.
Stands for picture element. One single spot in an image.
radiance Amount of energy emitted from an object per unit of time, area and
angle (W/m
radiant power Amount of energy emitted from an object per unit of time (W)
radiation The process by which electromagnetic energy, is emitted by an object
or a gas.
radiator A piece of IR radiating equipment.
The current overall temperature measurement limitation of an IR cam-
era. Cameras can have several ranges. Expressed as two blackbody
temperatures that limit the current calibration.
A temperature which the ordinary measured values can be compared
reflection The amount of radiation reflected by an object relative to the received
radiation. A number between 0 and 1.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Relative humidity represents the ratio between the current water va-
pour mass in the air and the maximum it may contain in saturation
The areas that contain temperatures outside the present level/span
settings are colored with the saturation colors. The saturation colors
contain an ‘overflow’ color and an ‘underflow’ color. There is also a
third red saturation color that marks everything saturated by the de-
tector indicating that the range should probably be changed.
The interval of the temperature scale, usually expressed as a signal
spectral (radi-
ant) emittance
Amount of energy emitted from an object per unit of time, area and
wavelength (W/m
difference, or
difference of
A value which is the result of a subtraction between two temperature
The current overall temperature measurement limitation of an IR cam-
era. Cameras can have several ranges. Expressed as two blackbody
temperatures that limit the current calibration.
The way in which an IR image currently is displayed. Expressed as
two temperature values limiting the colors.
thermogram infrared image
(or transmit-
tance) factor
Gases and materials can be more or less transparent. Transmission
is the amount of IR radiation passing through them. A number be-
tween 0 and 1.
An isotherm showing a linear spread of colors, instead of covering the
highlighted parts of the image.
visual Refers to the video mode of a IR camera, as opposed to the normal,
thermographic mode. When a camera is in video mode it captures or-
dinary video images, while thermographic images are captured when
the camera is in IR mode.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Thermographic measurement
35.1 Introduction
An infrared camera measures and images the emitted infrared radiation from an object.
The fact that radiation is a function of object surface temperature makes it possible for the
camera to calculate and display this temperature.
However, the radiation measured by the camera does not only depend on the temperature
of the object but is also a function of the emissivity. Radiation also originates from the sur-
roundings and is reflected in the object. The radiation from the object and the reflected ra-
diation will also be influenced by the absorption of the atmosphere.
To measure temperature accurately, it is therefore necessary to compensate for the effects
of a number of different radiation sources. This is done on-line automatically by the cam-
era. The following object parameters must, however, be supplied for the camera:
The emissivity of the object
The reflected apparent temperature
The distance between the object and the camera
The relative humidity
Temperature of the atmosphere
35.2 Emissivity
The most important object parameter to set correctly is the emissivity which, in short, is a
measure of how much radiation is emitted from the object, compared to that from a perfect
blackbody of the same temperature.
Normally, object materials and surface treatments exhibit emissivity ranging from approxi-
mately 0.1 to 0.95. A highly polished (mirror) surface falls below 0.1, while an oxidized or
painted surface has a higher emissivity. Oil-based paint, regardless of color in the visible
spectrum, has an emissivity over 0.9 in the infrared. Human skin exhibits an emissivity
0.97 to 0.98.
Non-oxidized metals represent an extreme case of perfect opacity and high reflexivity,
which does not vary greatly with wavelength. Consequently, the emissivity of metals is low
only increasing with temperature. For non-metals, emissivity tends to be high, and de-
creases with temperature.
35.2.1 Finding the emissivity of a sample Step 1: Determining reflected apparent temperature
Use one of the following two methods to determine reflected apparent temperature:
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Thermographic measurement techniques35 Method 1: Direct method
Follow this procedure:
1. Look for possible reflection sources, considering that the incident angle = reflection an-
gle (a = b).
Figure 35.1 1 = Reflection source
2. If the reflection source is a spot source, modify the source by obstructing it using a
piece if cardboard.
Figure 35.2 1 = Reflection source
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Thermographic measurement techniques35
3. Measure the radiation intensity (= apparent temperature) from the reflecting source us-
ing the following settings:
Emissivity: 1.0
: 0
You can measure the radiation intensity using one of the following two methods:
Figure 35.3 1 = Reflection source Figure 35.4 1 = Reflection source
Using a thermocouple to measure reflected apparent temperature is not recommended for
two important reasons:
A thermocouple does not measure radiation intensity
A thermocouple requires a very good thermal contact to the surface, usually by gluing
and covering the sensor by a thermal isolator. Method 2: Reflector method
Follow this procedure:
1. Crumble up a large piece of aluminum foil.
2. Uncrumble the aluminum foil and attach it to a piece of cardboard of the same size.
3. Put the piece of cardboard in front of the object you want to measure. Make sure that
the side with aluminum foil points to the camera.
4. Set the emissivity to 1.0.
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Thermographic measurement techniques35
5. Measure the apparent temperature of the aluminum foil and write it down.
Figure 35.5 Measuring the apparent temperature of the aluminum foil. Step 2: Determining the emissivity
Follow this procedure:
1. Select a place to put the sample.
2. Determine and set reflected apparent temperature according to the previous
3. Put a piece of electrical tape with known high emissivity on the sample.
4. Heat the sample at least 20 K above room temperature. Heating must be reasonably
5. Focus and auto-adjust the camera, and freeze the image.
6. Adjust Level and Span for best image brightness and contrast.
7. Set emissivity to that of the tape (usually 0.97).
8. Measure the temperature of the tape using one of the following measurement
Isotherm (helps you to determine both the temperature and how evenly you have
heated the sample)
Spot (simpler)
Box Avg (good for surfaces with varying emissivity).
9. Write down the temperature.
10. Move your measurement function to the sample surface.
11. Change the emissivity setting until you read the same temperature as your previous
12. Write down the emissivity.
Avoid forced convection
Look for a thermally stable surrounding that will not generate spot reflections
Use high quality tape that you know is not transparent, and has a high emissivity you
are certain of
This method assumes that the temperature of your tape and the sample surface are the
same. If they are not, your emissivity measurement will be wrong.
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Thermographic measurement techniques35
35.3 Reflected apparent temperature
This parameter is used to compensate for the radiation reflected in the object. If the emis-
sivity is low and the object temperature relatively far from that of the reflected it will be im-
portant to set and compensate for the reflected apparent temperature correctly.
35.4 Distance
The distance is the distance between the object and the front lens of the camera. This pa-
rameter is used to compensate for the following two facts:
That radiation from the target is absorbed by the atmosphere between the object and
the camera.
That radiation from the atmosphere itself is detected by the camera.
35.5 Relative humidity
The camera can also compensate for the fact that the transmittance is also dependent on
the relative humidity of the atmosphere. To do this set the relative humidity to the correct
value. For short distances and normal humidity the relative humidity can normally be left at
a default value of 50%.
35.6 Other parameters
In addition, some cameras and analysis programs from FLIR Systems allow you to com-
pensate for the following parameters:
Atmospheric temperature i.e. the temperature of the atmosphere between the camera
and the target
External optics temperature i.e. the temperature of any external lenses or windows
used in front of the camera
External optics transmittance i.e. the transmission of any external lenses or windows
used in front of the camera
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History of infrared technology
Before the year 1800, the existence of the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
wasn't even suspected. The original significance of the infrared spectrum, or simply ‘the in-
frared’ as it is often called, as a form of heat radiation is perhaps less obvious today than it
was at the time of its discovery by Herschel in 1800.
Figure 36.1 Sir William Herschel (1738–1822)
The discovery was made accidentally during the search for a new optical material. Sir Wil-
liam Herschel Royal Astronomer to King George III of England, and already famous for
his discovery of the planet Uranus was searching for an optical filter material to reduce
the brightness of the sun’s image in telescopes during solar observations. While testing
different samples of colored glass which gave similar reductions in brightness he was in-
trigued to find that some of the samples passed very little of the sun’s heat, while others
passed so much heat that he risked eye damage after only a few seconds’ observation.
Herschel was soon convinced of the necessity of setting up a systematic experiment, with
the objective of finding a single material that would give the desired reduction in brightness
as well as the maximum reduction in heat. He began the experiment by actually repeating
Newton’s prism experiment, but looking for the heating effect rather than the visual distri-
bution of intensity in the spectrum. He first blackened the bulb of a sensitive mercury-in-
glass thermometer with ink, and with this as his radiation detector he proceeded to test
the heating effect of the various colors of the spectrum formed on the top of a table by
passing sunlight through a glass prism. Other thermometers, placed outside the sun’s
rays, served as controls.
As the blackened thermometer was moved slowly along the colors of the spectrum, the
temperature readings showed a steady increase from the violet end to the red end. This
was not entirely unexpected, since the Italian researcher, Landriani, in a similar experiment
in 1777 had observed much the same effect. It was Herschel, however, who was the first
to recognize that there must be a point where the heating effect reaches a maximum, and
that measurements confined to the visible portion of the spectrum failed to locate this
Figure 36.2 Marsilio Landriani (1746–1815)
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History of infrared technology
Moving the thermometer into the dark region beyond the red end of the spectrum, Her-
schel confirmed that the heating continued to increase. The maximum point, when he
found it, lay well beyond the red end in what is known today as the ‘infrared wavelengths’.
When Herschel revealed his discovery, he referred to this new portion of the electromag-
netic spectrum as the ‘thermometrical spectrum’. The radiation itself he sometimes re-
ferred to as ‘dark heat’, or simply ‘the invisible rays’. Ironically, and contrary to popular
opinion, it wasn't Herschel who originated the term ‘infrared’. The word only began to ap-
pear in print around 75 years later, and it is still unclear who should receive credit as the
Herschel’s use of glass in the prism of his original experiment led to some early controver-
sies with his contemporaries about the actual existence of the infrared wavelengths. Differ-
ent investigators, in attempting to confirm his work, used various types of glass
indiscriminately, having different transparencies in the infrared. Through his later experi-
ments, Herschel was aware of the limited transparency of glass to the newly-discovered
thermal radiation, and he was forced to conclude that optics for the infrared would prob-
ably be doomed to the use of reflective elements exclusively (i.e. plane and curved mir-
rors). Fortunately, this proved to be true only until 1830, when the Italian investigator,
Melloni, made his great discovery that naturally occurring rock salt (NaCl) which was
available in large enough natural crystals to be made into lenses and prisms is remark-
ably transparent to the infrared. The result was that rock salt became the principal infrared
optical material, and remained so for the next hundred years, until the art of synthetic crys-
tal growing was mastered in the 1930’s.
Figure 36.3 Macedonio Melloni (1798–1854)
Thermometers, as radiation detectors, remained unchallenged until 1829, the year Nobili
invented the thermocouple. (Herschel’s own thermometer could be read to 0.2 °C (0.036 °
F), and later models were able to be read to 0.05 °C (0.09 °F)). Then a breakthrough oc-
curred; Melloni connected a number of thermocouples in series to form the first thermopile.
The new device was at least 40 times as sensitive as the best thermometer of the day for
detecting heat radiation capable of detecting the heat from a person standing three me-
ters away.
The first so-called ‘heat-picture’ became possible in 1840, the result of work by Sir John
Herschel, son of the discoverer of the infrared and a famous astronomer in his own right.
Based upon the differential evaporation of a thin film of oil when exposed to a heat pattern
focused upon it, the thermal image could be seen by reflected light where the interference
effects of the oil film made the image visible to the eye. Sir John also managed to obtain a
primitive record of the thermal image on paper, which he called a ‘thermograph’.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
History of infrared technology
Figure 36.4 Samuel P. Langley (1834–1906)
The improvement of infrared-detector sensitivity progressed slowly. Another major break-
through, made by Langley in 1880, was the invention of the bolometer. This consisted of a
thin blackened strip of platinum connected in one arm of a Wheatstone bridge circuit upon
which the infrared radiation was focused and to which a sensitive galvanometer re-
sponded. This instrument is said to have been able to detect the heat from a cow at a dis-
tance of 400 meters.
An English scientist, Sir James Dewar, first introduced the use of liquefied gases as cool-
ing agents (such as liquid nitrogen with a temperature of -196 °C (-320.8 °F)) in low tem-
perature research. In 1892 he invented a unique vacuum insulating container in which it is
possible to store liquefied gases for entire days. The common ‘thermos bottle’, used for
storing hot and cold drinks, is based upon his invention.
Between the years 1900 and 1920, the inventors of the world ‘discovered’ the infrared.
Many patents were issued for devices to detect personnel, artillery, aircraft, ships and
even icebergs. The first operating systems, in the modern sense, began to be developed
during the 1914–18 war, when both sides had research programs devoted to the military
exploitation of the infrared. These programs included experimental systems for enemy in-
trusion/detection, remote temperature sensing, secure communications, and ‘flying torpe-
do’ guidance. An infrared search system tested during this period was able to detect an
approaching airplane at a distance of 1.5 km (0.94 miles), or a person more than 300 me-
ters (984 ft.) away.
The most sensitive systems up to this time were all based upon variations of the bolometer
idea, but the period between the two wars saw the development of two revolutionary new
infrared detectors: the image converter and the photon detector. At first, the image con-
verter received the greatest attention by the military, because it enabled an observer for
the first time in history to literally ‘see in the dark’. However, the sensitivity of the image
converter was limited to the near infrared wavelengths, and the most interesting military
targets (i.e. enemy soldiers) had to be illuminated by infrared search beams. Since this in-
volved the risk of giving away the observer’s position to a similarly-equipped enemy ob-
server, it is understandable that military interest in the image converter eventually faded.
The tactical military disadvantages of so-called 'active’ (i.e. search beam-equipped) ther-
mal imaging systems provided impetus following the 1939–45 war for extensive secret
military infrared-research programs into the possibilities of developing ‘passive’ (no search
beam) systems around the extremely sensitive photon detector. During this period, military
secrecy regulations completely prevented disclosure of the status of infrared-imaging
technology. This secrecy only began to be lifted in the middle of the 1950’s, and from that
time adequate thermal-imaging devices finally began to be available to civilian science
and industry.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Theory of thermography
37.1 Introduction
The subjects of infrared radiation and the related technique of thermography are still new
to many who will use an infrared camera. In this section the theory behind thermography
will be given.
37.2 The electromagnetic spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum is divided arbitrarily into a number of wavelength regions,
called bands, distinguished by the methods used to produce and detect the radiation.
There is no fundamental difference between radiation in the different bands of the electro-
magnetic spectrum. They are all governed by the same laws and the only differences are
those due to differences in wavelength.
Figure 37.1 The electromagnetic spectrum. 1: X-ray; 2: UV; 3: Visible; 4: IR; 5: Microwaves; 6: Radiowaves.
Thermography makes use of the infrared spectral band. At the short-wavelength end the
boundary lies at the limit of visual perception, in the deep red. At the long-wavelength end
it merges with the microwave radio wavelengths, in the millimeter range.
The infrared band is often further subdivided into four smaller bands, the boundaries of
which are also arbitrarily chosen. They include: the near infrared (0.75–3 μm), the middle
infrared (3–6 μm), the far infrared (6–15 μm) and the extreme infrared (15–100 μm).
Although the wavelengths are given in μm (micrometers), other units are often still used to
measure wavelength in this spectral region, e.g. nanometer (nm) and Ångström (Å).
The relationships between the different wavelength measurements is:
37.3 Blackbody radiation
A blackbody is defined as an object which absorbs all radiation that impinges on it at any
wavelength. The apparent misnomer black relating to an object emitting radiation is ex-
plained by Kirchhoffs Law (after Gustav Robert Kirchhoff, 1824–1887), which states that a
body capable of absorbing all radiation at any wavelength is equally capable in the emis-
sion of radiation.
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Theory of thermography
Figure 37.2 Gustav Robert Kirchhoff (1824–1887)
The construction of a blackbody source is, in principle, very simple. The radiation charac-
teristics of an aperture in an isotherm cavity made of an opaque absorbing material repre-
sents almost exactly the properties of a blackbody. A practical application of the principle
to the construction of a perfect absorber of radiation consists of a box that is light tight ex-
cept for an aperture in one of the sides. Any radiation which then enters the hole is scat-
tered and absorbed by repeated reflections so only an infinitesimal fraction can possibly
escape. The blackness which is obtained at the aperture is nearly equal to a blackbody
and almost perfect for all wavelengths.
By providing such an isothermal cavity with a suitable heater it becomes what is termed a
cavity radiator. An isothermal cavity heated to a uniform temperature generates blackbody
radiation, the characteristics of which are determined solely by the temperature of the cav-
ity. Such cavity radiators are commonly used as sources of radiation in temperature refer-
ence standards in the laboratory for calibrating thermographic instruments, such as a
FLIR Systems camera for example.
If the temperature of blackbody radiation increases to more than 525°C (977°F), the
source begins to be visible so that it appears to the eye no longer black. This is the incipi-
ent red heat temperature of the radiator, which then becomes orange or yellow as the tem-
perature increases further. In fact, the definition of the so-called color temperature of an
object is the temperature to which a blackbody would have to be heated to have the same
Now consider three expressions that describe the radiation emitted from a blackbody.
37.3.1 Planck’s law
Figure 37.3 Max Planck (1858–1947)
Max Planck (1858–1947) was able to describe the spectral distribution of the radiation
from a blackbody by means of the following formula:
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Theory of thermography
Blackbody spectral radiant emittance at wavelength λ.
Velocity of light = 3 × 10
h Planck’s constant = 6.6 × 10
Joule sec.
Boltzmann’s constant = 1.4 × 10
T Absolute temperature (K) of a blackbody.
λ Wavelength (μm).
Note The factor 10
is used since spectral emittance in the curves is expressed in Watt/
, μm.
Planck’s formula, when plotted graphically for various temperatures, produces a family of
curves. Following any particular Planck curve, the spectral emittance is zero at λ = 0, then
increases rapidly to a maximum at a wavelength λ
and after passing it approaches zero
again at very long wavelengths. The higher the temperature, the shorter the wavelength at
which maximum occurs.
Figure 37.4 Blackbody spectral radiant emittance according to Planck’s law, plotted for various absolute
temperatures. 1: Spectral radiant emittance (W/cm
× 10
(μm)); 2: Wavelength (μm)
37.3.2 Wien’s displacement law
By differentiating Planck’s formula with respect to λ, and finding the maximum, we have:
This is Wien’s formula (after Wilhelm Wien, 1864–1928), which expresses mathematically
the common observation that colors vary from red to orange or yellow as the temperature
of a thermal radiator increases. The wavelength of the color is the same as the wavelength
calculated for λ
. A good approximation of the value of λ
for a given blackbody
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Theory of thermography
temperature is obtained by applying the rule-of-thumb 3 000/T μm. Thus, a very hot star
such as Sirius (11 000 K), emitting bluish-white light, radiates with the peak of spectral ra-
diant emittance occurring within the invisible ultraviolet spectrum, at wavelength 0.27 μm.
Figure 37.5 Wilhelm Wien (1864–1928)
The sun (approx. 6 000 K) emits yellow light, peaking at about 0.5 μm in the middle of the
visible light spectrum.
At room temperature (300 K) the peak of radiant emittance lies at 9.7 μm, in the far infra-
red, while at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (77 K) the maximum of the almost insignifi-
cant amount of radiant emittance occurs at 38 μm, in the extreme infrared wavelengths.
Figure 37.6 Planckian curves plotted on semi-log scales from 100 K to 1000 K. The dotted line represents
the locus of maximum radiant emittance at each temperature as described by Wien's displacement law. 1:
Spectral radiant emittance (W/cm
(μm)); 2: Wavelength (μm).
37.3.3 Stefan-Boltzmann's law
By integrating Planck’s formula from λ = 0 to λ = ∞, we obtain the total radiant emittance
) of a blackbody:
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Theory of thermography
This is the Stefan-Boltzmann formula (after Josef Stefan, 1835–1893, and Ludwig Boltz-
mann, 1844–1906), which states that the total emissive power of a blackbody is propor-
tional to the fourth power of its absolute temperature. Graphically, W
represents the area
below the Planck curve for a particular temperature. It can be shown that the radiant emit-
tance in the interval λ = 0 to λ
is only 25% of the total, which represents about the
amount of the sun’s radiation which lies inside the visible light spectrum.
Figure 37.7 Josef Stefan (1835–1893), and Ludwig Boltzmann (1844–1906)
Using the Stefan-Boltzmann formula to calculate the power radiated by the human body,
at a temperature of 300 K and an external surface area of approx. 2 m
, we obtain 1 kW.
This power loss could not be sustained if it were not for the compensating absorption of ra-
diation from surrounding surfaces, at room temperatures which do not vary too drastically
from the temperature of the body or, of course, the addition of clothing.
37.3.4 Non-blackbody emitters
So far, only blackbody radiators and blackbody radiation have been discussed. However,
real objects almost never comply with these laws over an extended wavelength region
although they may approach the blackbody behavior in certain spectral intervals. For ex-
ample, a certain type of white paint may appear perfectly white in the visible light spec-
trum, but becomes distinctly gray at about 2 μm, and beyond 3 μm it is almost black.
There are three processes which can occur that prevent a real object from acting like a
blackbody: a fraction of the incident radiation α may be absorbed, a fraction ρ may be re-
flected, and a fraction τ may be transmitted. Since all of these factors are more or less
wavelength dependent, the subscript λ is used to imply the spectral dependence of their
definitions. Thus:
The spectral absorptance α
= the ratio of the spectral radiant power absorbed by an ob-
ject to that incident upon it.
The spectral reflectance ρ
= the ratio of the spectral radiant power reflected by an ob-
ject to that incident upon it.
The spectral transmittance τ
= the ratio of the spectral radiant power transmitted
through an object to that incident upon it.
The sum of these three factors must always add up to the whole at any wavelength, so we
have the relation:
For opaque materials τ
= 0 and the relation simplifies to:
Another factor, called the emissivity, is required to describe the fraction ε of the radiant
emittance of a blackbody produced by an object at a specific temperature. Thus, we have
the definition:
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Theory of thermography
The spectral emissivity ε
= the ratio of the spectral radiant power from an object to that
from a blackbody at the same temperature and wavelength.
Expressed mathematically, this can be written as the ratio of the spectral emittance of the
object to that of a blackbody as follows:
Generally speaking, there are three types of radiation source, distinguished by the ways in
which the spectral emittance of each varies with wavelength.
A blackbody, for which ε
= ε = 1
A graybody, for which ε
= ε = constant less than 1
A selective radiator, for which ε varies with wavelength
According to Kirchhoff’s law, for any material the spectral emissivity and spectral absorp-
tance of a body are equal at any specified temperature and wavelength. That is:
From this we obtain, for an opaque material (since α
+ ρ
= 1):
For highly polished materials ε
approaches zero, so that for a perfectly reflecting material
(i.e. a perfect mirror) we have:
For a graybody radiator, the Stefan-Boltzmann formula becomes:
This states that the total emissive power of a graybody is the same as a blackbody at the
same temperature reduced in proportion to the value of ε from the graybody.
Figure 37.8 Spectral radiant emittance of three types of radiators. 1: Spectral radiant emittance; 2: Wave-
length; 3: Blackbody; 4: Selective radiator; 5: Graybody.
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Theory of thermography
Figure 37.9 Spectral emissivity of three types of radiators. 1: Spectral emissivity; 2: Wavelength; 3: Black-
body; 4: Graybody; 5: Selective radiator.
37.4 Infrared semi-transparent materials
Consider now a non-metallic, semi-transparent body let us say, in the form of a thick flat
plate of plastic material. When the plate is heated, radiation generated within its volume
must work its way toward the surfaces through the material in which it is partially absorbed.
Moreover, when it arrives at the surface, some of it is reflected back into the interior. The
back-reflected radiation is again partially absorbed, but some of it arrives at the other sur-
face, through which most of it escapes; part of it is reflected back again. Although the pro-
gressive reflections become weaker and weaker they must all be added up when the total
emittance of the plate is sought. When the resulting geometrical series is summed, the ef-
fective emissivity of a semi-transparent plate is obtained as:
When the plate becomes opaque this formula is reduced to the single formula:
This last relation is a particularly convenient one, because it is often easier to measure re-
flectance than to measure emissivity directly.
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
The measurement formula
As already mentioned, when viewing an object, the camera receives radiation not only
from the object itself. It also collects radiation from the surroundings reflected via the ob-
ject surface. Both these radiation contributions become attenuated to some extent by the
atmosphere in the measurement path. To this comes a third radiation contribution from the
atmosphere itself.
This description of the measurement situation, as illustrated in the figure below, is so far a
fairly true description of the real conditions. What has been neglected could for instance
be sun light scattering in the atmosphere or stray radiation from intense radiation sources
outside the field of view. Such disturbances are difficult to quantify, however, in most cases
they are fortunately small enough to be neglected. In case they are not negligible, the
measurement configuration is likely to be such that the risk for disturbance is obvious, at
least to a trained operator. It is then his responsibility to modify the measurement situation
to avoid the disturbance e.g. by changing the viewing direction, shielding off intense radia-
tion sources etc.
Accepting the description above, we can use the figure below to derive a formula for the
calculation of the object temperature from the calibrated camera output.
Figure 38.1 A schematic representation of the general thermographic measurement situation.1: Surround-
ings; 2: Object; 3: Atmosphere; 4: Camera
Assume that the received radiation power W from a blackbody source of temperature
on short distance generates a camera output signal U
that is proportional to
the power input (power linear camera). We can then write (Equation 1):
or, with simplified notation:
where C is a constant.
Should the source be a graybody with emittance ε, the received radiation would conse-
quently be εW
We are now ready to write the three collected radiation power terms:
1. Emission from the object = ετW
, where ε is the emittance of the object and τ is the
transmittance of the atmosphere. The object temperature is T
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
The measurement formula
2. Reflected emission from ambient sources = (1 ε)τW
, where (1 ε) is the reflec-
tance of the object. The ambient sources have the temperature T
It has here been assumed that the temperature T
is the same for all emitting surfaces
within the halfsphere seen from a point on the object surface. This is of course some-
times a simplification of the true situation. It is, however, a necessary simplification in
order to derive a workable formula, and T
can at least theoretically be given a val-
ue that represents an efficient temperature of a complex surrounding.
Note also that we have assumed that the emittance for the surroundings = 1. This is
correct in accordance with Kirchhoffs law: All radiation impinging on the surrounding
surfaces will eventually be absorbed by the same surfaces. Thus the emittance = 1.
(Note though that the latest discussion requires the complete sphere around the object
to be considered.)
3. Emission from the atmosphere = (1 τ)τW
, where (1 τ) is the emittance of the at-
mosphere. The temperature of the atmosphere is T
The total received radiation power can now be written (Equation 2):
We multiply each term by the constant C of Equation 1 and replace the CW products by
the corresponding U according to the same equation, and get (Equation 3):
Solve Equation 3 for U
(Equation 4):
This is the general measurement formula used in all the FLIR Systems thermographic
equipment. The voltages of the formula are:
Table 38.1 Voltages
Calculated camera output voltage for a blackbody of temperature T
i.e. a voltage that can be directly converted into true requested object
Measured camera output voltage for the actual case.
Theoretical camera output voltage for a blackbody of temperature
according to the calibration.
Theoretical camera output voltage for a blackbody of temperature
according to the calibration.
The operator has to supply a number of parameter values for the calculation:
the object emittance ε,
the relative humidity,
object distance (D
the (effective) temperature of the object surroundings, or the reflected ambient temper-
ature T
, and
the temperature of the atmosphere T
This task could sometimes be a heavy burden for the operator since there are normally no
easy ways to find accurate values of emittance and atmospheric transmittance for the
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
The measurement formula
actual case. The two temperatures are normally less of a problem provided the surround-
ings do not contain large and intense radiation sources.
A natural question in this connection is: How important is it to know the right values of
these parameters? It could though be of interest to get a feeling for this problem already
here by looking into some different measurement cases and compare the relative magni-
tudes of the three radiation terms. This will give indications about when it is important to
use correct values of which parameters.
The figures below illustrates the relative magnitudes of the three radiation contributions for
three different object temperatures, two emittances, and two spectral ranges: SW and LW.
Remaining parameters have the following fixed values:
τ = 0.88
= +20°C (+68°F)
= +20°C (+68°F)
It is obvious that measurement of low object temperatures are more critical than measur-
ing high temperatures since the ‘disturbing’ radiation sources are relatively much stronger
in the first case. Should also the object emittance be low, the situation would be still more
We have finally to answer a question about the importance of being allowed to use the cal-
ibration curve above the highest calibration point, what we call extrapolation. Imagine that
we in a certain case measure U
= 4.5 volts. The highest calibration point for the camera
was in the order of 4.1 volts, a value unknown to the operator. Thus, even if the object hap-
pened to be a blackbody, i.e. U
= U
, we are actually performing extrapolation of the
calibration curve when converting 4.5 volts into temperature.
Let us now assume that the object is not black, it has an emittance of 0.75, and the trans-
mittance is 0.92. We also assume that the two second terms of Equation 4 amount to 0.5
volts together. Computation of U
by means of Equation 4 then results in U
= 4.5 / 0.75
/ 0.92 0.5 = 6.0. This is a rather extreme extrapolation, particularly when considering that
the video amplifier might limit the output to 5 volts! Note, though, that the application of the
calibration curve is a theoretical procedure where no electronic or other limitations exist.
We trust that if there had been no signal limitations in the camera, and if it had been cali-
brated far beyond 5 volts, the resulting curve would have been very much the same as our
real curve extrapolated beyond 4.1 volts, provided the calibration algorithm is based on ra-
diation physics, like the FLIR Systems algorithm. Of course there must be a limit to such
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
The measurement formula
Figure 38.2 Relative magnitudes of radiation sources under varying measurement conditions (SW camera).
1: Object temperature; 2: Emittance; Obj: Object radiation; Refl: Reflected radiation; Atm: atmosphere radia-
tion. Fixed parameters: τ = 0.88; T
= 20°C (+68°F); T
= 20°C (+68°F).
Figure 38.3 Relative magnitudes of radiation sources under varying measurement conditions (LW camera).
1: Object temperature; 2: Emittance; Obj: Object radiation; Refl: Reflected radiation; Atm: atmosphere radia-
tion. Fixed parameters: τ = 0.88; T
= 20°C (+68°F); T
= 20°C (+68°F).
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables
This section presents a compilation of emissivity data from the infrared literature and
measurements made by FLIR Systems.
39.1 References
1. Mikaél A. Bramson: Infrared Radiation, A Handbook for Applications, Plenum press, N.
2. William L. Wolfe, George J. Zissis: The Infrared Handbook, Office of Naval Research,
Department of Navy, Washington, D.C.
3. Madding, R. P.: Thermographic Instruments and systems. Madison, Wisconsin: Univer-
sity of Wisconsin Extension, Department of Engineering and Applied Science.
4. William L. Wolfe: Handbook of Military Infrared Technology, Office of Naval Research,
Department of Navy, Washington, D.C.
5. Jones, Smith, Probert: External thermography of buildings..., Proc. of the Society of
Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, vol.110, Industrial and Civil Applications of
Infrared Technology, June 1977 London.
6. Paljak, Pettersson: Thermography of Buildings, Swedish Building Research Institute,
Stockholm 1972.
7. Vlcek, J: Determination of emissivity with imaging radiometers and some emissivities
at λ = 5 µm. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing.
8. Kern: Evaluation of infrared emission of clouds and ground as measured by weather
satellites, Defence Documentation Center, AD 617 417.
9. Öhman, Claes: Emittansmätningar med AGEMA E-Box. Teknisk rapport, AGEMA
1999. (Emittance measurements using AGEMA E-Box. Technical report, AGEMA
10. Matteï, S., Tang-Kwor, E: Emissivity measurements for Nextel Velvet coating 811-21
between –36°C AND 82°C.
11. Lohrengel & Todtenhaupt (1996)
12. ITC Technical publication 32.
13. ITC Technical publication 29.
14. Schuster, Norbert and Kolobrodov, Valentin G. Infrarotthermographie. Berlin: Wiley-
VCH, 2000.
Note The emissivity values in the table below are recorded using a shortwave (SW) cam-
era. The values should be regarded as recommendations only and used with caution.
39.2 Tables
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference
1 2 3 4 5 6
3M type 35 Vinyl electrical
tape (several
< 80 LW 0.96 13
3M type 88 Black vinyl electri-
cal tape
< 105 LW 0.96 13
3M type 88 Black vinyl electri-
cal tape
< 105 MW < 0.96 13
3M type Super 33
Black vinyl electri-
cal tape
< 80 LW 0.96 13
Aluminum anodized sheet 100 T 0.55 2
Aluminum anodized, black,
0.67 9
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Aluminum anodized, black,
70 LW 0.95 9
Aluminum anodized, light
gray, dull
0.61 9
Aluminum anodized, light
gray, dull
70 LW 0.97 9
Aluminum as received, plate 100 T 0.09 4
Aluminum as received, sheet 100 T 0.09 2
Aluminum cast, blast
0.47 9
Aluminum cast, blast
70 LW 0.46 9
dipped in HNO
100 T 0.05 4
Aluminum foil
27 10 µm 0.04 3
Aluminum foil
27 3 µm 0.09 3
Aluminum oxidized, strongly 50–500 T 0.2–0.3 1
Aluminum polished 50–100 T 0.04–0.06 1
Aluminum polished plate 100 T 0.05 4
Aluminum polished, sheet 100 T 0.05 2
Aluminum rough surface
20–50 T 0.06–0.07 1
Aluminum roughened 27 10 µm 0.18 3
Aluminum roughened 27 3 µm 0.28 3
Aluminum sheet, 4 samples
0.05–0.08 9
Aluminum sheet, 4 samples
70 LW 0.03–0.06 9
Aluminum vacuum deposited 20 T 0.04 2
Aluminum weathered,
0.83–0.94 5
Aluminum bronze 20 T 0.60 1
powder T 0.28 1
Aluminum oxide activated, powder T 0.46 1
Aluminum oxide pure, powder
T 0.16 1
Asbestos board 20 T 0.96 1
Asbestos fabric T 0.78 1
Asbestos floor tile
0.94 7
paper 40–400 T 0.93–0.95 1
Asbestos powder T 0.40–0.60 1
Asbestos slate 20 T 0.96 1
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Asphalt paving 4 LLW 0.967 8
Brass dull, tarnished 20–350 T 0.22 1
Brass oxidized 100 T 0.61 2
Brass oxidized 70
0.04–0.09 9
Brass oxidized 70 LW 0.03–0.07 9
Brass oxidized at 600°C
200–600 T 0.59–0.61 1
Brass polished 200 T 0.03 1
Brass polished, highly 100 T 0.03 2
Brass rubbed with 80-
grit emery
20 T 0.20 2
Brass sheet, rolled 20 T 0.06 1
Brass sheet, worked
with emery
20 T 0.2 1
Brick alumina 17
0.68 5
common 17
0.86–0.81 5
Brick Dinas silica,
glazed, rough
1100 T 0.85 1
Brick Dinas silica,
1000 T 0.66 1
Brick Dinas silica, un-
glazed, rough
1000 T 0.80 1
Brick firebrick
0.68 5
Brick fireclay
1000 T 0.75 1
Brick fireclay
1200 T 0.59 1
Brick fireclay
20 T 0.85 1
masonry 35
0.94 7
20 T 0.94 1
Brick red, common 20 T 0.93 2
Brick red, rough 20 T 0.88–0.93 1
Brick refractory,
1000 T 0.46 1
Brick refractory,
1000–1300 T 0.38 1
Brick refractory, strongly
500–1000 T 0.8–0.9 1
Brick refractory, weakly
500–1000 T 0.65–0.75 1
silica, 95% SiO
1230 T 0.66 1
Brick sillimanite, 33%
, 64% Al
1500 T 0.29 1
Brick waterproof
0.87 5
Bronze phosphor bronze 70
0.08 9
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Bronze phosphor bronze 70 LW 0.06 9
Bronze polished 50 T 0.1 1
Bronze porous, rough 50–150 T 0.55 1
Bronze powder T 0.76–0.80 1
Carbon candle soot 20 T 0.95 2
charcoal powder T 0.96 1
Carbon graphite powder T 0.97 1
Carbon graphite, filed
20 T 0.98 2
Carbon lampblack 20–400 T 0.95–0.97 1
untreated 20
0.90 6
polished 50 T 0.10 1
Chromium polished 500–1000 T 0.28–0.38 1
Clay fired
70 T 0.91 1
Cloth black 20 T 0.98 1
20 T 0.92 2
dry 36
0.95 7
Concrete rough 17 SW
0.97 5
Concrete walkway
LLW 0.974 8
20 T 0.07 1
Copper electrolytic, care-
fully polished
80 T 0.018 1
–34 T 0.006 4
Copper molten 1100–1300 T 0.13–0.15 1
Copper oxidized 50 T 0.6–0.7 1
Copper oxidized to
T 0.88 1
oxidized, black 27 T 0.78 4
oxidized, heavily 20 T 0.78 2
polished 50–100 T 0.02 1
polished 100 T 0.03 2
27 T 0.03 4
22 T 0.015 4
Copper pure, carefully
prepared surface
22 T 0.008 4
Copper scraped 27 T 0.07 4
Copper dioxide powder T 0.84 1
Copper oxide red, powder T 0.70 1
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Ebonite T 0.89 1
coarse 80 T 0.85 1
Enamel 20 T 0.9 1
Enamel lacquer 20 T 0.85–0.95 1
Fiber board hard, untreated 20
0.85 6
Fiber board masonite 70
0.75 9
Fiber board masonite 70 LW 0.88 9
Fiber board particle board 70
0.77 9
Fiber board particle board 70 LW 0.89 9
Fiber board porous, untreated 20
0.85 6
Glass pane (float
non-coated 20 LW 0.97 14
polished 130 T 0.018 1
Gold polished, carefully
200–600 T 0.02–0.03 1
polished, highly 100 T 0.02 2
polished 20 LLW 0.849 8
Granite rough 21 LLW 0.879 8
Granite rough, 4 different
0.95–0.97 9
Granite rough, 4 different
70 LW 0.77–0.87 9
20 T 0.8–0.9 1
Ice: See Water
Iron and steel cold rolled 70
0.20 9
Iron and steel cold rolled 70 LW 0.09 9
Iron and steel covered with red
20 T 0.61–0.85 1
Iron and steel electrolytic 100 T 0.05 4
Iron and steel electrolytic 22 T 0.05 4
Iron and steel electrolytic 260 T 0.07 4
Iron and steel electrolytic, care-
fully polished
175–225 T 0.05–0.06 1
Iron and steel freshly worked
with emery
20 T 0.24 1
Iron and steel ground sheet 950–1100 T 0.55–0.61 1
Iron and steel heavily rusted
20 T 0.69 2
Iron and steel hot rolled 130 T 0.60 1
Iron and steel hot rolled 20 T 0.77 1
Iron and steel oxidized 100 T 0.74 4
Iron and steel oxidized 100 T 0.74 1
Iron and steel oxidized 1227 T 0.89 4
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Iron and steel oxidized 125–525 T 0.78–0.82 1
Iron and steel oxidized 200 T 0.79 2
Iron and steel oxidized 200–600 T 0.80 1
Iron and steel oxidized strongly 50 T 0.88 1
Iron and steel oxidized strongly 500 T 0.98 1
Iron and steel polished 100 T 0.07 2
Iron and steel polished 400–1000 T 0.14–0.38 1
Iron and steel polished sheet 750–1050 T 0.52–0.56 1
Iron and steel rolled sheet 50 T 0.56 1
Iron and steel rolled, freshly
20 T 0.24 1
Iron and steel rough, plane
50 T 0.95–0.98 1
Iron and steel rusted red, sheet 22 T 0.69 4
Iron and steel rusted, heavily 17
0.96 5
Iron and steel rusty, red 20 T 0.69 1
Iron and steel shiny oxide layer,
20 T 0.82 1
Iron and steel shiny, etched 150 T 0.16 1
Iron and steel wrought, carefully
40–250 T 0.28 1
Iron galvanized heavily oxidized 70
0.64 9
Iron galvanized heavily oxidized 70 LW 0.85 9
Iron galvanized sheet 92 T 0.07 4
Iron galvanized sheet, burnished 30 T 0.23 1
Iron galvanized sheet, oxidized 20 T 0.28 1
Iron tinned sheet 24 T 0.064 4
Iron, cast casting 50 T 0.81 1
Iron, cast ingots 1000 T 0.95 1
Iron, cast liquid 1300 T 0.28 1
Iron, cast machined 800–1000 T 0.60–0.70 1
Iron, cast oxidized 100 T 0.64 2
Iron, cast oxidized 260 T 0.66 4
Iron, cast oxidized 38 T 0.63 4
Iron, cast oxidized 538 T 0.76 4
Iron, cast oxidized at 600°C
200–600 T 0.64–0.78 1
Iron, cast polished 200 T 0.21 1
Iron, cast polished 38 T 0.21 4
Iron, cast polished 40 T 0.21 2
Iron, cast unworked 900–1100 T 0.87–0.95 1
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Krylon Ultra-flat
black 1602
Flat black Room tempera-
ture up to 175
LW 0.96 12
Krylon Ultra-flat
black 1602
Flat black Room tempera-
ture up to 175
MW 0.97 12
Lacquer 3 colors sprayed
on Aluminum
0.50–0.53 9
Lacquer 3 colors sprayed
on Aluminum
70 LW 0.92–0.94 9
Lacquer Aluminum on
rough surface
20 T 0.4 1
Lacquer bakelite 80 T 0.83 1
Lacquer black, dull 40–100 T 0.96–0.98 1
Lacquer black, matte 100 T 0.97 2
Lacquer black, shiny,
sprayed on iron
20 T 0.87 1
Lacquer heat–resistant 100 T 0.92 1
Lacquer white 100 T 0.92 2
Lacquer white 40–100 T 0.8–0.95 1
Lead oxidized at 200°C
200 T 0.63 1
Lead oxidized, gray 20 T 0.28 1
Lead oxidized, gray 22 T 0.28 4
Lead shiny 250 T 0.08 1
Lead unoxidized,
100 T 0.05 4
Lead red 100 T 0.93 4
Lead red, powder 100 T 0.93 1
Leather tanned T 0.75–0.80 1
Lime T 0.3–0.4 1
Magnesium 22 T 0.07 4
Magnesium 260 T 0.13 4
Magnesium 538 T 0.18 4
Magnesium polished 20 T 0.07 2
T 0.86 1
Molybdenum 1500–2200 T 0.19–0.26 1
Molybdenum 600–1000 T 0.08–0.13 1
Molybdenum filament
700–2500 T 0.1–0.3 1
Mortar 17
0.87 5
Mortar dry 36
0.94 7
Nextel Velvet 811-
21 Black
Flat black –60–150 LW > 0.97 10 and
Nichrome rolled 700 T 0.25 1
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nichrome sandblasted 700 T 0.70 1
Nichrome wire, clean 50 T 0.65 1
Nichrome wire, clean 500–1000 T 0.71–0.79 1
Nichrome wire, oxidized 50–500 T 0.95–0.98 1
Nickel bright matte 122 T 0.041 4
Nickel commercially
pure, polished
100 T 0.045 1
Nickel commercially
pure, polished
200–400 T 0.07–0.09 1
Nickel electrolytic 22 T 0.04 4
Nickel electrolytic 260 T 0.07 4
Nickel electrolytic 38 T 0.06 4
Nickel electrolytic 538 T 0.10 4
Nickel electroplated on
iron, polished
22 T 0.045 4
Nickel electroplated on
iron, unpolished
20 T 0.11–0.40 1
Nickel electroplated on
iron, unpolished
22 T 0.11 4
Nickel electroplated,
20 T 0.05 2
Nickel oxidized 1227 T 0.85 4
Nickel oxidized 200 T 0.37 2
Nickel oxidized 227 T 0.37 4
Nickel oxidized at 600°C
200–600 T 0.37–0.48 1
Nickel polished 122 T 0.045 4
Nickel wire 200–1000 T 0.1–0.2 1
Nickel oxide 1000–1250 T 0.75–0.86 1
Nickel oxide 500–650 T 0.52–0.59 1
Oil, lubricating 0.025 mm film
20 T 0.27 2
Oil, lubricating 0.050 mm film
20 T 0.46 2
Oil, lubricating 0.125 mm film
20 T 0.72 2
Oil, lubricating film on Ni base: Ni
base only
20 T 0.05 2
Oil, lubricating
thick coating 20 T 0.82 2
Paint 8 different colors
and qualities
0.88–0.96 9
Paint 8 different colors
and qualities
70 LW 0.92–0.94 9
Paint Aluminum, various
50–100 T 0.27–0.67 1
Paint cadmium yellow T 0.28–0.33 1
Paint chrome green T 0.65–0.70 1
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Paint cobalt blue T 0.7–0.8 1
Paint oil 17
0.87 5
Paint oil based, average
of 16 colors
100 T 0.94 2
Paint oil, black flat
0.94 6
Paint oil, black gloss 20
0.92 6
Paint oil, gray flat
0.97 6
Paint oil, gray gloss 20
0.96 6
Paint oil, various colors 100 T 0.92–0.96 1
Paint plastic, black 20
0.95 6
Paint plastic, white 20
0.84 6
Paper 4 different colors
0.68–0.74 9
Paper 4 different colors
70 LW 0.92–0.94 9
Paper black T 0.90 1
Paper black, dull T 0.94 1
Paper black, dull 70
0.86 9
Paper black, dull 70 LW 0.89 9
Paper blue, dark T 0.84 1
Paper coated with black
T 0.93 1
T 0.85 1
Paper red T 0.76 1
Paper white 20 T 0.7–0.9 1
Paper white bond 20 T 0.93 2
Paper white, 3 different
0.76–0.78 9
Paper white, 3 different
70 LW 0.88–0.90 9
Paper yellow T 0.72 1
Plaster 17
0.86 5
Plaster plasterboard,
0.90 6
Plaster rough coat 20 T 0.91 2
Plastic glass fibre lami-
nate (printed circ.
0.94 9
Plastic glass fibre lami-
nate (printed circ.
70 LW 0.91 9
Plastic polyurethane iso-
lation board
70 LW 0.55 9
Plastic polyurethane iso-
lation board
0.29 9
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
PVC, plastic floor,
dull, structured
0.94 9
Plastic PVC, plastic floor,
dull, structured
70 LW 0.93 9
Platinum 100 T 0.05 4
Platinum 1000–1500 T 0.14–0.18 1
Platinum 1094 T 0.18 4
Platinum 17 T 0.016 4
Platinum 22 T 0.03 4
Platinum 260 T 0.06 4
Platinum 538 T 0.10 4
Platinum pure, polished 200–600 T 0.05–0.10 1
Platinum ribbon 900–1100 T 0.12–0.17 1
Platinum wire 1400 T 0.18 1
Platinum wire 500–1000 T 0.10–0.16 1
Platinum wire 50–200 T 0.06–0.07 1
Porcelain glazed 20 T 0.92 1
Porcelain white, shiny T 0.70–0.75 1
Rubber hard 20 T 0.95 1
Rubber soft, gray, rough
20 T 0.95 1
Sand T 0.60 1
20 T 0.90 2
polished 19 LLW 0.909 8
Sandstone rough 19 LLW 0.935 8
polished 100 T 0.03 2
pure, polished 200–600 T 0.02–0.03 1
Skin human 32 T 0.98 2
boiler 0–100 T 0.97–0.93 1
Slag boiler 1400–1800 T 0.69–0.67 1
Slag boiler 200–500 T 0.89–0.78 1
boiler 600–1200 T 0.76–0.70 1
Snow: See Water
dry 20 T 0.92 2
Soil saturated with
20 T 0.95 2
Stainless steel alloy, 8% Ni, 18%
500 T 0.35 1
Stainless steel rolled 700 T 0.45 1
Stainless steel
sandblasted 700 T 0.70 1
Stainless steel
sheet, polished 70
0.18 9
Stainless steel sheet, polished 70 LW 0.14 9
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Stainless steel
sheet, untreated,
0.30 9
Stainless steel
sheet, untreated,
70 LW 0.28 9
Stainless steel type 18-8, buffed
20 T 0.16 2
Stainless steel
type 18-8, oxi-
dized at 800°C
60 T 0.85 2
rough, lime 10–90 T 0.91 1
insulation 37
0.60 7
Tar T 0.79–0.84 1
paper 20 T 0.91–0.93 1
Tile glazed 17
0.94 5
Tin burnished 20–50 T 0.04–0.06 1
Tin tin–plated sheet
100 T 0.07 2
oxidized at 540°C
1000 T 0.60 1
Titanium oxidized at 540°C
200 T 0.40 1
oxidized at 540°C
500 T 0.50 1
Titanium polished 1000 T 0.36 1
Titanium polished 200 T 0.15 1
Titanium polished 500 T 0.20 1
Tungsten 1500–2200 T 0.24–0.31 1
Tungsten 200 T 0.05 1
Tungsten 600–1000 T 0.1–0.16 1
Tungsten filament
3300 T 0.39 1
Varnish flat
0.93 6
Varnish on oak parquet
0.90 9
Varnish on oak parquet
70 LW 0.90–0.93 9
Wallpaper slight pattern, light
0.85 6
Wallpaper slight pattern, red 20
0.90 6
Water distilled 20 T 0.96 2
Water frost crystals
–10 T 0.98 2
Water ice, covered with
heavy frost
0 T 0.98 1
Water ice, smooth 0 T 0.97 1
Water ice, smooth –10 T 0.96 2
Water layer >0.1 mm
0–100 T 0.95–0.98 1
T 0.8 1
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
Emissivity tables39
Table 39.1 T: Total spectrum; SW: 2–5 µm; LW: 8–14 µm, LLW: 6.5–20 µm; 1: Material; 2: Specification; 3:
Temperature in °C; 4: Spectrum; 5: Emissivity: 6:Reference (continued)
1 2 3 4 5 6
snow –10 T 0.85 2
Wood 17
0.98 5
Wood 19 LLW 0.962 8
Wood ground T 0.5–0.7 1
Wood pine, 4 different
0.67–0.75 9
Wood pine, 4 different
70 LW 0.81–0.89 9
Wood planed 20 T 0.8–0.9 1
Wood planed oak 20 T 0.90 2
Wood planed oak 70
0.77 9
Wood planed oak 70 LW 0.88 9
Wood plywood, smooth,
0.82 7
Wood plywood,
0.83 6
Wood white, damp 20 T 0.7–0.8 1
oxidized at 400°C
400 T 0.11 1
Zinc oxidized surface
1000–1200 T 0.50–0.60 1
Zinc polished 200–300 T 0.04–0.05 1
Zinc sheet 50 T 0.20 1
#T559954; r. AL/37426/37426; en-US
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last page
Publ. No.: T559954
Release: AL
Head: 37426
Language: en-US
Modified: 2016-09-22
Formatted: 2016-09-22
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