Updating Fitbit Zip
Fitbit may release updates for your Zip, which will be available for free from Fitbit
Connect on your computer or within the app on your mobile device.
New feature enhancements and product improvements are made through updates.
Updating Zip on a computer
You can update your Zip using a Mac or PC using Fitbit Connect.
To update using this method:
1. Make sure your Wireless Sync Dongle is plugged into your computer.
2. Click the Fitbit Connect icon near the time on your computer.
3. Select Open Main Menu and then select Check for device update.
4. Log in to your account using your Fitbit.com credentials.
5. Tap your Zip a few times to wake it up. Fitbit Connect will begin to look for
your Zip.
6. If an update has been found for your Zip, Fitbit Connect will display a progress
bar indicating that the update is in progress. Keep your Zip close to your
computer while it updates.
7. When Fitbit Connect shows you a confirmation screen that says, “Update
complete,” your Zip will have the newest updates and you can resume using
your Zip as usual.
Updating Zip on an iOS device
Updating your tracker will fix bugs and add new features.
1. Open the Fitbit app.
2. Tap your tracker’s name at the top of the dashboard. You’ll be taken to your
tracker’s device settings page.
3. Click Sync Now.
4. If a device update is available, you will see the option to update.
If your tracker is already up to date, “Update Available” will not be an option
on your mobile device.
5. Tap your Zip to wake it up. Fitbit Connect will now look for your Zip.
6. If an update has been found for your Zip, keep your Zip close to your iOS
device while it updates.
8. When the Fitbit app shows you a confirmation screen that says, “Update
complete”, your Zip will have the newest updates and you can resume using
your Zip as usual.
Updating Zip on an Android device
Updating your tracker will fix bugs and add new features.
1. From the Fitbit app, go to Menu button > Device Settings > Zip. If a device
update is available, you will see the option to update.
2. Bring your tracker near your mobile device and tap “Update Fitbit Zip,” then
3. Once your tracker has been located, your update will continue.