2.3. Adjusting the Filter
The receiver has several filter band widths to optimise
the best possible reception.
The filter band widths are:
10 kHz, 7 kHz, 4 kHz, 2.2 kHz and 500 Hz
Permitted are only those band widths, which co-
operate together with the according modes,
automatically pre-selected in the decoding mode.
Repeated pressing of the <FILTER> key display the
following filter band widths for selection:
for AM : 4, 7 and 10 kHz
basic setting: 7 kHz
for CW : 2.2 kHz and 500 Hz
basic setting: 2.2 kHz
for FSK : 2.2 kHz and 500 Hz
basic setting: 2.2 kHz
The basic setting for USB is 2.2 kHz and cannot be
adjusted. Other filter band widths for SSB are unsuitable.
2.4. Reception of Field Strength
The field strength is displayed as:
The first five arrows from the left depict the automatic
adjustment control for the signal processor. For
reasonable reception, there should be two to three
arrows. The arrows appearing to the right of the
vertical line depict the field strength reception.
Whether four or five arrows are displayed,
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