7. Garantie
Unsere Garantie deckt nicht ab:
- Durch natürliche Einflüsse entstandener Schaden wie z.B. Feuer oder statische Entladung.
- Schäden durch unsachgemäße Reparatur, Umbau oder einen Unfall.
- Schäden durch unsachgemäßen Gebrauch, falsche Installation oder Nachlässigkeit.
- Schäden an einem Gerät, die durch institutionellen oder kommerziellen Gebrauch entstanden sind.
- Verlust der Software, der Firmware, des Handbuches sowie Datenverlust.
8. GPL Statement
Information about the open-source software used:
On FANTEC devices open-source software can be used, that can–entirely or partly- be subject to different
open-source license models, mostly to the general public license version 2 (GPLv2). If as part of the license
the condition is formulated, that the source code must be disclosed, you can request the source code of
the software deployed on this device from us; this offer applies to everyone. We send you the source code
on CD-ROM at cost price within three years after the „end-of-sales“ or delivery of the device respectively
or at your choice send you a download link, under which you can obtain the software source code. Please
send a request to
Service Open Source
Billwerder Billdeich 605B
21033 Hamburg
Please provide us with the model number and the version number of the software, and add sufficient
postage for a mailing to your address. Furthermore you can use the E-Mail address oss@fantec.de to
receive information about licenses, copyright notices and used open-source packages. If specifically
programmed software by FANTEC is included on the device, this or other software may be subject to other
Please note the limitation and exclusion of liability of the open-source-programmer according to Nr. 11 and
12 of the General Public License Version 2 (GPLv2).